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March 18, 2012 Volume 49, Number 6

World-wide FellowshipOur group of 24 who just returned from Israel had an extraordinary time. Wordssuch as “outstanding” and “perfect” were used frequently to describe our trip.

One reason for this was our competent guide, Hillel Kessler. Hillel was born in Ohio andwhen he was in his early 20s he traveled to Israel for a three-week trip. While there hemet his wife to be and has continued living his life in Jerusalem where they both serve astour guides. They have four sons all who have or are serving in the Israeli military.Through his eyes you could clearly see the stress that goes with living in Israel, but hedeals with the tension with great wisdom in which he understands Israel’s place in thatregion and even the viewpoints of opposing factions. He is a lover of peace.

While in Israel we visited all the holy sites: the Church of Annunciation inNazareth, the city of Cana where Jesus performed his first miracle, the Jordan River whereJohn baptized Jesus and where we reaffirmed our baptism. We went to the Mount ofBeatitudes and the village Capernaum where Jesus began his ministry. We rode a boatacross the Sea of Galilee where Jesus walked on the water and calmed the sea and we atePeter’s fish, a fresh water tilapia. We visited the ruins of ancient cities where archeologisthave done excavations so they could tell us how ancient people lived. We prayed at theWailing Wall and at the Pool of Bethsaida. We visited the place of Jesus’s birth and thesite where it is believed the angels appeared to the shepherds. We visited Jericho, theoldest city in the world, and stood on a mountain to view the wilderness in which it isbelieved Jesus was tempted. We visited the Mount of Olives and Garden of Gethsemane.We walked the Via Delorosa, the path where Jesus carried the cross, and concluded ourtime at Golgotha and the Garden Tomb where we celebrated Holy Communion.

In every place we read scripture, prayed and sang hymns. We could feel the spiritof Jesus in every spot and were moved to the depth of our being.

One thing that was evident was the universality of Christianity. All around us atevery place were Christians in small groups reading the Bible, praying, and singing hymnsin a variety of languages from around the world. Truly we are a world-wide fellowship ofdisciples of Jesus Christ. That was to me the best part.

If you get a chance to go don’t hesitate. Make it a priority. Most of us agreed wewish we had gone many years ago.

In Faith, Michael Guffee

ENTERJERUSALEMAn interactive Lentenexperience. Sunday, March 25 4:00-5:30 p.m.Dunn-Smith Center

Join us as we enter thecity with palm branchesand visit craft/activitystations which remindus of significant eventsand places relevant to Holy Week. Registration information,contact Sam Apple [email protected]. Register bySunday, March 18. A donation of $5 perfamily is requested.This donation may be made the day of theevent to the “moneychangers” at the temple.

MASS IN GWarm your heart andstir your spirit.Sunday, March 25 8:45 & 11:00 a.m.Sanctuary

The Chancel Choir andchamber orchestra present Franz Schubert’s,Mass in G.


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You’re Invited SundayMarch 18 & 25

CR=Conference Room WH=Wesley PH=Player Hall

Adult Sunday SchoolJoin us at 9:45 a.m.

Acts 2:21 (Bruner221): “I Invite You Into My Presence: He Chose the Nails, Max Lucado”Chapel Bible Study-Not a Sunday School Class (Chapel)Commitment (Knox205): “Bad Girl of the Bible”Project: Children’s Consignment Sales, March 18-23Social: Family Social, March 24Foundation (Knox208)Genesis (Knox214): 18th: Edwin Martin, 25th: Dan PruittGeorge Huggins (Knox209)Good Will (Bruner223)Growing Disciples (Knox201)JOY (Bruner220): “Book of Romans,” Harvey AllenNew Beginnings (Knox204): Politics in Religion; Part 2,” Steve CarterNew Generation (Bruner224): 18th: “C.S. Lewis,” Jeanne Stiglbauer25th: “Buddhism,” Hal FrenchWesley Fellowship (WH): “The Wedding in Cana,” Dan Pruitt

