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The Restoration of the Tabernacle of David

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Important Kingdom Principles:The Premise

The interpretive key of prophecy is not PRIMARILY Israel and the CHURCH or even the particular DISPENSATION we are living in…

The PRIMARY interpretive key of prophecy is the understanding that there is a PHYSICAL and SPIRITUAL dimension to the Kingdom of God, which is in the process of convergence

Premises of the Transitional Age: God’s Ultimate Plan Ephesians 1:9-10

Physical AND Spiritual: 2 REALMS A DIVINE CONVERGANCE is coming….

2000 20002000 1000



Transitional AgeTransitional Age



“Jerusalem” and “Zion”

Premises of the Transitional Age: God’s Ultimate Plan

Garden of Eden


1 Corinthians 15:20-28

Revelation 21:1-8Revelation 22:1-5

New Heaven and New Earth

“Behold! The Tabernacle of God is with man!”



Feast of PassoverFeast of Unleavened

BreadFeast of Firstfruits

Feast of TrumpetsDay of Atonement+ Feast of Dedication (Hanukah)Feast of Lots (Purim)

Initial Harvest Great Harvest


The Feasts, Israel, The Body of Messiah, and the Age to Come

Feast of Weeks/Pentecost (Joel 2:20)

Feast ofFeast ofTabernaclesTabernacles

Full Harvest

BEWARE: This is a touchy subject….

But here is why it’s important…


The STAKES are HIGHER… AND more will be required of us…

Important Kingdom Principles

The KINGDOM is not postponed

BUT: It’s FULLNESS IS delayed…



Four Soils (Matthew 13:3-23)Four Soils (Matthew 13:3-23)

Wheat and Tares (Matthew 13:24-30)Wheat and Tares (Matthew 13:24-30)

The Mustard Seed (Matthew 13:31)The Mustard Seed (Matthew 13:31)

What “kind” of Kingdom did Messiah prepare His disciples for?

END times PREDOMINANTLY about ISRAEL and the “CHURCH” coming together as ONE in the KINGDOM

The End Times Saga

Matthew 13:36-43 The harvest is the end of the age

Only RIPE and FULLY MATURED crops are harvested The removal of THINGS that OFFEND or HINDER

LOVE Angels are the reapers Angels are sent by the Son of Man Tares are gathered for burning (judgment) Wheat is gathered out for His kingdom

Revelation 14:14-20

The End Times Saga

Matthew 24/25 2 Peter 3:3 Jude 18 2 Tim 3:1 1 Tim 4:1-2 2 Thess 2:3 2 Thess 2:9-12


EvilLustDeceptionPrideDisunity/BetrayalFalse MiraclesRebellionOffenseColdnessHatred toward God

TribulationJudgmentWrath of GodAnger of Satan

Joel 2:11 “For the day of the LORD is … very terrible…

The End Times Saga

What Is…What Is…

??God’s ResponseGod’s ResponseGod’s PLANGod’s PLANGod’s BLUEPRINTGod’s BLUEPRINT

It was the best of times…It was the worst of times….

A TALE of TWO CITIES:The Rise of One: ZionThe Destruction of Another: Babylon

Isaiah 25:3Revelation 18:10Psalms 50:2Micah 4:2

The End Times SagaGod’s Plans are Predicated on Partnership God’s Plans are Predicated on Partnership

with Humans on the Earthwith Humans on the Earth

Even redemption required humans1) God became Man in Jesus: a MAN had to die2) Mary (Miriam) agreed to carry the Messiah

and bear the STIGMA of being adulterous3) Joseph agreed not to divorce Miriam when

she was found pregnant 4) God’s end-times strategy is going to be

orchestrated by a MAN (Jesus)5) Only YOU can say “yes” to Jesus and His


Ephesians 4:13-14 Ephesians 3:8-12

Daniel 11:32 Daniel 8:23-24 Daniel 12:7 Joel 2:28-30 Isaiah 56:1-8 Revelation 12:11 Revelation 22:17

