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Page 1: The Mean/Nice Kid
Page 2: The Mean/Nice Kid

The Mean Slash Nice Kid! Once upon a time there was a kid namer was Joshua. He was a really nice kid. He was always helping people. He always did his homework and he never had things late. He had 3 sisters and 1 brother. There were always some boys at school that would bully him, but he never cared. He just kept on going. Every day the bullies would bully him at least two times a day. Joshua was a really nice kid he always did what his mom and dad said if they said “Joshua go to your room. Your mom and I have to talk” Joshua would go to his room.

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Once Joshua was helping this kid and one of the bully’s came and said “What are you doing here you shouldn’t be helping this kid you are too dumb to know what he needs.” “But if I help him, he will get his work done.” Joshua got really mad at the bully because he knew that he was smarter then the bully but he didn’t want to tell the bully because he didn’t want the bully to hit him. Joshua just kept on moving like he did every time the bully did something to him. He just pretended nothing happened. Every time the bully bullied him he got so mad but he just acted like he didn’t hear anything. When he got home

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he told his mom and dad that there were bullys at his school and that they bullied him. He told his parents that he didn’t like them bullying him. His parents said that they were going to talk with his teacher because they did not like what was happening. Joshua’s parents talked with his teacher because they said that they didn’t like what was going on. His teacher talked with all the bullys’ parents. The bullys’ parents found out and they got so mad at Joshua. The next day the bullys bullied Joshua. They said, “ you told your mom and dad like a little boy crying to his parent’s!” Joshua

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said, “No I didn’t tell my mom and dad they found out.” Joshua got really scared as if a tiger was right in his face. He wanted to go to his house to tell his mom and dad that the bullys kept on bulling him. When he got home he came in screaming “Mom and Dad, I need to tell you something.” Joshua’s parents ran in because they thought something was wrong. They said, “What’s wrong.” “The bullies keep on bullying me.” His mom said “what…. they keep on bullying you?” “ Yes, they keep on bullying me,” said Joshua. Joshua’s mom said, “ What should we do about

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this?” Joshua’s parents still did not know what to do.

After a while his parents still did not know what to do. After that, Joshua started to get mean and meaner and meaner and meaner. Then he got really mean and started treating people badly. He never listened to his mom and his dad, and he always had his homework in late. Joshua became a bully. The way the bullys bullied him was the way he bullied other people. But he was mostly mean to the bullies that bullied him. The old bullies were scared of him

After Joshua’s parents talked to Joshua and they said “Joshua can

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we talk to you please!” Joshua said, “Sure you can talk to me.” They said “When you were much littler you were really nice but now look at you, you…you are a monster. You don’t do anything right Joshua you need to change. Everyone liked you because you were so nice and now everyone remembers you as a mean boy. Before you were mean everyone remembered you as the nicest kid in the world. Joshua please you have to change. After a few weeks Joshua changed. Everyone started to like Joshua again. He had his

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homework in on time again and he was everyone’s best friend. He found out that it is much better to be nice and not mean.

Joshua had a really good life after that, the bullies never bullied him again and he was really happy living with his mom and dad and his brother and his three sisters. He got really good grades.

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By: Kelsey

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