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Page 1: The Or-acle - Temple B'nai Or | Reform Jewish Synagogue of ... · lessons. Jewish pre-school has the added bonus of providing a love of God, holidays, and tradition. We use the values

The Or-acle A A Quarterly Publication of Temple B’nai Or

Winter 2018/Volume 64/Issue 1 (December, January, February)

Scenes From Fall

Page 2: The Or-acle - Temple B'nai Or | Reform Jewish Synagogue of ... · lessons. Jewish pre-school has the added bonus of providing a love of God, holidays, and tradition. We use the values



David Katz


Galit Dadoun Cohen

Rabbis Emeritus

Donald B. Rossoff

Z. David Levy*

(*Of Blessed Memory)


Michele Murray

Executive Director

Joel D. Katz

Director of Education

David Iskovitz

Director of Early

Childhood Education

Jennifer Rubin

Choir Director and


Mark Hyczko


Hallie Beyer

Abby Wellington

Men’s Club

David Anolick

Bob Goldstein

From the Rabbi…. I continue to think about Pittsburgh, about the Jews who were gunned down at the moment they were praying to God for life, sustenance, and protection. The shooting raises serious theological and practical questions. How could God permit the slaughter of the faithful innocent? Could a guard at the door have stopped a determined killer? What does it mean to bow humbly before God and at the same time stand courageously against aggressors? Let us look to the double story of Chanukah for guidance.

Here is the first story. The Maccabees fought against King Antiochus and his army for three years until victory was theirs. The second story? After the Temple was recaptured and found in ruins, a little boy uncovered a flask of oil and miraculously there was enough oil in it to light the Temple’s menorah for eight days.

How did it come to be that two so different stories explain the origins of Chanukah? The first story is the older one, i.e., the Maccabees - but 300 years later the Jews were suffering under Roman occupation and the story of a rebel band fighting a great empire was not going to be politically correct or particularly inspiring. So the story of the little boy and the miracle of the tiny flask came into being.

Let’s ask ourselves, given our own political circumstance today, with the international and local terrorism we experience, which of the two Chanukah stories should we emphasize? What should our children be taught? Here, our Reform prayer books can help us.

In the Union Prayer Book, which was published in 1940, listen to the beginning of the third verse of “Rock of Ages.”

“Children of the martyr-race, Whether free or fettered,

Wake the echoes of the songs Where we may be scattered.”

Now compare these words with those found in Mishkan T’filah, the prayer book we use today.

“Children of the Maccabees, whether free or fettered,

wake the echoes of the songs where you may be scattered.”

Note the difference in the first line. After WWII and the catastrophe of the Holocaust, we no longer want to describe ourselves as martyrs or as a race. Today we have a Jewish state that we must defend, and we must also protect ourselves around the world.

Today we must be the children of the Maccabees.

So we will continue to teach our children about the little boy who found the tiny flask of oil that miraculously lasted eight days, but we must stress the other story - the band of warriors who called themselves Maccabees. The modern state of Israel cannot depend on miracles, rather she must rely on political and military strength to survive. And we too, in America must take every precaution to make sure we are safe. During Chanukah our children will eat their latkes and donuts and spin their dreidels, but first and foremost, they must be taught to protect and defend themselves whenever there is risk.

Let us pray that someday the lesson of Chanukah will change again and with it the words of “Rock of Ages.” In the future perhaps this is will be our song:

Children of a peaceful world

Embracing one another People living side by side guns laid down forever…

This would be a hymn to sing with joy.

Happy Chanukah,

Rabbi David Katz

This Bulletin is published quarterly by

Temple B’nai Or

60 Overlook Road

Morristown, NJ 07960

Phone: 973 539 4539

Fax: 973 539 2758

Email: [email protected]

Page 3: The Or-acle - Temple B'nai Or | Reform Jewish Synagogue of ... · lessons. Jewish pre-school has the added bonus of providing a love of God, holidays, and tradition. We use the values


From the Cantor…

The other day I spoke with my dearest friend and esteemed colleague Cantor Jonathan Comisar. He shared that he was composing a grand orchestral and choir piece based on the letter President Washington sent to Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island, in 1790.

The letter says in part “…the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection, should demean themselves as good citizens.” Washington concluded with a blessing quoting a verse from the prophet Micah 4:4 - “May the Children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other Inhabitants; while everyone shall sit under his own vine and fig tree, and there shall be none to make him afraid.”

