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  • 8/14/2019 The Hunt of Anim


    The Hunt of Anim

    By S. Lei Pyke

    Chapter 1:

    The Year of the King, 1972

    Thelembi crouched behind the waste barrels of the slaughterhouse, panting. In

    front of him, hounds bayed in their frustration; their noses alternatively on the ground and

    in the air. They wouldnt find him; he had learned the trick of confusing them.

    Thelembi was coated in offal from the barrels he crouched behind, covered in

    rotting hide that had been set out for the waste carter. The carter would not come until

    the hunt was gone, so Thelembi felt relatively safe.

    He held open a tiny tin of Dust; a powerful, illegal drug. It was made from the

    spores of a naturally occurring fungus that was unique to the Undercity. He always had

    some for exactly this occasion.

    He could barely breathe for the stink, but the alternative was sure death. One of

    the dogs sniffed at his pile and he closed his eyes, praying that he would not be

    discovered. It stuffed its nose into the can and then sneezed, blowing the Dust

    everywhere. Thelembi held his breath, but too late. He had to stop himself from

    swearing as the tingle of dust stung his nostrils. His eyes watered as he stifled his own

    urge to sneeze. Soon, his nostrils burned with the Dust. Other dogs came to sniff thepile. When they began to chew on the hide, Thelembi despaired for his life.

    To his relief, the master gave a shrill whistle, commanding the dogs to get out of

    the scraps. With a snort, the first dog hiked his leg and pissed on Thelembis pile. The

    master on his masyth gave the signal to search the next street. It groaned and unfurled its

    wings a bit. The draconic beast was easily fifteen feet long from end to end, though it

    was only about three feet across at its widest spot. Its rider sat in the saddle with his bow

    at the ready, his legs occupying the place where the creatures arms and front shoulder

    blades had once been.

    The masters hounds grouped around the legs of the masyth, yipping with

    excitement. The master lifted his horn to his lips, sounded three notes in rapid

    succession, and waited. Form three or four directions, Thelembi could not quite tell,

    similar blasts echoed. With a sharp curse, the master jerked his masyth around and

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    jabbed it into motion. The hounds trotted after, their tongues lolling, their tails erect.

    Thelembi smiled. Soon, the dogs would be seizing or insane.

    Still, Thelembi waited. Two hundred feet overhead, the ceiling of B district was

    lost in a haze of light. It was saffron colored, but Thelembi did not know the difference.

    He had never seen light of any other color. Newcomers to Undercity claimed that the

    hunters never came after night on the surface, but night was only a legend to Thelembi.

    The Undercity never got dark.

    The distant baying of the dogs told him that the hounds had found alternative prey

    to chase. With a sigh, he climbed out of his gristly hiding place. He stripped down on

    the spot, scraping the gore and offal off of his pale flesh to the best of his ability. The

    clothes would be no good now, but he could find more soon enough. Reaching back into

    his hiding place, he withdrew a pouch. Opening it, he counted twenty gold crownsa

    fortune beyond his wildest dreams. This was worth hiding in gore.

    He had stolen it from a slaver who had come to the outer districts to capture

    young children for the slave markets. The man had drunk himself comatose on a distilled

    spirit of wheat and dust called Larq. Thelembi had been watching the market assemble,

    marking his order of theft from the roof of an inn when the roof had collapsed under his

    weight. When the slaver did not stir, Thelembi had relieved him of his purse. With luck,

    the innkeeper would believe that the man ruined the crumbling inns roof. He had

    escaped without notice. The buildings were derelict enough that they collapsed all the


    All of this was common. Illegal fortunes were made and lost in B at the whim of

    the gods. Now that the unfortunate slavers gold was his, he would be changing these

    coins out for less conspicuous ones. Gold coins were sought after, but not truly wanted.

    To keep them meant death more often than good fortune, but to reap their reward they

    were best when exchanged.

    This left him in a very uncomfortable situation. In only an hour, he would be

    raving in the effects of Dust. The Hunt was baying and sounding deeper into the district.

    They would not give up on him so easily, but he had escaped them for now. He knew that

    he was still in danger.

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    Quietly, he raced off away from the dogs. He was the fastest runner in B district,

    though he never revealed it to anyone. He saved his speed only for times like this, when

    the Hunt would not leave the district.

    The Hunt was a vicious blood sport popular with the nobles of Arynstar. They

    would select one citizen of the Undercity to hunt like a beast of prey and pursue that

    person until it was cornered. Then they would watch and compose poems as the

    unfortunate was ripped apart by the dogs. It was a foul tribute to the goddess Anim, the

    Kings deity of stealth and cunning.

    It seemed that the hunt was always after him. He had escaped twenty of them in

    his lifetime, including this one, which made him a legend among the urchins of Undercity

    who regarded him as an immortal hero. Rumors he had overheard said that the hunt, too,

    regarded him as a master prize. His fame among the urchins and crime bosses kept him

    safe from the locals but none would aid him either, especially at a time like this.

    He stopped to urinate, but he couldnt squeeze out a dribble. Fear still had a

    stranglehold on his loins. Still, he laughed at his attempt. He scratched his filthy,

    prominent ribs and tried to think of an escape. He tugged on his long, platinum braid in


    He had to get clean somehow or even the hunter would smell him, and he had to

    get off the streets before the hallucinations started. He was already feeling numbness in

    his face as the drug was starting to turn off his pain receptors. He was too far from his

    home to reach it in time, and it was not the safest place to go when he knew he would be

    raving and insensible.

    Carefully, he climbed up the crumbling wall of the nearest building and raced

    across the closely spaced, flat rooftops, praying that each one would hold his weight.

    There was only one place in B district that he could go for refuge. It was a place where

    the hunt did not dare to go. It was the temple of Meranna.

    The temple of Meranna was unlike any building in B District. It seemed to be

    made of living stone. It towered above all the other buildings, but showed no signs of

    breakage. Its entire outer surface, from the floor to the lofty ceiling of the Undercity, was

    intricately carved with arcane writing and images of creatures that he had never seen

    before. Coming close to the temple, he could smell clean water in the air. He had been

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    near the place before, and had accepted water from the priestesses who filled the cisterns,

    but he had never been inside.

    Chapter 2:

    The guard at the door of the temple of Meranna appraised him with a look of

    sheer disgust, holding her left hand to her face and tracing a superstitious sign in the air to

    ward off disease. In contrast to the impressive natural structure of the building, the door

    was tiny and obviously man-made. The larger entrance was blocked by the hewn stone

    of the protective wall. It was high enough and wide enough for guards to be posted along

    the top, but Thelembi never saw anyone atop it. What he was more interested in was the

    gate that separated him from the entrance.

    Guard, I need sanctuary. I am pursued by the agents of Anim. The guard

    sneered, looking around.

    You are lying.

    I am not lying! Please. . .Ill give alms. he pleaded, flashing a crown from his

    pouch. The Temple of Meranna normally did not admit any male whatsoever, but they

    had been known to grant sanctuary to refugees from the kings gods. This was his last

    chance. He hated to give up even one of his treasures, but having them would not matter

    if he was dead. Her expression changed, seeing the gold coin. Thelembi knew that the

    promise of gold would work. Giving money to Merannas temple was illegal for some


    I can bring you into the gate and protect you until the hunt disperses, but because

    you are male, you must gain permission to enter the temple itself. She unlocked the

    gate, and Thelembi rushed in. The guard took his coin.

    Thank you. He said as he sat behind the stone wall. The passage through the

    outer wall was wider than the gate, leaving a lip where a gate guard could hide if

    necessary, and peek out to assess a situation. This is all I will need. Tears began

    running down his face. He could not stop them. He knew he was safe.

    I am Bucera the temple guard. She said. What is your name so that I can send

    it inward?

    I am Thelembi. He said between wracking sobs.

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    Bucera turned and whistled. A young girl came out of the small entrance. The

    guard said something that Thelembi could not understand. The young girls eyes went

    wide and she disappeared back into the temple.

    The guard eyed Thelembi with suspicion and disgust. He looked up at her with

    bloodshot eyes. She crouched, handing him a rag for his face. He took it and began

    wiping, but the rag was soon ruined. Bucera said nothing, but tensed when the sound of

    the hounds came closer.

    They really are hunting you, boy. I believe you. She said quietly, returning his

    coin. He shook his head.

    Take it into the temple. I wont need it if I die.

    You wont die. She said. Thelembi stood and looked out the gate. He could

    hear the hounds coming closer.

    Lord Cet is on his masyth today. We will have to fight. Bucera barked a grim

    laugh and took out her staff. Even in the temple of Meranna, citizens were not allowed to

    use metal tools.

    Is that so? I dont believe he can. There is magic in this place, and it protects

    itself. Why do you think I am the only guard here?

    They will scent me through the wall. They will scent my trail up to the gate. I

    was not careful.

    It does not matter. They will have to leave soon.

    I think that they are determined this time.

    Maybe. I have never known them to be able to distinguish one urchin from

    another. She said. They hunted me too, once. I came here for sanctuary and the

    priestesses offered me this job instead. Thelembis head jerked. He looked at her.

