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The Leading from the Heart Workshop SSOE Slide 2 I am an Engineer. I serve mankind by making dreams come true. -Anonymous Slide 3 Few are attracted to engineering primarily from an interest in people and their problems. - Edward Wenk Slide 4 Why Now? Why Leadership? Slide 5 4.5 percent Slide 6 warning: ON OCTOBER 31, 2006, THE JOB OPENINGS RATE WAS 3 PERCENT, ITS HIGHEST LEVEL SINCE APRIL, 2001 Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics Slide 7 WAKE UP T h i s i s y o u r c a l l Slide 8 Fact In the war for talent, everyone is fighting over your best employees. Slide 9 What talent war? 17-21= -4 Slide 10 Professional and business services will grow twice as fast as the overall economy. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics Slide 11 Numerous job openings will be created by engineers who transfer to management, sales, or other professional occupations. U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2006-07 Edition Slide 12 By 2012, one out of five workers will be fifty-five years old or older. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics Slide 13 About half of Human Resource professionals say they are seeing new workers entering the workforce lacking overall professionalism, written communication skills, analytical skills, or business knowledge. SHRM: 2005 Future of the U.S. Labor Pool Survey Report Slide 14 The Baby Boom is de-booming and soon there will be many more jobs than people available to fill themIt may be time to reconsider the they have no place else to go strategy of employee retention. Why Retention Should Become a Core Strategy Now Harvard Management Update, October 2003 Slide 15 We are always in need of energetic new talent to continue our success and help us remain the company of choice. Tony Damon Slide 16 ONLY HALF, ONE OUT OF TWO, U.S. EMPLOYEES TRUST THEIR SENIOR LEADERS. DO YOURS TRUST YOU? Source: Watson Wyatts WorkUSA 2006/2007 Survey 49% Slide 17 Ex-Enron CEO Skilling Reports to Prison Headline / Washington Post / 12.13.2006 Slide 18 With fewer than half of employees expressing confidence in senior management, no company has been left untouched by the fallout from recent turmoil in the business environment. -Ilene Gochman, Watson Wyatt Slide 19 People join an organization. They leave a manager. Slide 20 Employees are assets with feet. Theyre the only resource companies have that make a conscious decision to return the next day. Press Release, Walker Information Slide 21 Employees are searching for leaders with integrity who prove their credibility continuously. Slide 22 Values-based leaders demonstrate six vital integrities. They: Accept challenges and take risks Master both listening and speaking Live by the values they profess Freely give away their authority Recognize the best in others Have a vision and convince others to share it Slide 23 Vital Integrities Leadership actions that, when practiced proactively, demonstrate your organizations existing values and further establish your credibility as a leader. Slide 24 vital integrities [1][1] Accept Challenges and Take Risks values-based leaders: Risk seeking separates values-based leaders from the yesteryear-theory bureaucrats who sit around supervising the work. Why is that important? Leadership is proactive, as people can only follow leaders who are moving. Slide 25 risk Verb: To do something despite danger; to incur the chance of harm or loss by taking an action. Slide 26 change To drive it, you must leave your comfort zone. Slide 27 Many leaders are adventurers, continually placing themselves in positions to discover new challenges. They volunteer for the tough jobs and always question the status quo. For most leaders, the opportunity to meet a challenge is an assignment. Those leaders rise to a presented challenge. Slide 28 Risk Seekers while others seek out opportunities to lead. Risk Takers Some people respond to challenges that are presented Slide 29 Leadership requires the courage to surround yourself with employees who are potentially better at their jobs than you are at yours. Admitting Ignorance Slide 30 PRO ACT I V E Pushing for Change In a time of constant change, one thing hasnt changed: Organizations are still resistant to change. Robert Reich Slide 31 Dont be a wimp. Dont sit on the sidelines waiting for the senior people to make a decision so that later on you can criticize them over a beerMy God, how could they be so dumb? Your time for participating is now. Andrew Grove, CEO Intel challenging bad decisions Slide 32 Blowing the Whistle Most workers are far too faint-hearted for whistle blowing. Too many exhibit an unquestioning, even fearful, reverence for authority. Slide 33 Addressing Performance Issues If youre