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Page 1: The Morter Report April 2015

M rterReport

APRIL 2015


owing our seeds of greatness. That is the call of spring to all of us at Morter HealthAlliance. For the diligence and focus you bring to sowing the seeds of your dreams and goals will determine your harvest later. As you practice the principles of Morter and B.E.S.T. each day, you participate in your own quest of defining and refining your craft. The most important part? The clarity of the dream and an adherence to the basics. For it is on those that you make your decisions of everyday life. You may feel you know all the basics. You might dismiss opportunities to learn about them again, thinking you “already know that.” But, if you take that posture, you are neglecting the very foundation on which you base the craft of your life.

When you automatically call on the basic principles without conscious thought – like the way you tie your shoes without thinking how – you can put your complete trust in how you feel about the choices you are making. It’s perfect practice, and it really does make perfect outcomes – a perfect harvest.

Copyright 2015 - Morter HealthSystem. All rights reserved.

Page 2: The Morter Report April 2015

Get Busy Sowing!I’m working on the sowing and reaping. The whole business can get somewhat confusing at times. And, it’s not so much about the vegetables we get from our garden, but more about the lives we lead. Making these concepts clear and easy to understand without just a here’s-what-you-need-to-do lecture is important as I help people realize their goals.

And, it wasn’t until I got my hands really dirty in my garden that I came face to face with the vision of what this is really about. When I put in the time to do something worth doing, I gain not only from the experience, but from the outcome as well. Think cabbage for a moment. As Janna and I were cultivating our beautiful garden space, we were down on our knees digging, sifting, and planting these little cabbage starts. Sure, they weren’t much to look at in the initial planting, yet just one day later, wow! They just needed a chance to begin the growth process. And we both know that for just a bit of front-end effort, we will reap a bountiful harvest of wonderful crop later this fall.

I see reaching your goals in much the same way. The time spent in preparation is directly proportional to the reward. By taking time to evaluate the entire picture of what you desire, you’ll be able to predict the outcome quite accurately. I’ve consulted with many people over the years and for all the different situations I’ve run up against, the picture is usually the same. The experience of NOT reaping the reward to its fullest potential seems to be the norm.

Let me give you an example. It seems as though when health practitioners actually begin their practice life, they tend to think it’s time to reap from their work. After all, they studied for, sometimes, years for at least some type of certification. It’s time to reap, right?

But, here’s the thing. I don’t see it that way at all. With those asking my advice, one clear message rings true from me. Now is the time to get busy. Now is the time for opportunity to till the earth of their practice. Now is the time to actually begin the sowing portion of the career! Really!

Yes, this is the beginning of the next phase of the journey – certainly not the time to stop and pick the vegetables. From my experience, this is the time to go full speed ahead with the plan for success, the plan for growth, the vision, the accurate picture of what you want.

To continue the example: I see the pre-practice years of education as the decision as to which vegetables you might wish to plant, which areas you will choose to grow in your career. This is the path to success as a practitioner. And, once you have put in the time, the effort and the struggling to grow the garden/practice from tender shoots to vibrant food, you can then reap the rewards. In other words, you must master the basics before you reap the rewards. It’s time to get busy sowing!

Dr. Ted Morter, III


Let’s take a look at where you are right now, review the basics a bit, teach you some new ways to get ahead, and balance your mind and body to whole new levels of health, happiness and success! Join your BEST friends for this ALL NEW 2-day event! Seating is limited to give you the personal attention you deserve! Reserve your spot today! Call 800.874.1478.

Keep LivingYour B.E.S.T.

July 17-18 in Toronto

Advanced Training for Mastering Your Success by Synchronizing Your Mind to Your Dreams!

October 16-17 in Orlando

Page 3: The Morter Report April 2015


Apply the Magic

Have you ever wanted to get better at something? Are you able to imagine what your life would look like if or when you actually accomplished that task or improvement? Do you realize that the “something” can involve your health, wealth, and relationships? Not only current “somethings,” but also your future “somethings” can be improved.

One of the greatest techniques of successful people, I mean ultra-successful people, is a very simple technique. It is a technique that almost everyone has heard of time and time again, yet few actually act upon. This technique will return immeasurable benefits for the rest of your life. It begins with a simple, small step that involves desire and passion to improve some aspect of your life.

Once you have identified that aspect of life, you can develop your craft. If you are not passionate about your craft, I invite you to choose another craft or plan in life. We are only here on this planet in this physical form for such a short period of time. Choose a craft that allows you to fulfill your life purpose! Become passionate about something!I often ask people who are attending one of our classes or seminars if they have ever changed jobs. The response is usually unanimous that they have done so. My point is that you have already done this before; therefore, if it is necessary for your happiness you will live through it again! Hopefully you have already found your craft, and it is congruent with your life purpose.

