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Page 1: The ministry of the Sacristan - stjohncc.com · 2 The Ministry of the Sacristan. Ministry: The act of serving, ministration . We thank you for your willingness to serve the Church

The ministry of the


But Jesus called them to him and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you; but

whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave; (Matthew 20:25-27)

Page 2: The ministry of the Sacristan - stjohncc.com · 2 The Ministry of the Sacristan. Ministry: The act of serving, ministration . We thank you for your willingness to serve the Church


The Ministry of the Sacristan

Ministry: The act of serving, ministration

We thank you for your willingness to serve the Church community in this special role:

Have you ever planned a party? We have all gone to lots of parties, but if you have never planned one you know that it doesn't just happen all by itself. A good party requires planning and preparation. It takes work which most partygoers never see. Mass doesn't happen all by itself, either. Every Eucharist is prepared and planned by someone. Actually, liturgy planning is usually a group effort by more than one person. ... The word liturgy is a general term that includes not only the Mass but all the Church's official, public praying. (Making Mass a Real Celebration, Thomas Richstatter, O.F.M.)

The Mass is a ritual. There are things that must happen and happen in a certain way. As the Sacristan, you are the one who oversees that all things happen in these “certain ways” (to the best of your abilities). As a servant you must be attentive during the entire Mass.

As Sacristan, you have three main roles: Security (of the sacristy and most importantly, the Eucharist), Mass Set up and Clean Up, and Mass Coordinator. You will serve all three roles each time you are a Sacristan, though some of the roles may play a bigger part than others, depending on the Mass.

1) SECURITY: You are responsible for assuring proper treatment of the Holy Species, namely that of the Sacred Blood and Blessed Sacrament during and after the celebration. Sacristans are also responsible for keeping the Tabernacle secure (and unlocking it prior to Mass).

The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are responsible for the cleaning of the holy vessels (chalice, ciborium, etc.) according to the guidelines of the Diocese of Orlando. If for some reason they do not clean up, the Sacristan is then to take up this important task.

Key: Lilly in the Office will sign out a key to you. You are responsible for this key.

DO NOT MAKE COPIES OF THE KEY under any circumstances. If you lose your key contact Lilly in the Office. A security alarm code will also be assigned to each person who has a key.

2) MASS SETUP AND CLEAN UP vary slightly depending on the individual Mass (weekend/weekday) and presider. At every Mass you are responsible for setting up for both Liturgy of the Word and Liturgy of the Eucharist which means preparing all the books, vessels, offertory, and incense when appropriate:

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Arrive one hour before Mass. Open the main door to the church. For security reasons, the east and west doors remain locked.

Alarm: Each person with a key has an individual alarm code.

Do NOT share your alarm code with anyone else. Should the alarm sound (this is a different noise than the beeping that happens when you enter when the system is armed) you MUST call the alarm company and give them your name and alarm code or the police will arrive. St. John’s is charged for police being called; so PLEASE FOLLOW THIS STEP AND CALL THE ALARM COMPANY IF ALARM SOUNDS!

Temperature: The thermostats should be set to 74 in hot months and 68 in cold months.

They should only be adjusted if necessary. The main thermostat is on a timer and should not need adjusting. There is also a separate thermostat for the sanctuary (Altar area). Ceiling Fans are turned on in the Sound Room. Turn on to speed # 3. There is a separate A/C unit in the Cry Room/Chapel.

Lighting: Some lights are to be turned on when you first arrive. Others are turned on when

Mass begins. This is done for safety as well as for effect. Prior to Mass turn on all lights in the Nave, Chapel/Cry Room and Narthex as well as the light over the ambo. When Mass begins turn on the lights in the Sanctuary.

If there are special lighting for decorations, please turn them on prior to Mass—check in front of the altar, the crucifix, and near/behind the tabernacle for canister lights. Light any additional candles within the decorations.

Sound System: Unlock the Sound Room doors.

Approximately 20 minutes prior to mass, turn on the sound system. In addition to the main sound system, make sure that the p r e s i d e r ’ s cordless microphone is turned on. Typically this is done by the same utility switch as the main system but check. Turn on the Sound System in the order:

Directions: (Instructions with pictures are available near the sound system) The sanctuary has 4 microphones: one on the altar, one at the ambo, and two wireless systems. All of the microphones are controlled through the mixing console (mixer) in the sound room.

