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Page 1: The Power of Partnership in Research: Improving Healthcare Outcomes in Underserved Communities

How Does PCORI Choose

What to Fund?

Chad Boult, MD, MPH, MBA

Director, Improving Healthcare Systems Program

August 1, 2013

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What Is PCORI Looking For?


PCORI supports high-quality research

that produces trusted information

that will improve health care and outcomes

that patients and their families care about

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Which Outcomes Do Patients Care About?




Relief from symptoms

Health-related quality of life

Function (ability to do what they want to do)

Safety from medical harm


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How Does PCORI Select the Most

Promising Research Proposals to Support?


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Two Parallel Solicitation Processes

Stakeholder-initiated (“targeted”) funding


Specific questions suggested by patients, clinicians, and

other stakeholders

PCORI solicits applications to answer to these questions

Investigator-initiated (“broad”) funding


Broad topic areas announced every four months

PCORI solicits applications to answer questions posed

by investigators


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Stakeholder-initiated (“Targeted”) Funding


How we get from stakeholders’

questions to funded research



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Cast a Wide Net


Topics submitted through PCORI’s web site


Topics posed at PCORI-sponsored workshops

Topics identified by IOM, NIH, AHRQ, and other

organizations and associations

Topics submitted by PCORI staff members

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Screen the Catch


To remove certain questions

About cost-effectiveness

About the causes of disease

That do not address patient-centered outcomes

That do not compare approaches to improving

patient-centered outcomes

That have already been answered, or are in the

process of being answered

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Select the Best 10–20 Questions



1. The question addresses a problem that puts a large burden on society, or on a subset of it

2. The question focuses on a patient-centered topic and outcome

3. Answers to the question are likely to improve healthcare practices and patient-centered outcomes

4. Answers to the question could be obtained within a few years

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Advisory Panels Prioritize the Top 10–20



Advisory panels (21 people) include patients, caregivers, stakeholders, and researchers. Meetings are webcast to the public and archived.

Before meeting, panelists receive a “topic brief” to provide background information on each of the questions to be prioritized

Panelists meet in person, using discussion and software, to prioritize the top questions for possible funding announcements in the future

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Criteria for Prioritizing Questions


1. The burden that the problem puts on society

2. The patient-centeredness of the question

3. The need for new information about benefits and harms to choose between alternative interventions

4. The likelihood that answers to the question would be implemented in practice

5. The durability of the answer(s) to the question

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Targeted Funding Announcements


Following approval by PCORI’s board, PCORI

staff members write and release solicitations

(PFAs) for applications for contracts to conduct

research to answer the highest priority questions

Merit review of submitted applications

By scientists, patients, caregivers, and stakeholders

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First Two Rounds


1. The first “targeted” funding announcements

were released earlier this summer

Treatment Options for African Americans and

Hispanics/Latinos with Uncontrolled Asthma

Preventing Injuries from Falls in the Elderly

2. The second set will be released later this year

and next year

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Investigator-Generated (“Broad”) Funding



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PCORI’s Research Portfolio

PCORI has approved 76 awards totaling $123 million

through the first two cycles of our broad PCORI funding

announcements (PFAs)

Cycle III awards will be made in September 2013

PCORI will award more than $355 million in 2013 and

upwards of $500 million in 2014

The first PFA cycle of our second year of funding opened

May 15, and applications are due August 15


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Get Involved

Patients, stakeholders, and researchers can

participate in this selection process at


Submit questions for possible future funding

Apply to be a member of a merit review panel

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Engagement Awards and

Pipeline to Proposal Awards

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Concept Origin

Proposed by participants at October 2012 Transforming

Patient-Centered Research patient engagement workshop

Workshop participants identified that few resources have

been directed to non – research entities for community

development, capacity building, or for infrastructure

development for engagement in research as partners.


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Engagement's Strategic Pillars = Three

Arms of Engagement Awards

Develop PCOR Community: Knowledge Awards will help PCORI to develop the PCOR community by enabling us to partner with organizations and individuals equipped to cull the best examples of PCOR and CER from the field, and to expand understanding of and connection to PCOR. Examples of potential activities to be funded through Knowledge Awards, listed in the green box in the diagram below, include things like landscape reviews, background papers, and mechanisms for sharing key CER and PCOR information.

