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Page 1: The Government of the Russian Federation...2017/06/16  · The Government of the Russian Federation The Federal State Autonomous Institution of Higher Education "National Research

The Government of the Russian Federation

The Federal State Autonomous Institution of Higher Education

"National Research University - Higher School of Economics

Faculty of Business Informatics

Course title: Datacenter in modern information infrastructure

Area of studies 080500.68 "Business informatics" Master level

Software Engineering Department (Faculty of Business Informatics)


Evgeniy Isaev [email protected]

Maxim Amzarakov [email protected]

Rafael Sukhov [email protected]

Recommended by UMS

«Business Informatics»


______________ Y.V. Taratukhina

«___» _________2016 г

Approved on the meeting of department

Approved at the meeting basic chair of

the Stack Group

Head of Department

_______________ E.A. Isaev

« » 2016 г.

Approved by Academic Council of

business-informatics faculty


___________ V.A. Fomichev

«___» ________2016 г.

Moscow – 2016 This document may not be reproduced or redistributed by other Departments of the University without permission of the


Page 2: The Government of the Russian Federation...2017/06/16  · The Government of the Russian Federation The Federal State Autonomous Institution of Higher Education "National Research

I. Course summary

Program Authors:

Evgeniy Isaev, Doctor of Science, Professor, Head of Department for Education Stack Group.

Maxim Amzarakov, Director of Uptime and Energy efficiency Data Center technologies Institute (Uptime Institute) Independent Non-profit Organization, Moscow, Russia.

Rafael Sukhov, Financial Executive of Uptime and Energy efficiency Data Center technologies Institute (Uptime Institute) Independent Non-profit Organization, Moscow, Russia.

General course data:

The main course application is in the master level program “Management of software development” at the department of the program engineering of business-informatics faculty. The course takes place as the optional professional skills courses in the master level program of education. The course scheduled to be given during the second semester of first year of education. The code of the course in the educational plan is М2.В.ДВ.6.

The number of credits – 6, total hours – 192. A classroom hour 76 consists of: 20 hour of lectures, 32 hours of seminars. The number of hours for self-study – 140.

The student’s knowledge requirements:

The course requires the basic knowledge of technical fields of science.

II. Course description

The program is based on the practical experience of the lecturers brought from the business of development, operation and auditing the datacenters (DC), from the high-grade specialists, companies, partners in connection with the lecturers. The accurate selection of the given data and material and practical studies provides the student with clear understanding of the subject: the role of the datacenters in informational era; economical aspects of the datacenter business; diversity of the services coming from the datacenters; datacenters providers and consumers; basic DC components and its reliability and economy.

III. Course goals

The students will receive the knowledge of:

- The modern DCs role in the information world and macroeconomics; - The purpose and benefits of using DC; - The main players in the world of DC; - The set of services provided by DC operators; - The Russian DC market and its demand; - The economic effects of using DC.

The students will got the first experience of:

- The design of the DC and its components; - Assessment of reliability and technical aspects of the DC; - Classifying DC by its reliability and provided services; - Risk analyses of the IT infrastructure using DC; - DC topology selection in order to meet desired level of reliability of IT; - DC topology assessment. -

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The course develops the following competencies:

1. Projecting activities

Skills to form the technical requirements and ability to manage the software development process (ПК-7);

Skills to assess and select the methodology of the design (ПК-8).

2. Technological activities

The ability to apply modern technologies of software development applying the computer systems and software for planning and management, provide the quality control of the developed software (ПК-9).

3. Production activities

The skills to make a planning and management of the software development process (ПК-10).

4. Organizational and management activities

The ability to count and assess the circumstances and consequences of the management decisions (ПК-14);

The ability to develop the technical requirements and to develop the economical arguments (ПК-15);

The ability to arrange the work of the group of software developers, the skills to manage the work of subcontractors (ПК-16).

5. Service and support activities

The ability to select the technical and economical model of the software lifecycle (ПК-17).

