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The Messenger ~ El Mensajero


Volume 46

Issue 8

Rector’s Corner My Tithe & Giving We are reminded that the Episcopal minimal

standard for giving is a tithe (10%). Below is a

table that records our giving (with Amy) to all

sorts of non-profit, charitable institutions, most espe-

cially St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas (SL 2). The SL 2 giving

represents more than 10% (a tithe) of our family in-

come. Most of our giving is carefully planned, but the

miscellaneous line is more ad hoc.

We are glad to be able to give a tithe to our church, and

support other important charities. Most of the other

charities have added value to our lives, and so we give

to continue their existence in unrestricted funds. Oth-

ers are meaningful to me as a person who grew up in a

poor foreign country. When the spiritual benefit of giv-

ing away money outside of family or friends became

clear, we recognized

further and more

clearly the intercon-

nectedness of our

lives and our need

for one another. Amy

and I am grateful for

the life we have and

thank God for each

and every one of you.

Fr. Jaime Case

COMMUNION CLASS All 10+ year olds are invited to a class on Holy Com-

munion starting on September 20th at noon. The class

will be very handy for all acolytes, to explain what is

going on the in the service, and help all kids to enjoy

the worship each Sunday through participation. Please

enroll your kids with Father Jaime so we know how

many books and materials are needed. (English articles continue, page 5)

Rincón del Rector Mi Diezmo & Dádivas Caritativas Recodamos que el estándar de dádiva en la Iglesia

Episcopal es el diezmo (10%). Abajo se puede ver el

récord de las dádivas caritativas de mi familia (con

Amy), especialmente a San Lucas ~ St. Luke’s (SL 2).

Mi promesa a SL 2 representa más que 10% (un diez-

mo) de mi ingreso familiar. Hacemos la mayor parte de

nuestras dádivas con intención y planificación, pero la

línea miscelánea es espontanea.

Estamos llenos de gracias que podemos diezmar en

nuestra iglesia y apoyar organizaciones caritativas im-

portantes. La mayoría de estas organizaciones caritati-

vas han añadido al valor de nuestras vidas, y damos

para ayudar a continuar su existencia con fondos sin

restricción. Otras tienen significado para mí como una

persona que ha crecido de niño en un país pobre y

ajeno. Cuando damos fuera de nuestra familia o amis-

tades, reconocemos

mejor como nuestras

vidas están entrela-

zadas y cuanto nos

necesitamos uno al

otro. Amy y yo esta-

mos agradecidos por

la vida que tenemos

y damos gracias a

Dios por cada uno

de ustedes. Padre Jaime Case

PRIMERA COMUNIÓN Todos los mayores que 10 años están invitados a nues-

tra clase sobre la Santa Comunión, empezando el 20 de

septiembre a las 12 mediodía. Es muy útil para acólitos

para explicar lo que está sucediendo en la misa, y para

niños que leen, para que disfruten del culto por medio

de su participación. Por favor, inscriban a sus niños

para que el P. Jaime pueda comprar los materiales que


SL 2 $ 10,120

Seminary $ 500

College $ 250

Planned Parenthood $ 240

OPB $ 240

Chimp Haven $ 300

Episcopal Relief $ 360

Misc. Giving (Sierra

Club, PBK, etc.) $ 868

$ 12,878

SL 2 $ 10,120

Seminario $ 500

Universidad $ 250

Planned Parenthood $ 240

OPB $ 240

Chimp Haven $ 300

Episcopal Relief $ 360

Misceláneo $ 868

$ 12,878


GUARDIÁN MAYOR Los ministerios para niños incluyen la

Escuela Dominical, Escuela Bíblica de

Verano y programas para familias, como

lo son las actividades de regreso a la

escuela y el desfile de Navidad. Estos programas han

funcionado sin problemas durante muchos años. Ha

sido así gracias a la dedicación de cuatro maestras

(Pat Hale, Sue Henry, Lee Wilson y Herlinda (Linda)

Márquez), dos asistentes (Arianna Zavala y Jessica

Marquez), su líder excepcional (Ebie Mountford ), y

muchos otros voluntarios maravillosos. Debido a que

Ebie se jubila este año, Linda Márquez será la nueva

Coordinadora Ministerios del Niño. Linda trae gran

conocimiento y entusiasmo a la posición. Ella cuenta

además con la ayuda y sabiduría de Ebie.

Mientras que la mayoría de nosotros participa de en

la Misa, los niños de 3-10 asisten a la Escuela

Dominical utilizando un plan de estudios basado en

el sistema de educación Montessori llamado "Jugar

Junto a Dios". El plan de estudios consiste en contar

historias Bíblicas de manera creativa, tiene un

componente espiritual e incluye un tiempo para la

exploración creativa individual. El programa está

disponible en inglés y español, por lo que las mismas

historias se les enseñan tanto durante las Misas de las

10:00 am y 1:00 pm. En la Misa de la mañana hay

normalmente entre 10-14 niños, mientras que el Misa

de la tarde hay entre 20-25 niños y pueden llegar

hasta 35. Ambos servicios necesitan ayudantes y/o

maestros adicionales. Para ser un ayudante necesita

sentir amor por los los niños y tomar el

entrenamiento diocesano llamado "Protegiendo a los

Niños de Dios". Si desea ser un maestro también

tendrá que tomar el entrenamiento en "Jugar Junto a

Dios". Si usted está interesado en ayudar por favor

hable con Linda (celular: 360-863-4528), Lee Wilson

(celular: 858-229-2605) o P. Jaime.

Stefanie Aschmann

REPORTE DEL CURA A principios de este mes asistí a la capacitación sobre

Comunicación Intercultural organizada por la Dióce-

sis Episcopal de Olimpia. Stephanie Aschmann

(Guardián Mayor), así como Karen Burgess-Cassler

quien asiste la misa de 10:00 a.m. asistieron conmigo.

De hecho, fuimos la mayor representación de una

sola parroquia en la capacitación. Nos allegro mucho

representar de San Lucas ~ San Lucas (y para ser ho-

nesto presumir un poco acerca de ser el grupo más


El Rev. Eric Law y sus colaboradores del Kaleidosco-

pe Institute facilitaron el evento de 6 días. Durante la

capacitación se participamos de una serie de activi-

dades enfocadas en la ampliación de nuestro enten-

dimiento de diferencias culturales y en apreciación la

pluralidad cultural en la iglesia.

