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Page 2: THE MASTER GUIDE - Design And Sell Your Own Custom Shoes ...


There are three important footwear hubs in the world: Portland, Oregon (USA), Wenzhou, China, and Le Marche, Italy. Most of the big brands and a majority of independent designers and small brands create and produce their footwear products in these three places. AliveShoes is no different.


AliveShoes is located in Le Marche, which is commonly called ?The Shoe Valley?. The nickname tells it all: More than 2,000 industries and 30,000 footwear professionals work in this big, green, beaut iful valley. For more than 50 years, The Shoe Valley has been the design, market ing, invent ion and product ion core of the most important fashion brands like Gucci, Prada, Tod?s, Chanel, Fendi to name a few, as well as many new upcoming independent brands.

Sport to luxury brands, sneakers to elegant concepts, small independent projects to big brands have all contributed to the rich history and budding innovat ion of The Shoe Valley. Le Marche has seen it all, and it?s why AliveShoes headquarters is happy to call such an influent ial place home. This is our place.

Over the course of many years, people of The Shoe Valley have learned there is a secret in footwear. This secret evolved into a motto, one which everybody follows like a religion.


This motto is a simple concept similar to how you must learn to walk before you can run.

When applied to footwear, it means launching custom made shoes with a small group of people in order to grow it to a larger group of people later.

It applies to everything: big footwear brands, new brands, single products and small projects. Following this simple motto has allowed thousands of new products and brands to launch from The Shoe Valley each year.

YOUR CHANCEAliveShoes was founded on this straightforward motto, with the goal of giving designers and shoe creators a real chance to make it big all by start ing small.

This guide will help you through all the steps needed to make that happen.

So, what are you wait ing for?


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The main purpose of AliveShoes is to lead you on the right path toward launching and growing your custom shoes line. Chances are you can ident ify with one of three groups:

#1 You are start ing from scratch and want to experiment with designs and push your own products into the real world.

#2 You are already an experienced designer or market ing person and want to grow your exist ing brand.

#3 You already have a brand but are now ready to add a shoe line to extend your offerings.

While the journey may be slight ly different depending on which of the three groups you?re in, each designer will follow the same path:


Don?t focus on the design part too much in the beginning. Use the online tools to make something people will like, one easily not iced and

able to resonate with your audience. Make something


Then launch. It?s that simple.

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Worried about where to sell your custom shoes?

Start with the people you know. Ident ify a group of at least 10 people among your

friends, family, professional network, school, exist ing customers and peers.

These 10 people will serve as ambassadors of your designs and brand, helping and support ing you and your project.

Your 10 ambassadors will likely be your first clients, so approach the select ion process very carefully.

Look for individuals who can be ident ified by one (but preferably more) of the following characterist ics :

#1 They are helpful and supportive.

#2 They have a strong social following.

#3 They are fashionable and stylish.

#4 They owe you something.

#5 They work in large companies or

popular industries.

#6 They are influencers and trendsetters.

#7 They have influential friends.

#8 They are big spenders of fashion and lifestyle products.

#9 They have already purchased from you in the past.

Study your contacts and online followers to create a list of as many people who fit the criteria and write their name down.

Then narrow the list down to ident ify your 10 ambassadors.

Because these individuals can have such a posit ive influence on your brand and shoes sales, be ready to wow them to receive their help when launching your custom shoes line.

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- Instead of focusing on the shoe as a just a shoe, think bigger. Create a concept or a brand that speaks volumes about the type of individual who would wear it . Ask yourself, ?What makes my shoe different from what?s already out there??

- Make a design that?s unique and bold, and resonates with potent ial customers.

- Create something with personality to give your designer shoes a limited edit ion feel.

- Use custom logos and packaging (using the Logo Wizard and Packaging Wizard are good opt ions, but a custom design can make an even bigger impact).

- Need more opt ions to take your designs to the next level? Upgrade to PRO for an even bigger designer toolbox.

DESIGN COOL SHOESYour goal is not to design a shoe you like; your goal is to SELL SHOES TO THE WORLD.

And that means gett ing people?s attent ion with a shoe they want to buy and wear.

Remember these simple rules:


For example:

- If they are all women, don?t make a men?s design. - If they prefer ornate, elegant designs, avoid making

something basic. <




Market ing designer shoes is easiest when you have a plan before you even have a design. Gain inspirat ion from previously made designs featured in the Gallery, while keeping in mind the following t ips.

- Seek co-market ing opportunit ies with clubs, organizat ions, nonprofits, VIPs, etc. This creates a self-made audience with a vested interest in your design.

- If you already have a brand, use your best visual materials, such as logos and photos, to set your shoes apart.

Important note: Do not use trademarks owned by someone else or materials protected by copyright that are not free to use, unless you have explicit, written permission. Your account may be suspended and you will be held responsible for any related violations.

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Here's a list of no-fail t ips and t ricks to get you started on the right foot .

- Focusing on one design makes it much more easy for your customers to remember it - one product is easier to remember instead of many.

- Focusing on one design also gives strength to your brand and will get as the attent ion on that specific design - that is very precious.



This is the most important t ip of all:


Because focusing on one only design at first will make it easier to push it to 7 pre-orders, instead of launching many designs and dilut ing the traffic and attent ion.

Make this design your hit , your signature design and push it to 7 pre-orders. Add more designs and variat ions later on.


Approach the 10 ambassadors first , making a posit ive effort to sell to them and their networks.

Remember that your ambassadors can help make your brand, so go out of your way to wow them with your work, meeting in person when possible.

