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Page 1: THE LINK - Microsoftbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site822/Link JUNE 2013...June 2nd is the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation. (We don’t actually celebrate


The Parish Magazine for the parishes of

St Catherine and Holy Trinity Ventnor and St Boniface Bonchurch

Sunday Services Please see inside Link for details of Sunday Services for

St Catherine’s, St Boniface and Holy Trinity

Midweek Services

St Catherine’s Wednesday - 10.30am Holy Communion

Holy Trinity Thursday - 10.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

Morning Prayer 9.00am - Wednesday - St Catherine’s Church.

Page 2: THE LINK - Microsoftbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site822/Link JUNE 2013...June 2nd is the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation. (We don’t actually celebrate


The Link

is subsidised by the

Hub Coffee Shop. Please give it your support.

Articles for the July/August Magazine should be handed to

the Editorial team by June13th please. You can hand it in

at the Hub or email to Joan Garlick or Chris Maguire at

[email protected]

Size format for Link pages A5 - font size 11in GILL Sans MT

Hand written reports/articles are accepted if you do not have

access to a computer.

Ventnor and District Local History Society

June 28th Appuldurcombe, John Owen

St Catherine’s Church - 7.30pm

All welcome - Next meeting July 26th The Royal Navy and Royal Marines on the Isle of Wight. Mike North

The Julian Group Will be meeting at The Hub in St Catherine’s Church

Last Friday of each month. All welcome.

Editorial Team:-

Holy Trinity Church

Gill Chaloner …. 854659

St Catherine's Church

Chris Maguire…..852121


Is open from 2.30 to 4.00pm

Drop in to look around the Church or have a moment of Quiet.

Coffee and tea is available.

Page 3: THE LINK - Microsoftbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site822/Link JUNE 2013...June 2nd is the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation. (We don’t actually celebrate


An American comedian said, ‘Spring, being a tough act to

follow, God created June.’ Certainly there is so much to

appreciate in this glorious month that ushers in the Eng-

lish summer.

‘June brings tulips, lilies, roses,

Fills the children's hand with posies.’

The ecologist Aldo Leopold tells that In June, as many as

a dozen species may burst their buds on a single day. What a prolific Creator

God we have. Isn’t the sheer variety & beauty of nature incredible? Our

island has so much to offer the tourists and the holiday makers, from the

places of natural beauty, to the historic too. No wonder the island motto is

‘All this beauty is of God’.

June is special to our country for two great historic occasions.

June 2nd is the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation. (We don’t

actually celebrate the Coronation Diamond Jubilee weekend until 11th – 14th

July and the new 3rd in line to the throne is expected to be born slap bang in

the middle of all the festivities!)

I don’t know about you, but I’m proud and grateful that our Queen has been

such a committed and hardworking Head of State through my lifetime. She

has taken seriously her sacred anointing and the promises she made to God

and her people at her coronation.

I’m also proud to be British when I think of the self-sacrifice that so many

made on 6th June 1944 on the beaches of Normandy, and in the weeks

following D-Day, which led to the defeat of the Nazi regime and freedom for

Western Europe. I thank God that the communities of Britain could then

enjoy peace again. The community spirit helped Britain in the Second World

War. It is still important today.

Together Ventnor and Bonchurch make a community of people. We share

many values of care and concern for others. We have a Food Bank to

support those of our community in great need. We have community

organizations in which people share common interests and talents. We are an

outward looking community, opening up our town to those who come to enjoy holidays here, for their much needed rest and re-creation. As Spring

moves into Summer, it is encouraging to see that late Spring cleans are being

undertaken. Many properties are getting ‘shipshape and Bristol fashion’ with

new licks of paint, window-boxes and flower-tubs to welcome visitors.

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When the sun shines and sparkles on the sea, Ventnor Bay fairly glows with

anticipation of the bucket and spade brigade, still a few weeks away. For

some of us this time marks another kind of Spring clean, that of our lives, as

the Holy Spirit helps us to see what needs to be cleaned out of the dark

corners of our personalities & our life-style. Hopefully our Pentecost

celebration, in the middle of May, will have started to take effect as we, ‘the

Easter People’, are fired up to reach out to others with the Gospel of God’s


Our community of ‘Ventnor and Bonchurch’ is not just part of a national

community. We also look beyond these shores. In many other parts of the

world people are not as fortunate as us in their natural environment. They

experience climate that gives them drought with ensuing famine; storms and

hurricanes that cause devastating flooding; natural disasters from

earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. We are often called upon to share our

comparative plenty with people who suffer these disasters, as well as

man-made tragedies, such as war. We are part of a world-wide community -

the human race. We are all children of God and the needs of others in the

world are part of our care and concern too.

