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The Nun protein of bacteriophage HK022inhibits translocation of Escherichia coliRNA polymerase without abolishing itscatalytic activitiesSiu Chun Hung1,3 and Max E. Gottesman1,2,4

1Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, 2Institute of Cancer Research, Columbia University College ofPhysicians and Surgeons, New York, New York 10032 USA

Bacteriophage HK022 Nun protein blocks transcription elongation by Escherichia coli RNA polymerase invitro without dissociating the transcription complex. Nun is active on complexes located at any template sitetested. Ultimately, only the 3*-OH terminal nucleotide of the nascent transcript in an arrested complex canturn over; it is removed by pyrophosphate and restored with NTPs. This suggests that Nun inhibits thetranslocation of RNA polymerase without abolishing its catalytic activities. Unlike spontaneously arrestedcomplexes, Nun-arrested complexes cannot be reactivated by transcription factor GreB. The various complexesshow distinct patterns of nucleotide incorporation and pyrophosphorolysis before or after treatment with Nun,suggesting that the configuration of RNAP, transcript, and template DNA is different in each complex.

[Key Words: Phage HK022; Nun protein; RNA polymerase; transcription arrest; translocation]

Received June 23, 1997; revised version accepted August 26, 1997.

The product of the nun gene of prophage HK022 inhibitssuperinfection by the related coliphage l (Robert et al.1987). The 13-kD Nun protein, like the l N antitermi-nation protein, binds to the cis-acting l nut RNA ele-ments through an arginine-rich binding motif (Chat-topadhyay et al. 1995). In contrast to l N, which sup-presses transcription termination promoter-distal to nut,Nun provokes termination downstream of these ele-ments in both the l pL and pR operons (Robert et al. 1987;Robledo et al. 1990; Sloan and Weisberg 1993). Nun-in-duced transcription termination is inhibited by muta-tions in nut or in the trans-acting Escherichia coli pro-teins NusA, NusB, NusE, and NusG (Robert et al. 1987;Robledo et al. 1990, 1991; Baron and Weisberg 1992; E.Burova, S.C. Hung, and M.E. Gottesman, unpubl.).

Transcription arrest by Nun has been duplicated in adefined cell-free system. Purified Nun protein is effec-tive, although the reaction is strongly stimulated by thefour Nus proteins (Hung and Gottesman 1995). Thebinding of Nun protein to the stem–loop boxB sequenceof l nut RNA and the effects of boxB mutations anddeletions on Nun binding and transcription arrest havebeen demonstrated in vitro (Chattopadhyay et al. 1995;Hung and Gottesman 1995). A mutation in NusG that

inhibits Nun action in vivo abolishes Nus-mediatedstimulation of Nun action in vitro (E. Burova, S.C. Hung,and M.E. Gottesman, unpubl.). Thus, the biological prop-erties of Nun have been reproduced in vitro, with theexception that the arrested complex does not dissociatefrom the template in our cell-free system.

In this paper we describe how Nun induces transcrip-tion arrest at defined template sites in vitro. We demon-strate that paused or stalled RNA polymerase (RNAP)complexes respond to Nun in distinct ways. These datasuggest that Nun blocks the translocation of RNAP at adefined point in the elongation process.


Effects of Nun on RNA polymerization

Nun arrests elongating RNAP at or near intrinsic pausesites (Hung and Gottesman 1995). This may indicatethat Nun recognizes specific structural features of RNAPpaused at such sites. Alternatively, Nun modification ofelongating RNAP may be a slow process, so that Nunonly arrests transcription complexes that dwell for anextended period at any template site. We distinguishedbetween these possibilities using an interrupted elonga-tion strategy. Transcription elongation on a l pL operontemplate was permitted for a brief period and then inter-rupted by the removal of NTPs (see Materials and Meth-ods for details). Under these conditions, many of the

3Present address: Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachu-setts 02115 USA.4Corresponding author.E-MAIL [email protected]; FAX (212) 305-1741.