    You were an urchin too?

    Oh, yes. Mine and my sisters lover was a boy. He had the same name as you.

    He was famous, you know. You were probably named after him. Has Thelembi become

    a popular name in the district? Thelembi shook his head, wiping his eyes .

    What happened to him?

    He led me here and dashed off with the hounds right at his heels and his brother

    on his back. He was fast, you know. He said that we were slowing him, and so he saved

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    us by putting us here. He realized that she was talking about him, but he couldnt

    understand how she could be speaking about him as if it was a long time ago.

    Do you remember what you did together? he asked thickly.

    Hah! As if I could forget. We used to be the talk of the district! If only Zohra

    hadnt died, we could have been truly famous.

    How famous? He asked, a lump forming in his throat. He had known this

    woman, but he didnt understand why she looked so old. She had silver in her hair.

    Tsch. Maybe famous enough to leave this place. Man, could he fight. And run.

    And steal. He could cut up an enemy too, with a wooden dagger, no less! A real fighter,

    that one. And we loved him. None of the merchants purses were safe. You know, you

    really remind me of him. You have his body. I shouldnt be telling you this.

    This reminds you of that day. I remind you of him. He said simply.

    You are guileless. Thelembi looked up, confused. He didnt understand the

    word. Bucera shook her head. He was like that too, with women.

    You rutted with him. Thelembi said, smirking.

    Bucera colored.

    I was one of his girls, right? It never came to anything, but my sister had a child

    by him. That girl I called to run in. She was born right before that hunt. I think that is

    the only reason he brought me here at all.

    Thats not possible! Shes too old! Thelembi shouted. Bucera shushed him

    and looked nervously out. One of the dogs could be seen out in the street. Thelembi put

    his hand over his mouth as it lifted its cruel, fanged muzzle and bayed. Thelembi uttered

    a sharp string of curses. Bucera looked down. Her eyes betrayed fear of Thelembi, not

    the dogs.

    Why do you care, urchin? she asked nervously. Is he your dad? Hmm? You

    sure act like him. They locked eyes and glared at each other. Thelembi was about to tell

    her no, but thought better of it, noticing her astonished expression.

    Your eyes. . . Thelembi cocked his head. That was not the response he was


    Excuse me? The guard pointed her quarterstaff at him.

    Can you use magic? Thelembis mouth dropped open.

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    What? Are you crazy? This is not the time. The dogs--

    How many years have you? Thelembi shrugged. He glanced out the gate as the

    huge masyth landed in the temple square. The dogs rushed at the gate.

    I dunno. . .fifteen, twenty. . .maam! Your gate! The guard ignored the first of

    the dogs as they slammed their bodies against the gate and instantly died in a blaze of

    light. At the pungent scent of fried canine, Bucera looked over her shoulder and shook

    her head at the charred corpses.

    Priestesses of Meranna! You have a boy in your midst. His hair is long so he

    may appear to be a young woman. Send him out or let me come in to get him. He would

    profane your lovely temple. Lord Cets voice boomed across the temple courtyard.

    Bucera scowled and turned away from Thelembi.

    Bastard lord, you have no authority among the churches of the Maestros. Go

    back to your demons and die. Bucera shouted. The whole temple seemed to shake and

    amplify her voice, which thundered across the courtyard. The hounds whined and

    huddled together. The masyth bowed to the ground, shrieking and honking in terror.

    Bucera smiled fiercely.

    You cannot hold onto him forever. Your god would not permit it. Have you

    granted him sanctuary?

    We grant sanctuary to all those trying to escape demons. Bucera thundered.

    Cet tried to goad his masyth forward, but it would not budge. With a curse, he jumped

    off and stabbed it in the head with his sword. It stuck in the beasts head. Bucera cursed.

    Killing your mount wont help you this time. You cannot approach. Meranna

    knows your sorceries. Bucera turned to Thelembi. Hang on, this is going to get


    As soon as she said it, Thelembi watched in horror as Cet seemed to draw light

    and blood from his freshly killed mount. He was muttering in a strange tongue that

    Thelembi had never before heard, but the sound of it set his teeth on edge. With a

    muffled thump, a wave of magic rocked the protective outer wall. Bits of stone came

    loose from the man-made structure and skittered around, somehow missing both Bucera

    and Thelembi. Bucera grabbed Thelembi and covered his eyes, just as everything around

    them went white. The ground shook and the air seemed to split and scream around him.

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    When their vision cleared, they looked out. Every beast and man-at-arms in Cets retinue

    had been reduced to a fine gray powder, but Cet stood in the middle of it, laughing.

    Thelembi could see his brimstone eyes from across the courtyard. Bucera uttered a foul

    string of curses.

    What is he? Thelembi asked, shaken.

    Not human. She said, Demon bred.

    Very well, there will be other hunts. He said, brushing off his burned skin.

    Underneath was a layer of inhuman flesh that was so awful that Thelembi could not look

    at him. Cet was standing with every muscle exposed, yet he did not bleed out. Coating

    his raw muscles was a net of pulsing green threads. His teeth were jagged and feral and

    he sported the canines of a dog.

    You cannot hold him forever. Anim has marked him, and she will get what she

    wants in the end. Not even Caius can stop her. Your Meranna has no chance.

    Go on, you bastard, or I will call down another strike and we shall see if you can

    withstand it without a skin to wear. The demonic man paced, considering.

    You tell that boy that because he was a coward and hid among women, I had to

    kill fifty in this district tonight, and I will kill another to wear his skin before I leave. Let

    him chew on that. Cet walked away, reveling in his grotesque form. Thelembi hid his

    head in his arms and slumped against the wall. Buceras attention instantly turned to


    Well, you. Dont lie to me any more. Are you marked?

    I . . .I dont know what youre talking about. He said, looking up at the butt of

    her staff.

    You are not human at all!

    What? Thats insane!

    No. . .you cant be. . .Thirty. She said. If its like they said. . .Thelembi? My


    Yeah, the same as I have ever been. Glad you finally figured it out. She paled,

    and brought her staff down over his head, stunning him. Black Manni. He groaned,

    calling her by her street name as he clutched his head. She trembled from head to foot.

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    You may enter. She said venomously, looking into his eyes. She dropped her

    staff and took his hands, helping him to his feet.

    Thelembi was confused, but he had the gut feeling from years of life on the streets

    that though he had been given permission, this was no longer a good idea. He took

    another step back, but Bucera was ready for him to run. She seized his hand again as he

    tried to pull it out of her grip. Instinctively he jerked, but her grip was now like iron.

    Let me go if you ever loved me! I just wanted sanctuary from Anims hunt!

    Cets gone now, so let me go. Cmon Manni!

    Its not about us anymore. You MUST enter. Dont you want the blessing of


    No! I just wanted sanctuary, thats all. Im glad youre still alive, just. .

    .whatever we had was a long time ago right? Is that little girl really my daughter?

    She squeezed his wrist until it began to pop. Thelembi stopped struggling, and he

    cried out pain. She shoved him face first through the waist high door and poked him until

    he crawled in. He was trapped.

    Let me out! He shouted as the door closed, plunging him into the darkness of

    the entrance.

    Your fate is in the hands of Meranna! I dont want to hurt you, but you cannot

    leave now. The priestesses commanded me to usher in any with eyes like yours. Though

    Id rather kill you for what you did to Zohra. she answered. Thelembi grasped his

    injured wrist.

    What I did? She was never strong! The kid was too much for her!

    No, you Daitari bastard! Your kid killed her!

    Daitari? Im not a demon!

    Just go! said Bucera, her voice laden with tears. I let you in. Just go. You

    cannot leave until you speak to the attendant. Her name is Ceras. And if you see your

    daughter she is called Thanni.

    Chapter 3:

    Thelembi sat against the cool stone, hurt, confused, frightened, and angry all at

    once. His head brushed the ceiling of the tunnel, obviously designed so that the

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    worshippers would all come into the sanctuary in a humble posture. As he touched the

    walls, squiggly lines of writing glowed. Thelembi only guessed that they were prayers of

    some sort; he was illiterate. There was no way out of the tunnel but toward the other end

    into the sanctuary. He began to crawl forward.

    As he crawled, he cursed his luck, Anim and the Dust, but he held his tongue

    about his thoughts of Meranna. He believed in gods, but trusted none of them. None had

    ever done him good. To be cursing one in her own temple when she obviously wished

    him ill was foolish. He reached the end after what seemed like an eternity of painful

    crawling on all fours. Even through the dust induced numbness, pain shot up from his


    He was blinded as he opened the door to the sanctuary. He had never seen such a

    bright place before. The light shone pure white, but to him it looked washed in purple.

    He stopped as spots swam before his eyes, overwhelmed. He backed hastily into the dark

    entryway once more.

    He sat there, staring in fascination until the spots cleared and he could see into the

    sanctuary. Cautiously, he got up, minding his feet. They were numb. It took him a few

    tries to lift them off the floor without stumbling. As he slowly lurched forward, the

    young girl appeared before him out of the mist, but squeaked and hustled away when she

    saw him. It was the young girlsupposedly his daughter. She looked to be about ten,

    which troubled Thelembi to the core. He did not remember it being that long ago.

