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Page 1: The Magazine For Those Who Don't Need Convincing U F O … · The Magazine For Those Who Don't Need Convincing... SUMMER 2016 ... When UFO Magazine, ... For Those Who Don't Need Convincing.


The Magazine For Those Who Don't Need Convincing...


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The Magazine For Those Who Don't Need Convincing...


N A Z I ­ U F O S

J a k o b Spo r r e n b e r g

I g o r W i t k ow s k i

Die Glocke

Page 2: The Magazine For Those Who Don't Need Convincing U F O … · The Magazine For Those Who Don't Need Convincing... SUMMER 2016 ... When UFO Magazine, ... For Those Who Don't Need Convincing.



UFO BELIEVERS MAGAZINE Vol . 1. No. 1, Winter, 2016. Publ ished Quarterly by Steven

Di lworth, steve_di [email protected]. Copyright 2015 Steven Di lworth. Al l rights

reserved. No portion of this magazine may be reprinted whole or in part without the

expressed written consent of Steven Di lworth.

Al l images have been borrowed from the internet and belong to ther respective owners

Steven Di lworth -

Publ i sher, Ed i tor, Wri ter

Alan Troup - Wri ter, Ed i tor

As our excerpt from the magazine’s selling lineclearly states, this publication is written by, and

intended for, those people who believe that flyingobjects which can’t be identified aren’t necessarilyweather balloons or seagulls or air inversions or amis-identified planet Venus. No, these pages are in-tended for those people who truly believe that ob-jects seen in the sky, which can’t be explained byordinary means, are perhaps extraordinary vehicles.Vehicles from another planet or another dimensionor perhaps, even, another time. Whatever theoryyou subscribe to, you – our intended reader – belie-ve that objects in the sky that can’t be ‘explainedaway’, are truly special.

When UFO Magazine, produced by Nancy and BillBirnes recently got shut down, I was dismayed. Iwas fortunate enough to have a subscription whichjust happened to correspond with the last six printedissues. I also downloaded the one electronic issuethat was to be the last UFO Magazine ever createdby Nancy Birnes. I followed Nancy as she attemptedto rebuild the publication, and I was so sad when Iclicked the link to check on the progress, and saw apicture of her and Bill with the heading “Goodbye”.And then the website was taken down. I wanted sobadly to find a way to help. A way to revive the ma-gazine, but I know the owner of the UFO Magazinebrand had taken the rights away from the Birnes’,and I have no money to try and purchase the rights,so this e-zine is my answer to keeping things going.

The one major difference between this publicationand UFO Magazine is most likely glaringly obvious. Ihave chosen to exclude the ‘other side of the deba-te’. I did this for one very good reason – I’m sick ofhearing it. I’ve read post after post after post, articleafter article after article of skeptics snickering behindtheir hands as they proclaim the photo evidence tobe too grainy and/or blurry to prove anything, whilea good picture must be a Photoshop fake becauseit’s too perfect. Sightings must be a hoax or justplain untrue because the witness is an ignorantbackwater Hillbilly, whereas a sighting by a trained

observer such as a pilot or a military man, or even aPresident must be air inversion or a mis-identifiedplanet Venus. There is no debate. None whatsoever.It’s either believe or disbelieve.

So...here we are. I have decided to create a haven forthose who believe. With stories and commentariesabout and by those who believe. A place where wecan all gather, unhindered, in our quest to un-derstand something beyond quarterly profits, stockdividends, the prime interest rate, and just exactlywho the US will go to war with next.

There must be more out there than all that, and wit-hin these pages is the place where we will all conti-nue the search...together!

Thank you for reading,Steven DilworthEditor and Publisher

...For Those Who Don't Need Convincing.

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N A Z I ­ U F O SBy Steven Dilworth


F F I G H T E R SBy Steven Dilworth


From Norwood, OHto Colares Island, Brazil

By Steven Dilworth


Flying Saucers andThe Boundary Layer


By Alan Troup

Page 4: The Magazine For Those Who Don't Need Convincing U F O … · The Magazine For Those Who Don't Need Convincing... SUMMER 2016 ... When UFO Magazine, ... For Those Who Don't Need Convincing.



By now everyone in the free (and a great deal of the un-free) world is aware of the atrocities committed by the

Nazi regime before and during the Second World War. Thetorture, abuse and murder of millions of people using someof the most heinous techniques ever dreamt of by any racein history. Whereas Genghis Khan attempted to subjugatethe world using swords and axes, Adolph Hitler and the Na-zis used science and technology to take their barbarism toan even lower level.