like most managers, you tend to blame yourself for an employees disappointing performance. Slide 34 GO f irst Leadership is going first in a new direction and being followed. Andrew Grove Slide 35 Trusting Your Employees Many managers find trusting their employees highly anxiety- provoking because of the risk involved. The urge to peek over their shoulders, or even do the work themselves, is great. Slide 36 How we assess risk determines how we take risk. First, we weigh our chances of success. Next, we measure the importance of success. We also gauge how much control we have in the outcome. We assess our own skill. A values-based assessment should override all other assessments of risk. That is: does taking this risk demonstrate your adherence to the organizations values, or not? Slide 37 seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker se seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker s seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker se seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker s seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker se seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker s seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker se seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker s seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker seeker Risk Seeker Slide 38 Accepting Challenges= Embracing Chaos Slide 39 psychological Hardy individuals are more likely to approach stressful events as opportunities from which to learn, rather than as threats to fear or avoid. hardiness Slide 40 Commitment: the belief that stressful events are not threatening, but interesting and meaningful. Control: the conviction that individuals can actively influence lifes events. Challenge: the perception that change is both expected and stimulating. the three attitudes of hardiness Source: Suzanne Kobasa and Salvatore Maddi, The Hardy Executive: Health Under Stress Slide 41 Commitment Without the threatening perceptions, individuals with committed attitudes are free to actively address and overcome stressful events. People committed to and involved in their work are more apt to perceive stress as interesting and meaningful. Slide 42 Control Individuals also perceive stress more accurately when they believe their personal efforts can actively influence lifes events. People adapt to change best when they understand the control they have over their environments. Slide 43 Challenge When we view stressful events as challenging, they become normal aspects of life. When we welcome chaos, we can perceive it as stimulating, if not a hidden opportunity for personal development. Slide 44 American managers actually enjoy crises; they often get their greatest personal satisfaction, the most recognition, and their biggest rewards from solving crises. Robert Hayes Why Japanese Factories Work Harvard Business Review July-August 1981 Slide 45 Crises are part of what makes work fun. Robert Hayes Slide 46 I put a lot of energy into my work, but its still work. Its a job, so lighten up. Anne Mulcahy, CEO Xerox Slide 47 Be hardy! Slide 48 Slide 49 [2][2] Master Both Listening and Speaking values-based leaders: The way we communicate with our employees impacts how workers understand our messages, and what actions, if any, they take in response. vital integrities Slide 50 are you a good listener? Slide 51 4 Listening Illusions Slide 52 Leaders believe that, in every instance, they understand their listening role. Leaders believe speaking and listening are separate activities. Leaders believe they have uncommon gifts for completing several other tasks while they listen. Leaders believe they can expedite the listening process. Slide 53 two listening roles Slide 54 Advisor Expert Diagnose Recommend a Solution Best for Technical Problems Differences in Knowledge Emergencies One Right Answer May Cause Overdependence Sounding Board Good Listener Absorb Attend to Feelings Best for Relationship Issues Differences in Philosophy Long-Term Challenges No Answer Needed Promotes Independence Which role? Slide 55 Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood -Stephen Covey Slide 56 Leaders believe that, in every instance, they understand their listening role. Leaders believe speaking and listening are separate activities. Leaders believe they have uncommon gifts for completing several other tasks while they listen. Leaders believe they can expedite the listening process. Listening Illusions Slide 57 Grandmother, what big eyes you have! All the better to hear with, my child. Slide 58 Engaged Leaning forward, body and arms open; appears ready and eager. Combative Body forward, but closed in defiant posture; tapping fingers or toes. Thoughtful Body open, but leaning back; appears