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Page 1: The Impact of Group versus Individual Incentives on ... · The Impact of Group versus Individual Incentives on Innovation and Organizational Performance ... the basis for individual

University of Technology, Sydney


School of Accounting

The Impact of Group versus Individual Incentives on Innovation and

Organizational Performance

Paul J Brown*, Roman Lanis and Gianna Bairstow


The objective of this paper is to empirically evaluate the influence of group versus individual reward structures on innovation and performance in a team-based production task and an information-rich environment. In their 1999 Accounting Review article, Drake, Haka and Ravenscroft provided experimental evidence that group compensation is more efficient than individual compensation in a team-based production task and information-rich environment (Activity Based Costing vs. Standard Costing). They proposed that the performance difference was driven largely by group compensation driving increased cooperative innovations, which in turn increased task performance. An explanation for Drake et al.’s (1999) result is their use of a tournament incentive scheme as the type of individual compensation in their experiment. We replicate the relevant part of the Drake et al. (1999) experiment using Australian university students and an individual profit incentive scheme as the basis for individual compensation. Our results, in contrast to Drake et al. (1999), indicate that an individual incentive scheme improves task performance in an information-rich environment. Unlike Drake et al.’s (1999) findings, the evidence suggests that the increase in performance for the individual compensation group is from increased effort, as opposed to more cooperative innovations.

Key words: Experiment research methods; Incentives; National Culture; Agency Theory; Group and Individual Compensation

Jel classification:

# We gratefully acknowledge the support of the UTS School of Accounting for providing funding to complete this study. We also thank Dan Dhaliwal, Teemu Malmi, Joanna Masangkay, Deryl Northcott, Sonja Pippin, Heidi Sundin, Monte Wynder, participants at the: 2009 Australian National University seminar program; 2008 AFAANZ Conference, Sydney, Australia; American Accounting Association 2008 Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California and two anonymous reviewers for their comments. We also thank Min Chen for her research assistance and Monte Wynder for lending us his LEGOTM.

* Corresponding author: [email protected]


7th June 2010

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I. Introduction

The objective of this paper is to empirically evaluate the influence of group versus

individual reward structures on innovation and performance in a team-based production task

and an information-rich environment. In their 1999 Accounting Review article, Drake, Haka

and Ravenscroft provided experimental evidence that group compensation is more efficient

than individual compensation in a team-based production task and an information-rich

environment (Activity Based Costing vs. Standard Costing). They proposed that the

performance difference was driven largely by group compensation generating increased

cooperative innovations, which in turn increased task performance. However the type of

individual compensation they used was a rank order tournament, which has different

incentives to plain vanilla individual incentive schemes.1 We extend Drake et al.’s (1999)

results, replicating their experiment by comparing the same group incentives to individual

profit reward structures instead of individual tournament reward structures.

This study is motivated by concerns about the practical generalizability of Drake et

al.’s (1999) results. It is unclear from the literature whether choosing between group versus

rank order tournament reward structures is the primary trade-off managers are faced with

when deciding which incentive structures to implement in team-based production tasks.

Given that promotion tournaments are used in practice, Drake et al. (1999) is informative for

managers who are considering such reward structures. However, the question of whether an

alternative incentive structure could lead to greater performance in team-based production

tasks remains open.

More recent research suggests that individual performance is an alternative to group

performance incentives as opposed to rank order tournaments. For example, Chiang and

1 Differences in incentives provided by plain vanilla individual compensation schemes and rank order tournament schemes provide scope for differing behaviors and in turn differing levels of efficiency. For example: if a worker is performing below average under a piece rate individual compensation scheme, they still have an incentive to work as there is a linear expected pay-off from their individual effort. On the other hand, under a rank-order tournament, underperformers have an incentive to work even less as the probability of achieving a high rank diminishes. This is because the expected pay-off is significantly reduced. It is perhaps for this reason that few firms, if any, employ rank order tournaments as the only form of compensation. Despite a long tradition of incentive-based research being available (e.g. Welbourne and Gomez-Mejia 1995; Murphy 1999; Prendergast 1999), the authors are unaware of any firm consistently implementing a rank order tournament as the sole incentive scheme. A common form of rank order tournament adopted by firms is the promotion tournament, where there are fewer higher paying promotion opportunities relative to the staff seeking promotion (Baker et al. 1988).

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Birtch (2005, 2006) attempt to synthesize much of the incentive literature by developing a

reward typology. In their typology they contrast group- to individual-based reward structures.

Also, Brown (2009) investigates the choice between individual versus group compensation

schemes for senior executives and finds that there are costs and benefits associated with both

schemes, which appear to be traded off against each other. Accordingly, the question remains

open as to whether individual- or group-based rewards lead to greater performance in team

production tasks within an information-rich task environment.

The research design is a controlled experiment using human subjects based on the

simulated production task developed by Drake et al. (1999). A sample of 66 university

students were recruited from a large Australian university business school.2 Participants were

randomly allocated in groups of three and given a production task involving building

LEGOTM structures in a simulated assembly line. Participants were given performance

feedback using an activity-based costing system. The manipulation was in the form of

different incentive structures, being either an individual or group profit reward structure.3 To

assess differences between treatment groups, the number of observed task innovations and

work-unit profits are compared, consistent with Drake et al. (1999).

We propose that workers will perform better under an individual compensation

scheme compared to a group compensation scheme, in an information-rich task environment

and without the possibility of large gains from explicit information-sharing between

participants. Consistent with the theory development, we find that the individual

compensation teams performed better than the group compensation teams. Further, there was

no difference in the number of either group or individual innovations between groups. Unlike

Drake et al.’s (1999) findings, the evidence suggests that the increase in performance for the

individual compensation group is from increased effort, as opposed to more cooperative


The study contributes to the literature by providing experimental evidence that

individual reward structures are more efficient than group reward structures in some team-

based production tasks, particularly when there is an information-rich environment. The

2 This study is part of a larger study investigating the influence of national culture on the link between incentives and behavior (Lanis, Brown and Bairstow 2010). 3 One type of individual incentive structure is tested, being individual profit. One type of group incentive structure is tested, being group pooling of profits.