The End Times SagaLove/Passion for GodIntercessionHolinessPowerUnity

God’s GloryMiraclesSignsWondersFullness of God’s Kingdom


Prophetic Revelation/Understanding

Joel 2:11 “For the day of the LORD is GREAT…

The Reigning Human King

Revelation 1:5 Revelation 5:12 (compare with Revelation 4:11) Revelation 11:15 Hebrews 1:3 Hebrews 2:5-9 Matthew 28:18 Colossians 1:16 1 Peter 3:21-22 Psalms 2 Psalms 110

The Bridal Partner who Reigns with the Messiah King

The Millennial PromiseRevelation 20:1-4

The “ministry of satan” = to deceive the nations Bound for 1000 years What about demons? Where are they?

Thrones What thrones did John see? Where are the thrones? Physical or spiritual? Who is doing the ruling or judging on them?

Characteristics of the “Current” or “Present” Age

“This Present Darkness” Ephesians 6:12 Ephesians 3:8-11 Ephesians 2:2

Where are the thrones of earthly government now? Physical or spiritual? Both…

Where is TRUE rulership OVER the earth exercised currently?

Where are TRUE riches currently? (Luke 16:11)

Characteristics of the “Current” or “Present” Age

Daniel 2:44“And in the days of these kings….”

Daniel 7:9“I watched till thrones…”

1) Great Sea of the nations2) Gentile kingdoms3) Little horn4) Ancient of Days5) Saints of Most High6) Coming of the Son of Man7) Destruction of horn8) Establishment of the kingdom

Daniel 7 is the interpretive map for

the Book of Revelation

The Bridal Partner who Reigns with the Messiah King Who receives the kingdom?

2 Peter 1:1 James 2:4-5 Hebrews 12:28 1 Thessalonians 2:12 2 Thessalonians 1:5 Colossians 1:13 Acts 14:22 Luke 12:32-33

Who are the elect? Colossians 3:12 1 Peter 5:13 2 Timothy 2:10

At a minimum: the BODY of MESSIAH is in view in Daniel’s vision

(without discounting a physical Israel)

The Bridal Partner who Reigns with the Messiah King

Daniel 8:9-10 Host of heaven Stars

What is in view? The rise of a human, political ruler

What coincides with this rise to power?


The Bridal Partner who Reigns with the Messiah King Revelation 2 and 3

To the “angel” of the church of…

ANGEL angelooELDER presbuterosBISHOP/OVERSEER episkoposDEACON/MINISTER diakonosPASTOR poimen APOSTLE apostolosPROPHET prophetesTEACHER didaskalosEVANGELIST euaggelistes


Revelation 1:20STARS


Principles of Intercession

Daniel 9:2 Daniel READ and STUDIED the PROPHETIC

WORD (Jeremiah 25:8-11)

Daniel 9:3 Daniel’s Response is SIGNIFICANT

Daniel 9:20-23 Heaven’s Response KEY REVELATION: greatly beloved

Principles of Intercession Daniel 10:1

The appointed time was long Matthew 25:5

Daniel 10:2 Daniel’s response is SIGNIFICANT

Daniel 10:20 Prince of Greece Prince of Persia Michael your Prince

Principles of Intercession

Revelation 12:7-12 WAR in heaven

Who does the WARFARE?

What causes WAR to break out? What causes the loosing of the Father’s plan for

redemption of the EARTH? (Revelation 4)

Where WERE the DEMONS and satan? What was the result of the WARFARE?

The Bridal Partner who Reigns with the Messiah King

Where does the Body of Messiah– crowned in the resurrection as the BRIDE, reign?

Revelation 5:10“on/upon the earth” and/or “over the earth” ?

Luke 1:33 He shall reign OVER the House of JacobLuke 10:19 over all the power of the enemyLuke 19:14 We will not have this man reign over usHebrews 2:7 God set man “over” the work of His hands

Revelation 20:6 Primary focus is “with Him”

The Bridal Partner who Reigns with the Messiah King

Revelation 5:10“on/upon the earth” and/or “over the earth” ?