2670 GENES & DEVELOPMENT 11:2670–2678 © 1997 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 0890-9369/97 $5.00

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complexes paused at the 119-nucleotide site, that is, con-tained a 119-nucleotide nascent transcript (Fig. 1A, lane1). The paused RNAP was then ‘‘walked’’ by repeatedaddition and removal of the appropriate NTP subsets togenerate complexes stalled at selected downstream sites(Fig. 1B–G, lanes 1; see Materials and Methods for de-tails). The stalled complexes were elongation proficient,as addition of the complete set of NTPs generated prin-cipally the 161-nucleotide and 162-nucleotide runofftranscripts (Fig. 1A–G, lanes 2). In addition, a 151-nucleotide transcript, present in a spontaneously ar-rested complex, formed in all transcription assays (Fig.1A–G; see below).

To determine whether these stalled complexes weresusceptible to arrest, they were first preincubated withNun for 5 min and then chased with four NTPs. Notethat preincubation with Nun did not alter the size of thetranscript over this time period (Fig. 1A–G, lanes 1,3).With the addition of the four NTPs, all of the Nun-pre-treated complexes arrested (Fig. 1A–G, lanes 2,4). Withthe exception of the 122-nucleotide arrested complex,which derives from the paused complex 119, none of thearrested complexes had been observed in an ‘‘uninter-rupted’’ elongation assay (data not shown). This resultindicates that Nun can act on stalled or paused com-plexes and rules out the notion that the latter representa particular Nun-sensitive class of RNAPs. Most com-plexes arrested after the incorporation of one or a fewnucleotides. Complexes 125 and 126, however, arrestedwithout further transcript elongation. The concentra-tions of chase NTPs affected neither the efficiency ofarrest nor the number of nucleotides incorporated by theNun-treated complex prior to arrest (data not shown).

We next determined the kinetics of Nun interactionwith RNAP. Nun was preincubated with complexes 122and 126 for different periods of time prior to the additionof NTPs (Fig. 2A,B). Little or no arrest could be detectedwhen Nun and NTPs were added simultaneously (lanes3). The efficiency of arrest increased with the time ofpreincubation with Nun and reached a plateau after >1min of preincubation (lanes 4–7). These data confirmthat Nun can arrest elongating RNAP at any site, but thedwell time of the transcription complex at that site mustbe sufficient to allow interaction with Nun.

Nun-induced transcription arrest and GreB-stimulatedtranscript cleavage

Transcription complexes located at certain sites tend toarrest spontaneously (Arndt and Chamberlin 1990). Suchcomplexes are particularly sensitive to endonucleolytictranscript cleavage stimulated by the E. coli GreB pro-tein (Borukhov et al. 1993). Transcript cleavage reacti-vates spontaneously arrested complexes, allowing elon-gation to continue from the new 38-OH terminal nucleo-tide (Borukhov et al. 1993; Nudler et al. 1994). We askedif complexes arrested by Nun could also be reactivatedby GreB.

Elongation complexes were incubated with approxi-mately equimolar concentrations of GreB for 5 min (Fig.3). Under these conditions, only the 126 and 151 com-plexes were GreB-sensitive. The 126-nucleotide tran-script was cleaved to 122 and 124 nucleotides (lane 12).Recall that complex 126 was arrested by Nun withouttranscript elongation (Fig. 1F). All other GreB-sensitive

Figure 1. Nun-induced arrest of transcrip-tion elongation complexes. Transcriptionelongation complexes located at variouspositions on a l pL operon template wereprepared and designated as described in Ma-terials and Methods. Each panel shows thetranscript of a complex located at a particu-lar position (lanes 1) and the RNA prod-uct(s) after the complex was chased withNTPs (lanes 2), incubated with Nun (lanes3), and incubated with Nun and thenchased with NTPs (lanes 4). In this and sub-sequent figures, the + or − sign in the lanedescription denotes the addition or omis-sion, respectively, of the reagent shown tothe far left of the sign. The descending or-der of lane descriptions corresponds to theorder of treatments of the transcriptioncomplex. The pointers with run-off and 151labels locate the runoff transcript and the151-nucleotide transcript of the spontane-ously arrested complex, respectively. Ineach panel, the transcript of the startingcomplex is located by s on the left, and thetranscript(s) of the Nun-arrested com-plex(es) thus derived is located d on theright.

Nun inhibits translocation of RNA polymerase


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complexes likewise arrested without nucleotide addition(data not shown).

