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  • 8/12/2019 The Oredigger Issue 20 - March 24, 2014


    T H E O R E D I G G E R Volume 94, Issue 20 March 24, 2014

    The student voice of the Colorado School of Mines

    w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t

    Sports 7

    Opinion 8

    Features 4

    News 2

    Snowball Festival

    headed to Denver

    for 2014

    Nicolas Cage

    stars in lacklusterWicker Man

    Minds at Mines

    asks favorite mov-

    ie of the year?

    Orediggers fall

    to Metro State in

    RMAC Finals

    Emily McNair

    Managing Editor

    The disap pea ran ce of fl igh t

    MH370 has left the world in shock.

    In such an interconnected world, it

    seemed impossible to lose something

    as large as a Boeing 777. However,

    the unthinkable became reality on

    Saturday, March 8 when 239 souls

    disappeared without a trace.

    At 12:41 am, the flight left the

    airport in Kuala Lumpur carrying

    227 passengers and 12 crew. All of

    the crew were Malaysian; however,the passengers hailed from at least

    twelve different countries. Two of the

    passengers were traveling using sto-

    len passports. Further investigation

    showed that these two men were

    of Iranian descent but had no link to

    terrorist groups.

    The flight flew on for 120 nautical

    miles. At this point, the flight was to

    be handed from Malaysian air traf-

    fic control to Vietnamese air traffi c

    control. All seemed well when the

    plane signed off from the Malaysians;

    however, it never checked in with air

    traffi c control in Ho Chi Minh City.

    Malaysian and Vietnamese offi cials

    began the search for the plane at the

    point of last contact. Malaysian ships

    in the area did not see any wreckage,but an oil slick was reported. Later

    tests showed that this oil slick was

    not jet fuel.

    On March 9, Malaysian offi cials

    said that radar data showed that the

    plane may have turned back. Offi cials

    widened the search area in hopes

    of recovering debris from the plane.

    On March 10, Malaysian authorities

    Search for missing airplane continues

    The search radius for MH370 currently covers over 4800 kilometers of the southeastern hemisphere.


    further expanded the search area.

    While there had been several claims

    of seeing the plane, all of the leads

    proved false. People began wonder-

    ing if MH370 had been hijacked or a

    bomb exploded on board; however,

    data from U.S. spy satellites showed

    that there had not been a mid-air


    On Tuesday, March 11, offi cials

    began looking further into the pos-

    sibility that MH370 had turned back.

    Military radar showed an unidentified

    object heading towards the Strait of

    Malacca after MH370 had lost con-tact with civilian air traffi c controllers.

    Allegations against the planes first of-

    ficer come to light. In previous flights,

    he had allowed women to enter the

    cockpit during a previous flight. Ma-

    laysia Airlines was unable to confirm

    the allegations. On March 12, offi cials

    expanded the search area to include

    an area stretching from China to India

    and the pilots last words to air traffi c

    control, All right, good night, were

    released to the public. Vietnam scaled

    back its search efforts while a Chinese

    government agency released satellite

    photos that may have shown debris.

    The next day, this debris could not

    be found. Chinese offi cials explained

    that the photos had been wrongly

    released. The Wall Street Journalreported that the plane could have

    continued flying for about 2200 miles.

    Satellites received faint electronic

    pulses from the plane that matched

    this theory. However, Malaysian

    Transport Minister Seri Hishammud-

    din dismissed these claims and said

    that the search would continue in the

    South China Sea. On March 15, the

    search area was expanded to include

    parts of the Indian Ocean. The U.S.S.

    Kidd, a U.S. destroyer, was on its way

    to the Strait of Malacca to assist in

    the search.

    On March 15, Malaysian offi cials

    confirmed that MH370 had turned

    back. The plane flew west over the

    Malaysian Peninsula before turning

    northwest. Offi cials a lso confirmed

    that the last signal from MH370 was

    received at 8:11 am, which was over

    seven hours after takeoff. Malaysian

    Prime Minister Najib Razak told the

    public that actions aboard MH370,such as the disabling of communica-

    tions systems, were deliberate. Satel-

    lite data showed that the plane could

    have flown in one of two areas - one

    area went north towards Kazakhstan

    while the other went south into the

    Indian Ocean. Malaysian police also

    search the pilots and copilots homes.

    On March 16, the search area

    was expanded to include the new

    corridors. The number of countries

    involved in the search grew from 14

    to 25. Malaysian offi cials revealed that

    they found a flight simulator in the

    copilots home and were analyzing it.

    The next day, the number of countries

    involved in the search expanded to

    25. Investigators were looking into a

    flight engineer who was a passengeron the plane.

    On March 18, China announced

    that none of the Chinese on the plane

    had ties to terrorist groups. Thailands

    air force said that MH370 may have

    appeared on its radar shortly after its

    last contact. The unidentified object

    was flying towards the Strait of Ma-

    lacca, which is where MH370 was

    believed to have gone. Offi cials said

    that this information was not shared

    earlier because Malaysia never asked

    for it. New information regarding the

    flight path emerged. It is shown that

    the change in the flight path was

    entered into the cockpit computer,

    which raised more suspicion that

    someone on the crew orchestrated

    the event.

    On March 19, the FBI joined the

    investigation. Malaysian offi cials said

    that reports of a low-flying plane in the

    Maldives were not related to M370.

    Offi cials also revealed that files hadbeen deleted from the copilots flight

    simulator on February 3. The German

    insurance company Allianz began

    making payouts in connection with

    the missing plane.

    On March 20, Australia reported

    seeing debris on a satellite image.

    The largest piece was 24 meters long.

    Planes were sent to the location to in-

    vestigate, but poor visibility limited the

    search. China and France have since

    picked up similar satellite images.

    The black box on MH370 may

    hold clues as to what happened.

    However, the Indian ocean is ex-

    tremely deep and there are few

    vehicles capable of searching the


    The black box sends out an ultra-sonic ping for 30 days. This ping can

    only be heard by those very close to

    the crash site, so a wide search area

    makes this task more diffi cult. As of

    March 23, there are 16 days remain-

    ing for the ping of MH370s black

    box. However, after the location of the

    black box has been found, it may still

    take years to recover.