“Reign upon” is never used…in the Bible

The only other places “reign on” is used?Isaiah 24:23 LORD of Hosts will reign on Mt. Zion

Jeremiah 33:21 reign on His throne

Revelation 5:10

The Bridal Partner who Reigns with the Messiah King

1 Corinthians 6:1-4 Saints will judge the world Saints will judge angels

Try, condemn, punish, determine, esteem, ordain

What does it indicate about the NATURE of the ministry of the Bride during the Millennial Rest?

The Current Kingdom

Physical Kings/Rulers in Physical positions of power on the earth

Spiritual Kings/Rulers in Spiritual positions of power over the earth

What is the influence of this What is the influence of this kingdom over the affairs of kingdom over the affairs of men and the earth?men and the earth?

The Role of the Body of Messiah

Physical people pray/intercede on the earth to heaven

Angels are released based on the prayers of the saints

Angels and demons war—there is real resistance

Earthly positions of power and rulership/ earthly situations change as a result

As it was in the Days of Noah…so shall it be in the END

The Original Canopy: Pre-Flood Genesis 1:6-8 Genesis 2:4-6

The “specialness” of Day 2 Genesis 1:4-5, 10-13, 18-19, 20-23, 25-30

What did the canopy produce?Increased oxygenIncreased pressureLonger lifespansStable weatherLUSH/HUGE growth rates

As it was in the Days of Noah…so shall it be in the END

The Canopy Comes Down Genesis 6:1-13 Genesis 7:4-12

A “different” atmosphere

The Spiritual Canopy and the Tabernacle of David

Kings and Priests (the Bride) Isaiah 4:3-6 Isaiah 2:2-3 Isaiah 24:21-23 Isaiah 25:6-8 Zechariah 12:10-11 Zechariah 6:13

The Season of the OPEN HEAVEN or the SABBATH REST

REIGN of Messiah

Revelation 12:7-10

The Significance of the Tabernacle of David

What precedes the rise of the physical man Jesus to His physical place of rulership on the earth?

A change in the spiritual atmosphere over the earth

The Change in the Spirit Realm

The Significance of the Tabernacle of David

What will bring about the atmosphere when the earth will be ripe for a spiritual harvest?

This Gospel (of the Kingdom) shall be preached as a witness… (Matt 24:14)

A change in the spiritual atmosphere over the earth

Spiritual Revival and AwakeningThe Great Harvest

The Significance of the Tabernacle of David

What causes the pouring out of the end-time judgments and the opening of the scroll?

Bowls of intercession that are full (Rev 5:8-14)

The Full Release of Justice and Removal of Things that Hinder Love

The Significance of the Tabernacle of David

What will cause the rebirth and spiritual awakening of the nation of Israel?

Agreement with the prophetic word and its proclamation/intercession to bring it about under the will of the Father

The Restoration of Israel

The Significance of the Tabernacle of David

What causes war to break out in heaven between the angelic realms?

The prayers of the saints on the earth

Overthrowing of Demonic Principalities and Powers

The Significance of the Tabernacle of David

What two cries will ultimately lead to the return of the Messiah to the earth?

The Spirit and the Bride say come…. (Rev 22:17)

You will not see me again until you [Jerusalem, the leadership of Israel] say “Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the LORD” (Matt 23:38-39)

2nd Coming

The Significance of the Tabernacle of David

What will cause a season of an open heaven and restoration of the earth during the reign of the Messiah?

The priestly and kingly ministry of the Bride who is sitting on thrones over the earth

Millennial Kingdom

The Significance of the Tabernacle of David

This is WHY the restoration of the Tabernacle of David is God’s #1 Building Priority in the generation the Lord returns

It has significance for:the events preceding the “end of the end of the age”

the tribulation period itself

the return of Jesus

the fullness of the age to come / millennial rest

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