+ All Categories
Page 1: The relevance of public voices

The Relevance of Public Voices

Why the market researcher needs to pay attention to the new

unstructured frontier …social media

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SM = consume + create + share

The excitement of new unstructured frontiers

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Complexity of Social

Scott’sfoot print


Page 4: The relevance of public voices

Channel Expansion

More than 400 million active users

50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day

More than 35 million users update their status each day

More than 60 million status updates posted each day

More than 3 billion photos uploaded to the site each month

More than 5 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) shared each week

More than 3.5 million events created each month

More than 3 million active Pages on Facebook

More than 1.5 million local businesses have active Pages on Facebook

More than 20 million people become fans of Pages each day

Pages have created more than 5.3 billion fans

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How do I fit?

© Harris Interactive 5


Experimenter Post-Trough Adopter

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A journey to the relevance of unstructured data

When relationships don’t tell us why… “when they like our product but won’t


Making cacophony musical… “when a story emerges”

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We like

Unlikely to Buy

Do we need to increase familiarity?

Is our brand to weak to convert?

When relationships don’t tell us why… “when they like our product but won’t buy

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We like

Unlikely to Buy

We want to buy but procurement will not let us…

Corporate governance prevents us from considering …

Do we need to increase familiarity?

Is our brand to weak to convert?

When relationships don’t tell us why… “when they like our product but won’t buy

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Making cacophony musical… “when a story emerges”

Page 10: The relevance of public voices

Making cacophony musical… “when a story emerges”

Text Analytics Child Categories Section 1 (original report) Section 2 (original report) Section 3 (original report) Section 4 (original report)

Account Mgmt - Communication

Account Mgmt - Knowledge & Expertis e A/ BR: Account Teams Viewed As Trus ted Advis ors Adding Strategic Value AM: Acct Mgr Adds Strategic Value

Account Mgmt - Local

Account Mgmt - Res pons ivenes s

Account Mgmt - Quality

Account Mgmt - Support RV: Empower Acct Mgr / Acct Team Support

Account Mgmt - Problem Res olution

Cons ulting Srvc - Value

Cons ulting Srvc - Offerings

Cons ulting Srvc - Knowledge & Expertis e

Contracts - Pos t-Sale

Contracts - Commitment

Contracts - Quality

Contracts - Value

Fulfillment - Commitment

Fulfillment - Speed

H ardware - Computers/ Laptops

H ardware - Improvements

H ardware - Innovation

H ardware - Printers

H ardware - Quality & Reliability PQR: H ardware Quality / Reliability

H ardware - Server

H ardware - Value

H ardware - OS

H ardware - Virtualiz ation

Relations hip Value - Executive Engagement RV: Add Value / More Executive Engagement ABR: Effective Executive Engagement

Relations hip Value - Local

Relations hip Value - Partnering

Relations hip Value - Communicate

Relations hip Value - Long-term View

Service & Technical Support - Flexibility & Res pons ivenes s S&S: Efficiency & Acces s ibility S&S: Prompt

Service & Technical Support - Quality

Service & Technical Support - Proactive

Service & Technical Support - Local

Service & Technical Support - Price

Software - Capabilities

Software - Quality & Reliability PQR: Software Quality / Solutions

Software - Improvements

Software - Value

Solutions - Quality & Reliability

Solutions - Value

Solutions - Comprehens ive

Solutions - Innovation

Solutions - Adaptive

Solutions - Price

G en - Pric ing Improve TCO / Reduce Prices H elping Manage TCO

G en - Value PCV: Solutions Offer Compelling ROI PCV: Services Deliver Meas urable Value

Integrated Solutions - H ardware

Integrated Solutions - Software

Integrated Solutions - H ardware & Software

Integrated Solutions - G eneral IS: Integrated Solutions Reliability IS: Deliver Promis ed Benefits IS: More Integrated Solutions IS: Seamles s Integration of Solutions

Eas e of Doing Bus ines s - Fewer Silos / Less Bureaucracy EODB: Fewer Silos / Les s Bureaucracy EODB: Act Cohes ively EODB: G lobal Cons is tency

Eas e of Doing Bus ines s - Owners hip / Follow-through EODB: Owners hip / Follow-through RV: Proactively Propos e Solutions

Eas e of Doing Bus ines s - Flexibility & Res pons ivenes s EODB: Flexibility and Res pons ivenes s

Eas e of Doing Bus ines s - Simplify Proces s es (Pric ing, Quoting, Ordering, Invoicing, Contracts , Terms )

EODB: Simplify Proces s es (Pric ing, Quoting, Ordering, Invoic ing) EODB: T&Cs ; Quote TAT; Invoice Clarity EODB: Contract Proces s

U nders tanding Bus ines s N eeds U BN : Bus ines s U nders tanding U BN : Ability to U nders tand Critical Succes s Factors / Priorities

Cus tomer Communications & Education - Provide Roadmaps Communications : Roadmaps Enable Planning

Cus tomer Communications & Education - Provide Training, Seminars , Education

Cus tomer Communications & Education - G eneral Communications : Effective Communications

Depth & Breadth of Technology Portfolio TPK: Breadth & Depth of Technology Portfolio

Technology Experience & Expertis e TPK: Knowledge, Expertis e & Experience

Brand, Pres ence & Credibility TPP: Brand, Pres ence and Credibility

G lobal Coverage - Account Mgmt

G lobal Coverage - Solutions G C: Addres s G lobal N eeds G C: G lobal Capabilities

G lobal Coverage - Support & Technical Service

Text Analytics

Child Themes

Matching Unique and Redundant Themes from Original Analysis

Classification Tree

Brand Credibility

Experience and


Ease of Doing


Integrated Solutions

Breadth of Technology


Understand Specific Business


Story emerges from the conversations…

Top Mind: Coherent Issues Emerge

Page 11: The relevance of public voices

The Big Issues Surrounding Social Media Analysis

Cost Myth Should be a fraction of the cost of traditional survey research

Accuracy Myth Most mining software can accurately identify content and


Scope You can find anything you need on the ubiquitous Web

Representativeness Online sources reflect the voice of the market

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SM = consume + create + share





s of S


l Med

ia A


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Research Questions


Where are the conversations occurring?

What are people talking about?

How many people are talking?

Is the conversation changing?

Who leads the conversation?

Are conversations negative or positive?

Page 14: The relevance of public voices

Business Questions


What channel should I target?

Can I align messages to market interest?

Can I prioritize the top mind share?

What issues are gaining momentum?

Can I target the opinion leaders?

Can I amplify positive reaction?

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Data CollectionTrends:

400+ solutions



What to watch out for:Harvesting capability

Targeting capability

Spam controls

Full Feed – use of aggregators

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Text Analytic Tools Trends:


Specialization: domains and calls to action

Processing Options Natural Language Processing

Machine Learning

Entity Extraction

What to watch for: Auditing

Rule building


Sentiment tuning

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Addressing the Big Issues

Cost Front loaded costs – but expect savings down the road

Accuracy MythBest in class analytics and auditing ensures higher levels of


Scope Limits of TOM - there is still a role for traditional research

Representativeness Full feed is critical – but hard to manage

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Should researchers embrace social media?

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