attentive, is nodding or chewing on pen. Absent Staring into space, doodling, or checking email; looking to flee. Opened Closed ForwardBack The Four Quadrants of Body Listening Slide 59 Leaders believe that, in every instance, they understand their listening role. Listeners believe speaking and listening are separate activities. Leaders believe they have uncommon gifts for completing several other tasks while they listen. Leaders believe they can expedite the listening process. Listening Illusions Slide 60 You can multi-task with stuff, but you need to be there for people. Stephen Lundin, John Christensen, and Harry Paul, Fish! Tales Slide 61 Leaders believe that, in every instance, they understand their listening role. Listeners believe speaking and listening are separate activities. Leaders believe they have uncommon gifts for completing several other tasks while they listen. Leaders believe they can expedite the listening process. Listening Illusions Slide 62 125 vs. 600 Slide 63 Without conversation, leadership would give way to bureaucracy. Slide 64 The ultimate judge of your listening behavior is the person who is doing the talking. Slide 65 Boyd Clarke and Ron Crossland, The Leaders Voice The biggest problem with leadership communication is the that it has occurred. illusion Slide 66 disconnect synergy buy in TLA human capital quality circle good people dog & pony show ball park figure carpet vs. concrete work-in- process job ready paradigm shift quality circle rightsize fuzzy math outsourcing talk offline surplused just-in-time jargon Slide 67 Yeah-uhhh! Yo, yo dude. Whats up dawg? How you feelin? You feelin alright? Listen, man. Ive got to give you props. Youre doin your thing and it was dope. I aint mad. Slide 68 As you can see, an implicit asymmetrical modulating function results in a 50 percent reduction in inverter switching losses. Slide 69 Youll notice that weve incorporated restrained girders, staggered trusses, outriggers, and beam-in-wall-systems throughout our design. Slide 70 Im meeting with every DM, PM, and PMA of every SBUfrom IP to CIF, and from FPPC to C&ISto get their buy-in on Deltek. Slide 71 Say what? Slide 72 A specialized vocabulary coined by, and intended for, a particular profession or discipline. J A R G O N Slide 73 Industrial phrases, buzzwords, and acronyms are used as verbal shorthand to streamline communication among colleagues. Slide 74 Our business model, which utilizes unique, wide- reaching interactive content to attract targeted users, improved with scale. We plan to grow our client portfolio and expand our content libraries, which should better optimize every consumer touch point. Jeffrey Schwartz, CEO, Traffix Slide 75 This toolset is a proven cross-platform technology that will allow our teams to fully leverage our intellectual properties and focus on our core competencies in developing for next- gen consoles. Mark Meyers Buena Vista Games Slide 76 why jargon? Speakers sometimes invoke workplace jargon to impress others, or to establish their membership in an elite faction. Some use jargon to exclude or confuse others, or to mask their own inexperience or lack of knowledge. Slide 77 JARGON often includes euphemisms used to substitute inoffensive expressions for those considered offensive. Slide 78 These actions will align our resources with market needs and adjust the size of our infrastructure. Chad Holliday, DuPont CEO announcing the elimination of 3,500 jobs Slide 79 20 percent of employees are regularly confused about what their colleagues are saying, but are too embarrassed to ask for clarification More than a third admitted using jargon deliberatelyas a means of either demonstrating control or gaining credibility 40 percent found the use of jargon in office meetings both irritating and distracting One out of ten dismissed speakers using jargon as both pretentious and untrustworthy Source: Office Angels Slide 80 Organizations believe they are communicating; but when the words they use lack substance, leaders leave employees scratching their heads. Slide 81 Communication is most effective when you speak to both the emotional and intellectual areas of your listeners minds. Slide 82 Stories create the emotional perspective listeners need to connect with your message. Slide 83 Hugh Slide 84 The day Rachel defined the meaning of customer service. Slide 85 It is impossible even to think without a mental picture. Aristotle On Memory and Recollection 358 B.C. Slide 86 [3][3] Live By The Values They Profess values-based leaders: Now, since the onslaught of corporate scandals, we conceive of business leaders as justice-obstructing, debt- hiding, earnings-overstating thieves who use company funds to purchase personal artwork and to put on lavish birthday parties for