Never in the history of the Jewish people has there been a promise of equality of citizenship and opportunity such as this.

On the recent confirmation trip to Philadelphia, as we were excitedly reading the words from this letter in the National Museum of American Jewish History, we heard the news: There’s been a shooting… synagogue in Pittsburgh…. casualties. We now know, this would be the worst devastation suffered by Jews on American soil.

Eleven lights were extinguished in our midst on that day. The painful memory of their loss will forever be etched on our heart. It is a reminder to teach our children and the world Micah’s vision that “we shall never be afraid.”

Our prophet Micah’s vision now rings truer than ever. Acts of hatred and violence are rooted in fear. It is our role to teach the world how not to act from fear.

Comisar’s piece “To Bigotry No Sanction” will be filmed in Philadelphia, the first American capital symbolizing liberty and equality for all. A diverse choir will sing the words “none shall be afraid” in 40 different languages as a symbol to the diversity that the American vision has brought to the rest of the world.

As we continue to heal from this tragedy, we offer hope and solidarity to one another. We will sing our prophetic sacred words alongside the philosophy of freedom, tolerance, and equality that this country was founded on.

Cantor Galit Dadoun Cohen

From the President…

As I write this, we are all recovering from the tragic events at the Tree of Life

Synagogue in Pittsburgh. The morning after the shooting, we had a full house of

children and parents attending religious school and praying together for healing.

Yes, there were police. I wish we didn’t need to call them. Most people walked

right over to them and said “thank you.” I am so proud of the work Rabbi Katz and

Cantor Galit did with the families helping them process what had happened and

helping us all wrestle with how to cope.

The Friday night after the brutal, senseless murder of 11 Jews while they were

praying, we had almost 400 people in our sanctuary, celebrating Shabbat and

remembering those who died. Again, our clergy crafted a beautiful service that

helped us begin healing - together as one community. Joel Katz, our Executive Director, created a beautiful

memorial, celebrating the lives of the people who had died.

People join Temples for many reasons. I hope that having a community to be with in times of joy and sorrow

is at the top of your list. You might not always need it. There will be times and stages of life where it will feel

more and less important to you. Temple B’nai Or offers the opportunity to be engaged with the community

through learning, praying, programming and events week after week, all year long. I hope you take advantage

of everything this community has to offer and support it with all of your heart. We need to have this

community available to us for the times we don’t want to think about, to help lift us up and carry us through.

Wishing everyone joy, health, time with family, and peace during this holiday season. Happy Hanukkah!

Michele Murray, President

Page 4: The Or-acle - Temple B'nai Or | Reform Jewish Synagogue of ... · lessons. Jewish pre-school has the added bonus of providing a love of God, holidays, and tradition. We use the values


Save the Dates for These Upcoming

Membership Events! Saturday, February 2, 2019


We’ll have appetizers at TBO, move to dinner at individual host houses, and come back together for dessert. It’ll be a great time! Details to follow.

Saturday, March 23, 2019


We want to change it up a bit for our third TBO Coffeehouse! Think the Gaslight in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel… All types of performances welcome (music, comedy, poetry, etc.), 10 minutes max. Details to follow, but if you are interested in performing, please contact Lori Weintraub at [email protected]

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Page 6: The Or-acle - Temple B'nai Or | Reform Jewish Synagogue of ... · lessons. Jewish pre-school has the added bonus of providing a love of God, holidays, and tradition. We use the values


Schmooze Newz

Carly and Timothy Conrad Morristown

Rebecca Epstein Morristown

Wendy and Lance Kadushin Abraham, Eliana, Isabelle


Louise and Daniel Karger Morristown

Karen and Hugo Kitzis Convent Station

Nichole and Daniel Lane Nathan, Gavin Basking Ridge

Geri and Steve Lane


Freya Rand and Brett Lewis Olivia, Ezra


Phyllis Lieberman Morristown

Lana Pyatetsky Morris Plains

Susan Saideman and Barry Robinson Colin


Suzanne and Manfred Simon Palm Beach, Florida

Stephanie and Michael Zucker

Jacob, Maxwell Randolph



Phyllis and Hillel Ben-Asher 60th wedding anniversary

Janice and George Gerwitz 55th wedding anniversary

Zachary Fields Son of

Jessica Temlock-Fields and David Fields

Michael Goldberg

Son of Todd Goldberg

Adin Kasmin

Son of Melissa and Richard Kasmin

Ethan Levy Son of

Jessica and Jason Levy

Sophia Rogers Daughter of

Lisa and David Rogers


Page 7: The Or-acle - Temple B'nai Or | Reform Jewish Synagogue of ... · lessons. Jewish pre-school has the added bonus of providing a love of God, holidays, and tradition. We use the values


From the Pre-School…

King Solomon says, in the book of Proverbs, “educate a child in their own way, and when they grow old, they

will not depart from it.” What does this mean? I believe that by inspiring a child’s individual curiosity, you

create a spark that continues to fuel their intellectual growth throughout their lifetimes. In our school we

foster a love for learning by providing a warm, nurturing environment that promotes exploration and growth.

