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  • 1. The Gunpowder Plot

2. 1605

  • A long, long, long time ago...

3. JamesIwas the King He was a Protestant. 4. Catholics were unhappy Because King James told them that they had to be Protestants and worship God in the same way as him.If they didnt, they had to pay lots of money or even go to prison. 5. A small group of Catholics decided to kill King JamesI This was treason! 6. King James was opening Parliament soon and they decided to blow him up when he was there using gunpowder! 7. They tried to dig a tunnel

  • But they hit a wall and couldnt dig any further.

8. Then they rented a cellar right underneath the Houses of Parliament! 9. They put 36 barrels of gunpowder in the cellar. And hid them under firewood. 10. One of the plotters was a soldier calledGuy Fawkes . He was going to stay in the cellar and light the fuse to blow up the barrels. 11. But... 12. Somebody sent a letter to Lord Monteagle warning him not to go to Parliament on the 5 thNovember. Lord Monteagle showed the letter to the King. 13. They found Guy Fawkes before he could blow up the gunpowder and arrested him. 14. They took Guy Fawkes beforeKing James. 15. Guy Fawkes was sent to the Tower of London where they tortured him to find out who the other plotters were. 16. Guy Fawkes was very brave and did not give the names of the other plotters for three days. 17. Soldiers chased the other plotters and the plotters were killed in a fight. Guy Fawkes was executed for treason. 18. People in England were so happy that the King hadnt been blown up that they lit bonfires to celebrate. 19. Even now, 400 years later, we still remember how the Gunpowder Plot was stopped. The fireworks remind us what it would have been like if the gunpowder had exploded and the bonfires are for the Houses of Parliament burning.Were glad that Guy Fawkes and the other plotters did not blow up the King. 20. Remember, remember the 5 thof November, Gunpowder, treason and plot! I see no reason why gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot.

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