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    Oredigger Staff

    Lucy Orsi


    Emily McNairManaging Editor

    Taylor PolodnaDesign Editor

    Connor McDonaldWebmaster

    Lucy OrsiBusiness Manager

    Arnaud FilliatCopy Editor

    Katerina GonzalesContent Manager

    Jared RiemerContent Manager

    Karen GilbertFaculty Advisor

    Headlines from around the worldLocal News

    Governor Hickenlooper is ex-pected to sign a law to expand

    the Medina Alert System acrossColorado on Tuesday. The sys-tem is currently only used in theDenver area. The system wasinspired by a hit and run wherea taxi driver provided the licenseplate of the driver to the police.

    The system gives informationabout hit-and-runs to taxi driversand others on the road.

    A car fire in Aurora spread to

    a duplex early Sunday morning.No one was injured and no onewas displaced. The cause of thefire is under investigation.

    Private donors have paid toinstall beer taps in the gover-

    nors mansion. The price of thetaps has not been disclosed.

    The taps will have three different

    Colorado brews.

    Matt Duchene, a player forthe Colorado Avalanche hockeyteam, is helping a local boy getan experimental drug for Duch-enne muscular dystrophy. Theboys family started a We thePeople petition to get the FDAto release the experimental drugto the boy, but, as of Friday, itonly had 65,000 of the required100,000 signatures. The Ava-lanche star tweeted about theboys plight in hopes of gettingenough signatures.

    The State House has passeda bill allowing Amtrak trains togo through Pueblo. Currentlythe trains pass through La Juntaand Trinidad. The bill allows thetrains to be re-routed and thetrains will eventually go to Los

    Angeles. The train should be upand running within five years.

    Ramiro Rodriguez, Staff Writer

    Ramiro Rodriguez, Staff Writer

    South Pole- Researchers at the AmundsenScott South Pole Station have de-tected waves of gravitational energy in the oldest light detectable by telescopes. Thisis being seen as a residual marker for the exponential growth of the universe in the first

    trillionths of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second of the universe, giving large amounts ofsupport to the Big Bang theory. The discovery has been confirmed to five-sigma values.

    Towns across the UnitedStates are opposing the in-creasing militarization of local

    police forces. Grants from theDepartment of Homeland Securityhave been funding the purchaseof heavily fortified vehicles for use

    by police forces. Peter Kraska, aprofessor in the School of JusticeStudies at Eastern Kentucky Uni-versity, links the antipathy towardspolice militarization to revelationsabout the extent of governmentspying programs.

    Russian President Vladimir

    Putin has signed a law formal-izing Russias annexation of

    Crimea.This is not being recog-nized by Ukraine, the EU, or othermembers of the G8 nations. Inresponse to this move by Putin,the EU and the US have expand-ed sanctions against Russian of-ficials, stock prices in Moscow

    have fallen, two credit agencieshave downgraded Russias out-look to negative, and Visa andMastercard have ceased provid-ing services to SMP Bank andBank Rossiya.

    A federal judge has orderedthe FBI to justify shielding in-formation relating to an allegedFBI plot to assassinate leaders of

    the Occupy movement. Informa-tion about the plot surfaced from acivil-rights legal organization mak-ing a Freedom of Information Actrequest earlier in the year. The FBIis claiming it has this right on thebasis that the law gives them theability to shield information com-piled for law enforcement purpos-es if disclosure could cause harmor jeopardize the investigation.

    Online learning platform Khan

    Academy is partner ing with

    College Board, the developerand administrator of standard-ized tests such as the SAT and APtests, to help lessen the incomebarriers to higher education. Khan

    Academy will receive exclusive ac-cess to actual questions to devel-op a free test preparation service.

    The Netherlands has becomethe first country to legalize no-

    carrier SIM cards. Mobile phoneusers in the Netherlands no longerhave to be tied to a particular car-rier for their cell service or swap

    out SIM cards to change serviceor travel overseas. This comesafter an announcement of the Eu-ropean Union considering a banon roaming charges between themember countries of the Europe-an Union.

    Minnesota-based brewingcompany Lakemaid has devel-oped a drone based beer deliv-

    ery system. The owners of Lake-maid decided to create an aerialunmanned delivery service afterwatching the 60 Minutes spe-cial on Amazons plans to have asame-day delivery service throughthe same method. The first deliv-

    ery was a successfully delivered12-pack of their winter lager to anearby ice fishing shack. The Fed-

    eral Aviation Administration hasissued the brewery a cease anddesist order as this is in violationof regulation relating to unmanneddrones.

    MtGox, the former largest Bit-Coin exchange in the world, hasannounced it has found 200,000lost BitCoins in an older format

    wallet file, worth approximately$116M. This comes after the theftof what was thought to be 850000BitCoins by hackers earlier in Feb-ruary. The discovery accounts for7% of all of the worlds BitCoins.

    University of Idaho- Dr. Jason Barnesof the University of Idaho has detected thefirst liquid waves on another planetary

    body. Dr. Barnes used a mathematicalmodel to analyze an image of the PungaMare on Titan taken by the Cassini probeafter seeing on the image what appeared

    to be sunlight reflecting from surface liquidmuch in the same way a mirror redirectslight. The Punga Mare is a lake that has init approximately 9000 cubic km of liquidmethane, roughly 40 times the proven re-serves of oil and gas on earth.

    North-Eastern Federal University in

    Yakutsk, Siberia- An international team ofscientists at the North-Eastern Federal Uni-versity in Yakutsk, Siberia claim that DNAfrom a recently found well-preserved woollymammoth could be cloned. The DNA takenfrom blood from the autopsy of the foundmammoth carcass will be mixed with a fe-male elephant to attempt birthing a woollymammoth. The cloning process is expect-

    ed to be diffi cult due to the splitt ing of theevolutionary path of elephants and woollymammoths tens of thousands of years ago.

    University of London - A study led by DrCarolyn McGettigan, from the University of Lon-dons Department of Psychology, shows that thebrain responds differently to genuine laughter than

    forced laughter. The brain can not only determine adifference, but an attempt is also made to discover

    the reason for forced laughing. Research subjectswere not aware of the nature of the study and hadtheir brain activity monitored while hearing laughtercaused by seeing funny videos online and forcedlaughter. The forced laughter prompted the partof the brain associated with attempting to under-stand the mental and emotional state of others.