I end with another quotation:

‘God gave his children memory, that in life’s garden there might be June

roses in December.’ So may your memories of June, in 2013, give you much

joy in the years to come, as you recall this so beautiful month.

May God bless you, your family and friends.

Jenny Hopkins-Holder

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St. Catherine’S newS Greetings!

“Ahhh – flamin’ June...!” as a poet (or was it Marlon from

‘The Perishers’ of the Daily Mirror) once put it. May’s weather

has been a mixed bunch, depending on which part of the

country one has been, or is, in. During the last month, Spring

has been trying to, well... spring, and gardeners, such as my wife,

Linda, has been unsure of whether or not, or how long, to be out in the

garden – if that has been the case, pity the poor farmers! But Spring is a time

of change and transition, and the same is reflected in the life of the Ventnor

and Bonchurch Parishes.

We are preparing for the new incumbent and, so, looking to readjust our

spiritual and mental positions from being in this interregnum to being at full

strength in the leadership of the Church. In a strange – or not – way, this

reflects the enthronement of the new Archbishop of Canterbury (as well as

our new Archdeacon) – a new person, a different, and often fresh, way of

viewing and tackling old or ongoing conundrums and puzzles – even problems

– that our Parishes face every day. Both the incumbent (and our AD and

AoC, if you like!) need to have the full support of those who both work for

them, and those they lead in the Laity: in this way, everyone has a hand, and a

vested interest, in how the Church operates and supports us, and we one


Another aspect of growth and change has been, and is, shown in the

celebration of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was sent by Jesus ten days after

He ascended, and whom has remained ever since. The Spirit is the power of

G-d to empower the Christian for their walk, every day, in the Kingdom of

G-d, and causes change in the Christian and the environment around them, in

whatever sphere of life they may be, and encourages the Church corporately

in its spiritual and temporal growth, which will then affect the community

which the Church is in; in our case, Ventnor. May 19th was the Church’s

official recognition of Pentecost across the Island, Diocese, country and world.

I hope you were involved, in some way, was touched by the tongues of fire

and blessed thereby.

So to the News-

In April, we have had a series of concerts that were well attended, for the

most part. A whole series were conducted by the Ventnor Fringe, over a

week, all well attended, by all accounts.

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In May, the Platform One students performed at St Catherine’s to a packed

church, and featured three bands. The Andrew Tweedle Band performed one

week later, and the 18th May presented the Carillon Singers to a full house.

Future events – Michele Brock is conducting a 24 hour Sing-A-Thon at

St Catherine’s, beginning at 10:30 a.m. on June 1st and concluding at 10:30 a.m.

on Sunday 2nd. All of the performers will appreciate all of the support you can

give, even at 02:00 a.m.!

The Hub – as ever, the Hub remains open at its usual times and continue to

receive all manner of people, visitors, guests and regulars. All of the usual

goodies remain on sale, on the Fairtrade and Book Stall, as well as jams, pickles

and marmalades. Anyone who wishes to make cakes (sponge cakes are popular,

as are fruit cakes!) for the Hub Coffee Bar would be much appreciated!

Street Pastors – despite the changeable weather, the SPs remain on duty with

good results around Ventnor. They continue to be well received by the pubs

and late-night revellers and young people. Your continued prayers for the SPs

and their work are appreciated.

Please remember that we have a series of Joint Services and Patronal this

month, so keep a close eye on the Service Sheet and notices.

Finally, we are, as many of you now know, preparing for Hugh Wright’s

licensing, which will be on the 15th July 2013 at 7 p.m., at St. Catherine’s Church.

We will need plenty of hands to help out logistically from across the Three

Churches, and will be expecting Bishop Christopher, Archdeacon Peter, and a

host of people across the breadth of Ventnor’s spiritual, political and social

scenes, as well as the East Wight Deanery and Hugh’s Church, St. John’s, Ryde.

St. Catherine’s will need appropriate preparation, so it’s all hands to the pumps!

