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The PriceTeaser

Story by CN Winters and Faith730Written by CN Winters

Directed by CN Winters and Angie WilsonProduced by CN Winters Edited by Angie Wilson

Sound by CSRArt Direction by Robert Kidman

Artists – Robert Kidman, CN Winters, MattXXX and Isis Fade In:Int.Television Studio – Morning

Tally Atwater was sitting next to Kennedy with cameras in front of them. A studio audience of about 75 people sat behind the cameras, watching the interview.

"You’ve had some, how should I say this, run-ins with the press in the past. Correct?"

Kennedy gave a slight grin. "Yes, I have had reporters asking me inappropriate questions at the wrong time. And I must admit on one occasion I lost my temper."

"Can you elaborate?" Atwater asked.

"Well, it was after one of my best friends, Vi Joston, was murdered. They asked some personal questions while I was working. It’s not that I won’t talk to the press - I’m here now - it’s just that there should be a time and place for everything and I think there are some reporters who don’t get that."

"Reporters make their living asking questions."

"True and I understand that. But suppose someone you were close to died and two minutes from now someone came here, unannounced, on

this very set, and shoved a microphone in your face for a response to your recent loss. How would you feel? You’ve lost one of your best friends in the world and you’re in the middle of doing your job. I’m sure you’d have the director over there tossing the guy out by the ear."

"Point taken," the reporter conceded. "And I should add, a thank you for talking to us now."

"Like I said, a time and a place," Kennedy answered with a grin.

"Now, you recently had an altercation with Ms. Joston’s murderer, Slayer Heli Hamalainen," Atwater remarked. "Can you tell us a bit what happened in your own words?"

"There’s not much to tell really," Kennedy began. "I spent months following leads and finally got a solid tip about her being in Tokyo. I and other members of the Council went along to check it out and after a direct confrontation I killed her."

"Can you tell us what happened that night?"

"Well…I located her and ordered that she surrender herself. She refused, I pursued, a fight ensued between us and when the opportunity presented itself, I fired several shots that killed her."

"How did that feel?"

"How do you think it felt?" Kennedy asked before taking a drink from the cup on the table beside her. When the reporter said nothing Kennedy said, "It’s not like in the movies, you know? The good guy kills the bad guy and then rides off into the sunset? It’s not like that at all. In fact…it hurts…But I know I got a dangerous person off the street so…that helps. It helps knowing she won’t hurt anyone else ever again."

"I think I speak for many people when I say it’s a relief to know she won’t be hurting any more young girls."

The audience began to clap and Kennedy waited.

"It’s not just the young girls," she said. "It’s the families of those girls, their friends too, co-workers...Heli did a lot of damage to a lot of people, good people who just want to make the world a better place. But like I said, from now on no one else has to suffer."

"If you don’t mind me saying, I think you’re still suffering," Atwater remarked.

"A part of me, sure."

"Does the council offer any kind of psychological support?"

"Yeah, and I’m seeing someone to work things through. I think maybe it’s just better to say Heli’s made the last person suffer. I can’t claim everything is a-okay but like I said, she’s gone and I’m still here. And I’ll be the last person she ever affects, so that’s good. It helps to focus on the positive."

The interviewer paused for a moment and then said, "If you don’t mind I’d like to talk a bit about your history."

"Okay," Kennedy replied and took another drink.

"It says here you were a ‘potential’. What does that mean exactly?"

"Before Willow did her spell-."

"Willow Rosenberg? The Cleveland High Priestess?" Atwater asked for clarification.

"Yes, sorry, that Willow," Kennedy remarked with a grin, making the audience chuckle. She turned to address the audience. "When you work with these people for so long you forget they’re celebs now."

"And there’s a celebrity wedding coming up here soon. Did you get your invitation?"

"Yes, this June and I got my invitation," Kennedy remarked. "I’m sure you probably have it written down somewhere on that little card you’re holding but Willow’s actually my ex."

"I was going to ask about that because she’s marrying another council member, right?" the interviewer asked as she glanced at her card.

"Right, Will and Ro are getting hitched." Kennedy turned to the audience. "Sorry, Rowena Allister for those of you playing along at home."

The audience chuckled again.

"Do you all get along? It seems like…there might be some tension there with everyone working so closely together."

"No, it’s cool. And Rowena’s a good match for Willow – I’m sure they have fun indexing books at night, which just isn’t my thing." The audience chuckled. "But no, Ro’s pretty cool and she knows her stuff." Kennedy then looked over toward the cameras. "Can we just edit that last comment out? I don’t want it to go to Rowena’s head if she sees this," she teased, making the audience laugh once more.

"Can’t let it be known you might actually like her?" Atwater teased.

"Right," Kennedy replied. "I definitely don’t want that." Kennedy gave a light chuckle. "You had an original question in there someplace didn’t you?" she added to the reporter.

"Potentials and Willow’s spell," Atwater prompted with a grin.

"Oh yeah, Willow Rosenberg did a spell that activated all the girls who potentially might be slayers. In the old days, there was only one slayer-."

"But I thought there were two? Buffy Summers and Faith Lehane?"

"Well, yeah, but that’s a longer story," Kennedy replied, making the audience laugh again. "I was trained for years by a watcher because there was a chance I might be a slayer if one of the originals had died. But many of the girls today are being trained immediately as slayers since they already have their powers. My job is to help Faith Lehane in organizing the slayer division and helping these girls that come in."

"Sounds like quite a feat," the reporter replied.

"Some days it can be – surrounded by a bunch of hormonal teenagers with superpowers…issues come up as you can imagine." Kennedy remarked. "Truth is, some days I wish there wasn’t any magic or demons and I could have a typical life."

Atwater looked at Kennedy, her face transformed into one of a vengeance demon.

"Done," was all she said before Kennedy heard what sounded like a sonic boom.

Cut to:Int.Kennedy’s Bedroom – Same Time

"You’re gonna be late, sleepyhead," Kennedy heard a woman’s voice call out.

She opened one eye and then the other before her eyebrows scrunched in curiosity. She slowly sat up and her mouth dropped open. Jenny Calendar stood at the foot of Kennedy’s bed in a room that Kennedy didn’t recognize.

"Better get a move on," Jenny told her as she left with an arm full of dirty clothes.

Kennedy sat with the same shocked expression, unmoving.

Fade to Black

 Act One

Fade In:Int.Kennedy’s Bedroom – Moments Later

Alone, Kennedy stood up and began to look around the bedroom. She saw a wall filled with trophies and ribbons for track and field events, along with a picture of her and eight other people all in a group. None of the faces seemed to register with her.

Jenny suddenly popped her head back inside.

"Good, you’re up," she said. "You’re out of protein shake

so be sure to pick some up after school," she said patting Kennedy’s book bag.

"Mom?" Kennedy asked in a tone as if she wasn’t sure she’d get an answer.

"Yeaaaah?" Jenny replied, picking up on the inflection.

"Why don’t I blow off school today? Nothing big is happening, maybe we can just, I don’t know, hang out?"

"That would be great," Jenny replied. "But I’ve got school myself, the kids have a test. How about tonight? I’m sure your dad won’t mind if we do a girls’ night out."

At first, Kennedy said nothing. "Yeah, okay," she replied.

"You got to get a move on though," Jenny replied.

"I-I will," Kennedy replied.

Jenny left the room and Kennedy walked over to her book bag. She pulled out a class schedule that said USC on the top of it and she smiled broadly.

After putting the schedule back, she walked around the room, taking everything in that she saw. She walked over to the nightstand and picked up a picture of a handsome, young man with his arms wrapped around her. Both of them wore big smiles and looked quite cozy with each other.

Seeing a computer on a desk near the bed she walked over and turned it on. As her fingers stood ready at the keyboard she looked at her fingers to see two rings that she didn’t recognize.

One was a class ring and she took it off to examine it closer. One side read USC and the other had the scales of justice on it. She slipped it back on and examined the other ring, which was an emerald with two decent sized diamonds on either side.

Now that the computer had booted up she opened her email and scanned the names, looking for any that might be familiar.

"Nobody I recognize," she muttered to herself.

She jumped when the door suddenly sprung open again. Jenny stood there rolling her eyes.

"Ken," she said disapprovingly. "What’s with you today?"

"Sorry," Kennedy replied, getting up from the computer. "Getting ready now."

Cut To:Int.Kennedy’s House – Staircase – Moments Later

Now fully dressed, Kennedy looked at the array of pictures of her that lined the wall with Jenny and her father also in various shots. The final picture looked recent with all three of them together. She began to grin.

Cut To:Int.Kennedy’s House – Kitchen – Moments Later

Kennedy walked into the kitchen. She stopped and watched her father talking on a cell phone and her grin became a full-fledged smile.

"I don’t care," he said irritated into the phone. "Look, I’ll be there in the next half hour so just hold them for now. I’m on my way." He hung up and saw Kennedy grinning and smiled too, his mood changing.

"Morning, Querida," he told her. "You look rather happy today."

"Rough morning?" Kennedy asked.

"Ahhh," he said waving it off. "Nothing out of the ordinary really. One client’s being a bit more picky so it looks like it’s going to be a long day…maybe even a long night if I can’t get it settled."

"Oh," Jenny said as she handed him a glass of orange juice. "Ken wants to go do something tonight. Just the girls."

Her father put on a mock air of feeling indignant. "You mean I’m not invited? I’m hurt." Jenny gave him a playful shove before going back to the sink. "I’ll just have to force her to shoot some hoops this weekend. What do you say?" he asked Kennedy.

"You’re on," Kennedy told him.

He raised his glass in a toasting fashion and then downed it.

"Hey, wait a second," he said. "Isn’t tonight the big night?"

"Oh, that’s right," Jenny said as she smiled at Kennedy.

Kennedy was totally caught off guard by their joy. "Uhhh, big night for what?" she asked leery.

"Your anniversary," her father replied. "You’re a young lady, how could any woman forget that?" he teased.

"I’ve been busy with school. I guess I just lost track of time," she replied.

"Rob said he had big plans tonight," Jenny said conspiratorially. "I think this might be it."

