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Journal of the Barony of Hidden Mountain

Volume XXXVI Issue 4 Being April of the Year LIII

A.S. 2019 in the Reckoning of Years



Cover art: “Spring” painting by Pieter Brueghel the Younger, Flemish (ca 1564-ca 1638), used by

permission from Vassar University Medieval Renaissance studies at



All pictures/clipart are royalty and copyright free, references are at the end of article/picture or signed

permissions are on file.

This is the April A.S. LIII (2019 ce) issue of The Mountain Mayhem, the official newsletter of the Barony of Hidden Mountain, proudly part of the Kingdom of Atlantia and a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA, Inc.). This newsletter is not a corporate publication of the SCA, Inc. and does not delineate SCA policies. ©2019 Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. Electronic copies of The Mountain Mayhem are available to groups and individuals from Hidden Mountain Facebook Page under Files and the Barony of Hidden Mountain website, www.BaronyofHiddenMountain.wordpress.com. A hardcopy distribution of The Mountain Mayhem is available only to members. Memberships are available from the Member Services Office, SCA, Inc., P.O. Box 360789, Milpitas, CA 95036-0789. A membership form is located on the last page in the electronic version, as a file in the Barony of Hidden Mountain Facebook page, or contact the chronicler, Qulan Chaghan at [email protected]. For information on submissions, or on reprinting letters, articles or artwork from this publication, please contact the chronicler who will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors. Submissions Date: All information must be submitted to the Baronial Chronicler by the 28th of each month for the following month’s edition.





4 Baronial Notables

5 Announcements

6 Meeting Schedules

7 Baronial Regna

8 Message from the Baron and Baroness

9 From the Baronial Seneschal

10 From the Baronial Exchequer

11 From the Baronial Webminister

14 From the Baronial Chronicler

15 March Baronial Commons Minutes

17 Upcoming Events

Canton Reports/Regnum

18 Canton of Tear-Sea’s Shore

19 Canton of Misty Marsh

20 Canton of Moorhaven

21 Useful Links

23 SCA Membership Form



Baron and baroness

Roibeard MacOscar Cecilia Blythe 117 Delafield Drive Summerville SC Phone: 843-442-9897 Phone: 843-245-7551 [email protected] [email protected]

Baronial Notables

Baronial Head Retainer – Lady Esme Bramley Phone: 845-591-4766


Heavy Combat Champion – Lord Pippin the Red

Youth Combat Champion – Michael Robertson

Rapier Champion – Lady Isabella daughter of Arabella

Archery Champion – Lady Slaine inghean ni Seachnasaigh Youth Archery Champion – Nii Meiko

Arts and Sciences Champion – Lady Yvonne Montclair

Youth Arts and Sciences Champion – Meghan Pippinsdaughter

Bardic Champion – Rianna Pippinsdaughter



The Baronial position, Minister of the Lists is OPEN. Please contact the

Baronial Seneschal if you wish to be considered for this office.

The Barony is also hoping to fill the position Rapier Marshall. If you meet the

requirements and are so inclined to fill our needs in this office please notify the

Baronage of your interests.


ATTENTION: All officer positions should have a deputy. You can learn

how to do the job when you are deputy. Please volunteer.

By her Excellency’s request: The Barony has GREAT need of donated items suitable for Largess baskets for the upcoming events.

Regional Youth Minister Announcement: The office of Youth Minister is

looking for volunteers to be a Mentor to a youth in our Barony. Go to



Here you will find the Order of Precedence. In the Order of Precedence you can

see what awards your friends have and don’t have so you can make


The Canton of Tear Seas Shore is hosting a Demo at the World Arts Expo in North

Charleston, SC on May 4th. Please see below for further information:

Event Date: May 4, 2019

Times: 11am to 5pm

Load In times: 9am to 11am

Location: Riverfront Park, North Charleston 1061 Everglades Ave, North Charleston, SC 29405

Vendors will only need state licenses, no municipal licenses required.

No restriction on displays (weapons are okay)

Volunteers are needed and appreciated. Please contact Mike Sanchez at [email protected] for more details.



