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The Newsletter of Dunbarton-Fairport United Church

January 2018 We are an Affirming Congregation Issue 01-18

Elizabeth’s Story by Jan Hannon

Advent III – December 17, 2017

(Elizabeth enters from the back of the sanctuary. She is an older woman, in her senior years,

dressed in a long skirt, tunic and head scarf. She addresses the people assembled as she walks to

her seat…)

Shalom. (Peace) (sha loam)

Shabbat Shalom (Sabbath peace) (shaw bott)

Shalom Aleikhem (Peace upon you.) (a lay kem)

(Elizabeth sits, and begins her story.)

Boker tov (good morning) to you all. I understand you were expecting to hear from my

Kinswoman, Mary, today. Instead, it is I, Elizabeth, the mother of the one you call John the Baptizer,

who will share the story of her visit to me. Sometimes, as I have learned, God chooses unlikely

people to carry His message to His people.

Let me begin by telling you a bit about myself. I was born many years ago into the priestly

tribe of Levi. My family is descended from Moses’ brother Aaron. I was raised in the worship,

prayers, customs and teachings of Jewish Law. I cherished the prophesies of Isaiah that foretold of

the coming of a Messiah, a Saviour, to redeem us from our captives. Looking back, I think this was

part of God’s plan.

When I was 13, I married a young man from my tribe, whose name was Zechariah and went

to live in the hill country in Judea, about five miles from Jerusalem. Zechariah was trained to be a

priest, who would, one day, serve in the Great Temple. I, like all other young Hebrew girls when

they became women, was ready to live my life’s purpose…to be a wife and a mother and keep the

Jewish Law. It was what I was born to do. (Continued on Page 2)

Throughout the Advent season, members of our congregation were able to share their messages with us on

Sunday mornings or on Christmas Eve. We are delighted that they have provided us with copies to send to you,

whether you are hearing them for the first time or wanting to review their presentations, this edition of the

newsletter is happy to provide you with that opportunity. Enjoy!

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Messenger January 2018

But, alas, motherhood was not to be and it became my shame before the people. You see, in

my time, children were considered a sign of God’s blessings and favour upon the righteous. To be

barren and produce no children meant that God looked upon me with disfavour. I became a person

of ridicule and gossip and the people whispered about what could be my secret sin.

I knew that we were blameless and that we lived righteously before God, keeping all the

commandments and regulations of the Lord (Luke 1:6). And so I lived my life with faith and humility

and obedience. I trusted that somewhere there must be a purpose to my life. I devoted my life to

God and served Zechariah as a faithful wife; although I’m sure he secretly wondered why God was

so displeased with us…as did I when each month came and went.

The day that Zechariah was chosen for the honour of a lifetime…to burn incense and pray for

Israel inside the Holy of Holies at the Great Temple… something strange happened. I was in the

crowd outside, praying, when my husband appeared…and he couldn’t speak! But he was acting as

if he’d been taken over by a spirit. I realized from his actions that he’d had a vision and was trying

to communicate.

I was terrified as I waited for him to come home. Imagine my shock…when he wrote down

for me what had happened. He told me he had lost the power of speech, because he didn’t

believe…so he cautioned me to have faith as he gave me the message. An Angel of the Lord?

Gabriel? We would become pregnant with a son, whom we would name John? (vs 13)

Miraculously, I believed every word!! The Lord had heard our Prayer…finally after all these years of

longing, Zechariah and I would conceive a child together! We would be blessed with a son who

would be a joy and delight to us and many would rejoice at his birth!! (Luke 1:14) It was a miracle. I

was long past my time of fertility, but God had chosen to look upon me with favour. My shame would

be ended. (Slowly and with awe) And. I .Became. Pregnant!!! Truly, with God, nothing is impossible!

For five months I hid myself away after I knew I was with child. I needed a time of seclusion

from the community to take this all in. You women know that feeling. As Zechariah shared with me

more of the messages from Gabriel, I knew that our son was going to be the one foretold in Isaiah.

