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Communication Studies – School of Humanities

Batch 2014

The Influence of Using Snowee Instagram Account as the Brand Ambassador towards the Brand Awareness of Nestlé Purina PRO PLAN

Paticia Carmelita Ayu1, Mohammad Shihab2, Irmansyah Ihsanul Kamil3

President University, Jababeka Education Park, Cikarang Utara, Indonesia, +82260091474 [email protected]

Abstract A brand ambassador is a living creature such as like human or pet that has fame or a celebrity who is used to promote, advertise, or endorse a product or a service. Snowee is a pet celebrity, one of the representative of a dog food brand, named Nestlé Purina PRO PLAN. This research is conducted to investigate the influence of Snowee instagram account as the brand ambassador towards brand awareness of Nestlé Purina PRO PLAN. This research used quantitative method with explanatory research as its type of research. The data were collected through online questionnaire that were spread via direct message on instagram to the followers of @snoweethegolden. The result has shown that Snowee instagram account as the brand ambassador influences 52.5% towards the brand awareness of Nestlé Purina PRO PLAN and the regression coefficient values obtained in this study was Y= -1.250 + 0.122X. The data were collected through questionnaires for 100 respondents and SPSS 24.0 was employed to process the data. Keywords: brand ambassador; brand awareness; social media; Instagram

1. Introduction

The uses of brand ambassador or endorsement has provided a lot of influences and changes in the marketing area. The communication between the company and the consumers, now days can be through the brand ambassador that is selected by the company itself. According to Lea-Greenwood, (2012:88) A brand ambassador is a tool used by companies to communicate and connect with the public, regarding how they actually enhances sales. Changes in the world economy occur due to the impact of globalization that occurs today. The shift of the economy has shifted toward a more integrated and interdependent economic model. The development of communication technology is also rapidly happening, giving birth to new devices and so does the current social network system that has been inflamed in the public.

Social media is now accessible anywhere. The easiness and variety of activities that are offered in social media tools that make the public comfortable to use it and can grow rapidly. Based on the Wearesocial.com report there are some astonishing facts. Among them is about the number of internet users the world has reached 4.021 billion people. This means that more than half of the people on earth have used the internet. In Indonesia itself, explained that the number of internet users in the country reached 132 million people. The number indicates that half or more than 50% of Indonesia's population has access to the internet. While in the same report described from hundreds of millions of internet

1 Writer 2 Advisor 1 3 Advisor 2


users in Indonesia is 60% percent have accessed the internet using a smartphone (wearesocial.com, 2018).

Not only in terms of increasing access, but also from the duration of using the internet. Wearesocial.com reports that the average world uses the internet for 6 hours per day to access the internet through various devices. If this duration is multiplied by the number of internet users of the world, then the duration of internet usage by all humans on earth could reach more than 1 billion hours to go online in 2018. Indonesia, in terms of internet usage time, ranked fourth of the world with the average duration of using the internet for 8 hours 51 minutes every day. Indonesia only "lost" from Thailand which has a duration of 9 hours 38 minutes, then Philippines 9 hours 29 minutes and Brazil with 9 hours 14 minutes. Indonesia's ranking goes beyond developed countries like Singapore which has an average duration of 7 hours 9 minutes, China 6 hours 30 minutes, United States 6 hours 30 minutes and Germany 4 hours 52 minutes and in Indonesia in terms of the number of social media users reached 49% percent of the internet user population or nearly half of internet users in Indonesia have had social media. In terms of growth of social media users themselves, Indonesia is the third largest country with a growth rate of 23% or 24 million users in the past year Instagram, one of the social media is very trendy at this time. In 2017, 45 million instagram users in Indonesia make Indonesia the largest market for instagram in Asia (Tempo.co, 2017).

Figure 1. Diagram of time spent on social media

Source: (Data processed, 2018)

The competition to advance or promote should be possible in numerous sort of media stages.

Those media are outstanding as broad communications. Media mass communication are some of ways that’s been used by people in communicating some messages to a very large audience. Almost everyone grows up overflowed with the broad communications or media platforms e.g. TV, promoting, films, recordings, announcements, magazines, motion pictures, music, daily papers, and web (Latif and Abideen, 2011).