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    Courtesy Mines Newsroom

    Colorado School of Mineswill compete against nine other

    schools at the National CollegiateWind Competition in May in Las

    Vegas. Teams will be showcas inga lightweight, transportable windturbine that could power smallelectronic devices. Each teamsprototype wind turbine will betested in a wind tunnel and scoredfor performance, operational safe-ty, component durability and sys-tem reliability.

    Nine students on the Minesteam, Zephyrus, are in the pro-

    Mines to compete in windturbine competition

    cess of using design prototypesto build the final turbine.

    Competition advisor CameronTurner said the team has taken

    an innovative path in the compe-tition by establishing a supportingbusiness plan and developing anunderstanding of wind power po-litical issues, in addition to, cre-ating a technical solution to theirdesign.

    In many ways, they are dem-onstrating not only technicalcompetence, but also personalcompetence as citizens, Cam-eron Turner said. In two months,they will be presenting their work

    Christopher Robbins

    Staff Writer

    In a few short weeks, Colo-rados largest music festival willbe setting up shop at The Parkat Sports Authority Field at MileHigh and fans of hip hop andelectric dance music (EDM) fromacross the globe will be head-ing to Denver to witness it all atSnowball 2014. With four sepa-rate concert venues in the Parkitself, the stage is set for threedays of constant music begin-ning Friday, April 4th and run-ning through Sunday the 6th.

    Headlined by local favorite PrettyLights, Aussie duo Knife Party,and upstart GRiZ, as well as over60 artists from around the world.

    This years Snowbal l schedule isshaping up to be one of the bestinstallments of the event since itbegan in 2011.

    Hailing from just up the road inFort Collins, Derek Vincent Smith,aka Pretty Lights, is thrilled toonce again make an appearanceat Snowball for what will be the

    Snowball festival coming to Mile Highthird time in the programs four-year history. Im super excited tolet people know that I wi ll be per-forming with renowned turntablistChris Karns and hip hop drum-mer extraordinaire Adam Deitch!he announced on his Facebookpage Wednesday, claiming thefestival will be a journey backto my hip hop and productionroots. Smith, whose main eventwill begin Saturdaynight at 8:40 onthe Snowball MainStage, also gave fansa small taste of whatthey can expect from

    his performance inthe same Facebookpost, claiming thatsome of the tracksand remixes he has in store willmake this show super bangingand incredibly unique. In addi-tion to his Saturday evening set,Pretty Lights will appear on stageagain on Sunday night in theGroove Tent with several friendsfrom the Pretty Lights Music re-cord label at Snowballs first ever

    at the American Wind Energy As-sociation meeting alongside nineother schools. I fully expect thatthe team will be amongst the best

    teams at the competition.Mines will be competing against

    Boise State University, CaliforniaMaritime Academy, James Madi-son University, Kansas State Uni-versity, Northern Arizona Univer-sity, Pennsylvania State University,University of Alaska Fairbanks,University of Kansas and Univer-sity of Massachusetts Lowell.

    Visit the Zephyrus website andcompetition website for more in-formation.

    PLM party.Making their Snowball debut

    this year is Knife Party, a DJ tan-dem from Australia that has onlybeen around since 2011, buthave quickly become one of thetop performers in todays EDMscene. Snowball will mark theteams first return to the UnitedStates for quite some time, asthey have been busy perform-

    ing for sold-out venuesacross Australia and theUnited Kingdom. De-spite being one of thebiggest names comingto Denver for the festival,

    the duo has remainedrather quiet about theevent, only posting asingle tweet about hav-

    ing a few days off to recoupafter their most recent Australiantour before coming to the U.S.Quiet or not, Knife Partys ex-traordinary success and rise inpopularity over the last few yearsshould have fans flocking to MileHigh to witness them take themain Snowball Stage at 9:30 on

    Friday night.The final headliner to make an

    appearance at Snowball this yearis Duke Silver, better known asGRiZ. Relatively new to the EDMand hip hop scene but rising f ast,the 23-year old Detroit native isdefinitely enjoying his growingsuccess and stated via Face-book how he is proud to be ableto headline this years Snowballmusic fest with the good homiePretty Lights and Knife Party!!

    As with most other performersand fans alike, he is thrilled forthe events move to Mile Highthis year, explaining that having

    a festival outside in the heart ofDenver is going to be a specialcelebration. Cant wait tofill thenight sky with beautiful music!GRiZ will get to do just that onSunday evening at 9:45 on theSnowball Stage, where he willclose out 2014s Snowball festivi-ties with the final performance ofthe event.

    In addition to the headliners,Snowball will feature over 60talented artists from around the

    globe. Included among these arethe Floozies, Mimosa, Brother

    Ali, Busta Rhymes, and Afro-man to name just a few. Althoughmost of these 60 artists sharethe genres of hip hop or EDM,the level of variety and unique-ness between each and everyone is what will make Snowball2014 a great experience for any-one who attends. With so manydistinct styles of music on displayall weekend long, the options arevirtually limitless for how one canchoose to experience and enjoySnowball.

    Single day, general admission

    tickets are currently available for$50 and 3-day, general admis-sion weekend passes are avail-able for $174.50. Additionally,3-day VIP passes are availablefor $399.50.

    For more information, visitwww.snowballmusicfestival.com.Connect with SnowBall via theirFacebook or Twitter.

    Official hashtags for Snow-ball 2014 are #SB14 #SNOW-BALL2014 #SNOWBALL

    Snowball will

    feature over 60

    talented artists

    from around theglobe.

    College Student Storage is looking for a campus manager to hand out flyers at the Schoolof Mines in April. We are offering free summer storage and some $$ if you do a good job.Must be a School of Mines student and we prefer a student that lives on campus.