Kennedy’s parents smiled at each other and she looked back and forth between them.

"What might be it?" she asked as she took a drink of her orange juice.

"You know…" Jenny prodded. "He might pop the question."

Kennedy choked a bit on the juice but hid her reaction as best as she could.

"Well, I…I don’t think I’m ready to get married," Kennedy replied.

"Not now, no," her father agreed. "But Rob…he’s a good man, Kennedy. Hard working, dependable, stable. He’ll do you right…Well, I have to go. You girls have a good day."

Jenny returned and leaned down to kiss him soundly on the lips. He rose and left the room, but not before giving Kennedy a kiss on top of her head as he passed. She smiled again.

Kennedy heard the radio playing and an announcer say, "News from Washington today says that President Al Gore is in talks-."

"Al Gore?" Kennedy asked over the top of the report.

Jenny turned around and said, "What about him?"

"He’s, uh," Kennedy fumbled. "He’s in talks they said."

"Yeah, he’s supposed to be over in Iran this week for the Middle East peace talks. What about it?"

"Uh, nothing. Some people were talking about it at school. Speaking of which, I better get going." Kennedy hesitated a moment. "So . . . here I go."

Jenny gave Kennedy a suspicious look. "Are you sure everything is okay?"

Kennedy grinned. "Yeah, things are great, actually…I…I just wish we had time to talk more is all."

"Is this about Rob?" Jenny asked. "I know taking the plunge is scary and there’s nothing that says you have to tell him yes. Of course, that’s if he even asks you to marry him tonight…Just know you don’t have to do anything right now, or next week or even next year."

"Rob is great and everyone seems to love him," Kennedy answered. "I just…I’m not exactly sure he’s the one or if I even…It’s confusing," she finally answered.

"You’re still a very young woman Ken. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you so you don’t have to rush," Jenny offered.

Kennedy considered her words carefully. "Yeah, you’re right. I don’t have to rush, do I?" Kennedy replied.

"Not at all," Jenny answered with a smile. "Besides, I’d be more concerned if you thought you had all the answers to life by 23 years old than feeling confused by it all."

Kennedy smiled. "Thanks for the motherly advice. I’m not a kid anymore but…I miss it sometimes." Kennedy paused and just watched Jenny’s smile for a long moment. "You’re a very smart lady. I know I’m lucky that you’re around."

"I’m a mom; that’s my job," Jenny teased. "But it’s nice to hear it now and then."

Kennedy chuckled. "Well, in the spirit of not rushing let’s plan a whole weekend for the girl’s night out. Do it up right, what do you say?"

"I’d be honored," Jenny said before giving her a kiss on the head. "Now like I said…" she pointed at her watch and Kennedy nodded.

She turned to leave when she heard her mom say, "You won’t get very far without these." Kennedy turned back around in time to have Jenny throw her the keys.

"Oh, yeah," she said looking at the key emblem. "Thanks."

Cut To:Ext.Kennedy’s House – Moments Later

Kennedy walked out of the house moving backward looking at the structure, as if taking it all in. She looked back at the key in her hand and then to the driveway to see a blue 2006 Ford Mustang convertible.

"This is freakin’ sweet," she said as she pushed a button and the alarm released.

Excited, she walked toward the car.

Cut To:Int.USC – Taper Hall Classroom – Later that Morning

Kennedy was looking at her course sheet before walking into a large lecture hall. As she scanned the room she saw Andrew waving her over. She looked around to make sure he was motioning her. Not seeing anyone behind her, she waved back and made her way there. When she was to the aisle in front of Andrew he pulled his book bag up from the seat directly in front of him.

"Saved your spot," he told her.

"Uh, thanks," she told him. She put down her book bag and turned around. "So, how are you doing today?" she asked.

"Excellent," he told her. "I aced my calculus test so it’s smooth sailing the rest of the semester."

"Yeah, but you missed the con this weekend," a young man next to him said disappointedly. Kennedy seemed to recognize him from somewhere but couldn’t place the face.

"Hello?" Andrew said turning to Jonathan. "How old are you now? Ten? I’ve got more important things to do with my time."

"Yeah, but it was really cool," Kennedy heard a voice say and turned. She looked to see Warren take a seat on the other side of Andrew. "Jeri Ryan was there and everything."

Kennedy turned around swiftly in her seat and took a deep breath, blowing it out slowly. She seemed almost afraid of showing them a reaction.

Andrew shook his head. "You losers need a life in the worst way. Seriously."

She mustered a grin and turned back around. Soon after she felt someone plop down into the chair beside her but didn’t turn until she felt a tap on her arm and the person ask, "You got last week’s notes?"

Kennedy’s hand slapped over her mouth and her eyes welled up with tears. "I don’t believe it," Kennedy muttered.

Vi smiled nervously. "If you don’t have them it’s not that big a deal. I’ll get ‘em from Andrew."

"What? My notes aren’t good enough?" Warren remarked.

Vi paused a beat. "Like I said, I’ll get them from Andrew."

"You know…" Warren grumbled.

Andrew chuckled and then handed them down to Vi.

"Hey everybody," someone called out from the podium below. Kennedy turned around to see Tara standing there. "Mr. Wood’s running a little bit late today but if you all grab your seats he’ll be here shortly."

"Tara," Kennedy muttered.

"Annnnd?" Vi asked. "She’s Mr. Wood’s student aid. Where have you been all semester?"

The trio behind her chuckled.

"Good question," Kennedy whispered. "Mr. Wood’s name wouldn’t happen to be Robin would it?" she asked in a louder voice.

"Very funny," Vi replied. "Always the joker."

"Yeah, that’s me, the big joker…"

Kennedy watched as Tara gave her a soft smile and nodded for her to come forward. Kennedy looked right and left and then pointed to herself.

"Yes, you," Tara mouthed with a grin. She then walked out of the classroom giving Kennedy a sexy glance over her shoulder as she exited.

Vi was talking to Andrew and barely acknowledged Kennedy’s comment of "Be right back."

Cut To:Ext.USC – Taper Hall Classroom – Continuous

When Kennedy stepped out she saw Tara waiting for her, leaning against the wall. She slowly walked over as if unsure of what to say or do.

"Hey," Kennedy said as she greeted the blonde. "How’s it going?"

Tara smiled. "I was going to ask you the same question," she replied. "You seemed a little shocked to see me."

"Oh, no," Kennedy said trying to cover. "I mean…Why would I?" Kennedy nervously bit her lip to prevent herself from saying more.

"You seem edgy," Tara remarked. "Dare I say…panicky." Kennedy forced her eyes from going wide. "Look," Tara continued, "If it’s about last night…I won’t lie. I had a wonderful time, really wonderful but…I know the score. So just relax around me."

"The score?" Kennedy asked.

"Rob," Tara said. "And I’m not in the habit of coming between people. I’m also a grad student so…I’ve been the litmus test for quite a few girls and-."

Tara stopped as Kennedy held up her hands. "I don’t use people, okay?" Kennedy remarked. "I’ve just…I’ve got a lot of things going on right now. I’m trying to figure…a bunch of stuff out so…"

"Give you some space?" Tara provided.

"Yeah," Kennedy replied. "You’ve heard that line before, haven’t you?"

"Wouldn’t be the first time," Tara admitted.

"Well, I can’t speak for anyone else, just me. So when I say it I mean it. It’s not a brush off." Kennedy began to grin slightly. "I have to admit my curiosity is getting the better of me right now."

"That’s what you said last night," Tara replied. "Of course you were about three sheets to the wind at the time," she teased. Kennedy smiled but said nothing so Tara continued. "Look, I just wanted to call you out here and let you know that…I don’t want things to be weird in class, okay?"

"No weirdness here," Kennedy replied. "But thanks for being concerned," she added.

"Maybe…" Tara seemed reluctant to go on but forged ahead anyway in a rush. "Maybe we can hang out this weekend but no booze this time. Would that be all right?"

Kennedy began to grin. "I think I’d like that," she replied. "But no promises of anything, you know…"

"Oh, no," Tara apologized. "I wasn’t looking to, you know…" She began to chuckle and blush. "I gotta admit it’s been quite a few years since someone made me sound like a nervous school girl."

Kennedy grinned. "It’s adorable though," she replied. "I can see why…" Kennedy trailed off.

"See what?" Tara asked.

"Why I think you’d make a lady feel special," Kennedy replied. They both looked at each other for a long moment until Kennedy pitched a thumb over her shoulder. "I better…"

"Yeah, me too," Tara replied.

Cut To:Int.USC – Taper Hall Classroom – Continuous

Kennedy sat back down next to Vi, who gave her a dubious look.

"What?" Kennedy asked.

"Does Rob know?" she whispered.

"Know what?" Kennedy replied. Vi just gave a nod toward Tara who was grading papers below them. "There’s nothing to tell," she sighed.

"You two looked real chummy at the bar," Vi answered. "If you’ve decided to switch teams that’s fine. As for me, I can’t see it. Men are just yummy. I’m strickly di-."

"I get it," Kennedy cut her off and then started to grin. She looked back down at Tara before turning around to Andrew and his cronies.

"Hey guys? I got a question," Kennedy said. They all looked at her expectantly. "Do you…do you believe in magic?"

They all looked at one another dumbfounded. Finally Andrew asked, "I give. What’s magic?"

"Mystical stuff like spells," she added.

They all grew quiet for a moment and at once burst out laughing.

"What’s a spell? Like spelling?" Vi asked.

"Have you heard of creatures?" Kennedy asked.

"Well, duh," Jonathan remarked.

"I’m not sure where you’re going with this Ken," Andrew said.

"What about slayers? Girls that kill demons?" she asked.

"What’s a demon?" Warren asked.

"Slayers?" Andrew asked. "You mean like medieval knights?"

Kennedy shrugged. "Kind of."

"Girl knights, huh?" Jonathan said as he stroked his chin. "You should write a book about that Ken."

"Yeah, these geeks would buy it," Andrew teased.

Kennedy got a peculiar look on her face until she watched Robin walk into the room saying, "Sorry I’m late, guys. Let’s open to page 236 and get started."

