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The new “normal” in salmon farming

IntraFish & DNB Seafood Investor Forum

London, 30 November 2016

Dag Sletmo, [email protected], tel: (+47) 95286134

A Cluster Partner

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DNB Foods & Seafood

DNB is global within ocean industries


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DNB Bank is a global seafood player

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The new normal

• The new normal

• What is the normal salmon price

• What does the future hold?

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DNB Foods & Seafood

Famous last words: «this time is different»


The new normal

But sometimes things actually are different:

A super cycle or a paradigm shift?

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“Seafood is the new oil” Oil price collapse reinforced Norway’s focus on the seafood industry


The new normal

Seafood is the stock market winner

Source: OSE, DNB

Seafood share of exports doubled

Source: SSB, DNB, OSE




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The “new normal”: high margins & high multiples


The new normal

Higher margins/profits Higher valuation multiples

Source: Fiskeridir, companies, DNB, Factset

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A farewell to the traditional cyclical pattern


The new normal

A new dynamic and an end to the traditional cycle

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A closer look at the cycles


The new normal

Up cycles Down cycles

Source: Fiskeridir, DNB

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No growth = no «pork cycle»


The new normal

CAGR 1992-2011: 10% CAGR 2012-16: 2%

Global supply of Atlantic salmon

Source: Kontali, DNB

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What created the new normal? Full global capacity utilization

The sea lice – initially a blessing in disguise for investors..?

Restricts growth

Boosts prices

Boosts cost

Industry reputation at risk with regulators and consumers

Positive price impact may erode since long term and short term price elasticities are very different

The new normal

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• High growth in demand is a key

feature of the salmon market driven


- Growing middle class in emerging


- Growing health awareness

• But if these trends are not matched

with product to sell, the demand

remains potential, not real.

Consumers don’t demand a product

they don’t know

• And then the positive price and profit

impact of the limited supply becomes

an illusion

No volume growth boosts profits – what’s the problem? The problem is that the impact long term is different from short term

Positive price impact of low supply weakens over time

The new normal

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• The new normal

• What is the normal salmon price

• What does the future hold?

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The salmon price has sky rocketed… Current level ~100% above average


Price trends

Source: SSB, DNB

Norwegian salmon price reaching new highs

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Are these record prices sustainable? ..it’s a long way down..


Price trends

Source: Bloomberg, FactSet, DNB

Other raw material prices have collapsed, is salmon a cliff hanger?

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New «normal» salmon price = NOK/kg 40+ To get 8% return on invested capital after tax, a Norwegian farmer needs

NOK/kg 10+ EBIT-margin. Given cost of ~30+, the price must be 40+


Norwegian salmon price, NOK/kg

Source: Kontali, DNB

Salmon price

New «normal» salmon price?

(NOK/kg 40)

10-year average

(NOK/kg 33)

Price trends

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What sets the global price long term? Norwegian cost plus return on capital

18 Source: Directorate of Fisheries, DNB

Cost drives price longer term

As the industry

has approached

full capacity the

last few years, the

industry has

moved from

covering cost of

capital to earning

super profits

Price trends

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DNB Foods & Seafood

We assume NOKm 60 for naked license in our

NOK/kg 40+ normal salmon price calculation


Bids for naked licenses in 2014, NOKm

Source: Fiskeridir, DNB

We need to make assumptions.. ..even if they are somewhat circular (license

value depends on the normal price)

Price trends

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But demand is also a factor, the consumer has

other choices

Source: Index Mundi, DNB

• Salmon high in the trading range vs pork and chicken, ok vs beef











Salmon price not out of whack yet. Indexed, USD

Price trends

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..nothing new under the sun - declining supply

drives the high prices. So far..


Price trends

Source: Kontali, DNB

1%-p drop in global supply growth lifts salmon price by ~3% (and vice versa)

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Vertical supply curve makes supply less responsive

to changes in price


MAB utilization in Norway A steeper supply curve

Source: Kontali

Price trends

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Demand to become more important in forecasting prices A challenge, we know way more about supply than demand


Price trends

Supply; we

drown in



the dark side of

the moon

But overall price volatility should become lower due to lower supply volatility

and more integrated value chains

Lower volatility could paradoxically lead to more salmon price hedging as it

reduces the risk of having a different strategy than your competitors

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Cost ticks up every year..


Cost trends

Source: Directorate of Fisheries, DNB Markets

Cost is trending upwards, NOK/kg HOG, Norway

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And every year we believe cost will turn down ..but it doesn’t


Cost trends

Source: Holberg Fondene, DNB

Economists always believe interest rates will

“normalize” and increase Salmon farmers always believe cost will

“normalize” and decline

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Global salmon supply curve


Cost trends

Source: Kontali, Nofima, DNB

Global supply, cost in NOK/kg (HOG) & volume in ktons (WFE), 2015

In 2016e Norway will jump to NOK/kg 35+

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Not obvious that cost will improve High cost could squeeze margins & lead to “salmon fracking”


Cost trends

• Negative factors (i.e. higher cost)

- Strong negative trend, underlying cost pressure

- Full biological capacity utilization increases biological risk and cost

- High profitability in Norway may make companies less cost focused and Gov’t more likely to not consider cost implications of regulations

• Positive factors (i.e. lower cost)

- Chile should benefit from FX effects working through the feed value chain in other regions, improving Chile’s relative position

- Improved health situation could make significant improvements

• SRS in Chile

• Sea lice in Norway

- Chile, UK, Canada could benefit from larger sites ala Faroes and Norway

- High technological innovation rate related to development licenses in Norway

Do we need a paradigm shift because current operating models are pushed to the

limit or can incremental changes solve the cost problem?