Let’s make a good showing to welcome Hugh and Sarah to Ventnor!

Chris Maguire May 2013

Extra News: Don’t forget that the McNaughton-Howe Festival will be held at

St.Catherine’s Church on the 7th and 8th June. Do come and make the Festival

the continuing success it is!

Errata et Apologia: Last month, I transcribed piece written by a certain Mr. N.

Jackson concerning his thoughts on the Fleur de Paris concert he attended at

St. Catherine’s Church. The error was concerned with the term ‘Polidors’; whilst

there is, in fact, a restaurant called ‘Polidors’ (I Googled it!) in Paris, France, Mr.

Jackson was, in fact, referring to a French singer known as Jo Polidors: also, I wrote

‘chanteuse’ where it should have said ‘chartreuse’: I apologise for these errors.

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Holy Trinity Times

Hotting Up!

It’s hotting up at last (after last month’s article doubting whether it ever

would!) and we’ve had a FEW days of glorious spring weather, enough, it seems,

to bring out every single flower at once! Late daffodils, primroses, cowslips, tulips,

bluebells, cherry blossom and lilac, as well as daisies, dandelions and celandines

…..EVERYTHING’S suddenly working hard all at the same time!

It’s hard to believe that in this month of June, we’re coming up to the Longest

Day on the 21st….and everyone seems to be working a VERY long day at present!

By the time you read this, the festivals of Pentecost and Trinity Sunday will have

followed hard on each other’s heels, plans will be nearly in place for Hugh’s

Licensing on July 15th,and our churches will be awash with concerts, jumble sales,

quizzes, shows, talks and weddings, plus The Hub café and T.G.I.F. and a myriad of

other activities. All these things are good in that they involve the Community in

the life of the Church and the Church in the life of the Community, but none of

them happens without hard work! Someone has to get there early to open up, to

check arrangements, to arrange seating, to move pianos, to put up tables, to

provide refreshments, to keep an eye open for shortages, and then to pack it all up

again. And all this is on top of our normal efforts towards making our Sunday and

Midweek worship worthy of God and accessible to both regulars and visitors.

So no wonder we sometimes wonder whether we’re coming or going! (or at

least, I do!) It’s good to be busy, but the advent of light mornings and evenings

often makes us feel that we can work early AND late, without the need to stop

and refuel, both physically and spiritually. As one who has always felt a greater

affinity with Martha than with Mary, I can see myself falling into the trap of just

carrying on regardless, without bothering to stop and see whether I’m actually

going in the right direction!

As these three churches in Ventnor and Bonchurch, we sometimes have to get

off the hamster wheel in order to have a closer look at WHAT we do, at WHO

does what, at who COULD do what, and at WHY we do what we do! And we

need to pray about what we do, and commit our work to God as we do it! Then

perhaps we will achieve the balance of worship, work and recreation as advocated

by the Benedictine Rule, without the drawback of exhaustion!

So yes, the weather (we hope!) is hotting up, our activity in Church is hotting

up, but so, I hope is our desire to rest sometimes in God, and be prepared to be

still and listen to his Will for us.

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And while I was thinking about this article, a poem came to mind………..


I’m busy doing SOMETHING,

Wonder what it could be?

(Don’t want to sit in silence,

It’s not the thing for me!)

I’m busy LOOKING busy,

Rushing the whole day through.

(What about time for praying?

What if some reading’s due?)

I’m busy at my lap-top,

Phoning and texting friends.

(Don’t tell me I should be resting,

I’m following MY own ends!)

I’m busy in my kitchen,

With marmalade, jam and cakes.

(A bit of Bible reading?

You KNOW the difference it makes!)

I’m busy with this poem,

Let inspiration flow!

(I think God’s telling me something

That maybe I don’t want to know!)

I’m busy doing NOTHING….

Except what’s in MY head!

(Perhaps it’s time to listen

To what GOD says instead!)

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GHANA NEWS. Bishop Christopher has been visiting Ghana and was due to go to Tamale and

meet our friends at the Cathedral. I don’t think he got as far north as Wa, where

Archdeacon Moses lives, but I hope to hear news of the visit soon.

It’s good to know that the Doughnut Club’s well money thermometer is

creeping upwards……and Chris Dobson, as always, is grateful for any donations

of contents for the Ghana boxes.