The one who would prepare the way of the Lord. He would be the voice calling out in the desert,

bringing back the people of Israel to the Lord, their God. The Angel foretold that he would be filled

with the Holy Spirit even before his birth! Wondrous things were happening. I was feeling small

flutterings from inside and with each passing month, my faith and trust in God grew stronger…if that

was even possible. Oh, how we rejoiced and praised God.

Then, one day, in my sixth month, I heard the voice of a young woman outside my house,

calling out my name in greeting. It was my young kinswoman, Mary, from Nazareth...80 miles from

her home and alone! She was the daughter of my mother’s sister. What was she doing here? All of

a sudden, I felt my baby within me turn somersaults! My old ribs…what a beating they took. It was

like my son was leaping for Joy!! And just as suddenly, I was filled with a feeling that came over me

like I’d never experienced and I KNEW WITHOUT HESITATION it was the Holy Spirit and that I was

being visited by the mother of my Lord. I turned to her and began to speak words of prophesy. I

called out in a loud voice “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will

bear!” (Luke 1:42)

(soto voce) With child??? Why would I even have suspected she was pregnant??? What was

I saying? She was 14, and yes, she was betrothed to a young man named Joseph. In our society,

that was almost married…but not quite.

But little did I know that my words were reinforcing what the messenger Gabriel (yes, the

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same Gabriel) had told her was happening to her…that she had found favour with God and would

conceive by the Holy Spirit and bear a son. She was to call him Jesus and he would be great and be

called the Son of the Most High.

She believed….I believed. There was no question. So I continued to speak words that I just

knew were true (and my baby continued kicking)…”But why am I so favoured that the mother of my

Lord should come to me? As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my

womb leaped for joy! And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was

spoken to her by the Lord.” (Luke 1:43-45)

Then Mary, with her face glowing, and tears in her eyes, spoke words to me that I knew came

from her total faith and love of God. She sang of how “He who is mighty had done great things for

her, and holy is His name.” (Luke 1:46-49) She continued to joyously praise the works of the Lord in

song, and when she was finished, Mary and I looked at each other. She was referring to the beloved

words of Prophesy in Isaiah that told of the coming of our Saviour…our Deliverer!!

It was like four souls were meeting…our two babies and we two women. It struck me that the

Lord had chosen me (after Mary herself) to be the first person to recognize her as the mother of the

Messiah…and her baby as the Son of God. And our sons – John and Jesus - would be linked

together for eternity as God worked miracles for His people. It would be my John who would baptise

Jesus in the river Jordan to begin His ministry. It was almost more than we could take in. God had

chosen us…two unlikely women…one elderly and barren and one an unmarried young girl to bring

His Gift to the world. The messenger Gabriel had told us to not be afraid. And…we weren't! We

humbly believed! We trusted!! We gave praise for God’s goodness and mercy.

Mary and I spent the next three months together, planning for her return to Nazareth to face

her family and Joseph. She shared with Zechariah and I about her visit from Gabriel…all the

feelings that she had experienced when the Messenger visited her…fear, astonishment, not

understanding how she could be pregnant without being married, yet comfort being told that I was

with child when it had been impossible. (I think she came to us because it was a safe space to

share her miracle and absorb what was coming.) But, most of all, she told us how she willingly gave

herself up to God’s plan…she unquestionably allowed herself to be God’s servant in this most

miraculous way. She was courageous, knowing that she could face stoning and death, should

Joseph chose to divorce her. However, she believed God would protect her and sustain her. She

was totally at peace. Truly “Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will

be accomplished.” And Blessed be the Holy One of Israel.

So, that is my witness. God finally gave me my life’s purpose. I give testimony to the events

that took place in those months leading up to the Birth of the Messiah so that you, too, may believe.

Shalom Aleikem to you all.

