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    VOLUME XII—1920

    A lK I N , V . L . D eterm ination of M oistu re in B eet-S u gar F actoryP rod u cts .................................... 979

    Al b r ECH, M . C. D eterm in ation of C rude F iber in Prepared M u stard . 1175A l e x a n d e r , J . C olloidal F u el. N o t e . ..................... .......................... 612

    S om e P ractica l A p p lication s o f C ollo idal C hem istry . C olloidS ym p osiu m , S t. L ouis M eetin g , A . C. S ........................................................ 434

    A lm y , L . H . a n d E . D . Cl a r k . C hem ical S tu d y of F rozen F ish inStorage for S h ort an d L on g P er io d s............................................................... 656

    Al sb e r g , C . L . R ep ort, 36 th A nnual C on ven tion , A ssocia tion of Official A gricultural C hem ists, W ash in gton , D . C ., N o v em b er 17to 19, 1919 ................................................................................................................... . 8 6

    A l sb e r g , J. H ea t B alan ce of a D istilla tio n P la n t for R ecovery ofF a tty A cids from C otton seed F o o ts ............................................... 490

    A m b l e r , J . A . N a p h th a len e S u lfon ic A cid s. I — Som e D ifficu ltlySolub le S a lts of C ertain N ap h th a len e S u lfon ic A c id s ......................... 1081

    N a p h th a len e S u lfon ic A cids. I l l — An A ltern a tive M eth o d for th e Q u alita tive D etectio n of N ap h th a len e-2 ,7 - and 1 ,6-D isu lfon icA cid s ............................................................................................................................... 1194

    a n d W . J. C o tton . U se of C a ta ly sts in th e S u lfon ation of A rom a tic C om p ou n d s.................................................................................................... 968

    a n d E . T . W h e r r y . N a p h th a len e S ulfon ic A cids. I I — A M eth od for th e Q u a lita tive D etectio n of S om e of th e N a p h th a len e Sulfon icA c id s ............................................................................................................................... 1085

    A n d e r so n , E . a n d R . J. N estel l . F orm ation of th e D ou b le S a lts ofC alcium and P otassiu m S u lfa tes a t 100° C ............................................. 243

    A n d e r so n , M , S . a n d W . H . F r y . S o lid P h ases O btained b y th eE vap ora tion of C ertain S oil E x tr a c ts ........................................................... 663

    A n d e r so n , R . P . G asoline from N a tu ra l G as. I — M eth od o f Re*m o v a l........................................................................................................................ 547

    G asoline from N atu ra l G as. *111— H ea tin g V alue, Specific G rav ity ,and S pecific H e a t, 852; C orrection ................................................................. 1028

    G asoline from N a tu r a l G as. IV — T em p eratu re C orrection andB lend in g C harts, 1011; C orrection ................................................................. 1214

    a n d C . E . H in c k l e y . G asoline from N atu ra l G as. I I — U se ofC harcoal in D eterm in in g th e G asoline C on ten t of N a tu ra l G a s . . 735

    A rEn s o n , S . B . a n d W . A . F e l sin g . P recip ita tion o f Sulfur fromC rude M u stard G as b y M eans of A m m on ia ............................................. 1065

    W . A . F elsin g a n d F . J. K o pp . M eth od for D eterm in in g th e Sulfur M onochloride C on ten t o f M u stard Gas-SaCla M ixtures.................... 1054

    B A D G E R , W . L . D eterm ination o f O xygen b y th e C opper-A m m o-n ia-A m m onium C hloride R e a g e n t .................................................................. 161

    B a il e y , C . H . H ygroscop ic M oisture of F lour E xp osed to A tm ospheres of D ifferent R e la tiv e H u m id ity ........................................................ 1102

    B a il e y , H . S . an d W . D . B a l d sie f e n . D etectio n o f O ils o th er th an L in seed in P a in ts , b y M eans o f th e H exabrom id e N u m b er of th eF a t ty A c id s ...........................................................................;..................................... 1189

    a n d C . B . E d w a r d s . D eterm in ation o f th e Specific H e a t of H ea v yM ineral O ils ................................................................................................................ 891

    B a k er , F . P. a n d W . K . L e w is . D iffusing Pow er of P ig m en ts 890B a k e r , G . C . P reparation of A m m onia-F ree W a ter ................................ 798

    a n d R . E . G r e e n f ie l d . R ela tion sh ip o f H yd rogen -Ion C oncentration of N a tu ra l W aters to C arbon D iox id e C on ten t, 989; C orrect io n ..................................................... 1214

    B a l d s ie f e n , W . D . a n d H . S . B a il e y . D etec tio n of O ils o ther than L in seed in P a in ts , b y M eans of th e H exabrom id e N u m b er o f th eF a tty A c id s ........................................................................... 1189

    B an cro ft , W . D . C olloids in B io logy and M edicin e, b y B echhold .(B ook R e v ie w ) .............................................................. ; ......................................... 412

    N a tio n a l R esearch C ouncil. R ep ort o f th e C hairm an a t th e A nnual M eetin g of th e D iv is ion of C hem istry and C hem ical T ech n ology .(See E d itoria l, 8 3 5 ) ................................................................................................. 911

    B ar sk y , G . F u el V alu e of V o la tile L iq u id M ix tu r es ................................... 77B ar tow , E . W ater S u p p ly of th e A m erican E xp ed ition ary F o r ces .. . 903B a sk e r v il l e , C . C hlorine and In flu en za . . ........................................ 293

    H yg ien ic C ontrol of th e A niline D y e In d u stry in E u ro p e ...................... 393L ead C oated I r o n ........................ 152R ep ort o f C om m ittee on O ccu pational D iseases in th e C hem ical

    T rades. S t . L ou is M eetin g , A . C. S ....................................................... 439U tiliza tio n o f A sp h a ltic B ase A cid S ludge O b tain ed in R efin ing

    P etro leu m and S hale O ils ................. 30W ood A lcoh ol— C ooperative C a u t io n . ...................................................... 81W ood A lcohol N o L onger: H ereafter M e th a n o l.......................................... 910

    B a u d e , W . A ., L . H . M illig a n a n d H . G. B o y d . P reparation ofA rsenic Trich loride from W h ite A rsenic and P h o s g e n e .. . . . . . . . . 221

    B a u g h m an , W . F . a n d W . W . S k in n e r . D eterm in ation of Iod id e andB rom ide in M ineral W aters an d B r in es ..................................... 358

    B ay ard , F . W ., W . W . K in g an d F . H . R h o d e s . U se of Paracou-m arone R esin in V arn ishes................................ 549

    B e a l , G . D . a n d M . C. P e r r y . Q u an tities of P reservatives N eccssary to In h ib it an d P reven t A lcoh olic F erm en ta tion and G row th ofM o ld s ............................................................................................................................. 253

    B e d f o r d , C. W . a n d W . S c o r r . R eaction s o f A ccelerators duringV u lca n iza tio n ........................................................ 31

    B e n n e t t , H . S. C hem ical M arket in I n d ia ..................................................... 395B e n s o n , H . K . a n d R . E . C a n f ie l d . L ow T em p eratu re D istilla tion

    of S ub -b itu m in ou s C o a l................................................................................ 443B e r r y , R . M . _ R ap id and S y stem a tic M eth od for th e A nalysis of

    L igh t A lu m in iu m C asting A llo y s . ................................................................ 998B e r to let , E . C. C hem istry for T ex tile S tu d en ts , b y N o r th and

    B lan k . (B ook R e v ie w ) ....................................................................................... 1224B ezz e n b e r g e r , F . K . E va lu a tion of A lu m in iu m D ro ss ........................... 78B ig elo w , W . D . R ep ort of C om m ittee on G uaranteed R eagen ts and

    Stand ard A pparatus. S t. L ouis M eetin g , A. C. S ............................... 439R ep ort o f C om m ittee to F orm ulate S pecifications for th e C onstru c

    t io n o f a P olariscop e for L ab oratory U se . S t . L ou is M eetin g ,A . C. S ........................................................................................................................... 440

    B is so n , C . S. a n d A . W . C h r is t ie . N o te on th e S o lu b ility of B en zid in e S u lfa te in W a ter ............................ 485

    R apid M eth od for th e D eterm in ation o f Sulfur in P etro leu m O i l s . . 171

    B l a c k , J. H . a n d T . G . T h om pso n . In te rso lu b ility o f C hloropicrinand W a ter ............... .̂..................................................................................... 106 6

    B l a ir , A . W . R e la tiv e A v a ila b ility o f N itr a te N itrogen and C om m ercial O rganic N itro g en . F ie ld an d C ylin d er E x p er im en ts . . . . 262^

    B l a k e , A . F . C hanges in th e P o lariz in g C on stan ts of Sugars duringR efin in g ........................................................................................................................... 1104-

    B l an co , G . W . a n d E . C. S h er r a r d . A cid H yd ro ly sis of S ugar-C an eF iber and C otton seed H u lls .................................................................................. 1160’

    B l a sd a l e , W . C. E q u ilib r ia in S o lu tion s C on ta in in g M ixtures of S a lts . I I — T h e S y ste m W ater an d th e C hlorides and S u lfa tes ofSodium and M agn esiu m a t 2 5 ° ................................................................... .... 164-