Transcription reactions performed with Nun and GreBdemonstrate that GreB does not block Nun-mediated ar-rest and that the initial sensitivity or resistance of a tran-script to GreB-induced cleavage is retained in the Nun-arrested complex. For example, the GreB-resistant com-plex 122 arrested after the incorporation of a singlenucleotide in the presence or absence of GreB (Fig. 4A,lanes 1,4,8). The 123-nucleotide transcript was stablewhen the Nun-arrested complex was incubated withGreB (lane 10) and did not elongate when the complex

was subsequently incubated with NTPs (lane 11). TheGreB-sensitive 126 complex remained sensitive after ex-posure to Nun (Fig. 4B, lanes 1,5,7). However, thecleaved 122- and 124-nucleotide transcripts, unlike theoriginal 126-nucleotide transcript, added a single nucleo-tide prior to Nun arrest (Fig. 4B, lane 8). The same pat-tern of transcription elongation and arrest was seenwhen the order of addition of Nun and GreB was reversedor when both proteins were added simultaneously (datanot shown). Recall that the stalled complexes 122 and124 also arrested after the incorporation of a singlenucleotide (Fig. 1B,D). Figure 4B also shows that Nun hasweak GreB-like activity. A portion of the transcript inthe 126 complex was cleaved to 124 nucleotide nt after15 min incubation with Nun (cf. lanes 1 and 3).

The effect of Nun on the spontaneously arrested 151complex is also shown in Figure 4. The 151-nucleotidetranscript fails to elongate either in the presence or ab-sence of Nun (lanes 2,4). That the transcript is still en-gaged in the complex is shown by its efficient cleavagewhen exposed to GreB (lanes 5). Transcript cleavage re-activated the complex, and the shortened transcriptselongated upon incubation with NTPs (lanes 6). The 151complex was sensitive to GreB-stimulated transcriptcleavage in the presence of Nun (lanes 7). As shownabove for the 126 complex, the cleaved transcripts incor-porated a single nucleotide prior to Nun-mediated arrest(lanes 8). We conclude that Nun modification persists

Figure 3. GreB-stimulated transcript cleavage of transcriptioncomplexes. Transcription complexes (odd-numbered lanes)were incubated with approximately equimolar (50 nM) of GreB(even-numbered lanes). The cleaved transcript is indicated h onthe right.

Figure 2. Time requirement of complex modification by Nuntranscription complexes 122 and 126 (lanes 1) were incubatedwith Nun (lanes 3–7) for the indicated periods of time (Time)and were then chased with NTPs (lanes 2–7).

Figure 4. Effects of GreB on Nun-induced transcription arrest.Transcription complexes 122 and 126 (lanes 1) were incubatedwith different combinations of Nun, GreB, and NTPs, as de-tailed in the lane descriptions (lanes 2–8). The Nun-arrestedcomplex with a 123-nucleotide transcript (Nun-Arrested 123)used in the reactions shown in A (lanes 9–11), was preparedfrom the reaction shown in A (lane 4) after removal of unincor-porated NTPs. The complex was incubated with GreB (lanes10–11) and then chased with NTPs (lane 11). (j) The transcriptof an arrested complex after treatment with Nun and GreB.

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after transcript cleavage stimulated by GreB and limitssubsequent elongation to a single nucleotide.

Effects of Nun modification onRNA pyrophosphorolysis

We wondered whether, in addition to blocking RNA po-lymerization, Nun also inhibited the reverse reaction,RNA pyrophosphorolysis. Elongation complexes wereincubated with pyrophosphate over a broad range of con-centrations (0.1–100 µM) to determine the sensitivity oftheir nascent transcripts to pyrophosphorolysis (Fig. 5).Complex 125 was the most sensitive; the terminalnucleotide of the 125-nucleotide transcript was cleavedat 0.1 µM pyrophosphate (Fig. 5D, lane 3). Other com-plexes were cleaved only at ù1 µM pyrophosphate. Thesensitivity of a complex to GreB was unrelated to itssensitivity to pyrophosphate. At >10 µM pyrophosphate,all nascent transcripts underwent multiple rounds of py-rophosphorolysis (Fig. 5A–E, lanes 5,6).

We next determined how exposure to Nun, in the ab-sence of NTPs, affected the pyrophosphate sensitivity ofseveral stalled or paused transcription complexes (Fig.6A–D). The response of each of these Nun-modifiedcomplexes to pyrophosphate was unique.

