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Page 1: The Mists of Avalon

9.01: The Mists Of Avalon - Part 1

The Mists of Avalon (Part One)Story By Lain and Ultimately CharmedWritten By Ultimately Charmed

Ext. ManorInt. Manor

It is morning and Leo is in the kitchen playing with Wyatt and Chris as he feeds them breakfast. Piper enters and goes to make some coffee.

Piper: Morning.

Leo: Oh no, you’re worried I can see it. What’s wrong… What’s happened? Are the demons back?

Piper: You got all that from “morning“?

Leo: Piper, what’s wrong?

Piper hesitates to tell him and then gives in.

Piper: It’s just that…The demons have been hiding out in the underworld since we killed the Triad and I know this is great but something keeps telling me it’s just a matter of time before they come back.

Leo: Well of course they’re gonna come back honey, evil always comes back, but you’re here to keep it in check.

Piper: That’s the thing, we’ve had our ultimate battle, we’ve fulfilled our destiny, we’ve done it! It’s time for some other witches to take over and let us live our lives. Especially now that Paige is happily married with Henry and Phoebe and Coop are dating-

Phoebe walks in.

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Phoebe: What are you saying about me?

Piper: Phoebe, what are you doing here?

Phoebe: I just thought I’d drop by before work… Elise has been working me like a dog recently.

Wyatt: Morning aunt Phoebe.

Phoebe goes over to him and smiles.

Phoebe: Morning Wyatt honey, what are you having for breakfast?

Wyatt: Um…

Leo: Cheerios buddy, you’re having Cheerios.

Wyatt nods and smiles.

Piper (to Phoebe): He’s still learning.

Phoebe: Well he’s a Halliwell which naturally makes him a fast learner. But seriously what were you saying about me?

Piper: Oh I was just telling Leo that I’m worried about the demons coming back.

Phoebe: They’re back?! Already?

Leo: No they’re not back yet but it’s just a matter of time before they resurface.

Piper: Right, and I was just telling Leo that it’s not good especially with you’re new romance with Coop and everything we have going on.

Phoebe: When has it ever been the right time for demons to come chucking fireballs at us?

Leo: To be fair most of them use energy balls.

Phoebe: Whatever, all I’m saying is that I’d take working long hours over demon hunting any day.

Piper smiles and picks up her cup of coffee.

Piper: Speaking of Coop, how’s that going?

Phoebe: He’s been assigned a few new couples to work on so I haven‘t seen him in a few

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Piper: You don’t sound too happy about that…

Phoebe: Oh I am… I guess it’s just not the exciting up and down relationship that you and Leo were.

Leo: Trust me, the excitement got exhausting.

Piper: Tell me about it. But at least we know we get a happy ending.

Phoebe: Ah yes, your future selves. What were they like?

Piper: Sweet. They played scrabble.

Phoebe: Aw… How did Leo look with wrinkles?

Leo: I’m still in the room Pheebs.

Phoebe gives him a playful smile.

Piper: He still looked as sexy as ever.

Leo smiles at her.

Phoebe: Ew.

Paige orbs in suddenly, wearing her pyjamas.

Paige: Men are useless!

Piper almost chokes on her coffee with laughter as Phoebe smirks.

Leo: That’s a bit of a sweeping statement.

Paige: Well you’re not, you’re an angel for crying out loud. But mortal men are crap!

Phoebe: Are you referring to Henry dear?

Paige: Of course! As many times as I tell him to put the toilet seat down what does he do?

Phoebe: Leave it up?

Paige: Exactly! How can you not put it down? What’s wrong with him?

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Piper: So because he left the toilet seat up you orbed all the way across town in your pyjamas no less, to tell us.

Paige: Yes! What’s your point.

Piper laughs again as Phoebe goes over to Paige.

Phoebe: Okay honey, sit down and have some Cheerios.

Paige sits down at the kitchen table and makes herself a bowl of cereal. Phoebe plucks up the courage to say what she’d been wanting to say for a few weeks.

Phoebe: Maybe we should invite Billie round for dinner.

Paige looks up confused as Leo bites his lip and Piper puts her coffee down.

Piper: What?

Phoebe: Well, she did lose her parents and sister in the space of a few months and we haven’t spoken to her since she took us back in time so…

Piper: Phoebe, she betrayed us. I can’t believe you would even consider letting that… Wilder beast back into our lives.

Phoebe: Okay there’s no need for name calling.

Paige: Sorry but I have to agree. She put us through so much that I really couldn’t care less what happens to her next.

Phoebe: What is wrong with you ghouls? Leo what do you think?

