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Welcome back to the Night Legacy! In the last chapter, Celestia was named heir! She and

Bruges said goodbye, but not before one last night together! Celestia married Maxwell and

received a baby bump right before the two left for their honeymoon! Whose baby is it? We’ll just

have to wait and see!

“Just sign here, miss.”


Where’s Max, Cel?

“He went directly to the beach.”

And after checking in, so did you.

“I wanted to build a sandcastle!”

“Celestia, you’re pregnant!”


“It must have happened in the photo booth. Will you be okay while we’re here?”

“Of course I will.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’ll be careful. I promise.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too. Want to go on a tour?”

“Sounds fun. Let’s go.”

One tour later...




Do you know who the father is?



“Do you?”

I think I can make a pretty good guess.


“I love this trick.”

“Pineapple Surprise, please.”

You know you’re going to have to tell him.

“I know. But please, not now. Not during the honeymoon. Please.”

As soon as it’s over.

“I promise.”


“Mm, this is good.”

This is what I get for trying to make the college years interesting.

Okay, Max, now that we’ve had time to settle in, it’s time for your move-in makeover.

“But I like my hair!”

I’ll keep that in mind.

Oh, much better! Ahoy, Captain!

“I like the clothes, but did you really have to change my hair?”

I didn’t really change it. I just gave it an upgrade.

“Well, it is kind of cool, I guess.”

That’s the spirit!

“You look great, Max!”

“Thanks, Cel! You don’t think it’s too much?”

“Not at all! Blue looks great on you!”

“I’ll keep it, then!”

“Hi, can I get a plate of hamburgers in Room 102? ... Thank you!”

Nice seaside view.

“Ah! Oh, Author, it’s you. I’m still not used to you yet.”

You’ll get there. How goes it?

“Great! I’m just sorry we don’t have more time to enjoy our trip.”

What are you going to do when Celestia wakes up?

“We found a map while on a tour. We’re going to follow it.”

I approve of this. Carry on.

“Why do I have to do work? I’m on my honeymoon!”

Because I want the voodoo doll. Besides, Max is working on the electrical stuff so you don’t risk

getting electrocuted. Stop whining.


“Thanks for doing all my housework for me. Here, take this ridiculously dangerous doll as a sign

of my gratitude.”

“Oh, wow, thanks!”

“My wife is so beautiful.”

What island vacation would be complete without a trip to the old pirate ship?

“Come at me, ye scallywag!”

Really? Do you have to do the pirate voice?


Well, it’s your vacation, I guess...

“Ahoy, ye Hearties!”

Not you too.

“Batten down the hatches! Thar she blows!”

Oh, like I wouldn’t do the same. Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s life for me!

These two are shameless. They don’t care who watches.

Soon, it was time to check-out and go home. Did you have fun, Max?

“Sure did! Can’t wait to go home, though! I can’t wait to get to know my new family!”

Oh, Max. Poor Max.

“What was that?”


“So good to be home.”

You know what you have to do, right?

“*sigh* I know.”

But before that!

Look at the new house! It’s ugly, I know. I tried to incorporate the blue of Lila’s time and the

pink of Celestia’s. I’ll make it look better later.

Second floor.

Lila and Jess’s bedroom is at the top. Cel and Max’s is on the bottom right. Across from that is

the nursery.

And the bottom floor, which is very blue.

Here are the portraits of our founders. I love how Lila looks regal and Jess looks like a robot.

Countess Hope, as a good friend of the family, gets her own spot of honor.

Here is the magic room. Any magical items will be placed in this room. For the most part, it is

locked to everyone but Celestia.

The portrait is presented without comment.

Here is the elders’ bedroom. It is very blue.

The kitchen. Also, blue.

And the living room. I think it looks nice.

Now, enough stalling. Celestia?

“Max, sweetheart, we need to talk.”

“What is it, Celestia?”

“It’s about the baby.”

“Is everything all right?”

“The baby is fine, but...it may not be yours.”


“The night before we got engaged, I called a man named Bruges and asked him to come over.

We had dated in college, but due to the rules of the legacy, we couldn’t marry. My brother had

told me something terrible about Bruges, so I wanted answers from him. It was only supposed to

be a visit to say goodbye, but before he left, we woohooed. That was the end of it, though, I


“...I see.”

“I’m sorry, Max.”

“So, the baby might be his...but there’s a possibility that it could be mine.”

“Yes. We won’t know until the baby is born.”

“Okay. We’ll wait, then.”

He took it okay, all things considered.

“I feel so guilty.”

So do I.

“Max doesn’t deserve this.”


At least he gets his own portrait in the living room. It’s a guilt gift, but still.

“I’m so sorry, Max.”

Well, moment of truth.

Lila doesn’t seem all that interested.

“I want a grilled cheese.”

“Oh, yeah! Baby!”

The first of Generation 3 is here!

As stated in the Spares Update, this generation’s theme is vampires.

Meet Drusilla Night, named after a villain from Buffy the Vampire Slayer!

She has the random custom skintone, purple eyes and...brown hair. Cel...