Incubation of complex 119 with Nun did not protect itfrom repeated transcript cleavage (Fig. 6A). At 10 µM py-rophosphate or below, the treated complex was limitedto three rounds of pyrophosphorolysis (lane 5). That thecomplex was arrested was indicated by the incorporationof only one nucleotide upon subsequent addition ofNTPs (lane 7). The efficiency of arrest at this site wasreduced at higher pyrophosphate concentrations (lane 6).

Nun modification protected complex 122 against py-rophosphorolysis (Fig. 6B, lanes 2–6). The modified com-plex added a single nucleotide prior to arrest, either inthe presence or absence of pyrophosphate (Fig. 6B, lanes1,7).

Complex 125 retained its exquisite sensitivity to py-rophosphate after exposure to Nun. Although the termi-nal nucleotide was still removed at 0.1 µM pyrophos-phate, there was no further transcript cleavage, even at100 µM pyrophosphate (Fig. 5D and 6C, cf. lanes 3–6).The single nucleotide removed by pyrophosphorolysiswas reincorporated when NTPs were subsequentlyadded (Fig. 6C, lane 7). Recall that complex 125 arrestedwithout nucleotide addition (Fig. 6C, lane 1).

The GreB-sensitive complexes 126 and 151 were com-pletely refractory to pyrophosphorolysis after Nun modi-fication (Fig. 6D, lanes 3–6). Incubation of complex 126with Nun resulted in partial cleavage of the transcript,principally to a 124-nucleotide transcript (Fig. 6D, lane 2)as described above (Fig. 4, lane 3). The 124-nucleotidetranscript was likewise resistant to pyrophosphate cleav-age. When incubated with NTPs, the cleaved complexarrested after incorporating one nucleotide (lane 1), re-sembling the Nun-treated elongation complex 124 (Fig.1D).

The properties of the different complexes before andafter Nun treatment are summarized in Table 1.

Pyrophosphate sensitivity of Nun-arrested complexes

We then examined the pyrophosphate sensitivity ofcomplexes arrested in the presence of Nun and NTPs.Arrested complexes 122, 123, 125, and 126 were obtainedby incubating elongation complexes 119, 122, 125, and126, respectively, with Nun and NTPs and then remov-ing unreacted NTPs by gel filtration. Arrest was con-firmed by demonstrating that the complexes could notelongate upon the addition of NTPs (Fig. 6E–H, lanes 1).The transcript of arrested complex 126 was totally resis-tant to pyrophosphate (Fig. 6H, lanes 3–6). In contrast,the terminal nucleotides in the transcripts of arrestedcomplexes 122, 123, or 125 were efficiently cleaved bypyrophosphate at 0.1 µM (Fig. 6E–G, lanes 3). The short-

Figure 5. RNA pyrophosphorolysis oftranscription complexes. Transcriptioncomplexes (lanes 2) were chased withNTPs (lanes 1) or incubated with sodiumpyrophosphate (PPi) at the indicated con-centrations for 15 min (lanes 3–6).

Nun inhibits translocation of RNA polymerase


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ened transcript was then completely refractory to pyro-phosphorolysis (Fig. 6E–G, lanes 3–6). After pyrophos-phorolysis, the arrested complexes reincorporated onlythe cleaved nucleotide (Fig. 6E–G, lanes 7). These re-sponses to pyrophosphate and NTPs were identical in allarrested GreB-resistant complexes (data not shown).Thus, the ultimate nucleotide incorporated in the pres-ence of Nun is sensitive to pyrophosphorolysis, but allother nucleotides are resistant. How this unique patternof pyrophosphorolysis may reflect the special conforma-tion of the arrested complex is discussed below.


Elongation complexes vary in their response to Nun

Using an interrupted elongation strategy, we have shownthat the HK022 Nun protein inhibits RNA polymeriza-tion by RNAP elongation complexes paused at or walked

to and stalled at various positions on a l DNA template.We have also demonstrated that there is a slow step inthe Nun-induced reaction. This explains why Nun arrestsites are associated with intrinsic pause sites in a con-tinuous elongation assay (Hung and Gottesman 1995).Nun-induced transcription arrest is not specific topaused complexes. In fact, RNAP located at a pause sitemay be resistant to full modification by Nun (see below).