Vi scooted closer to Kennedy to look over her shoulder. "Forgot my book too," she whispered. "Do you mind?"

Kennedy smiled at Vi. "Not at all."

She pushed it closer toward her so they could share. Vi looked at Robin below them, but Kennedy simply smiled and watched her silently.

Cut To:Int.USC - Doheny Library – Later that Morning

Kennedy stood in front of a reference desk looking annoyed, "It’s a book by Bram Stroker," she said.

The librarian typed for a short while and then looked back at Kennedy. "I’m sorry we don’t have it. Is it new?"

Kennedy just shook her head and turned around. There were a few students inside, either seated or moving about.

"Excuse me?" she said in a loud voice as the librarian tried to ‘shh’ her. "Has anyone here heard of a book called Dracula by Bram Stroker?"

"Sorry," a young man next to her replied. Others in the room looked at her like she was crazy while others just shook their heads or ignored her completely.

The librarian tried to speak to her again but Kennedy simply talked to herself. "No Dracula and no Van Helsing…no Kadin."

Kennedy began to make her way to the exit and opened her cell phone. After pressing a few buttons she put it to her ear.

"Hey Mom," Kennedy began leaving a message. "I’m going to be a little late tonight but maybe this weekend we can get together like we planned. I’ve got research to do. Love ya." Kennedy hung up and walked out the door.

Cut To:Int.Kennedy’s Bedroom – Later that Day

Kennedy moved the mouse to make the screen come up on her computer. She had her credit card in her hand and placed it next to the keyboard as she sat down.

She typed in some information and a people search screen came up. She typed in Kadin’s name and waited for the results. Her eyebrows scrunched and she went to the paid search and put in her lover’s information.

When it said no results found she rested her elbow on the keyboard tray and began to stroke her top lip with her thumb as if deep in thought. It was then that her IM message alert came up saying, ‘Kadin-Online’.

She quickly clicked it and wrote a message. "Hey, U around?"

A few seconds later a reply came back. "Yeah, what are you doing here? Aren’t U supposed 2 B in class?"

Kennedy quickly went to the profile link and up came a picture of Kadin along with her bio.

"Yesss!!!" Kennedy said as she raised her hands in the air and jumped from her chair.

She quickly sat back down and began to type. "Doing some research at home today," she wrote back. "You have no idea how glad I am to see U."

"Why? What’s up? Come to cry on my shoulder about Rob?" was the reply.

"No," Kennedy replied. "It’s a long story and I’m short on time. Will U B around later today?"

"Yeah," was all she said.

"Great! I want to call you. Can U give me your phone number?"

"U want to call me?" was the reply.

"Is that a problem? I’m not a psycho," Kennedy wrote back.

"LOL – Didn’t think you were. Okay, sure I guess," was the answer.

As the number followed Kennedy picked up a small notepad on the desk and jotted it down.

"Thanks!" she wrote back. "Gotta run! More…research awaits."

She closed the screen and then bolted from the desk.

Cut To:Ext.USC - Doheny Library – Later that Day

Kennedy noticed Vi walking and shouted out to her. "Vi! Hey Vi!"

Vi stopped and looked toward the sound and smiled. She returned Kennedy’s wave and watched the young woman jog up to her.

"How’d you like to go on a field trip? A little adventure on the open road today?"

"I’m on my way to psych class," she replied.

"Psychology’s boring," Kennedy told her.

"And your point being?" Vi asked.

"Come on, let’s blow today off. You and me, out on an adventure just like Thelma and Louise."

"They drove off a cliff," Vi answered deadpan.

"Okay, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Just us two amigos – side by side."

"They got shot up outside a bar."

"Fine," Kennedy said giving up. "Like a buddy movie that didn’t end in death and destruction, okay?"

Vi thought for all of three seconds and then shrugged. "Sure, okay."

Cut To:Ext.Gas Station – Later that Day

Kennedy pulled her car into a gas station.

"I’m not feeling the adventure yet," Vi complained as Kennedy left the car.

"I just want to find some old friends."

"Fine," Vi replied. "Get me a Butterfinger while you’re in there."

Cut To:Int.Gas Station – Same Time

She walked inside to see a clerk behind the counter. She moved toward him with a map in her hand and a Butterfinger in the other.

"One fifty," the clerk told her.

Kennedy handed him a couple of bills. "Hey," she began, "can you tell me how far I am from Sunnydale?"

The clerk shook his head. "Good luck," he told her. "There is no Sunnydale anymore," he added. He reached down and pulled up a map. "Wanna buy a new map?"

"What do you mean there’s no Sunnydale?" she asked.

"Where’ve you been lady?" he told her. "An earthquake swallowed up the town."

"So they say," a man behind Kennedy said. "But that’s not how I heard it."

The clerk waved him off and motioned another customer to step around Kennedy.

"What have you heard?" Kennedy asked him as she moved out of the way.

"They said it was an earthquake," the man told her in a hushed tone, "but other people saw bomber planes flying around after the quake. The government bombed the entire city. There were hardly any survivors."

"So there’s nothing there now?" Kennedy asked.

"Not really. All that’s there is a monument of Mother Nature’s victims but the truth is it’s the government that killed the most when they dropped the bombs."

"Why would the government bomb an entire city?" Kennedy asked.

"The mutants," he whispered. "The creatures that came out of the sewers after the earthquake. It was the only way to stop them."

"Yeah, if you’re nuts you believe that," the clerk added.

Kennedy began to make her way to the door and said, "Thanks guys."

"It’s true!" the man shouted to Kennedy’s retreating form, "You better stay away!"

Cut To:Ext.Sunnydale Memorial – Later that Day

Vi sat on the ground polishing her fingernails. Kennedy, on the other hand, was busy. She walked up to the memorial wall and moved right to the ‘R’ section. Her finger skimmed down the names and landed on ‘Rosenberg, Ira’ and ‘Rosenberg, Sheila’ below it.

"No Willow," she breathed a sigh of relief.

She went another step over to a new row and ran her finger down the list once more stopping on ‘Summers, Buffy’, and ‘Summers, Dawn’.

She ran a hand down her face and sighed, "Damn it."

She moved to the ‘G’s’ next and found "Gibson, Mark’ and then ‘Goodman, Ellen’ and let out a sigh. She moved next over the ‘H’s’ next coming to ‘Harris, Robert’ and ‘Hoover, Alice’. She pulled out a small notebook and a pen to write something down.

Next, she walked over to the ‘L’s’ and held her breath. Her fingers traced down the list, going to ‘LaRoy, Janet’ and then to ‘Lellon, Catherine’.

"Thank god," she muttered. She took a step back from the wall and noticed something at the far end. Once there she began to read it out loud. "For information on possible Sunnydale survivors…" She pulled out her notepad again and jotted down some more notes.

Cut To:Int.Kennedy’s Car – Moments Later

Kennedy was driving in her car again, talking to herself.

"Okay, Buffy and Dawn are gone," she said matter-of-factly. "I can’t help them but…you’re here, so that’s good," she added optimistically to Vi. "And Kadin might still be gay, she’s just not a demon hunter maybe. So…I’ll find her a-and…we’ll just pick up where we left off."

Vi sat looking at her nervously. "You’re scaring me," she replied.

"I’m sorry," Kennedy apologized.

"No, really," Vi said with an exaggerated nod.

"Don’t be scared, alright? It’s hard for me to explain but I knew some people from Sunnydale and I never took the time to look them up. It just seemed like today would be a good day."

"And why am I here exactly?" Vi answered.

"Well, talk to me. Tell me how you’ve been. How’re your studies going? All that…normal gals on the road stuff." Kennedy gave her an exaggerated grin.

"You’re scaring me again," Vi replied.

Kennedy sighed and opened her phone. She began to dial a number while looking at her notepad.

"Hi there," Kennedy began. "You don’t know me. I’m Kennedy and I found this number on the Sunnydale Memorial…Great, well, I’m wondering if I could see you today? I’m trying to locate some old friends that weren’t on the wall…Are you around here, well, by the memorial, I mean…Oh, okay, great. I was hoping that I might come over right now, if that’s…Yeah, I think so. I’ve got a map but if I get lost I’ll give a call back…Great! I’ll be there in about a half hour. Thanks a bunch."

Kennedy disconnected and tossed the phone into the backseat seat. "Okay guys, I’m coming for ya," she said as she put her foot on the gas and accelerated.

Vi gripped the center console and closed her eyes.

Cut To:Ext.House – Later that day

Vi and Kennedy walked up the steps as Kennedy looked at her notepad. Before she could knock on the front door it opened and Vi tapped Kennedy’s arm to get her attention, making her look up.

"Are you Kennedy?" she heard someone ask.

The slayer lowered her notepad and saw Amy Madison greet her with a smile. Kennedy swallowed visibly.

Fade to Black

Act TwoFade In:Ext.Amy’s House – Continuous

Kennedy seemed a bit shocked as she watched Amy extend her hand. Vi picked up the slack and took Amy’s hand instead. Upon seeing Vi shaking the woman’s hand Kennedy mustered a grin.

"Uh, sorry. Yeah, I’m Ken," Kennedy said offering her hand and giving it a shake. "I’m glad you could see us on such short notice. I’ve been out of town for quite a few years and I thought I might try to contact some friends while I’m around." Vi gave a cough. "Sorry, this is my good friend Vi Joston."

"Nice to meet you," Vi told her. "I still can’t figure out why I blew off class to be here but…here I am."

Amy looked confused.

Kennedy slapped Vi’s arm. "Now we’ve had hours of meaningful conversation on the trip out here, so stop complaining. Plus, I haven’t driven us off a cliff at any point," she teased.

"Not yet anyway," Vi said bumping shoulders with Ken.

"Like I said," Kennedy told Amy, "thanks for seeing us."

"Not a problem. I’m not sure if I can be of any help to you or not though," she said.

"Well, I’m looking for some people from the Sunnydale Class of ’99, in particular, Alexander Harris, or he sometimes went by Xander."

"Ex-boyfriend?" Vi teased.