All big brands started with one single hit design at the beginning, follow the rules and their example.

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- Don?t be afraid to ask for help and support, and be very specific about what you need. For example: "Help me send this designer shoe into product ion! I just need seven pre-orders to make it happen.?

- Help your ambassadors understand why you?ve selected them to be a part of your new brand. Make it personal to each person to show you value their thoughts, opinions and feedback.

- Share goals beyond money and sales. Give people a reason to want to see your brand succeed.

- Everyone likes to be the first to know about something new and cool. Be sure to remind your ambassadors of the bragging rights that comes with being the first to believe in your vision.

Authent icity is key when connect ing with new customers. People want to feel personally connected to you and your brand.

Share who you are, where you come from, why you?re launching a shoe line, and what ?success? personally means to you.


You can promote and sell your shoes with your shoe page, and that works fine; but also, you can make a brand page on top.


- You can add lot?s of content, your bio - photos, videos and combine mult iple shoes and then point to the specific shoe for the purchase

- You can also make the URL completely custom to you on the brand page with an extra fee.

It is for sure not necessary to make a brand page, but it will add an addit ional layer of branding to your line.

The brand pages are accessible on the PRO account, they allow to showcase your brand fully in a beaut iful custom branded page.

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- Sell in person first . Face-to-face interact ion is much more personal and powerful.

- When in-person interact ion isn?t an opt ion, make contact through e-mail, private messages and social media.

- Start by sett ing up a password-protected page (available in the opt ions tab of your custom e-shop). Before opening up the shop to the public, give select clients ?first look? status to shop before everyone else.

- Use the 30-days campaign t imer to let customers know they only have a limited t ime to purchase you custom shoes. Create a promot ion when the t imer is nearly ended, which can create a spike in sales during the final two to three days.

- Offer discounts to help sway customers to purchase. Coupons of $10, $20 and $30 are available in the opt ions tab of your custom e-shop.

- Access your Dashboard for a kit of logos and banners to use on social media when promoting your brand and shoe designs.


- Family & friends. - their professional network. - like-minded people. - their social media followers.

Quite possibly the most important step:

Provide URLs and shoe images to your ambassadors and early customers and ask them to share with...






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Congratulat ions! You?ve reached seven pre-order sales! Keep up the momentum to reach 10 sales and unlock the PR boost service.

Here are some t ricks:



- Share the success of your shoes. The product ion of your designs is a big deal, and one your network will want to celebrate, while others will want to get in as a new trend.

- Post pictures of the shoes to help market your designs.

- Ask customer to send you images of them wearing your designer shoes, while also taking t ime to take your own shots of the shoes in good light ing and in sett ings that helps them shine. Upload your images via your E-commerce Page for bigger appeal with customers.

- Ask customers who?ve already purchased shoes to share their pictures on their own social media plat forms with a link to your shop.

- Wear your shoes! Showcase your own designs and talk about them with people you meet. It is not uncommon for designers to wear their own shoes. And who better to tell your story to potent ial customers than you?

- Keep selling the amazing benefits of having free shipping, free returns and 100 percent sat isfact ion guaranteed. These are not common features with custom orders.

- Don?t lose steam with the same selling points used to reach the first seven pre-orders sales. Cont inue to share your story, the concept , the uniqueness of the shoes and the quality.

- Provide small discount promot ions to get new people excited. (Coupons of $10, $20 and $30 are available in the opt ions tab of your custom e-shop).




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Once you reach 10 sales, you have free access to our PR boost service PR Boost will help increase visibility for you and your brand as you work toward your next goal of 50 sales.

The PR Boost Form will be added to your Dashboard upon meeting the 10-sales goal.

Through the form, you?ll submit information about yourself and your brand, as well as some cool, detailed pictures of your custom shoes. This information will be shared with our network of influencers, bloggers, the press and celebrities. Interest in you or your brand from these groups can manifest in mentions on social media, editorials in magazines, interviews or even celebrit ies asking for samples. The publicity possibilit ies are endless.

Make sure to submit the best pictures and detailed informations. This is your shot .

The 10-Sales Benefits

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- Always involve your customers on the process. Let them know they are part of your vision and their input helps guide you. Ask them to help you promote your product; they will likely be happy to help.

- Make your goals known. Announce your goal to reach 50 sales, and the professional brand status that comes with achieving that goal.

- Regularly take and post pictures of your shoes on social media.

- Offer discounts and promot ions. (Coupons of $10, $20 and $30 are available in the opt ions tab of your custom e-shop).

- Keep selling the amazing benefits of having free shipping, free returns and 100 percent sat isfact ion guaranteed.

- Never st ray from the same selling points used to reach seven pre-order sales. Cont inue to share your story, the concept, the uniqueness of the shoes and the quality.

Once you reach the 50 sales, you?ll be unlocked for BRAND boost .

You?ll have our elite shoe development network and team in Italy to help guide you toward creat ing a professional brand. We welcome you to Italy to meet one-on-one, but we can also work together online.

At the end of the process, you?ll have a collect ion, a brand, fantast ic e-commerce, cool professional photos, and everything you need to sell your shoes online. We?ll also link you to big retailers and internat ional partners.

As said before: START SMALL, AIM BIG.

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We are not doing the work for you, but we are giving you a solid structure and the professional resources to make it happen. Now it?s up to you to transform

your passion and vision into a success!

Need addit ional help and support from the team?

Contact us at [email protected] ! We are here to help!


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