    If interested, please email us at [email protected] or call 303-545-9525



    Courtesy Mines Newsroom

    Mines to celebrateGalaxE-Days April 3-5

    The traditional Ore Cart Pull be-gins April 4 at around 9 a.m., whenstudents will travel on foot east on

    Colfax Avenue to the state capitolbuilding where an elected offi cial

    will issue the offi cial E-Days Procla-

    mation. Later that day, there will bea Tesla coil demonstration at 1 p.m.in Metals Hall (in the Green Cen-

    ter), field day activities including a

    hot wing eating contest, mattressraces, gold panning at more begin-ning at 2:30 p.m. on the IntramuralFields, a Soap Box Derby at 3 p.m.

    on West Campus Road and a con-cert featuring Sound Remedy at 7p.m. on the Intramural Fields.

    On April 5, festivities begin at 10a.m. with a car show in the CTLMparking lot and cardboard boat

    races down Clear Creek in boatsconstructed only of cardboard andtape. A carnival, featuring gamesand food, will begin at noon on theIM fields. The Saturday night con-

    cert features 3OH!3 at 7 p.m. onthe Intramural Fields followed byfireworks at 10 p.m. at parking lot

    Q.For additional information, see

    the Mines Activity Council website.

  • 8/12/2019 The Oredigger Issue 20 - March 24, 2014


    f e a t u r e s march , page

    w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t

    Ramiro Rodriguez

    Staff Writer

    The bees are in my eyes!

    The Wicker Man is a 2006 hor-

    ror lm written and directed by Neil

    LaBute and stars Nicolas Cage. The

    lm is primarily a remake of the 1973

    horror classic of the same name,

    though it also takes material from thesource material, a 1967 horror novel

    titled Ritual. The lm was poorly

    received by critics

    and has been called

    absurd by Cage

    and actively disas-

    sociated from by

    the director of the

    original lm, though

    the lm is still

    watched because

    of the unintentional

    humor in the acting

    and plot elements.

    The Wicker

    Man opens to Po-

    liceman Edward

    Mallus (Cage) recall-

    ing himself stoppinga car with two wom-

    en and a young girl after he picks up

    a doll the girls had thrown out of the

    car. After giving the doll back, the

    girl throws the doll out again and,

    as Mallus picks the doll up for the

    second time, a truck comes out with

    no warning and smashes into the

    car with the two women and young

    girl. Mallus is knocked unconscious

    as he tries to rescue the girl. A fade

    to black later and the lm returns to

    present time as Mallus receives a

    letter from his ex-ancee that their

    daughter, Rowan, is missing and

    she wants him to come to Summer-

    isle, a neo-pagan commune where

    she lives, to help nd her. Without

    any sort of help or plan he goes to

    do this and is met with tremendous

    amounts of evasiveness from the

    people of the island whose local

    economy is dependent on honey,

    which has recently declined. Mallus

    eventually nds an unmarked gravecontaining only a doll that has been

    burned. He asks her teacher on the

    island how Rowen

    had died and the

    schoolhouse teach-

    er says that she will

    be burned, though

    quickly corrects

    herself. On the day

    of the ritual, which

    has been men-

    tioned periodically

    throughout the lm,

    Mallus assaults the

    keeper of the inn

    he is staying at to

    steal her bear cos-

    tume and inltrates

    the ritual in thebear costume. He

    sees Rowan tied to a tree about to

    be burned and rushes towards her,

    punching people out as he does,

    and releases her. He then realizes

    the entire search for Rowan was an

    elaborate trap by the villagers and

    he is the intended sacrice. They all

    mob around him, beat him, break

    his legs, and cover him in bees.

    He is then put inside of the epony-

    mous wicker man and is set on re

    in hopes that the sacrice will restore

    the islands honey production.

    While the original 1973 lm was

    a classic of the horror genre that

    has aged surprisingly well, that can-

    not be said of the remake. The lm

    works far better as a comedy be-

    cause of Cages over the top acting

    combined with the more nonsensical

    parts of the lm. This is best seen in

    the most memorable line of the lm


    ARE IN MY EYES! a line that wasnot even in the theatrical release, just

    the uncut version. As a horror lm,

    to say the remake falls short is an

    understatement. There is almost no

    suspense as the plot seems to just

    happen by random chance since it

    seems like the villagers plans seem

    to be contingent on Mallus being in

    very specic places, asking specic

    questions and, in some situations,

    be looking at something at specic

    times. There is no surprise when the

    islanders perform human sacrice

    since the lm paints them as creep-

    ily as possible from Maluss arrival on

    the island where in the original they

    were at least somewhat aable. The

    remake also removes an important

    element; the original shows the sac-rice to fail and heavily implies the is-

    lands leader (in the original its a Lord

    Summerisle and not Sister Summer-

    isle) would be sacriced next for it,

    where the closing of this lm is just

    two women from the island seduc-

    ing men to lure them on the island

    for sacrice again. The only saving

    grace for this lm is that Cage over-

    reacts on what interviews would later

    reveal to be on purpose is incredibly

    entertaining. There is no other rea-

    son to watch this lm than to watch

    Nicolas Cage run around punching

    people in a bear costume and be at-

    tacked by bees.

    It is the year 3043. Earth was

    destroyed fteen years ago by a

    powerful alien race called the Drej

    and humanity has all but ceased

    to exist. The only hope to save

    humanity is through Project Titan,a large spaceship hidden some-

    where in the universe that holds

    the key to making a new Earth.

    Only one person in the universe,

    Kale, can turn on the Titan. The

    lm tracks his quest from a scra-

    pyard in the depths of space to

    a nebula lled with ice. Along the

    way, he must contend with back-

    stabbing shipmates, love, and the

    all-important Drej, who track his

    every move. This is the premise of

    the 2000 movie Titan A.E.

    The story itself is fairly com-

    monplace in the science-ction

    universe. A dying species must get

    to some point and do something to

    bring the remaining people togeth-

    er to start anew. However, TitanA.E. follows this plot in fantastic

    fashion. The story is quite convo-

    luted, which always keeps viewers

    on their toes.

    For an animated movie, the

    graphics are surprisingly good.