    Wait, Thanni! he called, but the girl did not reappear.

    The magnificent, ancient interior of the temple arced above him as high as the

    outer building. The white light of the temple hurt his eyes. Strange, humid air obscured

    the view of the ceiling. Thelembi thought he was starting to hallucinate, seeing that

    strange air. The floor was a series of causeways over more water than Thelembi had ever

    seen in his life.

    He paused to look at himself in the water. He was filthy and his long hair dangled

    in thin dirty strands, having come loose from his braid in the chase. His face, though

    coated in blood and offal from the slaughterhouse, was young. Black Manni looked so

    old, every inch of her looking worn and tired though she was only twenty-five. He still

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    looked like a child on the edge of adulthood in his reflection. Looking at his reflection,

    he could not understand how it could be possible that ten years had passed.

    She had commented on his eyes though. He looked closer, inspecting them. They

    were much different from their original color. Of all the urchins who prowled and

    scurried in the streets, none that he had ever seen had threads of gold running through

    purple irises the way he and his brother did. The change had been a recent one. His eyes

    used to be gray. The water was so clean and so pure that it reflected his image perfectly.

    He was ashamed of his filth in comparison to the temple. With all the water in the

    temple, he figured that it would not be too bad to just take a small bit to wipe his face, if

    anything to clear it of the lines his tears had etched into the dried blood on his cheeks

    Just as he touched the water, a jolt wracked his body. He drew his hand back with

    a cry of pain, but felt somewhat better for having touched it. He considered the water for

    a long moment before slowly lowering his hand down into the water. It tingled through

    his whole body, refreshing him as if he had eaten a full meal. He was just about to take

    some when a female hand jerked him away, making him sprawl on the walkway. He

    looked up into the face of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Stunned, he could

    only stare.

    That is water directly from the Arynstar Spring. She yanked him to his feet by

    his hair. How did you touch that? Explain yourself!

    I didnt know, oh gods, is it really? Sorry, the guard just let me in. I . . . Ill go

    back out! He squirmed in terror of what he had done.

    Why would Bucera let you in boy . . . Especially before permission was given?

    Ask her! he said.

    What did she say to you?

    She was a lover once, thats all, I swear! And Lord Cet! And the Light! And

    then. . . She called me a Daitari! I . . . Im no sorcerer, I cant do magic! Im not noble,

    Im just a citizen.

    Look into my eyes. She said, lifting his chin. He suddenly felt as if there was

    no other choice but to do her bidding. He looked up into purple and gold eyes that were

    faded almost white but otherwise just like his. Thelembi squirmed, trying to avert his

    eyes. She dropped him to the floor with a sigh.

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    Very well. You wanted sanctuary, and you will have it. Follow me. He cowered

    on the floor, having never before seen a person with such natural authority, strength and

    ageless beauty. He held his pouch tight to his chest.

    Who are you? He asked, not daring to look up. Let me go, please. I want to

    know what I did to invite your wrath. I can make amends. . . He opened his pouch.

    I am the attendant of Meranna, Ceras Indra. She said, taking his pouch. You

    have done no wrong to atone for . . . yet. She looked at him with distaste and then

    helped him stand. As he cowered, she looked down upon him. She didnt stare as

    intently this time, but Thelembi still shuddered. So you were under our noses all this

    time. She said enigmatically.

    You were looking for me?

    I listen to the rumors whispered by the acolytes. I have heard about you and

    your brother, but little did I know that you should have been sought by us. The

    priestesses are not allowed outside the temple grounds anymore. Come, you have much

    to learn, and your nakedness is not appropriate here.

    Sought by you? Ceras stopped and looked over her shoulder.

    You are a daitari, Thelembi. You belong here. She said. He retreated from her,

    crouching like a frightened beast.

    But. . . he showed Ceras his wrist, which was already swollen double it natural

    size. Ceras frowned.

    I apologize. Bucera is not gentle. I believe I shall speak to her. She may have

    gotten overzealous. She said quietly, You are not in trouble. I knew when the waters

    wards did not kill you immediately that you were not human. Did you know that you are

    older than you look? She walked past him, expecting him to follow.

    Black ManniI mean Bucera said thirty, maam. He mumbled. She said that

    girl is my daughter. Ceras stopped and spun to face him.

    What girl? she demanded.

    She said Thanni. He said. Her sisters daughter. She was only a baby when I

    saw her last. How is this possible, maam?

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    Thanni. Said Ceras. I never thought to test her. . .no matter, I would have

    found out soon enough. Tell me, Thelembi, how you have survived ten years on the

    streets without knowing how much time has passed?

    I dont have a crowd, maam. Its just men Rahli these days. He found that he

    could not keep secrets from Ceras. After Zohra and Black Manni, we decided it was

    safer to live our lives alone.

    Wise enough. So there are no more bastard children from you?

    How should I know? Dyou think I keep track? He shrugged. Ceras looked

    over her shoulder with a scathing stare. Thelembi fidgeted, knowing that he had said the

    wrong thing.

    Er, maam, Ive made a copper or two, understand? An Im healthy. Thats

    more than a lot of us can say out there. Ceras grunted in disgust and motioned him


    He began to shuffle forward on his numb feet, marveling at how her flawless,

    dusky skin and raven black hair stood out beautifully against the alabaster and cerulean

    pillars as she walked away from him. He tried to take in everything at once, when

    translucent images began to fill his vision. With a feeling of pure dread, he knew he was

    finally beginning to hallucinate. A strange image of a crystal horned beast of burden

    walked beside Ceras. She was surrounded in a white aura that only enhanced her beauty.

    Thelembi shook his head, trying to clear his vision, but it would not clear.

    Youre so beautiful. He muttered numbly, unable to stop his thoughts from

    entering his mouth. Ceras stopped abruptly, looking at him over her shoulder.

    Of all the beauty I see you marveling over, you choose me. I am nothing.

    Thelembi blushed, scratching his head, but he could not feel it. He looked at the white

    causeway and it tilted at an odd angle. He felt himself lose his balance. She caught him

    before he tipped into the water. She slapped him, trying to keep him from passing out, but

    he only felt the pressure of the hand as it connected with his cheek. What is wrong with

    you? she demanded.

    Dust. . . she dropped him on the causeway in disgust. He got up slowly, feeling

    nothing, though he knew he had hit his head hard. He watched as she drew water into a

    stone bowl from the forbidden pools. With an iron grip, she grabbed him and tried to

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    force the cup to his lips. Knowing what the water was, he tried to refuse it, bucking

    against her grip, but her strength was incredible. It was like trying to bend metal.

    Please no. . .please. . .I will pay you! Anything, anything, just let me go. I have

    a brother that cannot live without me. . .please. Its not my fault! I only use it to hurt the

    dogs. . .I . . .they sneezed it in my face. He tried to explain, his tears leaving more grimy

    trails down his cheeks. Ceras looked down at him without mercy. Finally, she forced the

    liquid down his throat. A bolt of electricity lanced through him, clearing his head but not

    quite returning his senses. She sighed and set him down, and then pushed him forward.

    He stumbled, still unable to feel his feet.

    Am I going to die? he asked, his brain not quite catching up to his actions. She

    smiled, but it was not pleasant. This time, as she moved, she kept a hand on him to

    steady him. He stumbled forward.


    She led him into the thick mist at the back of the temple. He had never seen such

    a thing and balked, unwilling to cross it. He couldnt see Ceras, even though he could

    feel her hand on his back.

    What is this? He asked, hardly daring to breathe.

    This? It is just a fog bank, a cloud.

    What is it? Ceras frowned.

    When there is water in the air itself. I pity you for never having seen the sky.

    What is a sky? Thelembi was confused. Ceras shook her head and simply

    pushed him through the cloud bank and into the tunnels of the temple dormitories.

    There were girls beyond the fog bank holding brushes and towels, but Ceras

    shooed them away. She led him onward to a private bath. It was carved out of the floor,

    and made of the same stone as the outer temple. Thelembi hesitated.

    Well go on, boy, the water cant kill you.

    But you said

    Arynstar spring water is poisonous to humans. You are not human. Step in or I

    will throw you in. She picked up a brush and a cloth, and then took off her robes so that

    she stood only in her shift. Thelembi watched with interest. Ceras ignored his stare. She

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    took his hand roughly and led him in. Thelembi shuddered as a thrill of magic and

    electricity enveloped his body. He wanted to bolt, but Ceras held him firmly.

    You havent had a bath before, I take it?

    Not since I was ten or so, lady. Before the fire. And never in this water. It does

    not hurt you?

    Ah no. No, it cannot hurt me. I belong to Meranna and this is her water. She

    made him sit on the stone ledge. She began scrubbing the grime from him. Though he

    was filthy, the water did not become fouled.

    That fire was almost twenty years ago. It helps me place you. I dont suppose

    you ever knew your real parents?

