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Page 1: The Goode Legacy 1.5


The Goode Legacy

Generation 1, Part 5

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We rejoin the Goode family the morning after the twins’ birthday. This is the first thing Emily did when she woke up. Aww, sweet girl! You might not know she has 3 nice points.

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You can definitely tell that Eli has 10 neat points, though. This is what he chose to do first thing in the morning.

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After her morning snuggle with BunnyBear, Emily danced with her mommy. Sylvia chose to do this autonomously. I think she likes her kids a bit better now that they’re able to potty on their own.

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Emily got a new outfit, because the dark clothes she grew up in didn’t seem to suit her. I tried her in a darker outfit, going for a little goth girl type thing, but it just didn’t seem right for her. This outfit was actually her formal originally, I think, but she looks good in it for everyday.

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It was the twins’ first day of school. Sylvia saw them off to the bus and then she and Melchior autonomously did this.

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This is Shannon Greene. She came home with Emily on the bus after school. Emily immediately rolled a want to be friends with her. I think they played in the snow a bit.

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Eli’s fun was absolutely tanked after school, so I let him fulfill his want to “make a snow angel”.

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Eli also took time to go out and hug Sylvia when she came home from work. I love seeing sim kids do that. It’s so cute!

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Having so many active and outgoing points means Eli has trouble sitting still to do his homework. His mom helped him with it a bit, but he still wasn’t finished at bedtime.

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Emily worked on her homework too. I think she did a bit more—without a parent’s help—and finished before bedtime.

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The kids woke up the next morning and Eli proceeded to whine about his fun meter when I told him to finish that homework. I wanted him to play red hands with his sister, but was surprised to find that they didn’t have the relationship points to do that. I had them play rock paper scissors instead.

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After that Emily decided she wanted to play chess. Sylvia decided to play with her. I’d never seen a child climb up on the table before. So cute!

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Melchior continued proving that he’s the best sim dad ever by dancing with Eli. I just noticed they have similar pjs. Aww…

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The next morning Melchior took a turn being Emily’s chess partner.

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It was spring and Sylvia’s wants turned to gardening, which surprised me a bit. She has shown herself to be a diva so consistently that I didn’t think she’d want to do that kind of thing. But she wanted an orchard tree so we bought an apple one and then I had her fertilize the soil. Melchior planted the tomatoes later that day.

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The twins are doing okay in school, though Eli still comes home with his fun tanked. I may have to get them into private school or download a mod to make fun drop less quickly while at school. That kid is driving me nuts!

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This was the face Eli gave me when I asked him to do his homework. One nice point, my friends. One nice point and an empty fun bar.

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Emily’s fun bar is never full when she gets home from school either. Her three nice points showed themselves here as she beat up her poor bunny bear. She did snuggle him again after beating him, but sheesh child! Play with your brother and get your fun bars up!

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I used the fabulous AutoSoc feature of Macrotastics from MATY to make Emily interact nicely with her brother, hoping to get their fun bars up. This worked amazingly well for Sylvia in college and resulted in her 11 friends. Unfortunately, the first thing Emily decided to do was give her brother a hug. Eli did not want a hug and showed his nice point again. Stop it, grumpy child! I’m trying to help you!

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Talking about logic points seemed to work much better.

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