However, what many people may not be fully aware of, is the fact that Nazi leaders basically opened thefloodgates, no holds barred, for their scientists to come up with anything their evil hearts desired in theeffort to achieve Adolf Hitler's goal—Total World Domination by the Master Race. Nazi engineers de-veloped a 'Sonic Cannon': a methane gas combustion chamber with a pair of parabolic dishes thatsupposedly could shake a person apart from the inside out using 'infra-sound.' Sounds very similar tothe sound cannons the USA uses now to disperse crowds they consider dangerous—but the Nazisthough of it first! And The Incredible Mister Limpet movie didn't make up that fish-chasing torpedo.The Nazis developed an 'Acoustic Torpedo', which would detect sounds, then two acoustic tran-sistors would issue a signal and turn the torpedo towards the sound.

All of the developments weren't just mechanical, or meant to kill directly either: Nazi doctors deve-loped a cocaine-based drug cocktail called D-IX. A combination of oxycodone, cocaine and amethamphetamine (then called Pervitin, which is now available under the brand name Desoxyn),this super-drug would allow an equipment-laden soldier to march 55 miles straight before theywould collapse! Fortunately the war ended before it could be put into mass production. It wasused in limited trials on a handful of pilots.

It's perfectly clear that the Nazi scientists, unshackled by any moral compass whatsoever,weren't afraid to unleash their inner 'genius'. They were brilliant (if twisted), by any measure ifthe term. However, did their brilliance lead to something that spawned what we call themodern era of UFOs. Or did a few of their creations come about as a result of UnidentifiedFlying Object technology or inspiration?

Or...did the Nazi scientists find inspiration in the time-travelling fiction of H.G. Wells?

Polish journalist and author Igor Witkowski opened that particular can ofworms in the year 2000 when he published Prawda o Wunderwaf-fe—The Truth about the Wunderwaffe. Wunderwaffe, in English,means wonder weapon, or superweapon, if you will. What Igor wasreferring to was a secret World War 2 Nazi project they dubbed,Die Glocke—"The Bell."

In his book, Witkowski claimed to have found out about thesuper-secret Nazi weapon when an unidentified Polish in-telligence officer friend allowed him to read / transcribe ahighly classified document. The document happened tobe the complete recorded interrogation of a Nazi SS Officernamed Jakob Sporrenberg. In the interrogation, Sporren-berg told of a program in which SS scientists worked on anine foot wide by 12 to 15 foot high metal device in a facilitynamed Der Reese (The Giant) near the Wenceslaus mineclose to the Czech border. There is no actual proof thatanything Witkowski said in his book was true, but it firedthe interest of long-time ufologist author Nick Cook.

Nick Cook is well known to not only the UFO com-munity at large, but he is well known in what manypeople would call 'The Real World' as an expert inAviation. From 1987 to 2001 he was the Aviationeditor of Jane's Defence Weekly, a highly respectedjournal that reports on military and corporate affairs.Nothing, but nothing, is published in Jane's DefenceWeekly if every last detail is not researched down tothe nitty-gritty—and Nick Cook took this responsibi-lity to heart. Therefore, it is most compelling that

Mr. Cook took it upon himself to become a self-ascribed Ufologist, writing such works as:

- The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology (2001 - in which hestudies Die Glocke in depth)

- UFO's: The Secret Evidence: Oxford Film & Television Production (2005)

- An Alien History of Planet Earth: History Channel. (2004)

In his book, The Hunt for Zero Point, Nick Cook tells us that The Bell contained two counter-ro-tating cylinders which would be “filled with a mercury-like substance, violet in color." This me-tallic liquid was code-named “Xerum 525” and was otherwise cautiously “stored in a tall thinThermos flask a meter high encased in lead." Leichtmetall (light metal) as also supposed to ha-ve been used in the experiments called "thorium and beryllium peroxides." According to the

account by Cook, The Bell emitted such strong radiation when activated, that several unna-med Nazi scientists, along with plant and animal test subjects, perished during the tests.

In his book, The Truth about Wunderwaffe, Witkowski conjectures that a large man-ma-de concrete structure near the Wenceslaus mine, dubbed "The Henge", may have onceserved as a test rig for an experiment in “anti-gravity propulsion” generated with Die Glocke.

Others have suggested the structure may have simply served as a base for a cooling tower,used by the Der Reese facility.

