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Page 1: The Guzman Monthly, August 2014, v1 i8

The Guzman Monthly

August 2014 | Volume 1, Issue 8

Page 2: The Guzman Monthly, August 2014, v1 i8


• Welcome

• About the author

• News

• Apps & Tools

• Online Learning (2 slides)


• Student Learning (4 slides)

• Upcoming Movie & TV Trailers

Page 3: The Guzman Monthly, August 2014, v1 i8

Welcome to this issue of “The Guzman Monthly”. In this publication I will collect and list some recent articles on higher education issues, online learning best practices, deliver some app suggestions* and links to interesting videos on the web published in the past month. Planned release schedule is between the last week of the past month and the first full week of the current month.

* Suggestions on apps will mainly be based on my exposure or research of said apps on iOS mobile devices. Feel free to suggest other apps for my review. My intention is to have the apps be similar in functionality each month.

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My name is Tony Guzman and I serve as the Director of Online Programs at the University at Buffalo (UB) School of Social Work (SSW).

I also oversee the UB SSW Podcast series: inSocialWork®. Feel free to listen to some of our podcasts.

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/tguzman/Scoop.it!: http://www.scoop.it/t/the-future-of-higher-education-by-tony-guzman-1Twitter: https://twitter.com/professor_tg

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The OLC’s Class of Fellows adds seven new members in 2014. Congratulations to all!http://campustechnology.com/articles/2014/08/04/online-ed-leaders-named-to-2014-olc-class-of-fellows.aspx

Office Mix beta is now open for the general public. I will be testing this add-on over the next couple of months but it looks like a solid tool for any educator to include within their Office apps.https://mix.office.com/watch/10g8h9tvipyg8

Google’s free Classroom learning management system is now available for anyone using Google Apps for Education.http://campustechnology.com/articles/2014/08/12/google-rolls-out-free-lms-for-apps-for-education.aspx

I am looking forward to see this platform continue to expand its usefulness and hope it stays free for use.http://elearninginfographics.com/10-tips-use-google-classroom-effectively-infographic/

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Apps & Tools

Infographic indicating some current social media facts.http://blog.mainstreethost.com/10-surprising-social-media-facts-infographic

This infographic will help you determine how tech savvy of an instructor you are.http://www.techfaster.com/ed-tech-infographic-techsavvy-teacher/

Great tips to help you create an eBook via PowerPoint.http://blog.hubspot.com/insiders/design-beautiful-ebook

While not every instructor has an iPad, those that do can find some apps that can certainly help them in their art of teaching. Many of these apps have Android counterparts as well.http://www.teachthought.com/technology/60-ipad-productivity-apps-mobile-teachers/

Howard Rheingold has coined the term, Infotention (http://www.rheingold.com/university/mini-courses/) and this article helps you make more efficient use of your time.http://www.quertime.com/article/9-web-apps-to-display-all-your-social-network-feeds-in-one-place/

Very powerful and positive review for the Surface Pro 3 tablet.http://campustechnology.com/articles/2014/08/27/review-microsoft-surface-pro-3.aspx

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Online Learning

Great infographic describing the different types of learners we have in our classrooms.http://info.shiftelearning.com/blog/bid/352582/10-Types-of-Learners-You-Can-Run-Into-When-Imparting-Online-Training

Some great tips on how to help encourage and maintain academic integrity within online classes.http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/online-education/promoting-academic-integrity-online-classroom/

Excellent pointers to help you improve your online discussions, to help achieve their goal within your online courses.http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/online-education/art-science-successful-online-discussions/

A recent survey done with Canadian post-secondary students shares some interesting results.http://campustechnology.com/articles/2014/08/11/survey-one-third-of-educational-time-spent-online.aspx

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Online Learning (cont.)