    B lEin in g e r , A . V . C eram ic P rocesses A ssocia ted w ith C ollo idPhen om en a. C olloid S ym p osiu m , S t . L ou is M eetin g , A . C. S . . . . 436*

    B o gert , M . T . P resen ta tion A ddress. Perk in M ed al A w a rd 184-B o yd , H . G ., W . A . B a u d e a n d L. H . M il l ig a n . P rep aration of

    A rsenic T rich loride from W h ite A rsenic and P h o sg en e .................. 22 VB o y l e , C. L . In d ica tors U sed for D eterm in in g F ree A cid in P ick lin g

    S o lu tio n s........................................................................................................................... 571'B r a d l e y , H . F . R ap id D eterm in a tio n of S m all A m ou n ts of C opper

    b y th e Iod id e M e th o d .............................................................................................. 8 0 0B r a y , W . C ., A . B . L amb a n d J . C. W . F ra zer . R em o v a l of C arbon

    M on oxid e from A ir ..................................................................................................... 213-B r e w e r , R . E . a n d E . G . M a h in . E lectrom etric M eth od for D ete c t

    in g Segregation o f D isso lv ed Im p u rities in S t e e l ...................................... 1095B ro o ks , B . T . Purchase o f G erm an B ook s and P er io d ica ls ....................... 394B r o w n , K . M an u factu re of P h en ol in a C ontinu ou s H igh Pressure

    A u to c la v e ......................................................................................................................... 279B r o w n e , C . A . F ood In sp ection and A n a lysis , b y L each an d W in ton .

    (B ook R e v ie w ) .............................................................................................................. 828T estin g o f S accharim eters b y M ean s of th e T elescop ic C ontrol T u b e . 7 9 2T h e B ook p late of D r. Josep h P r ie s t le y ................................................................ 611T h e Q u estion of th e Id e n tity o f B a la ta and G um C h ic le .......................... 199-

    B r y a n , H . a n d R . O. E . D a v is . E le ctr ica lly H ea ted B om b forA m m onia S y n th e s is ................................................................................................ 2 8 T

    B u c h a n a n , G . H . a n d G . B . W in n e r . S o lu b ility of M on o- andD iam m on iu m P h o sp h a te ......................................................................................... 448-

    B u r t , W . I . , H . L . T r u m b u l l , G. T . S ohl a n d S . G . S e a t o n . C ontrol E xp erim en ts in C hloropicrin M an u factu re. I — T h e E ffect of V arying Q u an tities of L im e upon th e Y ie ld o f C h lo ro p icr in .. 106&

    B u s h n e l l , L . S . a n d I I . S . Cl a r k . D eterm in ation o f M in u te Q u an tities of Oil in S u lfu r..................................................................................................... 485-

    B u siio n g , F . W . an d L . L . K n ig h t . S pecific H e a t of P etro leu m a tD ifferent T em p era tu res .......................................................................................... 1197“

    B u t t , C . A . R ap id an d A ccurate M eth od for D eterm in in g N itrogen in N itra te of S oda b y th e M odified D evard a M eth o d an d th eU se of th e D av isson S crubber B u lb .................................................................. 3 5 2

    B u t ter m a n , S . Influence o f th e M eth od o f M an u factu re on th e U seof C asein in G lue M a k in g ....................................................................................... 141'

    B ya ll , S ., N . K o pelo ff a n d L. K o pe l o f f . E ffec t o f C oncen trationon th e D eteriora tive A ctiv ity o f M old Spores in S u g a r .. . . . . . . 256*

    C A L D E R W O O D . II. N ., J r . a n d L . F . H a w l e y . T ar-S till O perationin H ardw ood D istilla tio n P la n ts ...................................................................... 684-

    C ald w ell , R . G. a n d II. C . M o o r e . S om e R esu lts o f th e D eterm in ation of P otash by th e L in d o-G lad d in g M e th o d ..................................... 1188

    C am p , J. R . a n d J. W. M a r d e n . A n alysis of M olyb d en u m , C obalt,and C hrom ium A llo y s .................. i .............................................................. 998

    C a m pbell , A . A nim al F a ts and O ils, b y A nd£s. (B ook R e v ie w ) . . . 1223C a m pbell , C . H . J e l ly .................................................................................................... 558C a m pbell , E . D . an d G. F . S m ith . C om parison of A ccu racy in

    A nalysis of M eta llu rg ica l M ater ia ls d urin g th e P a st T w en ty -F iv e Y ea rs .................................................................................................................... 1020-

    C a n f ie l d , R . E . a n d H . K . B e n s o n . L ow T em p eratu re D istilla tio nof S ub -b itu m in ou s C o a l........................................................................................ 443

    Ca s w e l l , W . W . V alu e of C ost A ccou n tin g in C om m ercial L aborato r ies ............................................................................................................................... 79

    CnANDLER, C. F . A ddress o f A ccep tan ce. Perk in M ed a l A w a r d .. . . 189-P resen tation A ddress. C handler M edal A w ard ............................................ 607

    C h a p in , E . S . R ep ort to D y e A dvisory C om m ittee o f th e S ta te D e p artm en t, S ep tem b er 29 , 1920. (See E d itoria l, 1 0 4 2 )...................... 1130*

    C h a p in , R . M . D iazom etr ic D eterm in ation o f P h en ol, an d ofC ertain of I ts H o m o lo g s ............................................................................ 568

    N e w M eth od for th e D eterm in ation of P h en ol in th e Presen ce ofC ertain O ther P h en o ls ........................................................................................... 771

    C h a s e , W . S . T itra tion o f A m m onium A cid F lu o r id e ................................... 567C h il l a s , R . B . a n d J . B . H ill . E lectr ic H eater for th e C oal-T ar

    N a p h th a D istilla tio n T e s t . ............................................................................. 2 8 0 ‘C h r is t ie , A . W . a n d C . S. Bis s o n . R apid M eth od for th e D eterm in a

    tion of Sulfur in P etro leu m O ils .................................................. 171N o te on th e S o lu b ility of B en zidine S u lfa te in W a ter .............................. 485

    C h u r c h , M . B . L ab oratory E xp erim en ts on th e M an u factu re ofC hinese A ng-K hak in the U . S ......................................................................... 45

    C l a r k , C . M . E ffective C onn ectin g B u lb ............................................................ 366C l a r k , E . D . a n d L. H . A lmy. C hem ical S tu d y o f F rozen F ish in

    S torage for S h ort and L ong P er io d s................................................................. 656C la r k , G . L . an d R . B . I s e l e y . S tu d ies on th e C orrosive A ction of

    C hlorine-T reated W ater. I— T h e E ffects of S teel on th e E q u ilib rium : C h + H iO H C l + IICIO, and of P rodu cts of th eE q u ilibriu m on S te e l.............................................................................................. 1116

    Cl a r k , H . S . an d L. S . B u s h n e l l . D eterm in ation o f M in u te Q uantitie s of Oil in S u lfu r . ....................................................................... : ................... 485

    C la r k , W . M . S tu d ies on T ech n ica l C asein . I — In tr o d u ctio n 1162H . F . Zo ller , A . O. D a h lberg a n d A . C. W e im a r . S tu d ies on

    T ech n ica l C asein . I I— G rain-C urd C a se in .............................. 1163C l a r k e , W . F . a n d W . D . Co l l in s . U se o f H yd rogen ated O ils in

    th e M an u factu re o f T in P la t e . ..................................................................... 149C l e m e n s , C . A . In so lu b le S o lid s in Jam s, P reserves, and M ar

    m alad es ..................................................................... *.••■............................................... 48N e w T y p e o f C ondenser for th e D eterm in ation o f Crude F iber.

    (See P ick el, 6 1 1 ) .......................................................................................................... 2 8 8 -

  • D e c . , 1920 T E E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y 1231

    C o c h r a n e , D . C. Influence of P otass iu m P erm an ganate on K jeld ahlN itro g en D eterm in a tio n s ..................................................................................... 1195

    COLLINS, W . D . D raw ings of S tandard A p p a ra tu s...................................... 817H ardn ess o f S urface W aters in th e U . S ................... ...................................... 1181Som e A m erican-M ade C hem ical R ea g e n ts ..................................................... 800S tand ard s an d T ests for R ea g en t C hem icals, b y M urray. (B ook

    R e v ie w ) ......................................................................................................................... 1035U n it W eights for Pu rchase o f R ea g e n ts ........................................................... 1206a n d W . F . Cl a r k e . U se of H yd rogen ated Oils in th e M an u factu re

    of T in P la te ................................................................................................................. 149C o m ey , A . M . E xp losives , b y B arn ett. (B ook R e v ie w )......................... 1035C o o led g b , L . H . A n Im p roved C om parator.................................................. 499C o o lid g e , C ., G . D . K ratz a n d A . H . F l o w e r . A ction of C ertain

    O rganic A ccelerators in th e V ulcan ization of R u b b er...................... 317C o p e , W . C. S tren g th and V eloc ity of D eto n a tio n of V arious M ilitary