    We were found at an oasis by a slaver. Thats all mama would ever say. He

    choked as she poured water over his head and began scrubbing at his hair. He had never

    cut it in his life, and though it had been singed once, it had never been completely shorn.

    It never tangled, though. When it was free of its braid, it hung in cascading sheets of

    absolutely straight hair.

    I once had hair like this as well. As dark as Ceras was, Thelembi found it hard

    to imagine her as pale as he was.

    Your priestesses, are they all human?

    Yes. Thousands of generations have come and gone, young Theli, but I am the

    only Servant here. The rest fled long ago as Meranna commanded. There, see?

    Underneath that grime, your fingers are golden. She examined Thelembis hands. He

    also looked at them, amazed. His fingernails and tips were shiny, as if they had been

    dipped in precious metal.

    They looked normal before. What did you do to them? He felt them, but they

    felt like normal fingertips.

    I did nothing. They were just filthy. This is natural, see? She showed her own

    hands with the same golden tips. Hers were much longer, and there was no evidence of a

    nail so much as the whole tip formed a sharp claw. They will become claws like mine in

    time. That is your linyth ancestry. Now that you are clean, they stand out brilliantly.

    Theyre just a bit shinier. Rahli doesnt have this on his fingertips. Ceras


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    The light in the district is yellow, is it not? How silly of me! How would you

    know yellow from white? Youre just like my poor girls! She got up and fetched the

    pouch from her robes. Searching in the bag, she pulled out a gold and a silver piece and

    dipped them into the water to clean them.

    What color is this piece? she asked, holding up the gold.

    White, maam. He said. She held up the silver piece.

    And this?

    The same, maam. Silver is the same color as gold, maam. Ceras sighed.

    Well, that will pass if you stay here for very long. The light in here is the same

    as it ever was, and unlike humans, your eyes will adjust.

    Gold is a different color? Yellow you say?

    You understand yellow, at least.

    The merchants from the surface always grumble about it, but we always thought it was

    something strange. Surface dwellers talk about crazy things all the time.

    When she finished with him, his skin was scrubbed, revealing a color so pale that

    it was obvious that he was a citizen of the undercity. Thelembi got out of the bath and

    noticed that all of his injuries were healed. Quietly, like a mother, Ceras dried him and

    dressed him in a soft robe and hustled him into the sanctuary. He was made to lie on the

    cold stone before the altar. Strangely, he felt more comfortable than he had felt in a long

    time. He found that he could not keep his eyes open.

    Chapter 4:

    Rise, Thelembi. We have been waiting for you. called a voice. Slowly, he

    opened his eyes, realizing that he was still alive. That he was not dead shook him to the

    core. With a groan, he got to his knees.

    You are truly blessed to be here. said a young, timid female voice. He looked

    up, seeing the speaker. It was Thanni hovering over him holding a stone bowl of water.

    He drank from it and instantly felt better. The shock of it helped him wake up. As he

    slowly stood, he looked past the girl to the image of Meranna, standing with a staff in one

    hand and a pitcher of water in the other, from which flowed the spring water that filled

    the outer sanctuary. Ceras sat on the altar itself, watching patiently.

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    Why? Why am I alive? he croaked, awed by the sheer power he felt coursing

    through the room. His voice echoed in his head. Thanni handed him another cup of

    water, which he gulped down greedily.

    Because you are not human. Ceras said kindly. And Bucera is right. You are

    Thannis father. Thelembi felt the blood drain from his lips. Thanni dropped the bowl,

    and it shattered on the floor.

    Why? was all he could think to say.

    I know you are not stupid. How else do you think it happened? Thannis

    mouth worked silently and she bolted. Ceras did not stop her. Thelembi scowled. That

    was not what he had meant, and he could tell that she knew it.

    Such a shy girl. She troubles me, Thelembi. I have never before missed a daitari

    entering this temple. We havent had an infant initiate here for thousands of years and I

    missed it entirely. I dont even think I ever thought to divine her ancestry. said Ceras as

    she got off of the altar. Are you comfortable? I have food for you, though I had hoped

    that Thanni would have a little more courage than this.

    You gave her the water, didnt you.

    Yes. I broke the news to her last night. She is not taking it well, as you can see.

    You could have waited.

    No. Not about this. I had to take her off of my acolyte rosters immediately.

    Ceras handed him a basket full of mushrooms, fruit and bread. Thelembi had never seen

    fruit before. He lifted up the red globe and sniffed it. It smelled sweet, almost like


    Those are Fujain from our hidden temple orchard. The god-emperor would have

    our hides nailed to the wall if he knew that they were still growing down here.

    Why maam? Ceras sighed.

    You can thank the god-Emperor for that. These fruits used to feed the entire city,

    but now, there are only a few trees outside of his control.

    She picked one out of the basket and bit into it. The inside was a deep purple, and

    the juice ran down her chin. Cautiously, Thelembi copied her. The flesh of the fruit was

    unlike anything he had tasted, and he wolfed it down greedily. The pit in the center

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    crunched as well, and it had a bitter flavor that was not quite pleasant. Ceras smiled and

    pulled another from her robe.

    You are like a little child. The pit is soft, but you should not eat it raw. We save

    them and roast them. She said, running her fingers through his hair. I suppose that is

    what comes of life down here. She smiled and sat next to him. Soon, a priestess came

    in with Thanni in tow. The priestess glanced at the picnic that Ceras was spreading and

    frowned disapprovingly.

    Attendant, the sanctuary is not a picnic grounds. hissed the high priestess.

    Thelembi looked at Thanni, who was struggling to escape.

    And so? If I wish to have lunch in the presence of my goddess, I will do so. Be

    silent or go elsewhere. The priestess blushed and bowed.

    Of course, attendant. I am sorry to have disturbed you. But what about the

    young daitari?

    Thanni can stay or go. This young man is her father, after all. Let her do as she

    wishes. The priestess let her go. Thanni stood, looking between the priestess and Ceras.

    Quietly, she sat and picked out a fujain.

    I will stay, high priestess, attendant Ceras. She said.

    Good girl. Said Ceras. You are dismissed human. She waived away the high

    priestess. Thelembi watched her leave.

    Well, Theli. I have been doing some checking. You are probably about twenty-

    nine. That puts you at just the right age.

    For what, maam?

    Why, for you to start expressing your natural magic. You must have been guided

    here to have shown up this year.

    How do I use this magic, maam? Can it help me heal Rahli?

    It cannot help what has already died. It cannot heal your brothers flesh. Not

    even the gods can restore that.

    Then what good are they? he demanded.

    I will forgive your question, though you should know that they are worthy of

    your respect.

    I have to bring Rahli here. Youve been kind. I really am not human?

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    Need you ask again? Yes, of course you should bring Rahli here. I have been

    very lonely. Even those who come here to seek her path always leave me. Never in all

    my service has even one daitari come to me from within the city.

    Where do they go? he asked.

    Out. Out of here, long ago. Even the ones that come from elsewhere return to

    wherever they came from. Nobody lingers in this pit. I was chosen among all of us to

    remain so that those who came to this temple seeking the long path of the Servant could

    be guided safely upon it.

    What is this path? Why do they seek it? as soon as he asked, the entire

    sanctuary seemed to hum. Awed by the sheer power he felt coursing through the room,

    he reached out to Ceras, who took his hands. Thanni also clung to Ceras.

    Easy, little one. Your father has asked the right question. Meranna is quite

    anxious that you join me. Theli, you must do so now, but Thanni will have the benefit of

    training for this. She is too young yet, but what you and I are to talk about, she must also

    know. She is learning this for the first time as well. Her voice echoed in his head. As

    for the others, they asked because they, like you, Rahli, Thanni and me, are cursed.

    Ceras said kindly. Thelembi felt the blood drain from his lips.

    Why? was all he could think to say. The priestess frowned.

    I have divined that it was your mothers sin. Your father was not human. There

    was an orgy to Ruex of Anim. Thelembi trembled.

    I was hunted from birth?

    Yes and no. I know what Anim does. You were not supposed to have survived.

    Usually the babies are left at an oasis for animals to devour. That makes you all the more


    You are not going to hand me over

    Dont you dare think that again! Ceras shouted. Thelembi cowered.

    How do you know this?

    Well, I did ask the spies, but I also used divination. I am the oracle of Meranna

    here. said Ceras.

    I am immortal like you?

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    Not yet. You have to walk the long path of the Servant to be like me. That is the

    way that Meranna intended for you.

    So Meranna wants to force herself on me. Thelembi said. Ceras scowled.

    Bite your tongue. Thanni! Recite to him Merannas will! Thanni stood and

    cleared her throat.

    Meranna the most holy mother of magic forces herself upon no man. She is a

    loving companion, aunt, and friend to all who seek her in earnest. It is the law of the

    Maestros that no human shall have taken from him the right of free will. This is one of

    the laws that separates humans from the three. Ceras smiled as Thanni curtsied and sat

    again, more confidently. Ceras patted her on the head in a matronly way.

    You see, it is simple enough for a child to recite. I do not blame you for hating

    the gods, but watch your tongue. She hears you here. She forces herself on no man, not

    even daitari, though because half of your lineage comes from the linyth, she would

    certainly have a right to do so. The choice is yours.