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findings are of interest to Management Accountants who are involved in designing both

information environments and performance management systems for team-based production

tasks. These findings provide support for Brown’s (2009) proposition that individual

compensation schemes are more efficient than group compensation schemes in information-

rich settings without large gains from cooperation, coordination and information sharing

between participants. Given that group and individual compensation schemes are used in

practice, the findings make a contribution for practitioners by extending the generalizability

of Drake et al.’s (1999) original findings.

We also contribute to the literature more generally by demonstrating that using a

reward typology which identifies trade-offs faced by managers can lead to the design of

experiments which can assist managers in making practical incentive system design


Section 2 presents the theory development and hypothesis and section 3 discusses the

experiment design and sample. The results are analyzed in section 4 and section 5 concludes

the paper.

II. Theory Development and Hypotheses

Incentives and Organizations

Incentive structures are relevant to organization design and performance across all

levels of the firm. A number of perspectives in economics and management literature argue

that unless incentives are managed appropriately firm performance may suffer (e.g.

Donaldson 2001; Jensen and Meckling 1976, 1992). The relevance of incentive structures is

evidenced also by the importance placed upon incentives across different theories used to

understand firms.4 Further, the focus on incentives and rewards is a large part of management

education (Robbins, Bergman and Stagg 1997; Clegg, Kornberger and Pitsis 2005; Langfield-

Smith, Thorne and Hilton 2006), creating a feedback loop that some may consider as

4 The firm has been understood by considering incentives and behavioral effects from the perspective of participative management, expectancy theory, need theory, operant conditioning, social dilemma, equity theory, structure factors, contingency theory, social theory, agency theory and prospect theory (Welbourne and Gomez-Mejia 1995). All of these theories consider incentives important in understanding the firm and firm performance.

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interactive.5 Therefore an understanding of the behavioral effects of different incentive

structures is important when designing firm and task structure, corporate governance and

human resource decisions. The possible penalties for inefficient incentive structures in

organizations include poor performance due to moral hazard, adverse selection of

performance measures and employee cognitive dissonance among other costs. Compensation

schemes are one such incentive mechanism that has received considerable attention in

organization research.

Problematically, the literature has identified many different types of compensation

schemes, making it difficult to compare and synthesize the literature (e.g. Welbourne and

Gomez-Mejia 1995; Murphy 1999; Prendergast 1999). In an effort to articulate the different

types of reward and compensation choices offered to managers, Chiang and Birtch (2005

2006) have developed a typology or Type-System-Criterion (TSC) framework (see Figure



The development of a typology of alternatives is a partial solution to reduce the biases

introduced in experiment design choices in incentive-based research. There are a number of

reasons for this. By articulating the main available reward alternatives, the researcher can

make explicit trade-offs between alternatives. The limits to generalizability of the results are

then more apparent to both the researcher and the reader. By articulating those alternatives

that are mutually exclusive or continuous, alternatives can be framed in the appropriate

context where trade-offs that actually are trade-offs are explicitly recognized.7

The development of a typology of incentives has another practical advantage. As the

body of evidence amasses around the typology, a general theory of incentives and rewards

can be articulated, supported by empirical evidence. This would be especially useful given

5 Practice informing theory and theory informing practice. 6 The authors are unaware of other explicit typologies which differ substantively from Chiang and Birtch (2005, 2006). 7 Framing experimental design choices within a typology of alternatives also minimizes the potential for the false choice fallacy. A false choice fallacy can occur when alternatives are compared in order to asses which is the best alternative, and conclusions are drawn. When the alternative choices do not reflect the range of possible choices, the argument becomes a false choice logical fallacy (or bogus dilemma) (Pirie 1985).

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the complex web of extant research. Theories that are not able to be generalized would be

more apparent, and related contextual factors would become easier to articulate.

Compensation and Incentives

According to Chaing and Birtch (2005, 2006), rewards and in turn incentives can be

allocated based either on a group or individual basis (refer to Figure 1).8 An incentive

structure is classified as individual when the reward is allocated based on individual merit,

and is classified as a group incentive when the reward received is contingent on satisfying a

common goal (Drake et al. 1999; Welbourne and Gomez-Mejia 1995; Brown 2009). This is a

dichotomous relation, with incentive packages sitting on a continuum between the extremes

(Welbourne and Gomez-Mejia 1995; Brown 2009). Where only one performance measure is

used to allocate performance-based incentives, there may be a clear trade-off between

measures based on group performance and measures based on individual performance. For

example, choosing between an individual piece rate or a profit-share scheme. Alternatively,

incentive compensation can be allocated based on a package of performance measures where

there is an implicit trade-off between group and individual compensation (Brown 2009). For

example, offering both piece rate and profit share compensation.

The use of group compensation schemes has been observed across all levels of the

organization, from low-skilled workers to divisional managers and senior executives

(Welbourne and Gomez-Mejia 1995; Bushman et al. 1995; Brown 2009). Although a review

of the literature finds support for the general proposition that group compensation increases

employee involvement and in turn productivity gains in the manufacturing sector, how group

compensation operates at the micro level is not well understood (Welbourne and Gomez-

Mejia 1995).

Individual piece-rate compensation can also be an effective incentive because it

rewards employees who exert more effort, while identifying those employees who do not

(Lazear 1986). A simple example of an individual incentive structure is an individual piece-

8 This is consistent with prior literature that identifies a dichotomous relation between individual and group compensation schemes (London and Oldham 1977; Bushman et al. 1995; Keating 1997; Rankin 2004; Brown 2009).