Una de las herramientas prácticas compartidas con

nosotros en la capacitación fueron las Pautas para la

comunicación con RESPETO

R = Asuma la RESPONSABILIDAD de lo que dice y

siente, sin culpar a los demás.

E = Escuche con EMPATÍA, desde la situación y

punto de vista de la otra persona.

S = Sea SENSIBLE a las diferencias en los estilos de


P = PIENSE bien lo que escucha y lo que siente antes

de hablar.

E = EXAMINE sus propias suposiciones y


T = TOLERE la ambigüedad, porque no estamos aquí

para discutir quién tiene la razón y quién no la


O = OIGA todo con cuidado y guárdelo

confidencialmente. El Rev. Eric Law – Kaleidoscope Institute, Diócesis Episcopal de

Los Angeles http://www.kscopeinstitute.org/respectful-


Karen, Stephanie y yo aceptamos la invitación para

formar parte del Equipo Diocesano de Empodera-

miento de Diversidad Cultural. Este equipo trabajará

a nivel diocesano y regional (nosotros formamos par-

te de la región de Columbia) en proveer capacitación

de Comunicación y Apreciación Intercultural para

clero, líderes laicos y otros interesados.

Estén atentos para más información sobre eventos y

actividades de esta naturaleza en los

próximos meses aquí en San Luke’s ~

San Lucas.

Rev. Eliacín Rosario-Cruz




ESCUELA DOMINICAL Herlinda Márquez ha comenzado como

nuestra nueva coordinadora de Escuela

Dominical. Parte de su trabajo es organi-

zar el calendario de los voluntarios que

enseñan en las clases. Herlinda también

dará clases bajo el apoyo de Ebie Mountford. Por fa-

vor, vengan a conocerle cuando comience la Escuela

Dominical el 30 de agosto.


Nuestra primera reunión será el sábado 12 de

septiembre de 6-8PM. Esto incluirá Padres y

Jóvenes. Los Jóvenes en escuela secundaria, no se

olviden de registrarse para el retiro HYC de Otoño a

llevarse acabo en 25-27 de septiembre. El retiro será

justo aquí en Vancouver en la iglesia Good

Shepherd. El tiempo para registrarse cierra

el domingo 20 de septiembre 2015 a la


Donna Greene y Don Lawry

CLASES DE CONFIRMACIÓN Las clases para la Confirmación comenzaron en

Agosto y continuarán hasta el 11 de octubre. La clase

se reúne de 12:00-1:00PM en la Capilla del Espíritu

Santo. Estos son los temas de las próximas clases:

09/06 "Como navegar la Iglesia" dirigida por Bob y

Carol Hiltz

09/13 "¿Qué Dios te llama a hacer?" dirigida por

Melanie Kenoyer & Lee Wilson

09/20 "Espiritualidad: Creados para orar" dirigida

por María Boettcher, Lynne Hulse y

Kris Lawless

09/27 "Adoración: Respondiendo a las bendiciones

de Dios" dirigida por el P. Dennis Cole y

Sandra Kimura

10/04 "Los Sacramentos" dirigida por el P. Eliacin

Rosario-Cruz y Harmony Griffith

También hay una clase los jueves en la noche de 6:30-

7: 30PM celebrada en la oficina del Rector o del Cura.

Todos son bienvenidos.

SANGRE La Cruz Roja vuelve a pedir de nuestra

Parroquia ayuda a recoger sangre para los

heridos. Inscríbase para una cita Jueves,

3 de septiembre De 2:00 a 7:00 pm

En el Salón Parroquial

GRUPO DE ARTISTAS VISUALES Lunes, 14 de septiembre a las 6:30PM en el hogar

de Dena Cassidy tendremos nuestra próxima

reunión para hablar sobre las tarjetas postales, la

exposición de arte el 24 de octubre, y cualquier otro

taller en otoño y actividades a finales del año.

Sábado, 24 de Octubre - Nuestra exposición anual

de arte, Una Noche de Arte y Música, seguidas por

las Oraciones Vespertinas con música Jazz en

Octubre. Si tiene alguna Pregunta,

comuníquese con Don Lonsbrough –

971-275-6497 o

[email protected].

REUNIÓN DE TODA LA PARROQUIA Marque su calendario para el 13 de septiembre a las

11:30 de la mañana. Después del servicio 10:00, de

San Luke’s ~ San Lucas celebrará una reunión de

todos los miembros de la parroquia para hablar

sobre una variedad de temas, incluyendo nuestra

nueva política de alcohol, la revisión ministerio

mutuo sobre nuestras metas como comunidad y una

actualización sobre el progreso de mantenimiento en

el Salón Parroquial. Promete ser una reunión muy

interesante. Tendremos un almuerzo informal.

Traiga comida para compartir.


MUTUO Hace cuatro años San Lucas - San Lucas , estableció

cuatro metas en las cuales trabajar como:

Meta 1: Forjar relaciones más estrechas entres los

miembros Hispanos y Anglos

Meta 2: Expandir Programas Sociales a la


Meta 3: Proveer oportunidades para crecer en fe en

un contexto social seguro


Meta 4: Apoyo continúo al programa de cuidado


La evaluación de ministerio mutuo tiene como pro-

pósito ayudar a evaluar nuestro progreso hacia el

logro de tale objetivos , identificar los desafíos , a re-

enfocar nuestros esfuerzos para hacer de esta parro-

quia la parroquia que soñamos.

FERIA DE JUSTICIA Y PAZ Estan invitados a la Feria para Justicia y Paz de la

ciudad de Vancouver, el 12 de septiembre de 9 a 4 en

Ester Short Park. Les invitamos a visitar nuestro des-

pliegue, tomar un tiempo para ver los otros grupos

que trabajan por justicia y paz. San Lucas has sido

orgullosamente líder en esta feria desde el principio

de su fundación.


INSTALACIONES Ahora que ya no están los postes/columnas en el

salón parroquial y con las nuevas luces y

ventiladores funcionando, tenemos un salón

parroquial del podemos estar orgullosos. El siguiente

paso es instalar uno puerta nueva en la esquina sur-

este. La puerta nueva nos dará otra salida que puede

ser usada por nuestros feligreses e visitantes en sillas

de ruedas. El paso final comenzará el 14 de

septiembre y tomará unas dos semanas. Será el

trabajo de renovación del acabado del piso, lo que

nos obligará a estar fuera del salón parroquial al

menos por dos semanas. Después de que el acabado

esté terminado vamos a necesitar que cargar y

levantar las sillas, mesas y otros objetos pesados al

moverlos. Esto es muy importante por el primer mes

de uso, pero deberíamos tratar de hacerlo hábito

para así el piso dure más tiempo.