Kennedy did a double take. "Uh, no but he was a good friend I haven’t seen in awhile and I-."

"Oh geeze," Amy sighed cutting her off.

"You can’t help?" Kennedy asked.

"Well, Xander, I’m afraid he’s…"

"What?" Kennedy asked.

Amy paused. "He joined the military after graduation and he was killed in Afghanistan. I got the news the day before they killed Bin Laden. I remember thinking he died without knowing they accomplished the mission and how that made it even more sad." Kennedy hung her head and sighed.

"Boy, do I fee like an ass now," Vi remarked.

Kennedy managed a grin for Vi. "Not your fault."

"I’m sorry I had to be the one to tell you," Amy added.

"It’s…it’s okay," Kennedy told her. "Again, not your fault either." Kennedy chewed her lip nervously.

Amy gave her a comforting smile and put her arm around Kennedy’s shoulders, a gesture which the slayer examined closely. "Let’s go inside. I’ll get us some tea."

Cut To:Int.Amy’s House – Living Room – Moments Later

Vi stood looking at Amy’s curio case that held a host of cheerleading trophies. Kennedy was on Amy’s sofa, looking through her notebook. She set it down briefly as Amy brought out three glasses of iced tea.

"Thanks," Kennedy said as she took the glass. She took a sip and nodded. "Good," she complimented.

"Thanks," Amy told her as she took a seat across from her. "Now, did you have some other folks on your list that I might help with?"

"Oh," Kennedy said digging into her back pocket and producing her small note pad. "Yeah, a Rupert Giles but he wasn’t a student. He would have been on the staff, a librarian."

"Mr. March was our librarian. It’s possible they mighta had a Mr. Giles after we graduated."

"No slayer, no watcher," Kennedy muttered to herself.

"Excuse me?" Amy said, not quite catching what she had said.

"Uh, nothing. What about a Faith Lehane?"

"Let me look on the list," she said as she glanced at the paper in her hand. "No, sorry, no Lehane. Are you sure it was Sunnydale High you needed? That name doesn’t sound familiar."

"Yeah, I’m positive," Kennedy replied. "I did have a question about someone on the wall - Buffy Summers. It lists a Dawn Summers too, so I’m wondering if that was her sister."

"No, that was her daughter. I didn’t know her that well but she transferred…around sophomore year I think. She was pregnant then. I guess her mom was some big shot art gallery person so the baby was in daycare until Buffy graduated. She worked at the Doublemeat Palace after that but…then the earthquake..."

"I knew another Dawn Summers," Kennedy said. "I was just curious about the name. Of all the names…well, let’s just say it was kind of a surprise to see someone by the same name…Well, anyway. One more. Last one, I promise, and we’ll be out of your hair," she said as she smiled. "Willow Rosenberg."

"Now Willow I remember pretty well," Amy replied.

Hearing the excitement in Amy’s voice brought Vi back over to the couple.

"Were you friends?" Kennedy asked tentatively.

"No, we ran with a different crowd. Come to think of it, Willow never really ran with any crowd."

"What do you mean?" Vi asked.

"She seemed like a nice person, don’t get me wrong, but she was always a bit…backward. She wasn’t very social from what I remember but she was super smart."

"Super smart?" Kennedy asked.

"Yeah, like genius smart. All she ever did was study. She never did anything, except go to class. She used to be friends with Xander actually. And another boy, uh, Jesse was his name. But he was killed in a car accident not long after graduation. That’s when Xander decided to join the army."

"So Willow’s still here? In California I mean?"

"No, she went to England on a scholarship. She’s still there as far as I know."

"You wouldn’t happen to have an address, would you?"

"Yeah, but good luck in having her reply," Amy replied.

"Why’s that?" Kennedy asked.

"I’ve sent her notices about the reunion and other events but…nothing. Rumor has it she went to her parents’ funeral and then hopped a plane back to England that very night. Like I said, she’s quite a brain but…she’s kind of a recluse. The only way you’ll probably talk to her is face to face." Amy smiled. "So unless you plan on flying to England anytime soon…like I said…good luck."

Cut To:Int.Inside Building – Later that Day

Kennedy’s hand slammed down a driver license, passport and a credit card on a counter all in one swoop.

"One way ticket to London please," she said.

A male airline clerk collected her items.

"Thank you ma’am. Let me see what I have available." He began to type on the keyboard.

Vi looked at her watch. "Ken it’s late and I have to go," she told her with a yawn.

"No," Kennedy insisted. "Stay with me okay?"

"What’s the point?" Vi asked. "It’s not like I can fly to Europe. I don’t have a passport and even if I did I don’t have the money."

After pausing and reading for a short while the clerk looked up. "We have a flight leaving in one hour going to Boston and then a connection to London-Heathrow. I’m afraid you’ll have to stay overnight. The Boston connection doesn’t leave until tomorrow morning. I know it’s a bit of an inconvenience but I can check other flights-."

"Boston? No, no," Kennedy told him. "A layover in Boston will work out perfect. Go ahead and book it." She then turned to Vi. "See? Boston. You can go to Boston."

"I’m done Ken," Vi told her. "Finished. Over."

"Don’t say that," Kennedy scolded her. Vi seemed taken back by Kennedy’s adamancy. "It just…it bothers me to hear you say that, okay? Look, Boston’s only a few hours by plane and we can go-."

"The only place I’m going Ken is home," she told her. "I’ll see you in class this week. Provided you’re back and haven’t taken off for Asia next."

Kennedy sighed. "I know how crazy you must think I am."

"You don’t know the half of it," Vi sighed.

"But I’ll be back and maybe someday I can explain it all, okay?…Besides, didn’t you have fun today hanging out?"

"Ken anything is more fun than psychology," she replied. "So yes." She gave Kennedy a ghost of a grin. "Give me a ring when you get home, okay?"

Kennedy nodded and Vi gave her a wave before trying to turn around. Kennedy didn’t let her leave though. She pulled Vi into a tight embrace, her hands running over the back of Vi’s head.

"Thanks for spending the day with me," Kennedy said softly.

Vi seemed unsure of what to do at first but she put her arms around Kennedy and eventually returned the hug. "Call me okay?" Vi insisted. "You’re really freaking me out."

"Like I said," Kennedy told her. "Later."

Vi waved goodbye again and this time she walked away.

"Will you be checking any luggage?" the clerk asked.

"No," Kennedy replied. "Just my carry on," she said holding her book bag.

"Okay, just one moment while we get those tickets printed up," he told her.

"Thanks," she replied.

She watched him nod and then walk away. As she stood she felt her cell phone begin to ring, playing the chorus from "You and Me" by Lifehouse. She held it up to see it read ‘Rob calling’. She seemed almost afraid to answer it but she pried the lid open slowly and then put it to her ear.

"Hello?" she said.

"Hey, Sweetheart! Looking forward to tonight?"

Kennedy’s eyes were wide. "Tonight?" she asked.

"Our anniversary ya goof," he replied with a chuckle. "Now, I’ll pick you up at seven because-."

"Look Rob," Kennedy told him. "Something’s kind of come up and I have to cancel tonight."

"What’s wrong?" he asked. Kennedy paused, as if unsure what to say next. "Ken?"

"Yeah, look. The thing is…I’m sorry but I think I’m a lesbian and this just isn’t working out. I gotta go…Sorry," she said again meekly, before snapping the phone shut. "Oh geeze, that was smooth," Kennedy berated herself. She began

to look through her book bag when the phone rang again, with the same ring tone and she simply stuffed it back into her pocket, not bothering to answer.

"Here you go ma’am," she heard a female clerk say, getting her attention.

"Thank…" Kennedy paused when she saw Althenea Dimmons standing there. "You," she finished as she took the boarding pass. "I’m sorry but…have we met?" she asked her.

"I don’t believe so," she replied.

"You wouldn’t happen to know anyone named Willow Rosenberg in London would you?"

"Can’t say I do," she told her.

Kennedy nodded and pulled her book bag over her shoulder. She turned to leave but then stopped. "What about a Rowena Allister?"

"No, sorry," Althenea replied. Kennedy turned to take a step but stopped when she heard Althenea say, "I know a Rowena Tyrell. We both worked at Heathrow together until I got reassigned here."

"Really?" Kennedy replied.

"Yes, do you know her?"

"Maybe," Kennedy answered. "She’s originally from Canada, right?"

"Yes, that must be the same Rowena," Althenea replied. "What a small world," she added with a chuckle. "How do you know her?"

Kennedy at first didn’t seem to know quite how to answer. "My father," she said quickly. "I knew her by Allister because it was quite a few years ago. We’d vacation in Canada while my dad did business up there."

"Oh, I see. Well, she’s been married to Jordon for quite some time now. But if you ask me he’s a bit of a wanker…please don’t tell her I said that. And you very well might see her since she still works at Heathrow."

"How did she meet this…Jordon? It’s been years since I saw her."

"He’s a pilot in the Royal Air Force and they were doing an air show in Canada. They hit it off and began writing and from there she left home to be with him in England."

"You don’t say?"

Althenea just nodded but someone shouted for her. "Well, I better get back to work. I’ll tell her I saw you next time we chat."

"Thanks," Kennedy replied. "You take care."

"You too," Althenea replied before walking away.

Kennedy watched her for a moment longer. "Well, at least someone else has a not so bad ending," she said to herself.

Cut To:Ext.Boston Logan Airport - Arrivals and Departures – Hours Later

Kennedy walked over to a waiting cab and hopped into the back seat.

Cut To:Int.City Cab – Continuous - Night

"Andrew Square," she told the driver as she took a seat in the back.

"You sure you wanna go down there this time of night?" he asked.

Kennedy opened up her wallet and held up a wad of money. "Just drive," she told him.

"You got it," he replied and put the car into gear.

Cut To:Ext.‘West Side’ Home – Later that Night

Kennedy got out and shut the door behind her.

"Sure you don’t want me to wait?" the driver asked.

"Nah, thanks, I’m good."

"You’re the boss," he said as he put the car in gear.

Kennedy looked at the house in front of her and then back again at the cab as it drove away.

