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Page 1: The Jenkins Legacy: Chapter Two

The Jenkins Legacy: Chapter The Jenkins Legacy: Chapter TwoTwo


Page 2: The Jenkins Legacy: Chapter Two

The last time you saw Avri and Adelle Jenkins they were celebrating their new marriage! Avri and Adelle are college sweethearts, who went through some troubled times when rumors of Avri’s unfaithfulness surfaced. The couple quickly overcame those troubles though, moved home after graduating and wed! Now the happy couple is heading to Takemizu Village for a four day and three night honeymoon.

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It was raining when Adelle and Avri arrived at Takemizu Village. While Adelle unpacked their things and called her parents to let them know they arrived safe, Avri went in search of indoor things to do around the village. His romance aspiration didn’t let him search for too long – he quickly saw a cute tourist and let himself get distracted.

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Turns out, there aren’t too many things you can do in Takemizu Village when it’s pouring outside. So the couple headed to the sauna to wait out the storm. Of course Avri talked Adelle into making full use of the privacy the sauna offered.

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Once the rain finally passed Adelle and Avri headed to the Lucky Shrine Park. The first thing all tourists do is throw a coin into the shrine. Of course Adelle had to try it out. Things didn’t turn out so well for her – once her coin clinked against the stone, bees immediately flew out and chased her around the park.

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After Adelle’s disastrous coin toss, she figured going on a tour through the jungle would be a much better idea. Turns out it wasn’t so! The couple ran into a patch of poison ivy and came back itching all over! Apparently misery is theme for today’s outings.

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Being newlyweds, Adelle and Avri have a hard time keeping their hands off each other. Avri’s romance aspiration makes that even more of a challenge. Needless to say, they never run out of things to do back in their room.

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The second day of their vacation started out a whole lot better than the first day all together. Adelle and Avri headed to grab some breakfast and they both got to try out the local dishes. It was a great experience for them both.

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Adelle wanted to go on another tour, so they booked a helicopter tour to take them over the land for an hour. The view from the helicopter was breathtaking, it was a very romantic thing to try on a honeymoon.

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Adelle wanted to try everything she possibly could on her vacation. She wanted to walk away with many memories of Takemizu Village. Even if this meant spending two hours raking the rock garden in the park, she was going to try it!

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Of course Avri didn’t find pushing rocks around very interesting, so he headed off to do his own thing for a while. Easily distracted by pretty women, Avri soon found himself getting just a little too friendly with Asia, another tourist staying at the same villas as he and Adelle.

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While her husband was out flirting with the tourists, clueless Adelle was spending thousands of dollars on jewelry and souvenirs to bring home. Coming from a very wealthy family definitely had benefits – just one benefit was the ability to go on a shopping spree in another country with no spending limit!

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After she was done shopping, Adelle went in search of her husband. She found him trying on some kimonos to take home as a souvenir. She surprised him by sneaking into the dressing room for a quick woohoo!

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The far east vacation was quickly coming to a close and Adelle still had a few things on her list to do. Thankfully she didn’t have to travel far to learn the acupuncture massage. The villas she was staying in offered that service!

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On the very last day of their honeymoon, Avri and Adelle headed to the botanical gardens to enjoy some afternoon tea. They had had the best time on their honeymoon, but they were ready to get back home to their regular lives. Adelle wanted babies soon and Avri was itching to find his desired career as a slacker.

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After checking out of their hotel and paying the almost four thousand dollar bill, Adelle and Avri donned their new far east attire and headed home. Avri proudly displayed a new pair of chopsticks he was also taking home with him – the only souvenir he got on his honeymoon, besides the terrible poison ivy rash.

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Adelle brought home one little souvenir she hadn’t counted on – a baby! Turns out all that romping around they did in Takemizu Village had gotten Adelle pregnant. Of course as a family aspiration, Adelle was more than thrilled about the pregnancy once she found out!

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Pregnancy had it’s perks, for sure! Avri was a little scared to become a father, but he took very good care of his wife while she was in her delicate condition. Georgia and Alvin, Adelle’s parents, were thrilled to hear that they were going to be grandparent soon.

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Avri had found his desired slacker career and was well on his way to becoming a professional party guest. He worked a lot of nights, so he was away from Adelle when she would sleep, but he promised to make up for all the nights away.