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IV. Course schedule


Total hours

Calssroom hours Self-study

Lectures Seminars


Topic 1. Datacenter today. History of datacenter. Current state. Development tendencies. Datacenter in the market. DC services. 11 3 2 6

2 Topic 2. Low and regulations basis of the datacenter security. Datacenter standards. 13 1


3 Topic 3. DC technology components. DC security. 17 1 2 14

Module 1 subtotal: 41 5 4 32

Topic _. DC visit. Reliability and power capacity of the DC. Technologies of the DC 0 0 15

Topic 4. Establishing the 24/7 operation staff.

0 2

4 Topic 5. Modern approach of the datacenter design and operation. Modular DCs 11 1 2 8

5 Topic 6. DC market overview. DC outsourcing. Growth trends worldwide. Reports and analytics. 18 1 1 16

6 Topic 7. DC economics. Design and build economics. Run and operations economics. 11 1 2 8



Module 2 subtotal: 40 3 7 47

Total: 114 10 13 91

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V. References

Vasilyev R.B., Kalyanov G.N., Lyevochkina G.А. Development management of

information systems. –М.: hot line–Telekom, 2009.

Tsarev V.V., Kantarovich А.А., Chernish V.V. Competitiveness evaluation of

companies.-М.: YuNITI-DANA, 2008.

Fleisher К., Bensussan B. Strategin and competitive analysis. –М.: Binom. Knowledge

laboratiry, 2009.

Basin I., Shurshalin S. DPC outsourcing // Connect! Connection world (Мир Связи) №

8, 2008.

Aksenov Е, Altschuler I. Outsourcing: 10 commandments and 21 tools.-SPb: Saint-

Petersburg, 2009.

Sukhov R.R., Amzarakov M.B. How much will my business the energy efficiency

/Bankovskie technologii/ #6, 2011.

Sukhov R.R. How calculate the costs of data center /Network World/ #4, 2008.

Bullen, C.V. & Rockart, J.F. (1981). A primer on critical success factors. Cambridge,

MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, Centre for

Information Systems Research. (CISR No. 69. Sloan WP No. 1220-81.)

Shifrin М.B. Strategic management –SPb.: Saint Petersburg, 2009.

Orlov S. Virtualization «from and to» / «Magazine for network solutions/LAN», №2,


Orlov S. DPC service outsourcing: does it worth it?/ « Magazine for network solutions

/LAN», №7,2009.

Pavlov А. Rules for current DPC operation // Magazine for network solutions LAN, №7,


APC. 2007. Determining total cost of ownership for data center and network room

infrastructure. American Power Conversion. White paper #6, Revision 3

A Simple Model for Determining True Total Cost of Ownership for Data Centers,

Version 2.1, March 31, 2008, By Jonathan Koomey, Ph.D. with Kenneth Brill, Pitt

Turner, John Stanley, and Bruce Taylor

HIGH PERFORMANCE DATA CENTERS, A Design Guidelines Sourcebook, January

2006 by Rumsey Engineers, in part, based upon work by Lawrence Berkeley National

Laboratory supported by the California Energy Commission's Public Interest Energy

Research program.

. SP–3-0092 document: (TIA-942 standard, 7.0 edition, February 2005

The Invisible Crisis in the Data Center: The Economic Meltdown of Moore’s Law, By

Kenneth G. Brill, 2007

Belady, Christian L. “In the data center, power and cooling costs more than the IT

equipment it supports.” Electronics Cooling. February 2007. pp. 24-27.

The Green Grid. 2007. Green Grid Metrics: Describing Data Center Power Efficiency.

The Green Grid, Technical Committee.

Turner, W. Pitt, John H. Seader, and Kenneth G. Brill. 2006. Tier classifications define

site infrastructure performance. Santa Fe, NM: The Uptime Institute.

Turner, W. Pitt, and John H. Seader. 2006. Dollars per kW Plus Dollars Per Square

Foot are a Better Data Center Cost Model than Dollars Per Square Foot Alone. Santa

Fe, NM: Uptime Institute.

TIA/EIA-942. Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard for Data Center.