Witkowski's work, along with Nick Cook's, opened the gates to a number of aut-hors and researchers to study and assess the Nazi wonder weapon. Going

beyond Nick Cook's theory that the Nazis were using Die Glocke to cre-ate an anti-gravity field (Zero Point energy) for the purpose of UFO-like aviation machines, others have concluded that the Germanswere either enriching plutonium for an atom bomb, or evenattempting to create a stasis field for actually travelling throughtime. In his 2007 book, Hitler's Suppressed and Still-Secret We-

apons, Science and Technology, author Joseph P. Farrell Statedthat the device was so important to the Nazis that they killed

60 scientists who had worked on the project and buriedthem in a mass grave to keep it from the Allies. AuthorHenry Stevens states that Die Glocke contained red mer-cury and described stories alleging that a concave mir-ror on top of the device provided the ability to see “imagesfrom the past” during its operation. It's very easy for doub-ters to say it's all rubbish, but given the wide open fieldthe Nazi scientists had, it's impossible to say what theywere really trying to achieve.

There has also been great speculation as to where themysterious wonder weapon wound up after the war, be-

N a z i ­ U F O sBy Steven Dilworth

The HENGE. Possible test stand for Die Glocke?

Page 5: The Magazine For Those Who Don't Need Convincing U F O … · The Magazine For Those Who Don't Need Convincing... SUMMER 2016 ... When UFO Magazine, ... For Those Who Don't Need Convincing.



By now everyone in the free (and a great deal of the un-free) world is aware of the atrocities committed by the

Nazi regime before and during the Second World War. Thetorture, abuse and murder of millions of people using someof the most heinous techniques ever dreamt of by any racein history. Whereas Genghis Khan attempted to subjugatethe world using swords and axes, Adolph Hitler and the Na-zis used science and technology to take their barbarism toan even lower level.

However, what many people may not be fully aware of, is the fact that Nazi leaders basically opened thefloodgates, no holds barred, for their scientists to come up with anything their evil hearts desired in theeffort to achieve Adolf Hitler's goal—Total World Domination by the Master Race. Nazi engineers de-veloped a 'Sonic Cannon': a methane gas combustion chamber with a pair of parabolic dishes thatsupposedly could shake a person apart from the inside out using 'infra-sound.' Sounds very similar tothe sound cannons the USA uses now to disperse crowds they consider dangerous—but the Nazisthough of it first! And The Incredible Mister Limpet movie didn't make up that fish-chasing torpedo.The Nazis developed an 'Acoustic Torpedo', which would detect sounds, then two acoustic tran-sistors would issue a signal and turn the torpedo towards the sound.

All of the developments weren't just mechanical, or meant to kill directly either: Nazi doctors deve-loped a cocaine-based drug cocktail called D-IX. A combination of oxycodone, cocaine and amethamphetamine (then called Pervitin, which is now available under the brand name Desoxyn),this super-drug would allow an equipment-laden soldier to march 55 miles straight before theywould collapse! Fortunately the war ended before it could be put into mass production. It wasused in limited trials on a handful of pilots.

It's perfectly clear that the Nazi scientists, unshackled by any moral compass whatsoever,weren't afraid to unleash their inner 'genius'. They were brilliant (if twisted), by any measure ifthe term. However, did their brilliance lead to something that spawned what we call themodern era of UFOs. Or did a few of their creations come about as a result of UnidentifiedFlying Object technology or inspiration?

Or...did the Nazi scientists find inspiration in the time-travelling fiction of H.G. Wells?

Polish journalist and author Igor Witkowski opened that particular can ofworms in the year 2000 when he published Prawda o Wunderwaf-fe—The Truth about the Wunderwaffe. Wunderwaffe, in English,means wonder weapon, or superweapon, if you will. What Igor wasreferring to was a secret World War 2 Nazi project they dubbed,Die Glocke—"The Bell."

In his book, Witkowski claimed to have found out about thesuper-secret Nazi weapon when an unidentified Polish in-telligence officer friend allowed him to read / transcribe ahighly classified document. The document happened tobe the complete recorded interrogation of a Nazi SS Officernamed Jakob Sporrenberg. In the interrogation, Sporren-berg told of a program in which SS scientists worked on anine foot wide by 12 to 15 foot high metal device in a facilitynamed Der Reese (The Giant) near the Wenceslaus mineclose to the Czech border. There is no actual proof thatanything Witkowski said in his book was true, but it firedthe interest of long-time ufologist author Nick Cook.

Nick Cook is well known to not only the UFO com-munity at large, but he is well known in what manypeople would call 'The Real World' as an expert inAviation. From 1987 to 2001 he was the Aviationeditor of Jane's Defence Weekly, a highly respectedjournal that reports on military and corporate affairs.Nothing, but nothing, is published in Jane's DefenceWeekly if every last detail is not researched down tothe nitty-gritty—and Nick Cook took this responsibi-lity to heart. Therefore, it is most compelling that

Mr. Cook took it upon himself to become a self-ascribed Ufologist, writing such works as:

- The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology (2001 - in which hestudies Die Glocke in depth)

- UFO's: The Secret Evidence: Oxford Film & Television Production (2005)

- An Alien History of Planet Earth: History Channel. (2004)

In his book, The Hunt for Zero Point, Nick Cook tells us that The Bell contained two counter-ro-tating cylinders which would be “filled with a mercury-like substance, violet in color." This me-tallic liquid was code-named “Xerum 525” and was otherwise cautiously “stored in a tall thinThermos flask a meter high encased in lead." Leichtmetall (light metal) as also supposed to ha-ve been used in the experiments called "thorium and beryllium peroxides." According to the

account by Cook, The Bell emitted such strong radiation when activated, that several unna-med Nazi scientists, along with plant and animal test subjects, perished during the tests.