    The characters are styled simi-

    larly to those in Atlantis: The Lost

    Empire, although there are few

    humans. The range of aliens in

    this movie helps give the viewer a

    sense of how alone Kale is in the

    universe. Most of the aliens are

    based on animals, such as the

    cook, who is a cockroach. Oth-

    ers are based on kangaroos and

    Emily McNair

    Managing Editor

    Quest for Titanvultures, so none of them seem

    strange at rst glance. However,

    as the story continues, viewers get

    a sense of how dierent each spe-

    cies really is.

    The environments and the

    scenes showing the ship from a

    distance really give this movie its

    air. As opposed to the at anima-tion of the characters, the ships

    look extremely three dimensional

    and nebulas are quite breathtak-

    ing to look at. Even the planets

    are extremely beautiful, with the

    bubbles of hydrogen trees lit by a

    sunset and the realistic ripples in

    the water.

    However, the ending of the

    movie was a let down. The story

    ends with the creation of new

    Earth or, as Kale aectionately

    calls it, Planet Bob. There is no

    telling of how the humans fared

    on this new planet or how many

    even colonized it. Additionally, the

    graphics were lacking on this new

    planet. What could have been a

    beautiful scene was marred by thebasic gradients covering a moun-

    tainous landscape. It really hurt the

    aesthetics of the nal scene, which

    was meant to be quite touching.

    Nonetheless, Titan A.E. is

    a must-see for all science ction

    fans. It includes the voice talents of

    Matt Damon and Drew Barrymore,

    among many other well-known

    names. Joss Whedon, the creator

    of the acclaimed series Firey,

    was even involved in the screen-

    play. While this movie certainly has

    its aws, the well-done storytell-

    ing and good animation make it a

    good movie.


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    Jacqueline Feuerborn

    Staff Writer

    The Picture of Dorian Gray by

    Oscar Wilde is an incredible book

    that will force any reader to look

    at themselves and the world in a

    completely different light. The Pic-

    ture of Dorian Gray was publishedin 1890 and was originally justa story in the Lippincotts

    Monthly Magazine. It was not

    until 1891 that i t was offi cially

    published as a book in its own

    right. Since then, however,

    The Picture of Dorian Gray

    has been acclaimed as a

    classic and is recommended

    for almost everyone to read.

    This is a very dark book

    with very few to no shining

    lights of redemption. ThePicture of Dorian Gray tells

    the story of none other than

    Dorian Gray. Dorian begins thebook as an innocent and naive

    character that is new to Lon-

    don and society. Through-out the book Dorian loses all

    of that innocence and naivety.

    The main characters of this

    novel are Dorian (obviously),

    as well as Basil Hallward and

    Lord Henry Wotton. Basil Hall-

    ward is Dorians first friend in

    London and he quickly be-

    comes infatuated with Dorian.

    In this story, Basil is an incred-

    ibly moral character and seems

    to be the only truly good char-

    acter in the book. Lord Henry, on

    the other hand, plays the devil on

    Dorians shoulder to Basils angel.Lord Henry is a very witty character

    and most of the best lines in the

    book come from him, however, his

    look out on life is very pessimistic.He takes every opportunity to in-

    dulge in every hedonist activity that

    he can.

    Upon Dorians arrival to Lon-

    The life of Dorian Graydon, he is posing for one of Ba-

    sils paintings when he meets Lord

    Henry. Dorian is immediately taken

    by Lord Henrys view of the world.

    He begins to believe that, as Henry

    preaches, beauty is the only thing

    in life that matters. This leads to

    him wishing that he stays as young

    and beautiful as he is in that paint-

    ing. From there Dorian goes on

    to try and find as much beauty in

    the world as he can. On a trip to

    see a play with Lord Henry, Dorian

    becomes absolutely entranced

    by Sybil Vane, a beautiful actress.

    They quickly fall in love and Dorian

    proposes to Sybil. However, as

    soon as Sybil experiences love sheno longer wishes to act out fake

    love in theaters. This revelation

    leads to another: Dorian realizes

    that he only loves Sybil when she is

    acting. When Sybil is made aware

    of this, she takes her own life.

    This does not affect Dorian as

    it would be expected. He decides

    that a life of lust and pleasure in ev-

    ery form was the perfect thing for

    him. He spends the next eighteen

    years indulging in everything. He

    travels the world and does what-ever he pleases. Lord Henry

    encourages him to enjoy de-

    bauchery and all of its forms.

    Basil, on the other hand, as the

    voice of reason tries to con-

    vince Dorian to become a bet-ter person but Dorian will hear

    nothing of it. Dorian is contentin his debauchery and intends

    to continue. In a last attempt

    to convince Dorian to change,

    Basil shows Dorian the paint-

    ing he did all those years ago.

    The painting has changed and

    not for the better. Dorians wishto remain as beautiful as in that

    painting came true. He didnt

    change, however, the painting

    shows all of the sins and thehorrors that they have done

    to his soul. Dorian blames Ba-

    sil and it leads to a terrifying

    confrontation. In the very end

    of the story, Dorian seems to

    have realized what horrors hehas performed but he never

    truly repents for them.

    All in all, this is an absolutely

    incredible book that is all about

    the shades of gray that lives are

    lived in and how beauty is not the

    most important thing. This book is

    a great read for anyone who wants

    to look at the world differently. Itwill show any reader how their own

    selfish needs and actions can harm

    them. The Picture of Dorian Gray

    is a truly extraordinary novel thatanyone should read it they want to

    feel better about the kind of per-

    son that they are. After all, no one

    is quite as flawed as Dorian Gray.

    Producing music under the

    name of Tycho, Scott Hansen is anelectronic musician and artist from

    Sacramento, California. His latest

    album, Awake, was released on

    March 18 of this year. It has beennearly two full years since the last

    full album release, Dive, which

    was unveiled in September of

    2012.Tycho makes music with a

    strong West Coast chillwave in-

    fluence. This includes the use of

    ocean sounds and song titles re-

    lating to the coast, the mountains,

    and the feelings associated with

    these natural landscapes. Tycho is

    able to produce full length albums

    that captivate listeners throughout.

