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Introduction • The first half of Revelation 13 chronicles the rise of Antichrist.• The second half introduces the False Prophet.• Verses 17, 18 describe the mark of the beast.

The False ProphetI. Deceptive Appearance Rev 13:11

• It is descriptive of a person as well as a religion.• He appears “like a lamb,” but is not. Mt 7:15• He completes the unholy trinity.

II. Dynamic Appeal Rev 13:12A. Invitation Rev 13:12

• He will draw men to the Beast. B. Imitation Rev 13:13

III. Deadly Approach Rev 1:13-18A. Encourages worship of the beast. Rev 13:14

B. Empowers the image of the beast. Rev 13:14 C. Embeds the image of the beast Mt 24:15

D. Enforces worship of the beast. Rev 13:16-18• The mark of the beast.


Dragon / Satan



The Mark of the Beast

Revelation 13:17, 18

Mark of the BeastI. Physical “mark”

• “Mark” means, a visible marking, i.e. a tattoo; a scratch or etching, i.e.

• Stamp or badge of servitude• Translated as “graven,” in Ac 17:29.

II. Possessive• “Mark” also denotes, possession.• The mark will identify a person as belonging to the beast (Satan).

Rev 13:17• The mark of the beast indicates slavery = ownership. • The seal of God indicates security. Eph 1:13• The mark is not just a number, it is the name of the beast. Rev 3:17• The church is given the name of God Rev 3:12• Roman soldiers, as well as slaves, were “marked” (branded).• Hitler branded Jews in the holocaust.

III. Profession• Buying and selling will be impossible

without the mark.• Will likely include some kind of internal

chip along with the external mark.• All personal data, banking, health, location,

vocation, family, etc will be known.

IV. Puzzling• The mark has intrigued millions for thousands of years. But it won’t be

revealed until after the rapture.• The Church will not be present when it is revealed.


Jews branded during the holocaust

• We are commanded to look for our bride-groom, not the coming Beast Phil 3:20.

VI. Proof Rev 13:18• The Tribulation saints will recognize the

Beast for who and what he is by the number of his name.

• All who receive the mark will be eternally lost. Rev 14:9, 10• Survival is our basic human instinct. You will take the mark when

you get desperate enough, unless you get saved.

VII. Possibilities• Islam states that at Judgment, Al-

lah presents the true Muslim with a badge of servitude that must be worn on the forehead or right arm to prove that one is a Muslim.

• Mohammed himself stated that at Judgment Allah brings forth a “badge” or “mark” that he gives to Muslims. This badge/mark will save the Muslim from damnation and must be worn on the right arm/hand.

• Muslims already wear marks as badges on their foreheads in servi-tude to Allah and Jihad. Part of the message is “in the name of Allah.” They already bear a mark with his name.

• Because of the obscure nature of the mark, some scholars believe this is the actual mark John saw, rather than Greek letters or numbers. That in fact, he was viewing a literal image.


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