In his book, The Truth about Wunderwaffe, Witkowski conjectures that a large man-ma-de concrete structure near the Wenceslaus mine, dubbed "The Henge", may have onceserved as a test rig for an experiment in “anti-gravity propulsion” generated with Die Glocke.

Others have suggested the structure may have simply served as a base for a cooling tower,used by the Der Reese facility.

Witkowski's work, along with Nick Cook's, opened the gates to a number of aut-hors and researchers to study and assess the Nazi wonder weapon. Going

beyond Nick Cook's theory that the Nazis were using Die Glocke to cre-ate an anti-gravity field (Zero Point energy) for the purpose of UFO-like aviation machines, others have concluded that the Germanswere either enriching plutonium for an atom bomb, or evenattempting to create a stasis field for actually travelling throughtime. In his 2007 book, Hitler's Suppressed and Still-Secret We-

apons, Science and Technology, author Joseph P. Farrell Statedthat the device was so important to the Nazis that they killed

60 scientists who had worked on the project and buriedthem in a mass grave to keep it from the Allies. AuthorHenry Stevens states that Die Glocke contained red mer-cury and described stories alleging that a concave mir-ror on top of the device provided the ability to see “imagesfrom the past” during its operation. It's very easy for doub-ters to say it's all rubbish, but given the wide open fieldthe Nazi scientists had, it's impossible to say what theywere really trying to achieve.

There has also been great speculation as to where themysterious wonder weapon wound up after the war, be-

N a z i ­ U F O sBy Steven Dilworth

The HENGE. Possible test stand for Die Glocke?

Page 6: The Magazine For Those Who Don't Need Convincing U F O … · The Magazine For Those Who Don't Need Convincing... SUMMER 2016 ... When UFO Magazine, ... For Those Who Don't Need Convincing.



cause there is no official record of it ever existing. Wit-kowski stated that Die Glocke ended up in a “Nazi-friendly South American country”. Cook, on the otherhand, states that it was moved to the United States aspart of a deal made with SS General Hans Kammler.Farrell stated that it had been recovered as part of theretrieval effort during the Kecksburg UFO incident.The Kecksburg theory was dramatized in 2009 by TheDiscovery Channel and again in 2011 by The HistoryChannel’s Ancient Aliens series.

The 'Kecksburg Incident', refers to an amazing storythat occurred on December 9th, 1965 in Keckbsburg,PA—a small village southeast of Pittsburgh. A largefireball was witnessed by thousands of people as itsped through the sky across Michigan, Windsor, ON

and also as it dropped some hot metallic debris thatstarted small brush fires in Ohio. Sonic booms wereheard in Western Pennsylvania. However, the 'inci-dent' truly began when the object crashed into thewoods in the village of Kecksburg. Fire departments,police stations and radio stations throughout the Pit-tsburgh area had their phone lines jammed with callsabout the mysterious object. Witnesses claimed thatwithin hours of the object falling into the woods, themilitary, (both Army and Air Force), started appearingaround the village. Many citizens, as well as mem-bers of the media, tried to enter the area, but it hadbeen cordoned off by the military, and no one couldget in. From author Stan Gordon, ufoevidence.org,"The front page of the Greensburg, PA Tribune-Reviewcounty edition dated December 10, 1965, ran the he-

adlines "Unidentified Flying Object Falls Near Kecks-burg" and "Army Ropes Off Area." The city edition ofthe same paper however, on the same day ran the he-adline "Searchers Fail To Find Object." Officially, no ob-ject was found in the woods by searchers. It wassuggested that the most likely explanation was thatthe brilliant object in the sky was a meteor. But wordthat something was removed from the site by the mi-litary that night, quickly circulated around the coun-ty." A witness named John Romansky claims to havereached the crash site before it was cordoned off, andhe says that what fell from the sky, half-buried in theground, was a large, gold-bronze metallic acorn-sha-ped object that was totally smooth, showing no rivetsor seams, and was large enough for a man to standup in. Romansky stated that the back of the objectwas like a bumper, with strange hieroglyphic writingetched into it. Author Stan Gordon also states he hasbeen approached by military personnel who have im-portant information about the real story behind theobject, but they can't reveal it until a later date whenit is safe. Hopefully, sometime in the future, those mi-litary personnel will step forward. In the meantime,the village of Kecksburg monopolizes the incident toharvest tourist dollars with a moulded replica moun-ted outside their volunteer fire department.

