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St. John’s Lutheran Church Newsletter

Sand Prairie – Green Valley, IL

July & August 2013

The ParishScope St. John’s Lutheran Church Newsletter

Sand Prairie – Green Valley, IL

July & August 2013

The ParishScope St. John’s Lutheran Church Newsletter

Sand Prairie – Green Valley, IL

June/July 2014

The ParishScope

June is Mission Month

The Stewardship & Missions committee has

designated June again as our month to focus on

missions to others. Here is the tentative list of

guests to visit us on Sunday mornings in June.

June 1 - LCC K-9 Comfort Dogs from

Lutheran Church Charities. These dogs help to

bring comfort and compassion to people in need

of emotional support such as Boston Marathon

bombing, school shootings, and locally during

last November’s tornadoes.

June 8 - Nicholas Salifu from Ghana, West

Africa: In 2007, when Rev. Salifu attended

Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, MO., he saw

how the Lutheran school system worked and was

impressed and saw that this was something Ghana

needed, urgently. “When he returned to Ghana in

2010, Rev. Salifu decided to donate a large piece

of land he owned, fencing it in to make it safe for

the children.

June 15 - Derek & Noemi Sinay from Servant

Ministries Guatemala: Located on the eastern

side of Guatemala which is committed to the

fulfillment of the “Great Ccommission in a

remote part of Guatamala known for its poverty,

oppression, violence and hopelessness.

June 22 - Pastor Ron Miller will preach and

teach Bible class focusing on missions in our

daily lives.

June 29 - Rev. Walter D Volz (Florida) from Food for the Poor, the largest international relief and development organization in the United States which has provided over $11 billion in aid since 1982.

Feature Story

25 YEARS IN MINISTRY On Sunday, June 1

st, our congregation will honor Pastor

Kevin for 25 years in the ministry. His father, Pastor Dave

Bueltmann, will be the guest pastor. Refreshments will be

served in the fellowship hall following the early

service. There will be a cookout at noon. The hamburger,

brats, and hot dogs will be provided by Baird Woolsey, our

Thrivent Financial Representative. Everything will be

provided. There will be a card shower at the 9:00

a.m. fellowship and at the noon luncheon. The LCC Comfort

Dogs will be around that day as well. Please come and help

make this a very special day for Pastor Kevin and his family.

Pastor Kevin & his wife, Tawn, met in college at Concordia

in Seward, Nebraska. They were married in 1986 and a year

later, moved to Kalispell, Montana where she served as a

Lutheran teacher and he served as a DCE for 4 years in the

areas of youth, music, & evangelism. A couple years after

their first son, Aaron, was born, they moved to Normal, IL

where Kevin served as a DCE and Tawn helped start a

Mothers of PreSchoolers ministry and served as a full-time

mom to Aaron & (eventually) Brianna. After 4 years, Kevin

was offered the director position at Camp Luther of Nebraska

where Tawn served as Food Services Director and Ministry

Assistant. During that time Carly & Davis were born and

Kevin got his Master’s Degree program in Family Life

Ministry at Concordia Nebraska. After 8 years, he accepted a

position at Camp CILCA until 2008, when he went to

Concordia Seminary in St. Louis & Tawn served as Director

of Music at an LCMS church. He was placed here as a vicar

in June of 2010 and was ordained and became our pastor in

2011. Tawn substitute teaches at area schools and plays organ

& keyboards for our church & others. Pastor Kevin’s hobbies

include spending time with family, racquetball, biking,

writing & recording Christian music and leading kids and

adults in singing praise to God. Kevin is grateful for God’s

blessings and for working through him and his family in

many ways. To God be the glory.

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New Members! We have had 21 new members who have joined our church in the last 3 months, including 10 who were baptized. Not pictured: Reese Hicks, Bailey Wicks, & Kameron Wicks (children Jordan Sondag & Krystal Wicks) were baptized on April 13th. Isaac Keith Egli (son Jeremy Egli & Ashley Brent) was baptized April 27th. We pray God's blessings on gift of faith for these 4 and the others listed below.

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June 5th

with a 1:00pm meeting time.

Hostesses are Bernita Snyder and

Lottie Munter. DCE Bill Krueger will

have our program. Please remember

your items for the ingathering box.