    E x p lo s iv es .................................................................................................................... 870C otton , W . J. a n d J . A . A m bler . U se of C a ta ly sts in th e Sulfon a-

    tion of A rom atic C om p ou n d s ...................................... 968C o ttrell , F . G. W illard G ibb s M ed al A d d ress ............................................ 697C o w a n , W . A . A n alysis of B a b b itt , b y Brakes. (B ook R e v ie w ) 413C r a n e , E . J. A n O p p ortu n ity to O b ta in th e L ondon C hem ical

    S o c ie ty ’s A nnual R ep orts on th e Progress of C h em istry a t a R e duced R a te ................................................................................................................... 1213

    B etter C hem ical N om en cla tu re in T rad e U sa g e .......................................... 1026C r o ssl e y , M . L . Q ualifications o f Organic C hem ists. A ddress,

    C hicago M eetin g , A . C. S .................................................................................... 951C r o ssl e y , T . L . R ap id E xam in ation of S he llac , S hellac V arnish, and

    L acq u er.......................................................................................................................... 778

    D A H L B E R G , A. O ., W . M . C la r k , H . F . Zo ller a n d A . C . W e im a r .S tu d ies on T ech n ica l C asein . I I — G rain-C urd C a se in ..................... 1163

    D a n ie l s , F ., B . II. K e p n e r a n d P . P . M u r d ic k . H e a t of H yd rationand Specific H e a t of W h eat F lo u r .................................................................. 760

    D a v is , H . S . a n d M . D . D a v is . D e tec tio n o f A rsenic in S u lfu r 479D a v is , R . O. E . Pu rification o f C om pressed G ases in T estin g C ata

    ly s ts for A m m onia S y n th e s is .............................................................................. 289a n d H . B r y a n . E lectr ica lly H e a ted B om b for A m m onia S y n th es is . 287 a n d L . B . Olm stea d . P rep aration of N itro g en and H ydrogen

    M ixture b y D ecom p osition of A m m o n ia ..................................................... 316D a v iss o n , B . S . On th e D istilla tio n of A m m o n ia ........................................ 176D e a n , E . W ; a n d D . D . S t a r k . C on ven ien t M eth o d for th e D e

    term in ation o f W ater in P etroleu m an d O ther Organic E m u lsion s. 486 D e h n , W . M . a n d M . C. T a y lo r . C hem ical M eth od for th e D ete c

    tio n in F r u it o f a Prior F rozen C o n d itio n ................................................. 977D e m o r est , D . J. T h e M ak in g , S h ap in g , and T rea tin g o f S tee l, b y

    C am p an d F rancis. (B ook R e v ie w ) ............................................................. 1:226D e n n is , L . M . A pp aratu s for th e D eterm in ation of M e ltin g P o i n t s . . 366D e p e w , H . A . a n d I . R . R u b y . A gin g of C ertain R ub b er C om pounds 1155

    S om e M icrosection s C u t from V ulcan ized R ub b er A rtic les ................. 1156D e u e l , H . J ., J r ., a n d A . D . H olm es. U tiliza tion of K id , R ab b it,

    H orse, and S ea l M e a ts as F o o d ........................................................................ 975D ic k e r so n , W . H . M illions from W a ste , b y T a lb o t. (B ook R e

    v iew ) ................................................................................................................................ 827D ix o n , H . W . M eth o d of Preparing P h loroglu cin ol R ea g en t for th e

    K reis T e s t ..................................................................................................................... 174D o n l e a v y , J . J ., T . B . J o h n so n a n d A . J . H il l . Som e C a ta ly sts

    W hich P rom ote R ea ctio n betw een A niline and E th y l A lcoh ol 636D o r e , W . H . D eterm in ation of C ellu lose in W oods, 264; C orrection . 395

    D istr ib u tio n o f C ertain C hem ical C on stan ts of W ood o ver I tsProx im ate C o n stitu en ts , ........................................................................ 472

    P rox im ate A n a lysis of C oniferous W o o d s ........................................................ 476P roxim ate A n alysis of H ardw oods: S tu d ies on Q uercus A g r ifo lia . . 984

    D o rr , J . V . N . M an u al o f C yan id a tion , b y H am ilton . (B ook R ev iew ) ................................................................................................................................ 829

    D o w n s , C . R . a n d J . M . W e is s . C a ta ly tic O xidation. I — B en zen e . 228 D u B o is , R . a n d H . I . J o n e s . P reserva tion of E ggs, Inc lu d in g a

    B ib liograp h y o f th e S u b jec t ................................................................................ 751D u r h a m , H ., H . L . T r u m b u l l a n d S . G . S e a t o n . C ontrol E xp eri

    m en ts in C hloropicrin M an u factu re. I I — A ctiv e C hlorine in th e S lu d ge from th e M an u factu re o f C hlorop icrin ........................................ 1068

    E D W A R D S , C. B . an d H . S. b a il e y . D eterm in ation of th e SpecificH ea t o f H e a v y M ineral O ils ............................................................................... 891

    E it e l , E . H . A m erican Progress in th e B acterio log ica l S u g a rs 1202E n g l is , D . T . N o te on th e U se of A lu nd u m F ilterin g C ru cib les 799E n g l is h , F . L . A n alysis of A rom atic N itro C om pounds b y M eans of

    T ita n o u s C h lorid e .................................................................................................... 994E s s e l e n , G . J ., J r . C ertain A sp ects o f th e C h em istry of C ellulose

    A ceta te from th e C olloidal V iew p o in t........................................................... 801C ellu lose S ym p osiu m for th e C hicago M eetin g , A . C . S ......................... 814

    E u st o n , E . " P orce la in ” W h ite L e a d ................................................................... 974

    F A B E R , H . B . a n d W . B . S to dda rd . S h ort C om m ercial A n alytica l M eth od s for th e D eterm in ation of P u r ity of Im p o rta n t C hem icalsU sed in P y ro tech n ics ................................................................ ........... 576

    F a y , H . C om m ercial L ab oratory N o tes , b y P e tty . (B ook R e v ie w ) . . 309M eta llograp h y . P art I , P rincip les of M eta llograp h y , b y H o y t.

    (B ook R e v ie w ) ........................................................................................................... 828F e l sin g , W . A . an d S . B . A r e n so n . ’ P recip ita tion of Sulfur from

    C rude M u stard G as b y M eans of A m m o n ia ........................... 1065S. B . A r e n so n a n d F . J . K o pp . M eth od for D eterm in in g th e

    Sulfur M onochloride C on ten t o f M u stard G as-SjC h M ix tu res . . . 1054H . Od e e n a n d C. B . P e t e r s o n . D ecom p osition of and Pressure

    D evelop ed b y M ustard G as in S teel Shell a t 6 0 ° C 1063P e r r is , L. W . V olum etric M eth od for th e D etectio n and E stim ation

    of N e u tr a liz e s in B u tter and in C ertain A llied P r o d u cts ................. 757P e u e r , B . a n d J. II. R e e d y . C orrosion of Brass in D ilu te E lectro ly te s 541

    a n d F . W . T a n n e r . A ction of U ltrav io let L igh t on th e Y east-L ik eF u n gi— I ............................................................................. .. • • •................ .*

    F lo h il , J . T . V olu m etric M eth od for the D eterm ination of D ia sta ticC a p a c ity ........................................................................................................................ 677

    P l o w e r , A . H . a n d G . D . K ratz. E ffect of C ertain A cceleratorsupon th e Properties of V ulcan ized R ub b er— I I ................................... 971

    G. D . K ratz a n d C . C o o lidg e . A ction of C ertain O rganic A cc e le r a to r s in th e V ulcan ization of R u b b er ............................................... 317

    .Fo o te , H . E . a n d G . W . H e is e . Produ ction of A m m onia and F orm ates from C yanides, F errocyanides, an d C yanized B r iq u ets . . . . 331

    .F r a n k lin , N . E . "C rippling a G reat W ork." (See E d itoria ls , 835,1042 )................................................................................................................. ; ........... 1132

    P r a n t z , H . W ., E . R . W e a v e r , P. E . P a lm e r , P. G. L e d ig a n d S. F. P ic k e r in g . A u tom atic M eth od s of G as A n a lysis D ep en ding upon T herm al C o n d u ctiv ity . (See Shak esp ear, 1027 )....................... 359

    F r a z e r , J . C. W ., A . B . L a m b a n d W . C . B r a y . R em oval of CarbonM on oxid e from A ir ..................................................................... 213

    F r i e d e n , A . a n d A . W . T h o m a s . D eterm in ation of H ydrochloricA cid and N eu tra l C hlorides in L ea th er ....................................................... 1186

    F r i e s , A . A . C hem ical W arfare. A ddress, S t . L ou is M eetin g ,„ A . C. S .............................................................................................................................. 423F r y , W . H . a n d M . S. A n d e r s o n . S olid P h ases O btained b y th e

    E vap ora tion of C ertain S o il E x tr a c ts .............................................................. 663F u l l e r , A . V . M odified F orm of th e S m ith F erm en tation T u b e . . . . 595

    G A N G L O F F , W . C. M eltin g P o in t of S odiu m N itr ite . N o t e ..........G a r b y , C. D . a n d J. A . L e C ler c . Pearl B arley: I ts M anufacture

    an d C om p osition ......................................................................................................G a r d n e r , H . A . W h ite L ead — I ts U se in P a in t, b y S abin . (B ook

    R e v ie w ) ......................................................... ...............................................................G ib b s , H . D . H isto ry of th e P rep aration and P roperties of Pure

    P h th a lic A n h y d rid e ................................................................................................P rodu ction of H yd roch loric A cid from C hlorine and W a ter ...............a n d M . P h il l ip s . A lk a li F u sion s. I — T h e F u sion of Sodium

    ¿»-Cymene S u lfon a te w ith S odiu m H yd rox ide for th e Productionof C arvacrol. (See H ixson and M cK ee, 2 9 6 ) ..........................................A lkali F u sion s. I I — T h e F u sion of Sodium B enzene m -D isul- fon a te w ith S odiu m H yd rox ide for th e P rodu ction of R esorcinol857; C orrection ..........................................................................................................Pu rification of B en zo ic A cid b y F raction a l C o n d en sa tion .................S y n th es is of T h ym ol from /»-C ym ene...........................................................