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rate incentive (Cadsby et al. 2007), where a worker’s reward is related to individual output in

the current period (Lazear 1986).9

Tournament incentives, as used by Drake et al. (1999), can also be classified as

individual because rewards are distributed contingent on individual performance, albeit

relative to others (Brown 2009). Tournament incentives differ from plain vanilla individual

incentives because rank order tournaments explicitly promote competitive behavior amongst

employees. Lee, Lev and Yeo (2008) outline the main elements of tournament theory: (i)

players are rewarded with prizes based upon relative performance, (ii) rewards are

intrinsically nonlinear, (iii) the spread in prizes increases with the number of the competitors,

(iv) participants with low ability will choose higher-risk strategies to increase the probability

of winning, and (v) the disincentive effects of mixed tournaments can be reduced by

handicapping the more able players or by sorting players into tournaments of homogenous

ability (Lee et al. 2008). Practically, the most common form of a tournament incentive should

occur when rewards are indivisible (Drake et al. 1999), for example, in the case of a

promotion tournament.10 In this case, only one worker out of many competing candidates

may receive the promotion.

Although tournament and group types of compensation have been compared as

alternatives in the experimental and analytical literature, there are no empirical studies that

find that tournament incentives are a direct alternative to group compensation in the minds of

managers.11 Problematically, if they are not alternatives in managers’ minds in practice, the

literature comparing these alternatives lose some generalizability.

In summary, the above discussion argues that individual-based rewards are more

likely to be an alternative to group-based rewards in practice, as compared to individual

9 This can be compared to the fixed salary component of compensation, where the worker’s pay is independent of the current period’s output (Lazear 1986). 10 Although promotion falls under the non-financial reward type in Chiang and Birtch’s (2005, 2006) typology, tournament incentives could also be categorized as financial reward (for example, a cash bonus might be provided to the highest performing worker). 11 The closest dichotomy is between tournament and compensation based on equity theory (Main et al. 1993; Henderson and Fredrickson 2001; Carpenter and Sanders 2004). The difference between these is the extent to which compensation levels differ between workers. Under equity theory, compensation is maintained at levels relatively similar between workers to preserve equity, thereby focusing on similarity. At the other extreme, large differences between worker compensation levels are exploited to encourage increased work effort to attain higher relative performance. Although theoretically it is evident how these contrast with each other, empirically it is not immediately apparent as to the extent these diametric opposites are explicitly considered by managers when constructing compensation contracts.

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tournament-based rewards. Given that Drake et al. (1999) identifies group compensation and

tournaments as alternatives, the question is raised as to which incentive scheme results in the

greatest performance in their experimental setting: group or individual.

The Influence of Culture on Incentive Preferences

Within traditional economic theories, such as agency theory, there is a focus on

incentive structures that emphasize individual performance measures (e.g. Che and Yoo

2001; Brown 2009).12 A key assumption for much of the literature is that employees act in

their own self-interest, sometimes at the expense of other stakeholders. For example, in

agency theory it is theorized that bonding and monitoring mechanisms are enacted by

principles to provide incentives to motivate individual employees (agents) to exert effort on

activities that benefit the firm, rather than to exert effort on activities that benefit themselves

(Jensen and Meckling 1976). Although this perspective explains behavior in certain

circumstances, it is unclear whether the self-interest of individuals causes them respond to

bonding and monitoring mechanisms in a uniform way.

A number of studies have found that people from different cultural backgrounds have

different preferences for compensation schemes (Kim et al. 1990; Chiang and Birtch 2005),

which may lead to diversity of behavior in response to uniform incentive systems. Individual

incentive structures are consistent with the assumptions of agency theory that goals, rational

self-interest and risk preferences diverge between employers and employees, with individual

incentives designed to promote effort and discourage shirking (Holmstrom 1979; Johnson

and Droege 2004). These assumptions are supported by empirical evidence, with most of this

evidence based on samples taken from Western cultural backgrounds (e.g. Stroh et al. 1996;

Ghosh and John 2000). Chow et al. (1999) propose that cultural individualism versus

collectivism moderates the relation between task and incentive independencies. Although

they theorize that national culture is an omitted variable in management control system

literature, they fail to provide conclusive evidence supporting their proposition. Alternatively,

Tosi and Greckhamer (2004) found a positive relationship between the level of individualism

in a society and CEO compensation, in particular the total and variable components. They

12 Even when considering group-based reward systems, analytical theorists often focus on individual payoffs. A recent example of this is Guymon et al. (2008). In their analytical theory development they assume the principle trade-off is leisure time against the probability of individual payoffs, even under group incentive schemes.

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suggest that this may be a result of the compensation schemes of firms in individualistic

countries having greater performance risk being transferred to CEOs.13

Problematically, Newman and Nollen (1996) provide evidence which suggests that

when management practices ‘fit’ better with the national culture, higher (financial)

performance is observed. It is beyond the scope of this paper to test for the influence of

national culture preferences on group versus individual incentives as there is much debate

about the validity of certain conceptions of culture (e.g. Hofstede 1980; Rohner 1984;

Sivakumar and Nakata 2001; Baskerville-Morely 2005; Clegg et al. 2005; Kirkman et al.

2006). Given the above analysis, we condition our theory development by acknowledging the

possible influence of national culture on the incentives-behavior nexus.


For comparative purposes the structure of our hypotheses is consistent with Drake et

al. (1999). They argue that ‘incentives that motivate workers to cooperate are a prerequisite to

successful process improvements based on ABC’ (Activity Based Costing). They find that

‘profits are highest when ABC is linked with group-based incentives which provide high

motivation to cooperate’. This finding is valid when comparing group to tournament

incentives which are designed to encourage competition between team members. However

there are reasons why a plain vanilla individual compensation scheme could result in higher

performance than group compensation.