If that is the case, now the “magic” can be applied. That magic is something all successful people do, regardless of their passion-filled craft. This rule applies to sales, sports, health, relationships, preaching, finance, and any other successful category you may have chosen. The secret sauce is simple: practice. Remember, “Practice makes perfect.” What you will experience in your life is that the successful attainment of the area you are “practicing” actually spills over into ALL areas of your life. Your outlook and vibration begin to actually change your DNA! I have recently witnessed this in our last two Personal Care classes. Attendees realized situations and circumstances that were actually holding them back. These circumstances and situations, when viewed differently, when seen through newly-aware-eyes, resulted in profound and immediate change. When we return from a seminar and apply the information to our craft, we are practicing. When we practice, we make perfection. We were born in the image of perfection. Practice it for a more complete and abundant life.


Celebrating 40 Years of B.E.S.T.

Morter Homecoming 2015 Rogers, Arkansas – September 12-13


a HUGE 70’s-t

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at Morter

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Page 4: The Morter Report April 2015

Can you recall sitting in any classroom feeling bored and wishing you had the freedom to get up and walk away? Can you recall how stuck and trapped you felt sitting in your chair? Do you remember how some subjects were just not your thing or, at least not your thing at that particular time in your life? It did not matter if we were interested in a subject or not. It did not matter if the subject was being presented in a way that we could learn it or not. Boredom is a common experience in life. Truly, each of us is probably bored by something every day or every few days. As adults, we have the power to change our circumstances when we are bored. If we are bored by what we are watching on television, we can change the channel. If we are bored by a book we are reading, we can close the

book and find something more interesting to read. If we are bored by a conversation we are in, we can change the subject or find different people to talk to. However, as children sitting in a classroom, we are stuck in our chairs. We cannot change the channel or get another book or get up and go listen to someone else. Boredom in school is probably a signal that what we are doing is not the right thing for us at that particular moment in time. Boredom is painful and tedious and very difficult to absorb. And that is the problem in school. The only thing we can do is absorb that boredom. In adult life, we might absorb a little boredom from time to time. Maybe you have an Uncle Ralph who loves to tell the same story over and over again. You know that when you see him over the holidays and you will probably hear one of his famous stories and feel a little bored. You will listen for a short time and you will interact with other people. You will go home and not see that uncle very often. But in school, you can be bored for hours and hours, days and days at a time without relief. And it is under these conditions that boredom becomes a traumatic experience. What makes this experience even more traumatic is that we must absorb it, accept it and not recognize the harm it does to one’s system. In our observations, there are many long-term effects of absorbing the boredom of the classroom. First, consider how much time a bored child spends out of balance. All natural health - mental, emotional and physical - comes down to living in balance. Consider how much health and vitality is expended trying to survive boredom each day. We also think boredom disrupts the natural learning process. In the natural learning process, we might hear a piece of information many, many times before we can fully take that information into our systems. It is only when we can take information in at a systemic level that we can actually use it and benefit from knowing it. In school, we are asked to take information in through our minds. This is where we can download it and possibly memorize it. We can do this even when we are very bored. We become programmed to take information in only through the mind. As adults we might take a course or attend a seminar where information is repeated, as well it should be if participants are going to have the opportunity to absorb that information systemically. However, once traumatized by boredom and programmed to take information in only through the mind, repeated information is easily rejected. The mind is looking for the next set of “downloadable” facts. It is not looking for the opportunity to hear something enough to absorb that information systemically. In our research, we have learned that a person might need to hear a piece of information a dozen or more times before it reaches the person’s system. In fact, for life-changing transformation to take place, critical pieces of information must reach a person’s system. This information varies from person to person. But each person must have enough “space” inside to be able to take in critical information at a systemic level. A person cannot transform if they stop listening to life-changing information because they have heard something before. The trauma of boredom can prevent a person from listening to information they need to hear at a critical time in their lives. That information needs to be taken in systemically. And, even after it is taken in systemically, most of us still need to hear that information more than once. If you find yourself looking for new data bits and impatient when you hear something more than once, chances are you are suffering from the trauma of school boredom. We love the opportunity to possibly transform these experiences. If you find yourself feeling bored and impatient with repetitive information, it is a great time to use one of your I Ching Systems balancing instruments. Anything that comes up for a person that is not calm and balanced - including boredom - is an opportunity to change one’s life. We repeat essential pieces of information because we know they are keys to helping people understand themselves in a new way. So if you are fortunate enough to feel bored at any I Ching Systems events, let us know. These may be amazing opportunities to work with traumatic boredom. You will be amazed at what using an instrument combined with maybe taking a walk, getting a snack or going outside for a ride on swing can do to change your life!! It’s all about setting yourself free! Copyright: Mary E. Miller. All rights reserved.