    G o ld s t e in , A . E . a n d L. M c M a s te r . M od ifica tion of th e T h om p son M eth od for th e D eterm in ation of A cetic A cid in W h ite L ead .

    G o o d w in , L . P . a n d E . T . S t e r n e . L osses Incurred in th e Preparatio n of A ceton e b y th e D istilla tio n of A ceta te of L im e ......................

    G r ä b e r , H . T . T h e Y ea sts, b y G uillicrm ond. (B ook R e v i e w ) . . . . G r a y , G . W . i T h e P etro leu m H an d b ook , b y A ndros. (B ook R e

    v iew ) ...............................................................................................................................G ra y , H . L e B . F ire C aused b y Y ellow P hosphorus. N o t e ...............G r e e n f i e l d , R . E .t a n d G . C. B a k e r . R ela tion sh ip o f H ydrogen-

    Ion C oncen tration of N a tu ra l W aters to C arbon D iox id e C ontent,989; C o rrec tio n .. . ............... ......................................... .........................................

    G r if f in , R . C . S o lu b ility o f M eta ls in A cids C onta in in g Form aldeh y d e ................................................................................................................................

    G r isso m , J. T . F orm ald eh yd e M eth od for D eterm in in g A m m oniumN itr a te ...........................................................................................................................

    G r o t l i s c h , V . E- D eterm in ation o f A cetic A cid in P yroligneousA c id ...................................... ..........................................................................................

    G u d em an , E . R econ stru ction A sp ects o f Som e C hem ical Ind u striesin th e U . S ...................................................................................................................

    G u p p y , C . M . N ew P u b lic a tio n s 103, 206, 310 , 414 , 518, 622,














    376 726

    . 80


    77 1180



    1036 4 00 4 00



    1107 395 705 918 196














    E d i t o r i a l s :A H ou se B u ilt upon a R o ck .................................................................................... 4A ir-C ast le s ........................................................................................................................ 315A L ife of S erv ice ............................................................................................................ 211A n U nfin ished S t o r y . ........................................................................................... 627A S ign ificant C o m b in a tio n ...................................................................................... 107C anadian H o s p ita lity .............................................................. 626C au gh t U p ........................................................................................................................ 1147C hairm an B an croft’s R e p o r t ................................................................................... 835C hapin R ep o r t................................................................................................................ 1042C hem ical W arfare S erv ice ............................................................... - - 314C hem ical W arfare S erv ice E n d an gered ............................................................. 2C h icago M e etin g ............................................................................................................ 730C rippling a G reat W ork ............................................................................................ 835C ritica l D a y s ................................................................................................................... 107D r M an n in g R e t ir e s ......................................................................... 524

    H A L E , H . C hlorine as a P reven tive of In flu e n z a .....................................H a l e , W . J . P lan for In cen tiv e to R esearch in Pure and A pplied

    C h em istry ....................................................................................................................H a l v e r so n , J . O. a n d J . A . S chulz. M cC ru d d en G ravim etric

    C alcium M eth od M od ified ..................................................................H a m ilto n , H . C . C hem istry of D ig ita l is ..........................................................

    Purified C resol (C resylic A cid ). (See Y ork , 2 9 6 ) . ..................... ..............H a m l in , M . L . E xam in ation o f th e C ollege T rained C hem ist for

    G overn m en t S ervice. (See T h is J o u r n a l , 11 (1919^, 1142).........H am or , W . A . A nnual R ep orts of th e S o c ie ty o f C hem ical In d u stry

    on th e Progress o f A pp lied C hem istry . (B ook R e v ie w ).................D a v id Shepard P ra tt. O b itu ary ........................................................................L eonard M erritt L idd le. O b itu ary ...................................................................L. C. N e w e l l , A . M . P atter so n a n d W . S eg erblo m . C hem ical

    R ead in g C ourses. (See M cC lellan d , 1 0 2 6 )...................................... 701,H a r g e r , R . N . C hanges T ak in g P lace in C yanam id w hen M ixed

    w ith F ertilizer M a ter ia ls ........................................................ ..................... ..D icyan od iam id e : A R apid , D irect M eth od for I ts D eterm ination

    in C yanam id and M ixed F ertilizer s...............................................................H ar r in g t o n , J . W . A ll R ea d y for th e S t. L ouis M eetin g , A . C. S . . .

    In th e A lem b ic o f P u b lic it y . .............................................................................S e ttin g th e S cen es for th e C hicago M eetin g , A . C. S ...............................T h e A . C. S . N ew s S erv ice R ep o r t .....................................................................

    H a r r is , J . B . a n d G . P . M e a d e . H ess-Iv es T in t-P h otom eter an dI t s U se w ith R aw S u gars ................................................................................

    H a r r is o n , A . P . a n d F . M . S ca les . B oric A cid M od ifica tion o f th eK je ld ah l M eth o d for C rop and S oil A n a ly s is ..........................................

    H ar t , M . C. an d A . D . H ir sc h f e l d e r . S im p le M eth od for th e P rep aration of S od iu m A m algam in F la k e s ...................................................... ..

    H a r tw ig , E . H . a n d E . G . M a h in . Inc lu sion s and F errite C rysta lliza tion in S teel. I I — S olu b ility o f In c lu sio n s ........................................

    H a sc h e , R . L ., A . M . P a r d e e a n d E . E . R e id . B u ty l A lcoh ol as aM edium for th e D eterm in ation of Sapon ification N u m b er s .............

    H a w l e y , L . F . N u m erica l R e la tio n b etw een C ells and T rea tm en tsin E xtraction Processes, 493; C orrection .* ................................................

    a n d H . N . C a ld erw o od , Jr . T a r-S till O peration in H ardw oodD istilla tio n P la n ts ................................. .................................................................

    H a y n e s , W . A nn u ario per le In d u str ie C him iche e F a r m a ceu tich e -A nno I , 1918, b y N a sin i, et a l. (B ook R e v ie w ) ....................................

    H e a t h , F . H . a n d W . L . S em o n . R ea ctio n b etw een S elen ium M on o-chloride and E th y le n e ............................................................................................

    H e is e , G . W . a n d H . E . F o o t e . P rod u ction o f A m m onia and F orm ates from C yanides, F errocyan id es, an d C yanized B r iq u e ts . . . .

    H e r s c h e l , W . II. M acM ich ael T orsion al V iscosim eter . (See M ac-M ich ael, 8 1 7 ) ..............................................................................................................

    H er ty , C . H . O pening A ddress, S ix th N a tio n a l E xp osition of C hem ical In d u str ies ................................................................................ ............................

    V ictory and I ts R esp on sib ilities. A ddress, S t. L ou is M eetin g , A . C. S ...........................................................................................................................

  • 1232 T E E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y V o l . 12, N o . 12

    D y es in th e S en a te ..................................................................................... 210E vo lu tion in A lcohol A d m in istr a tio n . ...................................................... 1044From th e S en ate G a llery .......................................................................................... 522H elp W a n ted ................................................................................................................... 522H ow B est to S erv e ....................................................................................................... 731H urry C a ll........................................................................................................................ 1146In ad eq u ate P a te n t S erv ice ....................................................................................... 212Increase in D u e s ........................................................................................................... 834In th e G a m e .................................................................................................................... 1147K ick in g U p D u s t .......................................................................................................... 3L o st G round to B e R ecovered ............................................................................... 210L y in g D ow n on th e J o b ................................................................................... 1042M ach in ery In sta lled — L u b rication N e x t ......................................................... 1147M u tu a l O b liga tion s...................................................................................................... 836N o te s ..................................................... 109, 212, 315, 524, 628, 732, 1044, 1148“ N o th in g to E a t b u t F o o d ” .................................................................................. 314Officers for 1920 ........................................................................................................... 2O ne-Sided G reasin g...................................................................................................... 626P la y in g T h eir G a m e .......................................................................... ........................ 1146P otash from a N ew A n g le ........................................................................................ 834P resid en t-E lec t H arding’s V iew s .......................................................................... 1146Professor B ogert D ec lin es ......................................................................................... 731P rop h etic ........................................................................................................................... 731R elief for th e P a te n t O ffice...................................................................................... 314R op e M a k in g ....................................................... .......................................................... 626S a fety in S p eech ............................................................................................................ 109S t. L ouis N e x t ................................................................................................................ 210S tu d en t O p in ion ................................................... 108S u b stan ce R ath er th a n S h a d o w ............................................................................ 1043T h e J oy and th e Sorrow o f M . I . T .................................................................... 108T h e M asquerading F ilter P a p er ........................................................................... 1043T o Y our P o s t ........................................................... 730