Nun also inhibits the reverse reaction of RNA poly-merization; transcripts in arrested complexes are resis-tant to extensive pyrophosphorolysis. We suggest thatthese properties reflect a common feature of the Nunreaction, namely that Nun blocks both forward andbackward translocation of the nascent transcript in theelongation complex. The complexes that we have ana-lyzed differ with respect to the sensitivity of their tran-scripts to pyrophosphorolysis and to cleavage induced bythe E. coli GreB protein. They also vary in how they

Figure 6. Effects of Nun on RNA pyro-phosphorolysis. (A–D) Nun-treated com-plexes 119, 122, 125, and 126 (lanes 2)were prepared by preincubating the corre-sponding elongation complexes with Nunfor 5 min. The transcript of such a com-plex is indicated by a shaded circle on theleft. (E–H) Nun-arrested complexes 122,123, 125, and 126 (lanes 2) were preparedfrom Nun-treated complexes 119, 122, 125and 126, respectively, by chasing withNTPs and then removing unincorporatedNTPs. The complexes were then incu-bated with sodium pyrophosphate (PPi) atthe indicated concentrations for 15 min(lanes 3–7) and/or chased with NTPs(lanes 1,7).

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respond to Nun. Based on these characteristics, we sug-gest that the various paused and stalled complexes rep-resent different and structurally distinct intermediatesin the elongation cycle.

Structure and properties of a transcriptionelongation complex

Although direct visualization of RNAP is only now be-coming possible (Polyakov et al. 1995), the analysis of itsenzymatic properties has yielded considerable structuralinformation. Transcribing RNAP interacts with the 38-proximal nucleotides of the nascent transcript throughthe product-binding (P) site of the protein (Krakow andFronk 1969; see Chan and Landick 1994). The RNAPactive center includes a nucleotide-binding (N) site thatcan accommodate either a nucleotide in the nascenttranscript or the nucleoside monophosphate moiety ofthe substrate NTP. Phosphodiester bonds are formed ordisrupted 58 to the N site. These RNAP sites and thenascent transcript in an elongating complex are depictedin Figure 7.

To support RNA polymerization, the N site must belocated immediately downstream to the 38-hydroxyl ofthe nascent transcript. Structure I depicts such a poly-merization-ready RNAP, in which the N site is vacant.The appropriate NTP then enters the N site and forms aphosphodiester bond with the 38-hydroxyl of the nascenttranscript, yielding structure II. Further nucleotide in-corporation requires downstream translocation of theRNAP, which places the new 38-hydroxyl nucleotide up-stream of the N site (structure I8; which is configuration-ally equivalent to structure I). Processive RNA polymer-ization occurs by repeated nucleotide incorporation andtranslocation (Fig. 7, downward-pointing arrows).

Pyrophosphorolysis is the reverse reaction of RNA po-lymerization. Both reactions are thought to be carriedout by the same active center (Krakow and Fronk 1969).In contrast to elongation, pyrophosphorolysis requires

that the 38-terminal nucleotide of the nascent transcriptbe located in the N site, as shown in structure II (thepyrophosphorolysis-ready form). Pyrophosphate cleavesthe 38-most phosphodiester bond by a nucleophilic at-tack on the phosphorus atom (Rozovskaya et al. 1984).Removal of the NTP by-product yields structure I. Asecond round of pyrophosphorolysis occurs when up-stream translocation of RNAP feeds the newly created38-terminal nucleotide into the N site, producing struc-ture II8, which is configurationally equivalent to struc-ture II. Processive pyrophosphorolysis entails repeatedbond breakage and translocation (Fig. 7, upward-pointingarrows) and may require higher pyrophosphate concen-trations than the removal of the initial 38-terminalnucleotide (Kassavetis et al. 1986).