By Mary Miller MSW, Director I Ching Systems LLCTransforming the Trauma of Boredom!

Page 5: The Morter Report April 2015


by Eric Bailey

The Power of the


How brilliant was Dr. M.T. Morter, Jr.?! Is there anyone who can truly fathom the genius that this man was? I often find myself in awe of the many accomplishments and creations of Dr. Morter, certainly not the least of which is what we know today as the Morter March. I’ll never forget the first time I did the Morter March. I had no idea what I was getting into and had certainly no experience putting my body into contralateral stretches, so to say that I felt a little awkward my first time would be an understatement. This, however, would be short lived as I soon felt the incredible cleansing power of this great tool spread over me. I realized I had just experienced something amazing. As B.E.S.T. practitioners, most of us are aware of the powerful benefits associated with the Morter March, but are we using it to its highest degree? Please consider the following suggestions:

1) Synchronize yourself to your current goals on a daily basis. Look at your vision board every single day and perform the Morter March to stay clear on all that is on it. 2) Raise your personal value. Using a self muscle test (choose what-ever method works best for you), test the following phrase: “My personal value is set at or above a _______,” filling in the blank with a number between 1-10. Once you find your number, perform the Morter March Release and then retest your personal value. Repeat this process until it is set at a perfect 10. 3) Check your teachability index. Kevin Trudeau teaches us that our teachability index is our willingness to learn multiplied by our willingness to change. The most successful people in the world are those that have the highest teachability index. Using the same process as step 2, test your teachability index and use the Morter March Release until it is set at a perfect 10. Yet another variation can be done with your ability to receive amounts of money. Repeat this process until you test that you are able and willing to receive unlimited amounts of money. 4) Use affirmations similar to those taught by Noah St. John. While per-forming the Morter March, repeat in your mind such questions as, “Why am I so successful?”, “Why do I have a thriving B.E.S.T. practice?”, “Why do I have such a vibrantly healthy body?”, etc. Doing so will cause your subconscious brain to go to work looking for the answer and thus bring such affirmations into fruition.

Regardless of what your goals are, making the Morter March a part of your daily routine, along with the above suggestions, can make a MASSIVE impact on your results!

Page 6: The Morter Report April 2015


Many years ago I can remember, as an emerging adolescent pianist, being told over and over, “You must practice every day in order to reach perfection.” So I practiced and practiced and somehow on a particular piece I kept making the same mistake over and over again. My teacher circled that spot on my sheet music and pretty soon there was a huge black mark pointing to how my practice had failed me.

Clearly, practicing was not enough. Something was missing from the equation and in looking back at that situation from the point of view of a B.E.S.T. practitioner, it is easy to imagine it probably had to do with a SEMO or Subconscious Emotional Memory Override.

It was a very basic interference getting in the way of my practice being perfect and what was needed in order to play my piece. So it seems that practice alone is not necessarily good enough. More imperfect practice produced more imperfect results.

So, what does work? What will help a person to become a rising star pianist or in our case, a top notch B.E.S.T. practitioner and master of our craft? A likely answer is ‘Perfect Practice’ and thus the concept that ‘Perfect Practice Makes Perfect’.

One path to ‘perfect practice’ begins with and continues with revisiting ‘the basics’. An excellent way to keep in touch with basic concepts in our field is to regularly attend Professional B.E.S.T. training seminars. The weekly newsletters and especially the new online Morter e-Study program through www.kajabinext.com make connecting really easy.

Finally, remember as you engage in your B.E.S.T. practice, that the very basic and exceedingly simple Family B.E.S.T. protocol is often the key that unlocks the door to working on a deeper level with your clients. The most perfect way to practice your craft is often the most basic.

Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect. - Vince Lombardi

Practicing Your Craft

by Robbin D’elene

This supplement is designed to reduce stress in the body and aid digestion.* The body’s pancreatic enzymes are designed as a “clean-up” system and Alka•Pan® is used to supplement the functioning of an exhausted system.* Best taken with high protein (meat) meals.

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Practice makes perfect . . . or does it?

Call 800-443-BEST (2378) to order!

Page 7: The Morter Report April 2015


Client service works by the “Rule of Tens.” If it costs you $10,000 to get a new client, it takes only 10 seconds to lose one and 10 years to get over it or for the problem to be resolved. You need to work 10 times harder than your competitors to keep your clients.