Meanwhile, the marketing communication team in any company already realized that social media can also be one of their platforms to promote their brand to increase the brand awareness as well as the purchase. The brand should be committed to promote their brand and use unique and different method with other, to be known and be the ‘top of mind’ for the consumers (Aaker, 2011). This study aims to answer the following research questions: RQ1: Was there any influence of using Snowee instagram account as the brand ambassador towards brand awareness of Nestlé Purina PRO PLAN RQ2: How much did Snowee instagram account as the brand ambassador influence the brand awareness of Nestlé Purina PRO PLAN Researcher hypothesis on this research are: Ho: Snowee account instagram as the brand ambassador has no significant influence towards the brand awareness of Nestlé Purina PRO PLAN Ha: Snowee account instagram as the brand ambassador has significant influence towards the brand awareness of Nestlé Purina PRO PLAN

This research would give important significances to related parties both for academic and practical. To academic significance, it aims to provide benefits in the form of a theoretical framework of the brand awareness which caused by the utilized of the brand ambassador on social media


(instagram) as the platform and the later can be used as a consideration in doing further research. Besides, this study can be the reference of communication studies research. For practical significance, it would be important for company, especially for the marketers, as the reference and evaluation to the management party of Nestlé Purina PRO PLAN, which is being analyzed for the development and further research in the future.

2. Literature Review 2.1 Brand Ambassador

A brand ambassador is somebody who can represent the brand well. It is the obligation of the

brand ambassador to express the message of an organization to the consumers. A brand ambassador is characterized as a notable individual who utilizes their fame to advance or promote an item or service. Most companies and brands use big names or celebrities in their marketing with the expectation that it will drive up deals and at last positively affect their profits (McKinney, 2014).

Brand ambassador now is no longer just using human as a brand icon but also animals. AZA's Conservation Education Committee's Ambassador Animal Position Statement outlines the value of representative animal or animal ambassador introductions. Animal ambassador characterized as a creature whose part incorporates taking care of or potentially preparing by staff or volunteers, trained by an expert for cooperation to interact with public as well as for institutional education and conversation goals (aza.org, 2015).

Based on the article of www.inc.com in 2016 and also acquired from New York Times Company, the CEO and founder of HelloSociety (marketing and analytics agency) Kyla Brennan stated that "We consistently see even higher audience engagement with content from our animal Influencers than we do from their human counterparts".

Animals often placed in ads because they are aspirational and popular. Using animals as a brand ambassador helps the brand develop its identity. Every animal that was used in advertising, represent something and deal with certain messages related to animal stereotypes (ideaimaji.com 2016)

Brand ambassadors are cultural icons or identities, in which they act as marketing tools that represent the achievement of individuality of human glory and the commodification and commercialization of a product. Turner, Bonner & Marshall (2012: 13) mentions "Increasingly", celebrities are being asked to take on a certain amount of cultural activism as between the obligations which come with their visibility.

A company’s brand is one of the organization’s most valuable assets (Ikalafeng, 2014). In this manner it is critical to get a better comprehension on how transgressions of these brand ambassadors can influence the perceptionss and loyality of customers to a brand and additionally the organization or the company (Lucouw, 2014:9)

Marketing Communications can be comprehended by depicting two main component, that are communication and promotion. As indicated by Kotler and Keller (2008: 172) communications marketing is the methods for the organization to illuminate, induce, and remind purchasers in a way straightforwardly or in a roundabout way about items and brands sold. As per Sulaksana (2007: 90), publicizing can be characterized as all non-personal introduction shape advance thoughts, products, or administrations subsidized by specific backers. Promotions must have a fascination for can pull in shoppers. By Common, as per Morissan (2007: 266) The fascination can be assembled in two classes, to be specific, fascination instructive promoting (fascination characteristics, focused interest, value request, news advance, prominence advance item), and enthusiastic interest (mark envoy, amusingness, fear, and sexual components).

According to Lea-Greenwood, (2012: 88) a brand ambassador is a tool used by companies or organizations to communicate and connect with the public. The use of brand ambassadors is done by companies or organizations to influence or invite consumers. It aims to make consumers interested in using the products that the company or an organization offer, especially because the selection of brand ambassador is usually based on imaging through a famous celebrity (Royan, 2004: 7).