She walked up to the porch and knocked on the door, not getting an answer. She moved over to peer inside the window and saw Hope sitting on the sofa watching T.V. in the dark.

Kennedy’s jaw set in determination and she went back to knocking on the door, not pausing in the least. Finally, after around the twentieth knock, the door opened through a chain.

"What?" Hope asked as she peeked through.

"Is Faith here?" she asked.

"No," Hope answered and started to close the door but Kennedy managed to get the tips of her toes inside.

"Can you tell me where she is?" Kennedy asked.

"18th street," Hope answered.

"Got an address?" Kennedy asked.

"There is no address, just 18th street." With that Hope stomped on Kennedy’s foot, making her move it. Once it was free she slammed the door and locked it again.

Kennedy limped back down the steps to the sidewalk. She turned and began to walk, shaking her foot, when she saw a cab coming toward her. It slowed to a stop and she peered down to see the same driver. He rolled down his window.

"I thought I’d take a cruise around the block first before leaving you out here. Sure you don’t want that lift?"

Kennedy grinned and hopped into the back again.

Cut To:Int.City Cab – Same Time

"I guess I should thank you," Kennedy told him as he began to drive.

"Nah, I gotta girl your age," the cabbie told her. "I know if it were my daughter I’d want someone to do the same for her."

"Well, I appreciate it," she told him.

There was a small silence and he asked, "So where are you going now?"

"18th Street," she told him.

"Out of the frying pan and into the fire, huh?" he remarked.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

He seemed reluctant to go on at first. "Tell me somethin’. What’s a clean cut girl like you doing traveling around this place in the middle of the night all by yourself?"

"I’m looking for someone," she told him.

"A drug dealer?" he asked.

"Why? Are you trying to sell me something?" she asked.

"Nah, I told you kiddo, there’s a lot of scum in this area - people you just don’t want to get mixed up with. I’m sure you’ve got someone back at your house worrying about you right now. And I’m sure they’d like to see you again someday, that’s all."

"I can take care of myself," Kennedy answered. "And for the record, it’s a friend, not a drug dealer."

The cabbie laughed. "How old are you? Twenty?"

"Twenty three," Kennedy answered.

"Yeah, well, just realize you’re not invincible. You’re not Supergirl. I know I’m talking to a brick wall ‘cause of how my girl is but…you can get hurt is all I’m sayin’."

"I hadn’t really thought of that…I’m not Supergirl anymore," Kennedy said absently.

"Honey, you never were," he laughed. "So…is there someplace else I can take you then?"

"No," she replied. "18th street please."

The driver grinned and shook his head. "Brick wall," he muttered.

Fade To:Int.City Cab – Minutes Later

"We’re here," the cabbie told her, putting the car in park. "Fifteen-seventy."

Kennedy handed him a fifty-dollar bill. "Get your girl something for having a nice dad," she told him. "Do you guys run out to this area in the morning?" she asked.

"If you call we’ll come," he replied.

Kennedy took out her notepad and wrote down the number before sticking it back into her pocket. "Thanks," she told him as she opened the door.

"Be careful," he told her stressing each word.

"I’ve spent some time on the street, I’ll handle myself," she told him. "Thanks again," she added as she got out.

Cut To:Ext.18th Street – Continuous

She closed the door behind her and walked up to the sidewalk. Instantly, a homeless man approached her.

"Gotta quarter?" he asked.

Kennedy took a closer look at him and realized she’d seen the face before. It was from a briefing meeting. The man was Jason Felix.

"Sorry," she answered. "Maybe later," she added as she walked around him and moved down the street.

Kennedy continued on her way. A pair of vagabonds sat on the ground next to a stoop and she continued until she reached the corner. She saw three women standing, each smoking cigarettes, clad in skimpy attire.

"Excuse me, ladies," she asked them. "I’m looking for a woman?"

"Time is money darlin’," one of them said as she turned around and Kennedy found herself face to face with Mia.

Kennedy lost her breath for a moment but she quickly regained herself and grinned, playing along. "How much?" she asked.

All three of them chuckled but one of them stepped closer.

"Honey, you’re a beautiful girl. I’m sure if you go right up the road you’ll find a gal your age at the college looking to…experiment…"

All of them chuckled again.

"I’m looking for one girl in particular and not to experiment," Kennedy told them, her eyes lingering on Mia for a moment. "She hangs out around here I’m told. Her name’s Faith - about my height, dark hair, brown eyes."

"We might have seen her," another lady said stepping forward. "But it’ll cost you."

"Why am I not surprised?" Kennedy chuckled. "Again, how much?"

"Fifty," she replied.

"Why don’t you tell me something about her first," Kennedy replied, "so I know we’re talking about the same gal?"

"She’s got a tat on her arm," the woman said. "Like barbed wire or something like that. Never got close enough to get a good look at it."

"If it’s the same gal, she’s one bad mofo honey," Mia replied. "You don’t want to tangle with her."

"I’m not looking to tangle," Kennedy replied. "But I’ll make a deal. I’ll give you each twenty now if you tell me where I might find her around here. Once I do find her, I’ll come back tonight and give you each fifty more."

"You must want this girl pretty bad," Mia answered.

"Do we have a deal?" Kennedy asked as she brought out three twenty-dollar bills.

The three of them looked at each other and shrugged. Then they took the bills.

"Head down that alley," Mia said as she pointed with the money in her hand. "There’s a couple of places I hear she likes to hang. Not sure if she’s there but that’s the best place to start. Last name’s Lehane, right?" Kennedy nodded. "She goes by Hannie around here. Ask a few folks for her up on the other block. They might tell you where to find her now that you’ve got a name," she added.

"Thank you ladies," Kennedy replied as she walked away.

Cut To:Ext.Alley - Continuous

Kennedy walked down the dark alley, not seeing anyone around in plain sight. She sighed.

"The Sunnydale gang's mostly dead and Mia's a ho. But that's not too bad, I mean I can get her off the streets, maybe into school somehow." Kennedy continued to walk, looking at her dark surroundings. "Why do I get the feeling this is going to be another unhappy ending?" Kennedy asked herself.

As soon as the words left her lips Kennedy heard a switchblade open behind her and someone say, "Give me your money."

Kennedy put her hands up in the air and slowly turned around to see Faith.

Her hair looked greasy, as if she hadn’t showered in days. She had dark circles under her eyes and the knife in her hand shook. She appeared almost feral as she waved for Kennedy to hand over her wallet.

"Right again," Kennedy muttered.

Fade to Black

Act Three Fade In:Ext.Boston – Alley off 18th

Street - Continuous

Faith and Kennedy stood facing off against each other, Kennedy’s arms still in the air.

"Your money! Now!" Faith demanded again.

"Okay," Kennedy said as she reached toward her back pocket and took a step closer. "Settle down."

Her arm suddenly reached out and grabbed the wrist that held the knife. She cracked it over her knee. Once it fell she swung Faith around until she slammed her against the wall. With her forearm over Faith’s throat and holding one arm she grabbed Faith’s other arm pinning it to the wall. She tightened her hold and saw all the bruises up and down Faith’s arm.

"Destroying your body with drugs I see," Kennedy replied. "What a waste."

"Let me go bitch," Faith spat as she struggled against her.

"Listen Faith," Kennedy told her. "I need to talk to you."

Faith’s movements stilled. "H-How do you know my name?" she choked out.

"I’m a friend but you might not remember me."

"I don’t have friends."

"You do now so how about we put the weapons away and I buy you dinner while I explain? It’s been hours since I’ve had a real meal and

I’m starving…Looks like you could use a good meal too. Whatta ya say? Truce so we can talk?"

At first Faith did nothing but slowly she nodded and Kennedy released her quickly, picking up the knife.

"If you don’t mind I’ll hold this for now," Kennedy said putting it in her pocket. "I saw a diner up the block. Let’s go over there."

Kennedy motioned for Faith to lead the way. She did, but not without keeping Kennedy in her sight by turning her head backward as she walked.

"Got that quarter, yet?" Jason asked as they approached him at the corner.

Kennedy gave him a twenty-dollar bill.

"Get some food before anything else," she told him.

He looked at the bill and gave her a smile, one that was missing a few teeth.

"Thanks ma’am," he told her happily. "I'll pay you back."

"Don't worry about it," Kennedy told him.

"No, somehow, someday...you'll see. I'll be the one who helps you," he told her. 

Cut To:Int.Diner – Later that Night

Faith and Kennedy sat in a booth as Jason Felix sat at the counter in front of them eating a bowl of soup. Kennedy watched as Faith stuffed three French fries in her mouth at a time and had to smile. The place was practically deserted.

"So that’s my story," Kennedy said as if in conclusion. "Do you believe me?"

"Buy me another cheeseburger and I’ll believe anything you want," Faith replied.

Kennedy motioned to the waitress. "Can you bring another?" she called out.

"Sure thing," the waitress answered.

"You know," Faith told her. "If you throw in fifty bucks I’m willing to do much more," she added as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Selling your body for drugs too?" Ken asked. Faith didn’t reply. "Why do you do it? The drugs, I mean."

Faith shrugged. "I used to do it for fun and now…I just do them."

Kennedy said nothing for a long moment. "I can help you, you know? I can get you off the street. You don’t have to live like this."

"Doesn’t matter," Faith told her. "I’m dying."

"If you keep living like this, yes."

"No," Faith told her. "I’m literally dying. A few dirty needles already signed my death warrant. You can’t save me kid. And even if you could why would you?"

Kennedy’s mouth opened in shock and she looked away. "You’re HIV positive," she said more as a statement than a question. Again, Faith didn’t reply. Kennedy turned to face her again, this time her face showed optimism. "Well, there are things we can do, meds you could be on. Magic Johnson isn’t dying of HIV, he’s living with it. You could live with it too Faith. He’s had it for nearly 20 years now."

"You’re forgetting one thing," Faith told her. "I don’t have millions of dollars and a group of world class docs looking after me."

"I have money, well, my parents have money. I can help you Faith. I can save you from this."

