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The Many Smile Makeover Treatment Options

If you’ve been conscious of your smile and want an improvement…

Then it’s time to treat yourself to a complete smile makeover and experience what it feels like to have a dazzling, beautiful smile.

For every cosmetic imperfection is a perfect solution that can create natural looking improvements and enhance the aesthetics of your pearly whites.

Here are the common smile makeover options for various

aesthetic problems:

Teeth Whitening

Perhaps the most popular cosmetic treatment that can be done at the dental office in a single visit with a take-home teeth-whitening kit.

For those who have yellow or brown stains on their teeth, teeth whitening is the ideal treatment.

Dental Bonding

The treatment involves applying thin layers of composite resin over your teeth to mask discolourations (gray or white-toned stains), fill chipped teeth or refine the overall shape of the tooth.

Porcelain VeneersFor creating a permanent white smile or straightening your teeth, porcelain veneers are the best pick.

The ultra-thin, tooth-shaped porcelain veneers cover the front surfaces of the teeth. This is often the most effective and attractive solution because of the superior quality of the materials.

Dental Crowns

Crowns are not just restorative treatments as they can also offer aesthetic purposes.

The colour and shape of your dental crown can be customised to match your surrounding teeth.

Tooth-coloured Fillings

Many patients opt for white fillings to replace their old silver-coloured tooth restorations as tooth-coloured fillings can complement the natural shade of the teeth.

Clear Braces/Aligners

If you are in need of orthodontic treatment like braces but avoiding the unattractive metal hardware, clear braces are the way to go.

With the latest advances in cosmetic dentistry, everyone can now have a bright, stunning smile!

For a top-calibre smile makeover, consult our

cosmetic dentist in Adelaide

here at Beverley Dental

Contact us today!

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1/678 Port Rd, Beverley, SA 5009


(08) 8348 0011

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