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The Orchardfamilies growing together in christ

week 1 joy

Page 2: The Orchard - JOY

families growing together in christ

Joyweek one

week highlights:- Joy is not found in things we have or things we do. - Joy is found in Christ.- When we find joy in Christ, we can have joy in all circumstances.



memory verse: Psalm 28:7The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.

Circle Time:- pray together- songs: Jesus Loves Me & Joy Joy Joy Joy Down in my Heart- memory verse

reflect Mama Moment #1 Circle time

read Luke 2:4-12 together. Have kids jump up and clap when they hear the word 'joy.' What brought joy? Jesus!

create Make a happy vs joy collage. Have child find pic-tures of (or take or draw pictures of) things that make them happy: toys/trips/places/books/people. Glue those to one half of a sheet of paper. Explain that these things can make us happy, but probably not forever. Joy is a deeper, lasting feeling that we get from Jesus, and we can have joy always, every day, no matter what happens. Glue the picture of Jesus in a manger (see printable) on the other half. eat Baby Jesus Snack Scene (see snack page for details.) The Orchard

families growing together in christ


Page 3: The Orchard - JOY

families growing together in christ


2reflect Mama Moment #2

Circle time

read Luke 15:8-10 (Lost coins) together. Have kids jump up and clap when they hear the sound 'joy' in 'rejoice.'

watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0GLGovzpR0

talk Summarize the story together. Have you ever lost something? How did that feel? What did you do? Did you find it? If so, how did you feel? God loves us just like you love ___ and he is so excited when we say "Here I am God! I love you and I want you to be my friend!"

play Treasure Hunt. Print and cut promise coins (see printable). Hide around your home or yard and have kids find them. Read the promises together, thank God for those promises. Verses are listed for additional optional bible time together. Wear pirate gear for extra treasure hunt fun.

talk God's promises bring us so much more joy than any-thing else, and we can never lose God or his promises! We might lose our _____ but we can never lose God or his love.

eat Pirate Ship Snack Plate (see snack page for details.)

The Orchardfamilies growing together in christ


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3reflect Mama Moment #3

Circle time

read Luke 15:11-31 (Prodigal Son) together. (Or read pages 272-278 in the Jesus Storybook Bible.)

watch http://vimeo.com/35595649

talk Summarize the story together. If you could have 3 wishes, what would they be? The son got everything he wanted, but it did not last. He ran out of money. But his dad took him back and loved him. No matter what we do, God always loves us, and that love lasts forever.

play Balloon Float. Fill 3-5 balloons with air, and 1 balloon with Helium. Have child tell you things they like, and write those on the balloons with permanent marker. Toys, places, etc. Throw balloons in the air and try to keep them in the air. It is tough! Even things we really like cannot make us happy all the time. Now pull out helium balloon. Write "Jesus" on it. We do not need to do anything to make it stay afloat. God's love brings us joy everyday, always.

eat Pig Slop Snack (see snack page for details.)

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4reflect Mama Moment #4

Circle time

read Psalm 30:10-12 (Wailing into Dancing) together. Have kids jump up and clap when they hear the word 'joy'

talk What does wailing mean? What is a sackcloth? (In Jesus' time, when people were sad or mourning or had done something wrong they would wear a sackcloth to ask God for forgiveness.) The psalm tells us that God can take that sadness away from us and give us joy instead.Ask - what kinds of things make you sad?

play Wailing into Dancing. In advance, on the eating side of 5-10 paper plates, draw a smiley face. Next, grab the same number of papertowels or sheets of paper as you have plates. Write on them something that makes your child sad. Tape the sheets of paper or paper towels to the plates, covering the smiley face. When you are ready to play, have a song ready to play on your phone/CD/etc. Scatter the plates around the room. Have your child run and get one, bring it to you and read it together. Encour-age your child to do their best wailing pretend cry. Remove the paper/papertowel to reveal the smiley face, play your music and dance together. We can ask God to give us joy when we’re sad and he can turn our wailing into dancing! Have your child grab another plate. Stop the music, read the paper, pretend cry, pull off the paper, dance again. Repeat with all the plates.

create Using fabric paints, fabric markers, or spray tie dye (available on amazon), have your child create a shirt that they can wear when they're feeling sad. When they wear it, remind them that God clothes us with joy.

The Orchardfamilies growing together in christ


Page 6: The Orchard - JOY

The Orchardfamilies growing together in christ

Snack Ideas

Baby Jesus Snack Scenehttp://www.creativekidsnacks.com/2012/11/30/baby-jesus-in-the-manger/

Ingredients:4 baby carrotsbreadpeanut butterjellystring cheeseany kind of yellow cheesecelery1. slice 3 baby carrots in half length-wise to shape the stable.2. prepare PB&J, cut with circle cookie cutter or drinking glass, and cut in half to form semi-circle.3. cut yellow cheese into thin strips for hay.4. cut yellow cheese in the shape of a star.5. pull off strands of string cheese and wrap around baby carrot to make baby jesus. optional eyes made with pieces of raisin or sprinkles.6. thinly slice celery and use as manger base.

pirate ship snack platehttp://www.creativekidsnacks.com/2013/02/15/peter-pan-party-ideas/


1. slide the apple into wedges and cheese into squares.2. use toothpicks to attach the cheese sail to the apple boats.

pig slop snack


1. slide the apple into wedges and cheese into squares.2. use toothpicks to attach the cheese sail to the apple boats.

