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Autumn term 2018, Week 13

www.luctonschool.org7th December Autumn 2018, week 13

12 PA




In this issue: l Prep School News l Boarding News l CCF 100th

Anniversary Dinner

l Christmas Fayre l ISA Nationals l Last Train to

Tomorrow l Sports Report l Equestrian News

Wildean wit emanated from the Upper Hall this week, in the three performances of the Senior School play, ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’.

With a small cast of ten, this little gem amused, delighted and impressed its audiences with the demands it made on our young actors from Years 9 and 10. With its dazzling costumes, strong performances and familiar one liners, parents, friends and a visiting audience from local schools enjoyed a lovely pre-Christmas treat, as we have come to expect from the skilled directorial hands of Mrs Waters and Mrs Sharman.

The Importance of Being Earnest

Toilichte Latha an Naoimh Anndrais or Happy St Andrew’s Day was Year 5’s theme last Friday and what a theme it was! Ranging from the story of St Andrew himself as one the first disciples of Jesus and how he came to be a Scottish Saint as well as Georgian, Romanian, Cypriot, Maltese and Slavic. Having done their own research, Year 5 then took us on a quiz of famous Scots past and present with answers taken from the audience and, to finish off, a wonderful rendition of My love is like a red, red rose by Robert Burns. Thank you, Year 5; what a performance!

Year 1 and Reception took some time out from their Nativity practising and had a Winter Safari on Tuesday. Apparently all the big animals were out rather than sheltering from the sun! From there they went and met Father Christmas and his toy factory. All great fun. On Wednesday, Open the Book came to visit and put on the story of how St Francis created the first Nativity production back in the early 13th Century. We even had a visiting dog taking the part of the donkey! As our staging for the nativity is up, the backdrop was super. In fact we have all been using the season to write stories, learn about journeys, look at tectonic plates (in Israel), work out the symmetry of snowflakes, make snowflakes…the list is endless and ensures

7th December Autumn 2018, week 13 www.luctonschool.org

that we all know the story and our different traditions.

Our Reverse Advent is gathering apace and I want to thank everyone who has given so far with more thanks coming. I must say that we are very generous children and their parents have been giving over and above the requests with bags of items coming in rather than the one or two items. Thank you so much and definitely in keeping with the spirit of Christmas!

Well, that leaves me space to remind you that Monday is our annual pantomime (Peter Pan) at the Courtyard followed by the much anticipated Christmas Party with DJ Chris. I wonder if he will bring his snow machine this year? Tuesday is our Christmas Lunch. In keeping with a Roman tradition, the staff serve the children a traditional Christmas lunch with all the trimmings (yes, including Brussel sprouts!). Christmas crackers, mince pies and plum pudding will all play a part as

Prep School News

7th December Autumn 2018, week 13 www.luctonschool.org

well. On Wednesday we will send your son or daughter home with everything, so please send in a bag just in case there is overflow. Thursday is the end of term starting with the final school assembly, then classroom activities before an early lunch and off to the Priory to have the whole school seated by 1:50 for the Carol Service to begin at 2:00pm. Please make sure that you are in and seated by then as well and remember that you are picking up your son or daughter from the Priory unless they are a boarder. Phew, quite a lot to pack in! See you next week. Forest School With apologies to Robert Burns. The North wind might have blown but it brought rain and cloud instead. Luckily this is perfect weather to mudslide, make fairy doors and then get jet washed cleaned! The right clothes make all the difference. NATIVITY CAST PHOTO:

7th December Autumn 2018, week 13 www.luctonschool.org

The weekend was a busy one indeed, what with the CCF activities and preparations for the Centenary Dinner. The Year 8s had their first ever invite to the day and it went very well indeed. The Centenary Medals were a huge hit for the pupils!

A welcome shopping trip to Merryhill allowed for a spot of early Christmas shopping too, topped off with Subway platters for supper. The boarders were quite content!