Lenten Sermon Series: A Journey to Hope

8:45 a.m. WorshipSERMON 18th: “Coffee, Shoes, and Ice Cream,” Rev. Julie Songer BelmanSCRIPTURE: Mark 14:32-40MUSIC: Chancel Choir25th: “Mass in G” presented by the Chancel Choir Acolytes 18th: Nancy Welch Graf, Katherine Kristinik

25th: Frazier Reynolds, Davis LathamUshers 18th: John Hays 25th: Bubba HughesAmbassadors 18th: Joy Stone 25th: Martha Sanders

11:00 a.m. WorshipSERMON 18th: “Praying When We Are Tired and Anxious,” Dr. Michael GuffeeSCRIPTURE: Mark 14:32-40MUSIC: Chancel Choir25th: “Mass in G” presented by the Chancel Choir

Acolytes 18th: Elizabeth Haas, Katharyn Taylor25th: Elie Brantley, Edward Brantley

Ushers 18th: Bill Deemer 25th: Richard BealeAmbassadors 18th: Charlie/Debra Rountree 25th: Wesley Few

11:05 a.m. LifeLine ServiceSERMON 18th: “Praying When We Are Tired and Anxious,” Dr. Michael GuffeeSCRIPTURE: Mark 14:32-40MUSIC: LifeLine BandSERMON 25th: Dr. Michael Guffee

Nursery Opens at 8:30 a.m.March 18 March 258:45 a.m. worship

Crib Dargan Davis StaffToddler Lauren/Montague Jennifer/Michael

Laffitte RiceTwo-year-olds Staff StaffThree-year-olds Patrick/Shannon Sally Sue Brown


11:00 a.m. and 11:05 a.m. worship Crib Cristy/David Marshall Stephanie BridgersToddler Brian/Mandie Ingram Katherine/Stephen

DraffinTwo-year-olds Rob/Casey Peele Frank/Patty LundyThree-year-olds Julie Benoit Allison/Jeff Crane

Coming up At ShandonSundays: 8:45, 11:00 & 11:05 Worship; 9:45 Sunday SchoolSUNDAY, MARCH 18 John 3:14-219:50 New Member/Inquirer Session - CR3:00 Consignment Sale Receiving - Gym4:00 Disciple I - Knox 2095:00 Cub Scout Den - DuBose 2035:00 MYF - Youth Zone5:00 Bear Den - DuBose 2026:00 GAP: Graduates & Professional - ParlorMONDAY, MARCH 19 J0hn 8:21-309:00 Consignment Sale Receiving - Gym4:00 Consignment Sale Receiving - Gym5:30 Wesley Ringers - Bruner 2015:30 Finance Committee - Bruner 2166:30 Christian Believer Course - Knox 2096:30 Gospel of John - Knox 214TUESDAY, MARCH 20 John 8:31-389:00 Consignment Sale Receiving - Gym12:30 Lunch Bunch - PH (Lunch Bunch Activities: 10:00 PH)4:00 Memorial Committee - CR5:00 UMW Ad Hoc Committee - Bruner 2165:00 Consignment Pre Sale - Gym6:00 Staff Parish Relations Committee- CR6:30 Faith Meets Faith - PHWEDNESDAY, MARCH 21 John 9:1-77:00 Bovotions (Senior Highs) - Bojangles on Devine9:00 Consignment Sale - Gym9:00 Disciple I - Knox 20912:30 Care Team Meeting - CR4:30 Faith Players - Parlo5:00 Consignment Sale - Gym5:15 Wednesday Manna - Gym5:45 Financial Peace - Knox 2096:00 Children’s Choirs, Trackers, Synago - See Back Cover6:00 Church Council - WH7:00 Pack 37 Meeting - Gym7:00 Boy Scouts - Jamey McCue Room7:00 Cub Scout Wolf Den - DuBose 2027:15 Chancel Choir Rehearsal - Bruner 206THURSDAY, MARCH 22 John 10:1-67:00 Bovotions (Junior Highs) - Bojangles on Devine9:00 Consignment Sale - Gym9:30 The Case for Christ - Knox 20910:00 Women’s Study - Parlor5:00 Consignment Sale - Gym6:00 Joint Church Task Force - CRFRIDAY, MARCH 23 John 11:55-12:88:00 Consignment Sale Pickup - GymSATURDAY, MARCH 24 John 12:9-1910:00 Zumba - WH