The greater part of the current literature within endorsement focuses on credibility, attractiveness, product match-up, and transfer of meaning as the most important factors related to the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement (Samman, Auliffe & MacLachlan, 2009). In expansion of this,


balance hypothesis recommends that purchasers mentality towards a celebrity can straightforwardly impact and change their disposition or attitude towards the embraced mark either negatively or positively (Heider, 1958). The hypothesis has been utilized as a part of relationship with celebrities supports or endorsements as the positive relationship and the harmony between the consumers. The celebrities and the brand is vital for the adequacy of endorsements (Peng, Bo and Hong-wei, 2010).

The qualities whereupon a brand is assembled build up the desired image of the brand (Grundy and Moxon, 2013:55). Klopper and North (2011:411) have opinion that a brand is a heap of pictures and feelings in individuals' minds about an item, association or individual which in this manner impacts their impression of the brand.

The celebrity endorsement display is basically straightforward, with high perceivability include, keeping in mind that the end goal is to attract consideration regarding the item or administration it is advancing. The thought behind this is sure brand characteristics, for example, affability, unwavering quality and engaging quality, are transferable between the brand of the big name and the brand they are publicizing, and will in this manner create attractive crusade results (Khandai and Agrawal, 2010).

2.2 Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is the capacity of buyers to perceive or recall a brand, and there is a linkage

between the brand and the item class, however the connection doesn't need to be solid. Brand mindfulness is a procedure from where the brand is simply known to a level when the consumers have put the brand on a higher rank; the brand has turned into the "top of mind" (Aaker, 1991).

Figure 2. Brand Awareness

Source: Aaker, 1991, p3

Marking is a prevalent subject having a lot of work done by scholastics and additionally

scientists on new item dispatch and brand mindfulness. Brands are likewise more intense as far as fashioning association with client which is manageable and gainful contrasted with normal unbranded items (De Chernatony, L., et al.,2010). Brand recognition and alerts to the community is a thing very important for the company, because with this will determine the step the company furthermore in the set market strategy.

If the awareness is low then it is almost certain that its brand equity is also low. The role of brand awareness in overall of brand equity, depending on the extent of the level awareness achieved by a brand. The level of brand awareness in sequence from the lowest level to the highest level as follows:

a) Unaware of the brand, It is the lowest level in the pyramid of brand awareness, where consumers are not aware of the existence a brand.

b) Brand recognition. Minimal level of brand awareness. This is important at the time of the buyer choose a brand at the time make a purchase.

c) Brand recall, Reassignment of the brand based on one's request to mention a particular brand within a product class. This is termed with no reminder help, because it is different from the task introduction, the respondent is not necessary helped to bring up the brand.

d) Top of mind, when someone is asked in person directly without assistance a reminder and they can mention one brand name, then that brand most often mentioned first, is the peak of the mind.


In words another, the brand is a brand main of the various brands that are on in the minds of consumers.

Brand awareness describes the ability of a potential buyer to recognize, recall a brand as part of a product category certain. Generally consumers tend to buy products with brand which he already knew on the ground considerations of comfort, security and etc. After all, that brand already known to keep consumers away from risk of usage with the assumption that a brand that is known to be reliable (Durianto et al, 2004: 29)

2.3 Social Media

Online networking or social media is a natural expansion in the communication world. The

Chartered Foundation of Public Relations (CIPR, 2010; Kitchen, 2010) characterize social media as the term commonly given to sites, online instruments, and other interactive communication technologies which allow users to interface with each other somehow, either by sharing data, opinions, information, or then again interests.

With the development of web-based social networking, organizations are currently going past just keeping up a site for fundamental value-based purposes and conventional advancement. They are fairly finding better approaches to connect with consumers, looking for a more long term relationship rather than to a once-off deal relationship or on the other hand one-way communication which most sites might be bound to.

One of the essential goals of marketing is to create connections with customers. The internet is never again just to discover data, it is there to empower organizations to all the more adequately participate in relationship building. According to Gummesson (2008) relationship building is the collaboration in systems of connections.

Hearn, Foth, and Gray (2008) express that in web-based social networking, communication may happen through both a PC or a cell phone, and that communication is ordinarily guided from one to some; in any case, to be compelling, as a rule it ought to be intuitive and a drawing in process, which can, as beforehand state, enhance relationship building.