    While it might be foreseen that eight

    or ten electronic songs from the

    same artist back-to-back would

    become tiresome, Tycho is able

    to interject the proper amount of

    intriguing sounds to keep listenersengaged. Tycho is definitely on the

    ambient side of electronic music

    there will be no bass drops or

    extended heavy beats in any of his

    music. Rather, Tycho blends calm-

    ing nature sounds, female voices,

    and a mixture of harmonies to con-

    clude with a thoughtful blend of

    serenity and excitement. This mu-

    sic is absolutely perfect for walking

    outside on a warm spring day, or

    Sarah Dewar

    Staff Writer

    Tycho has a giftsimply studying for an exam. While

    this opinion may be a bit forward,

    the style of music that Tycho cre-

    ates may perhaps be the classical

    music of our generation. It is mostly

    lyricless, melody driven, flowing ef-

    fortlessly from one song to the next.

    Scott Hansen has also estab-

    lished himself as a credible artist.He designs his own cover art for his

    album releases as well as many ad-

    ditions prints. His theme is a beauti-ful blend of saturated and warmly

    sun-drenched blues and oranges.

    Hansen has a very interesting blog

    where he posts all of his artwork,

    his music, and links to music that

    inspires his creative process. Hisartwork is promoted under the

    professional name ISO50, spurring

    from the ISO (International Organi-

    zation for Standardization) which is

    the governing body on a numeric

    system intended to measure pho-

    tograph films sensitivity to light and

    characterize film stock speeds.

    This blog is worth a glance at in or-

    der to gain some exposure to Han-sens artwork.

    Tycho. ISO50. Hansen. This

    man has a gift when it comes to

    combining multiple art forms across

    very different media, and synthesiz-

    ing his vision into a comprehensive

    product. One manifests in the form

    of sound, while the other is visual.

    Together, his art and his music en-

    hance one another and unveil a col-

    lectively enchanting composition.

    Looking for the perfect way to

    fulfill a chocolate craving or in anattempt to impress someone with

    impeccable baking skills? Well look

    no further. This is a relatively straight

    forward cake recipe that is abso-

    lutely mouth watering and is sureto impress even the most stubborn


    6 squares (or 6 oz.) semi-sweet


    cup butter (1 sticks)

    1 cups sugar

    3 extra large eggs

    2 teaspoons vanilla

    2 cups unsifted flour

    1 teaspoon baking soda teaspoon salt

    1 cups plus 2 tablespoonswater

    3 or 4 cups whipping cream

    cup powdered sugar

    1 8 oz jar of cherry preserves (or

    jam).Melt chocolate and butter in

    saucepan over very low heat, stir-

    ring constantly just until melted.

    Jacqueline Feuerborn

    Staff Writer

    Black Forest CakeRemove from heat. Stir in sugar un-

    til well blended. With mixer on low

    speed, beat in eggs, one at a time,

    until completely mixed. Add vanilla.

    Stir in cup flour, baking soda, and

    salt. Beat in remaining 2 cups of

    flour alternately with water until well

    blended and smooth.

    Pour evenly into two 9 inch

    greased and floured cake pans. (The

    bottom can be lined with parchment

    paper) Bake in preheated 350 de-

    gree oven for 35 to 40 minutes oruntil wooden pick inserted in the

    center comes out clean. Cool 10

    minutes before removing from pans.

    Cool completely on wire racks.

    Beat the cream until stiff and add

    powdered sugar until well blended.

    Place one layer of cake on serv-

    ing plate. Gentle poke cake all over

    with fork. Top with cherry preservesallowing juices to soak into cake.

    Add a layer of whipped cream.Place second layer of cake on top

    and frost entire cake with whipped

    cream. Shave chocolate bar over

    cake. Refrigerate until ready to


    Black Forest cake is a delicious, straightforward recipe.



    The Picture of Dorian Gray fascinates.

  • 8/12/2019 The Oredigger Issue 20 - March 24, 2014


    p u z z l e s march , page

    w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t


    1Forced to join as interceptor

    of Outside Broadcast Depart

    ment (9)

    6See 24

    10Extra engineers are exces

    sive (7)

    11See 18

    12See 22

    13Good man so describes

    Yorke in Caribbean Island (2,6)

    15See 4

    16"Golden one" (European)

    managed the church, finding

    obstacle (10)

    19The brief argument at North

    ern Ireland constituency has

    been dumped (6,4)

    21Employs operations (4)

    24/6Uncontrolled husky ran on

    as major lead (8,4)

    25Tree, when warmer, pol

    larded (5)

    27One keeping an eye on Al's

    road (7)

    28State was naughty again,

    having to cancel (7)

    29Row producing sign of dis

    tress, reportedly (4)

    30It's sweet way for The Ap

    prentice contestants to get re

    venge? (4,5)


    1Two policemen in open prison

    worked too much (7,2)

    2Disappointed at the end to

    concede the French touchdown

    (American style) (3,4)

    3First two beginnings of Green\

    peace musical (6)

    4/24d/23/15/424a/6's movie

    people, first and last, drive away

    god strangely at first, so tend to

    ruin (4,5,6,4,4)

    5Cartoon character Dewey

    (not English) with Pat and love

    less Doug disgruntled (6,4)

    7 Stroke round person pos

    sessing small bottom? (7)

    8King, one with island fruits (5)

    9To be played on mountain

    peak? (7)

    14Girl acts in first half? This

    bulb's a clue to that! (4,6)

    17I erred, say, foolishly making

    a movie (4,5)

    18/11What pertly gown fanci

    fully worn by star? (7,7)

    20Upset teacher, one half

    bleary and ridiculous (7)

    22/12Film tubes contain them;

    they might slip over each other


    23See 4

    24See 4

    26The Spanish large ancestor






    l i



    Medium Hard

  • 8/12/2019 The Oredigger Issue 20 - March 24, 2014


    s p o r t s / o p i n i o nmarch , page 7

    w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t

    Jared Riemer

    Content Manager

    In what would prove to be the -nal game of the season for the No.13 Colorado School of Mines mensbasketball team, the Orediggers fellonce again to the Metro State Road-runners. After falling behind the No.1 team in the country by 16 late inthe second half, the Orediggers cutthe lead to three in the waning sec-onds only to lose by four, 86-82.