    H ig g in s , E . F . a n d E . C . P it m a n . M easu rem en t of V isco sity ofP yroxylin S o lu tio n s................................................................................................ 587

    H il l , A . J ., T . B . J o h n so n a n d J . J . D o nlEa v y . S om e C ata ly stsW hich P rom ote R eaction b etw een A nilin e an d E th y l A lc o h o l .. . 636

    H il l , J . B . an d R . B . C h il l a s . E lectr ic H eater for th e C oal-T arN a p h th a D istilla tio n T e s t ................................................................................... 280

    H in c k l e y , C . E . a n d R . P ; A n d e r so n .̂ G asoline from N a tu ra l G as.I I — U se of C harcoal in D eterm in in g th e G aso line C on ten t ofN a tu ra l G a s ................................................................................................................ 735

    H ir sc h f e l d e r , A . D . a n d M . C. H ar t . S im p le M eth od for th ePreparation of Sodium A m algam in F la k e s ............................................ 499

    H ix s o n , A . W . a n d R . H . M cK e e . A lk a li F u sion s. I— T h e F usion of S odiu m £ -C ym en e S u lfon a te w ith S odiu m H yd roxide for th eP rodu ction of C arvacrol. (See G ibbs and P h illip s, 1 4 5 ) . ............. 296

    H o g u et , R . T h e C hem ical F ou n d ation , In c ., P a te n ts .............................. 297H o lm es, A . D . a n d H . J . D e u e l , J r . U tiliza tio n of K id , R ab b it,

    H orse, and S eal M e a ts as F o o d ....................................................................... 975H olm es , H . N . T h e S econ d R ep ort on C olloidal C hem istry and I ts

    G eneral an d In d u str ia l A pp lication s, 1918. (B ook R e v i e w ) . . . . 101H o lm es , W . C. F reezing P o in ts o f M ixtures o f Sulfuric an d N itr ic

    A c id s ............................................................................................................................... 781H o l st e in , P . F . P otass iu m N itr a te from th e C hilean N itr a te I n

    d u s tr y ............................................................................................................................. 290H o lz , H . A. F ranklin F ilter P aper. (See E d itoria ls , 955 , 1 0 4 2 ) . . . . 1132 H o p k in s , O. P .:

    C hem ical In d u stry and T rade of I t a ly ............. 525C hem ical In d u stry and T rad e o f J a p a n ........... 110C hem ical In d u stry and T rad e o f N o r w a y ...... 632C hem ical In d u stry and T rade o f S p a in ............................................. 223 , 298C hem ical In d u stry and T rade of S w e d e n ........................................... 1045Our Foreign T rad e in C h em ica ls............................................................ 840

    H o p p , G. D eterm in ation of th e T en sile S tren g th of G lu e ....................... 356H o r n e , W . D . B on e-B lack and D eco lorizing C arb on s........................... 1015

    R ecen t A dvan ces in D e fe c a tio n ............................................................................ 1179H o u se m a n , P . A . a n d C . K . S w if t . P reparation of H e m a to x y lin .. . 173H o w e , H . E . C reative C hem istry , b y S losson . (B ook R e v ie w ) . . . . 516

    R ep ort o f C om m ittee A p p oin ted to D efin e th e F ie ld C overed b y R esp ectiv e D iv is io n s an d S ection s of th e A . C . S . S t . L ou isM eetin g , A . C. S ....................................................................................................... 438

    H o yt , L . F . an d G . W . R o l fe . N o te s on D ou b le P o larization M eth od s for th e D eterm in ation of^Sucrose and a S u ggested N ewM e th o d .......................................................................................................................... 250

    H u f f , W . J . C ause and P reven tion of A fter-C orrosion on th e B oresof F irearm s.......................................................................................................... 862

    H u l e t t , G . A . a n d O. A . N e l s o n . M oistu re C on ten t of C e r e a ls .. . . 40H u l t s , W . L . a n d E . L it t l e . R apid .A ccurate M eth od for th e A naly

    s is of an Iron O re..................................................................................................... 269

    IS E L E Y , R . B . a n d G . L . C la r k . S tud ies on th e C orrosive A ction of C hlorine-T reated W ater. I — T h e E ffects o f S tee l on the E q u ilibriu m : Cl2 + HjO HC1 + H CIO, and o f P rod u cts of th e E q u ilibriu m on S te e l...................................................................................... 1116

    J A C O B S , B . R . a n d O. S . R a sk . L ab oratory C ontrol of W h eat F lourM illin g ........................................................................................................................... 899

    J a r rell , T . D . a n d F . P . V eit c ii. D eterm in ation of th e W ater R e sistan ce of F a b r ic s ................................................................................................... 26

    J o h n so n , T . B ., A. J. H ill a n d J. J. D o nlEa v y . S om e C a ta ly stsW hich Prom ote R eaction b etw een A niline an d E th y l A lco h o l— . 636

    J o h n st o n , J . C a ta ly sis in In d u str ia l C hem istry , b y H enderson .(B ook R e v ie w ) .............................................................................. ........................... 101

    J o n e s , G . Progress o f th e A m erican C oal-T ar C hem ical In d u stryduring 1919. A ddress, C hem ical E x p o sitio n ...............................: . . . . 959

    J o n e s , H . I . a n d R . D u B o is . P reservation o f E g g s , In c lu d in g aB ib liograp h y of th e S u b jec t............................................................................... 751

    J o r d a n , H . W . R esp on sib ilities of th e C h em ist as a C itiz en .................. 629

    K A P L A N , B . B . a n d W . A . S elvig . H ygroscop ic ity o f B y -P rod u ctC o k e ............................................................................................... ................................ 783

    K a sa n o f , D . R . N o te s on th e P reparation of C u p fer ro n .. . — .......... 799K e b l e r , L . F . A S tu d y o f th e E con om ic S ta tu s of C h em ists in th e

    G overn m en t Serv ice, T en E d u cation a l In st itu t io n s and T h irty -seven F irm s ................................................................................ ; ............................. 1206

    K e e n a n , T . J . M odern P u lp and Paper M ak in g , b y W ith am . (B ookR e v ie w ) ......................................................................................................................... 1225

    T ech n ica l A ssocia tion of th e P u lp and P ap er In d u stry . A nn ou n cem e n t..................................................................................................................................... 815

    K e it t , T . E . D eR ood e-P erch loric A cid M eth od for D eterm in in gP o ta sh ..................................................................... 276

    K el l y . W . J . D eterm in ation o f T rue F ree Sulfur and th e T ru eC oefficient of V ulcan ization in V ulcan ized R u b b er .............................. 875

    K e p n e r , B . H ., F . D a n ie l s an d P . P . M u r d ic k . H e a t of H yd rationand Specific H ea t o f W h eat F lo u r ................................................................ 760

    K e r b s , R . H . E xplosion of F la sh lig h t P ow d ers ............................................. 1026K e r n , E . J. D eterm in ation of S u lfa te in S u lfon ated O ils .................... 785

    a n d J . A. W il s o n . N a tu re of th e H ide-T ann in C om pound and I tsB earing upon T an n in A n a ly sis ......................................................................... 1149

    T rue T an n in g V alu e of V egetab le T an n in g M a ter ia ls ............... 465K in g , W . W ., F . W . B ay ard a n d F . H . R h o d e s . U se of Paracou-

    m arone R esin in V arn ish es................................................................................. 549K ip l in g e r , C . C. S u b stitu te s for P la tin u m W ire in B ead and F lam e

    T e s ts ................................................................................................................................ 500K n ig h t , H . G . A cid ity and A cid im etry of Soils. I — S tu d ies o f th e

    H op k in s and P e tt it M eth od for D eterm in in g S o il A c id i t y . . . ^. . . 340A cid ity and A cid im etry o f S o ils . I I — In v e stig a tio n of A cid S oils b y

    M eans of the^ H yd rogen E lec tro d e.................................................................. 457A c id ity and A cid im etry of S o ils . I l l — C om parison of M eth od s for

    D eterm in in g L im e R eq uirem en ts o f S oils w ith H yd rogen E lectrod e. IV — Proposed M eth od for D eterm in ation of L im e R e quirem ents o f S o ils .................................................................................................. 559

    K n ig h t , L . L . a n d F . W . B u siio n g . S pecific H e a t of P etro leu m a tD ifferent T em p era tu res ........................................................................................ 1197

    K n o w l e s , C . L . S om e P h ysica l C on stan ts of P ure A n ilin e .................... 881S ta b ility of T e tr y l........................................................................................................ 246

    K n o w l e s , H . B . a n d G . E . F . L u n d e l l . D eterm in ation of Zircon ium in S t e e l . ....................................................................................................... 562

    U se of C upferron in Q u an tita tive A n a ly sis .................................................... 344K o h r , A . A . R ap id M eth od for Q u an tita tiv e D eterm in ation of