Endonucleolytic hydrolysis of nascent transcripts hasbeen demonstrated in both prokaryotic and eukaryoticsystems (Surratt et al. 1991; see Reines 1994). An RNAP-associated factor, such as GreA or GreB for E. coli RNAP(Borukhov et al. 1992, 1993), or TFIIS for RNAPII (Izbanand Luse 1992; Reines 1992; Guo and Price 1993) stimu-lates hydrolytic cleavage at a phosphodiester bond two ormore nucleotides from the transcript 38 terminus. Thesmall oligonucleotide product is released, whereas theupstream portion of the transcript remains engaged andcan be elongated. Although efficient cleavage occurs invitro only in the presence of a stimulatory factor, hydro-lytic transcript cleavage is an intrinsic activity of theRNAP (Orlova et al. 1994; Rudd et al. 1994) and is be-lieved to be promoted by the RNAP active center (Ruddet al. 1994). The active center can approach the scissilephosphodiester bond by upstream sliding of RNAP alongthe transcript (Komissarova and Kashlev 1997; Nudler etal. 1997), as shown in Figure 7, structure III (the endo-nucleolysis-ready form). Structure III is incapable of tran-script elongation. Cleavage and the release of the down-stream oligonucleotide product regenerates structure Iand permits resumption of RNA polymerization.

With the exception of complex 151, all of the com-

Table 1. A summary of the properties of lpL transcription complexes observed in this study

Complex Nun





0.1 µM PPi 10 µM PPi

− + − + − + − +

119 U 3 0 0 U 3 R R paused122 U 1 0 0 U 0 R R poly. (I)125 U 0 1 1 U 1 R R pyro. (II)126 U 0 0 0 U 0 S S endo. (III)151 0 0 0 0 U 0 S S endo. (III)

Each complex is identified by the number of nucleotides in its transcript. The properties of each complex with (+) or without (−)preincubation with Nun are shown.a(U) An unlimited reaction. When a limited reaction occurs, the number of nucleotides incorporated or removed is indicated.b(R or S) GreB resistant or GreB sensitive, respectively.cPoly., pyro., and endo. are abbreviations for polymerization-, pyrophosphorolysis-, or endonucleolysis-ready configuration, respec-tively; the bracketed Roman numeral refers to the structure in Figure 7 that depicts the corresponding configuration. The preferredconfiguration of the paused complex 119 cannot be determined by the observed properties and is thus labeled paused. (See text for adetailed discussion.)

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plexes in this study were elongation proficient. All of thenascent transcripts were cleaved at high concentrationsof pyrophosphate or GreB. Our data are consistent withthe idea that a particular transcription complex is inequilibrium among various structures, although onestructure may predominate. Presumably, sensitivity topyrophosphate, GreB, or Nun reflects the population dis-tribution of these various structures, although other pos-sibilities have not been excluded. Thus, complex 125,which is particularly sensitive to pyrophosphate, existslargely in the pyrophosphorolysis-ready form (structureII). Complex 126 is in equilibrium between an elongationproficient form and a GreB-sensitive, presumably inac-tive, form (structure III). Complex 119 or 122, which isrelatively resistant to both transcript cleavage reactions,

may be in equilibrium between the polymerization-ready form (structure I) and another configuration.

How Nun induces transcription arrest

Our data show that Nun acts by inhibiting the translo-cation of RNAP. The 38-terminal nucleotide of a GreB-resistant complex arrested by Nun is highly susceptibleto pyrophosphorolysis, arguing that the arrested complexis in the pyrophosphorolysis-ready form (Fig. 7, structureII). However, the complex is totally resistant to a secondround of pyrophosphorolysis. Moreover, the arrestedcomplex can reincorporate only the single cleavednucleotide. The arrested complex is therefore limited tomaking and breaking the same phosphodiester bond.This indicates that the active center of the Nun-arrestedcomplex retains its catalytic activities but cannot trans-locate relative to the nascent transcript.

Translocation of RNAP entails the shifting of the ac-tive center and the nucleic acid-binding channels rela-tive to RNA and DNA, the unwinding and rewinding ofDNA at the promoter–distal (downstream) and promot-er–proximal (upstream) edges of the transcription bub-bles, respectively, and the unwinding of the RNA–DNAheteroduplex near the upstream edge of the transcriptionbubble. Inhibition of any one of these activities wouldprevent translocation of RNAP. It is not yet knownwhich of these activities is/are blocked in a Nun-modi-fied RNAP.