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Adelle didn’t have a job – she planned to be a stay at home mommy for the rest of her days – so she had a lot of free time during the day when he husband was asleep. She used this time to update her best friend Alon Tang on every little thing that happened in her life. Much talk these days was on the upcoming birth of Adelle and Avri’s first child. Alon, of course, was thrilled for Adelle. He was also a family aspiration and knew how much this meant to his best friend.

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The baby’s due date was coming quickly and Adelle was feeling the effects of pregnancy. She was always hungry and her back always hurt. Thankfully she had a great support group to keep her going. Even her romance aspiration husband was beginning to warm up to the idea of being a father soon!

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Alvin, Adelle’s father, is a knowledge aspiration and talked Adelle into reading all the baby books she could to prepare herself for the birth. These books were very helpful, and even Avri himself read with his darling daughter to be completely prepared for when the baby came.

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“Oh, oh, I can do this! I can do this,” Adelle talked herself through the birth of her first son. Avri was working when she went into labor and her parents were upstairs sleeping soundly. She had to go through the birth all alone! Once it was over, Adelle and Avri were proud parents to a red headed, green eyed baby boy named Ellis. He looks just like his father!

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The next day Alvin and Georgia woke up to see that their grandchild had been born during the night. Of course Ellis was cuddled, cooed to, fed and bathed all that day. Between naps and diaper changes, his grandparents hardly set him down! He definitely had a lot of family to love and care for him.

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Taking full advantage of all the help her parents offered, Adelle used her free time to whip her body back into shape. Pregnancy definitely had taken effects on her body and she wanted to get fit and tone like she was when Avri and she met in college.

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Since Avri works a night job as a club DJ, Adelle is the main parent for little Ellis. Whenever he has a dirty diaper or needs a bottle in the middle of the night, Adelle is the one to wake up and take care of him. Even though she knows Avri has to work to reach his LTW, she feels a little resentful because he has to leave her all the time – making her feel more like a single mom to their son.

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“Oh, my. Oh, my,” Adelle whispered to herself when she found out she was pregnant for the second time! Having one baby was hard enough to handle without the support of her husband throughout the night. Now she was going to add another baby into the mix. She was scared, but of course up to the challenge if it meant another little one in her arms.

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By the time Ellis’s birthday party rolled around, everyone knew about the pregnancy. Of course Georgia and Alvin are supportive of their daughter and even Alon is happy to see Adelle is going to be a mother of two. Avri couldn’t make it to his son’s first birthday party, he was out meeting with a club promoter on how to amp up his career in order to get his next big promotion.

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Adelle was more than angry with her husband Avri for skipping out on their son Ellis’s party, but she put on a happy face for her little guy and was thankful for her parents and best friend Alon because they showed up to celebrate. Surrounded by noisemakers, balloons and laughing loved ones, Ellis had a blast at his party.

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“I really can’t believe Avri missed this party, Delle. Ellis had a great time anyway. Did you see his face when he saw the candles on his cake – he was mesmerized!” Alon and Adelle had some time to themselves once Georgia took Ellis upstairs to change his outfit and brush his hair.

“I know, I know. He’s such a cute kid. Looks a lot like me now that he’s growing out of his baby stage. I wish Avri had been here to see it. Guess his career is more important than his family.” Adelle answered, caking on the sarcasm.

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Adelle and Alon continued to talk about Ellis, Avri and the upcoming baby throughout the rest of their dinner. When it was time to say goodbye for the evening, they shared a long hug.

“I’ll always be here for you, Delle. I’m so proud of everything you do. You’re a great mom for Ellis – even if his dad is absent most of the time, he’ll always have memories of you.”

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“Don’t get all sappy on me now, Alon,” Adelle joked, “But thank you, I like to think Ellis is happy even if Avri isn’t around to see him much. I guess he just needs to get his priorities in line.” The best friends came out of their hug and Adelle took Alon’s hands in hers. “So it’s a good thing you’re around often enough to be his father figure,” she joked. They both laughed and stood swaying together, hand in hand. Adelle had this strange feeling in her stomach, almost like butterflies. “Well, thanks for inviting me. I had a blast!” Alon was the first to break the silence and the hand holding, “I’ll see you soon.” He left her with a kiss on the cheek and a belly rub for the little one she was carrying.