    A rsenic in C om m ercial Sulfuric A c id ............................................................ 580K o pe l o f f , L ., N . K o pelo ff a n d S . B ya ll . E ffect o f C oncen tration

    on th e D eteriorative A c tiv ity of M old Spores in S u g a r ...................... 256K o pe l o f f , N . E ffec t o f V arying th e A m ou n t of Inocu lu m and C on

    centration on th e D eterioration of Sugar b y M o ld s ........................... 455P reven tion o f Sugar D eterioration b y th e U se of S uperheated Steam

    in C entrifugals, 860; C orrection ....................................................................... 1028S . B yall an d L . K o pelo ff . E ffect o f C oncen tration on th e

    D eteriorative A c tiv ity of M old Spores in S u g a r ..................................... 256a n d H . Z. E . P e r k in s . D eterioration of C uban R aw Sugars in

    S to ra g e ........................................................................................................................... 555K o p p , F . J . a n d T . G . T h o m pso n . Pressures Produced b y th e A ction

    of Sulfur M on och lorid e u pon /9,/9'-D ichloroethyl S u lfid e ................. 1056W . A . F elsin g a n d S . B . A r e n so n . M eth o d for D eterm in in g th e

    Sulfur M onochloride C on ten t of M u stard G as-SiC lj M ix tu res . . 1054 K ratz , G . D . a n d A . H . F lo w er . E ffect of C ertain A ccelerators

    upon th e P roperties of V ulcan ized R ubber— I I ..................................... 971A . H . F lo w er a n d C . C oolidgE. A ction o f C ertain O rganic A c

    celerators in th e V u lcan ization o f R u b b er .............................. 317K r a u sk o pf , F . C . a n d L. H . P u r d y . C on ven ien t M eth od for th e

    P reparation o f a H yd rochloric A cid S o lu tion of C uprous C hloridefor U se in G as A n a ly sis ........................................................................................ 158

    K r e m e r s , E . N ew F ie ld s o f P h ytoch em ica l R esearch O pened up b yth e C u ltiv a tio n o f M ed ic in a l P la n ts on an E con om ic S c a le 1018

    L A M B , A . B ., W . C. B r a y a n d j . C . W . F ra zer . R em o v a l o f C arbonM on oxid e from A ir .................................................................................................. 213

    L a n g m u ir , I . A ddress o f A ccep tan ce. S tru ctu re o f A tom s and I tsBearing on C hem ical V alen ce . N ich o ls M ed al A w a rd .................... 386

    L a w , T . C. R ep ort o f th e C om m ittee on C otton seed P rodu cts,D iv is ion of In d u str ia l and E n gin eerin g C hem istry , A . C. S 707

    L aW a ll , C. H . R elation of th e C h em ist to th e U n ited S ta tes P h arm acop oeia .......................................................... 696

    L e C ler c , J. A . an d C . D . G a r b y . Pearl B arley: I ts M an u factu reand C om p osition .............................................................. 451

    L b d ig , P . G. In flam m ab ility of J e ts of H yd rogen and In e rt G a s : . . 1098 a n d E . R . W e a v e r . N ew F orm s o f C om bu stion A pp aratu s for

    U se in G as A n a ly sis ................................................................................................ 368E . R . W e a v e r , P . E . P alm er , H . W . F ra ntz a n d S . F . P ic k e r in g .

    A u tom atic M eth od s of G as A n alysis D ep en d in g u pon T h erm alC o n d u ctiv ity . (See Shakespear, 1027 )........................................................ 359

    L e n h e r , V . S elen ium and T ellu r iu m ................................................................ 597L eo , S . T . a n d R . H . M cK e e . C ontinu ou s P rocess for E le ctro ly tic

    R egen eration of C hrom ic A c id .................................................................... 16L e v e y , H . A . C ellu lose P h th a la te : I t s P reparation and P rop erties . 743 L e v in e , B . S . a n d F . P . V e it c h . T estin g th e M ild ew R esistan ce of

    T e x ti le s .......................................................................................................................... 139L e w is , W . K . V apor C om position o f A lcoh ol-W ater M ix tu r e s . . . . . . 496

    a n d F . P . B a k e r . D iffu sing Pow er of P ig m e n ts ........................... 890a n d W . H . M cA d a m s. D irect M eth od for th e D eterm in ation of

    R ub b er H yd rocarb on in R aw and V ulcan ized R u b b er 673L i n d , S . C. Practical M eth od s for th e D eterm in ation o f R ad iu m .

    I l l — A lp h a-R ay M eth od , G am m a-R ay M eth o d , M isc e lla n e o u s .. 469L it t l e , E . a n d W . L . H u l t s . R ap id A ccu rate M eth o d for th e

    A n alysis of an Iron O re........................................................................................ 269L o e v e n h a r t , A . S . C h em istry’s C ontrib ution to th e L ife S ciences.

    A ddress, C hicago M eetin g , A . C . S ................................................................ 1122L om anitz , S . Oil of th e P r ick ly P ear S e e d ....................................................... 1175L o rm and , C . In tern a tion a l C hem ical C on feren ce........................................ 925

    Paris L e tte r .................................................................................. 820 , 1029, 1134, 1217L o w , W . H . S oy -B ean O il......................................................................................... 572

    T estin g th e S tren gth of G lue J e llie s ............................................ 355U nsap on ifiab le M atters. (See T h is J o u r n a l , 11 (1919 ), 1 1 6 1 ) . . . . 713

    L o w y , A . F ire C aused b y Y ellow P h osp h oru s ............................................... 507L u b s , H . A . In d ica tors and T h eir In d u str ia l A p p lica tio n ................... 273L u n d e l l , G . E . F . a n d H . B . K n o w l e s . D eterm in ation of Zir

    con iu m in S te e l.......................................................................................................... 562U se o f C upferron in Q u an tita tive A n a ly sis ..................................................... 344

    L yfo r d , C . A . C hem ical P rep ared n ess ................................................................ 506

    M A C M IC H A E L , R . F . M acM ich ael T orsion al V iscosim eter . (SeeH erschel, 2 8 2 ) ..........................................................................................._................ 817

    M ac m illan , A . M . a n d A . T in g l e . A cid im etry o f R ed W ines andF ru it J u ic e s . .......................................................................................................... 274

    M a h in , E . G . a n d E . H . H ar tw io . In c lu sion s an d F errite C rystalliza tio n in S tee l. I I —-S o lu b ility of In c lu sio n s ........................................ 1090

    a n d R . E . B r e w e r . E lectrom etr ic M eth od for D etec tin g Segregatio n of D isso lved Im p u rities in S te e l ........................................................... 1095

    M ah o o d , S . A . Som e O b servations on th e D eterm in ation o f C ellu lo se in W o o d s.................................................... 873

    T h erm al D ecom p osition of T u rp en tin e w ith P articu lar R eference toth e P rodu ction o f T o lu en e and Iso p re n e ..................................................... 1152

    M alcolm son , J . D . C olloidal M eth od for Increasin g th e V olu m e ofA d h esive W ater-G lass ....................................................................... 174

  • D e c . , 1920 T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y 1233

    M ar d e n , J. W . a n d J . R . C am p . A n a lysis o f M olyb d en u m , C obalt,and C hrom ium A llo y s ............................................................................................ 998

    a n d M . N . R ic ii. In v e stig a tio n s on Z ircon iu m ........................................ 651M a r sh a l l , J. M an u factu re of T rin itroxy len e for U se as a S u b stitu te

    for T N T in B u rstin g C harges for H igh E xp losive S h e ll .................... 248P reparation of H exan itrod ip h en ylam in e and I ts U se as a B ooster

    for S he ll C h arges.................. 336M a t h e w so n , W . E .# D etectio n and E stim a tio n o f Y ellow A B and

    Y ellow OB in M ix tu r es ......................................................................................... 883M a t t h e w s , J . M . F rom N ew to n to E in ste in , b y H arrow . (B ook

    R e v ie w ) ......................................................................................................................... 725M cA d a m s , W . H . a n d W . K . L e w is . D irect M eth od for th e D e

    term in ation o f R ub b er H yd rocarb on in R aw and V ulcan izedR u b b er ........................................................................................................................... 673

    M cB r id e , R . S. G overn m en t P u b lic a tio n s .................................96 , 204, 303M c C l e l la n d , E . H . C hem ical R ead in g C ourses. (,See H am or,

    et a l., 701 , 8 0 6 ) ................ . ....................................................................................... 1026M cCu llo u g h , J . C. W eld ing T h erm ocoup les in th e E lectric A rc. . . 903M cCu n e , J . S . a n d A . N . T h u r s t o n . P reserva tives for F erm en tab le

    B everage S a m p les ...................... 689M cD o n n e l l , J . B . W ashin gton L e tte r ..............................................................