As predicted from this model of Nun action, complex125, which is in the pyrophosphorolysis-ready form,with the N site occupied, is arrested without nucleotideincorporation. Complex 122 is in the polymerization-ready form (structure I). By preventing translocation ofRNAP upstream, Nun blocks the filling of the N sitewith the transcript 38-OH terminus, and pyrophospho-rolysis cannot take place. Because complex 122 has avacant N site, it can incorporate one, but only one,nucleotide after Nun modification.

This mechanism also explains the response of a GreB-sensitive complex to Nun. We assume that Nun modi-fies a GreB-sensitive complex after upstream transloca-tion of the RNAP. This configuration (structure III) ismaintained in the modified complex, preventing bothelongation and pyrophosphorolysis. GreB-stimulatedtranscript cleavage converts the modified complex tostructure I, and it can now incorporate one nucleotideprior to arrest.

The spontaneously paused complex 119 differs fromthe stalled complexes described above. After exposure toNun, this complex can undergo multiple rounds ofnucleotide incorporation or pyrophosphorolysis prior toarrest. It appears that Nun is unable to modify fullyRNAP paused at position 119 and that translocation ar-rest takes effect only after the RNAP has moved to anupstream or downstream position. Interestingly, most ofthe complexes isolated directly from kinetically inter-rupted elongation reactions undergo more than oneround of nucleotide incorporation or pyrophosphorolysisafter incubation with Nun. The special configuration(s)

Figure 7. A model for the action of Nun on transcription com-plexes. Each numbered structure represents a transcriptioncomplex at a particular transitional stage during elongation. Anarrow between two structures indicates a transition. Transi-tions that involve RNAP translocation are indicated, as is thesubstrate/factor required for a transition. A transition inhibitedby Nun is shown by double lines labeled Nun. In each structure,the bent rectangle represents the product-binding (P) site ofRNAP. The oval represents the nucleotide-binding (N) site ofthe active center of RNAP. The circles represent nucleotides inthe nascent transcript. To help visualize the translocation ofRNAP, some circles are shaded differently to identify particularnucleotides in the transcript. The number of nucleotides ac-commodated by the product-binding site is arbitrarily depicted.(See text for detailed description.)

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of these paused complexes (Chan et al. 1997) may renderthem resistant to full modification by Nun.

Spontaneous and Nun-mediated elongation arrest

Borukhov et al. (1993) suggest that spontaneously ar-rested complexes arise when the RNAP active center and38 terminus of the nascent transcript misalign. GreB-stimulated cleavage removes the protruding 38 nucleo-tides and permits further elongation. The response of thespontaneously arrested 151 complex to Nun is consis-tent with this model. Complex 151 is unable to elongateprior to treatment with GreB, although it undergoestranscript cleavage at high pyrophosphate concentra-tions. The 151 RNAP is therefore capable of some up-stream movement. By blocking the translocation ofRNAP, Nun renders complex 151 entirely resistant topyrophosphate. As expected, the Nun-modified complexremains sensitive to GreB and is reactivated by GreB-induced cleavage. The reactivated complex, however,adds only a single nucleotide, implying that GreB-stimu-lated cleavage generates a complex of the type I structurethat remains modified by Nun.

Materials and methods

Nun protein was purified as described (Chattopadhyay et al.1995). RNAP was purified according to Burgess and Jendrisak(1975) from E. coli strain AD8571, which carries disrupted greAand greB genes (Orlova et al. 1995). GreB protein was a generousgift from Dr. S. Borukhov (State University of New York HealthScience Center, Brooklyn). [a-32P]NTPs and unlabeled ultrapureNTPs were purchased from Amersham and Pharmacia, respec-tively.

Transcription complexes are identified by the lengths of theirnascent transcripts, for example, a complex containing a na-scent transcript of 100 nucleotides is denoted as complex 100.The DNA template used for all experiments presented in thispaper contained the phage l sequence from the coordinates35422–35660, including the pL promoter and the nutL sequence;the runoff transcript is 161 nucleotides. The template was pre-pared as described (Hung and Gottesman 1995), except the fol-lowing oligonucleotides were used as primers for PCR: 58-CATACAGATAACCATCTGCGGTG-38 and 58-CCCCGCGA-TTGGCACATTCGGAGC-38.