Leo: Oh no, I’m staying out of this.

Phoebe: But she lost her family. I just feel guilty.

Paige: It’s not like we didn’t try and help her. We tried reaching out to her remember? Only for it to be thrown back in our faces.

Phoebe: But-

Piper: Phoebe, bottom line, we’ve been demon-lite for so long that we don’t need any more trouble in our lives, especially not from her. Bitchie has made her bed, now she has to lie in it.

Phoebe: Well, I don’t like it, but I have to get to work so we can continue this discussion later.

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Phoebe leaves.

Piper (calling after her): There’s nothing to discuss Phoebe!

The front door slams shut.

Paige: Oh and I have to get home to watch Buffy on UPN. They’re replaying it in the mornings.

Piper: Buffy? After living the real thing you wanna go and watch that?

Paige: Hey it’s funny. It’s just so ridiculous how she can get away with so much and we get killed or exposed at the drop of a hat.

Piper smiles and rolls her eyes as Paige orbs out.

Piper: You don’t think I’m being too hard on Billie do you?

Leo: I’m neutral.

Piper smirks.

Piper: Sure you are. Anyway I’d better get started on lunch.

Over 300 years agoInt. Melinda Warren’s House

Melinda is flicking through a much thinner book of shadows. Eva is standing beside her as she looks through it.

Eva: That’s a very fine book you’ve made Melinda. It’s beautiful.

Melinda: Thank you Eva but it needs something more. The book itself has no power, which makes it vulnerable.

Eva: Vulnerable to what?

Melinda: The evils of this world. I have come up with so many different spells and written so much into the book it would be dreadful if a warlock got his hands on it.

Eva: I understand. What do you plan to do?

Melinda: Well this is it, you see… I don’t have a plan. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to protect it all the time.

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Eva: You mustn’t worry so much Melinda, you’ll grow old quickly like I did.

Melinda smiles at her.

Melinda: You’re not so old Eva.

Eva: I was your age when you were born.

Melinda: So that would make you-

Eva: Oh no, don’t say it, I’m doing everything in my power to forget my age thank you.

Melinda rolls her eyes and then looks at the shadow from the window.

Melinda: Oh, it’s almost midday. I must get started on lunch.

Eva: I’ll join you.

The women leave the room as the book lies on the table. Suddenly a thunderbolt appears and a young girl materializes. She is blonde with icy blue eyes. She walks towards the Book of Shadows and puts her hands over it. Blue mists come out of them and enter the book. The triquetra glows and she smiles.

Girl: Looks like it’s charmed.

Opening Credits…

2006Ext. Bay MirrorInt. Bay Mirror Office

Phoebe enters the office to find it is not as busy as she expected. She says hello to a few people and then walks into her office. She sees a bouquet of roses on her desk and closes the door behind her. She walks to her desk and takes off the card attached.

Phoebe (reading): All my love, Coop.

She puts the card down.

Phoebe: Aw… Sweet.

The door behind her is opened and Elise enters.

Elise: Phoebe, glad you could make it.

Phoebe: Elise, I’m sorry I’m late but really I still don’t get why you need me in the office.

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I can work from home just as well.

Elise: Phoebe I’ve been very lenient with your hours over the past five years and I think it’s about time you start treating this like a job, don’t you.

Phoebe: But it’s not like my column’s ever late.

Elise: Right, apart from your two week hiatus a few months ago when you weren’t at home, or at your sister’s and I couldn’t get in touch. It was like you disappeared off the face of the Earth.

Phoebe: Hm… Interesting choice of words.

Elise: Huh?

Phoebe: Never mind, look I better get started on my column. The relationships of San Francisco aren’t going to sort themselves out.

Elise leaves the office as Phoebe sits at her desk. Phoebe’s cell phone rings. She picks it up.

Phoebe: Hello.

Ext. East Coast

Daryl is on his phone and getting into his car.

Daryl: Phoebe, it’s Daryl.

Int. Phoebe’s Office

Phoebe: Daryl honey, how are you… Why not so good?

Ext. East Coast

Daryl: A lot has happened in the past year and I’m going to come back as soon as I can…

Int. Phoebe’s Office

Phoebe: Okay well me and Paige can-

Ext. East Coast

Daryl: No, no don’t say it. Never talk about that on cell phones, you don’t know whose listening in. I’m coming back soon, we’ll catch up then.

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Int. Phoebe’s Office

Phoebe: Okay well there’s plenty of room at mine, you can come and stay for with me for a while if you need to… Okay honey, see you later.