Building on Holmstrom (1979), Brown (2009) argues that in contexts where there is

information available about an individual’s effort, using this information to form a tighter

nexus between pay and performance via an individual compensation scheme can lead to

increased effort, due to a direct link between measures of effort and reward. On the other

hand, group compensation has benefits such as gains from cooperation, coordination and

information sharing which arise from having an explicit common objective. However, group

compensation has costs, such as such as increased opportunity to free-ride. For the benefits of

group compensation to outweigh the costs associated with such a plan, there need to be

13 In the accounting and economics literature there is a substantial body of research on incentives (Gibbons 1998; Prendergast 1999; Che and Yoo 2001; Bonner and Sprinkle 2002), however there has been little consideration of national culture. There are a few studies investigating the importance of national culture in the accounting literature (Gray 1988; Harrison 1993; Brewer 1998; Chow et al. 2000; Hope 2003; Lanis et al. 2004).

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significant gains from cooperation, coordination and information sharing (Brown 2009). The

theory and findings from Brown (2009) are consistent with prior published research

comparing group to individual compensation schemes (e.g. Bushman et al. 1995; Keating


Further, according to Drake et al. (1999), the main factor driving performance in the

team-based production task was the number of cooperative innovations. However, this may

not be the case when comparing group with individual, as opposed to tournament based

compensation. Cooperative innovations involve at least two people, whereas individual

innovations can be carried out individually. Under an individual compensation scheme,

participants benefit from both cooperative and individual innovations, and therefore also have

an incentive to engage in them. This contrasts with the case of competitive rank order

tournaments, where the payoff for an individual increases when other team members do

worse. Consequently, this provides an incentive to avoid group innovations as individual

innovations are more attractive to individual members than group innovations. In addition, in

tasks where there is a high level of transparency between participants (such as the Drake et al.

(1999) experiment task), there is little benefit from withholding information from other team

members about individual or group innovations; as all participants can observe the

innovations of other participants.

Therefore we propose H1, that the incentive will have little impact on the number of

cooperative or individual innovations in a task where both individual and group innovations

promote the welfare of individuals.

Hence the hypotheses are as follows:

H1a: The incentive structure has little effect on the number of cooperative innovations

undertaken such that:

COOP abc,grp = COOP abc,ind

H1b: The incentive structure has little effect on the number of individual innovations

undertaken such that:

IND abc,grp = IND abc,ind

There are two reasons why we would expect the performance to be higher under an

individual compensation scheme. First, given that the number of innovations is not likely to

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be different between the groups and there is also a tighter nexus between effort and reward

under an individual compensation scheme, the increased effort induced by choosing an

individual incentive will drive up the level of activity, increasing plant profit. Second,

Hofstede (1991) suggests that incentives or bonuses which are linked to an individual’s

performance are more appropriate to a person’s skillset and routines in an individualist

society (such as the US or Australia) relative to a collectivist society. Thus, in an individualist

society, an individual incentive structure would allow the employee to pursue their own self-

interest by exerting maximum effort on activities that will benefit both him or herself and the


Therefore with culturally individualistic participants and a task without explicit gains

from coordination, cooperation and information sharing we propose H2. The hypothesis is as


H2: The incentive structure has an effect on plant profit (PROFIT) such that:

PROFIT abc,grp < PROFIT abc,ind

We expect each hypothesis to hold irrespective of the costing system. Therefore, we

do not include hypotheses related to volume-based costing (VBC), given the nature and

objectives of this study. In addition, according to Drake et al. (1999), the greatest difference

between innovations, efficiency and profitability, given a particular compensation scheme,

relates to activity-based costing (ABC), and the results presented in Drake et al. (1999) were

in the same direction irrespective of the costing system.

III. Research Design

The experimental design is based on the simulated production task described by

Drake et al. (1999).14 The task required subjects, in groups of three, to assemble a product

from LEGOTM blocks. The product is assembled in three separate stages (refer to Figure 2),

with each worker completing and adding a sub-assembly made with LEGOTM blocks of three

different colors (blue, red or yellow). Each experiment lasted about 90 minutes and was

14 For the remainder of this section, the Drake et al. (1999) experiment will be referred to as the ‘DHR experiment’.

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conducted with two observers, a ‘quality control inspector’ (QCI) and a ‘quality control

assistant’ (QCA), who were present in the room with the three subjects at all times.

The materials were first prepared and pilot tested on two teams (one group and one

individual compensation group). After pilot testing, adjustments were made to ensure the

instructions were as clear as possible. Further pilot testing (another two teams, one group and

one individual compensation group) was conducted to confirm that the instructions were

satisfactory. The results for these four pilot groups are not included in the final sample and




A total of 66 University students participated in the experiment, which gives the same

level of statistical power as Drake et al. (1999).15 Subjects were recruited from business

students at a large, inner city Australian university. The characteristics of the sample are

summarized in Table 1.


The sample consisted primarily of female subjects, with females accounting for 59%

of the total sample. The mean age of participants was 19.86 years. Most participants had

some prior teamwork experience with 89% of participants having prior team experience in an

educational environment and 82% in a work environment.

Given that differences in cultural backgrounds have the potential to introduce

heterogeneity in behavioral outcomes to incentives, subjects were screened to ensure that

they were born and educated (up to high school level) in Australia.16 After eligibility was

confirmed, subjects were randomly contacted and allocated to a timeslot for the experiment

15 This sample size is also consistent with Booth and Schultz (2004), who used 131 subjects in a 2x2 factorial design laboratory experiment. 16 The rational is that DHR was conducted in the US, which is a population acculturated in one of the predominately Western cultures as defined by Hofstede. In large sample studies, the Australian population also is grouped along with the US as having predominantly Western cultural values. Also, development psychologists advocate that by the age of 10, most children have their basic value systems in place (Hofstede 1991). Hofstede suggests that because the values were acquired at such a young age, these values often remain ‘unconscious’ to those who hold them. Consequently, any changes in values after the age of 10 are difficult to make (Hofstede 1991).

