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  • 8/13/2019 The Resurrection of Egypt 2014


    The Resurrection of Egypt: The Anti-Exodus.

    2013. © J. R. Johnson 2014

    The above pictures reveal a reality that is more connected to Biblical reality

    than most understand. Some may think there is a reference to Obama’s African

    ancestry and others may think it refers to the belief among some that the ancient

    pharaohs were black. Whatever the point of the above allusions, few would

    regard the statement that Egypt is being recreated in America as being true. And

    yet, that belief is fundamental if one is to gain an understanding of the New Age

    of Politics in America. The corollary of this understanding is the Biblical

    connection between the people of God, Slavery, and the nature of freedom from

    Egypt and its Pharaoh. The book of Exodus is fundamental to the understanding

    of the Christian faith, the nature of Biblical Law, and the idea of what constitutes

    freedom and slavery.

    God’s concepts and His Revelation about reality are essential to any

    understanding of politics and racial conflicts in America. America has been

    preoccupied with two words throughout its history: Freedom and Slavery. If

    these words are not defined properly, it is impossible to understand God’s order

    for His people. When men are in rebellion against God, the first avenue of this

    battle is to change God’s words into man’s words and to change God’s definitions

    into new one’s invented by man. When this is accomplished, very few are aware

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    that the whole nature of life and reality changes inside the minds of mankind.

    While Adam and Eve overtly rebelled against God, modern men have sought to

    hide their rebellion in lofty ideals and high-sounding phrases. In fact, this has

    been accomplished so expertly in America that even the very elect have been


    Now, many Americans think this nation represents many other ideals: the

    making of money, the pursuit of pleasure, the participation in religion, and the

    formation of personal bonds. However, these are mere pursuits which are

    related to the ideals of freedom and slavery. A person is free if he is able to seek

    out his pursuits, and a person is a slave if he is restricted from seeking his

    pursuits. That is one reason you will hear rich athletes talk about being modern

    slaves: they feel they are being restricted in some personal pursuit. In America,one is either a slave or a free person and most people today view life in these

    terms. Men are expected to fight to preserve freedom and to end slavery:

    America’s wars are the story of this battle to extend this American vision across

    the earth.

    However, the freedom taught in America is not the freedom that is taught

    in the Bible. According to the Bible, the vision of freedom in America is slavery.

    In fact, the people of the United States have become a nation of slaves. The storyof history is the war between these two opposing and contradictory visions of

    slavery and freedom. The corollary of this story is the attempts to disguise every

    form of slavery as a the opportunity to discover new freedoms. One of the

    techniques used has been to elevate Southern Slavery as the archetype of slavery.

    This involves the association of Southern Christianity with the exploitation of

    men, and the belief that America is on a journey away from this time and into a

    time when everyone will be free in every way possible.

    Not only has Christianity now become associated with slavery, but it has

    been associated with every other attack upon freedom. Christians are against

    sexual freedom, they are against abortion, they are against assorted forms of

    family, they are against the liberation of women, they are against the teaching of

    children by the State, and they are against the new technologies that liberate men

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    from past restrictions. Biblical teachings about freedom are seen as nothing more

    than the re-enslavement of mankind to an angry God and a power-hungry church.

    History is taught with this scenario instilled into the minds of every child educated

    by the government. (Warning: always beware when the sign says ‘Free’.) 

    The sad truth is that the typical American Christian Church has adopted this

    American view of reality. The Church has failed to understand the real nature of

    the Bible and what it teaches about God and His Kingdom. The Church and its

    buildings, rituals, and personal associations have become the goal of the

    Christian. America is viewed merely as the physical place where this activity is

    allowed to occur. Of course, these operations are excited to aid in the mission of

    America to bring freedom to the whole world. This was not the freedom

    promised in the Bible, but the freedom to become free from God and subject tothe protection of the all-seeing eye of the State.

    Now words can easily be converted from the conveyors of meaning to

    weapons of psychological warfare and social indoctrination. If this is done

    correctly, very few will even notice the operation taking place. Notice how the

    liberation from confined, lifetime employment has been linked to the genocidal

    forms of slavery adopted all over the world. The only type of slavery pictured in

    the minds of most Americans is the one that occupied the Southern portion of theUnited States. However, the fictional work, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, which was used as

    wartime propaganda, became the new bible of slavery and its inhuman

    conditions. Uncle Tom’s Cabin was based upon half-truths. The events depicted

    actually happened and were taken from criminal court records. What is not told

    is that the criminal acts of some slave owners were pictured as the norm. That is

    how Truth becomes propaganda.