Sunday School News

Perfect Attendance

April 2014


Madelyn Simpson

3rd Grade

Kale Lutz Avery Lay



IzaBelle Cobb Chelsey Catton



Kaylee Carson Sully


Haley Noel Jacob Urish



Rachel Bresnahan Jeb Larimore

High School

Karl Lutz Cody Catton

Anna Friedrich Joe Woodruff

Zach Fuelberth


CLASS (Smmer Quarter - June -

August) The Stewardship and

Missions committee has designated

June as our month to focus on

missions to others. Each Sunday

there will be a different Bible class

leader to draw attention to a specific

mission: June 1st: Luteran Church

Charities; June 8th: Missionary

Nicolas Salifu from Ghana, West

Africa; June 15th: Derek and Noemi

Sinay from Servan Ministries,

Guatemala; June 22nd Missions in our

daily lives; June 29th : Rev. Walter

Volz Food for the Poor. What a great

opportunity to learn more about these

important ministries.

Summer Sunday School: the

regular teachers are taking the

summer off, and we are grateful to

those who will be giving them a


Summer Sunday School begins on

June 1, 2014. Our students will

dive into H2Oh! God Keeps His

Promises. Each of the weekly Bible

stories has water as a central

element in the account. There will

be openings, Bible stories & crafts

each week. Make it a priority for

your children to attend S.S. this

summer, and enjoy the fun.


SCHOOL: This year's Vacation Bible

School will be held at Good Shepherd

Lutheran School beginning Sunday,

June 22 and concluding Thursday,

June 26 from 6:00 to 8:30 each

evening. Preschoolers through 8th

graders will traverse the "Gangway

to Galilee" as they learn more about

our Lord and Savior! We need our

wonderful volunteers to make this

year a success, so we hope you will

consider joining us in this service.

Nursery babysitting is available for

those who are volunteering only.


Sunday, August 10, 2014.

A special Confirmation

Class Reunion will be held

at Noon in the Fellowship

Hall. This will particularly

include the 50 year class

(1964), but also many other

classes in addition. Details

are still in the planning

stages for a catered lunch

and time for reminiscing.

More to come soon.

Pastor Wenndt - 25 years

Greetings from Timothy Lutheran

Church, Woodstock,

Georgia. Rev. Thomas R. Wenndt

has been a member of our

congregation for over a year and

in that time we have learned many

things about him. We recently

learned that Pastor Tom was

ordained on August 22 in 1988, 25

years ago. And that he has served

your congregation. We think that

these two events should be given

their proper due.

On August 17, 2014 Timothy

Lutheran Church at Arnold Mill

Road Woodstock Georgia will be

celebrating Pastor Wenndt’s

25th plus Ordination

Anniversary, In this regard we are

asking all the congregations that

he has previously served to send

their congratulations, cards,

honoraria, pictures and best

wishes to TLC and we will present

these tokens of affections and

appreciation to Pastor Tom on this

memorable day. In order to

properly organize, mount and

display these items we ask that

they be received by July 9, 2014.

If you have any questions or

additional interest regarding this

event please call Jim Taylor 770

977 5314 or e-

mail [email protected].

Save the Date Fall Rally: On

Thursday, September 25, 2014 the

Fall Zone Rally will be held at Mt.

Calvary Lutheran Church in Peoria.

The theme is “Live Forgiven and Live

Forgiving”. Watch for invitations and

registration information to arrive

around the 1st of August.

We are looking for nominations for

the offices of President and

Secretary/Treasurer. If you know

anyone interested in serving our zone

please contact Sandy Lindsey or

Donna Obermann.

We will also be looking to elect a

delegate to the LWML National

Convention to be held in Des Moines,

IA June 25-28, 2015

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We congratulate the young

people who graduated from

Good Shepherd Lutheran

School this year, including

our member, Rachel

Bresnahan, Brittany Clouse,

Kaylin Ehlers, Paige Hicks,

Caitlin LeCrone, Emily

Stewart. Congratulations.


CRIP: Local and national

order sheets are available at the scrip table

every Sunday in the Parish Hall. This is a

great way to help Good Shepherd and also

make your shopping easier.

Good Shepherd Lutheran School's



pleased to finally present our totals

for this year's auction--"Happy

Trails to Ewe"!

Thanks to all who supported our

efforts, the NET AMOUNT


was: $93,283.28! This was our

BEST YEAR so far! The Building

Fund will receive $64,153.88 of

this amount, and Fund-An-Item

will receive $29,129.40.

Thank you once again to all who

donated, sponsored, or prayed for

this year's efforts to be

successful. God continues to richly

bless our school!

Remember to SAVE THE DATE

for our 9th Annual Benefit Auction

which will be held on Saturday,

March 21, 2015, at the Par-A-Dice

Hotel Ballroom.