    ........................... 90 , 200 , 299, 398 , 507 , 613 , 718 , 818, 926, 1028, 1133, 1215M cH a r g u e , JT. S. C ause of D eterioration and S poilin g o f C orn and

    Corn M e a l............................. 257M cI l h in e y , P . C. H yd rogen ation of O ils, b y E llis . (B ook R e

    v ie w ) ............................................................................................................................... 309M cK e e , R . H . In trod u ctory R em ark s. C handler M ed al A w ard . . . 599

    a n d A . W . H ix s o n . A lk a li F u sion s. I — T h e F u sion o f Sodium £ -C ym en e S u lfon a te w ith S odiu m H yd rox ide for th e P rodu ctionof C arvacrol. (See G ibbs and P h illip s, 1 4 5 ) .......................................... 296

    a n d S . T . L e o . C ontinu ou s Process for E le c tro ly tic R egen erationof C hrom ic A c id ....................................................................................................... 16

    M cM a s t e r , L . a n d A . E . G o l d st e in . M od ification of th e T h om psonM eth o d for th e D eterm in ation of A cetic A cid in W h ite L ea d . . . . 170

    M cM il l a n , A . F oreign In d u str ia l N e w s ......................................... 82 , 181, 389M cP h e r so n , W . Im p ro v em en t of C ond ition s for C ollege In s tru c t

    in g S ta ffs ....................................................................................................................... 813T rea tise on G eneral and In d u str ia l Inorganic C h em istry , b y

    M olinari. (B ook R e v ie w ) ................................................................................. 1036M e a d e , G . P . a n d J. B . H a r r is . H ess-Iv es T in t-P h o to m etcr and

    I ts U se w ith R aw S u g a r s.......................................................................... 686M ia l l , S . L on d on L e tte r ..................................................819 , 928 , 1216M il l e r , H . M . M od ification o f th e H ow ard M eth od for C oun tin g

    Y ea sts, Spores, and B acteria in T o m a to P r o d u cts ................................... 766M il l ig a n , L . H ., W . A . B a u d e a n d II. G . B o yd . P rep aration of

    A rsenic Trich loride from W h ite A rsen ic and P h o sg en e ....................... 221M o n r o e , K . P . P h th a lic A nh yd rid e. IV — T h e V apor Pressure of

    P h th a lic A n h y d rid e.................................................................................................... 969M ood y , H . R . M ilita ry P yro tech n ics , b y F ab er. (B ook R e v ie w ) . . 828M oo r e , -H. C. D eterm in ation of N itra te N itro g en in N itra te s and

    F ertilizer s ........................................................................................................................ 669a n d R . G . C a ld w ell . S om e R esu lts o f th e D eterm in ation of

    P o ta sh b y th e L in d o-G lad d in g M e th o d ....................................................... 1188M u r d ic k , P . P ., F . D a n ie l s a n d B . H . K e p n e r . H e a t of H yd ration

    and S pecific H ea t of W h eat F lo u r ................................................................... 760M u r p h y , T . H . Sugar In d u stry of F rance sin ce th e W a r ....................... 1124

    N E L S O N , E . M . C hem ical S tu d y o f th e E th er E xtrac ts o f S o y -B ean L e a v e s .'.............................................................................................. 49

    N e l so n , O. A . a n d G . A . H u l e t t . M oistu re C o n ten t of C e r e a ls . . . . 40N e st e l l , R . J . a n d E . A n d e r s o n . F orm ation o f th e D ou b le S a lts of

    C alcium and P otass iu m S u lfa tes a t 100° C .................................................. 243N e w e l l , L . C ., W . A . H am or , A . M . P a t e r s o n a n d W . S eg erblo m .

    C hem ical R ead in g C ourses. (See M cC lellan d , 1 0 2 6 ) . ........... 701, 806N ew h a l l , C . A . D irect Id en tifica tio n o f S oy -B ea n O il........................... 1174N ic h o ls , M . S . N itra te C o n ten t o f C ertain W aters C onsidered

    B acterio log ica lly S a fe ................................................................................................ 987N ic h o l s , Wr. H . P resen ta tion A ddress. N ich o ls M ed al A w a rd . . . . 385N ic o let^ B . H . S om e A nom alies in th e S o lid ifica tion P o in t of T r i

    s tea r in ................................................ .............. ............................................................. 741T h e U niform C om position o f C om m ercia l " S tearic” A cid s, and I ts

    E x p la n a tio n ............................................................................................. 677N o y e s , W . A . In tro d u cto ry A ddress, S t . L ou is M eetin g , A . C. S 423

    R ep ort of C om m ittee on C ooperation b etw een U n iversities andIn d u str ies. S t. L ou is M eetin g , A. C . S ....................................................... 439

    N u t t in g , P . G. T h e O rganization o f In d u str ia l S cien tific R esearch ,b y M ees. (B ook R e v ie w ) .................................................................................. 1037

    O D E E N , H ., W . A. F e lsin g a n d C. B . P e t e r s o n . D ecom p ositionof and Pressure D evelop ed b y M u stard G as in S teel Shell a t 6 0 ° C . 1063

    a n d T . G. T h o m pso n . S o lu b ility o f 0 ,0 '-D ic h lo ro e th y l Sulfide in P etro leu m H yd rocarb ons an d I t s P u rifica tion b y E xtractionw ith T h ese S o lv e n ts ................................................................................................ 1057

    Olm st e a d , L . B . a n d R . O. E . D a v is . P rep aration o f N itro g en andH yd rogen M ixture b y D ecom p osition of A m m o n ia ............................ 316

    Ol n e y , L. A . D ye in g w ith C oal-T ar D y estu ffs , b y W h ittak er .(B ook R e v ie w ) ........................................................................ 309

    Ol s e n , J . C . C hem ical C alcu lation T ab les , b y W ells . (B ook R e v ie w ) ............................................................................................................................... 516

    R ep orts o f A m erican I n s t itu te o f C hem ical E ngineers:12th A nn u al M eetin g , S avan n ah , G a., D ecem b er 2 to 6 , 1919. . . . 8512th S em i-A n nu al M eetin g , C anad a , Ju ne 28 to Ju ly 3 , 1920. . . . 812

    O ’N e il l , E . T h e Profession of C h em istry , b y P ilcher. (B ook R ev ie w ) ............................................................................. 1035

    Or t , J . M . a n d J . R . W it h r o w . Sugar Sirup from H om e-G row nSugar B e e ts ................................................................................................................. 154

    Osb o r n , S . J. C hem ical C ontrol o f th e B ee t Sugar In d u s tr y .................. 803Osh im a , K . N ew T ech n ica l M eth o d for th e E stim a tio n of th e Sac-

    ch arogenic P ow er of D ia s ta t ic P r e p a r a t io n s .. ......................................... 991

    P A L K I N , S . B eh avior of P h en olp h th a lein w ith Iod in e and a M eth odfor th e D eterm in ation of P h en o lp h th a le in ............................................... 766

    P a lm er , P . E . a n d E . R . W e a v e r . A p p lica tion of th e T h erm al C ond u c tiv ity M eth o d to th e A u to m a tic A n alysis of C om plex M ixturesof G a ses .............................................................................. 894

    E . R- W e a v e r , H . W . F ra n tz , P . G . L ed ig a n d S . F . P ic k e r in g . A u tom atic M eth od s o f G as A n alysis D ep en d in g u pon T h erm alC o n d u ctiv ity . (See Shak esp car, 1027 )............................................................. 359

    P a r d e e , A . M ., R . L . H a sch e a n d E . E . R e id . B u ty l A lcoh ol as aM ed iu m for th e D eterm in ation of S apon ification N u m b er s 481

    a n d E . E . R e id . In fluence o f E ster T ran sp osition in th e D e term in ation of Sapon ification N u m b er s ....................................................... 129

    P a r k in so n , N . A . G overn m en t P u b lic a tio n s ........................................................................ . . . . ......................4 0 6 ,5 1 1 ,6 1 7 , 7 2 2 ,8 2 3 ,9 3 0 , 1032, 1138, 1220

    P a r r , S . W . L iq u id F u el for In tern a l C om bu stion E n gin es, b y M oore.(B ook R e v ie w ) .......................................................................................................... 309

    P a r so n s , C . L.A d visory C om m ittee M in u tes , A. C. S ............................................................. 84Im pressions of th e I ta lia n C hem ical I n d u s tr y ............................................... 907

    P a t t e r s o n , A . M . C ondensed C hem ical D ic tion ary . E dited b yTurner, et a l. (B ook R e v ie w ) ..................................................................102, 725

    W . A . H am or , L . C. N e w e l l a n d W . S e g e r b lo m . C hem ical R ea d in g C ourses. (See M cC lellan d , 1 0 2 6 ) .. . ...........................................701, 806

    P e a r c e , W . T . W earing Q u ality of E xterior V arnishes Com paredw ith T h eir P h ysica l and C hem ical A n alyses............................................ 552

    P e r k in s , H . Z. E . a n d N . K o pelo ff . D eterioration o f C uban R awSugars in S to ra g e ..................................................................................................... 555

    P e r l e y , G . A . C om m ercial O xidation of A m m o n ia .................................5 , 119P er r o tt , G . S t . J . a n d R . T h ie s s e n . C arbon B lack — I ts Properties

    and U se s ..................................................................... 324P e r r y , M . C. an d G . D . B e a l . Q u an tities o f P reservatives N ecessary

    to In h ib it and P reven t A lcoh olic F erm en tation and th e G row th ofM o ld s ............................................................................................................................. 253

