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Page 1: The Marmite alphabetacy 14

This is the first time I’ve uploaded a chapter on slide share and livejournal and I’m giving it a whirl since the exchange is DEAD. This chapter was already all typed up and ready to go on the in-game story editor so everything’s been pasted across as is therefore pretty terrible. But next time will be better- I hope. So welcome back to the Marmite alphabetacy! Oh, and I’m aware that “indifferent” is missing an ‘e’. Believe me, it hurts me more than it does you. :’(.

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Belba, what are you doing?Belba: What does it look like? I'm giving birth of course! This is

how EVERYBODY does it. Water births are sooooo 2008.Who is 'everybody' exactly? I don't know anyone who gave birth

in a door.Belba:Well you wouldn't would you. This is how STARS do it. So-


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Belba gave birth to a boy, Weetabix, and a girl, Peppermint.Belba: Hey honey, welcome to the world. I need you to

practice being adorable. Sury Cruise is currently the most adorable celeb child but we're gonna kick her ass aren't we?

Yes we are!

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In human news, Daphne is preggers which means generation F will soon


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Continuing the pregancy theme, Brooke just gave birth to her second child, a boy whose name I don't dare to think about.(His brother is named Screaming Lord Thomas after

Brooke's grandfather.)

So Elijah... any ideas name-wise?Elijah: Oh yeah, we're naming him after Brooke's other grandfather-

Uh ohE: nah, don't worry. This is a really nice name. He's called: Lovely Little Liam.

That's all his name is it? All three words?E; mmmm hmmmm

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Well he still got of lighter than SLT did. Incidentally, he just grew up.

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This story's baby crazy! I wish I'd remembered to rebuild the house

before she gave birth.

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Meet Fiyero. He's named after a character from 'Wicked' which is a great book and also a musical. It's the untold story of the witches

of Oz. Glinda wasn't so good to begin with and Elphaba, the wicked witch, might not be as wicked as you think. Fiyero is a prince from the Vinkus who starts off pretty self absorbed but when she gets

caught up with Glinda and Elphaba stuff changes for him.

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Elendil: Hey Elphie! What are you doing here? Oh no! It's not time is it?

Elphaba: I'm afraid so Lendy. Mum had to grow up some day. Elendil: I know, but I'm worried about how she'll take it. She's

still a wreck from when Dad died.

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Dobby: Dobby feels...

Cobweb:Here it comes! Brace for impact!Dobby: ...mellow.

Cobweb: Wah?

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Elphaba: So this is the sprog eh?Elendil: Yes Elphie this is my beloved son. *sigh* What have you got

against kids?Elphaba: Nothing! But I'd make a lousy mother. Besides, I

have ...other stuff to do. But I know you'll be amazing Lends. You're a natural with kids.

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Hey Dobby. How're you feeling?

Dobby: Dobby's fine. This funny little kitten did a kind of disco dance that Dobby found most amusing.

That's...great. Dancing...sure...

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Daphne: ZOMG! Elendil come quickly! We've got an extension to

build! YAY! BABIES!

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Oh Boq, have some self control.Boq: But the news! It's so shocking!

What news!?Boq: Miss Cobweb! She's DYING!

Belba: WHAT! and i wasn't informed?! How am I supposed to lament if no one's going to tell me when people kick the bucket!?

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I'M AFRAID IT'S TIME COBWEB.C: are you sure?



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C: I forgot about the super hot dancers! Hello ladies. Heaven here I come!YOU REALISE YOUR WIFE IS WATING FOR YOU.C: Oh yeah... Well i guess that's a bonus. Off we go then!

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Tina: Urgh. Always with the laments. I'm outta


Belba:...YOWLYOWLYOWL.MEW. MEEEOOOOOW. YOWLEEEEEE ...with a bucket of PIE!Truly beautiful. *sniff*

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Oh Dobby.

Daphne: Aww Dobby, it's ok. Cobweb was always so laid back, she'll have no problem settling in! Come inside and

help me get ready for Fiyero's b'day.

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Here we go! Generation F should be pretty darn cute.

Yup, I was right. The first thing Fiyero did was run straight to the xylophone so maybe we have a musical prodigy.

He's 9/9/4/3/10 and his sign is cancer.

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*gasp* Belba! What's happening?Belba: I feel... strange. WAIT! What's happening to my fur? NO! Not now!

Belba: My youth! My beautiful youth! Quick driver, get me out of here before someone sees me!

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Belba: Could this be the end of my career? Can it really all be

over? No!

Belba: I will deal with this with style and dignity. I will act rationally. Driver! Take me to the headquarters of some glossy magazine. I'll do an 'exclusive' interview about where my life is going, better than ever...yada yada yada. The usual stuff. Well go on then! My time is now even more precious than before!

Meanwhile, something even more tragic than Belba's aging was happening over at Eeyore's place.

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NoOoOo! Casper! Why?!


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OOPS.Oh Bille Joe! I'm so sorry.

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Daphne: I think it's great that you've decided not to let the age thing bother you

Belba.Belba: Well why ever would I?

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Belba: I mean these younger actresses, they're ten a penny. But I'll always be remembered for my,simply astonishing, work. Animals do the funniest things, silly cats, silly cats 2, who let the cats, Dr Dolittle, all those times I played the cat of a supervillain, animals so the stupidest things, that Youtube thing where I miaow and it sounds like "hello"...Daphne: The Fragrant feline cat litter with de-odourizing crystals comercial!Belba: Precisely.

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Belba: oh, and your water just broke.

Daphne: Wha? Jinkies! Elendil!!!!