THANK GOD IT’S FRIDAY is up and running and has attracted local friends

and visitors alike. Do please join us for a cup of tea, cake and a chat or a bit of

peace in our chapel. We are open on Fridays between 2.30 and 4.00p.m.

And in our ALPHABET OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, we’ve got to L for

LAETARE SUNDAY (Laetare = Rejoice), the fourth Sunday in Lent, also

called Mothering Sunday and Refreshment Sunday, when everyone has a little break

from Lent!

LAMBETH CONFERENCE, a gathering of the Bishops of the Anglican

Communion, held about every ten years. Before the last one in 2007, the Ghanaian

Bishops stayed in Portsmouth Diocese, and Bishop Emmanuel and Dorcas stayed in


LAODICEA, a Hellenistic city in the Roman province of Asia, the seat of an

early Christian church. It was reproved at a later date in “Revelation” for being

“neither hot nor cold”, i.e. guilty of being luke-warm Christians.

LIGHT OF THE WORLD (Lux Mundi), a title of Christ, the subject of

Holman Hunt’s famous paintings; one is at Keble College, Oxford, the other in

St Paul’s Cathedral. Christ is shown knocking at the door of the human heart.

There is no door handle, to show that it must be opened from the inside!

LINDISFARNE GOSPELS, a beautiful hand-written manuscript dating from

700 A.D. It is now in the British Museum, but will be exhibited in Durham

Cathedral (where many think it should belong!) during this summer.

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The HUB Coffee Shop 10.30 - 12.30 Monday - Saturday

For Cards - Gifts - Books - Fairtrade goods

Don’t forget to pick up your free copy of

The Pompey Chimes


Friday, June 7th T.G.I.F.

Sunday, June 9th Joint Service at St Boniface, 10.30 a.m.

Friday, June 14th T.G.I.F.

Street Pastors out in Ventnor.

Friday, June 21st. T.G.I.F.

“Memories are made of this,”…slide show, talk, and ploughman’s

supper in Holy Trinity Hall, 6.30p.m. Tickets £3.

Tuesday, June 25th Bereavement Group meets at the Hub 7.30.p.m.

Friday, June 28th T.G.I.F.

Street Pastors out in Ventnor.

V.D.L.H.S. Appuldurcombe

Saturday, June 29th Dawn Oakley to be priested at Portsmouth

Cathedral, at 6.00.p.m.

Sunday, June 30th Joint Service at St Catherine’s, 10.30 a.m.


The Licensing of the Rev’d Hugh Wright to our three parishes,

Monday, July 15th at St Catherine’s Church, 7.00p.m.

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Bonchurch Community Association Sunday 2nd June, Bonchurch Village Green - Shore Road


AGM - 27th JUNE - 7pm

At St Catherine’s Church

Macnaughton-Howe Festival Association


Friday 7th June -1pm till 5.30pm

Saturday 8th June - 10am till 4.30pm St Catherine’s Church Raffles, Sales Table etc

Refreshments in the Hub Coffee Shop.


Adults £1 - Competitors & Exhibitors 50p

Children free

11am - 3pm

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15 JULY 7 for 7.30pm

Concerts at St Catherine’s Church

June - 22nd Tritone Singers - 7.30pm

June - 29th Bonchurch Singers - 7pm

July - 9th David Casewell Concert - 7.30pm Argentine guitar music

July - 13th Camerata Choir - 7pm

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Friday, June 21st. 6.30p.m. Holy Trinity Church Hall.

“MEMORIES ARE MADE OF THIS.” Slide Show and talk by Graham Bennett,

Curator of Ventnor Local History Museum.

Ploughman’s Supper and raffle.

Tickets £3, on sale later.

9th June



To celebrate

St Boniface’s Patronal Festival.

30th June - 10.30am



23th June 2013 at 6.30pm

Choral Evensong at

St Boniface Parish Church Bonchurch

Sung by Cantus Vesperi

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St Albans the Martyr Church Ventnor

Saturday 22nd June - 4pm

Solemn Choral Evensong Special weekend

to celebrate 90 years of Mr Coley’s masterpiece


Sunday June 23rd - 10.00am

Sung High Mass

Guest Preacher: The Venerable Peter Sutton,

Archdeacon of the Isle of Wight

Ventnor Townswomen's Guild Main meeting at Knight’s Court Common Room.