    P e t e r s o n , C . B m W . A . F e lsin g a n d H . O d e e n . D ecom p osition of and Pressure D ev e lo p ed b y M u stard G as in S tee l S hell a t6 0° C . ....................................................................................................................... 1063

    P h e l p s , I . K . R ep ort of th e C om m ittee on E n d ow m en t of th e A.C. S . S t. L ou is M eetin g , A . C. S ................................................................... 442

    P h i l l ip s , M . a n d H . D . G ib b s. A lk a li F u sion s. I — T h e F u sion of S odiu m P-C ym en e S u lfon a te w ith S odiu m H yd rox ide for th e Prod u ction o f C arvacrol. (See H ixon and M cK ee , 2 9 6 ) .......................... 145

    A lk a li F u sion s. I I — T h e F u sion of S odiu m B en zene w -D isu lfon a tc w ith S odiu m H yd rox id e for th e P rod u ction of R esorcinol, 857;C orrection .................................................................................................................... 1028

    Pu rifica tion o i B en zo ic A cid b y F raction a l C on d en sa tio n .................... 277S y n th esis of T h y m o l from /»-C ym ene............................. 733

    P ic k e l , J. M . N ew T y p e of C ondenser for th e D eterm in ation ofC rude F iber. ( 5 « C lem ens, 2 8 8 ) .................................................................. 611

    P ic k e r in g , S . F ., E . R . W e a v e r . P. E. P a l m e r , H . W . F rantz an d P . G. L e d ig . A u tom atic M eth od s of G as A n alysis D ep en dingu pon T h erm al C o n d u ctiv ity . (See S liak esp ear, 1 0 2 7 )...................... 359

    P ic k e t t , O. A . N ew M eth od for th e D eterm in ation of A cetic A cid inA c e ta te s ........................................................................................................... 570

    P i e r l 6 , C. A . A n a ly tica l C hem istry o f U ranium and I t s Separationfrom O ther R are E lem en ts .................................................................................. 60

    P it m a n , E . C. an d E . F . H ig g in s . M easu rem en t o f V iscosity ofP yroxy lin S o lu tio n s ................................................................................................. 587

    P o n d , F . J . B o iler F eed W ater, b y Jack son . (B ook R e v ie w ) 829P o o r e , H . D . O range V inegar: I t s M an u factu re and C om po

    s it io n . 1176P o w ell , A . R . S tu d y of th e R eaction s o f C oal Sulfur in th e C oking

    P ro cess ........................................................................................................................... 1069D eterm in ation of Sulfur Form s in C o a l.................................................... 887D esu lfurizing A ction of H yd rogen on C o k e ............................................ 1077

    P u r d y , L . H . a n d F . C. K r a u sk o p f . C on ven ien t M eth od for the Preparation o f a H yd roch loric A cid S o lu tion of C uprous C hloride for U se in G as A n a ly s is ........................................................................................ 158

    R A B A K , F . E ffect o f M old u pon th e O il in C orn ....................................... 46R a sk , O. S. a n d B . R . J a c o bs. L ab oratory C ontro l of W h eat F lour

    M illin g ........................................................ 899R ecto r , T . M . L ip o ly tic E n zym es in O live O il ..................................... 156R e e d y , J . H . a n d B . F e u ER. C orrosion of Brass in D ilu te E lectro ly tes 541R e id , E . E . a n d A . M . P a r d e e . In fluence o f E ster T ran sp osition in

    th e D eterm in ation of S apon ification N u m b er s ......................... .............. 129A . M . P a r d e e a n d R . L . H a sc h e . B u ty l A lcoh ol as a M edium for

    th e D eterm in ation of S apon ification N u m b er s ........................................ 481R h o d e s , F . H ., W . W . K in g a n d F . W . B a y a r d . U se of Paracou-

    m arone R esin in V arn ish es................................................................................. 549R ic e , F . E . N ew C o n d u ctiv ity C e ll..................................................................... 1202R ic e , H . I . a n d M . R . W alczak . E x trac tion o f B itu m en s from

    M inera l A gg reg a te ............................................................................................ 738R ic h , M . N . a n d J . W . M a r d e n . In v e stig a tio n s on Z ir co n iu m .. . . . . 651R ic h a r d s , J. W . R ep ort, 37 th M eetin g , A m erican E lectroch em ical

    S o c ie ty ............................................................................... #............... .......................... 503R ep ort, 38 th M eetin g , A m erican E lectroch em ica l S o c ie ty ........... 1128

    R ic h a r d s o n , W . D . T ech n ica l H an d b ook o f O ils, F a ts and W axe9 .V ol. I I — P ractica l and A n a ly tica l, b y Fryer. (B ook R e v ie w ) . . . 516

    U nsap on ifiab le M atters. (See T h is J o u r n a l , 11 (1919), 1 1 6 1 )-------- 715R ic h m o nd , T . E ., A. L . W h it in g a n d W . R . S c h o o n o v er . D e

    term in ation o f N itra te s in S o il ........................................................................ 982R id e a l , E . K . On th e A bsorp tion o f O xides o f N itro g en b y N itr ic

    A c id ............................................................................................................................531R o b in s o n , Ch a r l e s S . a n d O. B . W in t e r . E lectrom etr ic A nalysis

    o f A rsen ica ls ......................................................................................................... 775R o b in s o n , C lark S . E ffec t o f A ir in S tea m on th e C oefficien t of

    H e a t T ran sm ission , 644; C orrection .................................................. 818R o g er s , A . A b stract, A ddress o f A ccep tan ce. G rasselli M edal A w ard 1128

    U tiliza tio n of th e Shark for F ood and L ea th er............................................. 293R o l fe , G . W . a n d L. F . H o yt. N o tes on D ou b le P o larization

    M eth od s for th e D eterm in ation o f Sucrose and a S u ggested N ewM e th o d ................................................................................................................... 250

    R o se , R . E . D y e R esearch ................................................................................. 805E d u cation of th e R esearch C h e m ist............................................................. 947

    R u b y , I . R . a n d H . A . D e p e w . A g in g o f C ertain R u b b er C om p o u n d s .................................................................................. 1155

    S om e M icrosections C ut from V ulcan ized R ub b er A rtic les .................. 1156R u h m , H . D . T h e U n ited S ta te s ’ Search for N a tu r a l D ep o sits of

    S o lu b le P o tash . (See E d itoria l, 8 3 4 ) ............................................................ 837

    S A N D E R S , M . T . E ffect o f C hlorides on th e N itrom eter D eterm in ation of N itr a te s .......................................................................................................... 169

    S a n d e r s o n , C . W . E xp an sion of R ub b er C om pou n d s d uring V u lca n iz a tio n ..................................................................................................................... 37

    S c a l e s , F . M . a n d A . P . H a r r is o n . B oric A cid M od ifica tion of th eK jeld ahl M eth o d for C rop and S oil A n a ly sis .......................................... 350

    S c h ip p e l , H . F . V olu m e In crease of C om pou n d ed R ub b er underS tra in ........................................................................................................... .................. 33

    S ch latter , H . N o te on C ata ly sis in th e M an u factu re of E th e r 1101S ch o o n o v er , W . R ., A . L . W h it in g a n d T . E . R ic h m o nd . D e

    term in ation of N itra te s in S o il ....................................................................... 982S ch ulz , J . A . a n d J . O. H a lv e r so n . M cC ru d d en G ravim etric

    C alcium M eth od M od ified .................................................................................. 77S cott, J . W ., J r ., S . E . S h epp a r d a n d S . S . S w e e t . J e lly S tren gth of

    G elatin s and G lues, 1007; C orrection ........................................................... 1214

  • 1234 T H E J O U R N A L O F I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y V o l . 12, N o . 12

    S cott, W . A pp lication of th e R o ta tin g Zinc R ed u ctor in th e D e term in ation of M o ly b d en u m ................................................................. 578

    a n d C. W . B e d f o r d . R eaction s o f A ccelerators d uring V ulcan izat io n .................................................................................................................................. 3 1

    S c o v i l l e , W . L . C olorim etric E stim a tio n of A d ren a lin ............................. 7 6 9S e a t o n , S . G ., H . L . T r u m b u l l a n d H . D u r h a m . C ontrol E xp eri

    m en ts in C hloropicrin M an u factu re. I I — A ctiv e C hlorine in th eS lu d ge from th e M an u factu re o f C hlorop icrin ........................................... 1068

    H . L. T r u m b u l l , G . T . S ohl a n d W . I . B u r t . C ontrol E xp erim en ts in C hloropicrin M an u factu re . I — T h e E ffect of V aryin gQ u an tities o f L im e upon th e Y ield of C hlorop icrin .............................. 1068

    S eg erblo m , W . F ire C aused b y Y ellow P h osp h oru s................................ 297W . A . H am or, L . C. N e w e l l a n d A . M . P a t t e r so n . C hem ical

    R ead in g C ourses. {See M cC lellan d , 1 026 )......................................701, 806S ëg n itz , P . H . N o te on th e C ata lysis of P erm an ganate T itr a t io n s ... 1196 S elvtq, W . A . a n d B . B . K a p l a n . H ygroscop ic ity o f B y -P rod u ct

    C o k e ................................................................................................................................ 783S e m o n , W . L . a n d F .

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