Our pre-school teachers evaluate each child’s gifts, and provide challenges, reinforcement, and success

through planned and unplanned activity. Painting, singing, moving, and building, our children finish each

year having amassed knowledge and skills that are the foundation of all learning, and provide incredible life

lessons. Jewish pre-school has the added bonus of providing a love of God, holidays, and tradition. We use

the values of Judaism to reinforce every lesson. And even more amazing is the beautiful experiences children

and their families enjoy while being in engaged in Jewish life. Our multi-award-winning Pre-school offers a

premier education within a community of educated, experienced, caring professionals and truly lovely

families. Registration for the 2019-2020 school year and for Camp Brody of B’nai Or begins in

December. Sign up for school before January 15th to receive incentive pricing. For more information or to

schedule a tour, please contact Jennie Rubin at [email protected], or 973-267-6424. A

registration form can be downloaded from our website www.templebnaior.org/learning/preschool.

Please mark your calendars to support our school… TRIVIA NIGHT is back! Saturday, January 26th

at 7:00PM. Amazing basket raffles, light bites, adult beverages, and TRIVIA fun.

The future is in our children’s hands, and we couldn’t be prouder. There is no better pre-school than ours,

and no greater joy than knowing that the work we do daily makes the future brighter for all of us.

Jennie Rubin, Director of Early Childhood Education

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From the Religious School…

Our Religious School has so many gifted and talented young teens. Too often we don’t recognize them

enough. This year Lauren Broseker and Zach Goldman, both in 11th grade and Orim students, are Diller Teen

Fellows, an elite international and prestigious leadership development group building skills toward social

action and community involvement, limited to 20 students from the entire spectrum of Jewish life. The

outcome of the yearlong training will have them understanding their present and future role in advocating

for Jewish Peoplehood, Jewish identity, pluralism, and Israel. They will spend three weeks in Israel

traveling, volunteering, and sharing experiences with other international Diller students. Based upon

feedback from those in our school who are former Diller Fellows, it proves to be a once-in-a-lifetime

experience that creates future Jewish leaders. Mazel Tov!

We wish to highlight the recent achievement of Matthew Littman, another of our Orim students, on becoming an Eagle Scout. It is a long and challenging journey to reach such a milestone. Eagle scouts prove to be outstanding leaders in all walks of life, and we wish Matthew future success as he climbs to even greater heights.

The reason for bringing attention to these students at Hanukkah time (aside from sheer pride) is that this, holiday which we celebrate with lighting the menorah, is really a story of the split in history between those Jews who embraced Greek culture and those who fought to make certain our Jewish distinctiveness remained. It was the struggle between “Jews selling out” to modernism and those supporting the practices that kept us Jewish.

We straddle two worlds, it seems. Our fitting into the culture at large and the community of our fellow Jews may seem to some problematic, and requiring a one-side-wins-all resolve. Our students prove that we can excel in both worlds simultaneously. It may be an oversimplification, but Jewish youth can sprout their roots in American culture alongside Jewish involvement. I only wish all our students would continue their Jewish education with us and deepen their Jewish identity, learn more than basic Judaism, understand how they are a link in the long history of the Jewish people, and become Jewish adults deeply committed to their faith and people.

Wishing all a joyous and de-light-ful Hanukkah.

David Iskovitz, Director of Education

From the Youth Group...

On Sunday, October 21, our youth group (BOOTY) teens went to the Great Jack O’Lantern Blaze! It was such a fun and successful event. They saw sculptures and all kinds of things made out of Jack O’Lanterns.

On Monday, October 29, the BOOTY Board led the 8th-10th graders in religious school in a fun activity to get a taste of what youth group is like. Julie Lilienfeld, Matt Litman and Zach Goldman did

a fantastic job! See the pictures of the three of them leading.