    In what was another hotly con-tested game between Mines andRMAC rival Metro State, the Ore-diggers kept the game close for theopening nine minutes only to fall be-hind by 14 with just over eight min-utes remaining in the rst half. Met-ros largest lead of the game camewith 4:58 remaining, at 17 points(19-36). At halftime the Orediggerswere behind 46-33.

    In the opening minutes of thesecond half, the Orediggers nevercould cut into the decit. Both teams

    traded baskets and Metro kept theirlead in double gures, but with the

    second stanza reaching the halfwaypoints, the Orediggers found a spark.With Metro leading 67-51 with 8:58remaining, Mines closed the lead tosix points at 79-73 with 2:23 left, and

    Orediggers fall short in RMAC Tournamentwith just 11 seconds remaining, theOrediggers had cut the lead to threepoints, 82-85. However, after a freethrow by the Roadrunners, the Ore-diggers missed a three point attemptand fell just short of a comeback.

    In their nal game as Orediggers,

    Brett Green, Luke Meisch, Trevor

    Ritchie, and Trevor Wages each

    scored in double gures. Green

    led the team with 16 points andve assists, and added two steals

    and two rebounds. Meisch had 14points, ve rebounds, and two as-sists. Ritchie scored 11 to go alongwith one rebound, two assists, andone steal; and Wages led the teamwith eight rebounds, and added oneblock, one steal, one assist, and 11points. Brian Muller (junior) scored 12

    and chipped in three rebounds. O

    the bench, Caleb Waitsman chippedin seven points and four rebounds,Gokul Natesan added ve points

    and two steals, and Will Carr con-tributed six points.

    As a team, the Orediggers shot41.7% from the eld, 74.3% from

    the charity stripe, and 33.3% fromthree. Metro shot 48.3% from theeld and 41.2% from three. The Ore-diggers were outrebounded 40-31,but won the battle in the paint with38 points to Metros 32.


    Mines came within 4 points of besting the No. 1 ranked Roadrunnners for the RMAC

    championship title last Saturday.

    Katerina Gonzales

    Content Manager

    The Oredigger baseball team

    drove out to Denver this weekendto take on the Metro State Universi-ty Roadrunners in a pair of double-headers. Mines won both gamesFriday 6-4 and 5-3 and played outthe remainder of the series Sunday.

    The Orediggers took the rst

    shot as freshman inelder Logan

    Smith stole home in the rst inning

    on a double steal while freshmanCody Marvel stole second base.Metro then responded by scor-ing two of their own runs o junior

    righty Ben Gilman. But the bats got

    to work again in the top of the sec-ond, with Logan Smith driving in

    junior inelder Zach Bothwell on an

    RBI single, and Bothwell scoring on

    an error by Metros third baseman.

    Mines increased their 3-2 advan-tage to 6-2 in the fourth inning asBothwell crossed the plate again,

    this time on an out from shortstopto rst, and Marvel provided an RBI

    single that scored two.Gilman settled down and did

    Baseball takestwo from Metro

    not allow any further runs afterthat rst inning, going seven full in-nings. Gilman allowed three walks

    and seven hits, but added four

    strikeouts to his line for anothersolid start. Freshman Nathan Smithclosed for him and picked up thesave while allowing two runs onthree hits, and fanned two.

    Mines got right to work in the af-ternoon game, scoring three in therst. Cody Marvel drove in Charlie

    Basil with a single, Zach Bothwell

    walked with the bases loaded, andthen Marvel scored on a elding

    error. The Orediggers added more

    runs in the sixth and seventh in-nings1 in each.

    Nate Olinger had a good daywith his 7-inning complete game.Olinger allowed the three runs, twoof which came o of home runs,

    on ve hits, but struck out two and

    only walked one. Mines played er-rorless baseball in the afternooncap.

    Mines takes on New MexicoHighlands in their second homeseries of the season next Fridaythrough Sunday.

    Jared Riemer

    Content Manager

    The ninth-ranked Colorado

    School of Mines mens basketballteam squared o against Colo-rado Christian in the rst round of

    the RMAC Tournament on Tues-day, March 8, and for the secondtime in four days ran the Cougarso the oor. The Orediggers shel-lacked CCU 102-57 thanks to ablistering 63.2% shooting night.

    Colorado Christian took theironly lead of the game (5-4) just1:31 into the game with a threepointer. That lead lasted all of

    15 seconds and, by the halfwaypoint of the rst, the Orediggers

    led by 13 (24-11) and were justbeginning to pull away. At half-time, the Orediggers held the 48-31 advantage, in large due to a

    62.1% shooting percentage andgoing 4-of-8 from three.In the second half, the Oredig-

    gers could do no wrong. If theywere hot in the rst half, then they

    were on re in the second, shoot-ing 64.5% from the eld and mak-

    Orediggers dominate CCUin RMAC Quarterfnals

    ing 15 of their 20 free-throws inthe half. By the midway point of

    the second stanza, Mines led 76-49 and their lead was still increas-

    ing. When the nal buzzer nallyrang, the score showed 102 forMines and 57 for the other guys.

    From the opening tip, the Ore-diggers played inspired and red

    up for what may well be the nal

    game for four seniors Trevor Wag-es, Brett Green, Luke Meisch,

    Clay Boatwright, and Will Carr.

    Led by Meisch with 22 points,

    the Orediggers had ve players

    in double gures. Meisch added

    eight rebounds, three assists,and two blocks in his 25 min-utes of play; while Green scored

    16, grabbed six boards, and hadthree assists and a steal.

    Wages scored 15 and re-corded a near triple double with

    nine rebounds and seven blocks.With his nine rebounds, Wagesbecame just the third member ofthe 1000 points 1000 reboundclub at Mines, joining Joe Butkov-ich (1968-1972) and Je Rhodes

    (1978-1982) in the exclusive club.

    Brian Muller scored 11, had four

    assists, two steals and two re-bounds, and Ritchie recordedfour assists and six points. O the

    bench, Gokul Natesan chipped in10 points, four assists, three re-bounds, and three steals. Boat-wright scored six with a blockand a rebound in his four minutesof play.

    The Orediggers held CCU to

    just a 30.2% shooting percentageon the night and out-reboundedthe cougars 40-34. Mines shot46.7% from three and 74.2%from the line. Another key to theirvictory was forcing 17 turnoversand only recording nine of theirown, also the Orediggers assist-ed on 22 of their 36 makes on thenight.