    It is also worth noting that of the ten million slaves transported out of

    Africa to the New World, only 400,000 ended up in the South. The others ended

    up in what was nothing more than death camps. The reason the number of

    Southern slaves grew is that the slave owners encouraged marriages and families;

    and, in fact, the South is the only place upon the earth where the slave population

    actually increased under captivity. The point I wish to emphasize is that Slavery in

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    naval impressments, chain gangs, and family slaves. People have often been

    described as slaves to their nation; slaves to their religion; slaves to their job;

    slaves to their beliefs; slaves to their families; tribal slaves; and slaves to their

    money. The word ‘slavery’ is vital in the thinking of most people. 

    One vital distinction in the minds of most people is the idea that slavery

    involves no chance of being anything other than a slave. While the serf or

    peasant may be subjected to a lifetime of misery and poverty, there is always the

    hope of escaping to a better life. There is no such hope in symbolic slavery—it is

    for life. Of course, this definition ignores the military slave who may have a hope

    of getting out after a period of time, even though most may die in battle or from

    battlefield disease. I suppose even the poor tenant farmer in America maintained

    some hope. And yet, thousands of slaves purchased their freedom in the Southand a quarter million black slaves were actually owned by other blacks. Even the

    largest store owner in Atlanta, Georgia, before the war, was a black. It is thus

    vital to understand that the word ‘slavery’ has been converted into a political

    meaning and is being used for propagandistic purposes to promote a new

    ideology of freedom.





    One of the most shocking aspects I have discovered when I started

    researching this work is that slavery is universal throughout the world and

    throughout history. It has taken on many forms and be subject to many different

    laws and regulations depending upon the culture. It has been used as ways to

    save people from certain death, and it has been used to confine people to certaindeath. It has been used as a picture of what happens to a person who fails in life

    through lack of diligence and lack of moral character. It has also been used as a

    picture of eternal separation from God in the images of Hell. Most of the slaves

    throughout history were not from Africa.

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      Actually, Black African slavery was the last to become part of the historic

    nature of slavery. The influence of the Bible and Western Civilization had worked

    to end slavery throughout most of the world. People who came under the

    influence of the Bible could no longer think of themselves as being slaves. The

    Book of Exodus is the story of God liberating His people from slavery to the

    bureaucratic tyranny of the Egyptian Pharaoh. When men read the Bible, they

    resist becoming slaves. Christianity develops a mentality that resists becoming

    any one of the many forms of slavery: even debt slavery was resisted. As

    Western Civilization spread Christian ideals throughout the world, it freed men

    from their willingness to become a slave.

    For whatever reasons, Christianity and Western Civilization did not prosper

    on the African continent. The average lifespan of the early missionaries to Africawas approximately three months. While a few did accept the Christian message,

    it was often incorporated into Africa Culture. Western Biblical Civilization was

    pictured as a Colonial imposition and was resisted. The people conformed to

    Western standards as long as the colonial powers controlled the levers of power

    and made the laws of the land. However, Western Civilization never took root in

    Africa. African culture was tribal and the people captured in battle were

    converted into slaves. Every African lived in the knowledge that a life of slavery

    awaited after every military defeat.

    As I will be pointing out as I continue in this discussion, when the Bible and

    Western Civilization are removed from a culture, the slave mentality returns. No

    tyrant can succeed if the people of a nation have their views of reality based upon

    the Bible. It could easily be argued that it was not the Abolitionists who freed the

    slaves in America, but the desire of many Christians to convert the slaves and the

    teaching of the Bible to those slaves that created a mentality of freedom. True

    freedom is only derived from the teachings of the Bible about the true nature ofboth freedom and slavery. Those who think that guns freed the slaves or will free

    other slaves always end up trading one master for another. The failure to

    understand this Biblical view of slavery is the reason the slave mentality has

    returned to America in the 21st


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      Thomas Sowell has written one of the few true analyses of slavery. I am

    sure his race helped him accomplish this feat, and the fact he has studied the

    implications of race as few others have. He wrote this, which is essential to

    understanding the reintroduction of slavery into 21st

     century America: “Clearly

    the ability to score ideological points against American society or Western

    civilization, or to induce guilt and thereby extract benefits from the white

    population today are greatly enhanced by making enslavement appear to be a

    peculiarly American, or a peculiarly white crime.”2  Race and slavery have been

    used as a weapon to destroy Christianity and Western Civilization. There is a

    continuous barrage of guilt laid upon contemporary Americans for crimes against

    humanity committed centuries ago.