Join us for bowling at Hanover Lanes from 7:00-9:15pm On November 17 we enjoyed a night out bowling at Hanover Lanes. Rabbi Katz even stopped in to say hi!

We would like to invite you to our shul-in at the Temple on Saturday, December 8. Let Miriam know if you are interested in coming!

Miriam Edelstein, BOOTY Advisor

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A special luncheon will be followed by a Cantorial Concert starting at 3PM. The concert will feature TBO’s own

Cantor Galit, accompanied by Mark Hyczko. A varied program will include guest artists joining Galit in musical

selections from classical, contemporary, Jewish and Broadway genres. Renaissance members, $15.00, guests

$20.00. Concert is provided by a generous donation made to TBO at the fund-raising Gala held last spring.


Join us as we once again go to the Hunan Chinese Room, 255 Speedwell Ave, Morris Plains NJ 07950, for our

traditional New Year’s Day Festival meal. Price will be $29 per person, including tip, the same as last year, for

lots of excellent food. If you need to cancel for any reason, we must have that information by December 29.


Program under construction.


Whether you want to celebrate a belated Valentine's Day, an early Presidents' Day, or just enjoy an opportunity

for a collegial outing to help shatter the winter blahs, join the Renaissance Group at Portofino’s in Morristown.

This outstanding Italian restaurant is located at 29 Mills Street, Morristown. The set menu will offer several

choices of entrees. The prix fixe (including tip) is $30 pp. You need to have your check to Mitzi by Wednesday

February 13th to reserve your seat.

For ALL reservations, contact Mitzi Szerlip at 215 Forest Glen, Pompton Plains, NJ 07444 973-839-1939

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Sisterhood Come RELAX with the Sisterhood

Tuesday, December 18 from 7:00-9:30 PM

b Jones Organic Spa 62B South Street in Morristown (Pine Street Entrance)

$10 per person, lite bites and drinks served and your choice of a 15 minute neck, scalp, hand, arm, foot, or chair massage!

RSVP only! Limited to the first 20 women!

Email: [email protected] to RSVP or for more information!


Sunday, February 10 9:30 AM

Sisterhood “Brunch and Learn”

At Jockey Hollow Kitchen and Bar

Details to come!

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When What Time Description

1st Friday of

each month Shabbat Mishpacha 6:30 pm Family friendly service with birthday blessings

Torah Explorers 5:45 pm For children from birth to Grade 2 - (a brief happy

service with songs, prayers, followed by Shabbat dinner) 2nd Friday of

each month Torah Shabbat 7:30 pm Shabbat service with Torah reading

3rd Friday of

each month Choir Shabbat 7:30 pm

A beautiful service accompanied by our

congregational choir, with sermon or guest speaker

4th Friday of

each month Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30 pm

Welcoming Shabbat—an earlier, shorter, informal

service—meditative and musical

5th Friday of

each month Shabbat Service 6:30 pm

A brief service where we explore alternative

ways to worship

Saturday Shabbat Service 10:30 am Service held only when B’nai Mitzvah are scheduled

Worship Schedule…Join Us!

Page 13: The Or-acle - Temple B'nai Or | Reform Jewish Synagogue of ... · lessons. Jewish pre-school has the added bonus of providing a love of God, holidays, and tradition. We use the values

December 7,2018

Leon Cheskin

Dr. Philip Epstein

Frances Canter Flreischman

Julian Freeman

Alice Galey

Paul Martin Gibilisco

Ida Gozonsky

Robert Gutentag

Irving Kriegsfeld

Sandra Laba

Rabbi Abraham W. Levy

Frank Lewis

Abraham Lupkin

Sylvia Marin

David K. Marx, Sr.

Mike Meyer

Mary Parris

Philip Rand

Rose Rubin

Rose Sayette

Joseph Stern

Louis Thaler

Abraham Weinberg

December 14, 2018

Sylvia Adler

Alex Aidekman

Dorothy Okin Allen

Arthur Isaac Bergner

Lewis Berliner

Theodore Bernheim

Justin Black

Morris Brody

Irving Chopin

Mildred Diamond

Ethel Dorfman

Irma Frischer

William Furstman

Archie Ginsburg

Lawrence Glaser

Hilton Goldman

Adele Gordon

Barbara Gordon

Zachary Gordon

Miriam L. Harris

Howard Herbitter

Lena Holzer

Leon Kasmin

Esther Katchen

Doris Largman

Ben Lobel

Rose Luray

Mollie Margulies

Lillian R. Menkes

Doris Orgel

Sylvia T. Sander

Stephanie Satz

December 14,2018 (cont’d)