Phoebe puts the phone down and looks slightly confused.

Ext. Henry’s Work PlaceInt. Henry’s Office

Henry is sitting at his desk listening to his I-pod and singing out loud. Paige orbs in as he is mimicking an air guitar. She starts laughing as he opens his eyes and almost falls off his chair. He turns his I-pod off.

Henry: Paige!

Paige: Sorry to come orbing over here and interrupting your busy work honey.

Henry: Ha ha, very funny. What’s up?

Paige: Um… Well, you left the toilet seat up again.

Henry: You orbed all the way across town to tell me that.

Paige: Why do people keep saying that? It’s not like orbing is the biggest hassle. Anyway that’s beside the point, I told you like ten times I like to keep it down.

Henry: Okay, okay the toilet seat will stay down in the future.

Paige: That’s all I’m asking… Please remember!

Henry: I’ll try.

Paige: Good. I don’t want to turn into a nagging girlfriend but-

Henry: Nagging wife you mean.

Paige: Yeah… Right. Sorry, it’s just it’s still all very new to me.

Henry: Me too but besides the toilet seat saga we don’t really have anything to worry about do we?

Paige: No… No we don’t. You’re right. I’m just being annoying… You still love me don’t you?

Henry rolls his eyes and walks over to her.

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Henry: Course I do.

He kisses her.

Paige: Good, just checking.

She winks at him and orbs out.

Int. Manor

The doorbell goes. Piper walks through the hall.

Piper: I’m coming.

She opens the door to see a worn out looking Billie on the other side. Piper groans.

Piper: What are you doing here?

Billie: Piper, I thought we should talk.

Piper: Talk about what exactly?

Billie: Well, everything that happened between us.

Piper: You mean, you trying to kill me and my sisters and using my three year old son to achieve this?

Billie: Look Piper, I’m so sorry but Christy twisted everything at a time when I was very vulnerable. I had just lost my parents and she was saying you were the bad guys and using stuff that had happened between us to prove her point. It all started fitting into place and then she told me you guys had to be stopped and-

Piper: And you went along with it? You believed that we, the women who made you the witch you are today, were in fact evil. I can see you possibly thinking we’re selfish, really I get that but to think we’re evil and from someone you know has been raised by demons is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard! Billie I know you’re blonde but you’re not that stupid.

Billie: Piper, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry! I really am. I’ve lost everything and to know that you hate me-

Piper: I don’t hate you. Hating you would mean I have to care about you and I don’t. So don’t flatter yourself.

Billie looks hurt and Piper looks at her shoes for a few seconds.

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Piper: Look Billie, I know, it must be hard for you to have lost your entire family. I lost my mom and my sister so I know it must be tough, really I understand.

Billie: Thank you.

Piper: But if you think you’re going to find sympathy from me then you’re fighting a losing battle. I’m not going to lie to you, I feel sorry for your parents but I’m glad Christy’s dead.

Billie nods in a kind of agreement.

Billie: I know… But Piper what I’m asking you is whether you can forgive and forget?

Piper: One day I can forgive you Billie… I can, I do have that in me. But I will never forget. And that’s why we can’t be friends any more.

Billie looks disappointed.

Piper: I don’t want to see you again. Don’t come back here.

Piper closes the door and walks back to the kitchen. On the porch, Billie begins to cry but wipes her eyes and makes her way home. Piper enters the kitchen to see Paige orb in.

Piper: Whoa, again with the orbing!

Paige: Well I just spoke to my husband and he said he would try to remember to put the seat down.

Piper: Wow… That’s interesting.

Paige: Really?

Piper: I was being sarcastic.

Paige: Oh… Why the bitchy mood missy?

Piper: Sorry it’s not directed at you. Billie just came knocking on my door.

Paige: Really? What did she want?

Piper: Forgiveness but I’m sure she had an ulterior motive.

Paige: How could you tell?

Piper: She was breathing.

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They hear the back door opening.

Piper: Don’t tell Phoebe about all this okay?

Paige: All right.

Phoebe enters.

Phoebe: Hey well I did my column but Elise still wants me to come back in after lunch although I have no idea why.

Piper: Oh, well at least it’s not demon fighting.

Phoebe: That’s questionable.

Piper and Paige smirk.

Phoebe: Where’s Leo?

Piper: Oh he’s taken the boys to the zoo for the day.

They then hear a knock on the front door. They make their way it.

Piper: That better not be…

Phoebe: Who?

Piper: The mailman… He gets on my nerves.