By Janice L. Hannon

December 2017

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Messenger January 2018

Pop Up Prophets:

From Rev. Jeff:

The idea for pop up prophet

came at a gathering of church

people I was a part of. We had

worship and without knowing…a

person would “pop up” and do a

reflection without us knowing who

it would be. So often in our lives,

people pop up in our midst with a

message that can touch our

hearts, stir us to action. And

these people can be unexpected,

unknown. God uses people with

open hearts and so this past

Advent and Christmas we had

people pop up and share what

Hope, Peace, Joy , Love and

Christmas meant to them. We

share their “pop up” reflections

with you here.

Hope Artist: Peter Stoll

Hope by Scott Fisher, Pop Up


When Jeff asked me to share with the church family what HOPE is to me I was honoured and completely unsure of what I would say. I have never sat and thought what hope was, other than a word which I used describe opportunity, wishes, desires, and a catch-all for seeking change to something. After sitting and reflecting on it I chose to apply the word in a way which I will apply to others and not myself. I don’t get to HOPE

for things. That doesn’t mean I don’t have wishes, desires, or would not want to see some situations change. What it means to me today is that it is for me to give to others, its not for me to hold to myself. If I was to do that it would be selfish. In looking at the word in this context it is a word which is full of riches for others and not a word which befits self. Let me give an example. About 9 months ago my father passed due to illness. He knew he would not recover, sure he wished to enjoy life to the best and fullest he could, and he did, that is a completely different story for another time. He also gave HOPE to myself and others. That HOPE was his most generous gift. It allowed me to see his passing as a major learning point in my life it taught me a way to deal with acceptance, disappointment, struggle, and contentment. I can carry those lessons all through my life they don’t go out of style, wear out, nor entice me with the new model. My Dad’s gift of HOPE allowed me to accept what my father was going through, to accept I would be with-out him at the end of a phone, or sitting to my left in his comfortable armchair when Cheryl and I went to visit. I do have to say looking back the last few months of his life he passed on so much by the way he acted and responded to questions. He truly gave me HOPE. Values changed for him material things where important, but not most important, Relationship of family and friends where his biggest treasure. I do wish he and I would of had our conversations earlier and under different conditions, but that was not our reality. We can change our reality if we want to, chose to, and act to influence it. We can have our wishes, dreams, goals, desires we

just need to have someone give us a foundation of HOPE to build upon. But best of all is that we can give HOPE to others so they can do the same. In this season I can’t see a better gift to give to another than HOPE. Whatever wrapping is on that gift, be it support, encouragement, enlightenment, safety, belonging, it doesn’t matter its the gift that counts. So I wish not HOPE, that we call all give a little HOPE to someone else this season and keep giving this gift which is ours to give, so it can be treasured for a lifetime by others."

Peace Artist: Judith Jewer

Peace by Sandra Halls, Pop Up


PEACE – 2nd Sunday in Advent Good morning, The definition of Peace: Freedom from disturbance, quiet and tranquillity, stillness. Freedom from or the cessation of, war or violence Peaceful times for me include but are not limited to:

First flakes of snow on a

quiet still winter night

Christmas eve after

everything has been prepared, wrapped, by the glow of the tree lights.

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Singing in the choir

My friend Lesley, playing with

her grand-daughters

The Manger Scene

A good news day

When I see people helping


Playing with our dog, Ellie, in

my mom’s backyard of the house I grew up in.

And Finally …..

Jeff’s Benediction he sometimes uses from Numbers 6: The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you Peace.

Joy Artist: Kimberley Taylor

Joy by Johanne Blake, Pop Up


Everywhere we look at this time

of year we see the word Joy. On

cards, wrapping paper, signs etc.

we encounter this word, as it is

one of the emotions the

Christmas Season makes us

more aware of. With the birth of

Baby Jesus that First Christmas

Day the angels told of the Joy

that this event would bring to

us. We just need to look around to

find ourselves surrounded by Joy.

