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The Great Lakes

Our Goals

• We will label The Great Lakes on a map of the Great Lakes Region.

• We will create a 5-minute presentation, in groups, on one of the Great Lakes and organize the information on a visual organizer for the class.

• We will use the smartboard to find databases, linked under your groups lake, this information is to be included in your presentation.

Great Lakes Acronym: H.O.M.E.S

• H - Huron• O - Ontario• M - Michigan• E - Erie• S - Superior

Group Work

• In your groups, as a team, your group will decide each members task:– Presenter, Artist, Researcher (x2), and writer.

• Once your group has decided the tasks, fill out the white index card and hand it to Mr. J.

• You will be given a poster sheet and will start your presentation.– 20-30 minutes to work on presentation– 5 minutes to present

Presentation Requirements

• Include the Lake Name• Where it is located• 3 facts from your printed lake hand out.• 2 more additional facts from a provided

Internet source.– When called, the researcher(s) of your group will

come up to the smart board, tap the lakes name and take 2 new and interesting facts from the site that pops up.

During Presentation

• A map will be on the smartboard. Before you start hit the star on your lake. This will take you to a page created for your lake.

• Once the lake screen is up, start your presentation.

• The presentation is 5 minutes in length.• Once finished, on the bottom corner is a black

and white map, tap the map and it will go back to the original map.

During Presentation

• At your desks, take notes because there are 2 reflection questions to answer at the end of the lesson and you can use your notes.

• Also, label the lakes on the blue hand out you will be given.

Presentation Rubric

Lake Michigan

Lake Superior

Lake Huron

Lake Erie

Lake Ontario

Bay of Green Bay


Answer 1 of the 2 questions for today’s lesson:

- Discuss three things you did not know about the Great Lakes.

- Now that you know about the Great Lakes, what will you tell your friends and family about them? Use information you learned in today’s lesson.

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