1. Learn to See Through the Client’s Eyes – Think like a client. From the client’s point of view, analyze the whole experience of doing business with your organization. This includes how many times the phone rings before it is picked up, how long the client is kept waiting at the counter, how accurate are your directions, how organized is your common space, whether staff is friendly and cheerful, and so on. Ask yourself if you are treating clients the way you would want to be treated.

2. Become a Student of Service – Before you decide to make any changes, determine who provides the best client service in your industry. Then clarify your service strategy. How good do you want to be? Do you want to be the Ritz Carlton of client service? If not, what level of service do you want to offer and what will it take to accomplish it? How much will it cost? When evaluating any new program, ask yourself if it will make you better. If it will and you can afford it - do it.

3. Ask Customers What They Want – Don’t just study other practitioners, talk to your clients, too. Ask them how your service affects them. Listen to what your clients tell you about your business. Make changes based on what you hear to provide better service and accommodate their needs. Always be prepared to go the extra mile. “Under-Promising & Over-Delivering” is a key to success.

4. Create Customer-Friendly Policies – Weed out policies and procedures that fly in the face of delivering exceptional client service. Bear in mind the feedback you get from clients before implementing new policies. If the client doesn’t care about it, it’s not service.

5. Encourage Complaints – Not getting complaints is not a good sign. Only 4% of clients take the time to tell you about problems. The rest just grumble, go away and stop doing business with you. You can’t stop clients from defecting if you never hear about their problems. Encourage clients to tell you what you’re doing wrong. Ask for feedback at every client contact. Good news or bad, you need continual feedback to understand what your clients think of you.

6. Train your Employees – How can you expect employees to offer exceptional service or deal with irate customers without training? Ensure that all staff with responsibility for client contact gets training and refresher courses to keep their skills sharp. And give employees the authority to resolve complaints. They need to be empowered. They can’t deliver exceptional client service if they have to ask a manager for permission for every little thing.

7. Recognize Service as a Daily Commitment – Magic formulas for excellent client service do not exist. It happens when you get it right every day - day in, day out. Quality client service can only be achieved by practice and repetition. That’s why companies that truly embrace a client-focused service culture practice their commitment on a daily basis.

8. Foster a Culture of Continuous Improvement – Be perpetually dissatisfied with your level of service. Adopt the attitude that client service is everyone’s job and then challenge them to continually find ways to improve.

9. Benchmark your Performance – Before you make any changes, take a client service pulse check. There’s an old saying that you can’t manage what you can’t measure. And you can’t measure improvements in client service if you don’t have a benchmark point.

10. Reward Results and Celebrate Success – Recognize superior performance by customer service staff. Tie rewards and recognition to results. Celebrate both the feeling of accomplishment and the desire to improve. Then celebrate discontent with the status quo and challenge everyone to raise the bar yet higher again.

The Ten Commandments for Keeping Clients by Creating a Client Service Culture

by Dr. Ralph LeBlanc

Page 8: The Morter Report April 2015

8All programs are subject to change or cancellation without notice.

Please call or visit our website for updated information.

April10 B.E.S.T. Life – Paris, France

11 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Marietta, GA

11-12 B.E.S.T. Training – Paris, France

12-13 Personal Care – Paris, France

24-25 Give It Your B.E.S.T. – Calgary, Canada

25-26 B.E.S.T. Treatment Day – Calgary, Canada

30-2 Elite Master – Las Vegas, NV

May15-16 B.E.S.T. Training – Rogers, AR

23-24 Animal B.E.S.T. – Toulouse, France

25 Animal Mastery – Toulouse, France

29-31 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

June12-13 Animal B.E.S.T. – Rogers, AR

14 Animal Mastery – Rogers, AR

26-27 B.E.S.T. Training – Chicago, IL

July10-12 B.E.S.T. BootCamp – Dallas, TX

17-18 Keep Living Your B.E.S.T. – Toronto, Canada

24-26 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

August14-15 B.E.S.T. Training – Niagara Falls, NY

28-30 Personal B.E.S.T. – Chicago, IL

September10-11 Elite Diplomate – Rogers, AR

12-13 Homecoming 40th Year – Rogers, AR

25-27 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

October2 Personal B.E.S.T. II – Paris, France

3-4 B.E.S.T. Training – Paris, France

4-5 Personal Care – Paris, France

16-17 Keep Living Your B.E.S.T. – Orlando, FL

23-24 B.E.S.T. Training – Seattle, WA

November6-7 Personal Care – Noosa, Australia

8 B.E.S.T. Training – Noosa, Australia

13-15 B.E.S.T. Training – Atlanta, GA

14 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Seattle, WA

December4-6 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

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Celebrating 40 Years of B.E.S.T.!

1975 – 2015


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