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Page 1: The Gulf Stream

The Gulf Stream

Justin Shapiro

Image Courtesy

of Benjamin Franklin. (He had it just about



Page 2: The Gulf Stream

LocationWestern Boundary of the North Atlantic OceanSources: Caribbean Sea, Antilles CurrentSharp Transition zone between cold, dense water (Laborador) and warm, less dense water.

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Transport: HeatHeat: 1.4 petawatts of heatIn conjunction with the Hadley Circulation, this heat transport moderates the climate of Europe.Some argue that the atmosphere plays a larger role here: Mid-latitude Cyclones

Page 4: The Gulf Stream

Transport: WaterVolume:

Through Florida Straights: 30 SvMax. Trans. At 55W: 150 Sv

Transport Increases due to mass contributions from the Worthington Gyre and the Northern Recirculation Gyre

Downstream of Cape Hatteras, Transport Increases by ~8Sv/100km

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Page 6: The Gulf Stream
Page 7: The Gulf Stream

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Topographical Image: oceancurrents.rsmas.miami.edu/atlantic/img_topo1/gulf-stream2.jpg

Page 8: The Gulf Stream

Gulf Stream’s SinkNear 38N 44W: Flow Diverges

Toward Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Azores Current (cold)(southward)

Following north along the continental slope

North Atlantic Current (warm)(Eastward)

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Time Variant Structure

Large Values of Eddy Kinetic Energy at Labrador/Gulf Stream Interface~22 Warm Core and 35 Cold core rings are shed: features persist from weeks to a year!Wanders much like a wriggling garden hose

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Scaling factors

Width: 80-150 kmDepth: 800-1200 mAverage Speed: 2 m/s

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