    And if I refuse?

    Then from here forward you will only have about ten years to live, and they will

    not be pleasant. Your brother will also begin to use magic and change as well. I do not

    want that for either of you.

    Well see. Thelembi grumped, folding his arms. Ceras sighed.

    Our scouts have reported that the hunt is gone. Youve been asleep two days

    before the altar. You werent lying when you said he was targeting you. We have spies

    on the surface that say that the Huntmaster family is beside itself trying to appease their

    demons. Dogs are sacred to them, and Cet was very careless this time. The price on your

    head is worth more than the gold that was in your purse. Thelembi cocked his head and


    Yeah, Im the prize around here. He said. I have survived a lot of them.

    Black Manni could tell you. Ceras nodded.

    Its not something to be proud of. Bucera and I had a very long chat about you.

    She is not pleased with you, you know. You abandoned both of them.

    Shes old. . . said Thelembi.

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    And so are you, Thelembi. I am told that thirty is a respectable age for

    Undercity citizens these days. Life here is not what it used to be.

    What else do you know of us?

    More than you know. I know enough to know that unless you begin your path,

    you risk Rahlis life in returning to him. You are still in danger.

    How so?

    Your ability to elude them has gotten the attention of the church of Anim. The

    priestesses of Anim seek you, believing you to be possessed by a spirit of their lady.

    But. . .the hunt is dedicated to Anim. Why cant they just forbid it if they think I

    am a spirit? Ceras set her jaw.

    I hate to speak of her foul practice here in the temple of our blessed Maestro, but

    you must know what has gained interest in you. Anim is a demon, not a goddess. The

    lord who chases you, Huntmaster Cet, is a priest of Anim and a possession of Ruex, her

    immortal consort. He is a demon bred, not a human anymore. Hes an abomination so

    twisted by his fathers sorcery and his own sorcery that he is himself more demon than

    mortal. They will drag you to the surface to be a sacred sacrifice. Its their foul Morim

    festival. You would be the subject of their worship, or you would become a twisted

    construct. Thelembi considered this for a few moments.

    But I would go to the surface. . .

    No Thelembi. If you take that path, you will leave this place, true, but you will

    do so without your brother. Him, they will track down later when they discover your

    lineage. They will certainly make a construct out of him. Thelembi shook his head

    slowly. And Thanni will go into her destiny with the objective of finding and destroying

    you both. But you wont be found until you are hunting down here, a slave of that man-


    But. . .but. . . he stammered, I cannot fight and flee them forever. Ceras


    That is why you should choose the path. You are invited to join Merranas long

    path. . .to become a Servant. If you do, you can stay here, and Anim cannot touch you.

    I didnt come here to join your church. He said, crossing his arms. Ceras


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    Father Thelembi, Meranna is not evil! She saved Aunties life and yours too.

    And mine. Its all right! Ceras raised an eyebrow.

    Your daughter is already well dedicated.

    Because youve trained her from birth.

    Nuh uh, I chose to follow her when I was eight! Ceras barked a laugh.

    Bucera does not follow her, yet she stays with us, though I think that even she is

    considering it after the temple gave off its show for Lord Cet. Like you, she has grown

    up hating the gods, and we have been patient with her.

    So be patient with me. Ceras shook her head.

    I cant. You have very little time left before you start changing. We alone can

    save you that pain. I would rather you stay here and we will send for your brother. We

    will care for him for as long as we can.

    When would that be? the hairs on the back of his neck raised. She gave him a

    piteous look, but said nothing. He answered, for her bitterly.

    So. . . you, too, want to kill him. Ceras set her jaw.

    It would not be our choice, but only to end his suffering. Once, long ago, there

    was a way. People who did not wish to follow the path of the Servant could sail beyond

    the sea. There, amid the mage-wrought pillars of the templeAshakiran, one such as we

    are could choose the path of the Linyth. In that ceremony he could have emerged whole,

    but it was not meant to be your destiny. You and he are citizens of the Undercity, and you

    are trapped here just as surely as any other citizen, even me.

    I will find a way.

    You may try, but the hours are against you. You will soon become a twisted

    horror as well, if you are not destroyed for practicing magic or captured by the Kings

    gods. That is the end result of all of our lives outside the guidance of Meranna.

    He is my brother. Thelembi whined.

    Yes, and I curse that fire for maiming him. It will be very hard, I know, but we

    cannot let him join in the path. It would be too hard for him. Ceras said quietly, her

    voice full of sadness.

    No deal. Let me go. He said stubbornly, and stood. Ceras stood as well, and

    towered over him, blocking his path.

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    You are a selfish boy, do you know that? There are options that we will consider

    before we act with finality, but he must be watched just as closely as you. When the curse

    manifests in you and in him, we will do as we must. He is too damaged to survive on the


    And me? What will become of me?

    You will be a Servant of Merrana just as I am, and as I hope Thanni will choose

    to be. Ceras said, stepping forward. Thanni nodded as if she had already decided You

    will be cleansed of your magic and the process will make you nearly immortal.

    But not Rahli?

    Rahli cannot. It is not his destiny. I cannot read his future, but yours is clear.

    You will choose Meranna.

    No. You are lying. If she really wanted us she would have found us before the

    fire! Before mama had to lose her eyes! It sounds like I should not have even been

    born! Thelembi stamped his feet. I am tired of this. I hate the gods, even her!

    I do not lie! Ceras shouted. Her voice cut into his mind, and he was driven to

    his knees with the power of it. It seemed to shake the temple itself. There is always a

    choice. I may have seen only the path for you that I desired, that is true, but it is there.

    Not Rahli. Him I cannot see at all. That you could possibly choose is significant to me!

    Trust me it is better if you do!

    Why? Thelembi demanded, trying to lift his head to face her, but something

    kept him prostrate.

    Unless you are dedicated to Meranna, we cannot risk you being corrupted, and

    using the magic for evil purposes. We will kill you if you fall to Anim or Thrass.

    And if I refuse? he asked, feeling trapped. Will you kill me now? instantly

    the pressure on his body released. He stood defiantly, but still trembled in fear.

    No. You may refuse for a while yet, but the time will come when the curse

    inside you manifests on its own. When that happens you will understand why Merannas

    path is so vital to you.

    I wish I had never come here. He said weakly. Hearing that, Thanni looked

    absolutely devastated. Her eyes filled with tears. No wait! Thelembi said, looking at

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    her. Wait, I didnt mean This time Ceras did put a hand on Thanni to keep her from


    I am surprised at you, Thelembi. She said scornfully. Thelembi felt absolutely

    miserable. He looked over at his daughter, who was quietly sobbing. He reached out to

    her instinctively, but she shrunk against Ceras.

    I didnt mean it like that. Thanni. . .Lady. I am glad I know she is alive still.

    You could have eternity with her, you know. You abandoned her when you did

    not come back. If you decide to join us, you could get to know her over the long years. . .

    Or, you could go, and abandon her again.

    I. . .I dont believe you. I want to go. Ill come back to see her! Ceras sighed,

    putting her hand on his bony shoulder.

    You may, if that is your choice. Said Ceras, But just know that soon the hunt

    of Anim will come for you, if her priestesses dont find you first. Only Meranna can

    offer you protection. These halls will never be closed to you, but we will pray that you

    decide to join us.

    I must think on it. He said, hoping they would accept that. Ceras frowned.

    That is fair enough, but please remember that you are not fully human,

    Thelembi. Only by choosing the path can you be safe.

    I am not cursed. He set his jaw. Ceras shook her head, sadly.

    Dont be so foolishly stubborn, you know I do not lie to you.

    But what will happen?

    We will tell you more as you grow. There are secrets shared among those on the

    path, but you must choose it first.

    Not without Rahli. He said, crossing his arms. Ceras shook her head.

    I told you we cannot accept him. said Ceras. He would only suffer if he was

    allowed the path. Think about him, Theli. Would you wish to be granted eternity in a

    broken body? Would you force that fate upon him?

    I dont really have a choice, do I? He asked sadly, feeling trapped.

    Yes, there is always a choice. Ceras said, suddenly looking very tired. I have

    already said too much. She took his hand, which he grudgingly allowed, but only

    because she began to walk him out.

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    All the way through the temple, the priestesses and women of the temple stopped

    their activity to watch them pass. He could feel their eyes boring into him, and glanced at

    them to find them whispering to each other. Once he was safely standing against the

    narrow tunnel leading outside, Ceras gave him a stern look.

    You always have a choice, but I wish to make it easy for you. She said. Just

    like a mother, right?

    You. . .but I have to care for Rahli.

    Talk it over with him. That is all I ask.

    I might.

    You must. I feel that the time is very near when your magic will manifest.

    Please understand that it is the only way to avoid the suffering you will endure. Just

    think on it as an adult, that is all we ask for now.

    I dont make promises. Thelembi growled. Ceras sighed, clearly frustrated.

    Very well Thelembi, if you do decide, we will do our best to find a solution for

    Rahli. Thelembis eyes went wide.