Scheduled Meetings

Baronial Commons – Meeting of the Baronial officers and general populace, every

other month, alternating locations throughout the Cantons of the Barony. The Business

meeting starts at 1 p.m however the populous is encouraged to come earlier starting

around 11:00 am to work on A. & S. for the Barony. The next Baronial Commons will

be held April 13th at Master Geoffrey D’Ayr’s home in Charleston, SC. Please join us,

newcomers are most welcome.

Directions can be found at https://baronyofhiddenmountain.wordpress.com

Tear-Sea's Shore – (Charleston and surrounding area)

Business Meeting – 3rd Sunday of each month at 5 p.m. – the meeting rotates between

locations. See calendar and maps on website [email protected]

-Fighter Practice – Temporarily canceled until further notice.

-Archery Practice – Coming Soon at Lady Yvonnes in Ridgeville

-Tear-Sea’s Shore A&S - Temporarily canceled until further notice.

Misty Marsh by the Sea - (Florence and surrounding area)

-Marsh Business Meeting – Every other Sunday at 1 pm at the house of Bert Dahl.

-Marsh Night is an informal get-together to chat, work on projects, and relax with friends.

Starting at 6:30 pm. Location announced monthly on Misty Marsh Facebook page.

Moorhaven – (Myrtle Beach and surrounding area)

-Meetings – 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month.

-Monthly Scribal is held the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month starting at 7:00 pm.

Potluck, Location TBA announced on Facebook page.

-Moorhaven A&S - Third Tuesday evening of each month.



Baronial Regnum

Seneschal Mistress Alisoun MacCoul of Elphane

(E. L. Wimett) [email protected]

Deputy Seneschal Lady Anastasia dello Scudo Rosso (Sigrid Rothschild) 114 Mossy Oaks Ave. Goose Creek, SC 29445 [email protected] 843-478-6106

Marlow Herald Lord Patris de Terra Leport (Patrick Conrad) [email protected]

Exchequer Master Geoffrey d’Ayr of Montalban (Rob Himmelsbach [email protected]

199 Cabrill Dr, Charleston SC 29414 (843) 852-7896 (No calls after 9pm please)

Deputy Exchequer Mistress Alisoun MacCoul of Elphane (E. L. Wimett)

[email protected]

Knight Marshal Sir Hrothgar Ravensson (Robert Normandin) [email protected]

Rapier Marshal


Minister of Arts and Sciences Lady Esme Bramley (Candace Musmeci) [email protected]

Webminister (acting) Lady Umm Samin bint Asad al-Isfahaniyya (Sala Chapman)

[email protected] [email protected] (603) 738-2121

Chronicler Lady Qulan Chaghan (Candace Smith) [email protected] (843) 270-4242 .

Minister of the Lists VACANT

[email protected]

Chatelaine Lady Slaine inghean ni Seachnasaigh (Kelsey Anderson) [email protected]

Chancellor of Youth THLady Katherine of the Doves (Karen Parker) [email protected]

Clerk Signet

Lady Umm Samin bint Asad al-Isfahaniyya (Sala Chapman) [email protected] [email protected] (603) 738-2121



Unto the Populace of the Barony of Hidden Mountain,

Greetings to the populace of Hidden Mountain, we hope these tidings find you doing well.

As We enter our last year as your Baron and Baroness, we want to thank you all for the

wonderful joys that we have had so far and we look forward to this last year and the joys and memories we will create

together. First of all, We want to thank all of the staff that put on our most wonderful birthday. To Katherine for her autocratting, to Sean and the Three Barons and their helpers for the feast, to the Marshals for their respective martial events, Thank you. A special thanks to all

those who worked behind the scenes at Troll, at MOL, setting up and breaking down. These events would not happen without the hard

work of volunteers. Another special thanks to the Canton of Misty Marsh for decorating the hall and serving the glorious feast.

Let us all raise our glasses and tankards and send up praises and well wishes to our new Royals, Christoph II and Adelhait II, King and

Queen of Atlantia.

In service, Roibeard & Cecilia

Baronage Progress

4/5-7/19: Coronation of Christoph II and Adelhait II



From the Desk of the Seneschal

Greetings unto the Mountain and its wonderful populace!

I hope all who were able to make Baronial Birthday enjoyed themselves as immensely as I did and

look forward to our next great event.