Each day that I wake up and

have been given another day, work

on those things that bring Joy into

my life, I feel profoundly thankful

and give thanks to God for another

opportunity to try and bring

happiness and joy into the lives of

others. Whether I am supply

teaching or working on a social

justice project my heart sings when

I see joy on the faces of others or

read about how the little that I have

been able to accomplish that day

has made a difference in someone

else's life. Being able to help

others warms my heart and gives

me a direction and purpose in

life. Being able to change the lives

of the children and adults who live

on Kasabonika First Nation

Reserve in any small way fills me

with Joy and makes me eager to

find other ways to be of

assistance. Networking with

others, whether they be from my

church community, circle of friends

or people I have just met, who want

to help puts a smile on my face. Of

course there are people who do not

understand why I walk this path, but

any doubts I have are quickly

removed when I receive the

wonderful letters from the adults

and children of Kasabonika. Thank

you for the support Jeff and the

Dunbarton/Fairport Church

Community provides to me. I know

that God is looking down on all of

you with Joy.

Love Artist: Heloise Regan

Love by Kelly Collins, Pop Up



Love is superhero pins.

Love is knowing that there are people out there willing to do amazing things for kids they have never met.

Love is a pair of purple dragon socks.

Love is a congregation that blesses Batman sock monkeys, prayer shawls and race horses.

Love is having friends come to see you and your little man while the transition was being made.

Love coming in to work and looking over the railing and seeing the little boy at the bottom of his crib having a party at 6 am.

A Thank you from one of the

children of Kasabonika!

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Christmas Eve Artist: Michael


Christmas Eve by Michael

Lehikoinen, Pop Up Prophet:

"Can anyone tell me what Christmas is all about?"

It's a time of joy when family get together to share a meal...

It's the time of year when I don't my apron and bake the treats my mum makes. It stirs up some memories!

A time for grateful reflection on all that we have: A loving family, a roof over our heads, clean water and food in our bellies...

A time of tradition. Placing a star on the tree at the start of Advent, then swapping ng it out for an angel on Christmas Eve...

Singing Christmas carols, watching White Christmas, Trading Places, and listening to Dave cooks the Turkey.

Remembering that there are many others less fortunate than us. Looking for ways to do more in the coming year...

Finally. Celebrating the birth of a tiny child in a humble manger who would be reared in exile only to return to bring hope to the world for centuries to come.

Merry Christmas

Let’s have a look at the following opportunities:

Worship Committee

The Worship Committee has the responsibility of all worship services. This

committee ensures the provision of meaningful and spiritually enhancing

worship for all who attend and/or participate in the services. The Worship

Committee typically meets monthly except for in the summer.

Christian Education Committee

This committee is responsible for the Christian Education Program within

Dunbarton Fairport United Church. They review, develop and recommend

goals for Christian Education for youth (ages 3 to high school), and adult

programs; Provide a Nursery program as needed for birth to age 3 and act as

a coordinating committee for all CE activities.

Vice Chairperson

The Vice-Chairperson must be a member of the congregation and is

responsible for assisting the Chairperson as necessary and filling in where

necessary in the Chairperson’s place when they may be unavailable to fulfill

their role. The term for the Vice Chairperson is 2 years and shall not be

extended except by agreement of the chair and approved by vote of the


Building Management Committee

The Building Management Committee is responsible for the general

maintenance, accessibility and safety of the Church building and property.

While many repairs and maintenance are handled by outside contractors, the

committee helps recommend and retain (upon financial approval) contractors

to facilitate these repairs. The committee also help organize work parties to

help maintain the grounds and building in areas that our gifts and skills allow.

Members are limited to a maximum term of 2 years which can be extended by

another 2 years if desired by the member.

If there is anything that interests you, please reach out to David Green

at [email protected] or 905-839-2934.

Are you looking for a way to

make a Significant Contribution in

the way we run our church?

Volunteers are one of the

keystones of overall operation

from Hospitality volunteers who

greet people every Sunday and

hand out bulletins to the

members of Session who help

decide what our spiritual interests

are to the Finance committee

who help to keep an eye on our

bank balance and more! Yes,

there is work that is to be done as

a member of a committee, but

leadership in church can be a fun

and rewarding experience!

Submissions for the 2017 Annual

Report are due in the church

office on Friday, January 5th.