They arrive at the front door and open it to see a little girl standing there. She is wearing a dress and has pale skin with straight blonde hair. She looks around twelve years old.

Phoebe: Hey little girl, what are you selling?

Girl: I’ve come for the book.

Piper: Book? Do you work at the library or something?

Girl: No. I’ve come for the Book of Shadows.

The girls look alarmed.

Piper: Okay come inside quickly.

Piper ushers her into the house and closes the door.

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Paige: What do you mean you want the book? Who are you?

Girl: My name is Misty and that‘s all you need to know. Now where is it?

Phoebe: Okay Misty, the book is ours but we can show it to you if you like?

Misty: The book belongs to us.

Paige: “us”? Whose “us”?

Misty: That’s none of your concern now where is it?

She turns on her heel and makes her way to the staircase. The sisters follow her sharply.

Piper: Oh no you don’t where are you going.

Misty: It must be in your altar room.

Piper runs ahead of her and stands on the stairs blocking the way.

Piper: Upstairs is off limits.

The girl doesn’t look phased and waves her hand, sending Piper flying off the stair case and onto a table which breaks on impact. Paige and Phoebe look shocked and run over to Piper as the girl continues to walk upstairs.

Phoebe: Okay Paige, orb to the attic now.

The sisters orb out and orb into the attic. The girl hasn’t arrived there yet and Piper quickly grabs the book with Phoebe and Paige standing on either side of her. The door swings open and Misty walks into the attic.

Misty: Give it to me.

Piper: Who are you?

Misty: Very well.

Misty holds out her arms and the book flies out of Piper’s hands and into hers. Suddenly she disappears in a thunderbolt. The girls look amazed.

Piper: How the hell did she get the Book of Shadows?

Paige: And where did she go? This just doesn’t make sense.

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Phoebe: Well we have to get it back! That book has been in our family for generations! We’ve saved scores of innocents with it.

December 1985Int. Manor

It’s the night time and the attic door telekinetically swings open. Penny Halliwell runs in followed by a young blonde woman and makes her way to the Book of Shadows.

Penny: I don’t understand why the Source’s assassin would want to kill you. You don’t have any power as far as we know.

Woman: Yes but my mother was a witch, maybe he wants to kill me because of that.

Penny: It still doesn’t add up. Are you sure you don’t have a power? Because the Source doesn’t send Shax out for no apparent reason.

Woman: As far as I know.

Penny starts to telekinetically flip through the book.

Woman: You seem like a very powerful witch! Will you be able to kill him?

Penny: I’m trying to find out.

She arrives on the page that reads “Shax” and reads it.

Penny: Damn it just as I expected. The spell requires the power of three.

Woman: What does that mean. Do you need two more witches?

Penny: No. The power of three is the charmed ones. Only they can vanquish him.

Woman: Well where are they?

Penny: Asleep downstairs. Unfortunately they’re only young and don’t know about their power yet and the power of three doesn’t exist.

The woman looks confused but tries to understand.

Penny: Hopefully when he attacks here I’ll have enough power to defeat him but not vanquish him. I do have the nexus on my side after all.

Penny looks at her, eyeing her up.

Penny: You don’t seem like you’re from San Francisco.

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Woman: Oh I’m not. My husband and I just came on holiday out here to celebrate the fact that I’m pregnant for the second time.

Penny eyes her up.

Penny: Well you may be carrying a witch inside you for all we know and that’s-

Suddenly a young girl walks into the attic.

Penny: Phoebe! What are you doing out of bed?

Young Phoebe: Sorry Grams but Prue came into my room and told me she felt a chill then I heard voices up here and I thought the attic was locked so… (She looks at the blonde woman) Who are you?

The blonde is about to tell her as Shax suddenly twists through the door behind Phoebe. Penny quickly waves her hand and chucks Phoebe out of the way. She hits the attic wall and is knocked unconscious. Shax moves towards the two women. Penny quickly moves the blonde behind her.

Shax: You can’t stop me!

Penny: Oh no?

Penny begins to read from the book.

Penny: Evil winds that blow,That which forms below,No longer may you dwell,Death takes you with this spell!

Shax groans loudly and turns into the wind. Penny looks relieved. She goes over to the young Phoebe and then looks at the blonde woman.

Penny: Do you think you could help me take her downstairs.

The woman comes over and they carry Phoebe down onto the landing where the bedrooms are. Penny then shakes Phoebe and she wakes up.

Phoebe: What happened?

Penny: You slipped and fell knocking your head.

Phoebe: I did?

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Penny: Yes.

Phoebe: Weren’t we in the attic?