En los alrededores afuera hemos contratado una

compañía de poda de árboles para recortar y retirar

ramas peligrosas de los cedros que están cerca de las

líneas eléctricas y del edificio. El árbol de arce/maple

que está en la parte este del edificio se recortado por

lo menos seis pies. Esto sucederá el 24 de septiembre.

Ahora que llega la temporada de siembra de otoño,

el Equipo de Trabajo de los Jueves estará trabajando

en la nivelación y replantación de césped y flores en

el lado oeste del edificio.

Lew Hampton, Guardían Menor


DE DIOS Este entrenamiento está diseñado para crear

conciencia sobre asuntos de abuso sexual y

emocional contra la niñez. La formación es

obligatoria para todos los clérigos activos; todo el

personal / empleados de las congregaciones, y todos

los que trabajan con niños / jóvenes en la iglesia.

Fecha: 20 de septiembre 1 a 4 PM en Good Shepherd

Episcopal Church, Vancouver. Registro: Llame a la

oficina de Good Shepherd al 360-892-7770 o por

correo electrónico a Karen,

[email protected]


ESCOLARES DESAMPARADOS “HOPE” (esperanza en inglés) significa Apoyo para

Continuar Educación para Niños Escolares, dentro

del distrito de Vancouver. Cada una de las escuelas

en Vancouver tiene niños sin casa. Más que 400 estu-

diantes se han identificado en las escuelas de la ciu-

dad. Son alumnos de kínder a 12 en refugios, dur-

miendo en sofás, en tiendas y en coches. HOPE hace

lo posible para ayudar a estos niños ser estudiantes.

PE provee que transporte de donde esté la familia

hacia la escuela, aunque tienen que alzarse con fre-

cuencia. El grupo de outreach de San Lucas ~ St. Lu-

ke’s ayuda recogiendo dinero para este esfuerzo.

Vengan a cenar en Burgerville, el del Centro por Ft

Vancouver Way y 4th Plain el jueves, 8 de octubre,

de 4 a 7PM. Si viene por carro, cuenta también. HO-

PE gana 10% de todo lo vendido, pero únicamente en

este Burgerville, y solamente por aquellas horas. Pa-

sen la palabra, no importa quién compre vengan a

comer. Estudiantes desamparados necesitan nuestro

apoyo. Dé el regalo de bondad a nuestros hermanos

menores con necesidad, ¡con la bendi-

ción de Dios!

Den Mark Wichar 694-3703


SENIOR WARDEN’S REPORT The Children’s Ministries include Sunday

school, Vacation Bible School and Family

Programs such as a back-to-school gather-

ing and the Christmas pageant. These

programs have run smoothly for many years, thanks

to the dedication of four teachers (Pat Hale, Sue Hen-

ry, Lee Wilson and Herlinda (Linda) Marquez), two

regular helpers (Arianna Zavala and Jessica

Marquez), their exceptional leader (Ebie Mountford),

and a number of other wonderful volunteers. As Ebie

is retiring this year, Linda Marquez will become the

Sunday School Coordinator. With Ebie’s guidance

and Linda’s knowledge and enthusiasm our Sunday

School program will thrive.

While most of us attend church, children ages 3-10

attend Sunday School using a Montessori-based cur-

riculum called “Godly Play”. The curriculum in-

volves telling Bible stories using props, but it also has

a spiritual component and includes a time for indi-

vidual creative play. The program is available in both

English and Spanish, so the same stories are taught at

both the 10:00 am and 1:00 pm services. The morning

service typically has 10-14 children, while the after-

noon service has 20-25 children and can have as

many as 35. Both services are in definite need of addi-

tional helpers and/or teachers. To be a helper you

need to love children and take training in

“Safeguarding God’s Children”. If you want to be a

teacher you will also need to take training in “Godly

Play”. Spanish language is helpful but not required

for the 1:00 service. If you are interested in helping

please contact Linda (cell: 360-863-4528), Lee Wilson

(cell: 858-229-2605) or Fr. Jaime.

Stefanie Aschmann

CURATE’S REPORT Early this month I attended training on Inter-Cultural

Communication Competency hosted by the Diocese

of Olympia. Our Senior Warden, Stefanie Aschmann,

and Karen Burgess-Cassler from the 10AM service,

attended the training as well. In fact, we were the

largest representation of a particular parish in the en-

tire Diocese at the training. It was great to be able to

represent St Luke’s ~ San Lucas (and to be honest,

brag a bit about being the largest group from a par-


The Rev. Eric Law and his associates from the Kalei-

doscope Institute facilitated the 6-Day event. During

the training we participated in a series of activities

with a focus on widening our scope of understanding

on cultural differences, our awareness of diverse

ways of communication and the gifts of plurality in

the world and the church.

One of the practical tools shared with us in the train-

ing were these very useful Guidelines for Respectful

Communication –


R – Responsibility. Take responsibility for what you

say and feel. Use “I” statements.

E – Empathetic listening. Use empathetic listening.

Put yourself in other’s shoes. Don’t have to agree.

Create a goal of mutual understanding.


CONFIRMACIÓN - 18 de Octubre ¡Ponga esta fecha en su calendario! Domingo, 18 de

Octubre a las 12:00PM tendremos una Misa de Santa

Eucaristía y Confirmación bilingüe. Estamos muy

contentos de que el Obispo Cabell Tenis estará con

nosotros. Los servicios de 10am y 1pm serán

cancelados de manera que podemos unirnos para

este servicio especial. Venga a apoyar a los que se

confirmaran. Tendremos una Hora del Café /

recepción especial después del servicio para celebrar.

ARTES MANUALES Este año la venta de Manualidades y Regalos de

Navidad será el 21 & 22 de noviembre, la semana

antes del Día de Acción de Gracias. No es demasiado

temprano para planificar su manualidad. Aun de

vacaciones o descansando, puede amarrar algo para

vender. Si tienen ideas o sugerencias hazle

saber a Joseph Ziemba,

[email protected].


S – Sensitive. Be sensitive to differences. Some peo-

ple talk stories. Some people give succinct

points. Some people spiral around a topic.

Some people communicate through silence.

P – Ponder. Ponder what you hear and feel before

you speak.