Plan to enjoy a muy buenas noches

as we offer

"A Fiesta for


Member classes coming in

June - The next New Member

Class will be held on 5

evenings, June 22 - Thursday,

June 26 at Good Shepherd

Lutheran School during

Vacation Bible School. We

will have double sessions each

night, from 6-8:30pm, in order

to get in the 10 lessons. Invite

your friends!

If you think fathers can feel inadequate these days, how do you suppose Joseph a carpenter felt teaching the One who made the animals, trees and everything else? How do you impart wisdom to the One who is Wisdom? But he did. Joseph took Jesus to the Synagogue. There were the Holy Scriptures. That’s what Joseph read and recited to Jesus perhaps while teaching Him to make a chair or a table. God gave an ordinary man, Joseph, the unparalleled responsibility to care for, and nurture Jesus. The carpenter from Nazareth did the best he could with the gifts God had given him. That’s the responsibility God gives to fathers today. “Do the best you can with what I have given you to care for and nurture your children. Bring them to My House. Read them My Word. I will be at work in their lives and yours.” We should honor and respect our Fathers everyday not just once a year on Fathers Day, because God has given them a huge responsibility.

“As a father shows compassion to his children so the Lord Shows compassion to these who fear him.” (psalm 103:13)

CALL COMMITTEE has begun meeting again. We have 18 new names that we sent down to President Miller. He will get the materials for these men back to us as quickly as possible. Individual members are finding sermons to watch/listen to from the internet. Please pray for the church and the committee, that we find the man God wants us to have as our second pastor.

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Library News


OPEN from 9:00-10:40 am. Please

check the many DVDs for all ages,

the books for our younger children,

and the Bible class materials.

Thank you

I wanted to give a heartfelt Thank You

to all who were involved in making the

arrangements, concerning the award I

received as Central Illinois District S.S.

Teacher of the year. I was totally

surprised with all of the attention, and

the memories of that day will be with

me till I die. I appreciate and will

cherish the memories of that day.

Thank You So Much

Mr. Bill


DEADLINE: The Parishscope

will be published the 3rd

week of

every month. Please get your

Parishscope news to the Church

office by July 20, 2014. There

will not be a July Parishscope


AUGUST 30 - The Chicago Cubs

play the Cardinals at Busch

Stadium. The seats are Infield

Terrance Reserved (Sections 451-

454) behind home plate, under the

shade of the terrace level roof. The

ticket price is $50. per person (50%

off premium date price of $99).

(ADA accessible seating may be

requested.) Orders returned in the

same envelope can be assigned

tickets together.

See the website for more info:




NEEDED: At the present time the

nursery is not being used on a

regular basis, but it is available for

anyone who needs it. The church

services can be viewed on the TV.



Camp CILCA is an awesome

Lutheran camp. Children are

welcome to bring friends.

Brochures are in the Narthex,

or you can register online at

www.CILCA.org. Thrivent

will provide $35 if you contact

the church office, Sharon

Lemon, Phyllis Willard, or

Bill Krueger.

Worship Participant



8:00am Worship Elder: Dale Moehring

Acolytes: IzaBelle Cobb, Caleb


Altar Duty: Karen Kohl, Phyllis


10:45 am Worship Elder: Ward Sirotak

Acolytes: Haley Noel, Chelsey



8:00am Worship Elder: Jim Fairchild

Acolytes: Jacob Urish, Emme


Altar Duty: Anita Friedrich, Linda


10:45 am Worship Elder: Dan Smith

Acolytes: Kaylee Carson, Haley


June/July Preaching


June 1: Pastor Dave Bueltmann (presentation by LCC K-9


June 8: Nicolas Salifu from (Ghana West Africa) June 15: Pastor Kevin Bueltmann

June 22: Pastor Ron Miller

June 29: Rev Walter D. Volz (Food for the Poor)

July 6: Pastor Ron Miller

July 13: Pastor Kevin Bueltmann

July 20: Pastor Dave Bueltmann

July 27: Pastor Kevin Bueltmann

The Fort Bend Boys Choir of

Texas, Saturday, June 14 -

8:00pm at Trinity Lutheran in


Don’t miss this concert by the Fort

Bend Boys Choir of Texas. Since

their founding 1982, the choir has

grown from 45 initial members into

5 performing ensembles with about

200 choristers. The Tour Choir has

traveled to 23 states and gone on 9

international tours. The Tour Choir

consisting of 36 choristers is

touring Illinois this coming

summer. The choir was organized

to give boys with special musical

abilities and interests an

opportunity to perform more

challenging choral literal from

classical selections to folk music.