Maria Schloss

Bela Schoenbrun

Mary Schwartz

Richard Simon

Angeline Treml

Mollie Vigodsky

Barbara Weinberg

Rosa Weinschenk

Evelyn Zahn

Franziska Zucker

December 21, 2018

Sophie Alter

Harold Arens

Peninah Ascher

Rose Dolins

Risa Eger

Judith Flatow

Frances Fried

Nat Friedman

William Furstman

Nathan Gold

Helen Gordon

Walter Greenbaum

Morris Greenberger

Melvin Hecht

Irving Helderman

Betty H. Katz

Claire Kurland

Lori Ledis

Arthur Lefko

Benjamin Levin

Samuel Lieber

Albert Lieberman

Mary Mazzarella

Shirley Milman

Jules Oberst

Israel Pfeiffer

Ted Phillips

Romayne Sachs

Patricia Sarasohn

Max Schwartz

Joseph Seid

Samuel Simmons

Adolf Solomon

Michael Sturm

David Wallis

Regina Wang

Cynthia Weinman

Fanny Wien

Carole Wiland

December 28, 2018

Kurt Benjamin

Ruth Cohen

Samuel Dicker

Maurice Epstein

Samuel Farben

Vicki Feinblum

Jack Kaplan

Rose Haskel Levy

Jason Alan Lewis

Bernard Lidsky

Cecile Lieberman

George Maleski

Alfred Mazor

Benjamin M. Meltzer

Alter Milberg

David Mitre

Albert Osman

Marcella Pavilonis

Ruth Pober

January 4, 2019

Bassya Benjamin

Arnold Brauer

Morris Dimont

Bertha Ehrenreich

Louis Flatt

Morris Fogelson

Burton V. Frank

Helene Friedman

Samuel Goldenberg

Bertha Goodman

Michael Gorman

Bettyanne Herbitter

Rose Jacobson

William Jacobson

Jacob Kerzman

Vera Korman

Martin Lazarus

Irwin Lerner

Rabbi Z. David Levy

Marian Lowenstein

Tillie Mazor

Joseph Morrissey

Edward Myers

Henrietta Nehemkis

Samuel Noss

Alexander Prince

Robert Rosenberg

Sarah Rudnick

Nat Schlossman

Charles L. Schwartz

Joseph Schwartz

Marbelle Schwarz

Ethel Strauss

William Thomas

Harry Vigodsky

Nathan L. Wilansky

Sam Zahn

Eric Rosner Zaziski

January 11, 2019

Seymour H. Baurer

Pearl Bernstein

Bertram Brandler

Dr. Frederic H. Deutsch

Elizabeth Granville

Aaron Hertz

Rebecca Isenman

Irving Kitzes

Myra Lauffer

Rita Leff

Vera Lewis

John Meizinger

John Oettinger

Dr. Carl I. Rosenberg

Ethel Rubin

George Rubman

Beatrice Schlein

Mordecai Schoenbrun

Barbara Warshaw

Morris Zurowsky

January 18, 2019

Beatrice Barkin

Pauline Barth

Ira Baskin

Maurice Cheyette

Sherman Diamond

David H. Ellis

Irwin Gewirtz

Frank Glassner

Percy Goren

Irwin Granville

Samuel A. Hollander

Leo Holzer

Helen Jacobs

Morris Jewler

Arthur Leblanc

Isidor Margolius

Donald K. Piermont

Mr. Abe Priborkin

Jennie Geison Prince

Beverly Rassas

Melvin Rosenberg

Sylvia Frey Ross

Mary Rossman

Paul Rouslin

Ethel Schwartz

Roberta Schwartzman

Charles Steinberg

Beatrice Teitch

Mrs. Harriet Vogel

Anna Weinberg

Rose C. Wexler

George Yampolsky

Joseph Zucker


Page 14: The Or-acle - Temple B'nai Or | Reform Jewish Synagogue of ... · lessons. Jewish pre-school has the added bonus of providing a love of God, holidays, and tradition. We use the values