Belba: Hehehe, you crafty devil Belba. You've still got it.

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Daphne gave birth to twins! This is the first girl of this generation who is named Fion. She is named after a character from the Tiffany Aching series by Terry

Pratchett who is a simply incredible author. Fion is a Nac Mac Feegle (they're those hairy little blu people on that book cover) Feegle live in clans and females are

extremely rare. Each clan has a kelda (who is always female) in charge. Feegle are drunken, violent, stupid and hillarious. Fion (you way be able to spot her on the

left side of the shepherdess in the picture) is a headstrong young feegle who goes on to become a kelda. I wonder if our little girl will go on to be as strongwilled.

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This is her twin brother Frodo. If you've read much of this legacy you will have known it was coming! The Tolkien fanatic strikes again. Frodo Baggins is a character in The Lord of The

Rings. He's a hobbit from the Shire who is given a terrible burden and a perilous task. He eventually sails over the sea to

Valinor which is a HUGE deal. :D

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The kittens grew up! This is Peppermint who has a lovely

mix of both her parents.

Weetabix is EXACTLY the same as his brother Cheerio. I have no idea who is who.

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Weetabix's powers have manifested and apparently he can fly.

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Peppermint's powers are very different.Peppermint: Hey there Fiyero! whatcha playing? Mary had a little lamb?

P: NO! Try something jazzier, with more of a hook...

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laterP: perfect Fiyero! Now, from the top!

ding ding ding dingP: "Her name was Charlie, she was a mad cat, with sparriw

feathers in her mouth, she wouldn't let that birdy out, she liked to eat mice, because they taste nice, and if she went a bit too far..."

[tune from Copa Cabana]

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Belba: hello darlings, I know you'd rather talk about my new film 'Cat on a hot tin roof: the Belba story' but sadly

your Dad has some stuff he wants to say.Boq: Yes, it's come to my attention that- Peppermint?

What are you looking at?

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P: Hm? Oh! Sorry. I thought I saw a bird but it turned out to be a fly but then i saw this cloud that LOOKED like a bird. Then I

realised it looked more like a zebra and started wondering what a zebra would do if it could fly and whether a bird that looked like a

zebra would taste like-Boq: SO ANYWAY. Weetabix has some news.

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Weetabix: I was flying over the house, keeping an eye out for that shifty looking skunk, when I saw him!

W: Sigmund VonGanywede!All: *gasp*B:One of our many arch nemesises! To action!

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I'm holding out for a hero, i'm holding out for a hero till the end of the night

Cheerio: Argh! He's coming for me! Save


Boq: If only we could distract him! Then we could save Cheerio and take the sucker down.

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Peppermint: I'll distract him Dad! Hey Sigmund! Your shoelace is untied!

Sigmund VonGanymede: Wha? Oh! Why thank you child of nemesis-

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SVG: Wait a second... I'm wearing clogs...Peppermint: SCISSOR ATTACK!!!!

SVG: AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH! Not the face! OW! What are you doing with those potted plants?! ARGH! Oh God no!

P: Quick! Cheerio, Weetabix, fetch the racoon!SVG: NOT THE RACOON! NoOoO! How is that even poss-ARGH!

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Well hello there! You're a very happy looking fortune teller!Eva: Sure am! I've finally been put on lamp duty! I always get stuck with selling potions! They put me on blind date arranging once but

I was awful. I put Goopy with Mrs Crumplebottom!OUCH!

Eva: Exactly. So I was on curses for 3 whole months after that. But not today! I'm on LAMPS!

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Elendil: OhmyGodOhmyGodOhmyGod! A LAMP! How awesome is this!?


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Elendil: Ooooooo! Magicky! Liir: HELLO WORLD! Man it's good to

be out of that thing!

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Elendil: Isn't this cool Mum? a GENIE!Dobby: Dobby agrees that genies are friggin' cool, but does Elendil

need another one?E: We already have one?!

Dobby: It was passed down to Dobby. It belonged to her great grandmother Arwen. She got into quite a bit of trouble with it

to...But Dobby was sworn to secrecy!

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*rubrub*Moom: WHHHEEEEEEE! Fre-dom! Woop! So you've forgiven me have

you?Wait? How long was I in that thing?Dobby: Elendil sees now that genies aren't so uncommon. The

Marmites have two.Moom: Two genies? Who else is-

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Moom: oh. It's YOU. I'm surprised they haven't taken you back in for

retraining Liir.

Liir: Well seeing as you were stuck in your lamp for 5 generations you must be lacking in magical zest yourself Moom.

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Both: HMPH!

Elendil: Two genies! Wow! What shall I wish for?Hm...

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Elendil: I'VE GOT IT! This will make us all happy! I'll wish for the family to continue to grow!

Daphne: Sounds great to me! I think I like stars for the next nursery...

E: What do you think Frodo?

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Frodo: Googoogaduckiegoo.Elendil: I thought so! Right then! You

know the wish, work your magic!

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Moom: One expanding family coming up!

Liir: Sure thing Master. Here we go!

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Elendil: ZOINKS!

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Elendil: Well I don't feel any

different, but I'm sure you did a great job!

Moom: I can't bear to look- You mean you're still there?Even though we BOTH...

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Liir: Well, I'm beat! BYE! *pop**pop*

Daphne: They were sure in a hurry!

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Well I guess we’ll have to wait to see how that turns out...Thanks for reading. I realise that this chapter has been somewhat disorganised but now that I only have Citizenship coursework and mock exams (you can imagine how little effort will be put in) I should be back to maximum simming capacity.

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