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based on their availability. Contact methods included voice calls, text messages and email.

Each timeslot was randomly allocated to one of the treatment group (individual or group


Incentive Schemes, Profit and Innovations Measurement

Under the individual incentive structure, incentive compensation was determined

using an individual profitability scheme and the group incentive was a group pooling of

profits. This is a departure from Drake et al. (1999) and more consistent with the theory and

typology presented earlier.17 All subjects were given a financial incentive to participate in the

experiment and increase their motivation while performing the task. Subjects received a gift

voucher valued between $10 and $20 for participating in the experiment, with $10

representing a base salary and $10 being contingent upon performance in the task.18 The gift

voucher was emailed to subjects following completion of the experimental task.

Performance is the dependent variable and is measured using each team’s total

profitability, as this is the primary goal of any profit-making organization.19 Profit is

calculated as total revenue less total costs (as described below).

The DHR experiment examines process innovation in work teams and classifies

innovations as either individual or cooperative. Cooperative innovations require the

coordination of at least two team members, whilst one person can carry out an individual

innovation. An example of a group innovation is where participants change the order of

production or share work areas. An example of an individual innovation is where participants

carry more than one work-in-process from the warehouse to their work area or if they work

on more than one unit at a time (for a list of these, see DHR).

17 The individual profitability scheme is not dissimilar to piece rate, whereby the worker is compensated based on their output in the current period. Traditionally, under a piece rate scheme, output is measured by the number of units produced by the worker. However, this was not considered appropriate in this task because it would result in workers disregarding any form of cost reduction. Hence, an individual profitability scheme was used, which took into account both output (number of units produced) and associated costs for each individual. Under the group incentive structure, a group pooling of profits scheme was used to allocate incentive compensation, whereby each individual’s profitability was summed and divided equally between all team members. 18 The use of gift vouchers as a financial incentive is consistent with prior research (Booth and Schulz 2004; White 2007). 19 The DHR experiment had three types of independent variables: innovation, productive efficiency and profitability. This study utilizes two of these. Efficiency is excluded as it is captured in profitability. The test of hypotheses two was replicated using the DHR measure of efficiency as part of the robustness testing, with the same result as using profitability alone.

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To reduce measurement error, both the QCI and the QCA independently observed and

recorded the number of group and individual innovations, as well as beginning and ending

inventory. At the end of each work period, they compared observations and resolved any

discrepancies immediately.

Experiment Task Description

Each experiment was conducted in a university classroom which had the necessary

audiovisual and furniture required for the task. The experimental setting was organized like a

production ‘plant’, with three work areas (one desk for each participant) and a ‘warehouse’

desk (refer to Figure 3).


Upon arrival to the room, subjects were randomly allocated a name tag which

identified them as either the blue, red or yellow assembler. Training of the subjects was

divided into four sections which were followed by a comprehension test to ensure that they

were competent to participate in the experiment.

First section: Each subject was presented with worker information sheets which

contained the instructions for the task. The subjects were told that they were working for a

manufacturing company called ‘Block Limited’.

These instructions were also presented to the subjects in the form of an instructional

video, which ensured that all subjects were presented with the information in an identical

manner. There were two variations of the worker information sheets and instructional video,

one for each treatment group (individual and group compensation). The worker information

sheet and instructional video consisted of four sections: i) manufacturing process, ii) plant

operation and rules, iii) revenues and costs, and iv) compensation.

After receiving instructions about the current manufacturing process of Block

Limited, subjects were asked to physically demonstrate (one at a time) the production

process. The QCI observed the demonstration and corrected the assemblers on mistakes (if

any) to ensure that all three subjects were competent at building the LEGOTM product.

Second section: Once subjects demonstrated task competence, the subjects were

informed of the operating procedures and rules of Block Limited. They were informed that, at

the start of each production period, there were three completed blue assemblies and three

completed red assemblies in the warehouse so that the red and yellow assemblers could begin

work at the start of the period; and that these did not count towards output or revenue at the

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end of the production period. At the end of each period, the QCI examined assemblies to

ensure they had been completed correctly. They were provided the plant rules, which are

outlined in Figure 4.


Third section: The revenues and expenses associated with production were explained

to the subjects. Each completed assembly (blue, red or yellow) was worth $1.00 in sales

revenue. Hence, each finished good (which contained a completed blue, red and yellow

assembly) was worth $3.00 in sales revenue for Block Limited. There were three production

costs. The warehouse storage cost was $1.00 per storage bin used, the work area charge was

$2.00 per work area used and the inventory holding cost was $0.50 per unused or incomplete

assembly. An assembly was classified as unused if it was a completed blue or red assembly

that had not yet been processed by the red or yellow assemblers at the end of the production

period. For example, if the blue assembler had a completed blue assembly in the warehouse

at the end of the production period and it had not been used by the red or yellow assemblers,

then the blue assembler would be charged an inventory holding cost of $0.50 for that

assembly. An incomplete assembly was any assembly that had been started but not completed

at the end of the production period. In relation to the previous example, if the red assembler

had started production on the completed blue assembly then the red assembler would be

charged the inventory holding cost of $0.50.

Fourth section: The instructions in sections 1–3 were identical for all treatment

groups, with the only difference being the instructions given to subjects in Section 4 for the

individual and group incentive treatments. All treatment groups were given a compensation

scheme that consisted of a fixed component of $10 and a variable component of up to $10,

paid out as gift vouchers. The variable component of compensation was a performance-based

incentive scheme, with compensation being allocated differently in the individual and group

treatment groups. Teams that were given an individual incentive structure were advised that

their variable compensation was based on their individual profitability. Figure 5, Panel A is

an example of how variable compensation was calculated under the individual structure.

Those teams that were given a group incentive structure were directed that their variable

compensation was based on team profitability. Figure 5, Panel B shows that variable

compensation was shared equally between all team members.