E – Examine. Examine your own assumptions and


C – Confidentiality. Confidentiality is different than

secrets. Share constructively to uphold the well-

being of the community. Individuals decide and


T – Trust. Trust ambiguity, we are not here to debate

who is right or wrong. The Rev. Eric Law - Kaleidoscope Institute, Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles -


Karen, Stefanie and I have accepted the invitation to

be part of the Diocesan Diversity Empowerment

Training Team. This team will work at the Diocesan

level and regional level (we are part of the Columbia

region) in providing Inter-Cultural Communication

and Diversity trainings to clergy, lay leaders and

church wide.

Stay tuned for more information about upcoming

activities and events of this nature coming

up here at Saint Luke’s ~ San Lucas in the

upcoming months.

Rev. Eliacín Rosario-Cruz

Spiritual Development




Herlinda Marquez has started as our

new Sunday School coordinator. She

will schedule volunteers and teach our

Godly Play curriculum during the 10:00

am and 1:00 pm services. Herlinda is en-

thusiastic and well prepared to take on this task un-

der the mentorship of Ebie Mountford. Please come

and meet her when Sunday School starts on August



GOD'S CHILDREN TRAINING Date: Sunday, September 20th 1-4 PM

Location: Good Shepherd, Vancouver, Youth Bldg.

Sign-Up: Call Good Shepherd office, 892-7770 or

email Karen at [email protected]

This training is designed to raise awareness concern-

ing issues of sexual and emotional abuse, and to

provide tools for prevention that we can all use to

protect our children from harm, promote safety and

bring healing.

Training is mandatory for all active clergy; all staff/

employees of congregations, and all those working

with children/youth in the church. Highly recom-

mended for vestry members and all adults in leader-

ship roles, suggested for all adult church members.

YOUTH EVENTS Our first meeting will be on Saturday, September 12

from 6-8PM. This will include Parents and Youth.

High School Youth, don’t forget to register for the

Fall HYC Sept 25-27 which is right here

in Vancouver at Good Shepherd! Regis-

tration will be closed on Sunday,

September 20, 2015 at Midnight.

Donna Greene and Don Lawry

DIOCESAN YOUTH EVENTS (www.ecww.org) Fall High School Youth Conference (HYC)

September 25-27 Good Shepherd , Vancouver Cost

is $35. Scholarships are available.

Join us for Fall HYC at Church of the Good Shep-

herd. The weekend begins at 8PM (registration

opens at 7PM) on Friday, September 25th and ends

at 12:30PM on September 27th. Friends, faith, music,

worship, games, workshops, conversation and just

hanging out at the dance are all a part of this fantas-

tic weekend for youth in grades 9-12. Come join the

fun and meet people who, through Jesus Christ, see

the goodness in all of us. Friends welcome.

High School Youth to The Episcopal Diocese of

Olympia Annual Convention Nov. 13-14


Lynnwood Convention Center Lynnwood, WA

Fall Junior High School Youth Conference (JYC)

Nov. 20-22 Trinity Episcopal Church, Everett

CONFIRMATION CLASSES Sunday classes began in August and continue

through October 11 at 12 to 1PM in the Chapel of

the Holy Spirit. Remaining Sessions include:

09/06 “Navigating the Church” lead by Bob and

Carol Hiltz

09-13 “What is God calling you to do?” lead by

Melanie Kenoyer & Lee Wilson

09-20 “Spirituality: Created for Prayer” lead by

Mary Boettcher, Lynne Hulse and

Kris Lawless

09/27 “Worship: Responding to God’s Blessing”

lead by Fr. Dennis Cole and Sandra Kimura

10/04 “Sacraments” lead by Fr. Eliacin Rosario-

Cruz and Harmony Griffith

There is also a Thursday evening class at 6:30-

7:30PM held in the Rector’s or Curate’s office.

We welcome all, inquirers and anyone wanting a

refresher course.

VISUAL ARTISTS GROUP Monday, September 14 at 6:30pm we will have our

next meeting at the home of Dena Cassidy, to

discuss the notecards, October 24 Art Show, and any

end of year activities or Fall workshops.

Saturday, October 24 - Our annual art show,

An Evening of Art and Music, following the October Jazz


We have several things to look forward to, so hope

that you are all still onboard for sharing your work

and adding color and love to our Parish life!

Questions? Contact me at 971-275-6497 or

[email protected] . Don Lonsbrough

ADULT FORUM An opportunity to discuss adult themes and issues is

starting up September 20th at 9:00 AM. Various facil-

itators will lead the discussions, including our

priests and lay persons. Please come and join us at

any time. The class will meet every Sunday in the

Children’s Chapel.

LIFE GOES ON Life Goes On meets monthly to support those as they

go through the grieving process. Fr. Dennis

Cole facilitates this group. All are wel-

come. The group meets off-site at the Glen-

wood Place Senior Living (5500 NE 82nd

Ave). September meeting will be on Thurs-

day, September 24 at 2PM.

WOMEN’S SPIRITUALITY GROUP All women are welcome as we begin another year of

reading, studying and sharing. We will be announc-

ing this year’s book soon so watch the Sunday An-

nouncement sheet and October Messenger for more

information. We will resume our 2nd Saturday

monthly sessions on Saturday, October 10 when we

will gather from 10AM to 12PM. Please save the date

on your calendar. This will be a time to come togeth-

er and expand our spiritual experiences with a femi-

nine view. Last year we were blessed to have a

broad age representation which helps us all to hear

differing generational views and experiences. Hop-

ing you will join us! If you have any questions con-

tact any of the conveners:

Mary Boettcher, (360-936-2425) [email protected]

Janet Butler (360-947-0404) [email protected]

Kris Lawless (360-574-3755) [email protected].

Worship NOTES FROM THE MUSIC ROOM Nancy and I had a fabulous tour in France this past

month. We played three different programs on three

different organs in three different towns and had a

little time to visit friends, see six amazing Rom-

anesque churches in the Auvergne area France, and


to sample the seafood on the Brittany coast. The

high-point for us was to play the historic organs

built by Aristide Cavaille-Coll at the Cathedral in

Orleans. The group Amis des Orgue or “Friends of

the Organ” welcomed us and filled the Cathedral’s

700 seats for our organ duet concert on August 9th.

Special thanks to Willy Silva and the various musical

volunteers who helped out during my absence. This

was a great opportunity for the 10 AM congregation

to get to know our fine musicians from the 1 PM ser-

vice. Please welcome Crystal Richter, my organ sub-

stitute for five Sundays this Fall. The Vestry was

kind enough to support my request for some profes-

sional leave time, beginning September 13th during

my wife Nancy’s sabbatical from her church music

position at St. James Lutheran Church in Portland.