SUNDAY, MARCH 25 John 12:20-339:50 New Member/Inquirer Session - CR12:00 Foundation Class Lunch - PH3:00 Stephen Ministry Leaders - Knox 2014:00 Stephen Ministry Peer - Knox 2014:00 Disciple I - Knox 2094:00 Bella Voce - Bruner 2064:00 Tiger Cubs - DuBose 2034:00 Enter Jerusalem - Gym5:00 Cub Scout Den - DuBose 2035:00 MYF - Youth Zone5:00 Stephen Ministry Cont. Ed. - Knox 2015:00 Bear Den - DuBose 2025:30 Confirmation Class - Bruner 2206:00 GAP: Graduates & Professionals - ParlorMONDAY, MARCH 26 John 12:32-405:30 Wesley Ringers - Bruner 2016:00 Evangelism Committee - CR6:30 Christian Believer Course - Knox 2096:30 Gospel of John - Knox 2146:30 Romans Study - WHTUESDAY, MARCH 27 John 12:41-4812:30 Lunch Bunch - PH (Lunch Bunch Activities: 10:00 PH)12:00 Family Shelter Initiative - CR6:00 Joint Chruch Task Force - CR6:30 Faith Meets Faith - PH7:00 Art Council - CRWEDNESDAY, MARCH 28 John 12:49-597:00 Bovotions (Senior Highs) - Bojangles on Devine9:00 Disciple I - Knox 2094:30 Faith Players - Parlor5:15 Wednesday Manna - Gym5:45 Financial Peace University - Knox 2096:00 Children’s Choirs, Trackers, Synago - See Back Cover6:00 Celebration Choir Rehearsal - Bruner 2067:00 Boy Scouts - Jamey McCue Room7:00 Cub Scout Wolf Den - DuBose 202 7:15 Chancel Choir Rehearsal - Bruner 206THURSDAY, MARCH 29 Mark 13:1-137:00 Bovotions (Junior Highs) - Bojangles on Devine9:30 The Case for Christ - Knox 20910:00 Women’s Study - ParlorFRIDAY, MARCH 30 Mark 13:14-27SATURDAY, MARCH 31 Mark 13:28-3710:00 Zumba - WH

the Voice page 3

Join us during Holy WeekPALM/PASSION – SUNDAY, APRIL 1: We will flashback to the accolades which were given to Christ upon Histriumphant entry to Jerusalem. Would we have started this journey, if we had realized the pain along the way?When hope seems most elusive, it may be just around the corner.Traditional Worship: 8:45 & 11:00 a.m., Sanctuary LifeLine Worship: 11:05 a.m., Dunn-Smith Ministry CenterHoly Communion will be celebrate during the 8:45 a.m. service

Music8:45 a.m. Traditional Worship: The Celebration Choir 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship: The Children’s Choirs11:00 a. m. LifeLine Worship: LifeLine Band

MAUNDY THURSDAY – APRIL 5, 6:00-7:30 p.m., Sanctuary. Drop-in meditation and communion.

GOOD FRIDAY – APRIL 6, 7:00 p.m., Sanctuary“The Seven Last Words of Christ” by Theodore Dubois presented by the Chancel Choir.

