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Page 1: The Oystercatcher - Joy Lane Primary School · The Oystercatcher Times Table Rock Star Roadshow Thursday 14th February 2019 Issue 25 The Snack Shack and the Eco-Brick The Snack Shack

On Wednesday 17th of

January, Joy Lane had a

Times Table Rock Stars’

roadshow. This is how it

works… each class in the

s c h o o l ( e x c e p t f o r

Reception and Nursery)

had to pick the smartest

person in their class to go up to the

front of assembly and say the

answers to the multiplications

whilst Mr Rogers called out the

questions. There were three

children from Year 1,

three from Year 3, two

from Year 4, three from

Year 5 and two from

Year 6. There was also

a teacher round - in the

finals for the teachers

were Mrs Manson and

Mrs Willis. The winner was Mrs

Willis. The winners for the

children were Agnes for Years 1

and 2, Harvey for Years 3 and 4 and

finally Toby for Years 5 and 6.

By mermaid magic

The Oystercatcher

Times Table Rock Star Roadshow

Thursday 14th February 2019

Issue 25

The Snack Shack and the

Eco-Brick The Snack Shack is now using

its plastic packaging to make

Eco-Bricks. Don’t worry if you

don’t know what an Eco-Brick

is as I will explain.

An Eco-Brick is the perfect solution to plastic

pollution. It is a two-litre plastic bottle filled with

dry, used plastic carefully compacted into a dense

brick. It is a very simple concept: you put all your

plastic packaging into the bottle and compact it

using a spoon or stick (if it’s wooden be careful

not to snap it). We are aiming to make 100 so we

can assemble a flower bed.

If you would like to make your own Eco–Brick,

you will need a plastic two-litre bottle and all your

plastic waste. Also, you must make sure the

plastic has not got any liquids like yoghurt on it as

the yoghurt will ferment and the bottle will

explode! All you need to do now is start collecting

and compacting your plastic waste. After a short

amount of time (depending on how much plastic

you have), you will have made your very own Eco

–Brick. By Eco Unicorn

Daily Dance The world is changing and so is Joy Lane! For the winter period, the Daily Mile has been replaced with the Daily Dance. Originally the Daily Dance was just for rainy days, but now it is a fully fledged operation!

The most popular dances include: Swish Swish, Timber (see photo) and Sugar. Mr Malkinson says, “I love it! It is very fun to dance around and be silly.” Although a new favourite has emerged, Rasputin (a Russian style squat-kick dance), the Daily Dance has received many great reactions and even some of the teachers like to join in! By Swishy Boi

Year 6 prefects with

the first Eco Brick

Page 2: The Oystercatcher - Joy Lane Primary School · The Oystercatcher Times Table Rock Star Roadshow Thursday 14th February 2019 Issue 25 The Snack Shack and the Eco-Brick The Snack Shack

Dali Class Assembly

The Kent Wildlife Trust is sending

around 200 knitted and crocheted

marine animals and plants on tour

across the county. From an octopus to

a turtle, the display has been knitted

and crocheted by staff and volunteers

as part of the Guardians of the Deep

project. This magical display is

amazing and educational too. Woolly

Watery World inspires people to start

reducing plastic and make good

choices about this. If you would like to

go and see this display for yourself, it

will be at Riverside Country Park in

Gillingham until the end of February,

and then it will move to the Isle of

Sheppey from the start of March.

By Mermaid Magic

Woolly Watery World!

Dali class assembly was all about Theseus and

the Minotaur, Through the Keyhole and Who

lives on a Cloud like This presented by Nancy

Lemon. Their contestants were Hera (goddess

of marriage), Hades (god of the underworld)

and Aphrodite (goddess of love). Theseus and

the minotaur was very funny because nearly

on every slideshow, there was a small clip of

music from Mamma Mia the movie. The Dali

class teachers are Miss Gillmore and Mrs



Year 5 & 6 Indoor Athletics

Competition at Herne Bay High


Joy Lane Primary School set off

to go to Herne Bay High at about

1 o’clock. Once we had arrived at

Herne Bay High, we entered the

hall and about half an hour later

the first Joy Lane race occurred,

which was a girls’ race.

Later, we went into the sports

hall for the field events. We did

well on all of these, including the

javelin, long jump, high jump and

medicine ball.

After this, we competed in an

obstacle race followed by a relay

race with a bean bag, then an up

and under race where you had to

go over a hurdle and

through a hoop.

Altogether, Joy Lane

came joint eighth out

of 15 schools. Well

done JLPS!