Miss Roper took some Cottage boarders to support their peers from Lucton school who were performing at Leominster Priory. The performance was “The Last Train to Tomorrow”, it was a

very moving and amazing performance by students from Lucton. The boarders really enjoyed supporting their friends and seeing them in the spotlight in front of a huge crowd.

Boarding News

7th December Autumn 2018, week 13 www.luctonschool.org

The Last Train to Tomorrow The Last Train to Tomorrow by Carl Davis is a musical drama about the Kinder-transport. The performance in Leominster Priory on Dec 1st marked exactly the 80th anniversary of the departure of the first Kinder-transport train from Berlin, rescuing orphans whose orphanage had been burnt down in Kristallnacht.

The performance sprung from the 80th anniversary, which is inspiring many events nationally this November and December, and the commitment and enthusiasm of locally based Barbara Winton, the daughter of Sir Nicholas Winton, who was so instru-mental in the Czechoslovak Kinder-transport. As part of the celebrations Lucton pupils were invited to perform the acted scenes alongside the Herefordshire singers. This was an great honour especially as the Lord Lieutenant - Lady Darnley -

the Mayor of Leominster, Carl Davis himself and Lady Milena Grenfell-Baines, a Kinder-transport child herself, were all in attendance as well as over 400 in the audience. Our pupils were truly exceptional with many in the audience coming up to them afterwards. It was a truly moving performance from everyone and the next performance is in New York!

7th December Autumn 2018, week 13 www.luctonschool.org

CCF 100th Anniversary Dinner This year saw Lucton School Cadet Company reaching 100 years old and Saturday was that time of year where the CCF celebrate their achievements throughout the previous 12 months; and this year throughout the last century. The day’s events included a shooting range, the Cadet Physical Achievement test and preparation for the dinner night. A great day was had by all and some very good scores produced throughout the day’s activities – these went towards the two of the overall awards presented during the dinner. During the day a vast amount of preparation was required and delivered to set up the Queen Anne Dining Hall for the evening. Once completed it looked spectacular and would rival some regular army units for precision and presentation. We were joined for the evening by some local dignitaries, Air Vice Marshall Smart and Brigadier Vine. AVM Smart was the guest of honour and speaker, who gave a

very informative speech about the RAF and their formation, coincidently 100 years ago.

A number of presentations were made on the evening; the Physical Achievement Award, Cdt LCpl Harriet Sneyd, Shooting, Cdt LCpl Angus Wilson, Recruit Trophy, Cdt LCpl Toby Gilmour and the OC’s

7th December Autumn 2018, week 13 www.luctonschool.org

Thursday 13th December School will start at the usual time. Buses will run in the morning only.

Term will finish at the conclusion of the Carol Service which will be approximately 3.15pm. Parents should arrange to collect their children from The Priory Church, Leominster at this time. The School buses will NOT run that afternoon.

Boarders will be returned to school so that their belongings may be collected from the Boarding House.

Carol Service All parents are invited to attend the Annual Carol Service at The Priory Church, Leominster on Thursday 15th December. All pupils at Lucton will attend. The service starts at 2.00pm and parents are asked to be in their seats by 1.45pm.

At the conclusion of the service, mulled wine and mince pies will be served to parents and visitors. NO AFTERNOON SCHOOL BUSES!

End of Term arrangements

Thanks to everyone who came to join us for the festivities at the Christmas Fayre last Friday, organised by the Friends of Lucton School.

Tucked away on the mezzanine in the Memorial Hall, musicians accompanied the event with festive music. We had external food, gift and craft stalls, as well as the usual school stalls, Santa's Grotto, the Secrets Room and the giant Sixth Form Raffle. Many thanks to all the Friends committee who did a brilliant job again this year.

Christmas Fayre

Award, Cdt LCpl Harry Digwood. Presen-tations were also made by the Old Luctonians Association. All cadets were presented a Centenary Medal and Cdt LCpl Harry Digwood was presented a book for his amazing effort on Remembrance Parade. Finally the Senior Cadet, CSjt Joe Lund accepted a silver salver on behalf of Lucton School Cadet Company to recognise 100 years of the Cadet Company.