    On the other side, she handed him a bundle of fresh clothes and a bag that was

    several times heavier and larger than his pouch. It was filled with coins, water, food, and

    items that could be readily fenced. Cerass face was carefully guarded. Her voice was

    strictly official

    This will aid you. We have exchanged your prize. Go, and take care of Rahli.

    What? My. . .prize? Thelembi asked.

    She chewed on her lip before helping him put the pack on his back, but said

    nothing about it. We want you to live, Thelembi. Nothing else in this world wants that

    of you. Please, as you think on this, do not forget Thanni. Dont throw your life away to


    But what of other gods like Meranna?

    Only Lord Sorrith would take you. He also accepts those of our kind, and so

    would Lord Asair for a season or two longer because you are twins, but Lord Asairs

    priests in F district will still return you to us or to Lord Sorrith once your magic

    manifests. As for becoming Sorriths chosen, they are all. . . she shuddered. You do

    not want to go there, though that may be a path for Rahli. His Enlisted. . .

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    I have heard the legends of C district. he said quietly. Im not sure I believe

    you, but I said I will think on it. From what you say, it doesnt matter if I go to Meranna

    or to Anim or Sorrith, Rahli will die any way. She looked at him helplessly.

    You must not see it that way. If you choose Anim, you will be destroyed! There

    are things worse than death--

    Yeah, like living without my brother. I will find another way. I will not let Rahli

    be murdered. He said, turning his back to her. The way I see it, all the gods share the

    same philosophythe weak and injured will die. But you are wrong, Rahli is not weak.

    He adjusted the pack she had given him and raced off into the labyrinthine streets.

    Chapter 5:

    Thelembis only thought as he neared the crumbling, abandoned structure he

    called home was of Rahli, his identical twin. They had seldom been apart for more than a

    day, and he knew that Rahli would be beside himself with worry. He couldnt get around

    like other boys.

    When they were very young, they were caught in a riot that set fire to their home

    and killed their stepmother. Thelembi was fine, but Rahlis legs were crushed. He

    remembered pulling Rahli out from under the beam and seeing his legs separate from his

    body. The fire had cauterized the wounds, and so he had lived. A priestess of Lemari,

    providing care after the blaze, had cut off the dead tissue and stitched up the remnants.

    He had healed without a scar, but his skin had somehow melted instead of burning so that

    he appeared to be a misshapen horror of sagging skin with hands twisted by the fire into

    nearly useless claws.

    After the fire, they were alone on the streets. Thelembi swore to protect his

    brother. He fashioned a sling that Rahli could ride in, and carted him on his back. Thus,

    the urchins dubbed him The Porter, even as they mocked Rahli for always being carried

    by naming him The Prince.

    Thelembi never minded. Without Rahli he would be alone, and being alone on

    the streets of B district was a death sentence. He pushed open the door of the crumbling

    building and entered the ruins he called home. The smell of human urine and feces

    washed over him and he gagged after being in the clean, fresh smelling temple.

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    It was a three story building, but the top two floors had caved in, leaving only the

    walls standing. Every few years, the bosses would chase away the squatters and rebuild

    houses like these for outrageous rents. For now though, it was his home. Thelembi had

    managed to chase off other squatters while he was there, but he was never there long. It

    was time to move on, especially in light of what he had learned.

    Theli! cried the normally quiet voice of Rahli from the pile of filthy rags he

    slept on. Thelembi set the pack on the dusty floor and rushed to Rahli. Rahli had been

    reading again. His most recent book was thrown up against the wall. What did you do

    to yourself? You are clean!

    What is it? he asked, pointing at the book. Rahli shrugged, squinting at the

    squiggles and pictures.

    It was donated to me yesterday. I crawled out to the market square to beg, and

    this woman dropped it in my basket. I think it just fell out of her pocket. She looked

    really religious and this is really valuable. It is a book of prayers and poems.

    Does it have anything about Anim? Thelembi asked. Rahlis eyes grew wide.

    How did you know? This whole books about her! He pushed aside his rags

    and picked up the tattered book. He showed Thelembi a page of neat squiggles and

    symbols with a picture of a creature he had never seen. Rahli had been able to decipher

    the writing, but Thelembi had never figured it out. What interested him was the picture

    on the page next to the writing. It was a six limbed, fuzzy carnivore with huge ears, a

    bushy tail, and wings that were too thin and fragile for flight chasing a tiny mouse, while

    being chased by a hound, which was in turn pursued by a human, who was silhouetted

    with the holy symbol of Anim.

    Ahem. Praise to Anim, beautiful goddess! She who designed the trembling

    Morim in its hole and the baying hound that chases her. . . Theli scowled. Rahli



    That is a hunt. He said pointing at the pictures. Rahli nodded.

    Yes, yes, the Morim hunt is her most sacred activity according to this.

    She is after me. . .

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    Oh gods,A hunt? The hunt? Rahlis voice pitched with fear. He dropped the

    book as if it had burned him. You were the one the hunt was after? Theli nodded. No

    wonder you havent come home.

    The priestesses of Meranna told me. I have been there, in hiding. He said.

    Rahli dropped his book.

    No. . .but thats impossible! You got to see all those women without me? Theli

    tugged at his braid.

    I didnt have much of a choice. I had to use the Dust and the dogs sneezed. The

    temple was the nearest refuge.

    Then I suggest that you ignore what they said. They are priestesses, simply

    taking advantage of you because you were on Dust. Why do you worry? We have never

    worshipped the gods any more than we have given in to the crime bosses. Why start

    now? Theli took a deep breath. He didnt want to tell him exactly what he had learned,

    even about his daughter.

    Anim wants me dead or alive. I think we have tempted fate one too many times.

    Now, Meranna wants me too.

    Wow. What are we going to do? he said, closing the book.

    We are going to leave B. Rahlis jaw dropped.

    You cant be serious! How?

    We cant stay here. Reaching in the pack, he pulled out a long tunic and cord

    and threw another tunic to Rahli. Rahli grinned in surprise.

    Theyre clean and whole! he cried, stripping off his own filthy rags. Were

    like lords! He stuck out his chest. The cream colored tunic stood out bright against his

    filthy skin. What did you say to them? What else is in there? Theli grinned.

    Aw. . .I came in there and they couldnt resist me. He ginned, They didnt

    want to let me go, but they sent me home with food and fenced my loot. You wouldnt

    believe what I got. . . he began pulling things out of the bag. Rahlis eyes got wider with

    each item that came out.

    As Thelembi mentally appraised the things he pulled out, he realized that there

    was more worth here than the twenty gold crowns. They had given him rings and baubles

    that could easily be strung and carried without detection under a tunic, but either the

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    priestesses knew nothing of market value, they were setting him up as a temple thief, or

    they were trying to win him with material goods, because the total appraisal was at least

    twice the worth of those coins. Rahli, who was better at figuring and appraising, could

    not believe the items in front of him. He found his pouch in the bag as well, buried deep

    and full to bursting with copper and silver pieces. Carefully, he divided the coins into

    Rahlis pouch and rolled the rest of it up into the robe.

    Wow. . .with this we could buy a house on the street of tears! Wed be set for

    life! said Rahli. Thelembi shook his head.

    Thats the last thing we want. He said quietly. Rahli, they would hunt us

    anywhere in B, even through the inner wall.

    Rahli paused and then nodded. The street of tears was the street next to the Purple

    Gate. The colored gates were the exits out of the undercity from each district. In B, it

    was the only place where there was a semblance of law, but that was only because the

    guards at the Purple Gate upheld most of the laws of the surface. The inhabitants of the

    street of Tears were mostly rich citizens of the Undercity.

    No. Thelembi set his jaw. Were going to string these and leave through the

    outer gate.

    But our contacts, our legend. . .we will be unknown in A or C or. . .

    Not C, Rahli, A only. We are rich enough to pay our way through all the gates

    and still live like princes in D.

    Yeah, but C would be the cheaper route to D, if that is where you want to go. We

    can fight through.

    Maybe. But with this much money, there is no point in risking it. Why fight the

    ghilan when we could peacefully and innocently migrate?

    Yeah, but we had always planned for C district.

    No. Thelembi said with finality. Rahli sighed.

    When they had distributed their loot, Rahli climbed into his sling, grabbed the

    bag, which contained only their clothes, and Thelembi hoisted his brother onto his back.

    They left the crumbling ruin, knowing that neither would ever return to it. Just as he left

    he buried a silver piece in the dust. It was a superstition, but such a coin had been in

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    there when he found the place. It was customary to leave a coin behind for the next

    squatter if possible. It was considered good luck.

    Thelembi hustled through the streets toward Broad, the richest street in the

    district. Being in the clean temple had alerted him to the stink of Rahli. He needed to get

    him clean. Broad was the only place where there were bath houses, the most expensive

    places in Undercity, which catered to the bosses and the visitors. He selected one that

    looked relatively empty.

    There, after paying the exorbitant fee--not only for the bath, but for silence, he let

    the attendants haul Rahli into the bath of his life. The blind attendants scrubbed Rahli

    roughly. Thelembi allowed himself to be bathed again, but carefully watched his brother

    and the people around him.