    A new freedom-loving America is being built, we are told, upon the carcassof White Civilization. (As odd as it may sound, you cannot understand the events

    of 9/11 and the new global American dream, without first understanding this

    assault upon the true history of slavery.) The evils of Christian and Western

    Civilization have been part of the public mantra since the end of WWII. I grew up

    in government schools and learned all about religious wars, child labor, and

    slavery—the evils of Capitalism based upon the Calvinism of the Bible. I was

    taught that only a global empire based upon some form of Super Scientific

    Civilization could undo the damage done by the Bible and its establishment of evil

    empires and colonialism throughout the world.

    The criminal element in the Old South was said to be the result of Southern

    Religious Culture. So too have the crimes and sins of a powerful Elite, been

    blamed upon the widespread publication of the Bible and its resulting Western

    Civilization. The true goal is to create a New World Order and this can only be

    accomplished if the old Civilization has been discredited. The corollary to this

    attack upon Biblical Man has been guilt. Guilty men are men who whoseworldview immunity system has broken down. A healthy worldview will fight

    back when attacked, but when guilt has been imposed upon a worldview, men

    cannot fight back. For example, one reason Black and African culture has been

    2 Thomas Sowell. Black Rednecks and White Liberals. Encounter Books. 2005. P. 111.

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    able to infiltrate Western Man is that he feels guilty for African Slavery and thus

    feels that opposing an anti-Christian African culture is the same as re-imposing

    slavery upon a captured people.

    Thomas Sowell documents the worldwide use of slaves. For example, theArabs systemically for hundreds of years sold white, European slaves. “At least a

    million Europeans were enslaved by North African pirates alone from 1500 to

    1800….”3  In the Middle Ages, so many Eastern European Slavs were sold into

    slavery that the very word for slavery derives from this practice. “China in

    centuries past has been described as ‘one of the largest and most comprehensive

    markets for the exchange of human beings in the world.’”4  In fact, there were

    more slaves in India that there ever were in the Western Hemisphere. And

    surprisingly, there was extensive slavery in the Americas long before Columbusarrived. The Ottoman Empire had a practice of enslaving young Balkan boys and

    using them in their civil and military establishments—after forcing them to

    convert to Islam.

    In the history of slavery, race was never a factor. People were enslaved

    because they had no choice, not because of how they looked. “Wherever a

    separate people were enslaved, they were disdained or despised, whether they

    were different by country, religion, caste, race, or tribe. The Europeans who wereenslaved in North Africa were despised and abused because they were Christians

    in a Moslem region of the world, where they were called ‘Christian dogs.’”5  White

    Slavery was not prohibited until 1885, long after the freeing of Blacks in America.

    (Of course, the very word freedom was changed in America. Freedom meant

    equality in every way to others in Western Culture, and the freedom to publically

    express one’s non-Christian and non-Western beliefs.)

    The re-definition of freedom in the United States is one of the weapons

    used by a ruling Elite to destroy Western and Christian Culture. To defend one’s

    worldview and culture is pictured as a form of evil colonialism. To defend

    Western Civilization is now classified as seeking to reintroduce slavery into the

    3 Sowell. P. 112.

    4 Sowell. P. 112.

    5 Sowell. P. 113.

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    United States. To defend the Bible is also pictured as seeking to introduce the

    Biblical notion of legal slavery and involuntary servitude. Of course, what is really

    feared is the introduction of Biblical values and Biblical courage into modern

    America. Anytime someone brings up Biblical morality they are pictured as

    someone seeking to create another Inquisition; and anytime someone thinks

    Biblical Laws are still valid in light of science and modern tolerance, immediately

    the speaker is shown to be a White Supremacist seeking to enslave those who live

    lives based upon the modern idea of liberation from Biblical values, i.e. Freedom.