Whatever the real story behind The Bell, and whetheror not the Kecksburg incident was a failed test flightof the secret weapon from a secret base, or if it wasthe successful test of the wonder weapon finding it'sway into the future from the past, Die Glocke defini-tely rings a bell in the world of the mysterious andexciting for those interested in Nazi technology andor ufology.

The Kecksburg Acorn - UFO or Die Glocke?


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Bill Holman may be famous forthe classic comic strip Smokey Stover in the

1940s, but his lead character Smokey, who was fondof saying, “Where there's foo there's fire.”, would be-come attached to a much stranger thing than theworld of the daily comic strip. Donald J. Meiers, ofthe U.S. 415th Night Fighter Squadron is commonlyagreed upon as the first person to use the term"...fuckin' foo fighters!", for a UFO that plagued one ofhis missions.

During a mission debriefing on theevening of November 27, 1944,Fritz Ringwald, the unit's S-2 Intel-ligence Officer, stated that Meiersand Ed Schleuter had sighted ared ball of fire that appeared tochase them through a variety ofhigh-speed maneuvers. Fritz saidthat Meiers was extremely agita-ted and had a copy of the comicstrip tucked in his back pocket. Hepulled it out and slammed it downon Fritz's desk and said, “... it wasanother one of those fuckin' foofighters!” and stormed out of thedebriefing room. “Fucking foo fig-hters” is what the airmen calledthem, but the press cleaned it upfor public consumption. The unitcommander, Capt. Harold Augsper-ger, also decided to shorten the termto foo fighters in the unit's historicaldata.

It was believed that these foo fighters were somekind of German secret weapon, and some men evencalled them 'Kraut Fireballs.' However, it was foundthat German pilots also reported seeing the objects,so it is uncertain as to their actual origin.

A group called the Robertson Committee was giventhe task to study and attempt to explain the objects.Some of their theories included electrostaticphenomena similar to St. Elmo's fire, electromag-netic phenomena, or simply reflections of light fromice crystals. No plausible explanation was ever de-cided upon, and this wasn't made any easier whenRudolf Lusar, who had been a major in a Germanarmy technical unit, wrote a book called German

Secret Weapons of World War II .Lusar's book covered many of the known inventionslike the V1 and V2 rockets, but also included achapter on “Wonder Weapons.” In the chapter, Lusarclaimed that the Germans had developed smallautomated, unconventional aircraft. One versionwas called the 'Feuerball' while the other wasreferred to as the 'Kugelblitz.' According the story,these craft were automatically guided and jet-pro-pelled. These devices, according to Lusar, weresupposed to use electrostatic discharges from the

klystron tubes they carried to interfere with theelectrical systems of the enemy (American) bom-bers' engines.

No known foo fighter caused any such issues with anAmerican plane, but could it be because the warended before the trial runs were completed? Orwere aliens sending scouts to follow the barbaricactions of our fledgling race? Unfortunately, as timepasses and all those involved pass on, we will neverknow the truth unless a surviving family membercomes forward with any definite evidence. It merelybecomes one more puzzle piece in the long line ofmystifying subjects that plague ufologists and givepause to those who believe they have the world allfigured out.

Our s ? The ir s ? Or The ir s . . .

This image, shot during WWII, supposedly shows twounexplained UFOs near military aircraft. (US Air Force)

F F I G H T E R SBy Steven Dilworth

Page 8: The Magazine For Those Who Don't Need Convincing U F O … · The Magazine For Those Who Don't Need Convincing... SUMMER 2016 ... When UFO Magazine, ... For Those Who Don't Need Convincing.



Norwood, a small town of 19,059 people nestledin the penumbra of Cincinnati, Ohio, is a solid

example of mid-western life. With 10 restaurants,7 hotels, a smattering of solid blue-collar industry, anold Indian burial mound which is the second highestpoint in southwest Ohio and beautiful countryside,Norwood is know as ‘The gem of the Highlands.’

Colares, Brazil, with a population of 11,641 people, 3hotels, 6 bed and breakfasts, 65 vacation rentals, 5 listedrestaurants and some truly beautiful seaside scenery,embodies what the people of Norwood might envisionfor their holiday getaway.

Thirty-five hundred and ninety-nine miles separate theseplaces—hile twenty-eightyears separate the bizarreincidents that link themtogether.