Engage the PCOR Community in Research: Training and Development awards will help PCORI accomplish our second pillar by funding the cultivation of a larger, more educated and research-ready PCOR community. Examples of specific activities, listed in the purple box in the diagram below, will include but are not limited to efforts to link interested patients, stakeholders and researchers together to build research partnerships and the Pipeline to Proposals Awards, formerly known as Micro-Contracts.

Promote Dissemination and Implementation of Research: Implementation Awards will allow PCORI to evaluate our engagement work and share our findings. These awards will cover two sets of activities, examples of which are listed in the orange box in the diagram below; working with and through key partners to review the effectiveness of our engagement strategy, and widely disseminating information about and encouraging implementation of the best patient engagement, PCOR, and CER practices.


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Engagement Awards


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First Engagement Awards Opportunity:

Pipeline to Proposal Awards


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Tier I Pipeline Awards

(Up to $15,000 for 9 months)

Available to individuals,

consumer/patient organizations,

clinician(s) or researcher(s) or a

combination of the above to


Community building

Creation of structure and

communication strategies

Develop an understanding of

PCORI, and “research done



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Tier II Pipeline Awards

(Up to $25,000 for 1 year)

Available to emerging


partnerships to support:

Data network development

Development of infrastructure

Generation of research

questions through community

events, town hall meetings, etc.


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Tier III Pipeline Awards

(Up to $50,000 for 1 year)

Available to advanced


partnerships- including those who

submitted PCORI proposals and

were not funded - to support:

PCORI research proposal


Research partnership skill



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Three Tiers


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Tier I Awards:

Role of Intermediate Funders


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The Power of Partnership in

Research: Improving

Healthcare Outcomes in

Underserved Communities

August 1, 2013


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About Us

An independent non-profit research organization

authorized by Congress as part of the 2010 Patient

Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).

Committed to continuously seeking input from

patients and a broad range of stakeholders to

guide our work.


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Our Mission and Vision


The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) helps people make informed health care decisions, and improves health care delivery and outcomes, by producing and promoting high integrity, evidence-based information that comes from research guided by patients, caregivers and the broader health care community.


Patients and the public have the information they need to make decisions that reflect their desired health outcomes.


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Our Board of Governors Represents the

Entire Healthcare Community

PCORI Board of Governors, March 2012 in Baltimore, MD

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Source: Patient

Protection and

Affordable Care Act.

Subtitle D, PUBLIC

LAW 111–148—MAR.

23, 2010.

Our Purpose – From the PPACA

“The purpose of the Institute is to assist patients, clinicians,

purchasers, and policy-makers in making informed health

decisions by advancing the quality and relevance of evidence

concerning the manner in which diseases, disorders, and other

health conditions can effectively and appropriately be

prevented, diagnosed, treated, monitored, and managed

through research and evidence synthesis that considers

variations in patient subpopulations and the dissemination of

research findings with respect to the relative health outcomes,

clinical effectiveness, and appropriateness of medical

treatments, services.

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Our Core Duties

Establish national research priorities

Establish and carry out a research agenda

Develop and update methodological


Disseminate research findings


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What is Patient-Centeredness?

Does the proposed research compare the effects of

treatment options that matter to patients?

Are these realistic choices faced by patients or other


Does the proposed research focus on outcomes of

interest to patients and their caregivers?

Outcomes of interest might include: health, health-

related quality of life, functioning, symptoms, safety from

medical harm, survival and satisfaction with care.


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National Priorities for Research and

Research Agenda

1. Assessment of Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options

•Comparisons of alternative clinical options to support personalized decision-making and self-care

•Identifying patient differences in response to therapy

•Studies of patient preferences for various outcomes

2. Improving Healthcare Systems

•Improving support of patient self-management

•Focusing on coordination of care for complex conditions and improving access to care

•Comparing alternative strategies for workforce deployment

3. Communication and Dissemination Research

•Understanding and enhancing shared decision-making

•Alternative strategies for dissemination of evidence

•Exploring opportunities to improve patient health literacy

4. Addressing Disparities

•Understanding differences in effectiveness across groups

•Understanding differences in preferences across groups

•Reducing disparities through use of findings from PCOR

5. Accelerating PCOR and Methodological Research

•Improving study designs and analytic methods of PCOR

•Building and improving clinical data networks

•Methods for training researchers, patients to participate in PCOR

•Establishing methodology for the study of rare diseases


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Our Major Funding Opportunities

PCORI Funding Announcements (PFAs) • Assessment of Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options