Abdeev R.F. Philosophy of information civilization. - М.: Vlados, 1994

Kevin Kelly. New Rules for the New Economy, Viking Penguin, 1998

Ed Sperling, Next-generation Data Center, Forbes, 2010

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Kharatishvili D. Data centres: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. Computer Press №11,


Zaetdinov R. Data center. «Banks and business world», № 1, 2006.

Basina N. Data centres: Key factors. «CIO» №2, 2005.

VI. Forms and types of testing

Final Score: examination at the end of 4th module;

Intermediate score: given at seminars. Form of scoring – control work. Subjects of testing see “Control works”. The score rating of the testing is 10 degrees scale.

Final score includes testing (control work).

Examination score structure:

Form Contribution to the final score (%)

Control work 30

Work on seminars 30

Exam 40

Assessment compliance table – ten-point rating to 5-point rating

Ten-point scale Five-point scale

1 – unsatisfactory 2 - very bad 3 – bad

unsatisfactory - 2

4 - satisfactory 5 – very satisfactory

satisfactory - 3

6 - well 7 – very well

Well – 4

8 - almost perfect 9 - perfect 10 - excellent

excellent - 5

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VII. Course contents

Course and company summary, DC explanation.

Theme contents:

Tutor and students introduction Course review Company introduction. Brief history. DC development history Modern information infrastructure overview. Information society Information infrastructure development tendencies


Abdeev R.F. Philosophy of information civilization. - М.: Vlados, 1994

Kevin Kelly. New Rules for the New Economy, Viking Penguin, 1998

Ed Sperling, Next-generation Data Center, Forbes, 2010

Vasilyev R.B., Kalyanov G.N., Lyevochkina G.А. Development management of

information systems. –М.: hot line–Telekom, 2009.

Tsarev V.V., Kantarovich А.А., Chernish V.V. Competitiveness evaluation of

companies.-М.: YuNITI-DANA, 2008.

Basin I., Shurshalin S. DPC outsourcing // Connect! Connection world (Мир

Связи) № 8, 2008.

Aksenov Е, Altschuler I. Outsourcing: 10 commandments and 21 tools.-SPb:

Saint-Petersburg, 2009.

Sukhov R.R., Amzarakov M.B. How much will my business the energy efficiency

/Bankovskie technologii/ #6, 2011.

Sukhov R.R. How calculate the costs of data center /Network World/ #4, 2008.

Topic 1. Datacenter today. History of datacenter. Current state. Development


Theme contents:

History of datacenter. From ENIAC/ENIGMA till today DC today. DC positioning on customers and providers. Service triangle. DC terminology. Main DC components. DC development tendencies. DC services DC consumers.


Kharatishvili D. Data centres: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. Computer Press

№11, 2007.

Tsarev V.V., Kantarovich А.А., Chernish V.V. Competitiveness evaluation of

companies.-М.: YuNITI-DANA, 2008.

Shifrin М.B. Strategic management –SPb.: Saint Petersburg, 2009.

Orlov S. Virtualization «from and to» / «Magazine for network solutions/LAN», №2,


The Invisible Crisis in the Data Center: The Economic Meltdown of Moore’s Law, By

Kenneth G. Brill, 2007

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Topic 2. Low and regulations basis of the datacenter security.

Datacenter standards.

Theme contents:

Certification and licensing requirements for the DC services providers Certification and licensing authorities Standardization institutions in relation to the DC Datacenter and governmental offices inter-relations. DC standards. Standards review and the field of its applications. DC standards list. Source of standards documents. Real life DC example. Reliability category assessment.


Basina N. Data centres: Key factors. «CIO» №2, 2005.

Tsarev V.V., Kantarovich А.А., Chernish V.V. Competitiveness evaluation of

companies.-М.: YuNITI-DANA, 2008.

Fleisher К., Bensussan B. Strategy and competitive analysis. –М.: Binom.

Knowledge laboratiry, 2009.

Basin I., Shurshalin S. DPC outsourcing // Connect! Connection world (Мир

Связи) № 8, 2008.