Young (2008) believes that simply like some other relationship, the connections shaped through SNs (Social Network system) set aside opportunity to demonstrate their value, thus, companies need to stay focused and keep the commitment on it, in order to receive the benefits. As indicated by the E-Consultancy report (2009), SNs exploded during 2007 and 2008, mainly as the result of easiness of communicating together with Internet without any difficulty of imparting to many audiences with a powerful urge for self-expression.

There’s a book titled “Social Media’s Role in Branding: A Study of Social Media Use and the Cultivation of Brand Affect, Trust, and Loyalty” (Bevins, 2014).The investigation analyzed regardless of whether web-based social networking could impact individual’s image recognitions.

Instagram is a free photo and video sharing application accessible on Apple iOS, Android and Windows Phone gadgets. Users can transfer or upload photographs or recordings to our administrations and offer them with their followers or with a group of friends. Users can likewise see, comment on, and like posts shared by their companions on Instagram. With Instagram anyone can utilize it as an instrument for marking to a huge amount of people or public with a low cost. (Nauval, A. 2014).Through Instagram account, it will be easy for people to find out who has fallen to the specific target segmentation without even have to ask one by one because the users themselves will search what they like .

A little bit about uses and gratifications theory. Mass communication research are utilizing the U&G Theory to analyze, clarify, and give answers to why individuals utilize certain media and what advantages or gratifications they get after using it. Its shows that individuals utilize broad communications for various reasons and look to seek different satisfactions (Gallion, 2010). The Internet lies at the locus of a new media ecology that has “altered the structural relations among traditional media such as print and broadcast and unites them around the defining technologies of computer and satellite” (Carey, 1998, p. 34).


3. Methodology

The purpose of this research was to find the influence of brand ambassador, a well-known and famous celebrity in a multinational company. Therefore, to understand the analysis, the author employed the quantitative method (probability sample, simple random sampling) in order to get the most accurate result. This approach provides the possibility of summarizing characteristics across groups or relationships. The purpose of using quantitative method is to get the result that is statistically reliable.

The research applied a positivism paradigm because positivism paradigm according to some opinions, which the information is gathered through the confirmation of the encounters that can be seen by depending on testing and analysis (Nightingale, W., 2012) Thus, this Positivism paradigm views the communication process as determined by the sender (source-oriented). In order to support positivism paradigm, the method used in this study was quantitative – a strong characteristic for ability to quantify factors and to test speculation or hypothesis. Quantitative research is additionally thought to be more logical drawing closer in doing social science (Bryman, A., & Cramer, D. 2005; Creswell, J., 2013). The success or failure of a communication process depends on the efforts made by the sender in packing the message, attracting the recipient's attention and the recipient's ability for a messaging strategy.

To support the research, the author collected the data collection from primary data and secondary data. To collect the primary data, the researcher distributed questionnaire to some selected respondents who met the requirement, and the primary tools to collect the data is questionnaire. The questionnaire consist of 2 parts. The first part was some questions regarding to their age, gender, occupation, and how long they have been following Snowee instagram account. The second part consisted of some questions about their attitude towards the object.

The author applied the Slovin formula to determine the sample size of the research as followed:

Figure 3. Slovin Formula

The population (N) of this research was from Snowee instagram account followers, that was

75.190 followers. The researcher determined 10% (0.1) as the level of error (e). The result (n) showed 99,87 as the number of sample on the research. The researcher round up 99,87 into 100 respondents that were following the Instagram account of Snowee. This research used Likert scale on the questionnaire as the instrument.

The data analyzed by using probability simple random sampling. The data processed by using SPSS 24.0 program. Secondary data would be collected by the researcher from some literatures and journals. The research instrument used in this research was closed-ended questionnaire in which the questions were guided by the indicators of variables by choosing one alternative answer provided. The questionnaire was examined by using Likert-type scale. Respondents rated items on a five-point strongly disagree to strongly agree scale, with neutral as the midpoint.