• Improving Healthcare

• Communication and Dissemination

• Addressing Disparities

• Accelerating PCOR Research and Methodological Research

Improving Infrastructure for Conducting PCOR • Clinical Data Research Networks (CDRN)

• Patient-Powered Research Networks (PPRN)

Targeted Funding Announcements • Treatment options for African Americans and Hispanics/Latinos with

uncontrolled asthma (Letter of Intent due: 8/1/13)

• Preventing injuries from falls in the elderly (in partnership with the National Institute on Aging)

• Treatment options for uterine fibroids


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Our Review Criteria

National Research Priority Areas 1-4

• Impact of the condition on health of individuals and populations

• Potential for improving care and outcomes

• Technical merit

• Patient-centeredness

• Patient and stakeholder engagement

National Research Priority Area 5

• Impact on field of PCOR

• Potential for the study to improve PCOR methods

• Technical merit

• Patient-centeredness

• Patient and stakeholder engagement


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Our Primary Research Portfolio

We will award more than $355 million in 2013 and upwards

of $500 million in 2014

The first cycle of our second year of funding opened May 15

and applications are due August 15

Cycle III awards will be announced September 2013


Cycle I and Cycle II


76 primary research projects

23 states and DC

$123 million

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Research Infrastructure

Two funding announcements for up to $68 million

to support development of a National Patient-

Centered Clinical Research Network.

Clinical Data Research Networks (CDRN)

Patient-Powered Research Networks (PPRN)

Key Dates:

April 23, Funding Announcement Release Date

June 14, Letters of Intent (LOI) Due

September 23, Application Deadline

December, Awards Announced


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Building Research Infrastructure


A “network of networks”

Two types of component networks: systems-generated and patient driven networks

Active involvement of health care systems, of clinicians and of patients

A commitment to establishing inter-operability and data sharing across networks and ready collaboration with the larger research community


Rich clinical data from electronic health records and other data sources stored in standardized, interoperable formats

Capacity to conduct both observational studies and randomized trials embedded in clinical settings

Rigorous practices for data security and confidentiality

Appropriate IRB and human subjects oversight

Utility for comparative clinical effectiveness, safety studies, surveillance, etiologic research, and potentially for pre-approval trials


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National Patient-Centered Clinical

Research Network: Our Vision









Coordinating Center Staff

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Our First Targeted Research Topics

Identified several high-priority,

stakeholder-vetted topics for

targeted funding announcements

Jumpstarts our long-term topic

generation and research

prioritization effort

Leverages stakeholder input from

before we were created

Allows us to build on our

engagement work


Treatment Options for Uterine Fibroids

Preventing Injuries From Falls in the Elderly

Treatment Options for African Americans and Hispanics/Latinos with Uncontrolled Asthma

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Treatment Options for African Americans and

Hispanics/Latinos with Uncontrolled Asthma

PCORI seeks to fund comparative effectiveness research that focuses

on reducing adverse outcomes due to poorly controlled asthma in

African-American and Hispanic/Latino individuals, populations, and


We seek CER that tests interventions to improve clinician and patient

adherence to guidelines produced by the National Asthma Education

and Prevention Program of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood


Research Priority Area: Addressing Disparities

LOI Deadline: Aug. 1, 2013

Funds Available: Up to $17 million

Max. Project Period: 3 years

More Information: http://www.pcori.org/funding-opportunities/funding-



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Building Our Research Portfolio:

2013 Funding Commitments

Funding Stream LOI Deadline Application



Award Date

Cycle II PFAs Oct. 15, 2012 Dec. 17, 2012 May 6, 2013

PFA on Improving Methods for


Jan. 15, 2013 Mar. 15, 2013 Jul. 2013

Cycle III PFAs Feb. 15, 2013 Apr. 15, 2013 Sept. 2013

August 2013 PFAs Jun. 15, 2013 Aug. 15, 2013 Dec. 2013

Improving Infrastructure Jun. 19, 2013 Sept. 27, 2013 Dec. 2013

Treatment Options for African-

Americans and

Hispanics/Latinos with

Uncontrolled Asthma

Aug. 1, 2013 Sept. 18, 2013 Dec. 2013


We will commit more than $355 million in research and infrastructure

development funding in 2013

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Engagement as a Path to Rigorous



Advise Us On What PCORI Should Study • What outcomes should be studied?

• What questions are most important?