EASTER – SUNDAY, APRIL 8: When all hope feels lost, it has truly just begun. The journey continues.Traditional Worship: 8:45 & 11:00 a.m., Sanctuary LifeLine Worship: 11:05 a.m., Dunn-Smith Ministry Center

Music8:45 & 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship: Capitol City Brass, Wesley Ringers and the Chancel Choir11:00 a. m. LifeLine Worship: LifeLine Band

HOW’S YOUR “CARBON FAST” FOR LENT GOING?Post your Carbon Fast Calendar in a prominent place at home and commit to at least reading the calendarsquare each day. The 40-day plan guides you to take on activities in Lent that help care for God’s creation. Do 15 or more and receive recognition in The Voice, Shandon’s newsletter. You don’t have to do the activity onthe specific day to claim credit for it. Deadline to return your completed calendar: Easter Sunday (April 8) and byApril 22. Just drop it in one of the church hall baskets. Copies of the of the calendar are on hall tables and canbe accessed at www.shandon-umc.org.

HOPEJourney to

EASTER LILIES FOR THE SANCTUARY AND LIFELINEIf you would like to place an Easter lily in the sanctuary or at LifeLine in honor or in memory of a loved-one,please complete this form and place it in an offering envelope with check or cash and return in the offeringplate or to Winifred Rodgers. You may also make a donation to the landscape fund. The cost of each lily is$17.00 and the order deadline is April 1.

______Put a poinsettia in the sanctuary _____Make a gift to the landscape fund

______In memory of ______In honor of


Given By:______________________________________________________ Enclosed: $___________

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MYF – Join us for Fun and Fellowship: Sundays, 5:00-6:30 p.m., Youth ZoneEveryone – grades 7th-12th.

No MYF on Sunday, March 18. Youth helping with the Consignment Sale. Need help with this!! Contact Travis [email protected].

SALKEHATCHIE FORMS DUE! MARCH 30Salkehatchie Summer Service is a youth-driven ministry opportunity. It’s a Saturday to Saturday experiencethat takes place in various locations throughout South Carolina and beyond. Spend a week upgrading homesof those in need. Lasting friendships are made with homeowners and other youth and adults. You must be 14-years-old before the start date of camp. Contact Travis at [email protected].

FIRST ANNUAL SCAVENGER HUNT Mark your calendar for May 6.If you have not signed up, see Travis and get your name on the list.

THANK YOU, SHANDON FOR YOUR SUPPORTShandon Congregation and Friends, thank you for your support of the Bella Voce Heart2Heart Dinner and SilentAuction. Because of your generosity the proceeds are $9,000. This will go a long way in providing music educationopportunities for our young singers. We are grateful !!!

If you’re a 7th-12th grader – You’ll make REAL friends and have REAL fun,be able to ask REAL questions and get REAL answers, have a REAL voiceand share REAL ideas, discover REAL faith and make a REAL difference.Get SMY REAL.

HELP US COLLECT EASTER CANDY Shandon members are gearing up for our annual Easter Basket Project.We will be assembling approximately 350Easter Baskets so that each child at The Dickerson Center, Epworth Children’s Home, Carolina Children’s Home,Hall Institute, Family Shelter, St. Lawrence Place and Palmetto Place will have their own Easter Basket. Help us bybuying a bag (or two or three) of candy. Drop-off: Easter Candy Box, Women’s Robe Room, 2nd floor, Betty BrunerBuilding, by Sunday, March 25. For questions, call Lynn Aughtry at 779-2464 or Amanda Folk at 743-0580.

UMC Epworth WorkdaySaturday, March 31 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., lunch from 12:00-1:00 p.m.

Shandon is participating with the other four churches in our Columbia District “Town & Country” cluster.There are plenty of opportunities for all ages and skill levels.

Pick-up a “Volunteer Opportunites” sheet at the church or get it online at www.shandon-umc.org.Epworth Children’s Home is one of Shandon’s two signature ministry sites!

HELP US PACK-A-SACKPlease join us as we pack 150 sacks with school supplies, toiletries, and snacks for children of Native Americantribes in SC. We desperately need the help of the congregation to donate pencils, pens, cap erasers, and tooth-brushes for the sacks, by Sunday, April 15. Drop-off: collection bin in the main hall of the Betty Bruner Building.