The group combines the freshness

and enthusiasm of childhood with

artistic maturity, something that

can only be achieved through

serious work. Boyish energy is

channeled into dedication to excel,

team effort and hard work. For

other children, the boys serve as

models of purposeful work and

high achievement. For s\adults,

they are inspirational reminders of

human possibilities.

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June 01 Diane Beebe

June 02 Steven Miller

Katie Worner

June 03 Sara Brown

Marilyn Kenney *

Stacey Mutchler

June 04 Peyton Johns

Jacob Urish

June 05 Cameron Bell

Ruth Gallup

Jona Ledgess

Amanda McKinley

June 06 Bennett Jennings

Brandon Travis

Dorothy Urish *

Irvin Wyss *

June 07 Dan Duval

Sheila Privitt

June 08 Don Barth *

Clay Harper

Jenny Miller

Larry Weiland

June 09 Mason Harper

Cathy Waddell

June 11 Kelly Kerley

Denise Lutz

June 12 Leslie Bell

Chelsey Catton

James Holloway

Joshua Holloway

June 13 Bunny Blasdel

Phillip Friedrich

Mardell Urish *

June 15 Graden Becker

Noah LeCrone

Megan Shay

Bonnie Tometich

June/July Birthdays

June 17 Matthew Hall

Derek Hand

June 18 Deanne Brown

June 19 Brandon Flexsenhar

June 20 David Barth

Marv Palm *

Wendy Woods

June 22 Bailey Lay

June 23 Gabriella Gallup

Todd Urish

June 25 Gary Barth

Jennifer Fielder

Jean Green *

Cathy Janus

June 27 Dave Reagan

June 28 Marlene Baker

Dylan Becker

Sandy Friedrich

Addy Ledgess

June 29 Mason Garlisch

June 30 Crystal Kilgus

July 01 Davis Bueltmann

LeeAnne Carson

July 02 Alexandra Dodd

Tyler Stewart

Joseph Woodruff

July 03 Jerry Harrison

July 04 Blake McBride

Christopher Nolan

July 05 Bill Baker *

Ann Lutz *

Leanne Walton

July 06 Laurie Fuelberth

Johnna Kinney

July 07 Daniel Barth

Annelyse Fuelberth

Caitlin LeCrone

Graham Shissler

Frank Weindel *

July 08 Bob Friedrich *

July 09 Jack Lutz *

Dick Jones *

Dennis Hoehn

July 10 Mark Reagan

Donna Hoehn *

July 12 Trina Ward

Linda Mickley

July 13 Linda Weimer

Linda Turney

Chris Friedrich

Ryan Fairchild

July 14 Christopher Urish

July 15 Zeth Miller

Brenda Kaeb

July 16 Megan Kerley

July 17 Caleb Schleder

Nicole Carson

July 19 Jared Shay

Schuylar Garlisch

Quinn Flexsenhar

July 20 Jessica Urish

Ron Toepke

Mike Snyder

Norb Schaefer *

Jon Hottell

Darcey Drockelman

July 21 Kenny Lutz *

Michele Holder

Joni Barth

July 22 Aaliyah Mc Kinley

July 23 Joe Lay

Carol Harris

July 24 Alan White

Madelynn Weiland

Jada Mutchler

Chip Lutz

Raven Bong

July 25 Gabrielle Mutchler

July 26 Joseph Proehl

July 29 Phyllis Privett

Lottie Munter *

Anna Hamann *

Maggie Boyer

July 30 Kyle Worner

Kye Frazier

July 31 Lenny Wiseman

Bill Heston *

Happy Birthday,


NEWS: The Food Pantry

is needing donations of

canned vegetables and

fruit. Please leave your

food donations on the

stage in the Fellowship

Hall. As always,

monetary donations are

equally appreciated.

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Sunday, August 17 - Begins

at 11:30am at Lutheran

Hillside Village Located at

6901 Galena Road in Peoria

Ice Cream Social and Bake


(donations for the base sale

will be greatly appreciated.)

Saturday, September 13,

2014 - Lutheran Hillside



Annual Brunch

(details regarding time and

ticket information will be

forthcoming later). Proceeds

from this brunch will benefit

Lutheran Hillside Village


June 04

Bill & Linda Krueger

Joe & Susan Lay

June 07 Pastor Kevin & Tawn Bueltmann

Don & Sheila Lutz

June 10 Daniel & Stephanie Miller

June 12 Dick & Marlene Jones

June 13 Stan & Linda Weimer

June 14 Randy & Kathy Urish

Dan & Leslie Bell

Steve & Cheryl Bong

Chris & Tammy Combes

June 15 Kevin & Jeri Dobbelaire

June 20 Scott & Janice Urish

June 24 Norm & Judy Tisdale

June 25 Davin & Linda Miller

June 26 Jason & Amanda Proehl

June 30 Robyn & Connie Schappaugh

Herschel & Judi Hicks

Jack & Phyllis Lutz

July 01 John & Lynn Candler

July 03 Matt & Gina Eisfelder

July 07 Ron & Sandy Weiland

David & Susan Woodruff

July 10 Lewis & AnnaMae Friedrich


James & Wendy Woods

July 20

Duane & Loraine Schleder

Happy Anniversary!!