"Again, why would you help me? You don’t even know me," Faith replied.

At first Kennedy said nothing. Her bottom lip began to quiver.

"You’re my best friend," Kennedy said as her voice cracked. She licked her lips and wiped her eyes of the unshed tears that were welling up. "You’re my mentor, my hero. You’ve taught me so much…"

"I just met you tonight," Faith answered. "And I’m far from a role model."

"You’re wrong," Kennedy told her. "And I’m just asking for the chance to prove it. I mean it when I say I’ll take care of you Faith. That’s what best friends do, they take care of each other. And you’re the greatest friend I ever had…I won’t lose you."

Faith said nothing at first and then began to chuckle. "For a small second there you almost had me believe that."

"It’s true, Faith," Kennedy told her. "I don’t know how else I can convince you. You’ll just have to trust me."

"Well, trust isn’t something I can afford, Kid. You start trusting people and you start getting killed. I might be dying, being eaten alive slowly from the inside out…but I ain’t dead yet."

"I’m sure you’ve been burned by people, but I can promise you I’m not one of them."

Faith grinned. "You act like a promise means something. That…if you take an oath that’s the way it will be…but I know different, okay?"

Kennedy looked away again, as if trying to hide her frustration as the waitress came back with another cheeseburger. Kennedy’s eyes drifted over to a television set where she saw a sketch artist picture of Heli. Her mouth opened slightly and she walked over to the set.

"Can you turn that up a little?" Kennedy asked the waitress that just left her table.

She nodded and pushed the button.

"Police are asking if you see a woman matching this description to avoid her and instead call your local law enforcement office…"

"What did she do?" Kennedy asked.

"They think that’s the woman with the Al Qaeda ties," the waitress answered. "She’s been blowing up U.S. embassies around the world. Homeland security wants her bad and for good reason. You know her?"

Kennedy didn’t answer at first. She just stared at the screen for a moment longer and then shrugged. "If not I know someone who’s a dead ringer for her."

"Maybe you should call?" the waitress suggested.

"Yeah, maybe I should," Kennedy answered as if she was considering it. She walked back to the seat to see the second cheeseburger Faith was eating was almost gone. "Sorry, about that," Kennedy replied.

"Another friend from your past life?" Faith asked as she motioned to the T.V.

"Someone I can’t seem to avoid would be more accurate," Kennedy replied. "Someone I…" she trailed off in her reply, as if not wanting to say exactly what happened. "Somebody I didn’t really care for."

"Someone who pissed you off," Faith replied.

"What makes you say that?" Kennedy asked.

"I don’t know. The flaring nostrils and squinty eyes are a good tip off. If looks could kill whoever she is would be dead now."

"She is dead," Kennedy replied. "She-she was responsible for killing one of my best friends where I come from."

"So there’s a reason for the hatred I see," Faith replied.

Kennedy looked angry at first but slowly began to grin. "You’re still in there," she said.

"Excuse me?" Faith replied.

"Everything you just said," Kennedy told her. "It sounds like something you’d say."

Faith put her extra French fries in a napkin and quickly placed it inside her coat pocket. She then wiped her fingers on her napkin and downed the last of her soda pop.

"Well, it’s been fun," she said as she got up and began to leave. Kennedy quickly tossed some money on the table and followed Faith outside.

Cut To:Ext.Diner – Continuous

"Let me put you up somewhere," Kennedy told her, making her stop. "I’ll get you out of this place and somewhere nice."

"Gonna be my sugar momma?" Faith asked.

"I told you, it’s not like that," Kennedy replied. "Besides I’ve got a friend online that I’d like to hook up with but I’ve got other people to find first. Just…please let me do that."

"Look, I had dinner. Just like you asked. I don’t want anything else. Except maybe $50," she replied.

"You’ll spend it on drugs Faith," Kennedy replied. "I can’t do that, but like I said if you want somewhere to stay I’ll put you up."

Faith looked undecided. "Forget it," she said as she waved her off and began to walk away.

Kennedy kept up with her. "Like I told you inside, I’m going to London tomorrow. But I promise I’ll get you help – just stay clean and I’ll be back within a week. If you won’t take my hotel offer at least do that for me. It’s only a week, maybe less."

"Yeah, whatever," Faith said with a shrug. "Thanks for the meal."

"Come here," Kennedy said as she pulled Faith gently into a hug. "Just promise me you’ll stick around here. I swear I’ll be back."

At first Faith didn’t return the hug, but slowly her hands slipped around Kennedy.

"It’s been a long time since someone hugged me," Faith told her. Kennedy smiled although Faith couldn’t see it. "Of course, there could be a reason for that."

Faith snagged Kennedy’s wallet from her back pocket and took off running down the alley. Kennedy gave chase but stopped when she saw the wallet thrown over Faith’s shoulder.

"Be careful who you trust, Kid," Faith shouted as she continued down the street.

As Faith disappeared into the night Kennedy opened the billfold to see that it was empty.

"Damn it," she sighed.

Kennedy pulled out her cell phone and dialed.

"Hey, Mom. I need you to wire me some money in Boston…It’s a long story."

Cut To:Ext.Oxford University – Next Day

Kennedy stood looking at a piece of paper and then at a building in front of her that read St. Cross. With a heavy sigh she put the paper into her pocket and walked up the steps.

Cut To:Int.St. Cross College, Oxford – Hallway – Moments Later

Kennedy came to a frosted window and gave it a gentle tap before entering.

Cut To:Int.St. Cross College, Oxford – Office – Same Time

Kennedy began to smile as she saw Willow seated at a desk. The redhead looked up.

"Can I help you?" Willow asked.

"God, I hope so," Kennedy replied. She sighed heavily and put her book bag into the chair in front of the desk. "I have a story to tell you that you might find absolutely incredible, and chances are you’ll think I’m insane, but you’re probably one of the few people on this earth that can help me."

"You don’t want me to get millions out of a bank account in Nigeria do you?" Willow asked in a quiet voice.

Kennedy chuckled softly. "No," she replied. "Like I said-."

A door beside the desk opened.

"Willow, about dinner tonight…oh sorry," Giles apologized upon seeing Kennedy there. "I didn’t know anyone was here with you."

"Giles!" Kennedy said excited. "This is so great! I can pick your brain too. That’s incredible. That’s wonderful actually. And you have normal lives, and everything. So you two hooked up at this place?"

Willow and Giles both began to look nervous and he walked over to the open outer door, closing it swiftly.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Giles asked Kennedy in a stern voice.

"What?" Kennedy asked, thrown by his change in demeanor. "All I said was you two hook…oh my god…you two? She’s young enough to be your daughter, maybe even your granddaughter! Plus, she’s a lesbian! And a damn great one if I don’t mind telling you. This is…this is messed up…on-on so many levels."

"Who is this woman?" Giles asked Willow.

"I-I-I don’t know Rupert," Willow began to answer.

"Eww," Kennedy said, "He’s not Rupert. All right, he is Rupert but…he’s Giles, okay? He’s one of the smartest guys on the planet, but he’s not…ewww."

"Call security," Giles told Willow.

She picked up the phone but Kennedy reached over and took it away. "Please, I’m sorry, guys. No, no security. I’m not nuts. Just give me five minutes of your time and I swear if you don’t believe me or if you think you can’t help me, I’ll leave. I promise."

"Get out now," Giles told her as he grabbed her by the arm.

"I know Xander Harris," Kennedy said to Willow. "Well, I knew Xander Harris. Just five minutes."

Willow and Giles shared an unspoken look.

Giles released Kennedy but he still towered over her. He snatched her book bag away from the chair and said, "Sit."

Kennedy obeyed without saying a word as Giles opened the bag and began to pour the contents onto the desk. All he found were some clothing items, her car keys, her cell phone, an iPod and some snack foods. As her passport fell on the desk, he opened it.

He took a seat on the end of the desk and handed the passport to Willow.

"You have five minutes on the condition that you tell no one of what happened here today," Giles said. "Agreed?"

Kennedy held her hands up. "Fine. Whatever…Can I start over?" she asked.

"Four minutes and fifty seconds," Giles told her.

Kennedy took a deep breath. "Here’s the deal…" she began.

The clock on the wall read 3:20 PM.

Fade To:Int.St. Cross College, Oxford – Office – Short Time Later

The clock now read 4:05 PM.

"This is absolutely ludicrous," Giles said shaking his head. "And at this point I’m not sure who’s crazier - you or her," he added to Willow.

"But she knows things Rupert," Willow told him shyly. "How I brush my teeth, how I sleep, how..." Willow trailed off and blushed. "How does she know these things?"

"Because she’s raving mad!" Giles replied. "And chances are she’s been stalking you for some time."

"Look at my passport. I just got here. I wouldn’t have time to know all these things," Kennedy told him before turning to Willow. "You believe me, deep down, I know you do," she added. "You can’t explain it but you know it’s true."

Giles stood up from the desk and handed Kennedy her book bag, with all her items now returned.

"Young lady, I suggest you leave now. We’ve more than held up our end of the arrangement. Now hold up yours."

With a sigh, Kennedy took the book bag.

"Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me – as warped and disturbing as it may be."

Kennedy placed the bag over her shoulder and walked out the door.

Cut To:Ext.Willow’s Apartment – Later That Evening

Willow parked her Mini Cooper and walked toward her flat. From across the street Kennedy watched from her rental car. Once Willow slipped inside she opened her door and got out.

Walking across the street Kennedy watched the apartments above her and spotted a light go on in one of the units. She went to the door but found it was locked with a security system.

She sighed and walked back to the sidewalk. She picked up a bit of gravel from the ground and hurled it toward the lighted window. When no one arrived she did it again and in a few moments she watched Willow look from behind the curtain.

"Willow!" Kennedy said with an excited whisper. "I promise I won’t come near you. I just need to talk," she added. "You can stay right there."

Willow rolled her eyes and opened the window.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I followed you," Kennedy replied.


Willow began to make her way back inside.

"No, wait," Kennedy said. "I’m not gonna hurt you. I just want to talk. I’ll stay right here, I swear."

"You already swore you’d go away," Willow told her.