The independent variable in this research was brand ambassador. The dependent variable in this research was brand awareness. An independent variable is the variable that changed or controlled in a scientific experiment to test the influence on the dependent variable. A dependent variable is the variable being tested and measured in a scientific experiment.

n= N 1 + Ne2 = 75190 1 + 75190 (0.1)2

= 99.87 ≈ 100


Based on the previous theoretical review, there are indicators of each independent and dependent variable that can be broken down into research questions as follows: Table 1. Research Framework

Source: (Data processed, 2018)

Table 2. Detail Variable, Indicator, and Statement

Variabel Indicator Statements Number of items


Brand Ambassador (X) Independent


When being asked about animals (especially dog), I’m thinking about Snowee

1 Interval

I can recognize Snowee is a Pet Celebrity easily

2 Interval

I feel that Snowee is popular among dog owners

3 Interval

I think Snowee has a good image as Pet Celebrity

4 Interval


I am interested in Snowee instagram account because it can provide information and knowledge in giving the best food for dogs

5 Interval

Snowee is a clever dog 6 Interval

Snowee is a dog with thick fur 7 Interval

Foods consumed by Snowee can affect their intellectual level

8 Interval

the food consumed by Snowee can affect the health of the fur

9 Interval

The product that Snowee has offer is a trustworthy product

10 Interval

Through Snowee's instagram, I have knowledge of Pro Plan

11 Interval

When talking about Snowee, I think about the Pro Plan

12 Interval


My dog has a similarity in lifestyle with Snowee

13 Interval

My dog has the same personality with Snowee

14 Interval

my dog's physical appearance is the same as Snowee (i.g: thick fur)

15 Interval

Through Snowee's instagram account, I love his personality

16 Interval

Through Snowee's instagram account I like his physical appearance

17 Interval

Brand Ambassador (X) (Percy & Rossiter, 1987)

by the model of VisCAP:

- Visibility

- Credibility

- Attraction

- Power

Brand Ambassador (Y) (David A. Aaker, 2003):

- Recognition

- Recall



Through his post on instagram, Snowee can convince me to buy Pro Plan products

18 Interval

Snowee is the Brand Ambassador of the Pro Plan, therefore I recommend the product to other Pet Owners

19 Interval

Brand Awareness (Y) Dependent

Recognition I can easily recognize product of Pro Plan 20 Interval

Recall When being asked about products related to dog food, my top of mind is Pro Plan



Source: (Data processed, 2018)

Table 3. Likert Scale (Sekaran & Bougie, 2013)

The data analysis procedures in this research consisted of pilot test, validity and reliability, normality test, descriptive analysis, coefficient of determination and regression test. The researcher used primary data for the pre-test to know the validity and reliability of questionnaire. Primary data refers to information obtained first-hand by the researcher on the variables of interest for the specific purpose of the research (Sekaran & Bougie, 2010). To determine the questions can be used or not, both validity and reliability test are performed.

The first requirement of a good instrument was validity. Thus, the researcher chose Pearson Product-Moment Correlations by using the software SPSS 24.0 to fulfill the requirement of the instrument’s validity. According to (Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2011) the validity variables comes if the significance level is >α (0.05). Otherwise, if r is lower than r-table, thus it is considered as invalid and it needs to be deleted from the questionnaires. The valid data is a representative statement of variable which are ready to be spread to the targeted respondents.

In quantitative data, it might improve the validity throughout watchful sampling, proper statistical treatments of the data. Every question of the questionnaire can be assumed valid if the outcome of corrected item-total correlation more than the value of r table.

Figure 4. Validity Formula

df = n – 2

Source: (Malhotra, 2010)


df = degree of freedom

n = number of respondents

This research used 30 respondents on pre-test and resulted 0.306 as the R-table value.

Reliability test is to measure the consistency and shows how much the instrument could be trusted. According to Zikmund et al., 0.6 Cronbach Alpha indicates poor reliability, 0.6-0.7 indicates fair reliability, 0.7-0.8 indicates good reliability, and 0.8-0.95 indicates very good reliability.

After meet the pre-test, then the real test was performed begin with the descriptive analysis. The purpose of doing the descriptive analysis is to explain or describe. Descriptive studies are frequently calculated to outline the characteristics of people, procedures, or situations from data collection. It might occupy the collection of quantitative data such as satisfaction production demographic information, facts, and ratings, but it may also involve the collection qualitative information (Sekaran & Bougie, 2010). There would be filtering questions to examine whether the respondents have already

Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5


been following Snowee instagram account or not. The researcher also collected the demographics information of respondents such as gender, age, occupation, and how long they have been following instagram account of Snowee. There would be also mentioned the maximum value of the data which has greater amount equal to other values in data set. Minimum value of the data also would be shown, which means that data has the lowest amount or equal to others values in data set. Mean is the overall value of each variable which usually used to concentrate on the population, some data points focus on providing more "weight" than others and usually, the implication uses on concentrating on the population (Andale, 2014). The mean formula is as follows:

Figure 5. Mean Formula

= Mean

∑ = Sum w = Weights

x = Value Normality test is utilized to ensure that the data that has been distributed approach or follow

the normal distribution, which in types of bell formed, where it isn't skewed to one side or right in light of the fact that if the information does not take after the normal distribution pattern, it will get a one-sided estimation or biased to one side (Croucher & Cronn, 2014).