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Comprehension Test: After receiving all the task instructions, the subjects were

given five true or false comprehension questions to answer. These questions were designed to

enhance students’ understanding of Sections 3 and 4 and were self-corrected by each subject.

If any of the questions were answered incorrectly, subjects were given time to review their

worker information sheets.


The subjects then began the first of four ‘production periods’ with three designated

breaks in between these periods.20 Each production period went for two minutes, with the

subjects unaware of both the number and length of production periods, to reduce endgame

strategies. During each production period, both the quality control inspector and the quality

control assistant observed and recorded any innovations that the subjects performed. During

the designated break, both the QCI and QCA physically counted the number of assemblies

that were completed by the work group. When finished counting, the figures of both the QCI

and QCA were compared. If there were any discrepancies, a second count of the assemblies

took place to ensure no counting errors were made. The QCI then prepared each assemblers

‘compensation worksheet’ while the QCA returned the plant to its original condition. While

the subjects were reviewing their compensation sheets, the QCI and QCA reconciled their

innovation recording sheets to ensure there was consensus in relation to the innovations

performed. After the fourth production period, the subjects were informed that it was the last

work period.

Manipulation Checks and Robustness Testing

Participants were randomly assigned to treatment groups, therefore it was not

necessary to control for individual differences between participants. However, to ensure that

the results were robust, due to the potential of other factors driving the results, potential

covariates were added to both an OLS and stepwise regression model. The task required

subjects to work in teams, therefore previous exposure to a teamwork environment (either in

20 At the end of the first production period (and the beginning of the first break), the subjects were informed that it was a practice period and any compensation earned did not count towards their final compensation amount.

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paid employment or as part of tertiary studies) was included as a covariate. Demographic

information including gender and age was also collected. Robustness testing revealed that no

control factor was associated with the independent variables. The results of robustness testing

are not reported.

A questionnaire was given to each subject to complete after the final production period,

which included demographic information including gender, age, religion, ethnicity and

political views. The task required subjects to work in teams and therefore subjects were asked

whether they had previous exposure to a teamwork environment (either in paid employment

or as part of an educational environment). Subjects were also asked to disclose whether they

knew any of the other assemblers, quality control inspector or quality control assistant. The

manipulation check questions are discussed in more detail below.

The final questionnaire included two manipulation check questions. Overall, 96% of

the 66 subjects answered at least one of these questions correctly. Both questions were

multiple choice, with the first having two alternatives and the second having seven

alternatives. The first manipulation check question simply asked subjects to identify whether

the variable compensation scheme that they were given was based on individual output or

group performance. The second question described a task-related scenario, and then asked

students to identify how much compensation they would have received in the experimental

task. Although the results presented below include students who failed one or more of the

manipulation checks, robustness testing shows that the statistical results presented in the next

section are not significantly different after controlling for subjects who either 1) did not

answer any manipulation checks correctly, 2) answered question one correctly but not

question two, 3) answered question two correctly but not question one, 4) answered at least

one manipulation check question correctly, or 5) answered both manipulation checks


Differences with Drake et al. (1999)

While the task itself remains fundamentally the same to the one used in the DHR

experiment, this experiment differs to that study in a number of ways. These differences have

a number of implications for the proposed experiment. First, the DHR experiment used a 2x3

factorial design while this study utilizes a 2x2 factorial design. The DHR treatment groups

included two incentive structures (GRP and Tournament), two costing systems (activity-

based and volume-based) and a period effect. This study includes only one costing system

and two incentive structures (GRP and IND) and a period effect. Tournament incentives and

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volume-based costing are not necessary for testing of the hypotheses. Therefore, given

resource constraints, they are not included as part of this study.21

Second, Drake et al. (1999) collected the number of group innovations on an

individual basis, whereas we have collected the number of group innovations on a group

basis. The reason for this choice was to reduce the amount of information recorded during the

limited experiment period to reduce errors of omission. Therefore, the number of group

innovations figure is not directly comparable to Drake et al. (1999). However, given that the

manipulation is the incentive structure, the statistical tests between groups are not


Third, although the task instructions presented to subjects are based on those used in

Drake et al. (1999, 2001), we presented our instructions using a pre-prepared instructional


IV. Results and discussion

Table 2 presents the means of the dependent variables by experimental condition for

each period. Consistent with Drake et al. (1999), team outcomes were used as the unit of

analysis. A rudimentary visual analysis of the data suggests that all the hypotheses cannot be

rejected, as the difference in the number of innovations appears to be minimal and the profit

for the individual compensation group is higher than the group compensation group. A simple

visual analysis of the means displayed in Figure 6 indicates that profitability is higher given

an individual compensation scheme than group, which is the opposite of Drake et al.’s (1999)




21 Also, in the DHR study, the most extreme differences between the incentive structures were observed when treatment groups were given the ABC information as opposed to the VBC information. In this study, the costing system is not relevant. Therefore, all treatment groups were given ABC information, reflecting an information-rich environment.

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Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

A two-factor mixed-design ANOVA was used to test the hypothesis and is presented

in Table 3. The dependent variables are either the total number of individual innovations per

team, the number of group innovations per team, or team profitability. The two independent

variables (factors) are incentive (manipulation) and period (control). Incentive has two

between subject conditions, individual and group compensation. Period is a repeated

measures factor indicating the 3 production periods, being within subject conditions. The data

was analyzed using SPSS statistical software at an alpha level of 0.05. The ANOVA tests

whether there was is significant difference in profitability between the two incentive

treatments after controlling for period.


H1a: Cooperative Innovations

Table 3 Panel A indicates that the mean number of cooperative innovations is not

significantly different, given either an individual or group compensation scheme. In the

ANOVA, the incentive variable has an insignificant main effect (F=0.081, p=0.779). Thus,

the incentive structure (individual or group) does not account for the between subject

variance in the number of cooperative innovations. As the results are not significant, we are

unable to reject H1a.