From August 14, 1949 toMarch 10, 1950, the cityof Norwood, OH wasplagued by a series ofmysterious UFO sightings.Although is was dubbed‘The Norwood searchlightincident’, because theincidents were loggedin detail by searchlightoperator Donald R. Berger,the sightings were alsoreported by members ofthe clergy, scientists,

police and military officials, as well as other civilians. OnOctober 23, 1949 Norwood Police sergeant Leo Davidsontook a number of photographs of the unknown objects,and Reverend Gregory Miller took 2 reels of 25 footmotion picture film.

The first sightings were during the Jitney Carnival in 1949.Hundreds of witnesses reported seeing lighted objects inthe night sky. It didn’t go unnoticed by the media, either.The following day, The Cincinnati Post, The CincinnatiEnquirer, and the Cincinnati Times Star all carried adescription of what occurred. However, carrying the storyand believing the story to be something other thanrational, are two different things. Newspaper storiesvaried from the witnesses all mistaking searchlights beingoperated that night for extraterrestrial craft to weatherceiling balloons that were unusually motionless despitewinds up to 32 miles per hour.

Donald Berger, the searchlight operator, refuted theseexplanations by stating that even when he removed thesearchlight from the sky, the brightly lit unidentifiableobject was still visible. As seen in the picture on the left,the searchlight visibly 'bends' toward the object in the sky.The object seen was not the searchlight itself. One of thefine details in Donald Berger's log. He gave his logs toReverand MIller, who then gave them to UFO investigatorLeo Stringfield.

The sightings were reported to Wright Field, in Dayton,OH, where Project Grudge, the official Government UFOresearch project was based. However, no officialinvestigation was ever undertaken.

Over a period of months in 1977, the inhabitants of thesmall island of Colares in Brazil fell prey to one ofthe most bizarre and widespread UFO incidents everrecorded. Many residents even managed to get goodphotos of the strange crafts. As you can see in theimage on the right, the Colares images strangelyresemble the Norwood UFO image.

Reported as many different shapes and sizes, luminousand non-luminous; the UFOs—or Chupa-chupas—as thelocals dubbed them, plagued the islanders by night, firingrays of colored light with terrible consequences. Manypeople hit by the beams were knocked unconcious.Awakening to find themselves afflicted with variousailments, such as anemia or weakness. Some victimsclaimed they were immobilized by the beams, feeling asif a heavy weight were pressing against their chest.Unable to scream, their eyes frozen wide open. Reportsstated that the beams were etremely hot, like beingburned by a lit cigarette.

Local Doctor Wellaide Cecim Carvalho wrote: "All of themhad suffered lesions to the face or the thoracic area." Thelesions, looking like radiation injuries, "began with intensereddening of the skin in the affected area. Later the hairwould fall out and the skin would turn black. There wasno pain, only a slight warmth. One also noticed smallpuncture marks in the skin. The victims were men andwomen of varying ages, without any pattern."

Some people felt the aliens were trying to make contact.Some suggested the aliens had a base underwater inthe Bay of Marajo. This is how they accounted for thequick appearance and disappearance of the Chupa-chupas.

Needless to say, the island was gripped in a terrible panic.Many women fled the island, taking the children withthem. The men stayed behind and tried unsuccessfullyto scare the aliens away.

Local papers, as in the Norwood sightings, attempted toplay down the incidents, claiming that people were onlyseeing satellites, military balloons (that old chestnut),or other everyday items. This only served to makethe people angry, as all the physical evidence proved thetruth of their claims.

Unlike the Norwood incident, the Regional Air Commandof the Brazilian Air Forces did make a series ofinvestigations into the claims, under the code name“Operation Plate.”(Operation Saucer)They never fullyacknowledged the UFOsas anything other thannormal objects, despitefalling victim to the samelight beams.

The military did capturethe object on moving filmand still photographs, yetnone of the explanationsthey provided were everaccepted by the citizensof Corales Island.

By Steven Dilworth

From Norwood, OHto Colares Island, Brazil

1949 Norwood, OH UFO

Page 9: The Magazine For Those Who Don't Need Convincing U F O … · The Magazine For Those Who Don't Need Convincing... SUMMER 2016 ... When UFO Magazine, ... For Those Who Don't Need Convincing.



Norwood, a small town of 19,059 people nestledin the penumbra of Cincinnati, Ohio, is a solid

example of mid-western life. With 10 restaurants,7 hotels, a smattering of solid blue-collar industry, anold Indian burial mound which is the second highestpoint in southwest Ohio and beautiful countryside,Norwood is know as ‘The gem of the Highlands.’

Colares, Brazil, with a population of 11,641 people, 3hotels, 6 bed and breakfasts, 65 vacation rentals, 5 listedrestaurants and some truly beautiful seaside scenery,embodies what the people of Norwood might envisionfor their holiday getaway.