Coefficient of determination is a measurement that obtained by squaring the correlation coefficient which is the proportion of the total variance of a variable accounted by another value of another variable (Zikmund et al., 2013). Regression analysis is a technique to measure the linear association between a dependent and an independent variable (Zikmund, Babin, Carr, & Griffin, 2013). It is to predict the value of dependent variable if the value of independent variable is changed. According to Zikmund et al. (2013), the formulation of regression is Y=a + bX

Y = subject in the predicted dependent variable a = Y value when X = 0 (constant value) b = regression coefficient indicating the increase or decrease in the dependent variable based on the independent variable. X = subjects on independent variables that have a certain value.

T-test, or hypothesis test, known as well as partial test. Used to know how much the influence

of each independent variable independently to the dependent variable.

4. Result and Discussion 4.1 Company Profile

Purina PRO PLAN is a pet food brand that is considered as premium. Purina PRO PLAN is one

of the brand that is under the name of the Nestlé multinational company. Purina PRO PLAN is one of the most famous brand in Indonesia and become the biggest rival of Royal Canin (premium pet food).

In Indonesia, they don’t have the factory of PRO PLAN, everything is imported from the one factory which is located in Australia. The main office of Purina PRO PLAN in Indonesia is in Perkantoran Hijau Arkadia Tower B, Jl. Tb Simatupang No.88, RT.1/RW.1, Kebagusan, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta 4th floor.

Purina PRO PLAN has believe that they have a unique scientific heritage. That’s because they’re part of Purina team includes nutritionists, food scientists, vets and animal behavior who are responsible for many ground breaking discoveries across dog health and nutrition. Purina PRO PLAN was created to put the latest Purina studies to work in a nutrition range available to everyone. For example, their OPTISTART range was discovered by their research of how to improve the immunity in puppies.


For the company, advancing the consumer’s dog nutrition is a life’s work. As dog owners and dog lovers themselves, they always committed to be innovative and finding new ways to help make the dog’s world amazing.

4.2 Pre-Test

In this chapter the researcher presented the analysis and interpreted the results of the

research based on the questionnaire that was shared by the researcher and answered by Snowee’s followers on instagram. The questionnaire was divided into 2 sections, which were respondent’s personal information, and variable questions. Respondent’s personal information section consisted of gender, age, occupation, and how long the respondent have been following Snowee’s instagram account. The variable questions were also divided based on the reflection of the indicators.

Pre-test ought to be conducted before continuing the genuine test. To test the validity, rcount value must surpass the quantity of 0,306 and it may continue to the reliability test. The table of corrected item total correlation of 19 statements on variable X (Brand Ambassador) and the corrected item total correlation of 2 statements on variable Y (Brand Awareness) were valid as rcount ≥ rtable (0,306). Meanwhile, the value of Cronbach Alpha on variable X was 0.948 and on variable Y was 0.829, which showed that the items on variable X and Y of the pilot test were in a very good reliability. The instrument might be used for the main research.

4.2.1 Validity Test

Table 4. Correlation Validity Test Result

Variables Items Person

Correlation R Table (10%)


Brand Ambassador (X)

BAM_1 0,794 0,306 Valid

BAM_2 0,703 0,306 Valid

BAM_3 0,867 0,306 Valid

BAM_4 0,820 0,306 Valid

BAM_5 0,750 0,306 Valid

BAM_6 0,800 0,306 Valid

BAM_7 0,729 0,306 Valid

BAM_8 0,646 0,306 Valid

BAM_9 0,722 0,306 Valid

BAM_10 0,416 0,306 Valid

BAM_11 0,535 0,306 Valid

BAM_12 0,488 0,306 Valid

BAM_13 0,928 0,306 Valid

BAM_14 0,841 0,306 Valid

BAM_15 0,908 0,306 Valid

BAM_16 0,768 0,306 Valid

BAM_17 0,572 0,306 Valid

BAM_18 0,816 0,306 Valid

BAM_19 0,735 0,306 Valid

Brand Awaeness (Y) BAW_1 0,917 0,306 Valid

BAW_2 0,933 0,306 Valid Source: SPSS 24.0 Analysis Output (2018)