The control variable period has a significant main effect on the number of cooperative

innovations (F=7.905, p = 0.004). The mean squares indicate that a substantial amount of

within subject variation is due to period in comparison to error, indicating that period has a

large effect. Therefore, subject came up with more cooperative innovations each time they

repeated the task. There is also a significant interaction between the period and incentive

variables in the ANOVA (F=3.931, p =0.042). Although there is no difference overall

between the groups, there is an interactive effect between period and compensation. The

reasons for this and the implication are not immediately apparent.

H1b: Individual Innovations

Table 3 Panel B indicates that the mean number of individualistic innovations is not

significantly different, given either an individual or group compensation scheme. In the

ANOVA, the incentive variable has an insignificant main effect (F=0.000, p=0.949). Thus,

the incentive structure (individual or group) does not account for the between subject

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variance in the number of individual innovations. As the results are not significant, we are

unable to reject H1b.

The control variable, period, does not have a significant main effect on the number of

individualistic innovations (F=0.200, p = 0.820). The mean squares indicate that little within

subject variation is due to period in comparison to error, indicating that period has no effect.

In contrast to the cooperative innovations, subjects did not come up with more individualistic

innovations each time they repeated the task. As with the number of cooperative innovations,

there is a significant interaction between the period and incentive variables in the ANOVA

for individualistic innovations (F=3.883, p =0.029).

H2: Profitability

Table 3 Panel C indicates that the mean profit is significantly greater under an

individual compensation scheme than a group one. In the ANOVA, the incentive variable has

a significant main effect (F=4.50, p=0.05) and the mean square for incentive (162.31) is

much higher than the mean square for error (36.07). Thus the incentive structure (individual

or group) accounts for a large proportion of the between-subject variance in profitability. As

the above results are significant, we are unable to reject H2.

This result is different to that suggested by Drake et al. (1999) who found that the

individualistic compensation scheme did not perform as well as the group compensation

group. The difference between the current study and Drake et al. (1999) is explained by their

using a rank order tournament for their individual compensation scheme. Their findings are

consistent with the proposition that that if subjects are compensated based on relative merit,

they will engage in game playing and also have an incentive to be deliberately un-

cooperative, reducing efficiency (Wruck and Jensen 1994; Brown 2009). It is unclear why a

manager would enact such a scheme in a task setting where there are interdependencies. Our

finding builds on Drake et al. (1999) by providing evidence that an individual compensation

scheme that is not competitive is more efficient that a group compensation scheme in a task

with a high information environment (ABC costing) and interdependencies between


The control variable period has a significant main effect on profitability (F=36.24, p =

0.001). The mean squares indicate that a substantial amount of within subject variation is

explained by time period, indicating that period has a large effect. There is also a significant

interaction between the period and incentive variables in the ANOVA (F=3.36, p =0.05).

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Consistent with the number of innovations, there is an interaction between compensation and

time period. This is a topic warranting further investigation.

V. Conclusion and Limitations

We replicated Drake et al.’s (1999) simulated production task comparing group

pooling of profits to an individual profit incentive scheme, instead of a tournament scheme.

Consistent with the theory development, our results indicate that participants perform better

given an individual compensation scheme relative to a group compensation scheme, in a

team-based production task which has an information-rich environment. We argue that

without large gains from cooperation, coordination and information sharing, the benefits of

increased effort from individual compensation are greater than the benefits from group

compensation. Further, irrespective of the incentive scheme, incentive structure did not have

a significant impact on the number of cooperative or individual innovations. This study also

shows that given Drake et al.’s (1999) task structure, increased effort, not innovation, is the

most likely driver of performance. This issue warrants further investigation.

The results and conclusions from this study are different to those in Drake et al.

(1999). This is likely attributable to their assumption that tournament incentive schemes are a

direct alternative to group compensation in team-based settings, and are representative of

individualistic compensation schemes generally. We argue that using a typology of incentive

types, which reflects the trade-offs faced by practitioners, allows for the development of

experiments which have a greater degree of generalizability as the incentives systems

compared will be similar to those practitioners are interested in.

An alternative explanation for the difference in the results compared to Drake et al.

(1999) could be differences in the sample. The average age for the current study was 19.86

years, recruited across the entire population of business students. Given that Drake et al.

(1999) do not disclose the average age of their sample, and they drew the sample from MBA

students only, we are unable to rule out the possibility that the reported results are driven by

differences in the sample.

A limitation of this type of research is the ability to generalize from the sample

population of university students to the workforce, a recurring limitation of experimental

research (Wynder 2004). However, the external validity sacrifice associated with using

undergraduate university students is ‘vastly overwhelmed by the strength or power to make

causal statements which are brought about by internal validity’ (Brownell 1995, 15).

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Another limitation is the bias introduced by the task and incentive scheme structure.

As the literature suggests, task or organizational structure influences the relative efficiency of

group versus individual compensation schemes (Bushman et al. 1995; Keating 1997; Brown

2009). Also, as many firms offer more than one incentive scheme, it is possible that a

combination of compensation scheme types may lead to greater performance in the same

setting. Further research manipulating the task structure and with different compensation

schemes may address these issues and increase the generalizability of the results.

Future research could take incentives theory one step further and investigate the

questions and hypotheses presented here in a cross-cultural context by undertaking similar

experiments in different countries and by improving the compensation typology. The

outcomes of such research will add to economic theory by assessing the impact of national

culture on the relationship between incentive systems and organizational performance.