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Messenger January 2018

On behalf of UCW: Many

thanks for all the donations I

received to take down to the Fred

Victor Centre in downtown

Toronto. On Tuesday

December 5, I took 44 Christmas

bags made up of travel size

toiletries for the women at the

centre. I also had a box of men's

products of shaving creams and

shavers, combs, hand soaps and

shampoo and toothbrushes and

paste. As part of our UCW

annual donation, I was able to

buy $150.00 worth of breakfast

items for their Friends Restaurant

at the centre. They were so

happy to receive all this. I have

such Hope, Peace, Joy and Love

doing this every year.

We were also able to give sleep

PJ's, shampoo and other large

sized toiletries to Joanne's

House. These were given to Jeff

to take them with his delivery of

socks from his Sock it to Me


Now we continue to collect for

The Back Door Mission at

Simcoe Street United Church in

downtown Oshawa. So please,

keep giving and putting them in

the space provided in the


I will be doing down to the

Massey Centre this year in May,

so if you have baby items, gently

used baby clothing, or gently

used young ladies clothing/

maternity, please give them to me

or just put them into the space

provided in the narthex and mark

it for Massey Centre.

Your donations are greatly


Valerie Hendry, chairperson

UCW evening Unit.



is Jan. 21st right after our worship

service in McKay Hall. Please

bring your lunch as we try and

begin around 12 and it usually

runs for about an hour. We will be

approving our events for the year

and our budget. This is a great

time for ladies of our congregation

to come out and see what we

do. Maybe this is a place for you

to get involved in our


Easter Egg Sales

Once again the UCW will be selling chocolate covered cream filled eggs starting March 11th This year we expect there to be 6 flavours available – watch out for announcements for the ones we actually make. The sale will run 3 weeks or until we run out. If you would like to help with the assembly we are working on them the following times:

Friday, March 9th 6 P.M. kitchen – make centres.

Saturday, March 10th 2 P.M. kitchen – dip in chocolate, decorate, put on plates, bag and tie with ribbons.

Another Souper Sundae coming

Get ready – On Sunday, January 28th, there will another Souper Sundae, put on by the UCW. As usual, there will be homemade soup, chili, French bread, a variety of salads, and the usual make your own Sundaes for dessert. The price is $5 a person or $15 a family. Mark this date and come ready for lunch that day.



Evening Unit –

Sunday, January 7th at 7 P.M.

Chair – Valerie Hendry –


Day Unit –

Wednesday, January 10th at

12.30 P.M.

Contact – Marjorie Green – 905-


Any women of the congregation

are welcome to join us for a time

of worship and fellowship

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Mark your calendar:

Sunday Jan 7th is Feast of

Epiphany followed by our

Epiphany pot luck lunch

Sunday Jan 28th is Souper


Sunday Feb 4th is our Annual

General Meeting during

our Sunday service

Saturday February 10th - our

C.E. Committee is planning a

games afternoon and potluck

dinner from 3pm-

7pm (games 3pm -

4:45pm dinner at 5)

Wednesday Feb 14th is

Ash Wednesday


For Seniors & Diabetics,

Anyone interested in Proper


Monthly Footcare Clinics

By an Advanced Footcare

trained nurse at

Dunbarton-Fairport United


The fourth Wednesday of each


Starting at 9:00 a.m.

Next Clinic is Wednesday,

January 24, 2018

Call Carol in the Church Office at


to book your appointment

Cost: $24.00 (cash or cheque)

Counters Needed

The method used at Dunbarton-

Fairport for the counting and

deposit of the weekly offering is

for a rotation of volunteers to be

used. We like to have enough

people in this rotation so a

volunteer only has to count about

every 3 months. Currently we

don’t have enough volunteers to

be able to spread it out this

much. Do you have a spare

Sunday afternoon once in a

while? Could you look after this,

taking it home, counting,

recording and dropping the

money at the bank later in the

day? If you could help the

rotation out, please contact Jim

Little at 905-420-4391.

Summer Spectacular Garage

Sale – June 16th – 8 P.M. to 2


As in the past few years,

the summer spectacular will be

held on the lawn at the church.