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FX a major noise factor in global salmon market


FX issues

( Price - Cost ) x Volume = EBIT

Very large


short time




long time


Very large

impact, hits

soon and

lasts long

..and don’t forget about debt..

3 value drivers; price, cost, and volume. Plus FX

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NOK – where are we now? The Norwegian party is over! (which is good for Norwegian seafood exporters)

FX issues

Source: Norges Bank, DNB 29

Norway surfs on a commodity

super-cycle fueled by Chinese

demand. Strong NOK.

The party is

over! Weak

NOK. NOK index

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• The new normal

• What is the normal salmon price

• What does the future hold?

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The road ahead


1) Volume growth will be brought back by innovation

2) Sustainability is key

3) Bigger and more integrated corporations

4) Retailer relationship and brand focus

5) Leveraging salmon farming know-how into other species

6) Super cycle or a new paradigm?

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Houston, we have a problem!


Revenue growth is super, but

volumes are flat!

Sales measured in NOK

Sales measured in tons

Source: SSB,, DNB

Growth is driven by price, not volume

The road ahead, #1

Our hope: new sustainable production growth with growth marginally lower than

demand such that prices and profitability remains good

Norwegian export of salmon by weight, indexed, 1996 = 100

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• Development licenses

• Offshore

• Closed systems

• Land based

• New players

• Genetics/CRISPR

Regulatory and technological innovation will solve

the growth problem

The road ahead, #1

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Genetics hugely important to food economics Salmon has a catch up potential vs other animal production


The road ahead, #1

Source: AquaGen

Chicken 1960 vs 2015 Chicken 1960 vs 2015

Eggs per hen annually Milk per cow annually

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Fish farming is good for you and for the planet

36 Source: EAT, DNB


scores high both

on sustainability

and health Sustainability and health

The road ahead, #2

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Optimal size of corporations External transaction costs > internal transaction costs = growing companies

Ergo, consolidation will continue





Company A Company B Market

Driving force for larger and more integrated corporations • Biological control

• Quality control throughout the whole value chain

The road ahead, #3

Source: DNB

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Retailer relationships & brand focus


The road ahead, #4

Source: MHG, AquaChile, Bremnses, Sainsbury, Bakkafrost/Kontali

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Atlantic salmon – small but leading within aquaculture


The road ahead, #5

High level of industrialization, low risk

Source: MHG/Kontali

• Aquaculture production has outpaced all other food-producing systems the last two decades

- FAO, SOFIA 2016

• Aquaculture will continue to be one of the fastest growing food sectors

- OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2016-2025

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New industries


We have had 80% fisheries

and 20% aquaculture. Now

we want 50/50 and then we

need help from Norwegian

companies. You are pioneers

and very good at technology

Iran’s agri- and seafood minister,

quoted in VG in Sept ‘16

Metals smelter Finnfjord wants to produce salmon feed

from excess CO2

The road ahead, #5

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The force is with us! “All” the mega-trends in favor of the fish farming industry


An increasing



needs food

Low feed

conversion rate

vs other animal


Limited CO2

waste and



vs other animal



population eats

more fish



population eats



middle class in



demands more


Limited volume

potential in

fishing, growth

has to come from

fish farming

The road ahead, #1

Better grocery

retail supply

chains in



Source: DNB

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Super cycle or new paradigm? Stock market valuation implies new paradigm


The road ahead, #6

Pork cycle is history as long as capacity remains constrained

- Stock market assumes a normal margin of NOK/kg 13-19

• 3% volume growth p.a. implies NOK/kg 13, zero growth implies NOK/kg 19,

EBIT/kg vs EV/kg at ROCE 7% post tax

Current OSE



Source: DNB

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New technology needs high prices At least right now..


The road ahead, #6

Source: Nofima, Kontali, DNB

Potential global supply curve

Hence new technology will not be built out on a large scale unless prices stay strong.

Large expensive structures with long life spans but not requiring licenses could lead to

long investment driven cycles ala shipping

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Offshore expands potential acreage


The road ahead, #6

Land based farming relevant in air freight markets such as US and Asia

Global ocean temperatures

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A road map for growth


Atlantic salmon harvest; growth, no growth – and eventually innovation will trigger new growth

A few years

with very

limited or no

growth due


restrictions in

Norway and


Industry and governments

lift biological capacity

through technological and

regulatory innovation, but

still supply growth below

growth in demand?

Source: Kontali, DNB

The road ahead, #6

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Thank you for your attention


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