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The night had ended on sort of a weird note. Adelle had always loved Alon has her best friend, but that night when saying goodbye, she almost felt she loved him a little more than that. But she loved Avri with all of her heart. She couldn’t love another man the same way. . . could she? To distract herself from these thoughts, Adelle ran upstairs to kiss her big boy goodnight. It was amazing how much he was starting to look like her instead of Avri as he got older.

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The next morning Georgia wasted no time teaching Ellis his toddler skills. He quickly learned to say Grammy – Georgia was shocked at how soon he began to speak. Maybe he was a little baby Einstein!

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When Adelle woke the day after the party, she heard an unfamiliar voice downstairs. She waddled down the stairs to find that Avri had brought his club promoter friend home with him. She also caught them in a more than friendly goodbye embrace.

“What the hell is going on here!?” Adelle screamed at the two. Andrea, the club promoter, quickly scrambled to get out of the way. It was a good idea seeing how angry Adelle was.

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“I should have listened to the rumors in college. You’ve been cheating on me this whole time haven’t you!?” Adelle screamed.

“No, I-I-I haven’t. Adelle, just listen to. . .” Avri stuttered.

“Get out! Get out of my house! I don’t want to listen to you. Get the hell out of here and don’t come back!” Adelle ordered and turned her back on her now ex-husband for good.

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The next few days were a blur in Adelle’s mind. All of the days and nights running together into a big blob. Suddenly, after the break up, she was more aware of all the signs of Avri’s cheating. She should have known. And now because of her blindness, she was stuck being a single mom to one baby with another on the way.

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Nights were hard for Adelle. She just moped around the house, she couldn’t be around Ellis because he would ask about daddy and Adelle would bust out in tears. Even though she was happy to finally see the truth, it hurt badly and she was having a hard time adjusting.

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It’s a good thing Adelle had her parents there to help. Ellis adored both Alvin and Georgia, and they felt the same about him. Adelle couldn’t hardly get up to shower herself, much less take care of a toddler right now. Her parents knew this and supported her, but they were ready for her to move on. This is why Alvin took his daughter’s troubles into his own hands – he called Alon over to comfort his baby girl.

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“I could slit his throat for doing this to you and Ellis. I really could hurt him Adelle. I can’t believe this. We should have known all along. The signs were there.” Alon was just as upset by the scandal as Adelle was. “But you know, you’re better off without him. You’d rather cry over the truth than smile over the lies. And you do still have something to smile about – me!”

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“I’m still here for you and the little guy.” Alon joked, “Maybe you should have married me all along.” There was a lot of truth and heart in Alon’s joke.

“You’re right Alon, I’ve always loved you.” Adelle said seriously. Alon thought she was kidding, but then saw her face and realized they finally were on the same page.

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“I’ve always loved you Alon. I guess it took me until now to realize it.” Adelle caressed his face.

“Delle, are you sure you realize what you’re saying. You’re still upset by this break up. You’re just looking for comfort now.” Alon was wary, but hoped with all his might what she said was true.

“No, I’m sure. I can’t believe it took me this long to realize. You’ve always been more than a best friend to me.” Adelle pulled Alon closer for a kiss, but suddenly stopped – a sharp pain in her stomach meant she was going into labor! What timing!

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Maybe it’s a good thing I’m going into labor now. Alon probably thinks I’m going crazy – trying to kiss him while I’m carrying the child of another man. Adelle’s labor was quickly progressing and soon she could think of nothing else but the pain.

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Adelle had two babies, both beautiful, healthy girls! She named them Eliza and Emma. It was a bitter sweet moment for Adelle, she was now a mom to three gorgeous children, but they were Avri’s children. She loved them nonetheless. She looked around to show Alon her two new babies, but he had already left. She felt a little let down – Maybe he didn’t love me the way I’ve thought after all, Adelle thought.

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“The babies are great – thanks for asking about them! Eliza and Emma are perfect little girls. I couldn’t have asked for more.” Adelle answered Alon’s questions about the new additions the next morning over brunch. He’d left during the birth, but came back the next day to check on everyone.

“You know, we should go fishing once we finish this. There’s something I wanted to talk to you about last night. But the twin’s birth kind of distracted me!” Alon joked.

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“Look, Delle, I’m not going to beat around the bush. You know that I love you, I always have. I’ve always wanted you to be happy and I think I could make you happy. I’m happy with you and I know you feel the same way, especially lately.” Alon rambled nervously. His heart racing the whole time, he professed his years of love for Adelle to her face finally. Adelle was silent, but made her feelings known with a very passionate kiss. It’s crazy how her life went from torn apart via divorce and patched back up almost immediately by her newfound love for her very oldest best friend.

