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Page 1: The New England Native American and the Salem … New... · The New England Native American and the Salem ... Life in 17th Century New England ! It was literally dark ! ... King Philip’s

The New England Native American and the Salem Witchcraft Hysteria Is the latest theory viable? What caused the hysteria?

Page 2: The New England Native American and the Salem … New... · The New England Native American and the Salem ... Life in 17th Century New England ! It was literally dark ! ... King Philip’s

What were the Trials? § When: January 1692-October 1692 § Where: anchored in Salem Town and Salem Village

(Danvers/Peabody) but stretched from Maine to the South Shore

§ Who: Eleven main accusers, nine judges, two expert witnesses, twelve jurors, over two hundred arrested, nineteen hanged, five died in jail, one tortured to death

§ Why?

Page 3: The New England Native American and the Salem … New... · The New England Native American and the Salem ... Life in 17th Century New England ! It was literally dark ! ... King Philip’s

Life in 17th Century New England §  It was literally dark

§ Wilderness §  Long winters §  Indian wars §  Frontier life

§ Superstition and fear § Death and sickness


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The Latest Theory as to Why § Fear of the Native American § Caused by the violence of the Indian Wars

§  King Philip’s War (1675-1676) §  King William’s War (1689-1697)

§ People believed Indians were associated with the Devil §  Is this reason possible?

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What do you see?

Page 6: The New England Native American and the Salem … New... · The New England Native American and the Salem ... Life in 17th Century New England ! It was literally dark ! ... King Philip’s

Why the Indian Wars as a Cause? § At least nine of the “afflicted” girls had witnessed Indian

warfare § Attacks had happened recently

§  January 25, 1692, in York, Maine § Constant fear of Indians and raids § Refugees brought news of raids

§ Culture of fear §  Salem’s citizens suffered from “irrational fear”

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“Afflicted” Girls who saw Indian Warfare § Marcy Lewis, 19, often called the “ringleader” § Sarah Churchill, 25 § Elizabeth (“Betty”) Hubbard, 17 § Susannah Sheldon, 18 § Mercy Short, 17 § Martha Sprague, 16 § Mary Watkins, 20s

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Other Key Points § Many described the devil as a “black man”

§  Puritans had no concept of race (African v. Indian) § Descriptions sounded a lot like an Indian in English-style

clothing § Torments were similar to those from Indian raids and captivity

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From the Trials §  Forty-eight transcripts reference a “black man” §  The complaint of Susanna Shelden against phillip english the s'd

Susanah Shelden being at meetting on the Sabboth day being the 24 of aprill shee beeing aflicted in a very sad manner she saw phillip english step over his pew and pinshed her and a womand which came from boston wich saith her name is [goodwy] when shee were com- ing home against william Shaws house their met her phillip english and a black man with a hy c[rbar ]ouned hatt on his head and a book in hish hand houlding the book to her and phillip english told her that black man were her god and if shee would touch that boock hee would not pinsh her no more nor no bodie els should

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Abigail Williams v. Sarah Osborne, Tituba, and Sarah Good, May 1692

The testimony of Abigail Williams testifyh & saith that severall times last February she hath been much afflicted with pains in her head & other parts & often pinched by the apparition of Sarah Good, Sarah Osburne & Tituba Indian all of Salem Village & also excessively afflicted by the said apparition of said Good , Osburne , & Tituba at their examination before authority the. 1'st March last past 1691/2 Farther the said Abigail Williams testifyeth that she saw the apparition of said Sarah Good at her examination pinch Eliz: Hubbard & set her into fits & also Eliz: Parris, & Ann Putman

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Mercy Lewis v. Giles Corey, September 1692

The Deposistion of Mercy lewes agged about 19 years who testifieth and saith that on the 14'th April 1692 I saw the Apperishtion of Giles Cory com and afflect me urging me to writ in his book and so he contineued most dreadfully to hurt me by times beating me & almost braking my back tell the day of his examination being the 19th April and then allso dureing the time of his examination he did afflect and tortor me most greviously: and also several times sence urging me vehemently to writ in his book and I veryly beleve in my heart that Giles Cory is a dreadfull wizzard for sence he had ben in prison he or his Apperance has com and most greviously tormented me. Mercy Lewis: affirmd to the Jury of Inquest. that the above written evidence: is the truth upon the oath: she has formerly taken in the Court of Oyer & terminer: Sept'r 9: 1692

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What do you think? §  Is this explanation viable?

§ Salem Witch Trials Archive § 17th Century Colonial Life § Salem Witch Trials

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Your Task § You will research another theory (Ms. P. will assign them) § Generate evidence, counterpoints, and rebuttals § We will be debating!

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