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My name is Sycamore Greenvale and this is my story. I came to this place when I had inherited

some land here from a great-uncle I didn’t even know I had. There was nothing, no

businesses, no other people for miles around it was just a small town that was built in a valley

carved out by a glacier thousands of years ago. The land was rich and fertile, it was perfect for

growing food. And that’s what I came to do, I come from a farming family you see, so digging in

the dirt is all I know. Oddly enough the roaming Gypsy tribe sent a representative to me so I

could find my true love to begin a family and a life here in Edenville. I didn’t have a lot of

money left so after some digging around my property I had scraped enough together to pay


I was nervous and a little afraid of who she would find for me, who can really find

their true love in a magic glass ball anyway? I had been here a week and no luck

with some of the wandering Townies who had come by and this was my last

attempt to find someone. I had met a few others before though…

Like her, Christy. She had a strange hat on and often went on about some safari she

was looking for. I personally thought she was a little loopy from spending too much

time in the sun and heat, there are no safaris around here. This place is a small

oasis in the middle of nowhere so she had to be crazy right? Anyway, I didn’t see her

much after this, maybe she really did find that safari she was looking for who


Weeding my small garden kept me close to my first love, nature. It also provided me

enough food to last the winter in this place. It was right on a large lake so it got

pretty cold in the winter. I hope to one day have enough money to enclose this

garden and grow food year round. Until a grocery store is built, it’s all the food I


Turned out the Gypsy matchmaker was a bust so I feel like I wasted my precious

money on her service. I did meet Lyndsey though, she was a walk-by and the least

crazy in my opinion. Her dream is to be a Business Tycoon and out here where

there’s nothing that’s bound to be hard-won. But she’s determined to get her

dream and determination is one of my preferred skills. It takes a lot of it just to

come out here, away from civilization and chaos to make a dream come true.

Eventually I asked Lyndsey to move in with me, she wanted to keep her job in the

Culinary field for a bit until her dream job came up. It was good for money, and I did

feel a little guilty that she was out there working while I was here tending my

garden all day. But in the end it would be worth it and we would have succulent

food to get us through the winter months.

I couldn’t wait anymore, I had given her my mother’s engagement ring that night.

Although I did seem to have a brief second thought about giving it to her, very

brief. And she’ll never know I had second thoughts about it. I didn’t have any

friends to invite to a wedding so we just took the next step right there in my living


She was worth it. I had found my wife. Now my life would truly begin in this small

town here. With Lyndsey by my side I know I can be the best man I can be.

And you can guess where we went after that wedding. I had always believed in no

premarital woo-hoo and this was a big accomplishment for me. I hope that at

least one of my children will carry that on. I will be on them if they aren’t though,

but I do believe in Strict Family Values.

It wasn’t long before I would have a chance to have more of a family, Lyndsey went

into labour with our first child right in the same place as we got engaged and

married. I wanted to have a boy and a girl it just felt right to have one of each. A boy

to teach the ways of farming to, a beautiful little girl to fawn over and hopefully take

after her mother.

I had a lot of dreams for that baby, one of them was to carry on with the plant-

based names and to instill my values in of course. Also that they would be around

to see Edenville grow and change as time goes on.

Soon enough Lyndsey was holding our son, my first born, I called him Cypress. He

had my eyes and skin tone but her hair. And he was beautiful, I loved that boy as

soon as I saw him. He could be my heir, but I still would like a little girl.

Lyndsey found her dream job in the Business field just about the same time as

Cypress’s birthday. I was happy for her that she found her dream and that I could

be here to help raise Cypress while she worked. She wanted to wait a bit before

having anymore kids though, and I was fine with that. Lyndsey wanted to get a

little further ahead in her career first.

Isn’t my son the cutest? He looks so much like his parents. I want to have at least

three kids and to see them all graduate from college one day. Even though the

college is far away from Edenville, and I would miss them everyday but as long as

they carry on my family values and have fun before coming home to responsibility

I’ll be fine.

Lyndsey got a bunch of promotions in a row after Cypress had his birthday, it gave

us money to build a second story onto the house to make room for our expanding

family. And we were soon to have another little one around, while Lyndsey was

painting she went into labour again.

It’s just as suspenseful as the first time around. I hope that this baby is a girl…

So you can imagine my surprise when Lyndsey announced she was having

contractions again after she handed me my second born son Elm. Twins, who

would have thought?

When she told me that the third baby was the little girl I had always wanted, I finally

felt like our family was complete. I had three kids now and it seemed like my dream

to see them all graduate from college was actually going to happen. I called her

Rose, it’s my favourite flower and it suits her so well. My little Rosie…

Anyway, we finally got the grocery store built so once the town grows a bit more

there will be a place for the other families to get their food. I also provided them

with some local produce from my farm to help with the operating costs of the

store. It was the least I could do for this place.


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