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“Oh, Alon,” Adelle began, “I’ve always loved you too. You know that and I know that. I just couldn’t see it until now. We’ve always been meant to be together. Let’s not waste any time, let’s get married now!” And so Alon Tang joined the family with a ring and a last name change. Alon and Adelle Jenkins were the happiest people in Tiza Town that day.

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That night Adelle and Alon shared a long awaited passionate night. It was a little scary at first for Adelle, because the only man she’d ever been intimate with was her ex husband, Avri, but Alon reassured Adelle and they shared a very special night together as best friends and husband and wife.

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“Pretty baby, you love your mommy don’t you? My little Eliza, you’re such a good baby.” Adelle cooed to her oldest daughter later that night to help her sleep through the rest of the night. Adelle was completely content knowing her newborn twins went from being fatherless to having the best father figure in the world to look after them for the rest of their lives.

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It was a tough job having three babies under the age of three all at one time. They all demanded a lot of attention. Good thing Ellis, Eliza and Emma have such wonderful grandparents, a sweet, caring mom and a great new step dad (who is already more of a father than Avri ever was to them) to look after them.

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Although Alon is not the children’s biological father, he already adores all three equally. He was there to see Ellis grow since he was born, he was there when the twins were born and now he dotes on each one of them. Having a family aspiration makes him a naturally good father and of course he and Adelle are trying for their own child together.

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Ellis, Eliza and Emma’s birthdays all fell on the same day. Of course everyone was there to celebrate with the young babies. The kitchen was filled with so much love it was almost visible. Ellis laughed and clapped once the candles were lit, the twins were too young to really understand, but everyone was thrilled to be a part of the birthday bash.

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Ellis aged wonderfully – looks more like his mother as he gets older. He got her freckles, chunky cheeks and thin nose. Ellis has a personality and is very interested in his school and play time.

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The twins aged beautifully as well. Eliza, with red hair and green eyes, looks like the spitting image of her father with freckles. Emma, with brown hair and green eyes, looks like her mother though. She got the chunky cheeks, thin nose, but no freckles. Eliza’s personality is and Emma’s is

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Once the birthday cakes were cleaned up and the balloons popped, Adelle took a step back to admire her three gorgeous children. They were all playing on their drawing table and looked content as could be. Her life was turning out just perfect.

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The twins were fed smart milk to help them learn their toddlers skills a tad easier. Eliza and Emma were soaking up every bit of attention from the family members as possible. Adelle was loving every moment of the birthday night. And soon she found out she had even more to be thankful for – she found out that night that she and Alon were going to be parents all over again! The first time biologically for Alon and the fourth child for Adelle. Her life was turning out just as she had always pictured it – great parents, wonderful children and a loving, attentive husband.

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“This is great Delle! The girls are going to be big sisters. I know they are going to love this baby as much as we will. I can’t wait to see our little one. I love you so much!” Alon, glowing with happiness at the pregnancy news, couldn’t stop talking about he and Adelle’s upcoming baby.

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Ellis was old enough to remember when his father left, but Avri had never been a big part of his life. Having Alon in his life now was such a blessing to young Ellis. Alon was always there for him – helping him with his school work, tossing a baseball during the evenings after dinner and being the best father figure possible in general.

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Everyone’s lives were currently revolving around Eliza and Emma lately. For now, they are the babies in the home and they get more attention than they could ever need. Ellis is such a great big brother, he plays peek a boo with his sisters and even teaches them sing along songs! Grandpa Alvin dotes on his grandchildren and as a knowledge aspiration, he wants to teach them as much as their little minds can possibly soak up.

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Adelle was more than happy with the way her life was going – everything was perfect. She was so looking forward to the birth of the little one she was carrying. Although it was her fourth child, she was just as excited as when she was carrying Ellis.

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Of course when things seem to good to be true, they usually are. Georgia was old in age and had declining health and strength as a result. She passed away peacefully in her sleep, leaving the family very upset.

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Everyone in the home was having a hard time coping with Georgia’s death. From the tiniest member of the home to the oldest member. Everyone was greatly effected. It was not an easy time in the house, every sim was crying over their loss and just trying to make it through day by day.