We are asking for donations of

pre used items for this giant

garage sale from the

congregation. This includes books

and household and gardening

items. The books should not

include textbooks, old computer

books, travel books and

cookbooks as these do not sell.

Please do not bring items that

should be thrown out. Appliances

should be working, things should

not be dirty and for most part

functional. These can be left at

the church the week before, but

we prefer if possible, that you

bring them Friday night or

Saturday morning between 7 and

8. Once again we will be having a

barbeque as well as drinks and a

bake sale. There will be sign up

sheets for donation of barbeque

items, and for lots of help starting

in late May. We also are looking

for people who can take a carload

of items to Salvation Army or

Value Village after the sale. We

will need to people on the Friday

night to help get the tables ready

to do out, received and sort items.

We will need a crew from 6 A.M.

onwards on Saturday to get tables

out, boxes out and items sorted.

We will need sellers at all times

from 8 to 2.

If it rains, we will hold the

sale inside using the 3 smaller

rooms downstairs and baking and

BBQ in the narthex (The BBQ

itself under the overhang outside).

Some years our help for

set up and sales has been very

low. We will need to people on the

Friday night to help get the tables

ready to do out, received and sort

items. We will need a crew from 6

A.M. onwards on Saturday to get

tables out, boxes out and items

sorted. We will need sellers at all

times from 8 to 2. Please make an

effort to help or we can’t continue

to hold this fundraiser. At the end,

again we need a large crew to tidy

up and remove items.

As well the garage sale,

BBQ and bake sale, the UCW is

planning to hold a ‘home party’

event outside with the sale. At this,

various vendors who normally

come to homes to sell commercial

goods, have a table each where

they can sell these items.

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Teachers are needed for all

classes and units. We use The

Whole People of God curriculum

and the lesson plans are provided

on-line. If you are interested in

teaching and would like to see a

copy of a lesson plan, please

speak to Christine. If you know

that you will be teaching this year,

please let Christine know what

class and unit you are interested


Classes are Age 4 to Grade 3;

Grades 4 - 8 and Grades 9 - 12.

Units are

January 7th - February 11th -

6 weeks - regular services

February 18th - April 1st - 7

weeks - Lent and Easter

April 8th - May 27th - 8 weeks

- regular services

Our C.E. Committee will be

collecting the Loblaws "bread"

gift cards on behalf of anyone

who would like to donate them to

Joanne's House. For the months

of January and February, if you

would like to donate the Loblaws

card, just place them in the

offering plate and we will collect

them. Thank you for your support

of Joanne’s House.

Wishing everyone a very Happy

New Year and all the best in 2018.

FOOTPRINTS 4 Autism had an

amazing 2017! Thank you to our

Dunbarton-Fairport United Church

family for your faith and support of

our programs for the past 13 years.

To meet the needs of our families

we are making a change to our

respite sessions. We will no longer

be running our alternate Friday night

program. No worries we aren't

discontinuing it...we are moving it

to Saturday afternoon and

increasing it to four hours! We have

more families asking

for Saturday respite so will be

running every Saturday, two

separate sessions each week to

accommodate more families.

If you are or hear of anyone looking

for volunteer opportunities...we are

looking for volunteers at both

Dunbarton-Fairport and St. Mark's.

We are also looking for Steering

Committee volunteers to assist with


Here's to a fabulous 2018!

Julie Cashin-Oster, Operations



[email protected]


Dates to watch for in 2018

➢ February 4th - Annual

meeting during the service

➢ January 28th—Souper


➢ March 11th to March 25th

– Easter Egg sales

➢ June 10th—Erskine

Cemetery service

➢ June 16rd

- Summer

Spectacular Garage Sale

➢ September 30th - Souper


➢ November 3rd—Turkey

Supper between 5 and 7

➢ November 24th—‘Deck

Your Halls’ Bazaar and Craft


Our Next Church at the Pub will

be Tuesday, February 6th. Join

us at the Fox Goes Free in

Pickering at 6:30 p.m.. You buy

your meal and join the

conversation. Let Carol in the

church office know if you will be


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November 1, 2017

To: c/o Johanne Blake

1847 Bowler Drive,

Pickering, Ontario, L1V3E5

From: Joan Carpenter, High School Teacher,

Chief Simeon McKay Education Centre

Box 120, Kasabonika Lake, Ontario, POV 1YO

Dear All,

We received your wonderful donations sometime ago. Sorry for the delay in reply.

