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The Holy Grail & Freemasonry - Tim Hogan 4.20.21

Lives in Aurora, CO

Leader in several Masonic Bodies

Zoom lecture on 4/20/21 sponsored by Burlingame Masonic Lodge No. 400, Burlingame, CA

Full 2hour video is now – as of 4/22/21 - at


Book called – “Parsifal”

Holy Grail appears at King Arthur’s Court – and then disappears.

So the Knights would then find the HG and then the land and the people would go out and find


Finally found, and Balance was restored.

Parcavil says:

Munsalvaesche Is the Mountain of Salvation.

The Stone!

The Templars are the guardians of the Grail – of the Stone -of Alchemy!

The Templar Flag is draped over the alter in the Master Mason Degree!

Note the special signs of recognition!

These are all Gnostics!

Anyone could receive direct knowledge of G*D without anyone else – no priest – no Pope.

Templars went underground.

One of the seals, and the Templar Flag.

In the 1200s…

Alchemical Manuscripts were available. Exliers. How to heal the body.

They believed that the breath contain the vital life force, and antibiotics…

From Left to Right -

St Bernard…

First GM of the Templars

Men who were doing initiations…

The first Rule of the Templars… had 72 articles

Sufism was actually the mystic part of Islam.

Many belong to Cathar families…

Lots of Alchemical Influence…

John J Robinson’s book – Born in Blood.

FM came out of the KTs.

He was not a FM when he wrote the book, and joined FM later.

Church in Constantinople. Where the KT Order started.

Became a Mosque.

Pillars with spheres on top.

Secret Templar crypt under the floor. Dates back to the 1200s.

Jewish, Christian, and Muslim knights were buried together.

[Missed a picture here]

Earliest picture of square and compass is in the Mosque in the 1200s!

The Templars found these 2 texts (in red)in their digging in the Temple.


Blueprint for KS’s Temp[le, the body, and the consciousness of the body.

How creation manifested into reality.

10 Sephora -

22 letters.

32 combo of God’s thoughts

33rd is hidden…

The 3 vertical pillars –




3 levels – Water, Air, and Fire

(Makes 4 elements)

3 Degrees of FM

Penalties…include the elements -

1 – Water

2 – Air

3 – Fire

GL of England had a Kabbalah Club.

Those members actually formed the GL of England.

The Cross of Lorraine - from the 3 Pillars!

Also that there were 7 continents and that one of them was not populated.

The KTs went to Portugal after they were disbanded –

“Port of the Grail”…

The Patron Saint of Alchemy!

Hermes into Hebrew is HRM = Hiram!

Hermes said: As above, so below.

How to create the Philosopher’s Stone!


Snakes – About the Earth. Concerned with physical things.

Roster – Sees the First Light of the Day! Warning an apron!

An old Templar shield!

Water, Air, and Fire Levels…

FM Degrees… Matches Exactly!

Mystic Muslims…

Giant Fezs – representing tombstones…

Symbolically dies and raised to new level of understanding…

Black cloaks – cloaks of invisibility..

Bow to the lambskin…

Officers on 4 sides

Candle in the middle

Signs for each station

Across throat

Across Chest

Across Abdomen

Doing this since the 1200s…

Also have secret hand sign

Point to a line

2 lines


I A O – Secret Name of God (As on the Abraxas logo!)

Druz in Lebanon

5 points of Fellowship

Book – Journey to the Holy Land

The Oneness of Being = Al Tawhid

Wear mini hats (like the Scottish Rite)

The same hand grip = Lion’s Paw

5 points of fellowship

“Welcome to the Holy Place”

All knowledge into 2 pillars – one on water and one in fire.

Secret Initiation Rites.

Since the 1200s…

The only people that traveled from there to the UK –

Were the KTs!

The KTs incorporated their knowledge in the cathedrals that they built.

Here is the Labyrinth of Solomon! From an Alchemical text!

2 Groups of Builders

1 – The children of Solomon (the KTs)

2- The Children of Jacques DeMolay

Chartres Cathedral

One of the Windows -

Named after St. Apollo

See the hole.

Tiles are square except of one – on a diagonal

Has a brass peg on it

St John the Baptist Day – June 23 - Beam of Light hits the bronze peg!

Forms a perfect 3,4,5 triangle.

Picture on the ceiling from the crypt in the cathedral.

Note the Sun and the Moon… Hand of the Master…

Door handles

An eye in a triangle, within a square…

Templars using these temples– from the 1200s up to the 1600s…

Templar Crypt


Percival (after) marries and have a son named John.

All Kings are then named John – so you get a link of the Holy Saints John!

Roselyn Chapel (in Scotland)

Links to KT themes…

2 KTs on a horse

Templar Cross on his chest – see the cable tow and the blindfold between 2 pillars –

Was completed in 1420!...

Note the boxes -

You can see the musical notes –

Cymatics Music Designs

Musical patterns…

The former KT Commandry in Constantinople. Same Cymatics music designs!

Built like a giant beehive…

Floor tiles are honeycombed!

Working Beehive also found in Roslyn Chapel.

The Church in Constantinople


Templar Church in LONDON!

They are ALL connected!!!

Q & A –

My Q –

I am very interested in making the Philosopher's Stone - using molten Antimony and Gold Calx,

and then by using acid and basic to form mono atomic gold in the mixture. Are you doing this?

And - who can I contact to proceed in doing this? Dr. Patrick G. Bailey, KTCH, B400.

His A -

That is definitely one of the secrets of Alchemy!

Mono Atomic Gold – Also found in Sea Salt – one of the main ingredients.

He has a lab and he extracts it all of the time.

In the Torah -

Solomon 666 talons of gold (transformation) in exchange for bread –

monoatomic gold – mana – shrew bread.

Cathars – Moni Ceremony – Eating the MAG!

Q – What about Cymatics – what is a good book?

A – Building Temples with Harmonic Ideas in mind…

Where the chambers would resonate at certain frequencies –

Isaac Newton studied that –

Also corresponded to Boyd’s Law – planetary distance ratios…

So they would resonate with a more universal order.


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