"I know but someone’s life is on the line here," Kennedy told her.

"I already told you, I don’t know what magic is. I don’t know how I can help your friend, aside from telling you to check her into a clinic. And if I could work this so called magic I-I’d…" Willow trailed off.

"What?" Kennedy asked.

Willow licked her lips nervously. "I’d bring Xander back," she told her. "I’d bring my parents back. I’d make sure that earthquake never happened…But this ‘magic stuff,’ it’s a fantasy, something I can’t do. Something no one can do so just…leave me alone."

Kennedy noticed the pained expression on Willow’s face and the quiver in her voice.

"I didn’t come here to hurt you, Will," Kennedy said as she looked up toward the window. "I just know how powerful you are. You’re so much more than…this," she said as she outstretched her hands.

"I like my life," Willow told her. "I know it’s not glamorous but…it’s not bad."

"You deserve more than a not bad life Willow. You’ve got the ability to save countless lives, to…to be respected in your field and…" Kennedy trailed off and then groaned. "Tell me this…why are you with Giles-Rupert?"

"I don’t think that’s any of your business," Willow told her.

"My point is how happy can you be living in his academic shadow or-or not even being able to hold his hand in public? I’m sure sneaking around might seem fun but sooner or later it’s going to get old, or the school will catch you. Then what? How many years are you willing to waste?"

"I don’t have to listen to this," Willow said as she began to fight with the window.

"Yes, you do," Kennedy told her. "Because you have more worth than you’re giving yourself credit for. I’ve seen it myself," she added.

Willow finally managed to get the window closed and Kennedy let out a sigh and walked back toward her car despondent.

Cut To:Int.Heathrow Airport – Later That Night

Kennedy stood in a line in front of an airline service counter. She was playing with her iPod, not really paying attention to what was happening around her. When she was next in line, she took a step and looked up. But she stopped in her tracks when she saw Rowena.

"Welcome to British Airways," she said in a chipper voice. "How can I help you this evening?"

"And the hits just keep on coming," Kennedy muttered to herself.

Fade to Black

Act FourFade To:Int.Heathrow Airport – Continuous

Kennedy moved up to the airline service counter to stand face to face with Rowena.

"As much as it pains me to admit this…you are the smartest person I know, and ironically, my last resort," Kennedy told her.

"Oookay," Rowena said with a nervous grin. "What can I do for you?"

"Well, I ended up here and…it’s not what I expected," Kennedy told her.

"I’m sorry to hear that," Rowena told her. "Can I book you a flight somewhere?" she asked.

Kennedy closed her eyes and sighed, before opening them again.

"You’re not a travel agent, okay? You’re a-a frickin’…world traveler. You speak, like, a gazillion languages, except for Dutch for some bizarre reason. And when I say here I mean not here but here," she said waving her hands around them.

"Is there a problem?" a manager asked as he came up behind Rowena.

"I’m not quite sure," Rowena told him.

Rowena’s cell phone began to go off and the manager motioned her away.

"Is there something I can help you with?" the manager asked Kennedy.

Kennedy didn’t take her eyes off of Rowena as she handed over her information. "Yes," she answered. "I need the next flight to Boston, one way. Doesn’t matter when."

Not far away Kennedy could hear Rowena talking. "Jordon, I’ll be home as soon as I can. They’re just a little short handed tonight and I thought I’d help-…It’s only a few hours…I can’t leave. I promised I’d stay…We’ll I figured you’d be at the pub anyway so why would it matter?…Okay, fine. Whatever."

Rowena didn’t look very happy when she hung up and she looked over to see Kennedy watching her.

"Your husband?" Kennedy asked.

At first Rowena didn’t say anything. "Yeah," she replied softly.

Kennedy gave a single nod of understanding.

"You know, I’ve realized something on this trip," she began. "You can’t change the world but…you can change what you do in it. Here," Kennedy said holding up her finger and reaching into her back pocket.

She pulled one of the pages from her notebook. "I missed my shot…twice, truth be told, but…it’s not too late for you."

Kennedy then handed it to Rowena. She looked at it and read it out loud. "Willow Rosenberg? Who’s this?"

Kennedy nodded. "A North American gal, like you. And quite possibly the best thing to ever happen to you. Just dump the abusive S.O.B. and look her up. You guys might hit it off."

The manager returned holding Kennedy’s boarding pass. "Here you go," he told her. "Is there anything else you need?"

Kennedy opened it and looked at it. "Tomorrow’s the soonest, huh?"

"Yes," he told her. "I’m afraid so. If that doesn’t-."

"No, that’s fine," Kennedy told him. She waved the pass at Rowena. "Don’t throw that away," she said nodding to the slip of paper that Rowena still held. "It’ll be the best choice you ever make. And if nothing else, she’ll make a great friend. She could use a friend and, not to be insulting…I think you could too."

Kennedy walked away and the manager looked at Rowena confused. Rowena just shrugged and the manager walked away. Rowena looked at the paper one last time and then at Kennedy’s retreating form before stuffing the paper in her pocket.

Cut To:Ext.South Boston Street – Evening – A Day Later

"Heyyyy," MIa said as Kennedy approached. "Look what the cat dragged back here."

Kennedy grinned. "Seen Faith – sorry - Hannie anywhere?"

"That depends Miss Moneybags," she replied with a smile.

Kennedy sighed and handed her a twenty-dollar bill. "That’s all I’ve got tonight Mia so please help me." Mia paused a moment. She had a questioning look on her face but Kennedy held up her hand to stop her from asking how she knew her name. "Can you help?" Kennedy asked again.

Mia grinned and then handed the money back to her.

"Haven’t seen her tonight," she replied. "But I did see her yesterday. She was talking to someone who said they were going up to Eddie’s. Can’t say if she tagged along or not."

"Who’s Eddie?" Kennedy asked.

"Eddie’s is more a where than a who. It’s an old abandoned appliance store where some folks hang out. One block up and two blocks over," she said pointing.

"Thanks," Kennedy told her as she started to walk. She stopped and turned to face Mia. "You plan on being around here all night?"

"Yeah, why?" Mia asked.

Kennedy grinned. "I wanna offer you a trip to California, but we’ll talk later," she said as she began to walk again.

"Hey kid," Mia said, "Be careful when you go in there. They don’t care for outsiders."

"Thanks for the tip," Kennedy told her.

Cut To:Ext.South Boston Alley – Moments Later

Kennedy made sure to walk down the middle of the alley and her eyes shifted back and forth, trying to see into the shadowy doorways.

When she was half way down the alley she heard a voice behind her ask, "Did you get yourself lost little girl?"

She turned to see a man about her age start to move toward her.

"Just back off," Kennedy told him. "I don’t want any trouble. I’m lookin’ for someone."

"Well, you found me sweetheart," he said casually before taking off into a run after her.

Kennedy immediately began to run too but he caught up with her easily and grabbed her by the hair, knocking her to the ground. She got up on her elbows and tried to sweep his leg but he jumped it easily. He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to her feet.

Once upright Kennedy swung and connected with his chin but it had no effect. He only laughed before spinning her arm behind her, pinning her.

He ran her into the wall of the building to their right and blood began to trickle from Kennedy’s eyebrow where her face connected with the brick.

"Leave her alone," an unseen voice said from behind the man.

The attacker punched Kennedy hard in the face before pushing her to the ground and turning to face the intruder.

"And what’s it to you?" he asked

Jason Felix stood nervously in the middle of the alley.

"She’s just a kid. Find someone your own size to pick on," he replied.

The attacker laughed. "Like you?"

Kennedy was on all fours and spit some blood out of her mouth.

The attacker pushed Felix, making him fall on his backside.

"Well, come on," he taunted. "You look like you’re about my size. Take me on."

The sound of a gun cocking behind him and the feel of a barrel against his head stopped the bully in his tracks.

"I’m more your size than he is," a southern voice added. "And the way I see it you got two choices - walk or die. What’s it gonna be sucker?"

The man put his hands in the air and slowly turned around to see and angry man pointing the gun at him.

"Hey Caleb, calm down. Is she one of your gals? I didn’t know, man. Really…"

"You got ten seconds to get outta my face," Caleb warned him, never lowering the gun. "One…"

The attacker took off up the alley. Once he was around the corner Caleb and Jason made their way over to Kennedy, who was now sitting up.

"Hey Sugar," Caleb said as he reached his hand down to her. Kennedy tried to move away from him, her eyes wide. "It’s okay," he told her. "I’m not gonna hurt you. My girls told me there might be trouble down here. You need some help?"

"No," Kennedy said, as she tried to stand up but fell back down. "Okay, maybe a little," she confessed. "I haven’t had my bell rung like that in…forever."

Caleb chuckled. "Not safe for a girl to be out here on her own," he said as he reached down and lifted her up. "Bruises and cuts aside, they were right - you’re a damn good looking girl. You’d make one fine addition. Name’s Caleb," he told her.

"Kennedy," she replied. "And thanks, really…Both of you."

Jason smiled.

"She gave me soup and a couple bucks," he told Caleb. "I figured one good turn deserves another."

"You trying to work down here sweetheart?" Caleb asked. "’Cause if you are, you’re really gonna need some added muscle, if you follow me?"

Kennedy seemed confused at first. "Work? Oh, no, I’m looking for someone I know around here. Her name’s Faith Lehane, well, Hannie."

"Hey, if you find yourself needing to make some extra cash the easy way...look me up," Caleb said as he handed her a card.

"You have business cards?" Kennedy asked as she took it.

"I run a business Sweetie," he told her as he handed her a handkerchief. "A very lucrative one. And I always take care of my girls. Nobody messes with ‘em. Ever. You just keep that handy in case you change your mind."

"Yeah," Kennedy said wiping the blood from her forehead. "Do you mind…?" Kennedy said waving the hanky.

"Keep it," he told her.

"Thanks again," she told them as she started to limp away.

"Hey," Caleb shouted out. "Why don’t you stick to the main streets?"

"Sorry Pal," she answered. "I’ve gotta find a friend first."

"Must be some friend," he replied.