God Bless your special day.

June/July Anniversaries


HOUR: Each Sunday the

Lutheran Hour can be heard on

WGN 720AM at 6:00 AM and on

WLLM 1370 AM at 7:00 PM

Traveling to Germany. If you

would like to join us on this

trip, August 25-September 5, please

contact Marlene Baker or Vergie


Pastor David Bueltmann

Pastor Kevin Bueltmann

Larry & Connie Ary

Bill & Marlene Baker

Charlie & June Berndt

Anita Friedrich

Lottie Munter

John & Barb Fuelberth

Ralph & Linda Mickley

Louis & Kaeleen Maylander

Gary & Sheila Schumm

Joyce Starkjohann

Ron & Hermene Upchurch

Dennis & Lillian Vogel

Margaret Frazier

Donetta Reed

Ken & Diana Emme

Karen Willard Joanne Willard

Peoria Bach Festival 2014: The Peoria

Bach Festival 2014 will be held at Trinity

Lutheran Church, 135 NE Randolph

Ave., Peoria, Illinois from June 2-8. Now

in it’s twelfth season, Peoria Back

Festival is celebrating the music, life, and

faith of one of history’s greatest

composers, Johann Sebastian Back


Monday, June 2nd:

Annual Peoria Back

Festival Young Artists;’ Concert - 12:05

pm (Free)

Tuesday, June 3rd

: Marcia and Friends -

12:05pm (Free)

Wednesday, June 4th

: Music for Pipe

and Strings - 12:05pm (Free); “Hey Kids

Meet Mr. Bach”: Bach Goes to Space -

4:00pm (adm $2.50)

Thursday, June 5th

: Bach’s Lunch -

12:00pm (Free-call to reserve a lunch)

Chamber Concert 2014 - 5:30pm (Free)

Friday, June 6th

: Coffee with Bach -

6:30pm; Pre-Concert Lecture - 7:15pm;

Coffee Concert 2014 - 8:00pm

(adm $16 adult/$10 students)

Saturday, June 7th

: Festival Concert

2014 (adm $16 adult.$10 student)

Sunday, June 8th

: Festival Worship

Services - 8:00am to 10:45 am

Celebrating Pentecost, the birthday of the

Christian church.


FOR THE 2014/2015 SCHOOL

YEAR: They are looking for a

volunteer to coach JV Girls

Basketball and a volunteer for

Varsity Girls Basketball. They

are also looking for a Band

Director and preschool aide

position at GSLS. Anyone

interested in any of the listed

positions, please go to

www.goodshepherdpekin.com for

a job description and an



MOWERS: Contact Principal

Joel Kilgus at (309)347-2020

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St. John’s Lutheran Church – Sand Prairie 13443 Townline Road - Green Valley, IL 61534-9216

(309)348-3180 – [email protected]

www.SandPrairieLutheran.org Pastor Kevin Bueltmann

DCE Bill Krueger

School Principal Joel Kilgus


8:00 am Traditional Worship

9:30 am Sunday School & Bible Classes

10:45 am Contemporary Worship

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June/July 2014

25+ Years of (Team) Ministry

This month, I am celebrating 25 years of ministry, but this has not been a solo accomplishment. This has been a team effort. A team ministry. I have been blessed on this journey with someone I have been married to for 28 years, and that of course is my wife, Tawn. She complements my life, my weaknesses, & strengths in many ways. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says, "Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up the other; but woe to one who is alone and falls and does not have another to help." By design, God made men and women with equal value, but with different gifts and abilities to complement each other. This has been true in our relationship as well. But, of course, our marriage wouldn't have been what it is without God in our lives. A few verses later we find in Ecclesiastes 4:12 "A threefold cord is not quickly broken." This was our theme verse for our wedding. For us, this reminds us that God is always to be an integral part of our relationship. God has been there for us and He is there for you whether you are married or single. I pray that God is the most important part of your life as well. God is good all the time.

In Christ’s Love,

Pastor Kevin

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