The choir will be back in their robes for “Welcome

Back Sunday” August 30 and will continue to meet

on Sunday mornings at 9:15 under the able leader-

ship of our own Beth Lawson. Everyone is invited to

hear the fine vocal group Chor Anno here at St.

Luke’s-San Lucas on September 26th at 7 PM. The

first Wednesday evening rehearsals for

the choir and handbell ringers will be on

October 14th. The new Jazz Vespers series

will begin on October 24th.

Tim Nickel, Director of Music

TAIZÉ The Taizé service combines

readings, chant-like songs,

silence, soft light and a

unique chancel display.

Saturday, September 19 at 6:00 PM in the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament. Our theme this month is “Anam Cara – Soul Friend” A Celtic Vision of God. Come and enjoy this unique service.

ALTAR FLOWERS Do you enjoy the beautiful flowers that adorn St.

Luke's ~ San Lucas altar every Sunday? Why not

pick a Sunday to remember someone dear to you or

to offer thanksgiving for a blessing in your life? The

process is easy; choose your date and the tribute you

wish to appear in the Sunday bulletin, find and com-

plete one of the Altar Flower forms in the Narthex

and place it in the offering plate. The dedication cost

is now $35, and will go to insure we have flowers on

the Altar. Any questions, call Carol Hiltz (360-597-

3094) or Sandra Kimura (360-693-8518).


SERVICE - OCTOBER 18 Save the date! Sunday, October 18 at 12 noon we will

have a bilingual Confirmation and Holy Eucharist

service. We are very excited that Bishop Cabell Ten-

nis will be with us. The 10AM and 1PM services will

be cancelled so that we can come together for this

special service. Come and support those who will be

confirmed, received and renewing their commitment

to Jesus Christ. We will have a special Coffee Hour/

Reception after the service to celebrate and welcome

these new Episcopalians.

Out Into The World BLOOD DRIVE Special Request on behalf of one of our

members: Todd Greene was recently

given 60 units of blood when he was

seriously ill. If you are able to donate blood please

sign up for our blood drive or another one soon and

ask to donate in his name. Todd is a former blood


Thursday, September 3, 2 - 7 PM in the Parish Hall.

Schedule your appointment online at

www.redcrossblood.org using a Sponsor Code of

“SaintLukeEpiscopal” or call 1-800-733-2767 or add

your name to the sign-up sheet on preceding

Sundays in the Narthex.


OUTREACH COMMITTEE A round of applause for everyone who gave school

supplies and backpacks for the kids who will receive

them! In September we will be collecting socks and

underwear for children, including middle and high

school kids. Outreach is always in need of

men's socks also men's clothing. St. Luke's ~

San Lucas congregations are most generous

in giving. Gracias a todos!

Kreta Saathoff, Vestry Member


PEACE & JUSTICE FAIR The 12th annual Peace and Justice Fair will be

Saturday, September 12 at Esther Short Park. St

Luke's ~ San Lucas has exhibited for several years.

Being at the Fair is the most visible parish presence

in the community outside our campus. Please com-

mit to helping this large and unique once-per-year

event. Help is needed to plan the exhibit in advance,

then on Fair day to load the truck at church, unload

and set up in the Park, welcome visitors to the ex-

hibit from 9AM-4PM, take down, load the truck,

and unload back on campus. Many helpers means

nobody must do all that work. Sign up sheet is in the


Also, if parishioners belong to human rights, envi-

ronmental, social justice and similar groups that

could also exhibit, urge them to do so. Den Mark is a

Fair organizer and can answer questions about the

Fair itself (694-3703). This is major opportunity to

promote our parish and present our Episcopalian/

Anglican form of Christianity. Evangelism in kit


ALS WALK – OCTOBER 3, 2015 This is our 7th year in the WALK TO DEFEAT ALS.

As always, we will be walking in loving memory of

Father Eric Werts. This 5K walk helps us raise funds

for research, support of families, awareness and

most importantly finding a CURE.

The ALS Association and the community of St

Luke’s ~ San Lucas were so good to us and helped

make Eric’s journey so much easier. I hope you will

consider supporting our walk team FOR THE LOVE

OF ERIC again this year with a donation as we

WALK TO DEFEAT ALS. You may make an online

donation via our website: http://webor.alsa.org/goto/

ruth_werts or you may send me a check made out to

“ALS Association”.

We would love to have you join us for the walk on

Saturday, October 3rd. If you can join us, please let

me know. (If you walked last year and still have

your red bandana, please wear it again as our team

symbol.) If you or anyone else would like more in-

formation about ALS, please go to


Thank you so very much.

Ruth Werts 360-718-8232

813 NW 151st St. Vancouver, WA 98685

HOPE: Homeless Outreach Pursuing Education Thursday, October 8, 4-7pm: next opportunity to

help homeless Vancouver School District students,

simply by eating supper at, or picking up supper

from, Burgerville Central Park, Fourth Plain & Ft

Vancouver Way. Please note this event on your

calendar, right now. And spread the

word. HOPE gets 10% of all sales. So we

should pack the place. Thank you.

Den Mark Wichar

Community Life

COFFEE HOUR Thanks in advance, to our September Hosts who

will be providing treats

during Coffee Hour.

Judy Morrison, Coffee Hour Coordinator

Coffee Hour Hosts for September September 6 Schlatters

September 13 All Parish Meeting

September 20 Browns

September 27 Goodletts & Briggs

October 4 Slaninas


THE LUNCH BUNCH Our next luncheon will be on Tuesday, September 8

at 12 noon. Our sponsor this month is Nan Wil-

liams. She has arranged for a fascinating program

about Belleek Pottery, porcelain from Ireland. Pre-

senters will be Gary Sawyer and Jerry Lonergan.

Both will display their collection and share their

knowledge about this beautiful china.

Please sign-up if your are coming and/or if you can

help with a dish for the luncheon. Sign-up sheets are

in the Narthex. As always your friends and neigh-

bors are welcome!

