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Page 1: The Professionals Share Their HVAC Secrets Here

The Professionals Share Their HVAC Secrets Here

Learn the secrets to make your HVAC last longer and cheaper

Page 2: The Professionals Share Their HVAC Secrets Here

The system you use to heat or cool your home is probably the largest influences on how much energy you use, and how much it costs. Professionals say that if your HVAC system needs updating, make sure the technician you hire is knowledgeable. The following article provides the information you need to hire the right professional.

Page 3: The Professionals Share Their HVAC Secrets Here

Make sure you check the filters in your air conditioning unit. This is important because checking your filters could make the difference between inexpensive repairs and more expensive ones down the line. Try to put it into your monthly schedule so that you don't forget to check the filters regularly.

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A Superior AC, air conditioning professionals of Santa Rosa Beach, say to get any agreement with an HVAC contractor in writing. Some contractors try to skip over this step and charge customers a fortune. If you have a certain price and warranty in writing, they cannot go back and change this information. If they do, they could have a lawsuit on their hands.

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When the spring comes and the days begin to warm up, call in a pro to give your HVAC a once over. This will ensure that your air conditioner works as expected all summer long, stopping you from sweating it out when you least expect the system to fail.

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Your outdoor HVAC units might suffer when your trees lose leaves. When you see nearby trees shedding their leaves, clean the fan grill on your unit constantly. When the fan becomes obstructed, you will lose out on quality air.

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In order to boost efficiency, place new outdoor units or move your current unit to a place which resides in the shade. You save money this way because the air conditioner is now pulling in cooler air, which is easier to cool further.

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To save money on your HVAC system, turn the air conditioning down at night and let your home warm up a bit. To keep yourself cool, use a chilling water-filled pillow to cool down your head and your whole body as a result. This combined with a fan will keep you from overheating while saving on your utility bills.

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Don't let your home get way too hot to where it's dangerous. Air conditioners are limited in that they can only reduce the indoor temperature 20 degrees Fahrenheit in a reasonable time limit. Assuming the temperature in your home rises to a hundred degrees, you will only be able to reduce that by twenty degrees. While it depends on the humidity, this is not safe for a human to sleep in to recover from the heat of the summer.

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Consider an annual service agreement for technicians to regularly inspect your AC unit. Schedule brief inspections for the winter to make sure nothing is obviously wrong. The most important time for an inspection and service is just before it starts getting warm. You don't want to discover an AC breakdown when you need it working most.

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Now that you are aware of the importance of having the correct HVAC system installed in your home, get referrals about HVAC companies in your area. Use this tips in the article to guide you in your choice. Make sure you choose wisely and the cost of your energy usage will show the difference.

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