Review Proposals & Partner in Research • Review research proposals

• Participate in conducting research

Help Us Share Research Findings

• How do we best communicate important research findings?

Tell Us How We’re Doing

• How can we improve on what we are doing and how we are doing it?

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Two Paths to Research Funding


PCORI issues broad funding announcements

Researchers partner with patients and stakeholders to generate questions

Researchers, stakeholders apply review criteria in their applications

Peer review prioritizes applications by level of alignment with criteria

Patient/Other Stakeholder Initiated

PCORI and stakeholders generate and prioritize questions based on review criteria

PCORI issues specific funding announcements for highest priority topics

Researchers partner with patients and stakeholders to develop proposals

Peer review prioritizes applications by level of alignment with criteria

Diverse research portfolio answering key questions

for patients and clinicians

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Tell us what PCORI Should Study

I want to know which diabetes treatment won’t

slow me down?

How can I help my patients make better informed decisions?

How do I help my employees stay healthy and productive?

How is my home and environment affecting my child’s asthma?

Submit your

questions online:


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Our First Advisory Panels


Include clinicians, researchers,

patients, and other experts with

appropriate experience and

knowledge to help us achieve our


Assure meaningful patient

engagement in:

Research activities

Identifying research priorities and topics

Conducting randomized clinical trials

Performing special research studies

Addressing Disparities

Assessment of Prevention,

Diagnosis, and

Treatment Options

Improving Healthcare Systems

Patient Engagement

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Review Research Proposals

PCORI invites professional and lay audiences to be reviewers of research applications

Help us support research that will be both scientifically rigorous and truly patient-centered

Learn more and apply online: pcori.org/get-involved/reviewers


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What roles should patients and

stakeholders play in research teams?

The engagement of patients and stakeholders should include:

Participation in formulation of

research questions

Defining essential characteristics

of study participants, comparators, |

and outcomes

Monitoring of study conduct and


Dissemination of research results


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Facilitating Patient Involvement in


Matching Initiative Engagement Awards


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Engagement Awards Program to Advance

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research


Targeted funding to dozens of groups of patients and stakeholders to support the expansion of PCOR and implementation of its results

Supporting projects to enhance knowledge of PCOR and its benefits

Training to foster partnerships between patients, other healthcare stakeholders, and scientists that can lead to research projects

Supporting efforts to implement results of the research in clinical practice

• $1.2 million

• Training program to build research capacity

• Fund a series of “Pipeline to Proposal” Awards

Engagement Awards

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The PCORI Challenge

Patient/researcher “matching”

mechanism or system

Connect potential partners

interested in seeking funding for


Concept or Prototype

Managed by Health 2.0

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The Winners!

Concept ($10,000)

“Act Together and Connect for Patient-Centered Outcomes Research


Research team lead: Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation, Marshfield, Wis.

Prototype ($40,000)

“WellSpringboard: A Prototype for

Patient-Researcher Matching”

Research team: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

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Communicating Research Results


DISSEMINATION IMPLEMENTATION + Engage major patient organizations

Establish partnerships with specialty organizations;

Build working relationships with health plans;

Develop partnerships with health systems;

Connect with the National Patient-Centered Clinical Research


Publish findings in key journals; and

Explore use of web services, social media, apps, etc.

PCORI's Blueprint for a Dissemination and Implementation Action


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The Case for Addressing the

Implementation Gap

Research + Practice

Optimal Healthcare Delivery

PCORI’s Blueprint for

Dissemination and

Implementation Targets the



Knowledge and Practice

New Investments in Knowledge

Implementation Gap to Improve


29 PCORI's Blueprint for a Dissemination and Implementation Action


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Developing the PCORI Dissemination and

Implementation Action Plan

PCORI's Blueprint for a Dissemination and Implementation Action

Plan 30

Process for Developing PCORI’s Blueprint for Dissemination and Implementation Action Plan

Incorporate learning from workshop

and develop PCORI Action Plan for

Dissemination and Implementation

Host D & I Roundtable

Convene experts at D & I

Roundtable to receive input which

will inform RFP

Conduct Phone Calls

Collect preliminary information

from roundtable participants

Release RFP or RFPs

Award RFP or RFPs Host D & I Workshop FINAL: PCORI D & I Action Plan

JULY 2013

Using input from the roundtable, develop

and release an RFP or a series of RFPs

Award RFP or RFPs to finalists for

development of background


Convene D & I Workshop to hear

results of project(s)