The next Baronial Commons will be held April 13th at the home of Master Geoffrey d’Ayre of

Montalban at 199 Cabril Dr Charleston SC 29414. The meeting will start promptly at 1 pm, A& S

and other activities will start at 11 am and will be announced separately.

Officers as mentioned last month please check your memberships and if they expire in 2019 forward a

copy of your new membership card to me so I can update my records. Also I highly encourage you to

check with your kingdom officers and ensure your warrants are current and properly posted.

To take up a previous plea lets keep this medium alive, please look at the Arts/Sciences and crafts

you do and consider doing an article for the Mayhem. Share your love of the society and the time you

have spent learning and researching things with others. If you have yet to figure out what you want

to recreate take a moment and see if something piques your interest and share your path of learning

with us.

I look forward to seeing everyone again soon, be it at commons or at the next event and am proud to

serve as your Baronial Seneschal.

Baron Ingvar Erlingsson

Seneschal, Barony of Hidden Mountain

[email protected]



From the Desk of the Baronial Exchequer,

The profit from the Hidden Mountain Baronial Birthday

was $437.00.

The Baronial Bank account stands, as of the end of the 1st

Quarter (3/31/2019) at $6,446.03. Checks for refunds and re-

imbursements were written as of today for a total of $601.00,

which will give us an actual total of $5,845.03 of liquid funds.



Master Geoffrey d’Ayr of Montalban

(Rob Himmelsbach



From the Desk of the Baronial Web Minister:

This is a bit long, so you might want to just skip down to Part Two where you will find

the “Business” part of this letter.

Part One:

I thought it might It might helpful to share my philosophy for the Barony’s Web Site, so

you-all understand why I keep asking for information and pictures. Basically, I have

two goals

1. For current Hidden Mountain Members, I want it to reflect the many activities

of all three Cantons and be a place where all of us can have access to the best and

most recent information of our Barony.

a. Our great newsletter, the Mountain Mayhem, is posted here every month,

by scrolling down you can find old issues.

b. The calendar (at the bottom of the first post on the home page) has all the

events, practices, A&S, and other things we do for all three cantons listed.

I also add all the Kingdom events that occur within a few hours’ drive or

are of important if further away.

c. Since we do not have a historian for our group, I have made a page to

called “Recent Events”. I add photos from events, meetings or anything

else I learn of to this page, with descriptions, as I can. I’m working on

HMBB right now. It can at least be some sort of record of what we do as a

barony over time.

d. I have added a page for each Canton. This is not meant to replace anyone’s

Canton Website, but to serve as a fast reference to that Canton, with links

to the individual websites for more information.

e. I also have pages for specific interests – Fighters, A&S, etc... as a way to

share information and showcase individuals interests and accomplishments. If you

would like to see another page added, just let me know.

f. Documents are here too, financial policy and Book of Policy for whomever

may want to review it.



2. For new people seeking us out, I want this site to be a place where those moving

into our area can find information, or anyone Googling us can find out who we

are and get answers. I want us to look like the active and exciting group we really


As you-all know, I have moved around a lot. Each time I move I search internet to

check out my new, local, group. USUALLY I find a defunct website that has not been

updated in years. It leads one to think the group too, is defunct and no longer active.

Sometimes I see a website that is being updated, but their information is cryptic and of

no help to me as a newcomer. For example, “Meeting tonight at Joe’s”. As a new

person trying to get information, I certainly can’t find this meeting! Usually there is no

contact person either. Facebook may help, but there too, its usually incomplete info.

Meeting at Joe’s tonight in Salisbury” again not helpful. Three state lines within 20

minutes of me, Salisbury in what state?

Running into this does not make one feel as if they are welcome or wanted in this

“click” where everyone knows who Joe is, and no one cares if you ever show up. We

need to be clearly visible to all who are looking for a new home and let them know we

want them to show up at events and meetings.

Part Two – Business:

1. I have updated the calendar through the end of May with the information I have

on hand. I get this information by cruising the three Canton’s Facebook

pages. This takes a lot of time and I miss things, so I’m asking for your help.

a. Would someone from each Canton check the calendar for accuracy of their

Canton’s calendar entries; are the dates, times and locations for meetings,

A&S, etc. correct? Am I missing anything?

