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Page 1: The race and the diversity

The race and the diversity



Page 2: The race and the diversity

The race and the diversity(Ethnic groups)

Next we will give you some information of the race and the ethnic groups talking about USA’s and Costa Rica’s groups. Staring with some terms related to the subject and so we can be able to understand with more clarity what are we’re referring.

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The race: The term race according to our

investigations talks about “each one of the groups in which the species are subdivided (human and nonhuman) as well as the human racial categories; they are based on visible the biological characters (specially skin color, face characteristics) the genes and the own identification of each group”

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Cultural diversity implies the coexistence of the multiple cultures. Within a certain space as well as different races whit their respective cultures and traditions can be distinguish and recognize in the different social fields and whose differences are pronounced in the language, the music, religious beliefs, the art and the social structure. It allows differentiating a culture from another one.

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Racial tension It’s repudiation against certain race

different from ours that it produces a treatment of different way, it is seen generally as inferior because the coexistence occurs little of harmonious way and this generates a tension climate that is transmitted to the rest of the society.

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In agreement with all we investigated and with some “interviews” that we gave to some people who know about this subject, as much from the United States as from Costa Rica, we got to consider that:

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In essence the answers given to us were about racism specifically; and by consequent, we have as a basic idea about racial tension the following thing:

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In both countries it seen how some people repress or explode of one or another way to the immigrants, for example: In USA samples have occurred of racism against Latin and black people.

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In Costa Rica there is specially certain racial tension between the Nicaraguan immigrants and the Costa Rican population.

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Like in both countries, occur to the religious prejudices that are why people only accept to those who profess their same religion or their same beliefs.

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2. Which events in USA and Costa Rica have influenced in any


Both ethnic groups never have been absolutely united, according to what people has said CR has been characterized “to copy” American customs. Nevertheless several reasons have caused the separation or division in every countries as well as in USA of CR, for example the lot of robberies done to the American tourists in CR. Obviously they are afraid to come to our country.

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Also something that fills to us of shame but what is a cruel reality is the external perspective of the other countries: “CR as sexual destiny” This made some people from USA prefer go to other country which does not have this situation, this because they don’t want to have any travel related with this which one causes a dividing line between USA and CR.

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Conclusion: After to have analyzed several

points of view, we’ve realized that in CR and USA there are a lot of factors which influence or affect the relationships between people; like someone’s absurd attitudes who think we must leave of side to somebody just for his skin color, his customs, or his beliefs.

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In a personal opinion, we believe that this type of problems could get better but is a decision all of we must take because we don’t do nothing if only a little of us are conscientious of de equality with people must have with people if the majority has a point of view totally opposed.

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We think that it is a tolerance stuff; all we are different, we have our own customs and we wouldn’t like be rejected as well at a some time we have done it…Also we believe that we are a SINGLE RACE, simply we are “distributed in several places” and we have a different styles of life, thoughts and acts, that as we’ve already said we should share and no question them.

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We hope the information we gave to you helps in something and you can think about it a little while before you discriminate or exclude somebody being based in his race or ethnic group.

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