    It will come as a surprise but it was the 18th

     century version of the religious

    right which led to the global abolition of slavery.6  It was the British colonial

    Empire which led this fight against slavery: it was Christian, Biblical, and Western

    Civilization that fought throughout the earth to end the last bastions of slavery.The British, through their navy and the control of the global waters, sought out

    slave ships. In 1849, the British navy went into Brazilian waters and destroyed

    ships that were used in the slave trade. The British successfully threatened the

    Ottoman Empire to end its traffic in slaves. Even the hated Germans, “… in their

    East Africa colonies, often hanged slave traders on the spot when they caught

    them in the act.”7 

    Other European nations also led the assault upon the slave trade. It wasthe Christian West and its King James Bible was persuaded the people of Northern

    Europe to fight for the lives of unknown foreigners. “No non-Western nation or

    civilization shared this animosity toward slavery that began to develop in the

    Western world in the late eighteenth century, reach its peak in the nineteenth

    century, and continued to fuel the anti-slavery efforts that were still necessary in

    much of Africa and Middle East on into the first half of the twentieth century.”8 

    Today the Bible is often pictured as just another book of colonialism, but it was

    the belief that God created every man upon the earth that led to the NorthernEuropean hatred of slavery.

    6 Sowell. P. 116.

    7 Sowell. P. 117.

    8 Sowell. P. 117.

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      Those nations that did not have the King James Bible reacted in

    astonishment at the West’s condemnation of a practice that was seen as natural

    as the air their people breathed. The Sultan of the Ottoman Empire said this to

    the British when they confronted his nation’s involvement with slavery: “… I have

    been heard with extreme astonishment accompanied with a smile at a

    proposition for destroying an institution closely inter-woven with the frame of

    society in this country, and intimately connected with the law and with the habits

    and even the religion of all classes, from the Sultan himself on down to the lowest

    peasant.”9  If men are mere animals, then the strongest animals are entitled to

    own lesser animals. It is the book of Genesis that makes each man special and

    each man with an eternal soul: this makes even the lowest peasant or serf,

    valuable as a person.

    The Maoris of New Zealand regularly enslaved their fellow Polynesians with

    the following rationale: “We took possession … in accordance with our customs

    and we caught all the people. Not one escaped. Some ran away from us, those

    we killed, and others we killed—but what of that? It was in accordance with our


      (Emphasis added.) The ruler of Zanzibar said this to the British envoy

    when pressured to end the slave trade: “When Palmerton continued to press for

    an end to the slave trade, Said pleaded that if he acceded to British demands his

    subjects would withdraw their loyalty from him, and support another claimant to

    the throne. And we he not looked up to by all Arabs generally ‘as the person who

    should protect and guarantee for them their dearest interest—the right to carry

    on the slave trade?’ He reminded Hamerton that Arabs were not ‘like the English

    and other European people who were always reading writing’ and were unable to

    understand the anti-slavery viewpoint. The British obsession with it was quite

    inexplicable to them.”11


    The people throughout the earth could never understand the obsessionEuropeans had in protecting the lowest peoples upon the earth: no one fights

    wars to protect mere animals. And yet, despite the efforts of the Europeans to

    9 Sowell. P. 117.

    10 Sowell. P. 117-8.

    11 Sowell. P. 118.

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    end, not only slavery, but the very concept of human inequality, the Europeans

    are blamed for slavery and the White Man is consider the founding father of the

    mistreatment of mankind. Most Americans acquired their views about slavery

    from the fictional work, Roots, by Alex Haley. It was converted into one of the

    most popular TV shows of all time. Haley justified his mission through his fictional

    work, “I tried to give my people a myth to live by.”12

      It is this myth which

    converted America into a nation where the Whites felt guilty and the Blacks hated

    all Whites for their inherent hatred of Black people.

    Sowell writes this about the true nature of servitude: “Contrary to the

    ‘myths to live by’ crated by Alex Haley and others, Africans were by no means the

    innocents portrayed in Roots, baffled as to why white men were coming in and

    taking their people away in chains. On the contrary, the region of West Africafrom which Kunte Kinte supposedly came was one of the great slave-trading

    regions of the continent—before, during, and after the white man arrived. It was

    the Africans who enslaved their fellow Africans, selling some of these slave to

    Europeans or to Arabs and keeping others for themselves. Even at the peak of

    Atlantic slave trade, Africans retained more slaves for themselves than they sent

    to the Western Hemisphere.”13

      Slavery existed from the beginning of history and

    it existed among all races and in all nations.

    Of course, historical propaganda has told everyone about the number of

    slaves who died on shipboard during their journey to the Americas. However, this

    truth is a half-truth: “… a white man was more likely to catch malaria in Africa

    than to catch slaves himself. …the death rates among white crews of the ships

    carrying slaves to the Western Hemisphere were as high as the death rates among

    the slaves themselves.”14

      Conditions aboard the old sailing ships were never

    hospitable to human life. Those who could not afford ‘first class’ passage to the

    Americas, spent weeks in crowded, cramped, and filthy conditions. Many died onroute to America. The Irish who came to America during the great Irish Famine,

    endured terrible conditions below deck during their journey. Death was common.