As a high School teacher, especially appreciated the classroom supplies. I teach English and have no dictionaries, so I was excited to receive thesauruses which were part of your shipment.

As you are no doubt aware, the remote communities here in the upper reaches of the James Bay Lowlands really struggle with teaching materials as well as necessities such as clothes, food. Thank you form the bottoms, tops and the middles of our hearts.

Some of your shipment was shared with the community at the arena and some was shared here at the school. I did not see everything that was delivered but did hear that there are some grateful new mothers who received playpens and other infant needs; diapers are very expensive here and Kasabonika Lake has a high birth rate. Our small population is roughly 1200 people.

Believe it or not, the Elders are still parcelling up some of the clothes for the community. I have enclosed some artwork from Judy Winter's grade 4 class as well as some letters from my grade 9 English class. Students especially appreciated the sports equipment. Kasabonika Lake people and neighbours, like most Canadian Communities, are extreme hockey fans. This year the school has been blessed with a

wonderful gym teacher who has played professional hockey. He is a real credit to our community and school.

Also, this year our high school registration was higher than it has ever been. We are looking forward

to a new school in the year 2021. Once again, thank you for your thoughtfulness, your kindness, your hard work. And please keep in touch.

Sincerely, Joan Carpenter

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Messenger January 2018

Messenger is published twelve times a year. Contributions - whether written or pictures — are welcomed.

If you have access to the Internet, you can reduce distribution costs by signing up for convenient electronic

delivery. Your newsletter will never be late and you are helping the church reduce its postage and paper cost.

Each member of the family can even get their own copy! Contact the church office or the newsletter editor to

have your email address added to the distribution list.

Thank-you very much to all of the contributors to this month’s issue.

The deadline for the February Edition of the Messenger is Friday, January 26th.

Cover Photo Credit: Brent Brook-Allred, used with permission.

Dunbarton-Fairport United Church, 1066 Dunbarton Road, Pickering, Ontario, L1V 1G8 -


Minister: Rev. Jeff Doucette

[email protected]

Office Manager: Carol Taylor

[email protected]

Church Fax: 905.839.7288

Website: www.dunbartonfairport.on.ca/


Director of Music: Dawn Duncliffe

[email protected]

Newsletter E-mail:

[email protected].

Rev. Jeff’s blog:


Are you an Adherent and have thought about becoming a full member of the United Church? Do you

need to transfer your membership from one congregation to become part of ours? Contact the office for more

details on how to do this.

P.A.R. is the Pre-Authorized Remittance programme, which allows for an automated monthly transfer of funds

from your designated financial institution to Dunbarton-Fairport United Church. Information and enrollment

forms are available on the table in the narthex. A completed form, along with your voided cheque, must be

returned to the P.A.R. Coordinator, Brenda McLaughlin at 905-420-6521,

[email protected]. For more information, please contact Brenda!

Visits to the sick in hospitals and home bound. If you know of folks in our congregation who are in need of a

visit please contact the office. Rev. Jeff depends on your help. He does love to visit.

Baptisms: If you are interested in having your children baptized, please contact the church office to speak to

Rev Jeff or see him after services. Also anyone who is an adherent and interested in joining the church

officially, Rev Jeff would love to chat about this with you.

Rev. Jeff and Dunbarton-Fairport United church are on social media spreading the love? Check us out. Like

us on Facebook, www.facebook.com/groups/2368087542/ . Follow us on Twitter Rev. Jeff @revjeffdoucette

Dunbarton-Fairport on twitter @DFUnited

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