The transcription buffer and the synthesis of the minus UTPstarter 15 complex were essentially as described (Hung and Got-tesman 1995), except that the DNA template, RNAP, and GTPwere used at 100 nM, 300 nM, and 150 µM, respectively. GTPconcentration was increased to suppress transcript slippage atthe l pL promoter (Severinov and Goldfarb 1994). To obtainpaused complex 119, a mixture of rifampicin, ATP, and otherNTPs was added to complex 15 so that the final concentrationsof the respective components were 10 µg/ml, 3 µM, and 150 µM,respectively. Elongation was permitted for 1 min and halted byadding EDTA to 50 mM. To remove NTPs and EDTA from thetranscription complex, the bovine serum albumin content ofthe reaction was first adjusted to 1.25 mg/ml, and a portion(<30µl) of the mixture was loaded onto a BioSpin 30 gel filtrationspin column (Bio-Rad) pre-equilibrated with transcriptionbuffer. The loaded column was spun at 1000g for 15 min at 4°C,and the filtrate, which contained the transcription complex,was saved. To walk to various downstream template sites, the

complex was incubated with appropriate combinations of NTPsfor 10 min at 12°C. The final concentration of NTP used to walka transcription complex from an intrinsic pause site was 5 µM;to walk from other sites, the NTP concentration was 0.5 µM.After each walk, NTPs were removed by gel filtration chroma-tography as described above. Counting from the transcriptionstart site of the l pL operon, the nontemplate sequence from 120to 128 nucleotides is AAGTGCGAT. Thus, complexes 122 and124 were obtained by walking complex 119 with ATP + GTPand ATP + GTP + UTP, respectively; complex 123 by walkingcomplex 122 with UTP; complexes 125, 126, and 127 by walk-ing complex 124 with CTP, CTP + GTP, and ATP + CTP +GTP, respectively. To complete transcription elongation, thatis, to chase a particular complex, all four NTPs were added to 50µM each. Where indicated, Nun was added at 500 nM. After eachaddition of protein factor or reagent, samples were incubated at32°C for 5 min prior to the next step, unless otherwise indi-cated. The transcription products were treated as described(Hung and Gottesman 1995) and electrophoresed on a 40 × 35 ×0.4-cm 6% polyacrylamide/8.3 M urea gel at a constant power of100 W until the xylene cyanol FF dye had migrated for 35 cm.Radiolabeled transcripts were detected by autoradiography.

In most assays a spontaneously arrested complex at 151nucleotides was detected. Arrest at 151 nucleotides is template,but not sequence, specific. The 151 complex was not observedin transcription assays using the template described above butcarrying additional downstream DNA (data not shown). We sug-gest that spontaneous arrest at 151 nucleotides was most likelycaused by the loss of RNAP–DNA contact because of the prox-imity of the elongating RNAP to the end of the template (Izbanet al. 1995).

To improve the efficiency of the Nun reaction to ∼100%, weused high Nun concentrations. At these levels, Nun activity isindependent of the l nut site (data not shown). We believe,however, that our results do reveal the mechanism of Nun ac-tion, as high Nun concentrations stimulate but do not affect theessential characteristics of the Nun reaction. Thus, the sites ofarrest and the susceptibility of the arrested complexes to tran-script cleavage shown here are also seen at low Nun levels,when l nut is required (data not shown). As discussed previ-ously (Chattopadhyay et al. 1995), it is likely that the l nutsequence in the nascent transcript serves only to increase thelocal Nun concentration in the vicinity of RNAP and can becompensated for by high Nun concentrations. Similarly, over-expression of Nun is known to enhance termination on mutantl nut sequences in vivo (Baron and Weisberg 1992).


We thank Dr. S. Borukhov for providing GreB protein and Dr. A.Das for providing E. coli strain AD8571. We are grateful to Drs.M. Kashlev, E. Nudler, and K. Severinov for technical advice andR.S. Watnick for reading the manuscript. This work was sup-ported by National Institutes of Health grant GM37219.

The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part bypayment of page charges. This article must therefore be herebymarked ‘‘advertisement’’ in accordance with 18 USC section1734 solely to indicate this fact.


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  Siu Chun Hung and Max E. Gottesman  activities

RNA polymerase without abolishing its catalyticEscherichia coliThe Nun protein of bacteriophage HK022 inhibits translocation of



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