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Page 1: The Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) How Simple It Is


Page 2: The Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) How Simple It Is

Understanding The Banking Equation.

You Corner Bank Borrower

The Middle Man Makes the BIG MONEY!

$ $

$$$Profit = $$$Profit = $

Page 3: The Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) How Simple It Is

So, what if we become the middle Man?

You(The Policy)

You(The Separate Account)

You(The Borrower)

$ $

$$$Profit = $$$Profit = $

Then you make the BIG MONEY!

Page 4: The Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) How Simple It Is

How do I set up the system illustrated?The Vehicle used, is a Participating (dividend paying) Whole Life Insurance Policy.

Whole Life Insurance: ü It has a track record stretching back for over 200 years.ü People were able to get the money they had deposited into it, even in the great depression.ü You have first access to your money, because you are the owner.ü The dividends you earn, are a non-taxable event.ü You can make it perform better, it is NOT dependent on the market.ü The Death Benefit goes to your heirs exempt from income tax.ü etc.ü etc.

Page 5: The Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) How Simple It Is

IBC only has but 2 hard fast rules.

1. Don’t be afraid to capitalize.

2. Don’t steal the peas.

Page 6: The Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) How Simple It Is

1. Don’t be afraid to capitalize.

The only thing that limits how much you can borrow out of your policy, is answered by the same question they would ask you at the corner bank if you asked how much money you could pull out.

“How much have you put in”?

Thus the more you capitalize your policy the more money you will have to borrow, and the more money you borrow out of your policy and pay back to your policy, the better the system will be able to work, and all of this spells out GREATER profits for you!

Therefore, the more you put in, the more you can take out.

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2. Don’t steal the peas. Don’t steal the peas refers to a story in the book called Becoming Your Own BankerThe story points out, that you are your own best customer, if you own a grocery store, then you will be a captive customer in your own store. If you steal grocery’s from yourself by taking them out the back door without paying for them, you are doomed to failure, instead you should go by the register at the front of the store and pay yourself for the grocery’s you get. This will allow your business to perform much better, and you will be able to excel way beyond your peers that have not learned this simple lesson.

To liken this to banking, It can be stated easily and straight forward. If you borrow money from yourself, and neglect to pay it back you’re a hopeless case, and you’re doomed to failure.

What the story of the Grocery store is all about, is just being honest with yourself.

And remember… When you are tough on yourself, life will be infinitely easier on you. --- Zig Ziglar

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1. Parkinson's Law

Now for some Human Problems that must be overcome.

2. The Arrival Syndrome

Page 9: The Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) How Simple It Is

Parkinson's Law1. Expenses will rise to equal income.

It has been pointed out that this first aspect of Parkinson's law is not quite true and that expenses will rise to exceed income. But still yet this Human problem is devastating and you need to take control and seize it by the throat , otherwise it will control you.

2. Work will expand to meet the time envelope allowed.

R. Nelson Nash points out in his book Becoming Your Own Banker that if you assign a task and give it 30 days for completion, then you can bet the grocery money, that the task willnot be completed until late on the 30th day. Now assign the same task and give it a longertime envelope in which to be completed. When will it be completed ? Of course, late on the last day allowed for completion. You must control Parkinson’s Law or it will control you.

Once Parkinson’s Law has placed its death grip on you, there is a very slim chance for your survival.

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The Arrival SyndromeWhen this thing infects us we ROT we literally stop growing and die. it is the attitude that, I already know all there is to know so what is the point in trying to teach me anything new.

We must not allow this attitude to dominate us.

Page 11: The Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) How Simple It Is

The Infinite Banking concept was named infinite for a reason, and because it is one of God’s truths and because of God’s infinity, then the ways in which we can use this truth are infinite as well.

What Albert Einstein said many years ago holds true today, “Imagination is more important than knowledge”.

So if we keep the arrival syndrome from infecting us, than we will be able to keep expounding on the Creative Ideas which the Holy Spirit reveals to us. By taking care of ourselves and acting on the ideas which God’s spirit gives us, than we will not only be able to enjoy more fully God’s blessings, but we will also be a bigger blessing to the people that God puts into our life.

The only thing that limits what you can do with this concept and how much you can enjoy the blessings that comes from practicing God’s truth, is you!


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