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Page 1: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)

The Neuron

Page 2: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)


Page 3: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)

Christina Noll

Is "mind reading" possible?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Possibly in the future

(See movie: Strange Days, 1995)

Page 4: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)

Jason Castro

Are some emotions/impulses that helped early humans in life or death situations out of date for the modern human?

A. Yes

B. No

Page 5: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)

Linh Chung

The brain adapts and constantly changes in response to the changes in the environment as we learn, practice, and perceive sensory input. However, fMRI brain imaging technology shows that our brains make the decisions and/or actions before "we" do. Who's in charge - you or your brain?

a) I'm in charge

b) The brain

c) Both - They work together

d) Someone/something else

e) Not sure...

Page 6: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)

Zachary Arnold

The brain makes decisions before "we" do. Does free will actually exist?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Ask my brain..

D. I don’t know

Page 7: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)

Samantha Kerr

If I was to put Jim's brain in Sally's body, who would it be?

A. Sally

B. Jim

C. Neither

Page 8: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)

Madeline Montiel

If the mind were separate from the brain where would the mind be?

A. In the clouds

B. In a giant computer

C. In a different organ

D. Someone else generates it for us

E. ...

Page 9: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)


(Now Imagine 10,000,000,000 gears, each interacting with 10,000 others..)

Page 10: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)

The Big Questions

What is the fundamental “unit” of cognition, and what does it do?? Neurons: they detect things, and share the results

How can simple detection produce complex cognition? Hierarchically-organized networks, lots of emergence

What are the biological mechanisms? Excitation vs. inhibition, salt, and synapses..

Page 11: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)

The Basic Unit of Cognition!?

Page 12: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)

Neurons are Detectors

Page 13: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)

Detector Model

Is it really all just detection?

Page 14: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)

Pandemonium!(Oliver Selfridge)

Page 15: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)

Feature Demons

1. Vertical Line: |

2. Horizontal Line: --

3. Up-Right Diagonal: /

4. Up-Left Diagonal: \

Page 16: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)

Cognitive Demons

5. T: 1,2

6. V: 3,4

7. A: 2,3,4

8. K: 1,3,4

Page 17: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)


Page 18: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)


Page 19: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)


Page 20: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)


Page 21: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)


Page 22: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)


Page 23: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)


Page 24: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)


Page 25: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)


Page 26: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)


Page 27: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)


Page 28: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)


Page 29: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)


Page 30: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)

Pandemonium Summary

Maybe you can see how collective action of many detectors, organized hierarchically, could achieve more complex cognition?

But detection needs to be a lot more sophisticated..

Page 31: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)


Emer’s Brain: Detection Works!

Page 32: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)

Back to the Detector Model

How does it actually work?

Page 33: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)

The Tug-of-War

How strongly each guy pulls: I = g (E-Vm) = currentg = how many input channels are openE = driving potential (pull down for inhibition, up for excitation)Vm = the “flag” – reflects net balance between two sides

Page 34: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)

Relative Balance..

Page 35: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)

Equations (just for fun)!

Page 36: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)


The Synapse

Page 37: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)

The Full Story..

Page 38: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)

Let’s Talk about Dugs!

Most psychoactive drugs directly affect basic neural mechanisms, some in easy-to-understand ways.

Page 39: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)

Lets Talk Drugs..

A. I have used psychoactive drugs.

B. I have not used psychoactive drugs.

Page 40: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)


A. I have been diagnosed with a psychological disorder, and I am taking prescription meds for it.

B. I am taking prescription meds for a different type of disorder (not psych).

C. I am not taking prescription meds.

Page 41: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)


A. I am not taking prescription meds.

I am taking prescription meds, and the side effects are…

B. …minimal or nonexistent

C. …moderate

D. …severe

Page 42: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)

Other Rx

A. I have taken someone else’s prescription medication.

B. I have not taken someone else’s prescription medication.

Page 43: The Neuron. QOTD Christina Noll Is "mind reading" possible? A. Yes B. No C. Possibly in the future (See movie: Strange Days, 1995)

Benzo, Valium, etc

Agonist for GABA inhibitory channels

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