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Volume 8, Issue 4 June– August, 2008

Ninth Anniversary Honored Members The Ninth Anniversary of Santo

Nino Council was held on Saturday,

March 29th at the St. Anne’s Parish Hall

with a dinner-dance and program. Guest

speaker was our own DD Rio Mercado

who dwelt on the Council achievements.

Certificates of Appreciation were

presented to council ladies and to Rev.

Emmett Morrissey, Rev. Ray Rodriguez

and Rev. Dan Rafael and Certificates of

Merit to some members. Knights of the

Month were Bros. Gerry Abao, Efren Ale-

jandria, Dophy Alvarez, Sonny De Paz.

Mody Escanlar, Jess Feliciano, Carl Folk,

Seb Koh, Rio Mercado, Allan Ngui,

Gregg Ravasco and Art Vanderzalm.

Honored Knight of the Year was

PGK Jim Alvarez – Council Director, a

trustee, a news

editor, music di-

rector of our car-

oling, provider of

musical entertain-

ment with wife

Susan at most of

our functions. Family of the Year was the

(Please continue to p. 2)

The Knights of Columbus is a family-oriented fraternal service society of practical Catholic men.

The Knights of Columbus are dedicated to the four pillars of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.



Fr. Emmett P. Morrissey 522-7422

Grand Knight

James A. Madrilejos 789-9046

Deputy Grand Knight

Efren Alejandria 525-2235


Reden Sampang 585-2872

Financial Secretary Jeremias P. Ravasco 584-0856

Treasurer Art Vanderzalm 584-3156

Recorder Ben Zatylny 569-2134


Gil D. McDonald 789-4819


Allan Ngui 584-8103

Warden Luis B. de Paz 789-5650

Inside Guard

Diony Elpa 525-1074

Outside Guard Adolfo Alvarez 586-6736


Jesus C. Feliciano 585-2696

Jaime L. Alvarez 949-3207

Carl J. Folk 757-9092

Field Agent Mark Lewans 949-0270

Program Director

Efren Alejandria 525-2235

Membership Director

Adolfo Alvarez 586-6736

Church/Vocations Director Modesto G. Escanlar 586-5802

Council Director

Jaime L. Alvarez 949-3207

Community Director

Gerry Abao 586-7569

Family Director Jesus C. Feliciano 585-2696

Youth Director

Rec. Mercado 775-0224

Fundraising Director

Art Vanderzalm 584-3156

News Editors

Jaime L. Alvarez 949-3207

Eusebio L. Koh 586-9386

Chaplain’s Message I’m sure you

are all aware that

on May 31, 2008 I

will be ordained to

the priesthood for

50 years! The

Knights of Colum-

bus have played a

huge part in that

half century.

I joined the Msgr. Janssen

Council at Little Flower Parish here

in Regina in 1960. In the same year

my parents, Thomas and Margaret

Morrissey, were given the laity

award for an “outstanding contribu-

tion to the Church and community”

by the Msgr. Janssen Council.

Ten years later in 1970 –71 I

served as the Council Chaplain.

Then in 1988 I was instrumen-

tal in forming the Our Lady of

Lourdes Council #9713 in Rama,

Saskatchewan. At that time I was

teaching High School and serving

Saint Anthony Parish in Rama on

weekends. At a banquet on August

28, 1988 in Wadena I was named the

class patron of the Charter Class of

the Our Lady of Lourdes Council.

The Santo Nino Council of the

Knights of Columbus was chartered

on March 29. 1999 with Dr. Eusebio

L. Koh as our Charter Grand Knight,

and I’m not exaggerating when I say

(Please continue to p. 3)

Fr. Emmett

Knight of the Year Jim

2007-08 Knights of the Month


Santo Nino Council News

Council Happenings

Young Sacristans Appreciation

On Sunday, March 9, the young altar servers

were treated to wall climbing and snack at the Regina

Court and Fitness Club in appreciation of their service to

Church. Thanks to Youth Director Rec Mercado for

making the arrangements.

St. Patrick Shamrock Drive

On the weekends of March 8-9 and 15-16, Coun-

cil sold Shamrocks at the Blessed Sacrament Church, St.

Mary’s Church, Little Flower Church and St. Anthony

Church. The amount of $1200 was collected and do-

nated to Camp Monahan.

Washing of the Feet

On Holy Thursday, March 20, twelve members

of Council had their feet washed by Fr. Emmett Morris-

sey assisted by sacristans as part of the Holy Week cele-

brations. The twelve Knights wore the fancy Philippine

national shirt called Barong Tagalog.

Major Degree Exemplification

Holy Trinity Council #10401 and our Council

jointly hosted a Major Degree Exemplification on April

27, 2008 at the Holy Trinity Church. Twenty nine candi-

dates including Bros. Ron Alvaro, Rey Dimaano, Cris

Masaoay, and Gladwin Siapno exemplified. DD Reuben

Mercado coordinated the activities. Guest Speaker at the

banquet was State Deputy Marvin DeSchryver. Many

brothers lent a hand in the kitchen and set-up. Thanks.