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Time doesn’t erase pain, but it eases it. As time went on Georgia’s loss was easier to cope with – especially when Adelle’s due date arrived.

“Mom,” Ellis began over breakfast before school, “I really like Eliza and Emma. But I need a brother. You know, I have to teach him how to throw a ball with dad. Could you please have a baby boy tonight?” “You’re silly, son,” Adelle laughed at her only boy, “I promise to try for a boy if you promise to love the baby even if it’s a girl. Deal?” “Deal, mom!” And they shook on it before Ellis raced to the bus.

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Adelle and Alon had been trying to prepare the girls for the birth of the new baby. They were too young to completely understand, but they did know they were getting a baby brother or sister to play with. When the due date came, it was no different from any other day for Eliza and Emma. They still played with their blocks like any normal day.

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“Ahhhh! The baby is coming. Alon, wake up. Dad, get ready!” Adelle barked orders through the contractions as she prepared for the birth of she and Alon’s first child together.Sure enough Ellis didn’t get the brother he wanted, but got a new sister to love. Emery looks so much like her father, but is Adelle’s first child to inherit her and her mother’s bright blue eyes. Adelle liked to think her mother was looking down with her blue eyes from Heaven at the same beautiful eyes her new grandbaby shares.

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Of course Alon loves Ellis, Eliza and Emma, but having Emery is a whole new experience for him. Emery is his first biological child with Adelle. She is the apple of his eye of course and they share the bond only a father and daughter could have. Ever since Emery was born, Alon hardly leaves her side. It’s pretty cute.

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Eliza and Emma’s birthday came around fairly quickly. Time was flying by in the house with Ellis now in school and Emery to take care of. The girls were excited to blow out their birthday candles together.

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Of course the girls aged into beautiful children together. Eliza and Emma look a lot alike in their facial features, but very different with their hair color. Eliza is interested in animals and the paranormal, Emma is interested in traveling and school.

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After Eliza and Emma’s birthday, Adelle begins to feel the tell tale signs of pregnancy. She is having morning sickness frequently and feels queasy throughout the day. She and Alon are going to be parents again!

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Adelle may be carrying a new baby, but Emery is still her little darling for now. Emery gets a lot of attention from everyone in the house. Now that Eliza and Emma are older and in school with Ellis, Adelle has a large amount of free time to dote on her baby daughter.

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“Em, you’ll never believe what Katy told me today! She said that Marsha Bruenig has a secret crush on our social studies teacher! Gross, right!?” Eliza is such the little gossiper and her twin sister eats up all the juicy details about her classmates. The two are best friends and are constantly playing together and telling secrets to each other. It’s great that they get along, but they should be working on their homework instead of talking about Marsha.

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Ellis sets an excellent example for his younger sisters. He always comes home and completes his homework and then spends some time studying his skills. After study time Ellis eats dinner with the family and spends time with his parents before going to bed. He definitely is beyond his years.

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Adelle’s stomach is growing each day while the little one inside her is getting bigger and stronger. This will be her fifth child and Alon’s second biological child. They are both very excited, but with five children in the house already, they are running out of room! It was decided that this will be the last child in the Jenkins home.

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When Emery’s birthday rolled around, the entire house dropped what they were doing to see the youngest baby grow up. She aged into a beautiful freckle less little girl who looks so much like her father. Emery’s personality is – she is the nicest of the Jenkins siblings thus far.

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Emery is a sweet child, she loves her play table and constantly likes to see what new things she can build with the blocks or what new pictures she can draw for her mommy and daddy. She’s the perfect, content little toddler.

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When Adelle goes into the labor for the very last time, she is on her own. She gives birth to a little boy whom she names Elijah. Eli is the only child to get his father’s brown eyes. All the children are currently sleeping, but once they wake up Adelle can’t wait to introduce them to their new sibling. Especially Ellis, he will be thrilled to see he has a new baby brother. For now Elijah will be sleeping in his parents room, because all the bedrooms are currently full. Later on he might have to share a room with Ellis.

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This is where this chapter ends – I don’t want to drag it out all the way until little Elijah is a teenager. ;) I hope that you all enjoyed reading about Adelle and her five beautiful children, Ellis, Eliza, Emma, Emery and new baby Elijah. Look back next time to see how they all grow up and to decide on the next heir! Thanks for reading

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