High Street, Ventnor. 3rd Wednesday of the month at 2.15pm

Next meeting 19th June


Social Studies Group Meetings held at Residence’s Lounge. Byrnhill Grove,

Park Avenue. Ventnor. 1st Monday of the month.

Contact: Barbara Joyner on 857567 ********************

Poetry, Prose and Plays - 2nd Wednesday of the month.

Contact: Jeanette Walters on 855892

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Ventnor Heritage Museum - Spring Hill


Ventnor Heritage Museum was opened for the 2013 season on May 11th by Dr. Robin

McInnes. The main themes of the exhibition this year

are “Along the Southern Shore”, an account in pictures

of our coastal heritage from Luccombe to Chale

(including Ventnor), “Two St Lawrence Houses” (Old

Park and St Lawrence Hall) and a set of superb wild-life

photographs of the Undercliff, kindly donated by Andy


The Museum is now open on Monday and Saturday

from 10 a.m. to 1.30 p.m and on tuesday through to

Friday from 10 a.m. until 4.30 p.m. You are all very welcome to visit!

A new plane for MAF

MAF is pleased to announce that we have been able to purchase another

Cessna 182 SMA aircraft thanks to the generosity of some MAF donors.

Before heading to South Sudan, where it will serve in our operations, the

C182 will be on tour throughout the UK.

1 June: Defford, Worcester;

15 June: Venue TBC;

28 - 29 June: Cumbernauld Airport, Glasgow;

6 July: Sherburn Aero Club, Leeds;

13 July: Sywell Aerodrome, Northamptonshire.

20 July: Andrewsfield, Essex.

Details from: www.maf-uk.org

The Lord is my Shepherd

A Sunday School teacher decided to have her young class memorize one of the most

quoted passages in the Bible; Psalm 23. She gave the youngsters a month to learn the

verse. Little Rick was excited about the task -- but, he just couldn't remember the

Psalm. After much

practice, he could barely get past the first line. On the day that the kids were

scheduled to recite Psalm 23 in front of the congregation, Ricky was so nervous.

When it was his turn, he stepped up to the microphone and said proudly,

'The Lord is my Shepherd, and that's all I need to know.'

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Advance notice to get prepared of this years


Celebrating 25 years of support to

Hampshire & the Islands’ historic churches

1988 – 2013

This year’s sponsored Ride and Stride on Saturday 14th

September will mark 25 years of fund-raising towards the

upkeep of some 900 historic church buildings in

Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. Please join us in

celebrating this special occasion.

Since 1988, Hampshire and the Islands Historic Churches Trust (HIHCT)

has helped more than 300 churches and chapels of all denominations with

grants and loans in excess of £540,000, for essential repairs, renovation

and restoration.

The bulk of this money has been raised by Riders and Striders who, each

year, set out on foot, by bike or on horseback to visit as many churches

as they can in a day. Fifty per cent of the sponsorship money raised goes

to the church of the participant’s choice; the other 50%, plus Gift Aid,

goes to HIHCT to make much-needed grants and loans to churches

across the region.

There are various ways you can help and join in on the day:

Cycle, walk, run, ride, drive – or even use your bus pass – to visit

participating churches; invite family, friends, and colleagues to

sponsor you (or your dog!)

Be a ‘meeter and greeter’ in your parish church for part of the day or

provide cakes and refreshments for the Riders and Striders

Sponsor friends or family taking part.

It’s a great day out for all. Please see our website for further details.

HIHCT is run entirely by volunteers


Registered Charity No 299633

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24 Hours of Music

The Friends of St Catherine's are attempting to put together an

unbroken 24 hours of music – from 10.30am on Saturday 1st June

until 10,30am on Sunday 2nd June . The event will be held at

St Catherine's Church. This event is a fun-raising, fund-raiser for the

project to transform the top area of the church grounds into an open

park/garden space, Music will be played, sung, performed, participated

in, enjoyed, quizzed over and generally featured in any way possible.

You can support the event by ~

offering your help in any way – if you have any musical talent your

offer would be especially welcomed!!

sponsoring either one of the participants, or the whole event.

Many of those taking part, or their friends, will have sponsor

forms, or you can find one in the Hub at St Catherine's.

buying a ticket for the concert on Saturday, when the Undercliff

Singers and the Scottish Fiddlers will entertain. The concert is

at 7pm and tickets are available, priced £5.

dropping into the church at any time of the day to see and hear

what is going on, (join in if it's appropriate!) and make a donation

to the proceeds there.

buying a copy of the Music Quiz (£1), and completing it, handing

it in at St Catherine's by 7pm on Saturday 1st June.