Kennedy grinned but it quickly slipped away as she grabbed her sore lip.

"Yeah, she is…she just doesn’t realize it yet. Thanks."

Cut To:Ext.Abandoned Store – Moments later

Kennedy pushed the hanky into her front pocket and looked up at the dilapidated sign that read ‘Eddie’s Discount Electronics’. She stepped up closer and pulled the door. It opened.

Cut To:Int.Abandoned Store – Same Time

Kennedy peeked her head inside first and looked around before her body finished the rest of the journey inside. In the various corners she saw people lounging around on old mattresses. Some of them were passing joints to each other while others were rolling around half clothed.

She saw a man and a woman standing near a column inside the store, smoking cigarettes.

"Either of you guys seen Hannie?" she asked.

"Who wants to know?" the man asked.

"A friend," Kennedy told him. "I’ve got some important news she might want to know."

The smoking pair looked at each other and the woman nodded toward the back of the store. "Check upstairs," she told her. "She’s not down here."

"Thanks," Kennedy said and nodded.

Cut To:Int.Abandoned Store – Hallway - Moments Later

As Kennedy entered the second floor, the area was divided by rooms without any doors. She peered into each one as she made her way along. In the middle of the hallway she stopped and looked inside one room.

"Faith?" she called over to a woman on a mattress. She shook her head at the mistake. "Hannie, is that you?" she called out. Not getting a response she walked deeper into the room.

Cut To:Int.Abandoned Store – Room - Moments Later

As Kennedy approached she could see it was Faith. She was unconscious with a needle sticking out of her arm.

Kennedy raced over and pulled the needle out, throwing it across the small room. She reached for Faith’s wrist and immediately hung her head.

"You’re ice cold," she muttered as she held on to the wrist, pressing firmly. "No," she started to say repeatedly. "No, no, no, no, no…I told you to wait. I told you I’d be back…You stupid bitch!" Kennedy shouted as she threw Faith’s arm to the mattress. She stood up and began to pace.

"Shut the hell up!" another voice yelled from one of the other rooms.

"Go to hell!" Kennedy shouted back.

Kennedy started to bawl, crying uncontrollably. She fell to her knees beside Faith and tried to wipe her eyes. She pushed the matted hair away from the side of Faith’s cheek and just leaned over her, staring into her lifeless eyes. Kennedy’s hand reached out and closed the lids. Then her head rested on Faith’s cold stomach as she continued to cry.

"I thought I told you-!" The man in the doorway stopped when he saw Kennedy over Faith’s body. "Guys!" he shouted, "Better clear out. I think we got a stiff," he added.

Kennedy could hear the movement in the other rooms but she didn’t move from where she was positioned. Finally, she slowly rose up into a sitting position. When she did the reporter was sitting behind her.

Kennedy seemed to sense someone behind her and turned to see her there.

"You," Kennedy hissed.

"So Kennedy," the vengeance demon asked, moving to Kennedy’s side, "what do you think of this world?"

"What do I think?" Kennedy asked incredulously. "You give me back Vi but you take Faith. What the hell is that about, huh?"

"You can’t have it all; everything has a price…"

Kennedy shook her head. "So what now? I’m just supposed to be glad that I’ve got Vi instead. T-That I have to have some karmic trade-off, either one or the other but not both? Is that it?"

"Yes, in a word. You lost Faith but you still have Vi as you mentioned. You still have your mother. You have wonderful friends, a promising academic career, a hot boyfriend, who adores you…everything a young woman your age dreams of to be quite frank."

"Well, first, I’m gay. And second, I got my ass kicked by a scumbag and had to be rescued by a pimp and a hobo," Kennedy added. "Not all that rosy if you ask me. Plus, my other friends, their families, they’re all dead. And those that aren’t, don’t have fabulous lives. For most part their lives suck too."

"You said it yourself Kennedy. This world, any world, is what you make of it. You can’t change the world but you can change your own life. You decide your fate, you decide your future."

"And what if I want to be a slayer? There’s no magic, so that means I have no powers. Here I’m…I’m weak, I’m helpless."

"True, you have no slayer powers anymore but that also means you have no guilt, no regrets for what you’ve done as a slayer. You can start fresh in this life."

"Yeah but I’ll always know what I’m capable of in any world. I know what I can do…what I have done. This new world can’t take that away…Hell, even that psycho bitch is still alive – still killing people."

"But you took care of that in the other world, didn’t you?"

"You make it sound easy," Kennedy replied.

"Pulling that trigger was easy. Living with what happened afterward, a bit tougher than you expected. Once the rage has subsided what’s left? An emptiness that can’t be filled perhaps? A void because killing Heli didn’t bring Vi back…or at least make you feel better about the fact she was gone?"

"What would you know about it?" Kennedy replied. "You’ve never stared someone in the eye and took their life. Instead, you play a game. Give people this but take away that. You’re a monster."

"Just as much a monster as you?" the demon asked. "You killed that woman in your world. As for Faith here, she killed herself. I didn’t do that. If you had stayed here, instead of chasing after Willow in England…maybe things would have been different."

"Don’t you dare," Kennedy hissed again. "Don’t blame this on me for a single second. I wasn’t chasing after Willow. I had the chance to save Faith and I would have until…the dumb bitch OD’d!"

"And you lost that chance. Just like you had the chance to save Vi in your world."

"What are you talking about?" Kennedy asked getting frustrated.

"Come on, Ken," the demon told her. "Think, would you? If you had left Heli’s room a few seconds earlier, maybe broke that door down a few

minutes sooner…Vi might still be alive. Tell me you haven’t considered that?"

"Of course I have!" Kennedy shouted. "I’ve been kicking myself for months but I can’t change that now!"

"Which is why I offered this world," the demon replied. "One where you could live out your life as a ‘normal’ girl, one that included Vi and the mother you’ve always wanted. But you’re still going to make choices – some right and some wrong." The demon motioned to Faith on the bed. "Leaving her right now was just a wrong decision. And in the end you can’t save everyone."

Kennedy was quiet for a moment. "I don’t want this…I-I want my demon hunting girlfriend back. I want Faith to be alive. I-I want Willow to be happy, even if it isn’t with me…and Buffy a-and Dawn a-and Xander...I want my old life back."

"And sacrifice Vi and your mother?"

"No, I don’t want that either."

"Again, it can’t be both ways. You have to make a choice. So what is it – Vi and this world of a ‘typical life’ or Faith and being chosen in your old world."

Kennedy shook her head. "Again, you make it sound so simple. Even if I wanted to change it there’s nothing I can do. No magical spells to fix it in this world."

"Is that your answer? Is Faith and the life you had what you truly want?"

"You’re going to make me choose, aren’t you?"

"The choice is yours Kennedy. But each world, with all its benefits, has to come with a price as I said. Nothing is ever perfect and we all need to make choices."

Kennedy was quiet for a moment and she began to rock back and forth nervously from her position on the floor.

"Fine, I pick Faith, okay? I miss Vi every day and every night. But Faith being gone, like this," she motioned to the dead body in front of her. "She’s a heroine. She needs to die as a champion or preferably as a little old lady surrounded by grandkids, great-grandkids even…but…not now, not like this…Still, there isn’t anything I can do to change it in this world."

"Sure, there is," the demon replied. "Just wake up."

"I am awake," Kennedy told her.

"No…Wake up," the demon repeated. Kennedy looked at her confused. "Ken, wake up."

Flash to:

Kennedy was in a prone position with her eyes closed. Suddenly her eyes shot open and she looked down at the foot of the bed to see Faith standing there.

"Ken, wake up," Faith told her.

Cut To:Int.Kennedy’s Apartment – Watchers Council – Same Time

"Planning to go on patrol tonight?" Faith asked her.

Slowly, Kennedy moved to her elbows. She looked over at her clock that read 7 P.M. She looked around the room and realized she was at the Council. She jumped out of bed and quickly moved to Faith, pulling up her sleeve.

"Uhhh, what are you doing?" Faith asked confused.

"You’re not a drug addict," Ken sighed as she released her arm.

"No," Faith replied flatly.

"And you don’t have HIV?"

Faith said nothing at first. Instead of speaking she raised the back of her hand to Kennedy’s forehead.

"You don’t have a fever but still, maybe you should go back to bed tonight."

"I’m fine, I’m better than fine. I…I just had the weirdest dream."

"No kidding," Faith said with a grin.

"At least I think it was a dream…I haven’t done any T.V. interviews lately, have I?"

"Uh, no," Faith replied.

Kennedy considered the word and paced. "Okay, that’s good. Then that’s it. It was just a dream."

"And one that’s got you quite…animated," Faith remarked.

"I met a vengeance demon," Kennedy explained, "and suddenly there was no such thing as magic or witches or slayers or the Watchers Council and…" Kennedy began to grin. "I wouldn’t trade you for anything."

Faith grinned too. "I wouldn’t trade you either, Slick." She motioned toward the bed, before adding, "Which is why I’m not sending you out tonight. I don’t care that Dr. Millenti cleared you. I think you need to stay home and rest."

Faith walked to the door.

"Hey," Kennedy called out, making her turn. Kennedy paused a moment and just watched her friend standing there, as if soaking up every aspect of her being.

"I love you, Faith," she added in a genuine tone.

Faith gave her a slight grin.

"I love you too, Ken…which is why I’m coming back to check on you after I put someone else into your slot for the night."

"Trust me when I say I haven’t felt better," Kennedy replied.

Faith just shook her head. "I’ll be back and you can tell me about this dream."

Faith didn’t wait for a reply. She left the room and Kennedy fell back against the bed. She stared silently at the ceiling.

Fade to Black

Guest Starring: Robia LaMorte as Jenny Calendar, Danny Strong as Jonathan Levinson, Adam Busch as Warren Meers, Felicia Day as Vi Joston, Amber Benson as Tara Maclay, Elizabeth Anne Allen as Amy Madison, Jennifer Connelly as Althenea Dimmons, Christy Carlson Romano as Hope Lehane, Nathan Fillion as Caleb and Gary Oldman as Jason Felix

End of The Price

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