In January, a well-known competition took

place in all parts of the world and one of the

most competitive year groups (Year 4) of Joy

Lane Primary School took part. They went

through different stages of their product such

as designing, creating, advertising and

presenting. Three winners from each of the

three classes were chosen to present their

product to the rest of their year group and the

teachers of Year 4 chose the winning product

for the year. The chosen ones were a group of

three children called Will, Lola and Holly.

Will stated, “I personally think everybody in

the world should buy it.”

40 Engineering Fails 40 Engineering Fails is a video that you can find

on YouTube. This video is all about the fails in

engineering, from doors set high up in the wall

to slides ending in a pit. They are all funny, and

you’ll find yourself laughing non stop. I would

recommend this video to anyone who likes a

laugh as it is very enjoyable and will put a smile

on your face. By Brother Susan

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GODDESSES There are lots of different

Greek gods and goddesses

like Poseidon, who is the god

of the sea, Zeus (the god of

the sky), Athena, who is the

goddess of wisdom, courage,

inspiration, civilisation, law

and just ice , warfare,

mathematics, skill, strength,

strategy and arts and crafts.


Zeus is the god of the sky,

and he is the ruler of Mount

Olympus. He is the son of

Cronus and Rhea and is the

brother of Poseidon and

Hades. Zeus became god of

the sea after a fight with his

father, Cronus.


Poseidon is the god of the sea

and he and Medusa

conceived the flying horse

[Pegasus] and it was born

from Medusa’s blood. He is

son of Cronus and Rhea and

was brother of Zeus and



Athena is goddess of wisdom,

c o u r a g e , i n s p i r a t i o n ,

civilisation, law and justice,

warfare, mathematics, skill,

strength, strategy and arts

and crafts. She invented the

flute, but never played it,

and she was born from Zeus

and was Zeus’s favourite



Plastic Pollution Plastic is a problem at the moment because it is

floating into the sea and animals are being killed by

it. If we do not do anything about it, then we might

end up with more plastic in the ocean than sea

creatures. To help save sea life, you can go to the beach

and pick up some plastic to put in the bin. Or you

could use less plastic at home or even try to recycle it.

By Zebs


By Unicorn

Why is plastic such a problem in our oceans? Plastic is a very big problem in our oceans because fish

might mistake it for food.

It might not be plastic - it might be a fish net because

seals can’t move back so they swim into fish nets and get

stuck. Then they grow and over time their neck gets

bigger, and it suffocates them. There are many ways we

can stop this such as go on beach cleans or just take a

moment to locate the nearest bin and just put our rubbish

in the bin. Or go online and find

some websites that might tell you

some other ways to keep our oceans

plastic free.

By SavageChicken43

Page 4: The Oystercatcher - Joy Lane Primary School · The Oystercatcher Times Table Rock Star Roadshow Thursday 14th February 2019 Issue 25 The Snack Shack and the Eco-Brick The Snack Shack

The Robot that plays


Have you ever heard of a

robot that plays jenga?

Well researchers at the

U S U n i v e r s i t y o f

Massachusetts, Institute

of Technology have

created just that .

Normally robots analyse

huge sets of data to

decide what their next

move should be but this

one combines vision and

touch instead. It used a

camera, gripper and force

-sensing wrist cuff to see

and feel the blocks and

the tower. As the robot

carefully pushes against

the block, a computer

compares the moves to

those made previously. It

can tell if the block is free

or stuck and the best way

to pull it out. Do you

think you are good

enough to go against the

jenga-playing robot?

By mermaid magic


THE TERM In Year 5, we have been learning

about the Victorians (or vile

Victorians). In Degas class, we did

an assembly on 25th January about

the Victorians. Ian from KIC

Theatre came in and taught us

about the Victorians and got us to

be Victorians. Mrs Kyle has been

reading a Victorian book (called

Unexpected Twist) to the class - it

is about a school that is reading

Oliver Twist. There will be much

more stuff to learn about and

maybe some more activities! BY: DOG LOVER



The Greatest Dancer is a TV show on BBC

One. The judges’ names are Cheryl, Oti and

Matthew. In this programme, it is a

competition against dancers from all across

the world; it is the audience’s choice of who

goes through or not. They do this by pressing

a button on the side of their chair. When the

competitors arrive, they get checked in, then

they enter a room with a massive mirror;

then they start to dance and only when 75%

of the audience press the button will the

mirror open and that means that they have

gone through.






Page 5: The Oystercatcher - Joy Lane Primary School · The Oystercatcher Times Table Rock Star Roadshow Thursday 14th February 2019 Issue 25 The Snack Shack and the Eco-Brick The Snack Shack

Air Pollution Toxic smog in Bangkok, Thailand,

has forced more than 400 schools to

close to protect children from its

harmful effects. The capital city is

experiencing some of its worst ever

air pollution levels, caused by ultra-

fine dust particles, traffic exhaust,

construction works, burning crops

and pollution from factories, which

are blamed for the haze known as

PM 2.5. In places such as China,

there is a lot of air pollution which

is why in the photo they are

wearing masks; those masks are

called anti-

pollution masks

which turn

pollution into

fresh air. Many

people have been

forced to stay at

home because it is too dangerous to

go outside without a mask.