Penny: Don’t be silly the attic’s been locked for years.

Phoebe looks at the blonde woman who is still looking quite astonished.

Phoebe: And who are you?

Woman: Me? Oh I’m Helen. Helen Jenkins.

2006Int. Manor

Phoebe, Piper and Paige are in the attic trying to figure out what happened.

Piper: The book can’t belong to her. We all know Melinda Warren started it.

Phoebe spots Melinda Warren’s blessing cup sitting on the side. She goes and picks it up and receives a powerful vision.

Premonition: Melinda Warren is in front of the book with Eva beside her. They leave the room and Misty appears, puts her hands over it and starts to come from her hands. Misty then smiles and says something.

Phoebe suddenly comes out of it. Piper and Paige are by her side.

Piper: What did you see?

Phoebe: Melinda Warren, an older looking Eva and… Misty.

Piper: What? How…?

Phoebe: I don’t know but it was her who enchanted the book. She put her hands over it and blue mist came out and entered the book and-

Paige: Blue mists?

Phoebe: That’s right.

Paige: The mists of Avalon…

Phoebe: What?

Paige: Something I read in the Book of Shadows… About a place called Avalon and the

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powerful blue mist there. The only person from Avalon that has ever been met is a little, blonde girl… That must be Misty.

Piper: Right. And if you received that vision now then-

Phoebe: It must mean that’s where she’s taken it.

Paige: So what we need is a spell to take us there?

Piper: Exactly. Phoebe can you-?

Phoebe walks over to the table and gets out a pad and pen.

Phoebe: I’m already on it!

Ext. College DormInt. Billie’s Room

Billie is lying on her bed thinking about things, trying not to cry. There is a knock on her door. She slowly gets up and answers it to see her friend Lana, on the other side.

Lana: Hi Billie.

Billie: Lana, I haven’t seen you in a while.

Lana: Yeah, sorry I’ve been busy… I got a boyfriend and we went traveling for a while.

Billie smiles.

Billie: Good for you.

Lana: Look… I heard about your parents and I just wanted to offer my support and bring you these chocolates.

Lana takes a box of chocolates out of her bag and hands them to her.

Billie: Oh you didn’t have to do this.

Lana: No, I’ve been gone and they’re just my way of saying sorry.

Billie: Well, I appreciate the thought, really I do. Thank you.

Lana: Well chocolates are the best way to say sorry.

Billie thinks for a second.

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Billie: I suppose they’re a start.

Lana looks confused.

Billie: No, I didn’t mean you… Sorry I was thinking of something else. Uh, look I’ve gotta go now so we’ll speak tomorrow?

Lana: Sure.

Lana walks off. Billie looks at the chocolates and smiles. She puts them on her desk and then grabs her jacket and exits her room.

Ext. Avalon

We see a dark world which looks more like a desert than paradise. The sky is red and it sort of resembles The Wasteland. The girls appear in bright white lights. There are not many people where they are and they look around, seeming to be unimpressed.

Paige: Well, I think it’s safe to say we’re back in a lame situation.

Piper: Ah quit your belly aching Matthews, we’re here to find the book!

Paige: Okay, Colonel Piper!

Piper slaps Paige’s arm lightly as Phoebe looks around wearily.

Phoebe: I dunno you guys this place looks like… Hell.

Paige: This looks nothing like Hell, we’ve been there so many times you should know that by now.

Voice from behind: What are you doing here?

They all jump and turn around to see Misty standing there.

Piper: You!

Piper quickly freezes her and then unfreezes her head. Misty suddenly looks frightened and confused. Phoebe finds herself feeling the same way.

Misty: What have you done to me?

Phoebe: You’re frozen but you should be glad she didn’t use her other power on you. It would’ve been a lot worse.

Piper: Misty, where is our book and why did you bring it to this hell hole?

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Misty: We need it more than you do! And it’s ours by right!

Paige: According to who?

Misty remains silent. Phoebe raises an eyebrow at her.

Phoebe: Well Piper looks like we’re not going to get any information out of this one. You may as well let her go.

Piper looks confused and then freezes Misty’s head again.

Piper: What are you talking about?

Phoebe: First of all, I have a feeling our powers might be expanded out here slightly, quite literally. I think I could feel what she was feeling.

Paige: Empathy?

Phoebe: No levitation, yes of course empathy. And second of all if we let her go she’ll probably alert the person who sent her leading us straight to him. God knows she’s not the mastermind behind all this.

Piper: Okay.

Piper unfreezes her. Misty looks at them suddenly and then realises she’s free and runs off. The girls quickly run after her. They chase her until they arrive at a cave. Misty quickly enters and the girls stop outside.