Corrections or new information can be emailed to me at: [email protected] or

it can be texted to me via Facebook.

To check the calendar, go here: http://www.hiddenmountain.atlantia.sca.org/

Scroll tithe bottom of the page



2. As always, I am looking for Artisans of Hidden Mountain to send me pics of their

work to add to the A&S page. I’d love to showcase your art. You can see what

has been added already here:


3. Fighters, (all types of combat, all ages). I’d love pics of you fighting in garb for

the martial page.


4. I have started a Garb/Fiber Page. It does not have much on it yet. I’d love any

info for this page. Your favorite links, patterns, etc. Also, photos of your fiber arts

and garb to showcase. http://www.hiddenmountain.atlantia.sca.org/garb/

5. Anyone who has been to recent events, please send me a write up, or tell me

about the event. Picture are wonderful too. This will go on the page called

“Recent Events”. I am working on adding baronial Birthday pics now. But I’d

like a person who attended to let me know more of what happened.

Thanks for helping to make this a useful and awesome site.

Send pics and any other info to me at: [email protected]


Lady Umm Samin bint Asad al-Isfahaniyya

(Sala Chapman)



Greetings from the Desk of the Baronial Chronicler,

This month we set our sites on a new King and Queen to lead us through the

summer months and onto war. Sadly, it appears trouble has been brewing

from the news I’ve been hearing. It would seem our neighbors in the Barony

of Hawkwood and the Barony of Raven’s Cove have had bit of falling out of

late and I believe it is in our interest to keep a keen eye to these shenanigans.

From the waylaying of nobility to the propect of thievery and spies, all seems

to be a bit shifty to me. I will endeavor to keep our gentles here in the

mountain well informed to the maschinasions of such trouble. So if any of

you, lords or ladies, do hear of any such happenings please share them with

me that I may provide the appropriate measure of repore for such unsavory


Yours in service,

Lady Qulan Chaghan

Hidden Mountain Chronicler

[email protected] [email protected]



Baronial Commons Meeting Minutes

The March Business meeting was held at Lord Patris and Lady Slaine’s home in Pawley’s Island on

March 16, 2019 and called to order at 2:10 pm. Attendance was not taken. Below is a summary of

reports and information discussed.

Officer Report:

1. Baronage: nothing new to report.

2. Seneschal: out of town due to work but will be taking over duties as soon as the warrant has

been approved.

3. Exchequer: Master Geoffrey D’Ayr reported that his warrant has been approved and has

currently acquired the files for the position. However due to a similar problem of need in the

Herald’s office, he is also now helping to fulfill the Coral Branch Herald’s position. He is

currently waiting on the files for the Herald’s information.

4. Marshal: (Lord Robert the Banished and Lady Qulan Chaghan filled in with information since

Sir Hrothgar was unable to attend) Hidden Mountian has a number of Youth Fighters now and

per Kingdom law the children cannot be left alone nor participate without their parents

present. This has posed an issue when the parents are also fighters or if only one parent is in

attendance of the event. For the upcoming Hidden Mountain Baronial Birthday it would be

helpful to have the Youth near or on the main fighting field first so that the parents are

present and the children get to be seen as well. The idea was put forth to the HMBB autocrat,

Lady Katheryn M’Kethirryke, who promptly scheduled the Youth fighting first for the day.

However, this still poses an issue for the Barony and Kingdom in general, for our Youth

fighters, if they present to the field to fight must have a parent (or designated guardian of

legal age) with them to participate that remains with them while they fight.

5. Herald: currently working on Lady Slaine’s heraldry

6. Arts and Science: Lady Esme has been helping to promote the use of EZ Docs for our populace

in an effort to get more participation at the events. Previous experience in different parts of

the Kingdom have left many gentles discouraged from entering in competitions due to the

documentation issue. The EZ Doc method allows for someone just learning or someone who is

not comfortable with documenting a project to have a clear process of presentation.

7. Chronicler: Lady Qulan reports that as always contribution to our Mayhem are most welcome.

News and information of upcoming events and demos need to be submitted at least a month

ahead to make sure the populace gets a chance to see it.