NEW “R @ R” GROUP Rev. Chuck Barnes is moving and changing up the

Retirement Group to the Retirees @ Restaurants

(R@R for short) to meet once a month on the third

Wednesdays at a local restaurant. Join Chuck for

breakfast and lively conversation on Wednesday,

September 16th at 8:30AM at Dulin’s Café located at

1929 Main St, Vancouver, WA 98660.

FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE In September, Jeanne and Andy Stephens will host

Friday Night Live on September 25, starting at


The host provides the main course only and guests

bring a dish to share. Guests are responsible for

providing their own beverage. Look for

the sign-up sheet and maps in the parish

hall. We always welcome new hosts!

Please address any questions to Ginger or

Brad Harris. (971-373-8894) or at

[email protected]

Administrative & Financial ALL PARISH MEETING Mark your calendars and save this date! On Septem-

ber 13 at about 11:30AM, following the 10 AM ser-

vice. St Luke’s ~ San Lucas will hold an all-parish

meeting to talk about a variety of topics, including

our new alcohol policy, the mutual ministry review

of our stated goals and an update on the mainte-

nance progress in the Parish Hall. It promises to be a

very interesting session. We'll have a light potluck

lunch. Please consider contributing. There’s a sign-

up sheet in the Narthex.

Stefanie Aschmann, Senior Warden


Four years ago St. Luke’s – San Lucas, through a se-

ries of facilitated sessions, established four goals that

we as a parish should be working toward:

Goal 1: Develop a closer relationship between the

Anglo and Hispanic members of the Parish.

Goal 2: Expand outreach programs into the


Goal 3: Provide opportunities for members to grow

in faith in a safe social environment.

Goal 4: Continue support of the Pastoral Care

Committee’s vital work.

The Mutual Ministry Review is intended to help us

evaluate our progress toward achieving these goals,

to identify our challenges, and to help us refocus our

efforts to make this parish the parish we envision it

to be.

IT'S TIME TO GET CRAFTY!! It’s time to get started on your craft project

for the Holiday Craft & Gift Sale, Saturday

and Sunday, November 21 & 22. If you

need INSPIRATION and/or instruction there will be

a library of craft books for loan beginning Sunday,

September 6 available during coffee hour at a table

in the Parish Hall.

Joseph Ziemba [email protected]


REWARDS QUARTERLY REPORT “Your supporters (40 households) who shopped at

Fred Meyer between 04/01/2015 and 06/30/2015

(Cycle 2015, Qtr. 2) have contributed to your $188.40

total donation. Thank you for your continued

support of your local Fred Meyer store.”

If you aren’t signed up yet, please follow these

simple instructions:


Begin by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to

St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas at www.fredmeyer.com/

communityrewards. You can search for us by our

name or by our non-profit number 88487. Then, eve-

ry time you shop and use your Rewards Card, you

are helping St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas earn a donation!

DIRECTORY UPDATES Are you a new member and would like a parish di-

rectory or somehow didn’t receive one? Changes to

your directory information? Please contact Kris in

the church office at 360-696-0181 or by email,

[email protected].


CASE, Ellen C.

2300 NE 104th St. Vancouver, WA 98686

360-258-4177 [email protected]

HUNT, Kay Higashi

13001NE 8th Pl. Vancouver, WA 98684

ROBAYO, R. Daniel & HUNT, Katherine

3704 Kauffman Ave Vancouver, WA 98660




Dan - [email protected]

Jennifer - [email protected]


Cell Phone: 360-558-9603


NEWS With feelings of both joy and sadness, Russ Roseber-

ry will not be doing the Rummage Sale in 2016. Russ

has been the organizer, pick-up driver, and brains

behind this event for over 10 years. He still wants to

help, but leadership must now fall to someone else.

The Rummage Sale helps our youth activities such as

HYC and JYC weekends, Six Day high school camp,

and Camp Huston, as well as other expenses. The

Rummage Sale has generated between $2,900 and

$3,500. We collect from everyone in the parish, and

sell on Friday evening and Saturday.

An additional benefit to the community is hard to

report: People start calling the Parish early to ask

about the Rummage Sale. Most of the buyers are not

members of the church. The Rummage Sale is a good

place to buy very reasonably priced usable items of

all sorts. I still ski on skis I bought in 2011! Now if

there would just be snow…

Please consider volunteering to run the Rummage

Sale. Perhaps with a group of friends, a committee to

share the burdens would make it more fun. Please

pray for this effort to continue in some form, and

count on Russ to coach the new team.

Fr. Jaime


Percentages should to be at 58.3% of budgeted

revenue and expense.

Summary as of July 31, 2015

Total Budget Year to Date Percent

for the Year Actual of Total

Amounts Budget

Revenues $504,819 $292,641 58%

Expenses $504,819 $265,071 53%

Net Income 0 $27,570

Revenues: Actual revenues as of August are ahead

of what would be expected. From the treasurer’s

office perspective, the downturn of the economy has

reversed itself and has turned into a very generous

uptick in donations of all kinds to St. Luke’s/San Lu-

cas. Your gifts are very much appreciated and help

to fully support our goals and outstanding minis-


Expenses: Overall expenses are under year-to-date

budget projections by $29,420, but will be more in

line with revenue when Curate and ceiling repair

project expenses are accounted for later in the year.

Additional Comments: Thank you for continuing

to fulfill your pledge commitments during the sum-

mer months. Even with construction and hospitality

campaign commitments, most of you have been able

to keep up with your pledges and this is very much


appreciated. And, for those who have been on ex-

tended vacation, this is a time to “catch up” with you

pledge commitments.

Overall, the budget this year has been hit with sever-

al curve balls making predictions much more diffi-

cult. An internal audit uncovered an on-going error

in accounting that actually increased revenue. In ad-

dition, we are attempting to cover St. Luke’s ~ San

Lucas’ portion of the 2015 Curate expenses from the

operating budget; and we are also hoping to use

available cash to offset part of the costs of the ceiling

repair from operating funds.

Thanks for your continued financial

support of St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas.

Doug Goodlett, Treasurer


FACILITY PROGRESS REPORT Now that the posts are gone and the new

lights and fans are in place and working,

we have a parish hall that we can be

proud of. The next step is the new door

in the south east corner which will give

us another exit that can be utilized by our

parishioners and guests who use wheel chairs. The

final step will begin on September 14th and take about

two weeks. This is the refinishing of the floor and

will require us to be out of the hall for about two

weeks. After the finishing is done we will all need to


HEAVY OBJECTS when moving them. This is very

important for the first month of use but we should

try and make it a habit to lengthen the life of the


Outside we have scheduled a tree trimming firm to

trim the Cedar trees away from power lines and the

building and remove dangerous limbs. The Maple

tree that is against the east side of building will be

trimmed back to at least six feet from the building.