Refreshments will be served in the Hub Coffee Shop for most of

Saturday, and a Soup and Roll lunch will be available from 12.30 –


In the longer term you could consider becoming a member of the

Friends of St Catherine's.

To find out more or to offer your involvement, please have a word with

Michele Brock or David Tamcken.

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Coast to Coast

for IW Street Pastors

Sponsored cycle across

Scotland In May three intrepid islanders

finished cycling 300 gruelling miles, mostly off-road, across Scotland

to raise funds for Isle of Wight Street Pastors. The route

started from Kyle of Lochaish on the west coast to finished at

Montrose. It is considered one of the most challenging routes in

the British Isles.

Congratulations to

Simon Thomas, Gavin Dyer and Paul Buckland



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We are still collecting the plastic milk bottle tops

(with the triangular symbol enclosing the no.2)

at the Hub, in St. Catherine's Church,

and at St. Boniface Church, for recycling

in aid of The Hospice.

If you don't want to bring them to Church you may

take them directly to the Louis Shop in Pier Street.












Barren - Wife - Elderly - Gabriel - Baby -

Herod - Temple - Dumb - Unique - Coming

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Food Banks . In Ventnor they are open on Tuesdays and Thursdays

from 10am until 1pm. Wanted: - Food and soft drink (Sorry no fresh food)

Tinned Fish- Meat - Vegetables -Snack Pots - Packets of Snacks-

Long Life Fruit Juice- Biscuits - Drinking Chocolate- Tea- Coffee

- Sugar - Squash- Soup - Pasta sauces and pasta Tinned sponge

puddings - rice pudding, - Jam - Tinned tomatoes - beans and

spaghetti -Cereals -Instant mashed potato -rice - - Sauces

Brown or Red - Pickles (Branston type) - Jars Sandwich Spread -

Long Life Milk.

Drop off points:

St Catherine’s Church - Holy Trinity Church

and St Boniface Church.

The Spar Shop also have a collection box.

Ventnor’s Weather


This was the coldest April on Record (at least 30 years). The mean

temperature of 7.5C (45F) was much colder then the average of 9.7C

(50F). The warmest day was the 30th with 15.2C (59F). The coldest night

was the 3rd with 0.0C (32F). Rainfall of 43.6mm (1.72") was 95% of the

average of 45.97mm (1.81").The wettest day was the 10th with 17.1mm

(0.67"). Rain fell on only 9 days, most of the rain (40.6mm) fell between

the 8th and 13th.

Thanks to Mike Wood

for our weather information.

What can you give

Page 23: THE LINK - Microsoftbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site822/Link JUNE 2013...June 2nd is the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation. (We don’t actually celebrate


NEW MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME All these groups are very informal. You do not need to know your Bible

inside out, or back to front. You can join in with the friendly discussion,

or just enjoy a cup of tea, listen and reflect.


Monday Afternoon 4.00 - 5.30pm Chris Maguire 852121or

Hilary 855797 - The Troubadour Café, High Street.

Monday Evening 7.45pm

Jenny Hopkins-Holder. 852575 Belhaven, Castle Road.

Tuesday Evening 8.00pm

David Tamcken 863215 leads at Mick and Nava Young’s St Andrews,

Belgrave Road.

‘Toe in the Water’ A Home group for people to dip into the Christian faith

Thursday Evenings 7.30pm at Belhaven.

Contact John Holder for further information on 852575

Carisbrooke Priory is open Monday- Friday 10.00am.- 4.00pm and every 1st.

Saturday Morning for Coffee Morning. 10.00am-12.noon.

Open Door Service every Thursday at 12.noon. followed by Prayer Ministry in the

Chapel , and Light Lunch in the Dining Room approx 1.00pm.

Speakers for June are. June 6th. Canon Alan Brown. ( Communion)

June 13th Peter Wells,

June 20th. To Be Confirmed.

June 27th. Jennie Knight.

Bible Study in the main lounge at 2.30pm. on the !st. 3rd and 4th,

(5th) Thursdays.

Priory Family Forum In main lounge at 2.15pm 2nd Thursday.