Also, Santa Claus came early this year with a whole host of promotions: To Cdt LCpl, Fred Perry, Jamie Woodfield, Archie Harper, Grace Marriot, Lorcan Clarke,

Harriet Sneyd, Toby Gilmour, Annie Shuvalova, Ned Roberts, Amelia-Sky Stevens, Dominic Yates, Tim White, Tom Marron, Eva Marron. To Cdt Cpl, Georgina Yates, Alex Dawes, Cassie Hollier. To Cdt Sjt, Lewis Jones, Aaron Powell, Ellie Nicholson, Ella Campbell. To Cdt CSjt, Joe Lund, Harriet McFarland. Congratu-lations to all. The CCF staff would like to thank all of the cadets for their efforts during 2018, wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy 2019. Same again next year please! WO2 Rich Brown, SSI, Lucton School CCF.

7th December Autumn 2018, week 13 www.luctonschool.org

Year 8 Heartstart Course Lucton School takes its First Aid training seriously and various teams have both won and been highly placed on a national level. This was introduced many moons ago by Maj Colin Payne who sadly is no longer with us. The tradition has been carried on through to more current times by the efforts of Maj Derrigan, who happily is still with us! Although for the past two years we have taken part in the Restart a Heart Day events, First Aid Training at Lucton School begins in earnest in Year 8 when they start CCF. We introduce First Aid at the start of their training with the HeartStart course. This is an initiative set up by the British Heart Foundation, which is aimed at all ages not just for children. With these facts in mind back in the warm balmy days of September the CCF had a new intake of Year 8 cadets. As always their syllabus started with a little bit of drill and the basics of First Aid. This introduces them to cardiopulmonary resuscitation

(CPR), Exhaled Air Resuscitation (EAR), use of the AED (Defibrillator), how to deal with minor wounds and touches on task scene management – calling an ambulance, prioritising casualties etc. During their course this year they were also visited by an ambulance and two paramedics from Hereford. They were taken through a little more advanced casualty care and shown what equipment is carried in the back of an ambulance. Over a number of weeks the HeartStart course was taught and finally tested, which involved a number of practical tests – CPR / AER, the recovery position, a broken limb and dealing with an open wound. I am happy to report that all Year 8 cadets have passed the HeartStart course and a number of the Year 8 cadets have now chosen First Aid as their activity and will move on to more advanced techniques and a chance to be in the CCF First Aid Team. Well done Year 8! Additionally, a large thanks to Sean and Naomie from the WMAS for giving up their time to visit and deliver some excellent training. WO2 Rich Brown SSI.

7th December Autumn 2018, week 13 www.luctonschool.org

Sports Report

U18 HEREFORD NETBALL LEAGUE Despite the rain, the U18s played with determination and style, easily dominating matches against Lucton's U16s, HSFC 4 and HSFC 5 with some excellent shooting from every zone of the circle from Holly (player of the match). Millie was a very able accomplice in the attacking circle and joined Holly as joint player of the match when winning a close match against Hereford and Ludlow College. This was though, a team performance, with some tight defending and quick centre court play using many of the skills developed at training throughout the term! Mixed U12/13 RUGBY v Moor Park We had a mix of Year 6, 7 and 8 against Moor Park U12s and in the first 5 minutes our inexperience really showed, as we stood back and allowed Moor Park to run at us and they scored 3 tries without reply. Zak P and Nathan came on and their impact was immediate, with both boys making breaks. This helped turn the momentum of the game. At half-time 3 tries a-piece. Shortly after the half-time break Zak and Nathan had to leave to play in the cup fixture, but the game remained poised, despite our loss, with both teams playing good rugby, but in the last couple of minutes, the Moor Park pressure was rewarded and they scored two tries to win. This was, however, a very good match, played in a great spirit and with commitment and some skill. A number of boys played very well, in particular Sam Thomas, Sameer, Ed Skipp had a number of good runs, Charlie also and Thor is a one-man powerhouse, with skill. His strength and technical skills in the contact area is most impressive. Overall, a very pleasing performance. Thank you too, to the helpers from the U14 squad, Lewis Jones and Taylor “Nigel Owens” Mogford for refereeing.