Based on the validity test result that was mentioned above, each questions on every single variable were valid. The person correlation value of all the questions were above the α (alpha) value of 0.306 in the 0.10 level of significance R table, based on the two tailed 0.10 r table with n=30 and significance value for df=30-2 or 28 is 0,306.

4.2.2 Reliability Test

Table 5. Reliability test

Variables Cronbach's

Alpha N of

items Remarks

Brand Ambassador

(X) 0,948 19 Reliable

Brand Awaeness

(Y) 0, 829 2 Reliable

Source: SPSS 24.0 Analysis Output (2018)

After the validity test, the researcher conducted reliability test by using the same 30 respondents. Reliability has an aim to measure a questionnaire that is an indicator of variable. A questionnaire is said to be reliable if one answers to the question is consistent or stable over time. SPSS provides facilities to measure reliability with the Cronbach Alpha statistical test (α). A construct or variable is said to be reliable if it gives value (α) >0.60 (Ghozali, 2011: 47-48).

4.3 Demographic Data

4.3.1 Gender

Figure 6. Gender

Source: (Data processed, 2018)

As shown on the figure 6. above, 19% of the respondents participated in this research are

male, and the other 81% are female.







4.3.2 Age Figure 7. Age

Source: (Data processed, 2018)

Result from figure 7. showed that the age classification of respondents who participated on

this survey. 9% respondents came from 10 – 16 age classification, 66% respondents are 17 – 23 age

classification, 20% respondents are 24 – 30 age classification 3% respondents are 31 – 37 age

classification and the other 2% are 38 – 42 age classification.

4.3.3 Occupation

Figure 8. Occupation

Source: (Data processed, 2018)

Figure 8. indicated the occupation of respondents. 4% of respondents are civil servants, 21%

of respondents are private employees, 6% of respondents are entrepreneurs, 63% of respondents are

students, and 6% of respondents are from other occupations.






10 - 16

17 - 23

24 - 30

31 - 37

38 - 42







Civil Servant

Private Employee





4.3.4 Duration of following Snowee instagram account Figure 9. Duration of following Snowee instagram account

Source: (Data processed, 2018)

The figure 9. above exhibited the duration of how long the respondents have been following

instagram account of Snowee. 55% of respondents have been following < 3 months, 25% of respondents have been following 3 months - 6 months, and the other 20% of respondents have been following instagram account of Snowee > 6 months.

4.4 Descriptive Statistic Analysis

Table 6. Descriptive Statistic Analysis Result

Source: SPSS 24.0 Analysis Output (2018)

Table 6. above showed that brand ambassador in this research with the mean value is 3.93

(3.9279 to be exact) in the agree category, followed by brand awareness with, 3.93 (3.9250 to be exact) is in the agree category. Based on the table 4.3, brand equity is the variable with the significant influence. The X variable which is brand ambassador has 3 as the minimum value which is neutral and 5 as the maximum value which is strongly agree. The Y variable which is Brand Awareness has 2 as the minimum value which is disagree and 5 as the maximum value which is strongly agree.

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Total_BAM 100 3 5 3.93 .492

Total_BAW 100 2 5 3.93 .786

Valid N (listwise) 100



How long have you been following Snowee's Instagram account?

< 3 months

3 months -6 months

> 6 months


4.5 Classic Assumption Test 4.5.1 Normality Test

Figure 10. P-P Plot Graph, Normality Test Result

Source: SPSS 24.0 Reliability Output (2018)

According to figure 10. above, the result showed that the regression met the normality

assumptions, as the data spread around the diagonal line and keeping up with the diagonal line, which means the P-P plot showing that there is a normal distribution in this research.

Figure 11. Histogram, Normality Test Result

Source: SPSS 24.0 Analysis Output (2018)

As shown in figure 11. above, it also indicated that the data was normally distributed, since the line on histogram describes in the stable form of bell shape.