This will happen on September 24.

Now that the fall planting season is at hand, the

Thursday Crew will be getting a load of soil and lev-

eling and replanting the lawn and flower beds on the

west side of the building.

Lew Hampton, Junior Warden

LOCAL BOXING CONTROVERSY In last month’s Messenger, we found that St. Luke’s

Parish Hall was the site of the forerunner of Vancou-

ver’s YMCA. There is a “back story” however. In

February, 1910, the Hall was the site of boxing exhi-

bitions, including a local boxer, “Bud” Anderson.

Prize fights were being held in Portland. Local sa-

loonkeepers wanted to stay open later to catch the

returning crowds. Rebuked by the City Council, the

saloonkeepers threatened to get boxing banned in

Clark County.

On April 4, 1911, the City Council passed an ordi-

nance allowing prize fights. Mayor Higgins, an STL

parish member, had pointed out the economic ad-

vantage to the city. Numerous fights were quickly

scheduled, held at the 1,000 spectator Vancouver Au-


A few temperance-minded ministers were actively

protesting boxing matches by mid-April. On May 6,

Judge McMaster arrested the promoters and two

fighters, including “Bud” Anderson. Mr. Anderson

told the Court “I don’t intend to use bodily violence

in the fight.” The judge ruled fights were banned in

Vancouver, because they were banned in the State of

Washington. The prosecutor was Charles W. Hall, an

STL parish member.

In November, 1911, the Vancouver Ministerial Asso-

ciation established the forerunner of the YMCA at St.

Luke’s Parish Hall, with no mention of boxing.

“Bud” Anderson went on to become the Lightweight

Champion of the Northwest in 1913.

So, St. Luke’s, indirectly, heralded in a

local controversy, and then its members

found a way to assuage the “problems”

in its community.

Pat Lawless, Parish Archivist


Reminder - If your Ministry group would like to

submit an article for the October issue of

The Messenger, please submit your written article on

or before September 20 to the church office or email it

to [email protected] Thank you!

Around Town




Learn God’s ways of handling money with Dave

Ramsey’s Financial Peace University!

Through videos, class discussions and interactive

small group activities, FPU presents biblical, practi-

cal steps to get from where you are, to where you’ve

dreamed you could be. This plan will show you how

to free yourself from debt, manage your money,

spend and save wisely, and much more!

Church of the Good Shepherd will be offering the

9 week course from Tuesday, September 15, 2015

through Tuesday, November 10, 2015 in the Youth

Building from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. FREE Childcare

will be provided on-site. Please reserve childcare

each week; Kara Uhrich, Children’s Ministries Lead-

er, 360-892-7770 or e-mail

[email protected]

There is limited space, so please register early. Cost

is $93 per couple for 1 kit. To register for the course,

for more information and to request your course ma-

terials, please go to: http://www.daveramsey.com/

fpu. Follow links under “Classes,” “Find a Class”,

then scroll to the Tuesday evening course at Good

Shepherd Episcopal Church on Ellsworth Road in

Vancouver, WA then at the bottom of the webpage,

look for “Class Registration.” Alternatively, you

may call FPU customer service at 888-227-3223.


CONCERT Chor Anno will perform its 2015 concert at St.

Luke’s ~ San Lucas on Saturday, September 26th, at

7 PM. Chor Anno is a 30 voice choir made up of

some of the finest choral directors from colleges and

schools in the northwest. They perform one concert

program per year. Vancouver’s Howard Meharg

conducts the group, now in its seventh year. Meharg

called on colleagues in the American Choral Direc-

tors Association in organizing the ensemble. They

come from Idaho, Washington and Wyoming. Local

choral musicians include April Duvic (Clark Col-

lege), Janet Reiter (Seton HS), Catherine van der

Salm, Gary Gross, Joel Karn, Shannon Anderson

(Vancouver) and Rhonda Slinkard (La Center). Ni-

cole Lamartine, head of the choral music department

at the University of Wyoming sings and is also Chor

Anno’s Associate Conductor.

Most of the music in the concert is for mixed choir.

There will be a work for male voices, “The Field,”

based on texts related to the Civil War. The women

are featured in a work called “Nada Te Tur-

be,” (Nothing Will Disturb You) by Sr. Claire Sokol,


Suggested donation for the concert is $20, but St.

Luke’s ~ San Lucas people should feel completely

free to donate any amount you wish, or nothing at

all. We appreciate your hospitality in inviting us to

sing in that wonderful sacred space.

Howard Meharg

ST. PLACID PRIORY St. Placid Priory is a women’s Benedictine monastic

community. We follow the Rule of St. Benedict, pray

together and extend our Benedictine presence to the

local community in the Olympia, Washington area.

The Priory Spirituality Center is an ecumenical

Christian ministry that encourages people of all

faiths to seek and discern the voice of God in their

lives and in the world. We encourage and challenge

people to know the presence of God in their lives

through classes, workshops, retreats and individual

spiritual direction.

Please visit our website, www.stplacid.org, for com-

plete descriptions of our Fall programs and registra-

tion information, fees and form.

Location: 500 College Street NE Lacey, WA 98516


Episcopal Diocese of Olympia

Congregations, Ministries & Institutions

Sept. 6 St. Andrew, Aberdeen; St. Luke, Elma; St.

Germain, Hoodsport

Sept. 13 St. Benedict, Lacey; St. Mark, Montesano

Sept.20 St. Christopher, Olympia; St. John/San

Juan, Olympia

Sept. 27 St. David of Wales/San David, Shelton;

St. John, South Bend

Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem & Middle East

Congregations, Ministries & Institutions

Sept. 6 St. Luke’s Center for Mentally Disturbed

Children, Beit Mery, Lebanon

Sept. 13 St. Peter and St. Paul Church,

Aqaba, Jordan

Sept.20 Christ School, Nazareth, Israel

Sept. 27 The Jofeh Community Rehabilitation

Center, Jordan Valley, Jordan



For those celebrating their birthday in September.