Well done, boys!

U16 COUNTY NETBALL LEAGUE It was an extremely soggy afternoon as we set off from Lucton to Hereford with the two teams to play netball, and it didn’t look any better when we arrived! However the girls were enthusiastic and got stuck into the games despite cold hands on a wet ball! This tested skills but the girls all tried really hard throughout the four games. Umpiring was also a challenge with score sheets disintegrating in the rain!

The first game for the U16 was hard fought against the 6th form. Our defence were tested to the hilt with Amelia and Nell playing well in the circle but the ball kept getting blocked in the centre 3rd but Annie and Megan made the most of it when it got to them. Despite a hard fought contest we went down 6-2. The next game was against our U18s. The girls fought hard, not worried that it was against our first team, and showed some impressive skills and fortitude with all areas of the court being covered and played in. They eventually lost 10-3 but our first team knew that they had played a game! Ellie was voted player of the match for the U16.

Heads still up we played Hfd 6th form and this time we were the stronger team! Eve scored a couple and Megan and Annie also had good games-centre court really gelled and worked hard meaning the defence had an easier time and we won 6-2 with Gina as centre being voted player of the match. The rain seemed to be easing a little now but the girls were cold and wet; however, they worked hard and this was a very level

7th December Autumn 2018, week 13 www.luctonschool.org

game which could have gone either way. We were matched goal for goal throughout but unfortunately just before the final whistle we lost 5-4. Annie was again voted player of the match but Chloe had a good game, and Gina, Georgia and Ellie worked well together in the middle. Annie was again voted player of the match but I have to say I was impressed with the girls’ attitude throughout what was a very difficult afternoon’s play. Well done all! 1st XI FOOTBALL vs Llandovery The football team battled bravely this Wednesday afternoon in wet conditions before finally succumbing to defeat. Missing 3 valuable players, Lucton had to hand out several debuts, and trialled players in new conditions. Indeed, despite a bright start, they were left thanking Luke Blacklock for his multiple saves, including a stunning double save, pushing the ball onto the bar from point blank range. Despite his agility however, Luke was powerless to prevent Lucton falling behind. The second half also started brightly; Joe Marriott finished a fantastic move that involved Justin and Forbes, who played a delightful throughball for Joe to stroke home. The game was very much on, and with a bit more game management, the boys could have given themselves hope. Aaron Blacklock was instrumental again in the midfield, pulling and pushing the ball around with ease, and connecting up the midfield with the defence. His dynamism and effort were at the heart of all good moves. Theo Bouchin also played well, marshalling his defense with authority, as did Angus Wilson. We look forward to playing Llandovery again, when the weather warms a little! BASKETBALL v CCB The basketball team travelled to Christ College Brecon. The team are currently unbeaten and wished to carryon there winning ways. The match was their toughest test yet. The team started well showing great composure and ball retention. Their structure in defence was

also very good. The 1st quarter finished 16-11 to Lucton. The second quarter carried on much like the first with Lucton keeping the ball better than CCB and passing much crisper than their rivals.

The 3rd quarter saw CCB lose their discipline and their team fouls got to 5 very quickly. Unfortunately, the team didn’t convert free throws and ended up losing the 3rd quarter 17-12. Going into the last quarter, the team were winning by 10 points. Lucton kept their composure until the end scoring 19 points to CCB’s 8 to win 70-54.

The team finished 2018 unbeaten and look forward to 2019. They are definitely in the running for team of the year! MIDDLE AND SENIOR HOUSE LACROSSE On Wednesday all girls who were not in matches took part in house lacrosse and it was brilliant to see so many girls partici-pating. There was a Senior School tournament and a Middle School tournament.