January 25, 2019

Victor Aresty

Israel Beilin

Nelson R. Bernstein

Ethel Chernack

Rosamond Taub Cobert

Sara Crimi

Gary Z. Daniels

Harry Deutsch

Roslyn Emanuel

Cele Friedman

Norman Gadol

Gertrude Gannett

Julius Garfield

Irving Golden

Jean Handler

Dorothy Hertz

Velma S. Holle

Barbara Holstein

Saul Kalina

Richard Kohn

Leslie Kuperstein

Esther Lass

Samuel Levine

Rose Lupkin

Louis Michaelson

Simon Rothenberg

Iris Kleban Schwartz

Maxwell Shaffer

Phillip Solsky

Marvin Spiegel

Edwin Steiner

Joseph Vallone

Ruth Vogel

Isabel Weinberg

Isadore Wolfson

February 1, 2019

Alvin Austin

Gerald Baker

Richard Blier

Harry Bloom

Philipp Brecher

Henry Brown

Hyman Brown

Dr. Richard Carleton

Ira Dorman

Clara Efros

Stanley Feingold

Jacob Feldman

Joseph Gingold

Ethel Cohen Ginsberg

Jack Hochberg

Rose Starin Hyman

Zelda Israel

Barnett Kaplan

Stanford Kaplan

Bertha Keenberg

Rose Keil

Ira Kerzman

February 1, 2019 (cont’d)

William B. Kroner

Bernard Levin

Celia Levy

Stanley Levy

Seymour S. Lewis

Kathleen McVicker

Emil Newmark

Elsie Price

Sanford Rems

Nancy Robinette

Frieda Simon

Theodore Singer

Frank Stifelman

Stewart S. Szerlip

Cary Wellington

February 8, 2019

Bertha Ainbender

Alice Auslander

David Blier

Clara Borenstein

Jennie Brody

Lola Delson

Joseph Donner

Simon Dreskin

Ida Feinblum

Jesse Feldstein

Milton Finkelstein

Tobey Fisch

Albert Ford

Eleanor Fried

Walter Goldberg

Arthur G. Jaffe

Dora Kaplan

Mildred Kriegsfeld

Jean C. Laba

Michael Levine

Ida Linsenbaum

Noah Meyerson

Louis Munitz

Carl C. Myers

Frances Regan

Milton Rockland

Cecelia Rogal

Arnold Segal

Jacob Silverstein

Anne Gruber Smolowitz

Celia Spurr

Edward Sukoneck

Irving Wacks

Sadie Weinberger

Hattie Belkin Whitehead

Esther Zweig

February 15, 2019

Nathan Ackerman

Nancy Austin

Minnie Bardack

Sam Chase

Jeremy Daspin

Albert Feigen

Molly Goldberg

Raymond Gorman

Sylvia Israel

Leo Kaplan

Sidney Keats

Gertrude Lerner

William Robert Lewis

Jordan Lieberman

Nathaniel Lubowe

Neil Luray

Harry May

Ruth Pomerantz

Jeffrey Reiber

Sarah Esther Rosenhaus

Betty Schulman

Harry Schwarz

Fannie Slepian

Gladys Stein

Mildred Stern

Frederick D. Streicher

William Treml

Harold Weber

Leonard Zamore

Marie Zernick

February 22, 2019

Betty L. Becker

Dr. Michael Bernstein

Fred Bernstein

Evelyn Barbarosh Bersh

John Bishop

Max Cohen

Murray Cohen

Michael Glickman

Danny Gottsegen

Ethel Guterwill

Eileen Cooper Holway

Samuel Kurland

Louis Leviss

Sidney Mayer

Jane McKee

Elaine Menkes

Gussie Rose Morris

Benjamin Okun

Doug Pine

Lawrence Saltzman

Samuel Samach

Jack Schwartz

Jack Simon

Mildred Sturm

Arthur Teweles

Mary L. Tolkoff

Graham Turpin


When cherished ties are

broken, our burden of

sadness is made lighter by

the sympathy and comfort

of friends.

The Congregation

extends its sympathy to

the families of:

Mildred Brickel

longtime Temple


Bernard Feuerzieg

beloved husband of

Donna Feuerzeig

Babette Bergner

beloved wife of

Walter Bergner

Leonora Cohen

beloved mother of

Phil and Julie Cohen

beloved grandmother of

Daniel, Willie, and Fara

Page 15: The Or-acle - Temple B'nai Or | Reform Jewish Synagogue of ... · lessons. Jewish pre-school has the added bonus of providing a love of God, holidays, and tradition. We use the values


Acts of Loving Kindness


*The Pine Family

In honor of:

Rabbi Katz leading Funeral and

Shiva services for Babette Bergner

In memory of:

Babette Bergner

*Walter Bergner

Babette Bergner

Barbara Levy



In honor of:

Cantor Galit leading Shiva services

for Babette Bergner

Claudia DiGesu’s 65th Birthday

*Gay Klapman

The birth of Sally and Josh

Gillenson’s grandaughter,

Lucia Maria

Barbara and Donald Piermont

Michael A. Goldberg becoming a

Bar Mitzvah

*Joan and Herb Goldberg

Louise Gordon

*Marilyn and Eric Blier

Michael Leiderman

Barbara and Donald Piermont

Coco and Annabel Simon

becoming B’nai Mitzvah

*Kara, Jeff and Aly Maser

In memory of:

Babette Bergner

*Walter Bergner

Louis Gordon

*Marilyn and Eric Blier

Lloyd Tamarin

Audrey and Ira Forman



In honor of:

Rabbi Rossoff officiating at

Josh’s wedding

*Craig and Marjorie Bissinger

Eliot and Judy Steinberg

*Andrew and Sue Steinberg


In honor of:

Lisa and Keith Barbarosh on the

marriage of their daughter

Stephanie to Fred Kain

Mitzi Szerlip

Dr. Ronald S. Levy

*Joyce Levy and Family

Pearl and David Pall on the

marriage of their granddaughter

Stephanie to Fred Kain

Mitzi Szerlip

Eliot and Judy Steinberg

*Andrew and Sue Steinberg


In honor of:

The engagement of Audrey and

Ira Forman’s son Eric

*Marilyn and Jack Piermont

Mr. and Mrs. Josh Gillenson on the

birth of their granddaughter,


*Marilyn and Jack Piermont

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schwartz on their

granddaughter, Lorelei

*Marilyn and Jack Piermont

Alison Widman on winning the

Women’s Golf Club

Championship at Preakness Hill

Country Club

*Marilyn and Jack Piermont

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Zipper on the

birth of their grandson, Nathaniel

*Marilyn and Jack Piermont

In memory of:

Florence Goldstein

Tobi and George Goldman

Louis Gordon

Judith and Michael Israel



In honor of:

Jennie Rubin and all the TBO

Pre-School teachers

*Tobi and George Goldman


In honor of:

Caroline and Yaron Moshel’s

10th Anniversary

*Eric and Jean Rosenberg

Gail and Dennis Lalk

Robert Sherman


In honor of:

Samantha Golub Bat Mitzvah

Mattye and Bob Gandel

Annabel and Coco Simon

becoming B’nai Mitzvah

*Michael and Alice Samach

Temple B’nai Or

*Amy Jones

In memory of:

The 11 Citizens of Pittsburgh

*Wendy and Gregory Supron

Babette Bergner

Scott Schlosser

*Lisa and Mark Schlossman

Bernie Feuerzeig

*Mary Hess

Florence Goldstein

*Robert Goldstein

Jack Rudolph

Ilene Wolff



In honor of:

Stephanie Barbarosh’s marriage to

Fred Kain

Charlotte Abberman

David Iskovitz

*Keith and Lisa Barbarosh

In memory of:

Florence Goldstein

Shari and Steve Leviss

Louis Gordon

Ilene and Bruce Jacobs



In honor of:

Herb Goldberg’s Birthday

*Bob Raskin

Michael A. Goldberg becoming a

Bar Mitzvah

*Joan and Herb Goldberg

In memory of:

Lisa K. Goldberg, beloved wife of

Todd Goldberg and beloved

mother of Michael and Ryan


*Joan and Herb Goldberg

William S. Hirsch, beloved friend

*Joan and Herb Goldberg

Page 16: The Or-acle - Temple B'nai Or | Reform Jewish Synagogue of ... · lessons. Jewish pre-school has the added bonus of providing a love of God, holidays, and tradition. We use the values


Acts of Loving Kindness


In honor of:

Eric Robbins’ Birthday

*Lisa and Keith Barbarosh

Annabel and Coco becoming

B’nai Mitzvah

*Melissa and Mark Simon


Thank you for all the New Year’s


Ricki Bernstein

Thank you for the High Holiday


Ricki Bernstein

In honor of:

Helen Jacobson’s daughter, Jen

Pralgever’s marriage to Conor


Ricki Bernstein

In memory of:

Louis Gordon

*Ann and Alan Bernstein


In memory of:

Eli Ancowitz

Lee and Harriet Broadwin

Louise Arens

Margo and Bob Siroty

Nina Bein

Roger and Carol Kane

Dora Bleiman

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Schnee

Irvin Blumberg

*Alice and Michael Samach

Pearl Braunstein

Richard and Poppy Segal

Irving W. Chase

Laurie and Steve Spiegel

William David Cohen

Philip and Julie Cohen

Milton Cobert

The Cobert Family

William David Cohen

Philip Cohen

Leo Dumbroff

Judy, Larry, Paul, and Andrew



In memory of:

Helen Dunn

James and Jamie Dunn

David Ehrlich

Bruce Goldman and Melissa


Benjamin Farkas

Debbi and Joel Farkas

Edith Farkas

Debbi and Joel Farkas

Murray B. Feldman

David, Amy, Adam and Matt


Edith Flatow

Audrey and Ira Forman

Gerard Flatow

Audrey and Ira Forman

Edgar Freundlich

The Freundlich Family

Oscar Gervis

*Michael and Lori Gervis

Grace Goldberg

*Sally and Jonathan Solsky

Frances Goldstein

*Glen and Donna Goldstein

Michael Golum

Charlotte and Nelson Cohen

Eugene Gordon

Larry Gordon

Arthur Gottsegen

Paul and Wendy Gottsegen

Sam Gross

Debbi and Joel Farkas

Dorothy Herbert

Richard, Miriam, Hannah and

Jeremy Herbert

Daniel Hirsch

The Noble Family

Joel Jacobs

Bruce and Ilene Jacobs

Louis Karner

Sheila and Harold Karner

Dora Kerzman

Goldie Jaffe

Paul Kessler

Judy, Larry, Paul and Andrew


Aaron Kohn

Sid and Joane Kohn

Richard Landau

*Ellen Landau

Joseph S. Leventhal

Lois and Simon Leventhal

Alice Leviss

* Shari and Steve Leviss


In memory of:

Eva Levy

Joyce Levy and Family

David Levy

*Eli Levy

Dr. Ronald S. Levy

*Joyce Levy and Family

Anne Lieber

Lois and Simon Leventhal

Maurice Miller

Anne and Mel Miller

Sylvia Narcez

*David Widman

Anna Neaman

Ilene and Bruce Jacobs

Shirley Nosofsky

*Joseph, Laurie, Julia and

Emma Nosofsky

Dorothy Orgel

Phyllis Feinblum

Julius Orgel

Phyllis Feinblum

Lois Pall

David Pall

Bernard Pearl

The Oliver Family

Mandel Paes Pinheiro

Marise Pinheiro Brown

Henry M. Platt

*The Platt Family

Bertha Oliver

The Oliver Family

Selma Oliver

The Oliver Family

Jeanne K. Rayvid

Stuart and Barbara Rayvid

Milton Rosner

Norma and Daniel Schwartz

Sondra Rosner

Margo and Bob Siroty

Richard Rossman

Susan and Gary Aidekman and


Helen Rothenberg

Jane Jewel

Sidney Schlosser

Bill, Stacey, Caya and Scott


Philip Schnee

*Jerome and Rosalyn Schnee

Sylvia Schnee

*Jerome and Rosalyn Schnee

May Schwartz

Norma and Daniel Schwartz

Welcome to the Morristown

Unitarian Fellowship Junior Youth


Page 17: The Or-acle - Temple B'nai Or | Reform Jewish Synagogue of ... · lessons. Jewish pre-school has the added bonus of providing a love of God, holidays, and tradition. We use the values


Acts of Loving Kindness


In memory of:

Ruth Sherman

Gail and Dennis Lalk

Philip Singer

*David and Marie Singer

Morton Sichel

Brenda Sichel

Edward Siegel

Stephanie and Harvey Siegel

Irving B. Siroty

Margo and Bob Siroty

Morris Snow

Phyllis and Dave Feinblum

Harold Sobel

Goldie Jaffe

Helen Solsky

Jonathan and Sally Solsky

Esther Spector

Jordan and Dana Fried

Earl Spiegel

Miriam, Rich, Hannah and

Jeremy Herbert

Byrdie Steiner

Francine Milberg

Byrdie Steiner

Nadine Milberg

Peter Calal Tillis

Susan Tillis

Irving Weinstein

Brenda Sichel

Robert Weinstein

*The Weinstein Family

Rachel S. Welt

*Aaron, William and Rachel M.


David Zaborsky

Donna Feuerzeig

Thelma Zane

Linda and Rick Haan

Donation of $50 or more

Updated 11/30/18

Welcome to the Morristown

Unitarian Fellowship Junior Youth


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