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SUNDAY SCHOOL: March 18 & 25. See you on Sunday at 9:45 a.m.Twos: Jesus Said, “Follow Me”: (Mark 1:17)Threes & Fours: Praying in the Garden (Matt. 26:26-46) & Peter’s Story (Matt. 26:69-75)Fives & 1st Grade: In the Garden (Matt. 26:26-46) & Peter’s Denial (Luke 22:54-62) 2nd & 3rd Grades: Jesus Prays to God (Matt. 26:36-50) & Peter’s Broken Promise (Luke 22:54-62)4th-5th Grades: Praying in the Garden (Luke 22:39-53) & Peter’s Story (Luke 22:54-62)

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL AND DAY CAMP: June 4-8 VBS and Day Camp will be held Monday-Friday, June 4-8, this summer. VBS is available for children who havecompleted 3-year preschool through 2nd grade. Day Camp is open to children who have completed 3rd gradethrough 12th grade. Registration information will be available in April. Save the dates!

Senior Adult Activities: Join us for fun, social and inspiring activities

LUNCH BUNCH: Tuesdays, 12:30 p.m. in Player Hall. Cost is $5.00 for lunch.For lunch reservations, call the church office at 256-8383 by 12:00 p.m. on Monday of each week.

HELP BRING CHEER TO OUR SHUT-INSThe Senior Connection is looking for volunteers to visit our Shandon members who can’t get out to church anymore. If you would like to volunteer and can commit to monthly visits, contact Janice Martin at 776-2945 orSallie McCutchen at 783-7090.


NEW ARTIST IN THE GALLERY Through AprilMartha Brown, from Bethune, SC, paints landscapes, children, animals and commissioned pieces in acrylic.She has shown her works in galleries, businesses and art festivals. Visit THE GALLERY, 2nd floor, Bruner Bldg.

PIANO CONCERT Mark your calendar for April 22, 4:00 p.m.Eddie Huss and Annette Matthews will present a concert for two pianos in the Sanctuary.

For 20s or 30s, single or married without kids, seeking to join a community ofpeople in similar places with similar needs and the desire to network and finda spiritual place to “fit-in” and grow. For more information, contact JulieSonger Belman at [email protected]

Discover God...Share with others...Have fun in faith... and Live-out being a Christian everyday–at home, school and play. Don’t miss the adventure.

Experience Shandon’s dynamic Music & Arts...building the body of Christ through God’s creative gifts.

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NEW SET OF COMMENTARIES IN THE PATSY MCINTOSH LIBRARY Thanks to a very generous gift, our library now has a new 12-volume set of lectionary commentaries: Feasting onthe Word, by Barbara Brown Taylor and David Bartlett (2008-2011). These two reviews speak about the value forboth clergy and lay people who are interested in expanding their study and understanding of the Bible: “When it comes to feasting on the Word, we preachers have learned that there are no better guides than BarbaraBrown Taylor and David Bartlett. . . . A wonderful resource in the weekly task of serving up the Word to God’s hungry people.” - William H. Willimon, United Methodist Bishop and author “Wonderfully organized and intelligently shaped, these reflections on Scripture are sure to be a valuable aid forthose in ministry.” - Stanley Hauerwas, Professor of Theological Ethics, Duke University Divinity SchoolStop by our fully automated library on the top floor of the Betty Bruner Building on weekdays, Sundays, and anyevenings when activities are going on.

SHANDON BOOK CLUB DISCUSSION April 3Back to Virtues: Traditional Moral Wisdom for Modern Moral Confusion by Peter Kreeft

How do we know when we are being meek – or just cowardly? When is our anger righteous – and when is it asin? What is the difference between being virtuous – and merely ethical? Back to Virtue clears up these andcountless other questions that beset Christians today. It’s comfortable to join the discussion anytime: 1st Tuesdays, 7:00-8:00 p.m., room 221, Betty Bruner Building.