4.5.2 Simple Linear Regression

Table 7. Output of Simple Linear Regression

Source: SPSS 24.0 Analysis Output (2018)

Regression test is used to predict the value of dependent variable caused by independent

variable. The constant value resulted in -1.250 means that the value of brand awareness when using brand ambassador = 0 is -1.250. And it showed that the value of brand ambassador was positive which means that every increment of a score from brand ambassador variable (X) then the score of brand awareness will increase 0.122 times.

4.5.3 Coefficient of Determination

Table 8. Coefficient of Determination

Model Summaryb

Model R R Square

Adjusted R


Std. Error of the


1 .725a .525 .521 1.08877

a. Predictors: (Constant), Brand Ambassador

b. Dependent Variable: Brand Awareness

Source: SPSS 24.0 Analysis Output (2018)

Based on table 8. it can be seen that the correlation coefficient (R) of 0.725 = 72.5%. It showed that brand ambassador variable (X) has a strong relationship to brand awareness (Y) variable. Hence, the coefficient of determination can be calculated as follows:

CD = r2 x 100%

= (0.725)2 x 100% = 52.5%

From the above calculation result showed that the coefficient of determination (R2) obtained

by 52.5%. This shows that Snowee instagram account as the brand ambassador contributes to Purina PRO PLAN brand awareness of 52.5%, while the rest of the other 47.4% is the contribution of other variables that are not examined and not being analyzed in this research.







t Sig. B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) -1.250 .881 -1.420 .159

Brand Ambassador .122 .012 .725 10.415 .000

a. Dependent Variable: Brand Awareness


4.6 Hypothesis Testing

Table 9. Hypothesis Testing Source: SPSS 24.0 Analysis Output (2018)

From the table above, the value of t-count obtained by 10.415. This value will be compared with the t-table value in the t distribution table. With the significance level (α) = 10% = 0.10, degrees of freedom (df) = n (number of research samples) - k (number of research variables) = 100 - 2 = 98, obtained t-table value in t distribution table ± 1.654. From the above values it can be seen that the value of t-count 10.415> t-table 1.654. In accordance with the criteria of hypothesis testing, if the value of t-count> t-table then H0 rejected and Ha accepted. It shows that Snowee as the brand ambassador has significant influence towards brand awareness of Nestlé Purina PRO PLAN. Moreover, in order to answer the second research question on how much does Snowee instagram account as the brand ambassador increase the brand awareness of Nestlé Purina PRO PLAN, the result has shown from the table of coefficient of determination, that Snowee instagram account influenced 52.5% on brand awareness of Nestlé Purina PRO PLAN.

5. Conclusion

This research examines the influence of Snowee as the brand ambassador using instagram

towards brand awareness of Nestlé Purina PRO PLAN. 1.Based on the results from the study the researcher pointed out that Snowee as the brand

ambassador (X) has significant influence toward brand awareness of Nestlé Purina PRO PLAN (Y) that can be seen from the correlation coefficient 52.5% while the rest of the other 47.4% is the contribution of other variables that are not examined and not being analyzed in this research.

2. Based on the result showed on table regression test it has shown that if the value of Snowee instagram account as the brand ambassador is 0 then the brand awareness of Nestlé Purina PRO PLAN brand awareness is -1.250, while the increment of a score from Snowee instagram account as brand ambassador wil increase the value of the brand awareness of Nestlé Purina PRO PLAN by 0.122.

3. The result of this study was suitable with what Rossiter and Percy said (Royan 2004: 15-19), where a brand ambassador who represents a product or company that can speak or reflect a great deal about the product represented so as to have a major impact on the sale of the product against consumers as well as the brand awareness.

For practical recommendation, this research is suggested for Nestlé Purina PRO PLAN to maintain the use of Snowee as the brand ambassador of the brand, but still the brand should be shown more in another platform of their social media account.

This research is suggested for future researchers to analyze the other factor that can build the brand awareness of Nestlé Purina PRO PLAN even more, such as like sponsorship event, or dog competition but in different region as well as take a bigger sample size in order to provide more diverse and complete results.



Unstandardized Coefficients



t Sig. B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) -1.250 .881 -1.420 .159

Brand Ambassador .122 .012 .725 10.415 .000

a. Dependent Variable: Brand Awareness



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