If using the priest’s’ wireless microphone retrieve it from the vestry.

Turn on the power to the sound system components by pushing the rocker switch on the main power unit. Check that the operating lights on the mixer and wireless transceiver screens came on.

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Go to the choir area and turn on the sound system there.

Check volume in Cry Room/Chapel


Unlock the Sacristy door. Place Tabernacle key in the Tabernacle & check number of Consecrated Hosts (These Hosts are for emergency use only unless there are an extraordinary amount (more than 30). Then let the priest know that there is an excess. The priest will determine if the current Mass will be used to consume the excess). Check to make sure Sanctuary Candle (red candle by the Tabernacle) is lit or if it needs to be replaced. Place 1corporal in front of the Tabernacle Check Holy Water font: If nearing empty, let Priest know. Rite of blessing water can be celebrated at any Mass/ Check the Altar noting anything that needs attention. (i.e. wine stains on Altar Cloth).

On the Credence Table You Will Need: The small Cruet w/water, finger bowl and terrycloth hand towel, ciborium for ministry to the sick pyxes. 2 regular Chalices 1 Large (Priest) Chalice 2 Ciboria 3 Purificators 1 Pall (optional) The plate for the Pyx

Page 5: The ministry of the Sacristan - stjohncc.com · 2 The Ministry of the Sacristan. Ministry: The act of serving, ministration . We thank you for your willingness to serve the Church


Sacred Altar Vessels:

Chalice The large cup used at Mass to hold the with wine that becomes the Blood of Christ.


A covered container used to hold the hosts that will be used for distribution of Holy Communion. It is also used to reserve the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. The plural of ciborium is ciboria.


A pitcher which is used to hold the wine for consecration.


A saucer-shaped dish (left) or bowl (right). It holds the bread that becomes the body of Christ.

Cruets (used during weekday Mass)

These are the smaller glass pitchers that hold the water and wine which is poured into the Chalice during the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

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Altar Linens:

Lavabo Dish or (Finger Bowl) and Water Pitcher

The dish that is used for washing the Priest's hands during the preparation of the gifts.


A square piece of white cloth (shown here folded) spread over the altar cloth. The chalice, paten and ciboria are placed on it during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. (not pictured is a red cross embroidered in the cloth).


This is a stiff, square white cloth cover that is placed over the chalice to protect its contents.(notice the cross)

This is also the term used to describe the large cloth which is used to cover the casket at a funeral Mass.


This is a rectangular, white cloth used to clean the chalice. (notice the red cross embroidered in the cloth).

Finger towel

A rectangular cloth napkin used by the priest to dry his fingers after they have been washed during the preparation of the gifts. (notice that this cloth does not have a red cross)

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Other items you will use or see:

Holy Water Bucket & Aspergillum

Also referred to as the holy water sprinkler. The Aspergillum is the long tube shaped item that holds the holy water to sprinkle the faithful or articles to be blessed.

(pictured left) Thurible

The metal container that holds the hot charcoal for the incense. This is carried by the thurifer in the right hand. It can also be called the censer.

(pictured left) Boat

A small metal container that holds the incense to be put into the thurible. There is a spoon and cover. This is usually carried by the thurifer in the left hand.

(pictured right) Thurible and Boat stand in the Sanctuary.

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This is a small metal case about the size of a pocket watch. It is used by a minister of Holy Communion to carry consecrated hosts. Communion is regularly brought to individuals that may be sick at home or in the hospital.


A monstrance is the vessel used to display the consecrated host during Eucharistic Adoration or Benediction. The word monstrance comes from the Latin word monstrare, meaning "to show".

Lunette & Pyx

Pictured in the right foreground, a Lunette is the circular receptacle that holds the consecrated host used during Adoration and Benediction. It slides into the center of the Monstrance pictured above. When the ceremony is completed, the lunette with the host is placed in this special Pyx which is kept in the tabernacle.

Preparation (Continued) Vestry: Offertory Table:

1 large Presentation Bowl (Ciborium) Approximate the number of hosts based on the previous week’s attendance number.

Then Use precise count given to you by usher prior to Mass beginning. Before Mass you may place 100 hosts in ciborium. Keep in mind that the large host serves 26.