8. Chatelaine: We have new people!! We have a moderate amount of garb but now need

accessories to help with those items. Belts, pouches, hoods and other such items would really

help our Golden Key.

9. Youth: Our Youth officer Lady Katherine of the Doves will be teaching at Hidden Mountain’s

Baronial Birthday.

10. MOL: (*position currently covered by TSS MOL Lady Qulan) Many of our Youth fighters were

reauthorized at Ymir due to NONE of the youth information being loaded into the new fighter

authorization web site and the KMOL needing the paperwork to complete the information for

these fighters. However, several of them could still not be loaded into the system because the

parent have not registered their child. If a Youth wants to get authorized or needs their cards,

the parent now has to make sure to log into the Fighter Authorization site and register their

child under the parents AEL even if they are not a fighter and the child is. This is the only way

the KMOL can issue a fighter card for a youth due to the Federal regulations that control

access to youth information on the web. If your child currently has a blue fighter card that is

still current, they will be honored until they expire for now. We can work with the KMOL to

help register Youths who are currently authorized by taking a photo of the blue card and

contacting the KMOL with the request. The parents have to make sure the child is registered

under their AEL on the fighter system BEFORE contacting the KMOL. Once this is done,

sending the email with an attached picture of the current fighter card for your youth can help

the KMOL to update the youth fighter’s information in the sytem.

Canton News:

Tear Seas Shore: Mistress Alisoun (Bambi) MacCoul is officially the TSS Seneschal. Cape Swap

to occur at HMBB. There is a problem with communication which Malchior now knows about.

Misty Marsh: The Demo went well, with about 500 children in attendance. The Boyscout

Demo was cancelled.

Moorhaven: We have money and are looking for new sites to host events.

Old Business

1. Baronial Trim: trim supplier has gone out of business so Calontir is looking for a new supplier

which places our order in a holding pattern for now.

2. Walls for Encampment at WoW: Barony is currently looking into obtaining the supplies.

3. Hidden Mountain BB: At this moment there are 60 paid reservations with 65 total in

attendance and 57 paid for feast.

4. Fall Crown: Check has cleared and site secured. Will have Paypal setup after Spring Crown

Tourney is completed.



New Business:

Account Signatories: Lord Ingvar needs to be a financial representative since he is now the

Baronial Seneschal so Lady Anastasia had to be removed. Lord Patris also needed to be added

to Moorhaven signatory. A motion was raised and carried to this measure of business.

The Financial Policy and Baronial Policy: A motion was raised and carried to have these remain

the same just change the dates.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4:50 pm.


Coronation of Christoph II and Adelhait II April 5-7

Feast of the Dragon April 19-21

Demo at World Arts Expo May 4

Abbreviated list

Kingdom calendar link –




The Canton of Tear-Sea’s Shore www.tearseasshore.atlantia.sca.org

Tear-Sea’s Shore Canton Officers

Canton Regnum

Seneschal [email protected]

Exchequer Mistress Aodh Marland (Brenda Butler) [email protected]

Herald Master Thylacinus Aquila of Dair Eidand (Alden Butler) [email protected]

Minister of Arts and Sciences Lady Yvonne Mountclair 482 Wright Rd.

Ridgeville, S.C. 29472 [email protected]

Knight Marshal

Lord Getulio D’Amalfi [email protected]

Minister of the List Lady Qulan Chaghan (Candace Smith) [email protected]

Chatelaine Mistress Jorunn nic Lochlainn (Cathie Brailey) (303) 908-5343

[email protected]

Webminister Mistress Jorunn nic Lochlainn (Cathie Brailey) (303) 908-5343

[email protected]



The Canton of Misty Marsh by the Sea


Seneschal Lady Bridget O’Shay

[email protected]

Exchequer Felicia Dahl

[email protected]

Knight Marshal The Honorable Lord Robert the Banished

[email protected]

Minister of Arts and Sciences Lady Caitrinia inghean Eoin

[email protected]

Webminister Vacant

[email protected]

Chatelaine Vacant



The Canton of Moorhaven www.moorhaven.atlantia.sca.org


Seneschal Lord Patris de Terra Lepori [email protected]