Whitsparkle has to sparkle! After much excitement from all of us, Whitsparkle have performed a stunning light show able to make us gaze upon its magnificently astonishing elegance - a sight to behold. As you might have guessed, Whitsparkle is a Christmas light charity raising money for a common Christmas tradition. Except for that, this is a show on a whole new level. Along with all of this, they have been sent £483.00 for the next annual Christmas switch on to wish you a very merry CHRISTMAS!

Billionaire Boy Billionaire Boy is a book by

David Walliams. If you

enjoyed Mr St ink, I

r e c o m m e n d y o u r e ad

Billionaire Boy. If I could

rate it out of 10, I would give

it a 10! It is a really good book,

and you should definitely read it. It is about

a ten-year-old boy who has loads of money

and goes to a really posh school. One day, he

decides to go to an ordinary school with

ordinary students… By Zebs


Lego Masters is an

AMAZING programme

on Tuesdays at 8 pm.

T h i s F A N T A S T I C

programme is hosted by

Melvin Odoom, Matthew

Ashton, Fran Scott and a

guest judge. Every year,

just before Christmas,

they make a Lego

Masters Christmas

edition where each pair

of friends, building

buddies or school mates

c h o o s e w h o w i l l

participate in the event.

Celebrities, including

Johnny Vegas, helped

them to build their

creation. The winners

were presented with a

Lego trophy!!!

Pancake Day

History! Pancake Day is coming people! And although it is very famous, not many people know its backstory! So I shall tell all! Pancake Day AKA Shrove Tuesday is taking place approximately three weeks later than it did last year. It happens on a different day every year to begin the Religious festival of Lent. Shrove Tuesday is the start of the 40 days until Easter, which happens on April 21st this year. Lent is traditionally a time of sacrifice, and often Christian children stop eating unhealthy foods. So there you go. Oh did you wonder why we’re meant to eat pancakes? Well, making pancakes is meant to use up all the unhealthy ingredients in our cupboards. Bon appetite. By ASDF123

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Secret Google games! Google is a place for all to find the infinitely expanding bank of wonderful knowledge that the supercomputer holds - it has plenty of secrets to hold inside

its vast complex of knowledge. Atari Breakout

If you search Atari Breakout in the image search, then you can be entered into the world of Atari Breakout. Based on the 1976 video game, Atari Breakout 2.0 is a game to behold, especially if you

were a fan of the original. Zerg Rush Zerg Rush is a

term used to describe being swarmed or “rushed” by an opposing force, originating from

the iconic 1998 game StarCraft. Today, this is exactly what the Google game recreates.

Pac-Man Of course, finishing off with a classic, Pac-Man. By searching the name of the round, yellow video game icon, you may play the original game from 1980!

Enjoy these games, but always ask for an adult’s permission to go online! Stay safe By Sir_Llama

Sweet Mess A town in Germany has been left in a sweet mess after a tank of chocolate spilled and poured into the street! Firefighters from Germany had to use hot water, spades and blowtorches to try to clean off the chocolate from the floor after it went hard in the cold. About a tonne of chocolate trickled out from the nearby factory, but despite the spill, locals won’t have to worry about a chocolate-free Christmas! The factory owner told reporters that the factory still had a few weeks to recover and that if the accident had happened closer to Christmas, it would have been a catastrophe! By mermaid magic!

Sala Lost Over the English Channel On the 21st of January, Sala, who signed a contract to Cardiff City Football Club and was on his way over to England, was lost over the English Channel. During the first match he was supposed to be playing in, many memories were shown about Sala - such as when they were warming up, Nantes wore a t-shirt with a picture of Sala on it and, before kick off, a huge picture of Sala filled the centre circle. Many kind comments were made, and he will never be forgotten. Sala’s transfer was for £19 million. Sala’s old manager was in tears and so was the Cardiff manager. By SavageChicken43

Show Me What You’re Made Of is back and better than ever! Five spoiled teens spent two weeks travelling around the UK, joining real-life production lines and creating products that could

end up for sale on your high-street. This year’s contestants were: Emily, a determined girl with only one arm; Mya, a pescatarian, who packs a punch; Jacob, a perfectionist, who discovers a passion for cleaning; Felix, a poetic child, with more awards than years of age; and, last but not least, Katherine, an etomophobic child, who saves a bee from an ironic fate. By Sir EthelBert123

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