family members. vital integrities Slide 87 You will be confronted with questions every day that test your morals. Think carefully, and for your sake, do the right thing, not the easy thing. Keynote address to the St. Anselm College Class of 2002 Slide 88 Ex-Tyco Chief Executive Kozlowski Sentenced to 8 to 25 Years Headline / Bloomberg.com / 09.19.2005 Slide 89 Strong Fundamental Values We must demand of ourselves and of each other the highest standards of individual and corporate integrity. We safeguard company assets. We comply with all company policies and laws. Source: The Tyco Guide to Ethical Conduct Slide 90 We safeguard company assets. Regency mahogany bookcase, c. 1810, $105,000 George I walnut arabesque tallcase clock, $113,750 Custom queen bed skirt, $4,995 Custom pillow, $2,665 Ascherberg grand piano, c. 1895, $77,000 Chandelier, Painted Iron, c. 1930, $32,500 Pair of Italian armchairs, c. 1780, $64,278 Persian rug, 20 feet by 14 feet, $191,250 Slide 91 Ebbers luck runs out in sweeping victory for feds Headline / USA TODAY / March 16, 2005 Slide 92 I said, Ship the documents to the feds. She heard, Rip the documents to shreds. Slide 93 In corporate America, crime pays. Handsomely. Grotesquely, even. Arianna Huffington Pigs at the Trough Slide 94 Enron Who? Most recent business scandals involved CEOs that you had never heard of, at companies that you had barely heard of. Slide 95 Apple CEO Steve Jobs drawn into stock options scandal Headline / MacDailyNews / August 15, 2006 Slide 96 Its deeply embedded in our culture that business is about greedy little scoundrels trying to do one another in. Weve got this idea that business means anything goes. R. Edward Freeman, Director Olsson Center for Applied Ethics Slide 97 Used-car salesperson slick Politician dishonest Personal injury lawyer greedy Insurance agent pesky Postal worker postal Slide 98 Business leader justice-obstructing, debt-hiding, earnings-overstating thief who uses company funds to purchase personal artwork and to put on lavish birthday parties for family members Slide 99 E thics & You Slide 100 Consistency between an organizations stated values and its leaders actual behavior is critical to credibility. Slide 101 When there is between what leaders say and what they do, employees immediately and rightly recognize those leaders as frauds. discrepancy Slide 102 Frequently Mentioned Values Showing people dignity, respect, and courtesy Providing the highest quality products, work, or customer service excellence in everything we do Maintaining moral, ethics, and trustthe highest standards of conduct Community service Employee appreciation and developmentpeople are our greatest assets Open communication Accountability Teamwork Appreciating diversity, going beyond equal rights and equal opportunities Religious faith Protecting the environmentpromoting conservation Profitshareholder value Slide 103 We believe that our organizations greatest asset is its staff. We encourage and support professional development activities that meet the goals of the organization. We take personal responsibility, are accountable, and embrace a set of values that guide our daily actions. Slide 104 the COMPANY of CHOICE Slide 105 S ETTING S TANDARDS O F E XCELLENCE Quality Philosophy: Happy Clients Happy Staff Quality Building Blocks: Management toward Clients Business Objectives Harmonious Relationships Quality Design and Engineering Budget Control Schedule Adherence Continuous Improvement Quality Tools: Commitment Flexibility Innovation Technical Expertise Caring, Thoughtful Staff Clear Communications Slide 106 RETENTIONMATTERS (Period.) Slide 107 Old Interview Interviewer: Tell me why I should hire you. New Interview Candidate: Tell me why I should come work for your company. Slide 108 Basic Worker Benefits (negotiable) Salary plus Incentive Pay Paid Holidays and Vacations Long-Term Retirement Savings Plan Employee Educational Assistance Medical and Hospitalization Insurance with Dental and Vision options Salary Continuation Plan (Sick Leave, Long-Term Disability Insurance) Slide 109 Premium Worker Benefits (old tie- breakers) Fitness Center Cafs with Healthful Meals Take-home Catering In-house Day Care Scholarships for Family Members Adoption Expense Assistance On-site Dry Cleaning, Shoe Repair, Photo Processing, Libraries Slide 110 Values-Based Worker Benefits (new tie- breakers) Cultural Diversity Shared Authority and Self-Managed Work Teams Paid Time Off for Volunteerism Flex Time or Job Sharing for Work / Life Balance Maternity, Paternity, and Adoption Leave of Absence Career Planning and Job Coaching Slide 111 generations all When selecting employers, job candidates from are focusing less on the financial rewards and more on the values rewards. Slide 112 1. Make