Joint Retreat with Fr. Burns Council

The joint annual retreat with Fr. Burns Council

#5949 at St. Michael Retreat House in Lumsden was

held on Wednesday, April 9th. About fifty members of

the two councils signed up. The sumptuous dinner started

at 6:30 p.m. followed by a talk by Fr. Anthony Gon-

salves on his ministry, meditation and Mass.

Santa Maria Senior Bingo

Council treated 20 residents of Santa Maria Sen-

ior Home to Bingo on Tuesday, May 20. Thanks to vol-

unteers Efren and Paz Alejandria, Amor and Richard

Alejandria, Iya Santos, Cecille Mercado and Seb Koh.

Ninth Anniversary (continued)

Ravasco family: Bro. Gregg is

our Financial Secretary and video

man; his wife Chelo is the regular

pianist for our Monday night de-

votion at St. Mary’s; his sons

Joshua and Thomas serve Mass at

Blessed Sacrament and with Pat-

rick do dance numbers at council


DD Rio Mercado getting his right foot washed by Fr. Emmett

while Bro. Nol Ventocilla looked on and Bros Jimmy Johnson,

Gregg Ravasco, Gary Lazo and Jim Alvarez waited their turns.

Altar servers Paul Alejandria and Thomas Ravasco

climbing wall with help from Pancho Paez.

Family of the Year:

Gregg, Josh, Thomas,

Chelo and Patrick

Golden Anniversary of Fr. Morrissey’s Ordination

On Sunday, June 1, 2008, Fr. Emmett Morrissey

will celebrate Mass commemorating the Golden Anniver-

sary of his ordination followed by a Come-and-Go Tea at

the Hotel Saskatchewan with a program at 2:00 p. m.

Fr. Emmett was ordained to the priesthood by the

Most Reverend M. C. O’Neill at Holy Rosary Cathedral in

Regina on May 31, 1958. His first mass was celebrated at

Sacred Heart Church. He then served for three years at

the Little Flower Parish. He has been pastor at Marquis,

Central Butte, Wadena, Quill Lake, Rama, Kuroki, Vibank,

Odessa and St. Cecilia in Regina before coming to Blessed

Sacrament in 1994. With degrees from the University of

Western Ontario, U. of Sask, Fordham and Columbia, Fr.

Emmett also taught at several high schools in Regina.

Fr. Emmett joined the Knights of Columbus Msgr.

Janssen Council in Regina in April 1960 where he served as

Chaplain in 1970-71. He has been the Chaplain of the

Santo Nino Council #12415 since it was chartered in 1999

and is an enthusiastic supporter of our Council.



01: Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Fr.

Emmett Morrissey’s Ordination

04: Regina Chapter meeting

13-15: Council Tennis Tournament at Lakeshore

15: Father’s Day

17: Bingo for charity at Bingo Palace, 6-12 p.m.

22: Fourth Sunday Liturgy by Council;

Installation of officers

24: St. John the Baptist feast day


01: Canada Day Mass and Brunch by Council

15: Bingo for charity at Bingo Palace, 6-12 p.m.

27: Fourth Sunday Liturgy by Council


05-07: Supreme Convention in Quebec City.

15: Assumption of Mary

12: Bingo for charity at Bingo Palace, 6-12 p.m.

16: Family Picnic (tentative)

24: Fourth Sunday Liturgy by Council


01: Labour Day

01: 125th Anniversary of St. Mary’s Parish

03: Regina Chapter meeting

09: Bingo for charity at Bingo Palace, 6-12 p.m.

28: Fourth Sunday Mass and Council meeting

Upcoming Events

Santo Nino Council News

Happy Birthday Brother!!!


01- Anthony Bernaski

01- Benedict Gelsinger

05- Fernand L’Arrivee

09- Allan Ngui

10- Gary Lazo

12- Harvey Kuntz

13- Anthony Dyczkowski

14- Joseph Giesinger

15- Edwin Beaudin

15- Brendo Arrojado

20- Junior Herreria

20- Rio Mercado

28- Boomer Quangtakoune


01- Jim Ziegler

04- Gil Feliciano

05- Warren Poncsak

06- Richard Alejandria

07- Dennis Charette

07- Gerald Ennis

08- Ron Dielschneider

16- Ken Schaeffer

21- Brig Siapno

30- Tom Vemtocilla


01- Edward Deck

05- James Madrilejos

09- Rey Mariano

10- Wayne Debert

13- Ralph Kessel

13- Reden Sampang

17- Doug Engele

18- Eugene Exner

19- John Kaye

20- John Fahlman

21- Francisco Ayuban

21- Azel Siapno

28- Cory Schaeffer

29- Alex Tayco

Congratulations and Welcome to

New Knights ***

Fr. Callistus Ibe

Bro. Ron Alvaro

Bro. Lito Lopez

Bro. Gladwin Siapno And to

Bros Ron and Gladwin

Bro. Rey Dimaano

Bro. Cris Masaoay for

becoming Third Degree


Our Sympathy

Council mourns the loss of

Bro. Michael Eriksen who passed away

on April 5, 2008 in

Regina. He was

89 years old.