    Thelembi had reason to hate the bath house. Looking at the blind workers

    reminded him of the woman that raised him. She had given her own eyes in return for

    this job, and it had cost her life in the fire.

    When Rahli was clean, they lounged in the bath house, reclining and dreaming as

    the attendants massaged the knots out of their young muscles. They no longer stank like

    the streets and their skin and hair could be easily mistaken for a lords features.

    Lounging in the safety of the bath house, he had the freedom to plan their escape.

    It seemed to him that perhaps it would be best to wait and scout out the gate a little before

    moving on. He had not paid attention to rumors from the other districts, but now they

    seemed important to him. If he planned it right, he could make to D district, paying

    guards around the wheel of Undercity back through A, F, and E. He wanted to avoid C

    entirely. The guards at C gate let anyone pass into the district for free, but it took a favor

    from the Bosses in C to get out, and he was not sure that the bosses of C were even living


    It was not by accident what C was accursed in the Undercity. He had only heard

    rumors, but everyone growing up in the Undercity knew that C was crawling with cursed

    undead nightmares. C district was a place where not only did the undead reign, but the

    true scum of the Undercity crawled. There, the mass murderers and the insane mingled

    freely with the horrors from beyond the pale. That was where they sent them, hoping for

    their deaths.

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    Rumors and horror stories of C filled the minds of Undercity youth and terrified

    the children and adults of the surface. C was where convicted criminals of the surface

    were sent for execution. C was where the undead of Sorrith and the undead of Thrass and

    Ixah prowled the streets. Even the hunt of Anim feared to go there, but then, so did

    Thelembi. He had heard that the reason the gates were free to enter the C district was

    that the monsters that dwelled on the other side took the fee in blood. He dozed, thinking

    of ways to escape, knowing that Rahli would watch while he slept.

    Theli, get up. Theyre asking for more. Rahli was poking Thelembi in the ribs.

    This is not an inn, citizen, you cant sleep here. If you desire, we can find

    accommodation for you, perhaps send word to your parents. . . the bath house owner

    scowled at him. Thelembi sand Rahli both scowled back.

    We have no parents, citizen. We lost them in a fire a while back. Rahli

    growled. Who are you to dare bring up a sensitive subject?

    I am Talcha, the bathmaster and proprietor. He said with small pride. Thelembi

    held up a hand to silence Rahli.

    Ah, citizen Talcha. Thank you for waking me. I hadnt intended on dozing, but

    your comforts eased my mind. I do not trust the inns. Im sure you understand.

    Talchas eyes went wide and he nodded. But you are right; I think we will be going.

    Thelembi got up, rubbing his eyes. The man put his hand on Thelembis arm. He leaned

    in quietly.

    It is not seemly for a citizen with such. . .assets. . .to be carting that one like a

    street urchin. Thelembi bristled.

    Watch yourself merchant. He is my brother, my twin. Talcha licked his thin

    lips. Truthfully, we. . .we are returning to the temple of Asair. He lied. The shocked

    gasp from Talcha and the attendants warned Thelembi that he had said either the right

    thing or the wrong thing, but at least a significant thing. The blank looks on everyones

    faces were unreadable. Rahli looked at his brother in amazement.

    That is right. We were told to take a message to the temple of Meranna, and now

    we are going back. Rahli added. Thelembi looked at Rahli, who smiled.

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    Of. . .of course, how could I mistake. . .it is just that. . .if you but give me a few

    silvers, I could procure a cart for you, priests of Asair. Or for him. . . a slave to haul him

    wherever he desires. He looked at Rahli nervously. Thelembi frowned.

    It would only be a fleeting freedom. Give me his sling. The man bowed,

    trembling. Anims hunt was not spoken of lightly.

    Of course you are correct, priest. I did not mean to intrude.

    Stuff it merchant. Bring me his sling. I have had my fill of this place. Talcha

    gave Thelembi a sly smile.

    Our seamstresses have repaired your sling; you may have it returned for a gold


    A full copper, and be glad I dont beat you for stealing it. Thelembi frowned.

    But the thread is of silk. . .

    Impossible. I dont believe you. Talcha snapped his fingers and a pair of ugly

    crones came out, bearing the sling. It had been cleaned and repaired and the threads were

    indeed silken.

    Who do you work for? Thelembi growled, threatening him. He cowered, his

    eyes darting to the barber.

    This. . .you dare not threaten me, this is a watering hole! I. . .I work in the

    interest of Lord Cet and Boss Yalim. He said. I thought you knew; its on the water

    rights license. He pointed to a piece of parchment on the wall. Thelembi made a show

    of inspecting the squiggles. He could not read them, but he understood the sly way of

    Boss Yalim, the de facto mayor of B district.

    Lord Cets name, however, panicked him. He hadnt known that boss Yalim was

    Lord Cets pet, but he knew what Watering Hole meant. Everyone knew that a

    Watering Hole was a place where the hunter and the hunted could be seen together. It

    meant that the place was holy to Anim and by law, death was forbidden.

    He barked a grim laugh, realizing that he had made it into one of Anims shrines.

    He had to get out, fast. The guard serving as a barber might not know him, but others in

    this place could potentially put him in danger, if he wasnt already in a trap.

    Straightening, he stuck out his bony, undernourished chest and stared at Talcha, who


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    Give us what is ours! I will maim you if you dont return it. Thelembi

    bellowed, but his high pitched voice didnt carry like he had hoped. The blind attendants

    flinched, but Talcha didnt seem to mind.

    Ah heh. . .young priest. Yours? Shall we ask the guard what he thinks of your

    ownership of the thing, especially after we have put such fine work into making it worthy

    to hold a priest. He nodded his head to the guard, who was calmly watching the

    transaction. Thelembi and Rahli both chuckled. They knew better.

    He doesnt care. If he is a guard, then he will follow the tenet of Anim and you

    know it. He is a person. You and I are nothing to him. I think he would rather like to see

    me maim you. Talcha paled.

    But the thread. . .

    Thank you for repairing it with such finery. We will tell Boss Yalim that his gift

    to Asair on your behalf was lovely. Now Talcha backed up, working his jaw silently.

    Citizens were not allowed to donate to the Maestros churches according to the Kings

    law. Thelembi grinned confidently, believing it had worked. Then, the mans eyes went

    cold as he clenched his jaw.

    Smash it! he commanded the ladies.

    NO! Rahli and Thelembi both yelled. Thelembi acted before he thought and

    tackled the man, driving him to the floor. The man tucked so that his back, not his head,

    was the first to impact. He kicked his legs into Thelembis stomach and pushed him off,

    throwing Thelembi into the seamstresses. The sling flew out of their hands and skidded

    across the floor. Rahli was quick to drag himself to it, holding it tight. Thelembi rolled,

    leaping to his feet, and attacked again, but Talcha was ready; he countered his blows

    strike for strike. The man was not as experienced, but he had height and weight on

    Thelembi. He backed off, circling the man.

    I will be going to Boss Yalim immediately. Talcha bragged, suddenly not as

    simpering as he first seemed. You seem to be in a hurry to leave, young priests. Why

    dont you stay for lord Cet? Thelembi sneered, glancing back at the guard and the

    attendants. He was not worried. The guard had a cruel smirk on his face and the

    attendants stood very still. Since they were blind, they were unable to capture Rahli

    without risking a fall into the tiled bath. He was safe. Thelembi flexed his shoulders,

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    built up from years of carrying Rahli. He lowered his head and looked at Talcha under

    his brows.

    You are stupid. If you knew Boss Yalim or Lord Cet you would know that this

    would only amuse him. Describe us to him when we leave. I bet that he will be amused

    by it. This was a dangerous bluff. He had to stop the man from leaving for a long while

    and convince the man that Thelembi was nobody to mess with.

    With a bold, swift move, intended to take the man off his feet, he ducked under

    the mans arms and grabbed, aiming for the mans knees. He wanted to knock the man

    into the water, but the man tried to balance, bracing himself. With a crunch, his right

    knee buckled and Talcha crumpled to the floor, howling in pain. Calmly, forcing himself

    to be quiet, Thelembi got up and stepped on his neck. At that, the guard stirred, ready to


    I will pay you a silver piece for the repair, and Ill give you another if you give

    Lord Cet a message. That is my final offer. Blink if you agree. He put pressure down

    on the mans trachea. The man blinked. Thelembi backed off. The man sat, looking at

    his ruined leg. He would not meet Thelembis eyes. Thelembi wiped off a trail of blood

    from his mouth and nose and stood, still ready to fight. The guard was smirking,

    obviously amused and no longer ready to kill anything. One of the crones had fled, but

    the other, the thinner of the two, watched with a wary, appraising expression. This

    stunned Thelembi. Why was she sizing him like a slave at the market?

    Indeed. . .as my young priest wishes. . . said Talcha, defeated, But lord Cet has

    never spoken of you. May I have the pleasure of the young priests name?

    No. Fetch my brother the means to write a note. He said, acting like a boss.

    The man snapped his fingers and a piece of hide and a feather with a vial of red ink were

    placed before Rahli.