love, not war.Done. 2. Make more money than Done. our parents did. 3. Make a difference In progress. (make amends for #2). The Boomer Agenda Slide 113 Whereas the Industrial Revolution drew fathers outside the home to work, Gen Xers probably grew up in households in which both parents held jobs. HOME ALON e Slide 114 The moneys good. But wont you just downsize me, too? HOME ALON e 2 The Netter Paradox Slide 115 Employees connect with leaders whose stated values are in alignment with the organizations and, thus, their own. Slide 116 When an imposters real values are uncovered, employees become confused about their roles. They may then feel unaligned, lost, and foolish for having trusted the employer. Slide 117 OBSERVINGANDINTERPRETING Soon after they are hired, employees start looking for mutual expectationswhich of their own interests are consistent with the values of the organization. Slide 118 a l i g n m e n t Once they feel aligned, individuals can start envisioning their place in supporting the organizations success. Slide 119 But if they sense theyve been duped, employees withdraw, become defensive and cynical, start gossiping, and begin causing trouble. Slide 120 prove it! Slide 121 Eighty-two percent of workers would rather earn less money at an organization with ethical business practices than receive higher pay at a company with questionable ethics. WHY BOTHER? LRN Ethics Study 2006 Slide 122 Our findings confirm that companies with a commitment to ethical conduct enjoy distinct advantages in the marketplace, including attracting and retaining talent. Dov Seidman, LRN CEO Slide 123 Source: Walker Information - Commitment In The Workplace: The 2003 National Employee Benchmark Study Workers who believe their organizations act with integrity are nine times more likely to stay in their current jobs. Slide 124 Source: Walker Information - Commitment In The Workplace: The 2003 National Employee Benchmark Study But when they mistrust their bosses, or are ashamed of their organizations conduct, workers say they feel trapped at work and are likely to leave their jobs soon. 4 out of 5 Slide 125 The mission statement is not a trophy that decorates office walls, but an organic body of beliefs and a foundation of guiding principles we hold in common. Howard Schultz, founder of Starbucks Slide 126 [4][4] Freely Give Away Their Authority values-based leaders: Why the emphasis on giving away authority? Giving authority to others demonstrates trust in people. Trusted employees are more effective, creative, and satisfied. And a funny thing happens when you trust peoplethey trust you back! vital integrities Slide 127 Hierarchy is an organization with its face toward the CEO and its ass toward the customer. -Kjell A. Nordstrm and Jonas Ridderstrle Funky Business Slide 128 Giving away our authority is a personal challenge. It involves sharing influence, prestige, and applause, while forcing us to deal with our personal insecurities. Slide 129 Wally who? Slide 130 Once you abandon those concerns, you will recognize empowering others as its own reward. Slide 131 Select one. Employees who feel powerless: A.Believe they have no control over, or discretion in, their work? B.Fear that their careers are subject to the whims and demands of their boss? C.Associate their powerlessness to bureaucracy or an authoritative managers weakness? D.Blame their own incompetence? E.Are less motivated, less productive, and less willing to venture outside their comfort zones? F.All of the above? Slide 132 Manager: But my employees dont want to be empowered! Slide 133 The bottleneck is at the top of the bottle. Gary Hamel Slide 134 Micromanagers Micromanagers operate from a lack of trust they distrust their employeesso they feel the need to maintain complete control. As a result, they set modest expectations for employees. Highly negative managers These leaders strip employees of their self- esteem. Employees may wrongly attribute their powerlessness to their own incompetence. To the delight of negative managers, their employees often feel too inadequate to seek other positions. Poor communicators Leaders who are unable to explain the big picture, or simply dont share their vision, deprive employees of an understanding of why certain actions are taken. STYLE Slide 135 Micromanagement: the opposite of Empowerment. Micromanagers mistrust their employees, and have low expectations for their abilities and results. Slide 136 Micromanaged employees live down to the expectations set for them, thereby perfectly conforming to the micromanagers views of them. Slide 137 SAT THEM FURTHER AWAY SMILED AT THEM LESS MADE LESS EYE CONTACT WITH THEM CALLED ON THEM LESS CRITICIZED THEM MORE GAVE THEM LESS TIME TO ANSWER QUESTIONS WITHHELD PRAISE FOR SUCCESSFUL