Paige: Why oh why do we always wear heels in these situations.

Phoebe: Prue tried to buy us sneakers once… We really should’ve hung onto them!

Piper: That cave looks creepy… I’m not sure I want to go in.

Phoebe: Oh come on what have we got to lose? Our powers are expanded here and we’re the Charmed Ones. They’ll be no match for us.

Piper: I hope you’re right.

The girls walk in single file into the cave. They look around not knowing what to make of the place.

Phoebe: Well Misty’s disappeared.

They don’t see anything but a deep voice behind them makes them jump.

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Voice: I’ve been waiting for you.

They turn around to see a man in a black robe with a hood which makes his face not visible.

Piper: Oh no, please don’t be the Source.

Man: The Source? No I’m the Keeper of the Book of Shadows. And I knew you’d come.

He walks over to a chair and then produces the book from the side of it.

Paige: Damn it! We should’ve spotted it and taken it!

Piper: What makes you think you’re the Keeper?

Keeper: Because I enchanted it with Avalon powers. You didn’t honestly think it protected itself for no reason did you?

The girls exchange nervous glances.

Phoebe: Well we never really thought about it. It just seemed to make sense as it was a book about magic.

Keeper: Well we enchanted many years ago in anticipation of the ultimate battle. Now that you have had your ultimate battle we are taking it back. Besides we need it at the moment.

Paige: Misty said that also… Why do you need it?

The Keeper smirks.

Keeper: Look around. Is this the world you envisioned when you said one of your rhyming couplets to get here?

Piper: Not exactly… Why is it such a dump?

Keeper: Because there is an army of demons here trying to extract the powers of Avalon so they can come back to your world and defeat some great good power. The world has been infected with evil and it was never intended for that which is why it looks like this.

Piper: Hm… Great good power? That would be us!

Paige: No wonder they haven’t resurfaced yet.

Phoebe: Exactly how many of them are here?

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Keeper: Oh around fifty give or take ten.

Phoebe: Fifty?!

Keeper: Give or take ten, yes! Now you see why we need it more than you do.

Piper: All right enough of this, you might have protected it but they’re our spells so you know what-

Piper tries to freeze him but it doesn’t work.

Keeper: I’m too powerful for you to freeze.

Piper: Okay so maybe I’ll blow you up-

Piper is about to but Paige stops her.

Paige: No Piper he’s not evil.

Piper: So what are we supposed to do, just sit back and let him take the book?

Phoebe: Unless…

Piper: Unless what?

Phoebe (to Keeper): Am I correct in saying that our powers are expanded here?

Keeper: Yes… Yours, the demon’s, everyone’s.

Phoebe: Well if we can defeat them for you and restore the world, you won’t be needing the book any more right? So we can have it back.

Keeper: If you can do that then yes.

Piper: Phoebe, can we talk outside please?

The girls walk outside of the cave and stand in a circle.

Phoebe: What is it?

Piper: You just voluntarily signed us up to kill fifty demons. That’s very risky we might not survive.

Paige: Yah, I say we just knock old man keeper over the head, take the book and run.

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Phoebe: Okay, but don’t you think that’s selfish?

Piper: Selfish how? The book belongs to us. We’ve been putting spells in it from day one.

Phoebe: Yes but the only reason evil never got their hands on it, except for Zankou of course, was because we had these guys protecting it for years. Without them evil witches could’ve gotten their hands on it and used it against us and who knows who else?

Piper: It didn’t protect itself from Billie and Christy.

Phoebe: Well maybe it agreed with them. I mean hello, you guys are ready to just leave this guy to die when he’s inadvertently saved our lives countless times over the years. Does that not sound evil to you?

Paige: It’s not that I don’t want to help but it sounds like a suicide mission.

Phoebe: If we don’t stop these demons they could get the powers of Avalon and then come and kill us, not to mention Wyatt, Chris and Leo…

Piper looks annoyed and thinks for a second.

Piper: Okay, well I guess our powers are expanded out here… But if we do this we’re gonna need more information, so Phoebe you go and try and get a premonition off the Keeper and we’ll stay here and try and figure out some sort of plan.

Phoebe nods and goes into the cave.

Paige: What if we lose and we don’t get the book back?

Piper: No we won’t lose, we must get the book back because Chris and Wyatt use it in the future. I just wish Chris would’ve warned me of this. A whole year he was using that book with us and he didn’t think to mention it was enchanted with the powers of Avalon.