Shifrin М.B. Strategic management –SPb.: Saint Petersburg, 2009.

Pavlov А. Rules for current DPC operation // Magazine for network solutions

LAN, №7, 2007.

SP–3-0092 document: (TIA-942 standard, 7.0 edition, February 2005

The Green Grid. 2007. Green Grid Metrics: Describing Data Center Power

Efficiency. The Green Grid, Technical Committee.

Turner, W. Pitt, John H. Seader, and Kenneth G. Brill. 2006. Tier classifications

define site infrastructure performance. Santa Fe, NM: The Uptime Institute.

Turner, W. Pitt, and John H. Seader. 2006. Dollars per kW Plus Dollars Per

Square Foot are a Better Data Center Cost Model than Dollars Per Square Foot Alone.

Santa Fe, NM: Uptime Institute.

TIA/EIA-942. Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard for Data Center.

Topic 3. DC technology components. DC security. DC visit. Reliability and

power capacity of the DC. Technologies of the DC.

Theme contents:

Datacenter infrastructure components DC Physiacal layers Terminology:

o Reliability o Availability o Power capacity

End user SLA calculation methodology DC technology impact on reliability of the high level service DC Technology design approach. Reliability levels and money efficiency Dive into the technology details of the datacenter


Sukhov R.R. How calculate the costs of data center /Network World/ #4, 2008.

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HIGH PERFORMANCE DATA CENTERS, A Design Guidelines Sourcebook,

January 2006 by Rumsey Engineers, in part, based upon work by Lawrence Berkeley

National Laboratory supported by the California Energy Commission's Public Interest

Energy Research program.

. SP–3-0092 document: (TIA-942 standard, 7.0 edition, February 2005

The Invisible Crisis in the Data Center: The Economic Meltdown of Moore’s Law, By

Kenneth G. Brill, 2007

Belady, Christian L. “In the data center, power and cooling costs more than the IT

equipment it supports.” Electronics Cooling. February 2007. pp. 24-27.

The Green Grid. 2007. Green Grid Metrics: Describing Data Center Power Efficiency.

The Green Grid, Technical Committee.

Turner, W. Pitt, John H. Seader, and Kenneth G. Brill. 2006. Tier classifications

define site infrastructure performance. Santa Fe, NM: The Uptime Institute.

Turner, W. Pitt, and John H. Seader. 2006. Dollars per kW Plus Dollars Per Square

Foot are a Better Data Center Cost Model than Dollars Per Square Foot Alone. Santa

Fe, NM: Uptime Institute.

TIA/EIA-942. Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard for Data Center.

Topic 4. Establishing the 24/7 operation staff.

Theme contents:

DC operations Systems and services an operator’s view DC organizational structure overview DC operations orgchart Dispatching, Monitoring, Control 24/7 ready emergency staff 24x7 operation organizational structure and state requirements DC security operations


Zaetdinov R. Data center. «Banks and business world», № 1, 2006.

Basin I., Shurshalin S. DPC outsourcing // Connect! Connection world (Мир

Связи) № 8, 2008.

Pavlov А. Rules for current DPC operation // Magazine for network solutions

LAN, №7, 2007.

Topic 5. Modern approach of the datacenter design and operation. Modular


Theme contents:

DC development key factors Cost structure of DC operations DC technologies and expenses Modern technologies Modular technologies Modular approach


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Ji-yong Shin , Bernard Wong , Emin Gün Sirer. Small-world Datacenters /

SOCC/, 2011

Massoud Pedram. Energy-efficient datacenters /IEEE/, 2012

Amzarakov M., Sukhov R., Isaev E. Modular datacenter: The holistic view

/Business informatics/ #3(29), 2014.

Topic 6. Datacenter in the market. DC services. DC market review.

Theme contents:

DC categorization by consumers and by providers Service triangle Services catalog Consumers and providers of DC services on the Russian market DC services consumers of today's life DC geography


Zaetdinov R. Data center. «Banks and business world», № 1, 2006.