ANSWERS PRAISED THEM FOR MARGINAL ANSWERS DEMANDED LESS WORK FROM THEM TEACHERS & MICROMANAGERS Researchers studied how teachers behaved toward students for whom they had low expectations. They: Slide 138 Abused workers seek justice by denying assistance to coworkers, complaining about petty problems, being uncivil to fellow employees, and criticizing the organization in public. Employees consider this behavior a safe way to avenge negative management. OUR LITTLE secret Slide 139 fortyninepercent Less than half of all employees understand the steps their organizations are taking to reach new business goals. Source: Watson Wyatts WorkUSA 2002 Survey Slide 140 4 flawed beliefs Slide 141 1 Managers assume their employees know, or ought to know, that the organization wants them to take initiative. Slide 142 2 Managers presume that all employees welcome the freedom to take initiative. Slide 143 3 Managers conclude that employees who avoid taking initiative are lazy. Slide 144 4 Managers think theyve finished their work once theyve given away their authority. Slide 145 Not all malcontent employees are mavericks, but virtually every maverick is a malcontent. Wayne Burkan, Wide Angle Vision Slide 146 Ignaz Semmelweis SEMMELWEIS reflex Slide 147 You might not have Semmelweis Reflex, but you could be a carrier. Warning: + Slide 148 It is often difficult to distinguish the good malcontents from the everyday chronic complainers. As a result, the tendency is to treat all eccentrics as mutineers and, in doing so, we effectively discard our creative thinkers. Slide 149 If your mindset makes every outcome a foregone conclusion, your risk takers will stop challenging the status quo and youll find yourself left with a staff made up of past perpetuators. Slide 150 I really, truly do not want to be the smartest person in the room. Michelle Peluso, CEO of Travelocity Slide 151 Freely giving away your authority also means creating an environment that promotes risk taking and encourages straight talk. Slide 152 Empowerment is not abandonment. -Anita Tucker Slide 153 [6][6] Have a Vision and Convince Others To Share it values-based leaders: We often describe children as having wild or active imaginations. The best leaders never outgrow their imaginative gift. vital integrities Slide 154 Sixty percent of surveyed executives listed getting people to work together as the biggest hurdle they currently face. American Management Association Survey, October 2003 Slide 155 Guided by their visions, values-based leaders are so intent on reaching their goals that others are simply compelled to follow. Slide 156 THE softer SIDE OF SEARS 1992 NET PROFIT = -$3.9 BILLION Slide 157 What is your primary job function? To protect company assets. (50 percent) Slide 158 How much profit do you think Sears nets on a dollar of revenue? Median answer:45 Correct answer: 2 Slide 159 1. Honesty 2. Integrity 3. Individual respect 4. Teamwork 5. Trust 6. Customer focus What do you value most? Survey of 80,000 Sears employees Slide 160 Make Sears a compelling place to shop. Slide 161 Merchandise sales up 9 percent Shareholder return up 56 percent One year later: Slide 162 Without an inspiring vision from their leaders, employees will struggle to discern any link between their private ambitions and the companys actual mission. Slide 163 The first stonemason replies: The second stonemason replies: Im cutting stone. Im building a great cathedral. Old story: Two stonemasons are working on the same project. An observer asks, What are you doing? Slide 164 Third quarter earnings per diluted share were $.60, an increase of 11 percent over $.54 per diluted share for the same period in 2006. Third quarter net income totaled $84,224,000, compared to third quarter 2006s net income of $79,656,000. ROA was 1.75 percent and ROE was 21.6 percent, compared to 1.66 percent and 19.3 percent in 2006s third quarter. Slide 165 Have a Vision Good leaders have a vision. They hold in their minds pictures of what is possible. Vision is the power to conceive a future thats better than the present. Slide 166 Convince Others to Share It Great leaders convince others to share their visions by articulating them in memorable and inspirational ways. Slide 167 If you think that conveying ideas effectively is an innate abilitya talent reserved for naturally gifted orators then you are probably neglecting your role as a communicator. Slide 168 I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal. Martin Luther King, Jr. Delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. on August 28, 1963 Slide 169 Why was it so effective? Emphasized Common Values Described the Importance of the Values Disparaged the Visions Opponents Forecasted Success Selected Emotional Language Slide 170 Emphasize Common