The Senior School tournament was very exciting and all the girls gave it their all. Ella Campbell, Harriet Sneyd and Amelia-Sky Stevens were a brilliant trio for Collingwood. Drake were fierce and captained by Ellie Muckalt and Felicity Aston made some brilliant goals for Drake against Nelson. Nelson put up a good fight in all their games and Grace Marriot did a great job of keeping everyone’s spirits up. Rodney had a strong team and gave Collingwood a run for their money in their match, drawing 3-3 with some great

7th December Autumn 2018, week 13 www.luctonschool.org

Equestrian News

SATURDAY JOB AT STABLES We are still in need of a weekend assistant at the School’s Equestrian Yard. Please contact the school office for full details. THREE COUNTIES SHOW 60th CELEBRATION Miss Coates went off to the Three Counties 60th Celebration afternoon tea this week to meet HRH Princess Anne again. She had to get out of the normal attire or either jodies or sports kit to look smart in a day dress and jacket! Don’t worry she will be back to normal very soon! PC CENTRE INSPECTION We had our annual PC Centre inspection on Tuesday which we passed with flying colours! If you want to join please contact Megan in the office or Mrs Loupart. We are running a laser gun and ride/run in the holidays and hoping to put on a polocrosse taster day in the spring. Details of that to follow! We are also hoping to put a stable management team together for the pony

club stable management area champi-onships in April JAKE’S BLOG We have had a quieter week this week but I’m going to Kings at the weekend to go in the Regional NSEA Championships that we qualified for earlier this term. We are looking forward to our pony club laser and ride rally in the holidays, and to have a bit of a rest. Lessons will still be available if wanted! NSEA REGIONAL DRESSAGE CHAMPIONSHIPS It was a cold and damp day on Sunday when we went to the championships at Kings. First off, was Hannah Lawry on Trooper in the B class. They did a lovely test with no mistakes getting a good percentage of 66.73% and therefore becoming Reginal Champions! Next came the prelim class. Again Hannah and Trooper rode an accurate test to come 4th with 65.38% but Scarlett riding Mr Socks, who wasn’t in the mood for dressage that day, rode him well and coaxed a 68.07% to become reserve champion! Well done both an excellent day’s work!

goals from Faith Price. The final results were: 1. Collingwood. 2. Rodney. 3. Drake. 4. Nelson.

The Middle School tournament was brilliant to watch as every girl’s confidence grew and grew with each game. It was lovely to have all of the Senior house captains stay and give their team advice and tactical advice. Collingwood had some great team work with Rachel Mathews and Amy-Rose Stevens. Drake had some great attacking play from Elodie Aston which allowed them to take the lead in most of their games. Nelson had some great defensive play from Fremah Boateng and brilliant attacking play by Scarlett Barrett and Hannah Wilson. Rodney gave

up a good fight in all of their games and Phillipa Price was good at dominating the draw. The final results were: 1. Collingwood. 2. Nelson. 3. Drake. 4. Rodney.

Well done girls!

7th December Autumn 2018, week 13 www.luctonschool.org

ISA National Medal haul for Lucton pupils The annual ISA National Swimming Championships took place last weekend at the London Aquatics Centre. This is an inspirational facility for the pupils to experience and three out of the four qualifiers were going for the very first time. Representing the Midlands, Poppy competed in the Year 4 individual breast-stroke and medley relay. Poppy swam fantastically winning two silver medals. Thomas Berry qualified for the Year 5 freestyle relay and also won a silver medal. Matthew Grant competed in the Year 7 50m freestyle finishing 5th, he also swam

the freestyle leg in the medley relay winning a bronze medal before taking part in the freestyle relay winning a silver medal too. Hannah Lawry competed too for the second year, feeling under the weather with a bad cold, she swam really well finishing just outside of the medals.

It was superb to have four swimmers at the nationals again this year and great for them to bring back medals too. We also celebrate being crowned the ISA Senior School Midlands Champions for the first time in the school’s history this year too!

2018 has been a terrific year for swimming at Lucton School as we can boast successes at Primary School Level being Herefordshire Schools Champions too.

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