Basina N. Data centres: Key factors. «CIO» №2, 2005.

Vasilyev R.B., Kalyanov G.N., Lyevochkina G.А. Development management of

information systems. –М.: hot line–Telekom, 2009.

Tsarev V.V., Kantarovich А.А., Chernish V.V. Competitiveness evaluation of

companies.-М.: YuNITI-DANA, 2008.

Fleisher К., Bensussan B. Strategin and competitive analysis. –М.: Binom.

Knowledge laboratiry, 2009.

Basin I., Shurshalin S. DPC outsourcing // Connect! Connection world (Мир

Связи) № 8, 2008.

Sukhov R.R., Amzarakov M.B. How much will my business the energy efficiency

/Bankovskie technologii/ #6, 2011.

Bullen, C.V. & Rockart, J.F. (1981). A primer on critical success factors.

Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of

Management, Centre for Information Systems Research. (CISR No. 69. Sloan WP No.


Shifrin М.B. Strategic management –SPb.: Saint Petersburg, 2009.

Pavlov А. Rules for current DPC operation // Magazine for network solutions

LAN, №7, 2007.

Topic 7. DC economics. Design and build economics. Run and operations


Theme contents:

DC economics DC build economics DC operation economics Business plan and business case Financial plan Analytics and reporting Energy efficiency

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General approach of assessment of DC. Costs for space and power. DC reliability and costs. Mass effect. DC cost structure Own land/building vs rent. Economical risks. DC cost evaluation DC costs examples. Small corporate and huge commercial DC operation cost structure DC outsourcing cost effect


Vasilyev R.B., Kalyanov G.N., Lyevochkina G.А. Development management of

information systems. –М.: hot line–Telekom, 2009.

Sukhov R.R., Amzarakov M.B. How much will my business the energy efficiency

/Bankovskie technologii/ #6, 2011.

Sukhov R.R. How calculate the costs of data center /Network World/ #4, 2008.

APC. 2007. Determining total cost of ownership for data center and network room

infrastructure. American Power Conversion. White paper #6, Revision 3

A Simple Model for Determining True Total Cost of Ownership for Data Centers,

Version 2.1, March 31, 2008, By Jonathan Koomey, Ph.D. with Kenneth Brill, Pitt

Turner, John Stanley, and Bruce Taylor

Belady, Christian L. “In the data center, power and cooling costs more than the IT

equipment it supports.” Electronics Cooling. February 2007. pp. 24-27.

The Green Grid. 2007. Green Grid Metrics: Describing Data Center Power

Efficiency. The Green Grid, Technical Committee.

Turner, W. Pitt, John H. Seader, and Kenneth G. Brill. 2006. Tier classifications

define site infrastructure performance. Santa Fe, NM: The Uptime Institute.

Turner, W. Pitt, and John H. Seader. 2006. Dollars per kW Plus Dollars Per

Square Foot are a Better Data Center Cost Model than Dollars Per Square Foot Alone.

Santa Fe, NM: Uptime Institute.

VIII. Test materials subjects

Topics to prepare the exam work

1. Uptime Institute datacenter topology classification. Classify the certain DC. 2. New DC costs assessment based on the source data and category. 3. DC operation costs based on the source data and category. Or outsourcing

efficiency estimation.

Questions to assess the quality of the understanding of the discipline

Define datacenter

Describe the DC categories based on consumers and providers

Describe main technology components of the DC

Describe basic services of the DC

Describe: reliability, availability, power capacity

Describe any methods of SLA calculation

How to assess the reliability of the high level service

Describe different technologies in the DC

Describe the approach in DC reliability category assessment

Describe requirement in certification and licensing for DC provider company

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Describe main standard in the field of datacenter

Describe the TIA-942 classification

Describe coast structure of the DC build project

Descibe DC services

Analyse and calculate the TCO of the DC based on the basic DC parameters

Student record (Scoring)

Student record is performed in the oral form.

Program authors __________________ M. Amzarakov, E. Isaev, R. Sukhov

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