Music Workshop, 2.30 pm In Chapel with June Cox, 3rd Thursday

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All requests for the Prayer Chain

should be first directed to

Kizzie Baker on 853779

Bereavement Team We are aware that there are a number of people who have been

bereaved and might like someone to talk to or to visit.

You can contact any of the Bereavement Team from St Catherine's and

Holy Trinity, Ventnor and St Boniface, Bonchurch, by telephoning 857795

any morning or by visiting "The Hub" at St Catherine's Church between

10.30 and 12.30. Here a message can be left for any of us;

there is a box with note paper and pencil in the coffee shop.

Common Worship Lectionary app launched

The essential digital accompaniment to the Church of England's Lectionary of

daily readings and services is now available as an app for iPad.

The new Lectionary app provides the Common Worship lectionary readings

in full with live links to Bible passages in the New Revised Standard Version.

The Lectionary app enables users to read the full text of all Bible readings set

for every day in the Church's calendar; access the Collect and Post-

Communion Prayers for the week; mark and annotate records - ideal for

sermon-writing and service planning; browse the Lectionary by Date, Season,

Event - or all three; and find full details of when seasons, Principal Feasts and

Festivals (Saints' days) occur and which liturgical colours are appropriate for

the day. Download at iTunes at ..................includes a free 14-day subscription.

Page 25: THE LINK - Microsoftbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site822/Link JUNE 2013...June 2nd is the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation. (We don’t actually celebrate


We remember with love and affection

those who have died recently,

especially we pray for their families.

And we pray for those newly baptised.

We pray for those

recently married.

We pray for the Street and Prayer Pastors

working in our community

here in Ventnor.

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June 2nd The First Sunday after Trinity

9.30 a.m. Service of the Word, Holy Trinity Church

10.30 a.m. Service of the Word, St Catherine’s Church

10.30 a.m. Holy Communion, St Boniface Church.

6.30 p.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

June 9th The Second Sunday after Trinity.



to celebrate St Boniface’s Patronal Festival.

June 16th The Third Sunday after Trinity

9.30 a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church.

10.30 a.m. Family and all-age worship, St. Catherine’s Church.

10.30 a.m. Holy Communion, St Boniface Church.

June 23rd. The Fourth Sunday after Trinity

9.30 a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

10.30 a.m. Holy Communion, St Catherine’s Church

10.30 a.m. Service of the Word, St Boniface Church.

June 30th The Fifth Sunday after Trinity



JUNE Worship

Page 27: THE LINK - Microsoftbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site822/Link JUNE 2013...June 2nd is the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation. (We don’t actually celebrate


June 2nd The First Sunday after Trinity

1 Kings 8: 22-23, 41-43.

Galatians 1:1-12

Luke 7:1-10

June 9th The Second Sunday after Trinity.

1.Kings 17:17-end. Galatians 1:11-end. Luke 7:11-17


Isaiah 49:5-10. Acts 20:24-28. Luke 10:1-11

June 16th The Third Sunday after Trinity

2 Samuel 11:26-12:10

Galatians 2:15-end

Luke 7:36-8:3

June 23rd. The Fourth Sunday after Trinity

Isaiah 65:1-9

Galatians 3:23-end

Luke 8:26-39

June 30th The Fifth Sunday after Trinity

1 Kings 19:5-16,19-end. Galatians 5:1,13-25

Luke 9:51-end


Zechariah 4:1-6a,10b-14. 2 Timothy 4:6-8,17-18

Bible Readings for JUNE

Page 28: THE LINK - Microsoftbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site822/Link JUNE 2013...June 2nd is the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation. (We don’t actually celebrate


Ventnor & Bonchurch Parish website address

www.ventnorcofe2.btck.co.uk Email: [email protected]


St Catherine’s Chris Maguire 852121

John Holder 852575

Holy Trinity Tim Slade 853504

Robin Oakley 854584

St Boniface Jonny Fitzgerald Bond 854824

Lyn Ridler-Lee 404508

*** Pub Nights *** The Ministry Team will be gathering at

Crab & Lobster 7.30 pm - 12th June

Come and join us for a chat.

The Ministry Team:-

Revd Vivienne Heenan 730352

Email:- [email protected]

David Tamcken Reader 863215

Hilary Davis Reader 855797

Jenny Hopkins Holder Reader 852575

Gill Chaloner Reader 854659

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