    The win was fresh o the an-nouncement of all-conference

    honors. Three Orediggers werenamed rst team all-RMAC:

    Green, Meisch, and Wages. Brian

    Muller was a second team selec-tion, Ritchie a third team selec-tion, and Natesan was crownedfreshman of the year in the RMAC.

    Erik Charrier

    Guest Writer

    As some readers no doubtknow, USG voted unanimously

    to increase student fees to $100during Mondays joint operating

    meeting. The fee increase passeddespite a unanimous no vote fromthe smaller GSG delegation. This

    extremely unusual split highlightshow out of touch and self interestedUSG has become.

    The split developed in the wake

    of USGs budget shortfall. USG

    decided that it did not have enoughrevenue to support all of its initiativesand clubs. USG then proposed an

    arbitrary increase to a round num-ber without earmarking any recipi-

    Why GSG voted against the fee increaseents for the money. GSG was given

    the proposal in advance of the jointoperating meeting and reviewed it.GSG which is not inherently op-posed to spending money found

    the proposed increase to be com-pletely unacceptable due to the lack

    of justications. USG provided nohard analysis of why it did not haveenough money or where the addi-tional money would go. GSG asked

    USG for clarication, was promised

    additional information, and receivednothing of substance before or dur-ing the joint operating meeting.

    Instead, USG only answered in

    generalities. No one would say pre-cisely what groups would get theextra money or what it would beused for. Excellent suggestions that

    would serve much of the studentbody, such as a better E-Days andOredigger support, came forth. But

    there were no hard numbers to befound and clubs were mentioned asthe likely recipients of anything notused for its original purpose. From

    the given information, it was notclear where the money would go orexactly why it was needed.

    That is why GSG did their duty

    to their constituents and the stu-dent body and unanimously votedagainst increasing student feeswithout proper justication. The only

    novel thing about the GSG vote is

    that a campus organization tried toturn down more money because itdidnt need more and was not con-vinced that the extra money would

    better serve students (GSG gets

    most of the graduate student fees).USG ignored this opposition and

    passed the increase anyway.The real question is why USG

    proposed and unanimously passeda fee increase that the entire GSG

    thought was unjustied. The answeris the self interests of the members.Despite the justication put forth by

    USG members that 90% of Mines

    students are involved in clubs, theparticipation and benet levels vary

    signicantly. The benets to the

    heaviest club users far outweigh thecost of student fees while averageand uninvolved students are gettingless out of clubs than they pay intostudent fees. What is happening isthe active and connected minority

    are signicantly beneting from the

    exercise of their power to tax themajority.

    During the deliberation, USG

    made it clear that they do not con-sider the uninvolved students to betheir constituents. When USG was

    asked if the fee increase benetedthe less involved, a USG repre-sentative said it was their problemfor not being involved. When GSG

    suggested that student governmentmust consider all the stakeholders

    even the uninvolved some of the

    USG representatives were visibly

    chuckling. This is not the language

    of a governing body that is doingits best to serve all its stakeholders.

    This is government by the active for

    the active.

  • 8/12/2019 The Oredigger Issue 20 - March 24, 2014


    o p i n i o n march , page

    w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t

    Katerina Gonzales

    Content Manager

    Best movies of the year so farMinds at Mines

    Every semester is different, and that means the amount of movies

    watched per semester is different for many students. Yet, even with a

    small sample size, it seems that most Mines students have been able to

    chill out, relax, and see a film, whether it just premiered like Divergent,

    or it has been a childhood favorite like Anastasia. We wanted to know

    the best movies out there that Mines kids are watching right now, so this

    week, Mines at Mines asked, What has been the best movie youve seen

    this semester?

    Frozen. Im a big Disney movie fan, but I

    liked how this one wasnt just about finding

    Prince Charming.

    Kelly Dempsey

    Not Divergent. I didnt think it was bad,

    but the book was way better. I thought they

    did too many changes.

    Petra Atwood

    The Wolf of Wall Street. Its just got a

    cool storyline. Good acting I guess.

    George Palmer

    I liked Anastasia. Because it got us su-per excited and it was a great bonding ex-

    perience for the girls I watch it with.

    Shannon Craig

    I liked Mr. Peabody and Sherman. They had

    humor for kids, and then they had jokes adults

    would get, and they did a good job do-

    ing it.

    Mitchell Paradie

    Editorials Policy

    The Oredigger is a designated public forum.

    Editors have the authority to make all con-tent decisions without censorship or advance

    approval and may edit submitted pieces for

    length so long as the original meaning of thepiece is unchanged. Opinions contained within

    the Opinion Section do not necessarily reflect

    those of Colorado School of Mines or The Ore-digger. The Oredigger does not accept submis-

    sions without identification and will consider

    all requests for anonymity in publication on acase-by-case basis. Submissions less than 300

    words will receive preference.

    Editorials Policy

    The Oredigger is a designated public forum.

    Editors have the authority to make all con-tent decisions without censorship or advance

    approval and may edit submitted pieces for

    length so long as the original meaning of thep e ce s u nc an ge . p n o ns c on a ne w n

    e pn on ec on o no necessar y re ec

    ose o oora o c oo o nes or e re-digger. The Oredigger does not accept submis-

    sions without identification and will consider

    all requests for anonymity in publication on acase-by-case basis. Submissions less than 300

    words will receive preference.

    KenKen PuzzlesHow to play:

    1) Use numbers 1-3 for 3x3 puzzle, 1-6 for 6x6 puzzle, etc.

    2) The heavy-outlined sections are called cages. In the upper-left

    corner of each cage is a target number and operator.

    3) Use the operator with the allowed numbers for the puzzle to solve

    for the target number. The numbers you enter can be read in any order

    to solve for the target number.

    4) You cannot enter repeating numbers in any given row or column,

    however, you may enter repeating numbers in a given cage so long as

    they do not repeat in a column or row.

    5) There is only one real solution for each puzzle.

    See 3x3 example and solution at right for beginner practice. 123



    6x6 Medium

    4x4 Hard


    8x8 Medium

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