“Maybe it’s from my alien genes.”

Uh-huh. Sure.

“Here, Tom. Take the baby.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Let’s have a kid that we know is Max’s.

Looks like it was a success!

“I hate this part!”

Too bad. Nobody likes it, but it happens anyway. Now, go put some clothes on.


Max is actually pretty good with little Dru.

“Whether she’s mine or not, that doesn’t mean she should go hungry.”

Max, you make my heart bleed.

And Orion just lets himself in. Hi, Orion!

“Hi, Author. I heard my niece was born.”

She was! Her name is Drusilla.

“Why wasn’t I invited?”

Um...Oh, hey, look, another slide!


“Hey, Max! Long time, no see! How’s fatherhood treating you?”

“It’s great! It’s a lot of work, though.”

“That’s what I hear. As for me, I’m a happy bachelor.”

“If it works for you, my friend, I couldn’t be happier for you.”

“Thanks, man.”



Poor Cel.

“Looking great, Mom!”

“Oh, why, thank you, dear. I can’t wait for Drusilla’s birthday tomorrow evening.”

“Me too. But...”


“Nothing. I just hope it will be okay.”

“I’m sure it will.”

“Ready, Max?”


Time for Dru’s birthday. You can cut the tension with a knife.

Let’s see what we’ve got!

And to absolutely no one’s surprise.


I don’t think we can deny it anymore. Drusilla is Bruges’s daughter.

“*sigh* You’re right. She looks so much like her father.”

That she does.

“Where’s Max?”

I think he left the room.

“Oh, no.”


“I’ll go talk to him, dear.”

“Oh, Dru, I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. Your mommy is an idiot.”

“Max, are you okay?”

“Of course. I just...forgot that I needed to make the bed.”

“Uh-huh. And it has nothing to do with Drusilla.”

“Of course not.”

“I think you and Celestia need to talk this out on your own. If you decide to leave, I don’t think

any of us would blame you. Just...talk to her when you’re ready, okay?”


“I’ll leave you to it, then.”

“Thank you.”


“Please, Author. I’m not in the mood.”

I understand. It’s just...I’m really sorry, Max.

“Yeah. I know.”



“Is Drusilla in bed, Cel?”

“I put her to bed an hour ago.”

“Ah. Good.”



“I suppose I’ll go check on her.”



“Max, you’re putting this off.”

“Well, can you blame me for being upset?! When she called me up and proposed, I was ecstatic!

When I found out she was pregnant right before our honeymoon, I was even happier! Now, I find

out the baby was somebody else’s and I was second choice! How am I supposed to feel?”

“Max, I never said you didn’t have a right to be angry, but you can’t just bottle up your feelings

and avoid the situation. You’ve been dealt a huge blow. What you need to decide now is what

you’re going to do next. Will you go or will you find reason to stay? Celestia is pregnant with

your child, after all. Is that enough to stay for? You need to decide.”

“*sigh* Of course, you’re right, Lila. I just...I need more time to think.”

“Of course. Take all the time you need.”

“Thank you.”



Another bump. It’s looking closer to time, Cel.

“Hi, Cel.”

“Hi, Max.”

“How are you?”

“Fine, and you?”



“No, please, let me speak first. There’s no point in lying and saying I wasn’t hurt by this. I was. I

thought you wanted to marry me because you loved me, not because you had to.”

“It’s not that I don’t love you, Max. I do. But I loved him too.”

“I want to believe that, I really do, but it’s hard for me right now. It’s going to take a while to

earn my trust back.”

“Does that mean...?”

“Yes. I won’t leave you and Drusilla and the baby. I know where I’m needed. It’ll take time, but

I’m willing to try again.”

“Oh, Max, I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”

“I know.”

“There you go, Dru. It goes in the square.”

Things going okay with Max?

“Slowly, very slowly, but I think it’ll be okay.”

“Am I interrupting?”

“No, not at all.”

“Hello, sweetheart.”


“How’s little Dru tonight?”


“And how are you?”

“Very well, thank you. It’s almost time.”

“I know. I’m excited.”

“You look beautiful tonight.”

“Thank you, Max.”

“You look gorgeous, Lila. All these years and you’ve still got it.”

“Oh, Jess.”

Had to slip one of Jess and Lila too. They’re a lovely elderly couple.


I’m here! I’m here!

“It hurts!”

Hang in there, Cel!

“Stay calm! Stay calm! Have to stay calm!”

Max, she’s in labor!

“I meant me!”

It’s a boy!

And, look, he’s having his first thought! Too bad I didn’t catch it. It’s probably him wondering

why everyone is screaming.

Meet Lestat Night, named after the vampire from Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles!

And boy, is he light! I was surprised! He has his mother’s skin tone, but his father’s hair and

eyes. Yay, recessives! Too bad he’s a boy.

“All right, Cel!”

“He’s beautiful, Cel.”

And with that, I think this is a good place to end off. A lot has happened as the next generation

has arrived.

Join us next time for the next chapter of the Night Legacy! See ya then!

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