Thirty-five hundred and ninety-nine miles separate theseplaces—hile twenty-eightyears separate the bizarreincidents that link themtogether.

From August 14, 1949 toMarch 10, 1950, the cityof Norwood, OH wasplagued by a series ofmysterious UFO sightings.Although is was dubbed‘The Norwood searchlightincident’, because theincidents were loggedin detail by searchlightoperator Donald R. Berger,the sightings were alsoreported by members ofthe clergy, scientists,

police and military officials, as well as other civilians. OnOctober 23, 1949 Norwood Police sergeant Leo Davidsontook a number of photographs of the unknown objects,and Reverend Gregory Miller took 2 reels of 25 footmotion picture film.

The first sightings were during the Jitney Carnival in 1949.Hundreds of witnesses reported seeing lighted objects inthe night sky. It didn’t go unnoticed by the media, either.The following day, The Cincinnati Post, The CincinnatiEnquirer, and the Cincinnati Times Star all carried adescription of what occurred. However, carrying the storyand believing the story to be something other thanrational, are two different things. Newspaper storiesvaried from the witnesses all mistaking searchlights beingoperated that night for extraterrestrial craft to weatherceiling balloons that were unusually motionless despitewinds up to 32 miles per hour.

Donald Berger, the searchlight operator, refuted theseexplanations by stating that even when he removed thesearchlight from the sky, the brightly lit unidentifiableobject was still visible. As seen in the picture on the left,the searchlight visibly 'bends' toward the object in the sky.The object seen was not the searchlight itself. One of thefine details in Donald Berger's log. He gave his logs toReverand MIller, who then gave them to UFO investigatorLeo Stringfield.

The sightings were reported to Wright Field, in Dayton,OH, where Project Grudge, the official Government UFOresearch project was based. However, no officialinvestigation was ever undertaken.

Over a period of months in 1977, the inhabitants of thesmall island of Colares in Brazil fell prey to one ofthe most bizarre and widespread UFO incidents everrecorded. Many residents even managed to get goodphotos of the strange crafts. As you can see in theimage on the right, the Colares images strangelyresemble the Norwood UFO image.

Reported as many different shapes and sizes, luminousand non-luminous; the UFOs—or Chupa-chupas—as thelocals dubbed them, plagued the islanders by night, firingrays of colored light with terrible consequences. Manypeople hit by the beams were knocked unconcious.Awakening to find themselves afflicted with variousailments, such as anemia or weakness. Some victimsclaimed they were immobilized by the beams, feeling asif a heavy weight were pressing against their chest.Unable to scream, their eyes frozen wide open. Reportsstated that the beams were etremely hot, like beingburned by a lit cigarette.

Local Doctor Wellaide Cecim Carvalho wrote: "All of themhad suffered lesions to the face or the thoracic area." Thelesions, looking like radiation injuries, "began with intensereddening of the skin in the affected area. Later the hairwould fall out and the skin would turn black. There wasno pain, only a slight warmth. One also noticed smallpuncture marks in the skin. The victims were men andwomen of varying ages, without any pattern."

Some people felt the aliens were trying to make contact.Some suggested the aliens had a base underwater inthe Bay of Marajo. This is how they accounted for thequick appearance and disappearance of the Chupa-chupas.

Needless to say, the island was gripped in a terrible panic.Many women fled the island, taking the children withthem. The men stayed behind and tried unsuccessfullyto scare the aliens away.

Local papers, as in the Norwood sightings, attempted toplay down the incidents, claiming that people were onlyseeing satellites, military balloons (that old chestnut),or other everyday items. This only served to makethe people angry, as all the physical evidence proved thetruth of their claims.

Unlike the Norwood incident, the Regional Air Commandof the Brazilian Air Forces did make a series ofinvestigations into the claims, under the code name“Operation Plate.”(Operation Saucer)They never fullyacknowledged the UFOsas anything other thannormal objects, despitefalling victim to the samelight beams.

The military did capturethe object on moving filmand still photographs, yetnone of the explanationsthey provided were everaccepted by the citizensof Corales Island.


1977By Steven Dilworth

1977 Colares Island UFO

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Flying Saucers andThe Boundary Layer

Many observers have reported UFOs travelling at fantastic speeds and performing ama-zing maneuvers. There has been much speculation regarding the type of engines that

might be in these UFOs, but of course (as far as the general public knows), evidence hasproduced nothing conclusive. One thing most observers seem to agree upon, is that despitethe ability to fly at supersonic speeds, UFOs do not create sonic booms. This article exploreswhy that might be, and offers a startling hypothesis regarding the origin of the most mysteri-ous type of UFO – the flying saucer.