Recent Gallup poll shows higher confidence in online courses.http://www.forbes.com/sites/ccap/2014/08/13/rising-confidence-in-online-higher-ed/

For some who teach in an online modality, they have found they have become better teachers in person. This was certainly the case for me. What about you?http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/online-education/teaching-online-made-better-face-face-instructor/

Some interesting statistics that affect eLearning today.http://elearninginfographics.com/what-is-the-future-of-education-infographic/

Excellent article that includes tips on how to improve the expectations within online courses.http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/online-education/rising-tide-lifts-boats-raising-communicating-enforcing-expectations-online-courses/

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While these comments from Anant Agarwal, CEO of edX, might polarize, the truth is that K-20 education system still needs much in the way of innovation. Not sure if MOOCs is the answer but it certainly helps address some of the concerns.


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Student Learning

To counter the usual passive nature of learning, have your students become learning object creators to help them learn the course objectives.http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/teaching-with-technology-articles/putting-students-drivers-seat-technology-projects-decrease-passivity/

Best Teaching Practices to Engage Your Students.http://www.slideshare.net/ebreilly1/best-teaching-practices-to-engage-your-students-37625653

Some great questions to ponder on the significance and reason for grades.http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/teaching-professor-blog/four-key-questions-grading/

This article tackles the idea of placing value on effort within undergraduate courses. This can be a controversial topic but I believe a worthwhile read and consideration.http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/teaching-professor-blog/motivating-students-effort-count/

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Student Learning (cont.)

The Promise and Roadblocks of Competency-Based Education.http://www.evolllution.com/opinions/audio-promise-roadblocks-competency-based-education-2/

Competency-based learning is an issue every higher education institution should be tackling today.https://www.insidehighered.com/audio/2014/08/06/accelerating-degree-attainment-credit-prior-learning

Not exactly sure that I agree totally with this finding but certainly is a topic to discuss and consider its worth.http://chronicle.com/blogs/wiredcampus/are-courses-outdated-mit-considers-offering-modules-instead

Excellent article for anyone considering flipping their course. It also complements my recent post on considering grading effort.http://campustechnology.com/articles/2014/08/13/2-great-techniques-for-the-flipped-classroom.aspx

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Student Learning (cont.)

This article helps you understand the advantage of information curation and its use in education.http://www.theedublogger.com/2014/06/12/curation/

Using gamification to improve student participation and decrease test anxiety.http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/teaching-and-learning/using-mulligans-enhance-student-participation-reduce-text-anxiety/

Excellent infographic, and article, on the value of adding gamification ideas into your courses.http://www.ecampusnews.com/top-news/gamification-higher-education-028/print/

Great article to read as the school year starts. Will you take the challenge and become an EduHero this year?http://shellyterrell.com/2014/08/19/eduhero

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Student Learning (cont.)

Great tips on helping your students to have proper expectations.http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/teaching-professor-blog/reality-check-helping-manage-student-expectations/

3D Printing has a while to go before becoming common in schools and homes.http://campustechnology.com/articles/2014/08/19/widespread-3d-printing-in-classrooms-still-a-decade-out.aspx

What is the return on investment for adult learners and college degrees?http://campustechnology.com/articles/2014/08/20/what-value-does-a-degree-or-certificate-hold-for-the-adult-learner.aspx

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Upcoming Movie & TV Trailers

Gotham – Extended Trailer, Premiere Date: 9/22/2014http://youtu.be/0d1zpt6k5OI

Sleepy Hollow – Sleepy In Six Season 1 Recap Trailer, Premiere Date: 9/22/2014http://youtu.be/HTxfLvC8FR8

Person of Interest – Season 3 Highlight Reel and Season 4 Sneak Peek Trailer, Premiere Date: 9/23/2014http://youtu.be/ng0JFB2hH-M

The Equalizer – Official Trailer, Release Date: 9/26/2014http://youtu.be/jAI7rF0eQyQ

Full Favorite Trailer playlist on my YouTube channelhttp://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp4nJo9D2kEs3McWG18x5UmIcSsVhNjq0

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Thanks for checking this monthly newsletter out and hope to see around again next time!

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