    Write a note telling Lord Cet who has come to his little. . .watering hole. He

    looked at Talcha, who was wringing his hands.

    I hope the young master is not an enemy. . .

    Huh. Thelembi grunted.

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    Lord Cet still considers us as the Morim. Rahli said lightly as he scribbled

    something into the hide. At that, both the guard and the crone chuckled. Rahlis brilliant

    comeback gave Thelembi time to recover.

    Well not reveal our name to the likes of you, but were sure youve heard him

    speak them. Everything he needs to know is in that letter. He tossed two silver coins at

    the mans feet and gathered Rahli and all their belongings. Confidently, he walked past

    the guard and out onto the street.

    What did you put in that letter? Thelembi asked when they were safely away.

    Just what you said, he shrugged, And I added the poem of the Morim in the

    letter to stick in his craw. I remembered it from the book. I couldnt understand most of

    it, but that morim creature sure seems to be a crafty beast to eternally escape hounds.

    Just like you.

    I dont know about that. I almost didnt, last time. You are so clever.

    Not as cunning as you Theli. Were priests of Asair? That was sheer genius!

    We will have to remember that excuse for the gate guards. I hope they dont require

    papers. How did you know about Asair?

    The priestess told me that he accepts twins. Said Thelembi. We might seek

    refuge there while we are in F.

    Where to now?

    Oh, I want to go scout the best way out of here. He said, pausing to check

    around the corner for potential threat.

    Chapter 6:

    Lord Cet rode through the streets of B district, paying no mind to the offal that

    passed for humans peeking at him from the crumbling structures. There was only one of

    these stinking creatures he wanted, and he had to get to him before the priestesses got

    their claws on him. They were down here too, now. He had tried to explain to them that

    he was a cunning creature, not possessed, hardly worth the merit of the priestess

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    attention, but they would not be dissuaded from their notion. That made life more

    difficult for him. That made the chase all the more fun.

    It had cost him a great deal to change his hunt plans. Thelembi the Porter was a

    prize, to be sure, but the damn priestesses ruined the hunt. Secretly, he had hoped to be

    chasing the whelp for another few years. The boy was strange; he never seemed to grow

    much in all the years he had given chase to him. He knew the boy had to be the age of a

    man in the Undercity, a man of late middle age, in fact, but he did not look it. He

    appeared no older than fifteen, with the features of a lord under all the grime of

    Undercity. No wonder the priestesses who had spied on him were worried about him

    being a spirit or a possessed one, already a holy child of the Kings pantheon. Well, it

    would not be long now. All the hunts before had been sport. Usually, Affluent people of

    Arynstar could pay money to be guided down here and hunt the urchins. Sometimes it

    was fun, sometimes it was a slaughter, but there was always poetry in it. Today, he

    hunted for the Goddess alone.

    At the last hunt, his flesh and blood hounds had caught his scent and gone after

    him, but had lost him in the alley behind the slaughterhouse. Somehow the brat had

    drugged the dogs in the pursuit, though he had seen the boy only once in the whole hunt.

    They had concluded the hunt with a disappointing slaughter, in which he had composed a

    crude poem about the wounded Jendir losing the choicest meat and having to settle for

    carrion. He lost half of his pack to Dust poisoning and the remnant to Merannas magic,

    but it had been worth it. He had been close, he knew it. The boy had more hiding places

    than a Morim in a sand dune and he moved around the district so often that all of the

    streets were coated with his stink.

    This time, as the servant of Ruex, he was required to track the boy down as a

    prize. As a sorcerer, and the son of a sorcerer, he had little choice when it came to the

    church of Anim, of which Ruex was a part. As a demon bred, he was born without skin,

    but with the unholy magic to accept the skin of other creatures as a cover. It was a

    sorcery that had been done to him during his birth in accordance with an ancient family

    rite, which demanded that the first son in each family be tainted in this way to maintain

    the familys power and standing with the church.

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    It had taken him a month to get it settled, but now, the skin he wore was as tight

    across his form as if it were his natural hide. This time it was dog skin. He had tried to

    bring back human skin, but the priestesses had burned it in front of him and patched on

    the rough hide of a dog to punish him for losing his pack. He had gotten as greedy as his

    dogs in the last chase, and it had cost him dearly. The immortal Ruex, the source of his

    magic, was not happy.

    Ruex had commanded him to capture Thelembi alive. Ruex wanted his soul for

    the Forged Company, the constructs that were crafted for use as guardians and beasts of

    war in the army and slaves of the inquisition. Souls worthy enough to be captured for the

    constructs had to be among the craftiest, most cunning, and strongest of his prey if they

    were to survive the forging process.

    Even though Thelembi the Porter was barely human by his estimation, he had to

    admit that the boy fulfilled the requirements. It was such a pity. He believed that the boy

    had not yet reached his potential, but the will of the church held him. If he caught him

    today, the magic would seal him as he was, and the boy would never reach the height if

    his cunning. The priests would not listen and agree to wait, and he hated that. He had

    protested it and they had threatened him. They refused to let the priestesses get to him


    That was why the priestesses ruined it. They wanted him as a consort to Anim

    herself. A human consort was blessed to be the sacred Morim in human form, the prey

    who was both hunter and hunted. The priestesses knew from witnessing the hunts that

    Thelembi was a prize worthy enough for the honor of the ritual. If they caught him there

    would be no soul for the Company, and he would have to instead bow to his former prey

    as Thelembi became a sacred consort, a creature imprinted with the sign, essence, and

    seal of Anim herself until the annual tribute. If it wasnt for the fact that he was bound to

    Ruex, he would have agreed with the priestesses.

    It was now a race between the two possibilities and all of the high priests and

    priestesses watched, waiting to see the outcome. He neared the Watering Hole bath

    house, his personal favorite in Undercity. Here, he could focus his mind and prepare for

    the long hunt. Beside him, a dog shaped construct followed his every step. It had been

    granted to him by the church for this special hunt. It could track like no living hound

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    could. Somewhere inside that construct, forged into the very clockwork of the unnatural

    beast, was a human soul with all its own memories and cunning. The simpering citizen

    owner of the house waited for him at the door, bowing and scraping, though wounded.

    Something in the last two weeks had broken his leg.

    Talcha, have you prepared my bath? I wish to be clean so that my prey does not

    scent me. The bath master limped away to tend to it personally. Soon, they led him

    back into his personal bath, where he sank in, commanding his muscles to let go of their


    His construct watched him, and he knew it was remembering and agonizing. He

    smiled at it, torturing its memory. This was its first hunt. Its soul still remembered that it

    was once human, and in its eyes the flames of the pyre on which its former body had

    been burned still blazed. It would kill him if it dared, but it was bound to obey him, no

    matter how cruelly he treated it. The ritual of bathing was a mere formality, used only

    when hunting a human. B district stank so badly that it was a wonder that these people

    had a sense of smell at all.

    Unless he was badly mistaken about the boys humanity, it would not matter.

    Resting with his eyes closed, he heard the patter of quiet feet and the rustle of hide on

    stone. He opened an eye. A small note was folded and laying at his elbow. He opened it:

    To the stinking Lord Cet:

    Your watering hole was pleasant. My brother and I enjoyed it. Thank you for

    allowing it to be a refuge for us.

    The Morims ears prick for the coming hound.

    He drinks by Asairs light, ever wary, ever watching.

    He hears the mouse in the dry grass, his meal for the coming night.

    His holes are many, his trails covered.

    Anim, his lover, watches, the author of the chase,

    But the Morim will not be caught

    His ears hear the steps of the hound,

    And he will forever be free

    Praise to Anim.

    --Thelembi the Porter

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    Lord Cet stood up in the bath and laughed. He tossed the note to the hound,

    which read it, sniffed it, and howled in its unnatural way. It knew the scent of its prey.

    All of the servitors cowered at the sound.

    So! The boy has discovered the book of Prayers! Ha! Cet carefully picked up

    and folded the parchment, wondering where the boy learned to read. That the poem was

    in there demonstrated that the boy, too, was learning about the worship of Anim on his

    own. Well, well. So he knows its but a game. How lovely. I wonder if he understands

    the meaning of that poem. He mused, How appropriate. How refreshing. If the boy

    also thought of it as a game then it would be all the easier to indoctrinate him to either

    path. He shouted for Talcha, who came, practically crawling on his belly.

    Citizen! Who gave this to you?

    Ah. . .nothing of importance sir. It was only two young citizens, sir. . .wealthy.

    They looked to be children of the bosses or bastards of lords. One was whole, the other

    maimed, but the injuries were not recent. They bought their silence. They said they

    knew you

    And so they do, so they do. He mumbled, scratching his chin. They

    apparently know me very well. He grabbed the man by his throat and squeezed, and the

    man wet himself in his terror. You did not know them by sight? You let Thelembi the

    Porter in and out as if he were a common citizen!

    There are many maimed citizens here! How was I to know it was the legendary

    Thelembi and his brother? I have never seen them before in my life sir! These were not

    common like the rumors say. They were well dressed and rich, not urchins! I thought. .

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