Sonic booms occur when an aircraft reaches Mach 1, or the speed of sound. As an aircrafttravels through the air, a series of pressure waves is created--like bow waves are created infront of a moving boat. As the speed of the aircraft approaches Mach 1, the waves are forcedcloser and closer together. These waves cannot get out of the way of each other, and whenthe aircraft reaches Mach 1 the waves merge into a single shock wave travelling at the speedof sound. This causes the boom that we hear.

The layer of air closest to the aircraft is called the boundary layer. Reducing or removing thislayer has been the focus of aircraft designers for many years, because the boundary layercreates drag and causes an increase in temperature the faster the aircraft travels. Could re-moving this layer also prevent sonic booms?

Scientists are working on ways to minimize drag and sonic booms. Air inlets can help, butwhen the intake supply exceeds the engine demand, air spills over the edges and the dragand noise return. Rather than simply providing air inlets to try to remove the boundary layer,suction has been used to increase the air intake speed. This suction technology was first de-veloped by Werner Pfenninger during World War 2, and research continues to this day. In the1960s, NASA used suction with the Northrop X-21. In the 1990s, further tests were done byNASA with an F16XL. The specific technology used by these planes was to suck the boun-dary layer through pores in the wing’s surface.

This suction of the boundary layer created a smoother airflow around the wing, which resul-ted in higher speeds, reduced drag, and better fuel economy. The goal of the experimentswas 90% efficiency; however, that goal was never achieved. The suction technology workedto a degree, but after the aircraft reached a certain speed the air that was sucked in couldnot be expelled fast enough, and the boundary layer reformed. There were also some signi-ficant problems with the porous materials getting clogged with debris, bugs, and even rain.Sometimes ice crystals would form and disrupt the airflow. The experiments were eventuallycancelled due to the clogging problems. It was clear that a fixed-wing airplane design wasnot sufficient. There is, however, one aircraft design that can overcome the boundary layer.That design happens to be a saucer.

Sonic Booms

Noise Mitigation Technology

By Alan Troup

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A saucer design has specific properties that make it capable of removing the boundary layer.A saucer design allows for a rotating outer shell. This rotating shell, made of a porous mate-rial, can continually suck in the boundary layer as it rotates, and expel it out the back. This de-sign accomplishes two things. First, because the surface area facing the airstream constantlyrefreshes itself, the boundary layer can be sucked in much faster than with a fixed-wing air-craft. The faster the shell rotates, the faster the boundary layer can be sucked in. Second, theclogging problems are solved when the air is expelled through the porous shell out the back.This effectively clears whatever may be clogging the pores, before the shell rotates aroundto the sucking position again. The diagrams above illustrate how effective this technology isin removing the boundary layer, and helping the air flow smoothly around the saucer.

In late 1995, an issue of Scientific American magazine had an article about a proposed expe-rimental saucer-shaped military aircraft that worked in exactly this way. This aircraft wasdescribed as having a rotating porous metal “skin” that would suck in the air. Interestinglyenough, in the book Genesis (also known as Projekt Saucer) by W.A. Harbinson, he describessaucer-shaped craft based on the German-built Kugelblitz as having porous metal “skins.”

We know that the Earth’s atmosphere has a specific density and chemical makeup. If a sau-cer-shaped craft using this noise mitigation technology did exist and was flying around in theatmosphere, it would have to be designed specifically for use in that atmosphere – Earth’satmosphere. The pore size must match the atmospheric density. If the pores were too large,the suction capacity would diminish and the craft would not effectively remove the boundarylayer. If the pores were too small, they would become clogged by the density of the at-mosphere itself. Of course the actual saucer technology remains a mystery, but if this porousrotating shell technology were used, it would mean that flying saucers were designed for useon Earth.

We also know that when the Allies conquered Germany near the end of the Second WorldWar, America, England and Russia found vast underground complexes where the Nazisworked on their projects in secret. Reports say that everything they found in these under-ground complexes had been destroyed. But reports also say that the Allies found plans forthe experimental saucer codenamed Kugelblitz in one of these caverns, and each countrycame away with a copy. In theory, Germany, America, Russia, and England all have copies ofthe Kugelblitz plans.

Could flying saucers have their origin on Earth? Could one or more of these countries, armedwith plans for the Kugelblitz, have solved the boundary layer problem and be testing saucersin Earth’s skies? Even the theoretical plasma-based WEAV (wingless electromagnetic air ve-hicle proposed in 2008) does not address the boundary layer. Of course it may be that flyingsaucers are of alien origin, and use a completely different technology to overcome theboundary layer. We may never know.

Enter the Saucer


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