There is a basket on the table. This will hold ‘small’ hosts and pyx needed for ministry to the sick.

1 large Host in Presentation Ciborium (on top of people’s hosts) 1 large Wine Flagon

Determine approximate number of people at Mass. Keep in mind that about ½ of communicants receive the Precious Blood

Check the Holy Water fonts to see if they need to be cleaned and refilled.

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Vestry (Continued)(where the priess dress): The Sunday Readings, called the Lectionary is to be opened to the proper date. The Roman Missal (formerly the Sacramentary) for the appropriate date is also opened. Once the celebrant has read through the readings and checked the Roman Missal both books are brought to the Sanctuary.

Put the Roman Missal on his book holder next to the Credence Table.

The Lectionary is placed on the Ambo opened to today’s readings. Make sure that the Priest and any Deacons that may be there and the Altar servers all have Missals in the sanctuary area. There are 2 Binders/Notebooks in the liturgical color of the Mass. The one marked “priest” is placed in the holder next to the Priest’s chair in the Sanctuary.

The second is left in the Sound Room for the Reader. After the announcements, the Reader should leave this binder near the Altar Servers’ chairs. Please allow the celebrant time to pray by staying out of the Vestry as much as possible.

Other: 4:30 pm Mass - when Reconciliation is over - close door to Confessional If more than one other priest is present, Host 2 is to drop out. If a deacon is present Cup 1 drops out.

Anytime you enter the sanctuary you are to bow. The first bow should be a profound bow (at the waist); subsequent bows should be a bow of the head. If you cross in front of the tabernacle, out of reverence you are to genuflect. You should bow when you cross in front of or behind the Altar.

3) Mass Coordinator

As the central coordinator it is important that you arrive early. It is recommended that you are at the church 1 (one) hour prior to the time

that Mass starts. This gives you ample time for preparation of your duties and time for

private prayer. Please see to your private prayer first so that you are less likely to be


About 20 minutes before Mass begins - make sure ALL lights in the Church are on and the Altar Candles are lit. Lights in Sanctuary are left off until Mass begins.

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As Ministers and Readers come in they should sign in, put on their mantles & go to their seats. Please advise if there are any last minute changes.

About 10 minutes before Mass begins make sure that everyone is present - if not get replacements from the congregation where needed. All ministers are to be at Mass at least 15 minutes prior to its start. Therefore if someone shows up late and a replacement has already been found, the scheduled minister is considered to be absent. Do not replace the replacement with the original person scheduled.

If someone has not shown up for their appointed ministry, please make a note of it on the posted schedule in the Sound Room.

After the announcements have been made - if the Ministers and Readers would like to join Father and the Altar Servers for prayer - now would be the time for them to go to the Narthex or the Vestry.

At the Offertory go to the Narthex & advise the Gift Bearers to: Give Father the bread & wine first: Wine on ambo side Next the Presentation Ciborium: On Tabernacle side Basket of Offering Gift bearers walk down three across.

As the Gifts are given – The priest offers a blessing to the Gift Bearers.

Wait for the Cross Bearer to be 4 pews up and then have the Gift Bearers move.

After Mass:

If the priest and/or deacon have not purified the sacred vessels, the Sacristan is to do so in the Sacristy. Close and lock the Tabernacle and return the key to its' proper place. All Sacred Vessels are to be washed and dried and returned to the cupboard-The Chalice Ministers will do this. Lock the Sacristy door. Return books to their places in the Vestry. Lock the Vestry door. Turn off fans and lights. Turn off Altar and cry room thermostat. Turn off the speaker system in the REVERSE order. Make sure the sound lever is moved to the bottom and then push the button underneath to turn the system off. (this is very important). Leave the lights in the Narthex on after the 8AM Weekend Mass. Set the Alarm & lock all doors EXCEPT after the 8AM and 10:30 Mass.

THANK YOU for accepting this ministry. It is a great service to the parish and to our Lord! View your ministry as an act of prayer, an attempt to witness to the living Christ. In so doing you will begin to see the face of Christ in the faces of those whom you serve. Rev. 6-1

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Not to scale.

Page 12: The ministry of the Sacristan - stjohncc.com · 2 The Ministry of the Sacristan. Ministry: The act of serving, ministration . We thank you for your willingness to serve the Church

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