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Page 1: The Proper Email Marketing Practice Checklist

The Proper Email MarketingPractice Checklist



This is Andy from Benchmark Email, and today we have the Proper Email Marketing Practice Checklist, from the Benchmark Email Blog.

Page 2: The Proper Email Marketing Practice Checklist

The Proper Email Marketing Practice Checklist

BlogEmail MarketingChecklist

•Even email marketing pros forget the basics sometimes

•Follow this checklist to cover your bases

Failure to participate in best practices negates how effective your email campaigns can be. Follow this checklist to ensure you have all your bases covered for your email marketing campaigns.

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Landing & Branding

BlogEmail MarketingChecklist

Enhance core values?

Consistent brand identity?

Appropriate landing page?

Does the email you are sending represent your brands core values and have a consistent brand identity with our website? Do the links bring you to the appropriate landing page and have a convincing call to action?

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BlogEmail MarketingChecklist

Avoid SPAM words in subject & body?

Write at 8th grade level?

Compelling, easy to understand offer?

Content and links balanced?

Focused, balanced and apropos design?

Clear, powerful and persuasive call to action?

Subject line informative and alluring? Less than 55 characters?

Content is key. Be sure that you avoided SPAM words that would keep your email from being delivered and that it is easy to understand. Content should compel and be balanced with links. Design should be fitting. Your subject line is very important.

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Social Media

BlogEmail MarketingChecklist

Links to social networking sites?

Social sharing buttons?

Forward to a friend?

Be sure to include links to your companyʼs social networking pages. Your email should have social sharing buttons as well as a forward to a friend link. Donʼt forget a clear and easy-to-find sign-up link too!

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Personalization & Friendliness

BlogEmail MarketingChecklist

Sending address contain business/brand?

From name recognizable?


For the From name, have a recognizable name in front of the @ and your company name following it. Use personalization without overdoing it.

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Contact Management

BlogEmail MarketingChecklist

Collect segmentation info?

Contact info w/out overkill?

Sign up streamlined?

Did you obtain enough information to effectively segment your lists without crossing the line? Is your sign-up process streamline and easy. Have you tested it yourself?

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Legal Requirements

BlogEmail MarketingChecklist

Full corporate details?

Unsubscribe easily?

Make sure youʼre not breaking the law! Include all your corporate details. That means email, full company name and address of the main office. Be sure your unsubscribe list is quick and painless, so as to avoid SPAM complaints.

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Technical Design

BlogEmail MarketingChecklist


Alt text for images?

Quick load speed?

Be 100% sure your code contains no CSS. Make certain thereʼs enough alt text for your images that the email makes sense with images turned off. Your email should load quickly, even on slower connections.

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BlogEmail MarketingChecklist

Rendering across all resolutions?

Work in all email clients?

Link to web version?

Your email should be able to be properly viewed on any screen resolution and in all email clients. Donʼt forget to include a link to the web version.

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Follow us


Visit us


If youʼve managed to check off each one of these boxes, you can be sure that your email campaign is on a path to success.

For visual learners: The Proper Email Marketing Practice Checklist

Stayed informed by following Benchmark Email on Twitter @BenchmarkEmail.

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