Paige: That book means a lot to us. I mean, without it we wouldn’t have come together.

Piper: How do you mean?

Paige: Well, remember after we just met and I stole it to use some spells.

Piper: Oh yeah. To perform magical plastic surgery on yourself if I remember correctly.

Paige slaps her arm lightly.

Paige: Well, you came and got me because of it and that’s why I was there when you attacked us as furies. And that was about the time that you accepted me as a sister.

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Piper thinks and then puts her arm around Paige, leading her into the cave,

Piper: Yah, well the book does have its ways of bringing the family together.

2027Int. Manor

Adult Chris, Adult Wyatt and Bianca walk through the front door of the house.

Chris: Did we get the demon or not?

Wyatt: How am I supposed to know, we fended him off and he went poof just like the rest of them.

Bianca: Yeah, but I’m pretty sure that demon is a lazurus demon which means it will reform.

Chris: Great, just great, I wish we had mom and dad here to ask but unfortunately they’re on holiday!

Wyatt: Well we have the Book of Shadows and that’s good enough. Chris, go and check.

Chris: No you go and check! You’re the one who wanted me and my girlfriend to go demon hunting with you at the crack of dawn.

Wyatt: Fine Chris, I’ll be the bigger man and go as always.

Wyatt starts to go upstairs.

Chris: Gaylord!

Wyatt: Wannabe!

Wyatt disappears.

Bianca: Well not that I don’t love to see you and your brother fight all the time but seriously it’s not nice.

Chris puts his arms and around her as she hugs him.

Chris: Fight? Oh baby that’s not us fighting, that’s us being polite most of the time. We’ve been like that since we were kids.

Bianca: Oh right. I forget that the sons of Piper Halliwell could actually be normal.

Chris smirks.

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Chris: You talk about us like we’re celebrities.

Bianca: Your mom was, but you two are more like modern day knock offs.

Chris looks at her confused as to whether she was being serious.

Bianca: See, I can be bitchy too.

Chris smirks. Wyatt comes downstairs into the hallway to see them.

Wyatt: The book is gone.

Chris: What?

Bianca: But evil can’t touch that thing, so who has it?

Wyatt and Chris share a look.

Wyatt/Chris: Melinda!

Ext. Golden Gate Bridge

Melinda is sitting at the top holding the book. Wyatt and Chris orb in.

Wyatt: All right Melinda you interrupt us demon hunting so that you can get some attention?

Chris: Yeah, what is this sis? A cry for help?

Melinda: You two always leave me out! You always leave me out completely, so I thought I’d take the book to annoy you.

Wyatt: Melinda, we’ve been over this. We don’t leave you out we just don’t want you getting hurt. We’re more powerful than you are and it’s very risky.

Melinda: I am just as powerful as mom was or even Bianca-

Chris: Bianca has more firepower than you do plus she can fight like Aunt Phoebe could.

Wyatt: Or Aunt Prue.

Chris: Yeah, Aunt Prue was great.

Melinda: Look, it’s not just the supernatural stuff. You’ve always left me out! And I’m sick of it!

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Wyatt: That’s not true.

Melinda: Who are you kidding? You two have so much more in common than I do with either of you. I wasn’t popular in high school. You were. I can’t orb. You can. I don’t have a penis. You do.

Chris and Wyatt laugh.

Wyatt: Okay, but Melinda what do you really know about demons?

Melinda: Ask me a question.

Chris: Okay, what’s a lazurus demon?

Melinda: Oh that’s easy a trampy looking demon that can reform. He only stays down if you bury him in a cemetery.

Wyatt and Chris share a look.

Melinda: You didn’t know that did you?

Chris: Well…

Wyatt: No. And we fought him today once already.

Melinda: Well then let’s go hunt him down and bury him. Remember this is the power of three not the secret boys club.

Wyatt: Okay, but you have to be careful all right? Because we do care about you. A lot!

Chris: Yeah.

Melinda: Really?

They nod and then the three of them embrace.

Melinda: I don’t mean to break up our bonding moment but seriously we need to find the lazurus before he reforms.

Wyatt’s eyes widen and the three of them orb out while they hug.

2006Ext. Avalon

Piper and Paige have entered the cave again to see Phoebe standing beside the Keeper.

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Paige: Um… Are there any other good magical beings here?

Keeper: A few but Avalon is a big place.

Phoebe: That’s not important. But listen to what I’ve found out from my new friend here. To summon the powers of Avalon you have to go to the top of the mountain and read a spell. However if you are evil you have to offer a human sacrifice in order to get the powers.

Piper: Okay… Do the demons know this?