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Join us at www.pcori.org

[email protected]

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PCORI Engagement Panel

August 1, 2013





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Academic & Community Team

Greer Sullivan, MD, MSPH (PI) Mary Olson, D.Min (Community PI)

Naomi Cottoms, MA Geoff Curran, PhD Ann Cheney, PhD

Tiffany Haynes, PhD Keneshia Bryant, PhD, FNP

Christina Reaves, MPH Elise Allee Faye Smith

Community Advisory Board

Rev. George Barnes Linda Cole

Melva Trask Gloria Scott

Edlun Marshall Pamela Barnes Earnest

Virgil Ward

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The setting: Arkansas Delta • Primarily rural with agriculture

based economy

• Characterized by:

• Poor economic conditions

• Higher prevalence of chronic health conditions

• Increased risk of early mortality

• Poor access to quality health services

• Highest percentage of cities with predominately African-American populations

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Mental Health in the Delta • Poorer self-reported mental


• Increased levels of frequent mental distress (BFRSS)

• Poorer mental health outcomes

• Increased burden of disability

• Increased mortality

• Poorer management of chronic physical health

• Underuse of mental health services

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Two Different Ways to Obtain Community Perspectives

• Focus Groups

• Researcher identifies stakeholders

• Researcher creates interview guide

• More traditional research method

• Deliberative Democracy

• Allows community to self-identify as stakeholders or citizens

• Community creates the frame

• Method utilized by Tri-County

DHSR Methods Tri County’s Methods


Differences in:

• Content of findings

• Degree of empowerment

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Mental Health vs. Emotional Wellness

No one is going to talk to you about mental health. When people hear mental health they

think of crazy. Ain’t nobody going to talk to you about being crazy. I ain’t crazy, I don’t know how

to help you help crazy people

If you want my expertise, you have to ask me about things I know about.

CAB member

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Where are we now? • Completed 6 Focus Groups (n=50)

• Faith community

• College students and administrators

• Patients

• Providers

• Completed 6 Community Forums (n=86)

• Lay community “citizens”

• Service organization leaders

• Political leaders

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Where are we now? Preliminary analysis

• Stigma and low mental health literacy major barriers to care

• Importance of “reaching people where they are”

• Community based services vs. clinic based

• Importance of community support in prevention, treatment, and recovery

• Provide education and support

• Address contextual causes that affect emotional wellness

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Where are we going?

Potential Outcomes/Interventions

• Mental Health Awareness Campaign

• Peer Based Mental Health Services

• Stigma Reduction Campaigns

Dissemination of results

• Community Forums

• Scientific Peer Reviewed Journals

• Scientific Conferences

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PCORI Engagement Panel

August 1, 2013





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Getting to a Patient-Centered

Comparative Effectiveness

Research Question

Susan Hildebrandt, MA

Director, Stakeholder Engagement

Memphis, Tennessee

August 1, 2013


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PCOR Defined

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) helps people and their caregivers communicate and make

informed health care decisions, allowing their voices to be heard in assessing the value of health care options.

“Given my personal

characteristics, conditions and

preferences, what should I expect will happen to


“What are my options and what are the

potential benefits and

harms of those options?”

“What can I do to improve the outcomes that

are most important to


“How can clinicians and the

care delivery systems they work

in help me make the best decisions about my health and healthcare?”


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How PCORI Defines Comparative

Effectiveness Research (CER)

Compares two or more health and healthcare choices faced by

patients, caregivers, clinicians, and healthcare organizations.

Seeks to answer a medical research question for which there is

not sufficient evidence or there is contradicting information.

Is likely to provide evidence that can reduce uncertainty, support

decision making, change practice, and improve patients’ health


Studies a issue or condition that is highly prevalent or places a

heavy burden on patients, their families and the healthcare



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The Simplest Explanation

Treatment A

Treatment B


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The Simplest Explanation







t A




Side Effects




t B




Side Effects

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Getting to the Comparative Question


Am I taking the right blood pressure medication?

What are the side effects and benefits of different blood

pressure medications?

My elderly mother has dementia. Should I place her in a nursing


What are comparative benefits and risks of nursing home,

assisted living and home-based care for elderly patients with






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Questions Outside our Scope of Work

Cost Effectiveness: PCORI will consider the measurement

of factors that may differentially affect patients’ adherence to

the alternatives such as out-of-pocket costs, but cannot

fund studies related to cost effectiveness, costs of

treatments or interventions.