Values An inspiring vision embodies values with strong appeal for its entire audience. The vision then calls attention to those common values and illustrates how and whyall the individuals in that audience can connect. Slide 171 MLK: It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal. Slide 172 The 140,000 of us were connected on something that was not about money, and it was not about doing something for the company. It was about demonstrating in a tangible way that we could achieve incredibly important goals that were meaningful to individuals. Paul ONeill, former CEO of Alcoa Slide 173 Martin Luther King, Jr. Many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny. They have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. Slide 174 Describe the Importance of the Values Explaining why the organizations values are important helps people connect emotionally with your vision. Visions with the greatest impact depict the status quo as intolerable, and alternative values as unacceptable. Slide 175 And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true. MLK Slide 176 Only by returning to the moon to carry out new scientific exploration can we hope to close the gaps in understanding and learn the secrets that the moon alone has kept for eons. National Research Council Slide 177 Disparage the Visions Opponents Typecasting your opponents as lacking those values your organization deems important helps underscore your visions significance, creates passion and competition, and fosters commitment. Slide 178 visionsopponents I have a dream that one day down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, one day right there in Alabama, little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. MLK disparagethe Slide 179 There are those who say to youwe are rushing this issue of civil rights. I say we are 172 years late. Hubert Humphrey Slide 180 Forecast Success Predicting the successful realization of your vision builds employee confidence in your leadership. Alluding to past triumphs helps to confirm the likelihood of this visions success. Slide 181 Vote for me because theres a 50-50 chance Ill balance the budget! -campaign loser Slide 182 When she is confirmed by the Senate, I am confident that she will leave a lasting mark on the Supreme Court. George Bush, announcing his nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court Slide 183 Hes scholarly, fair-minded and principled, and these qualities will serve our nation well on the highest court of the land. George Bush, announcing his nomination of Sam Alito to the Supreme Court Slide 184 Never a doubt When we allow freedom to ringwe will be able to speed up that day when all of Gods children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last! Slide 185 Select Emotional Language The right language is critical to creating an emotional impact. Symbolic words enhance your visions meaning. Metaphors and analogies help clarify your vision while stimulating your listeners imagination. Repetition adds a mesmerizing rhythm to the message, making it unforgettable. Slide 186 we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream. Adapted from Amos 5:24 Slide 187 we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. their destiny is tied up with our destiny. from every village and every hamlet, the motels of the highways We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. from every state and every city and the hotels of the cities. Parallels Slide 188 A figure of speech in which you reverse the order of words in parallel clauses. chiasmus And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. John F. Kennedy Slide 189 In todays climate of uncertainty, when our neighbors and friends and customers see our brown package cars rolling down the streets of Manhattanor small towns across the countrythey take comfort in knowing that the daily rhythm of lifeand commercemoves on. Mike Eskew Slide 190 The quiet heroes of American commerce. Mike Eskew Slide 191 Let the nation and the world know the meaning of our numberswe are not a mob. We are the advance guard of a massive moral revolution for jobs and freedom. Asa Philip Randolph August 28, 1963 Slide 192 The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds. Think big anyway. Dr. Kent M. Keith Anyway: The Paradoxical Commandments Slide 193 George wears his passions on his sleeve. He needs to learn to hide his emotions from his employees. -From every performance review Ive ever gotten Slide 194 Before you can inspire with emotion, you must be swamped with it yourself. Before you can move their tears, your own must flow. To convince them, you must yourself believe. Churchill Slide 195 The Leading from the Heart Workshop SSOE

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