CHILDREN’S CLOTHING CONSIGNMENT SALE2012 Spring and Summer Sale: March 18-23, Dunn-Smith Ministry Center

Bring your gently used, clean, current trend or classic style, brand name clothes and receive 60% of the sale price.All proceeds from this seasonal consignment sale go to the Commitment Sunday School Class missions.

Drop-Off: Sunday, March 18, 1:00-5:00 p.m. (or by appointment) “We Tag” is availablePre-Sale: Monday, March 19, 5:00-7:00 p.m. For Consignors and Shift Workers ONLYSale: Tuesday, March 20, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.; Wednesday, March 21,9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. and 5:00- 7:00 p.m.Thursday, March 22, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. 50% offPick Up: Friday, March 23, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. All clothes left after 1:00 p.m. will be donatedHow it Works: E-mail Paige Haas ([email protected]) if you’re interested. She will email you consignment numberand price tags. You tag, price and deliver clothes according to above schedule.

Faith Meets FaithA Series of Conversations with Leaders in Columbia Faith Communities

Tuesday Evenings, Player Hall, 6:30-8:00 p.m.

On March 20, Dr. Dean Jacobs will talk with us and answer questions about Mormonism. Dr. Jacobs is the ophthalmologist at his Advantage Eye Care practice here in Columbia. This series has been verypopular, with over 50 in attendance each Tuesday. The purpose is to expand knowledge and understanding and to dialogue together in a spirit of peaceful and caring co-existence. After introductory remarks, our guests willrespond to questions from the audience on foundations, prophets, doctrines and beliefs, worship practices, holydays, education, and expectations in one’s personal life and faith community. The leaders will draw from their owneducation, experience and beliefs, free from the impossible expectation that any one person can adequately pres-ent the rich diversity within any Faith. Rev. Allen Wolfe, Associate Minister at Shandon, will also participate inthese opportunities sponsored by our Adult Council. March 27:Dr. Sinclair Ferguson or Dr. Derek Thomas (Presbyterianism ARP)

THE FLOWERS AT THE ALTAR ON MARCH 18 are given to theglory of God and in loving memory of our brothers, BrianMartin and Larry Foster and our fathers, Ed Martin andSonny Foster by Edwin and Amy Martin; and in honor ofSophie Merritt on the anniversary of her baptism by HollyNeuffer and Bonnie Mullis.

THE FLOWERS AT THE ALTAR ON MARCH 25 are given to theglory of God and in loving memory of Johnny Jordan byJason Edens.

MEMORIALSIN MEMORYMargaret Black by Joy GoodwinF. Earl Ellis, Sr. by Jeff, Elizabeth, Tripp & Will HolsteinJoe Plyler by Mr. & Mrs. Harold David Bowers, Kathy Cobb,Lula Mae Jowers, Henry Kemp, Richard & Carol MattoxWilliam Trotti Riley by Bristow Marchant

IN HONORJulie Songer Belman by Joe & Elaine Brantley

SYMPATHYFrank and Cindy Newman on the death of his fatherWilliam V. Bowers, Jr. on March 5 in Manning, SC and tograndchildren, Sheldon and Allie.Scott and Ashley Hagler on the death of his step-father,Henry Horton on March 5 in Dublin, GA and to grandchildren, Heath, Lindsay, Brant and Matthew.

CONGRATULATIONSRobert McNair and Casey Carter Peele IV on the birth of ason, Carter Williams Peele on February 24 in Columbia.

HOSPITALSPalmetto Health Baptist: Jim Hipp, Jeanette Lowrance

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Maree Beeman GibsonMarch 6, 2012

Our ministers are on call for weekend emergencies. Contactthe minister by calling our emergency beeper at 654-8973and then entering your phone number.


Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548 Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637

OPERATING BUDGET March 4 March 11 Year-to-DateRevenues Revenues Revenues$53,867 $19,938 $388,604

March 4 March 11 Year-to-DateExpenses Expenses Expenses$16,565 $24,011 $344,342

Treasurer’s Update

Amount pledged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3,730,232March 4 receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $187 March 11 receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0 Receipts-to-date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500,541


In Memoriam

CARE TEAM TRAININGAnyone wishing to learn about care teams iswelcome to attend a city-wide training session.

Who: Anyone with a heart for serviceWhat: Care teams meet once a month, to plan for

volunteer service in the coming monthWhen: Saturday, March 24Where: Cornerstone Presbyterian Church,

5637 Bush River RoadWhy: To provide practical and spiritual help to a

Care Team Friend/FamilyHow: Go with a friend, take the training and

begin service as a Care Team Member

Contact Nancy Reynolds if interested (803-422-0949 [email protected]). This three-hour trainingsession is required before a volunteer can serve on aCare Team. The training also is open to current CareTeam members needing a refresher course.If now is not a good time for your training, sign-up withNancy for a later training session.

Plant ContainersThe plant containers at the door of the Betty BrunerBuilding on Adger Road were placed in memory ofClarence “C.T.” Taylor and Elaine Adams Taylor bythe Brantley/Taylor family.

SHANDON’S MINI MARKETMark Your Calendar: April 20 & 21

If you’re interested in being a vendor, contact RamiMcCutchen at [email protected]. Watch for moredetails in the next issue of The Voice.

Mission StatementShandon United MethodistChurch gathers to worship God,nurture Christian faith, and goout into the world in mission.

Senior MinisterMichael Guffee, Sr.

Minister of Evangelism and Outreach MinistriesJulie Songer Belman

Minister of Visitation and Older Adult MinistriesAllen Wolfe

Church Business AdministratorMichael Hart

Minister of Music and ArtsMinistriesEddie Huss

Director of Christian Educationand Adult Ministries Anne Cox

Director of Student MinistriesTravis Pearson

Director of Children’s MinistriesLesli Wood

Director of Preschool/KindergartenBea Daves

Director of Kitchen MinistriesTimothy Scott

Director of CommunicationsMelanie Owen

Finance AdministrativeAssistant/OrganistNancy Kelley

Administrative Assistant to the Senior MinisterWinifred Rodgers

Education AdministrativeAssistantSamantha Apple

Administrative Assistant to Associate Ministers and MusicDebbie Rountree

Child Care CoordinatorHeather Corley

Sound TechnicianCindi Reid

Maintenance SupervisorBobby Douglas

Custodial StaffWillie Brown, Thomas Brunson,Eladio Cruz, John Whetstone

SecurityWade Carlisle

Lay LeaderJonathan Roquemore

Church Council ChairJan Bilton

Parish NurseNancy Reynolds

Shandon Office Hours: Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. and Friday, 8:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.


Join us each Wednesday for warm fellowship, good food, and activities for everyone!It’s a great time to see old friends and make new ones.

SERVING: 5:15-6:15 p.m. in the GymCOST: $5 adults/youth over age 12 $2.50 children age 2-12 under age 2 eat free

MARCH 21: Chicken pot pie, tossed salad, fresh fruit, dessert MARCH 28: Cube steak, mashed potatoes, sweet peas, tossed salad, dessert

ACTIVITIESl Children’s Activities & Bible Verses for a Prize: Before 6:00 p.m., gym (age 3-5th grade)l Trackers for 4th & 5th Grade Boys: 6:00-6:45 p.m., DuBose 202, 2nd fl. l Children’s Choirs for K4-5th Grade: 6:00-6:45 p.m., DuBose, 2nd fl. l Synago Bible Studies for Youth (6th graders, too): 6:00-7:00 p.m., Youth Zonel Adult Studies/Programs: Between 6:00-7:30 p.m. Pre-register, but walk-ins are welcome!l Child Care for Infants-5th Grade: 5:15-7:30 p.m. 2-years-old & under, Knox 106;

3- to 5-years-old, DuBose 111; 1st to 5th graders, 6:45-7:30 p.m., DuBose 111

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