Ingredients: chocolate pudding, chopped fruit, shredded coconut

Prepare pudding, allow child to add toppings and mix.

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The Orchardfamilies growing together in christ


for day 1 joy collage

God promises to

care for and protect us

Psalm 121:7-8

God promises to

guide usPsalm 32:8John 8:12

for treasure hunt

Page 8: The Orchard - JOY

The Orchardfamilies growing together in christ


God promises to

forgive us1 john 2:12

God promises to

answer prayermatthw 21:22

mark 11:24

God promises to

always bewith us

hebrews 13:5

God promises to

give useternal life

john 3:16

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families growing together in christ



Journal: What are your goals for this summer with your family? What are your goals for this study with your family? Do you feel joyful today? Why or why not?

Read Hebrews 12:1-2:"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

Read the passage 3 times. What stands out to you? Write those things in your journal.

Pray: Ask God to guide you as you teach your child about joy. Thank Him that He endured death on a cross for you and for your family, so that we can have eternal life, and all of the joy that comes with it! Pray that He would help you to be a witness of that joy to your family and friends. Pray that He would strengthen you and energize you as you start this study with your family.

Mama Momentsweek one - joy



Pray the Word: Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139:23-24)

Journal: Where are you lacking joy and peace in your life today?

Read Philippians 4:6-7:"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Pray: Admit that you forget to pray and be thankful. Ask God to help you to feel joyful instead of pessimistic or anxious. Ask God to help you choose joy in your everyday mom duties, and difficult circumstances.

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Journal: Start a gratitude list. Take 5 minutes to list as many things as possible that you are thankful for. Put the list (and a pen) in a place where you can find it later to add to (or to read when you are feeling less-than-thankful.)

Pray: Thank God for all that you are thankful for today. Ask him to help you show your family how thankful you are to have them.

Mama Momentsweek one - joy



Journal: For each member of your family, including yourself, write about what they are currently struggling with.

Read Romans 94:18-19 and John 16:24 "When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy."

"Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete."

Read the passages each twice. What stands out to you? Do you feel like you can ask God for help and support when you begin slipping? Are you?

Journal: Write about a time that you God supported and strengthened you, or a time that He calmed your anxieties about something.

Pray: Thank God that He knows what we need even when we forget to ask. Ask him to strengthen your family, praying for their specific needs. Ask him to take away your anxieties about those things, and cast them on him.

The Orchardfamilies growing together in christ

Page 11: The Orchard - JOY

The Orchard

The Lord is my

strength & my

shield; my trusts in him,

and he helps me.


w leaps for Myand with my�ong

I praise Him.



�alm 28:7

families growing together in christ

Page 12: The Orchard - JOY

Blessingsjoy"____, you are a joy to be around!"

"You are ________ (kind, respect-

ful, generous, cheerful, loving)"

Tell your child that he/she is a blessing from God to you. You can also tell the

story of how and when they were born and how you picked their name. Show them pictures and then explain how much joy they have brought to you.

"Thank you for choosing to be joyful, even though things didn’t go your way

today, ________."

"Your joy is contagious. When you are joyful, I feel like being joyful too!"

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Getting StartedThanks for joining us on this adventure! Whether you're planning on following along with this program in its entirety, or picking and choosing activities to do with your family, we hope this guide will bless your family and help you to grow together in Christ’s love.

This program is best suited for 3-6 year olds, but activities can easily be changed slightly to work for younger and older children.

We've set up this program for 4 days of activities per week because that's what tends to work best for our families. Feel free to adjust the schedule to work with your own availability and family preferences.

Included in each week is a reflection time for you, which we hope you’ll take advan-tage of - it is so important for us as parents to make sure we are getting our own cup filled before we can pour out knowledge and love to our families. Grab a cup of coffee and a comfy chair and enjoy some time with God.

Hang our "Joy Blessings” list on your fridge or bathroom mirror to give yourself some great words to encourage your family.

We have also included some circle time suggestions. Our girls love the structure and consistency of having a daily circle time where we come together to sing, pray, read, and work on our memory verse. If this doesn't sound like something that will work for your family, feel free to leave it out. And if you have any questions, let us know!Enjoy!

Supply ListWith love, Jen St.Clair & Kelli Agnich

journal and pen for youprintable verse bible (we use NIV)children's biblewhite cardstockscissorsgluemagazines & toy catalogs

printable baby jesus baby carrotsbreadpeanut butter and jellystring cheeseyellow cheeseceleryprintable promise coins

applescheesetoothpicks4-6 balloons, 1 heliummarkerchocolate puddingdried fruitpaper plates

paper towels or paper white t-shirt fabric paints or tie-dye kit

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