Paddy Fogarty, oldest

brother of Bro. Jim Fogarty,

who died in Ireland on April

17, 2008. Paddy was 86

years old.

Congratulations to

Bro. John & Tillie

Fahlman On their




Report of the Round Table Coordinator

Carl Folk

A big Thank You and well done from

Father Dan and St. Mary's Pastoral Council for

the breakfast that Santo Nino Council provided

at the annual meeting on March 9 2008 and the

$200, which the breakfast raised. I was unable

to be at the function due to a family matter. I

want to thank Efren and Paz Alejandria

for stepping into my shoes and taking over my

duties. A big thank you also goes out to the

brothers who prepared the meal.

On Monday, September 1st, St. Mary's

Parish will celebrate its 125th anniversary as a

parish. Council will be asked to participate. A

committee to plan activities associated with the

anniversary has been struck. I attended the first

meeting on April 23 and I will let Council know

our part in the celebration.

Bro. Art Vanderzalm needs help in running our

monthly Tuesday bingo fundraiser at the Bingo

Palace from 6 pm to 9 pm and 9 pm to midnight.

Please give Bro. Art a call at 584-3156.

Congratulations!!! Fr. Emmett P. Morrissey


The Golden Anniversary

Of your


Bro. Michael

Chaplain’s Message (continued)

that our council has become one of,

if not the most successful council in

the entire province. As I celebrate

my 50 years of priesthood, I am

very proud to have played a small

part in the success of the Santo

Nino Council. God bless…


Santo Nino Council News

2008 State Convention

The 2008 Knights of Columbus State Conven-

tion was held on April 4 to 6 at the Banner Hall at Ipsco

Place. Council under Church Director Mody Escanlar

was in charge of the Opening Mass on Friday, April 4

celebrated by Archbishop Daniel J. Bohan and the Ne-

crological Mass on Sunday, April 6 celebrated by State

Chaplain Fr. David Tumback . Council members as-

sisted in various capacities such as setting up the altar,

and providing honor guards, altar servers and collectors.

Convention passed a motion asking our govern-

ment to strongly intervene when Canadians face execu-

tion in other countries. Another resolution passed was

to ask Parliament not to make euthanasia and assisted

suicide legal in Canada. Council delegates to Conven-

tion were GK James Madrilejos and PGK Seb Koh.

Lancer district farmer Arden Andreas was

elected State Deputy for 2008-09. Other State officers

elected were: Ed Gibney as Secretary, Gilles Doiron as

Treasurer, Denis Carignan as Advocate and Brian

Schatz as Warden. Marvin DeSchryver will sit on the

State Board as Past State Deputy.


The Golden Fr. Emmett

One of the best things that happened to the Santo

Nino Council was to have Fr. Morrissey as our Council

Chaplain. Father is not only our spiritual advisor he is an

inspiration and a constant supporter of what we do. He is

one chaplain who attends and participates in meetings and

functions regularly.

Back in 1999, when we started, Father suggested

that the Knights do the liturgy in a regular Sunday Mass

once a month. We jumped on the suggestion and we have

been doing it every fourth Sunday Mass since. Apparently,

we did the liturgy so well that even State Board noticed.

Now, whenever we have the State Convention in Regina,

we invariably organize the Holy Masses.

Father also has a hand in our Council developing

certain traditions: the Canada Day Mass and brunch, the

washing of the feet on Holy Thursday, the sons of Santo

Nino Knights serving mass with their Dads.

Father Emmett, thank you for being our Chaplain.

Congratulations on the golden anniversary of your ordina-

tion. Vivat Jesu! ELK

Brother Knights, Warm greetings to our Chaplain as he

celebrates 50 years of service to God. We

are indeed blessed to have Fr. Morrissey in

our Council, a very avid supporter of the

Order and our undertakings. For all you

have done, thank-you very much and God

bless you.

Let me also extend my acknowledge-

ment of Council's contribution to the State Convention held

here in Regina on April 4-6. The opening and necrological

masses preparation were superb and flawless. Special thanks

to Bro. Mody Escanlar and the Mass servers. You made our

Council shine again.

Another event worth the attention is the Major Degree

Exemplification held last April 27, 2008 which our Council

co-hosted with Holy Trinity. All the events that day namely:

the First Degree Exemplification, the Holy Mass at Holy

Trinity Church, the Exemplification at Ecole St. Mary and the

Banquet received great reviews. Congratulations to our candi-

dates: Gladwin Siapno, Rey Dimaano, Ron Alvaro and Chris

Masaoay and my personal thanks to those who extended their

valuable assistance on the different events of the day.

Reuben Mercado

District Deputy #3

DD Rio Mercado

Message from our District Deputy

Archbishop Daniel J. Bohan at Opening Mass with Fr. Ray

Rodriguez and Bros. Mody Escanlar and Seb Koh serving

Bros. Art Vanderzalm

and Carl Folk

More Convention Photos

Ladies Chelo Ravasco, Lur

Ngui., Fannie Madrilejos and

Shirley Escanlar at Mass

DD Rio and Cecille Mercado

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