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Tables and Figures  

Figure 1 – Compensation Framework22

22 Adapted from Chiang & Birtch’s (2005, 2006) type-system-criterion (TSC) framework for rewards.

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Figure 2 – Assembly Stages

Source: Drake et al. (1999, 330)

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Figure 3 – Plant Layout

Source: Drake et al. (1999, 330)

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Figure 4 – Plant Rules 

1.  You must be the one to first attach blocks of your assigned color to the 


2.  To pass quality inspection, colors must be in the correct locations on the 


3.  Quality inspection occurs only at the end of the production period and the 

quality inspector cannot answer questions during and between the 

production periods.  

4.  All assembly activities must take place in a designated work area.  

5.  You may speak with your coworkers at any time during production or 

between production periods.  

6.  These are the only rules. 


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Figure 5 – Compensation Worksheets – Single Period 

Panel A: Individual Incentive 





= TOTAL REVENUE  $6.00 $4.00  $5.00 




$1.00 PER STORAGE BIN USED  $1.00 $1.00  $1.00 


$2.00 PER WORK AREA USED  $2.00 $2.00  $2.00 


$0.50 PER ASSEMBLY IN PROCESS  $1.00 $1.00  $1.00 

TOTAL COSTS  $4.00 $4.00  $4.00 





Note: Assemblers do not receive data pertaining to the performance of the other assemblers. For 

example, the blue assembler only receives the data in the ‘BLUE’ column.   


Page 32: The Impact of Group versus Individual Incentives on ... · The Impact of Group versus Individual Incentives on Innovation and Organizational Performance ... the basis for individual


Panel B: Group Incentive 












$2.00 PER WORK AREA USED  $6.00









Adapted from Drake et al. (1999, 332).  


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Figure 6 – Mean profitability for each treatment group by period 



Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4



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Table 1 – Sample Characteristics 



Number of subjects  66

Number of teams  22

Average age in years23  19.86

Gender – male (female)   41% (59%)

Experience working in a team 

- Paid employment 

- Educational 





23 One student group did not provide a response to this question.

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Table 2 – Descriptive Statistics  


Panel A: Mean level of cooperative innovations each period a 

   Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4  MEAN 

Group   0.64  0.82  2.82  3.00  2.21 

Individual   0.45  1.73  2.09  2.09  1.97 


Panel B: Mean level of individual innovations each period b 

   Period 1  Period 2  Period 3  Period 4  MEAN 

Group   7.64  10.82  9.55  9.64  10.00 

Individual   7.27  9.45  10.45  10.09  10.00 


Panel C: Mean level of profit each period c 

   Period 1  Period 2  Period 3  Period 4  MEAN 

Group   ‐$3.14  $0.14  $1.36  $4.91  2.14 

Individual   ‐$2.59 $3.91 $5.86 $6.05 5.27 


Panel D: Descriptive Statistics – by team and period 

  Group Individual

Number of teams  11 11

Number of periods  3 3

Number of team periods  33 33


a Cooperative Innovations are measured by counting the number of innovations instigated in the

period where at least two participants were required to cooperate for the innovation. The number

represents the total number of different types of group innovation per group, per period. b Individual Innovations are measured by counting the number of innovations instigated in the period

for each participant. Individual innovations did not require to cooperation between participants. The

number represents the total number of individual innovations (the sum of all group members), per

group, per period. c Profitability is total revenue less total expense for each group divided by the number of participants.


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Table 3 –Two‐Factor Mixed Design ANOVA a 

Panel A Cooperative Innovations b: 

Source of Variation

Type III Sum

of Squares df


Square F Sig.

Between Subjects

Incentive c 0.970 1 0.970 0.081 0.779

Error 239.152 20 11.958

Within Subjects d

Period e 22.182 1.49 14.889 7.905 0.004

Period * Incentive 11.030 1.49 7.404 3.931 0.042

Error 56.121 29.796 1.884

 Panel B Individual Innovations f: 

Source of Variation

Type III Sum

of Squares df


Square F Sig.

Between Subjects

Incentive c 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.949

Error 351.333 20 17.567

Within Subjects g

Period e  0.818 2 0.409 0.200 0.820

Period * Incentive 15.909 2 7.955 3.883 0.029

Error 81.939 40 2.048

 Panel C Profitability h: 

Source of Variation

Type III Sum

of Squares df


Square F Sig.

Between Subjects

Incentive c 162.307 1 162.307 4.500 0.047

Error 721.349 20 36.067

Within Subjects g

Period e  131.546 2 65.773 12.844 0.001

Period * Incentive 34.455 2 17.227 3.364 0.047

Error 204.833 40 5.121


Page 37: The Impact of Group versus Individual Incentives on ... · The Impact of Group versus Individual Incentives on Innovation and Organizational Performance ... the basis for individual


a This ANOVA is based on 66 observations, being of 22 groups for 3 periods. The model is a two-

factor mixed design model. The two factors are incentive (group versus individual compensation) and

period (being periods 2, 3 and 4). As the dependent variable is measured over a number of periods, a

repeated measure design is used. b Cooperative Innovations are measured by counting the number of innovations instigated in the

period where at least two participants were required to cooperate for the innovation. The number

represents the total number of different types of group innovation per group, per period. c Incentive: the between-subject variation between the treatment groups given an individual incentive

structure and those given a group incentive structure. d The results from Mauchly’s Test of Sphericity indicated that we must reject the assumption of

sphericity of the data (p. 0.019). Therefore within-subject effects are reported after making the

Greenhouse-Geisser correction. The results remain the same under the Sphericity Assumed and

Huynh-Feldt correction models. e Period: the within-subject variation between periods 2, 3 and 4. f Individual Innovations are measured by counting the number of innovations instigated in the period

for each participant. Individual innovations did not require to cooperation between participants. The

number represents the total number of individual innovations (the sum of all group members), per

group, per period. g The results from Mauchly’s Test of Sphericity indicated that the assumption of sphericity of the data

cannot be rejected (Panel B Individual innovations model, p. 0.676; Panel C Performance model, p.

0.289). h Profitability is total revenue less total expense for each group divided by the number of participants.

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