Exchequer Dame Bronwen of Ironwold Jane Richards

[email protected]

Knight Marshal Sir Hrothgar Ravensson (Robert Normandin)

[email protected]

Minister of Arts and Sciences Lady Esme Bromley

Candace Musmesi [email protected]

Chronicler Caoimhe the Wary Summer Musmesi


Chatelaine Lady Slaine inghean ni Seachnasaigh Kelsey Anderson

[email protected]

Webminister Vacant



Useful Links

The Society for Creative Anachronism SCA Website - http://www.sca.org/ SCA Newcomer Resources - http://welcome.sca.org/ Facebook Page (Unofficial) - https://www.facebook.com/groups/scadiscussiongroup/ Google+ - https://plus.google.com/u/0/+ScaOrg/posts Yahoo! Group - (Unmoderated) - http://merryrose.atlantia.sca.org/ Yahoo! Group (Moderated) -

http://seahorse.atlantia.sca.org/listinfo.cgi/announce-atlantia.sca.org Very Unofficial Facebook Page for the 50th Anniversary - https://www.facebook.com/events/451255811584873/ 50 Year Website - http://www.sca50year.org/

The Kingdom of Atlantia Website - http://atlantia.sca.org/ Calendar of Events - http://acorn.atlantia.sca.org/calendar.php Newcomer's Page - http://chatelain.atlantia.sca.org/ Facebook Page (Unofficial) - https://www.facebook.com/groups/AtlantiaSCA/ History of our Kingdom - http://history.atlantia.sca.org/ Kingdom Awards Recommendations - http://atlantia.sca.org/awards/award-


Barony of Hidden Mountain Website - http://hiddenmountain.atlantia.sca.org/ Calendar - http://hiddenmountain.atlantia.sca.org/HMCalendar.html Facebook Page (Unofficial) - https://www.facebook.com/groups/HiddenMountainSCA/ Yahoo! Group - https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/HIDDENMOUNTAIN/info Baronial Progress - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnkjBwBfig-

MdFZuall1MWY2VFdORV9ZUUZ4b3loclE&usp=sharingWe#gid=5 Baronial Award Recommendations - http://tinyurl.com/hiddenmtnawards

Canton of Tear-Sea's Shore Website - http://tearseasshore.atlantia.sca.org/ Facebook Page (Unofficial) - https://www.facebook.com/groups/175469869498/ Yahoo! Group - https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/TearSeasShore/info

Canton of Misty Marsh by the Sea Website - http://mistymarsh.atlantia.sca.org/ Facebook Page (Unofficial) - https://www.facebook.com/groups/MistyMarsh/ Yahoo! Group - https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/MistyMarsh/info

Canton of Moorhaven Website - http://moorhaven.atlantia.sca.org/ Facebook Page (Unofficial) - https://www.facebook.com/groups/moorhaven/ Yahoo! Group - https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/CantonofMoorhaven/info



Other Resources SCAtoday Net (News from all over the Knowne World) - http://www.scatoday.net/ Medievalists Net Home (Readable and high-quality articles about period research and finds) -

http://www.medievalists.net/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Medievalistsnet/5740303430 St. Thomas Guild - Woodworking and other Crafts - http://thomasguild.blogspot.com/ Medieval Brewing - http://mbhp.forgottensea.org/ Sacred Texts - A terrific resource for any spiritual or religious persona research. Many

documents and great artwork in the Public Domain - http://www.sacred-texts.com/index.htm The Armour Archive - How-To, sharing and research of period armoring - http://forums.armourarchive.org/phpBB3/index.php The Middle English Dictionary - http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/med/ Medieval Names Archive - Numerous lists and sources of names - http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/ Medieval & Renaissance Material Culture: Karen Larsdatter's Material Culture Linkspages - http://larsdatter.com/ Ancient History Encyclopedia - http://www.ancient.eu/ Internet History Sourcebooks Project of Fordham University -

http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/sbook.asp A Miscellany by Cariadoc and Elizabeth - http://www.daviddfriedman.com/Medieval/miscellany-pdf/Miscellany.htm Medieval Archives - http://www.medievalarchives.com/ Ciba Review links - http://www.elizabethancostume.net/cibas/ciba1.html




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