Keeper: No but it’s in the book.

Phoebe: Which they can get access to here because it’s not protected in Avalon.

Paige: This just keeps getting better and better. Any other little surprises?

Ext. Manor

Billie is standing on the front porch holding a box of chocolates. She knocks on the door and Leo answers it.

Leo: Billie. Have you seen the girls?

Billie: No, I was gonna ask you the same question. I came by to bring Piper some chocolates as a thank you for everything she’s done for me.

Leo: Are you okay?

Billie: Me… Yeah, I’m holding up well.

Leo: Do you want to come in and chat?

Billie smiles at him.

Leo: What’s the matter?

Billie: You’re the first person that’s actually asked me how I am. It’s just sweet that’s all.

Leo: Well, I did used to be an angel you know.

Billie: I know.

Leo: Come inside.

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Billie enters as Leo looks slightly worried. As they get to the living room where Wyatt and Chris are, Wyatt puts up his force field. Billie feels uneasy. Leo appears behind her and his eyes widen.

Billie: He’s putting his shield up because of me.

Leo: No, Billie, watch out!

Billie turns to find an energy ball flying towards her and she flies to the other side of the living room as it hits her. She lands unconscious as Chris begins to cry.

Ext. Avalon

In the cave the girls are discussing what would be the best way to take the demons down.

Piper: We could use a power of three spell on the main guy but what about the rest.

Paige: Well we’re gonna have to fight.

Piper (to Keeper): Can we use the book?

Keeper: You know, I’ve been looking through it and there are spells that are clearly for personal gain in here… I’m not sure you should have it after all.

Piper: Look, if we restore your world you’ll have no use for it.

Phoebe walks over to the Keeper.

Phoebe: Look, we’re gonna try our best but- (She touches his shoulder and receives a vision).

Phoebe: Oh no.

Paige: What did you see?

Phoebe: Piper behind you!

Piper turns but not fast enough as a fireball hits her and sends her flying across the room, knocking her unconscious. Two demons enter the cave and one hurls an energy ball at Paige but she calls for it and sends it flying back at him. It wounds his shoulder as Phoebe levitates, looking surprised as she does so and flies at them kicking them to the ground. They both fall unconscious. Paige stands beside her.

Paige: Good work Pheebs, and Keeper you’d better-

She is cut off by a huge energy ball hitting both her and Phoebe and sending them flying

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into the wall. They fall beside Piper. They both groan and look up just in time to see the book telekinetically fly into a demon’s hand and then the Keeper getting blown up by an energy ball. Phoebe gets a good look at the demon as Paige feels her head. She shakes Piper who wakes up and the two of them look at the demon.

Piper: N-Nomed? What the hell are you doing here?

Nomed holds out his hands and makes a cage wall appear around the girls trapping them. The girls get to their feet and Piper tries blasting it but to no avail.

Nomed: Ah, Piper you didn’t think I wouldn’t be prepared for the Charmed ones sabotaging my plan did you?

Phoebe: You’re the one whose been gathering demons in the underworld.

Nomed: Well after you got the Triad out of my way for me, I thought I’d better start planning phase two.

Paige: You evil son of a bitch!

Two more demons enter the cave and Nomed turns to them.

Nomed: Guard these three and make sure they don’t get away. (turning back to the girls) Oh and just to hurt you more, bring in the human sacrifice!

Two more demons come in dragging an unconscious Leo with them. Piper looks sickened and starts trying to blast the cage.

Piper: You leave him alone God damn it or I’ll kill you!

Nomed laughs and then exits with the book in his hand as the demons holding Leo follow him leaving the girls in their cage and two demons guarding them.

Paige: Tell me this isn’t happening!

Piper: This morning life was perfect.

Phoebe: Oh, guys, for the record, this was my premonition!

To Be Continued…


Written by: Ultimately CharmedStory by: Lain and Ultimately CharmedSynchronfirma: Telesynchron Film Gmbh

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Other Actors & Actresses

Dorian Gregory as Inspector Darryl MorrisJennifer Rhodes as Penny 'Grams' HalliwellWes Ramsey as Wyatt Matthew HalliwellMarisol Nichols as BiancaTyler Layton as Melinda WarrenClaire CareyDrew Fuller as Chris Perry Halliwell


Airdates & Ratings

Date Time ChannelNielsen (Place)

Nielsen (Viewers)

8/27/2006 20:00 cnet

1999-2006 © Charmed-Net (http://charmed-net.de/en) | "Charmed" is a trademark of The WB Television Network and Spelling Television Inc.

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