Medical Billing: PCORI cannot fund studies about an

individual’s insurance coverage or about coverage

decisions from third party payers.

Disease-processes and causes: PCORI cannot funding

studies that pertain to risk factors, origin and mechanisms

of diseases.


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We Are Pleased to Present…

Reducing Disparities with Literacy-Adapted

Psychosocial Treatments for Chronic Pain: A

Comparative Trial

PFA Cycle I: Addressing Disparities

Beverly Thorn, PhD

• Principal Investigator

• University of Alabama – Tuscaloosa

Toya Burton, DC, MPH

• Community Partner

• Whatley Health Services


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Patient-Centered Research: What Does It Look Like?

Beverly E. Thorn, Ph.D., ABPP [email protected]

Toya T. Burton, D.C., MPH [email protected]

Aug. 1, 2013 PCORI Regional Workshop

The Power of Partnership in Research: Improving Healthcare Outcomes in Underserved Communities

Memphis, TN

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More specifically, how did we get to where we are?

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Examined PCORI Patient-centered Principles

• Help patients and providers make more informed health care decisions.

• Facilitate patient, consumer, and caregiver voices to be heard.

• Include opportunities for co-learning and reciprocal transfer of expertise among researchers, patients, and caregivers.

• Collaborate: patients, caregivers, and researchers partner to develop the research question

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Clinical Relevance +Translational and

“Real-World” Application of Product

• Thorn, B. E. (2004).

Cognitive Therapy for Chronic Pain: A Step-by-Step Guide. New York; Guilford Publications.

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Cognitive-Behavioral Chronic Pain Trial Among Rural Minorities and non-Minorities

Thorn et al., (2011). Randomized trial of

group cognitive-behavioral therapy compared to a pain education control for low literacy rural people with chronic pain. Pain, 152, 2710-2720.

• This research was supported by the National Institute on Nursing Research and NIMH

Work in the Field (not Just in Academic Research Centers)

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Solicited Patient Input

• Key informant interviews – targeted individual patients following initial treatment phase (followed by refinement of questions and materials)

• Focus groups of individuals with chronic pain (but not given the group treatment) after adapting materials and treatment approach

• Qualitative interviews of patients following completions of adapted treatment approach (followed by more refinement prior to PCORI prop.)

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Hearing the Patient Voice

Translational Behavioral Medicine 2011;1:216–223.

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Our Patient-Centered Research Questions If I have chronic pain….

1) “What are my options for treating my pain, and what are the benefits and harms of those options?”

2) “What can I do to improve my pain, interference due to pain, and my feelings of depression?”

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How Did We Translate Them Into These Testable Research Questions?

1. In patients with chronic pain receiving care at a FQHC does participation in a health literacy–adapted psychosocial treatment group improve their self-reported pain intensity and interference in physical functioning when compared with a group receiving standard medical care?

2. In these patients, does participation in a Cognitive Behavioral pain management group improve depressive symptoms better than a Pain Education group?

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To Determine Our Testable Research Questions:

• Met individually with willing practitioners

• Developed a small (pre-proposal) advisory board made up of former group members (patients) and practitioners

• Listened for possible stumbling blocks: – feasibility – will they attend?

– cultural sensitivity – can we ask about depression?

– Ethics – is it ethical to have a no-treatment control group?

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Established Relationships with

Community Collaborators

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The “Practitioner” as Research Partner

Two-year clinical relationship with researcher helped with:

• Trust issues around patient care

• Confidence in researchers’ patient-centered questions

• Increased our comfort with offering feedback

• Increased willingness to introduce researchers to other key health care providers.

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Practitioners Concerns

• Help patients rely less on pain medications & focus more on chronic disease self-management

• Certain clinics with the greater needs based on greatest substance dependency – Poses research design problem

– Compromised by including another site

with mixed population and few drug issues

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Practitioners Concerns

• What will you do for the control group (medical treatment as usual)

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Practitioner Concerns

• What will you do for our Spanish-speaking patients?

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What does Engaging in this kind of research Mean to WHS as


• Largest collaboration so far

• Prompted desire to get more expertise via training

• Hopeful about changing the clinic culture

• Hoping to reduce provider burden, especially regarding need to prescribing medications

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In Conclusion

• Patient-centeredness • Applies to real world • (hopeful) Reduced

practitioner burden • (planned) Sustainability

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