1 – Greg Garlisch

1 – Jesus Ramirez Reyes

2 - Jesus Marquez Reyes

3 – Odell Hathaway

3 - Brandon Hudson

3 - Janeth C. Montiel

3 – Maria Orozco-Castillo

5 - Owen Snoey

6 – June Anderson

6 – Anne Chamberlain

6 – Elizabeth Cubberly

6 – Louie Huerta

6 - Hanny


7 - Reyna Hernandez

7 – Ali Taque

8 – Jim Gallaher

8 – Hannah Femling

9 – Juan Barba

9 - Jose Guardian

10 – Haley McClellan

11 – Muriel McNamara

13 – Becky Swisher

14 – Ann Amies

14 – Jim Schlatter

14 – Noe Gonzalez

14 - Manuel Ulloa

14 - Mary Ulloa

14 - Esperanza Reyes

14 – Tobin Wildfang-Hoch

15 – Elizabeth Escobar

16 – Jeff Sowder

16 – Catherine

van der Salm

16 – Sean Brown

16 - Emily Zurita

17 - Lisa Gill

17 – Emilio Sotelo

17 – Javier Campos

18 – Pat Lawless

19 – Carl McHargue

19 - Gary Sawyer

20 – Mary Denny

20 – Richard Frazier

20 – Mary Ellen Sandberg

20 - Juan Reyes

20 - Micxi Marin

20 - Rene Palafox

21 – Denise Hale

21 – Michael Klucas

21 – Cruz Lopez

22 – Chad Swanson

22 – Dave Saathoff

22 - Arianna Zavaiz

23 – Jill McClellan

23 - Gaddiell Tachiquin

24 – Barb Goodall

25 – Chuck Williams

26 – Indra Gutierrez-


26 - Juan Gutierrez

27 – Claudia Roseberry

28 – Georgie Wildfang

28 – Lucy Villa

29 - Blanca Aguilar

30 – Michael Morrison

30 - Marlene Perez

WORSHIPERS REQUEST As a courtesy to fellow worshippers with breathing

issues, please refrain from wearing scented colognes,

perfumes and lotions.

Thank you!

NEW ADULT FORUM CURRICULUM In the Spirit of the Circle

A Christian formation resource that presents new

ways of understanding and responding to the wide,

beautiful diversity of faith and formation that are the

cornerstone of Anglican spirituality. Building on the

rich storytelling traditions of Native American and

Indigenous peoples, this unique program connects

some of the most deeply treasured and difficult nar-

ratives of our First Nations peoples with stories of

the Old and New Testaments. In the Spirit of the Cir-

cle bridges cultural divides and breaks down stereotypes,

inviting each of us to walk the "Red Road" - to experi-

ence Indigenous ways of traditional spirituality and

culture - with Jesus and with each other. Each week

participants will use a workbook and provided visu-

als to enhance their understanding. Begins Sunday,

September 20 at 9AM in the Chapel of the Holy



Church Office Hours:

9 AM-12 PM and 1 PM-5 PM Tuesday - Friday

If you have any questions about the calendar, please call the church office, 360-696-0181.


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday



8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:45 Nursery Care 9:45 Sunday School 10:00 Choral Eucharist 11:15 Coffee Hour 12:00 Comfirmation Class 12:45 Guardería de niños 1:00 Santa Misa

1:30 Clases para niños


Food/Clothes Outreach


Food/Clothes Outreach

12:15 Holy Eucharist

4:00 Staff Meeting


Food/Clothes Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands

2-7 American Red Cross Blood Drive

6:30 Confirmation Class


Food/Clothes Outreach


6 15th Sunday of



7 Office Closed

8 Food/Clothes


12:00 Lunch Bunch 6:30 VESTRY

9 Food/Clothes Outreach

12:15 Holy Eucharist

4:00 Staff Meeting

6:30 Outreach Committee

10 Food/Clothes Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands

6:30 Confirmation Class

11 Food/Clothes


12 9AM-4PM Vancouver Peace & Justice Fair 6-8PM Youth & Parent Meeting

13 16th Sunday of




14 Office Closed 6:30 Visual Artists @ Cassidy’s


Food/Clothes Outreach


Food/Clothes Outreach

8:30 R&R @ Dulins 12:15 Holy Eucharist

4:00 Staff Meeting


Food/Clothes Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew

10:00 Helping Hands

6:30 Confirmation Class


Food/Clothes Outreach


6:00 Taize


17th Sunday of



9:00 Adult Forum 12:00 Communion Class Primera Comunión

1-4 Safeguarding Training @ Good Shepherd

Messenger Deadline!

21 Office Closed


Food/Clothes Outreach

6:30 Pastoral Care


Food/Clothes Outreach

12:15 Holy Eucharist

4:00 Staff Meeting


Food/Clothes Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew

10:00 Helping Hands

2:00 Life Goes On (Offsite)

6:30 Confirmation Class


Food/Clothes Outreach

6:30 Friday Night Live (Offsite @ Stephens) 8 HYC


27 18th Sunday of



9:00 Adult Forum

12:00 Communion Class Primera Comunión

28 29 Food/Clothes


30 Food/Clothes Outreach

12:15 Holy Eucharist

4:00 Staff Meeting

Oct. 1 Food/Clothes Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands

6:30 Confirmation Class

Oct. 2 Food/Clothes


Oct. 3 12 ALS WALK


Donations may be made via our eGiving website page.

Use the QR Code at right to visit the

donation page of our website,




Prepared by:

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church ~ San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal

426 East Fourth Plain Boulevard

Vancouver, WA 98663

Request delivery by dates: August 30 - September 2

Return Service Requested

Current Resident or

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal

The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector

The Rev. Eliacín Rosario-Cruz, Curate

The Rev. Dennis Cole, Associate Clergy

The Rev. Jerry Lonergan, Associate Clergy

Doug Goodlett, Treasurer

Janet Butler, Assistant Treasurer

Tim Nickel, Music Director

Kris Lawless, Parish Administrator

St. Luke’s – San Lucas is a bilingual Episcopal Church serving Vancouver and Southwest Washington since 1853.

Our vision is to answer God’s call to be an Anglo-Hispanic faith community that works together to share the love of

Christ. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our mission is to extend hospitality to all, to respond to human need

through service, and to grow in faith together.

Senior Warden: Stefanie Aschmann Junior Warden: Lew Hampton

VESTRY MEMBERS: Hipolito Casarez, Kathryn Gallaher, Brandon Hudson, Sharon Mayhew,

Michael Morrison, Ricardo Romagosa, Kreta Saathoff, Joseph Ziemba

Clerk of the Vestry: Tom Amies Chancellor: F. James Mayhew


(360) 696-0181 FAX (360) 696-0182

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/St-Lukes-San-Lucas

The Messenger ~ El Mensajero Non-Profit

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