    12 Sowell. P. 114.

    13 Sowell. P. 120.

    14 Sowell. P. 121.

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      While the conditions of the slave taken to the Americas were brutal, they

    were paradise to the brutal slave trade operated by the Arabs in northern Africa.

    When the British started enforcing their ban on the slave trade, the Arabs would

    throw slaves overboard if their capture was imminent. Sowell cites the

    experience of Dr. David Livingstone, the famous British explorer and missionary:

    “Dr. Livingstone also reported having nightmares for weeks after encountering

    Arab slave traders and their victims. Not only was this Christian missionary

    shocked by the brutality of the Arab slave traders, so was Mohammed Ali, the

    ruler of Egypt, who a battle-hardened military commander.”15

      The mortality rate

    among Blacks taken slave by the Arab Slave Traders was much higher than the

    death rate of Blacks taken to the Americas. Also, overall, many more Blacks went

    into slavery to Arabs than to those in the Americas. And yet little is written of

    that form of slavery.

    Consider this situation compared to the slaves who lived in the Southern

    portion of the United States: “By a variety of accounts, most of the slaves who

    were marched across the Sahara toward the Mediterranean died on the way.

    While these were mostly women and girls, the males faced a special danger—

    castration to produce the eunuchs in demand as harem attendants in the Islamic

    world. … The great majority of those operated on died as a result, but the price of

    eunuchs was so much higher than the prices of other slaves that the practice was

    still profitable on net balance.”16

      Being educated under America’s free education

    propaganda system, I learned about Southern slavery, but I never learned about

    the other forms of slavery that were much, much more brutal.

    The movie Khartoum, is mostly remembered as the heroic efforts to defeat

    the Mohammed Mahad by Major Gordon, played by Charlton Heston. The movie

    downplays the slavery aspect of the war between the Mahdi and Gordon. It was

    Gordon’s goal to eliminate slavery and the slave trade, and it was f or this, as aChristian, that he sacrificed his life. While the movie gave the impression of the

    British attempting to extend their colonial power, the war was about ending the

    slave trade. It was a case of White men fighting Arabs to protect the Blacks. “On

    15 Sowell. P. 125.

    16 Sowell. P. 126.

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    not free, but dispensed with strict contractual commitments, i.e. slavery or


    Meltzer writes: “As the desire for slave labor grew, there were always men

    eager to profit from it. Kidnapping and piracy became good business to meet ascarcity or satisfy a growing demand. The traffic in slaves became one of the

    earliest forms of commerce. Slaves were sent as commodities to wherever their

    muscle or skill, beauty or brains, would bring the highest price.”20

     The bottom

    line is that just as the cattle and sheep, humans were considered as just another

    form of animal. It is the Bible which teaches that all men are special. It is God

    who makes the animal that is man become a living soul. Without this Revelation,

    the only animal that is a ‘person’ is one who is connected with some earthly

    source of power. Usually, this is the government, the king, or emperor.

    It is essential to understand the Biblical nature of man’s humanity. When

    man lacks God’s Revelation, he creates his own reality. And this reality from the

    very beginning, involved the domestication of human ‘animals.’ Of course, the

    human animals had no more rights than the cattle and sheep that early man has

    also domesticated. Now, the Bible states that God has placed His Revelation

    inside all of us and it is there, even if not acknowledged. All men have something

    inside of themselves that they are higher than the animals and theirconsciousness reveals a soul which is eternal and something special that reflects

    the image of a creator. Slavery, when it converts man to an animal, it denies a

    reality created by God.

    Meltzer writes: “It seems safe to say that a sense of one’s own worth is at

    the root of morality. By denying a man’s humanity, slavery prevents him from

    developing a sense of human dignity. As for the master, the habit of domination

    tends to poison every aspect of his life. For when themaster’s whim controls

    every movement of his slave, the master’s power of self -control is weakened and

    destroyed. The master who recognizes no humanity in his slave loses it in


     This can be seen in reverse form in the Old South. The many Christians

    20 Meltzer. P. 3.

    21 Meltzer. P. 4.

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    in the South who owned slaves, insisted that the relationships be personal. The

    family farm or plantation did become, as a consequence, one big family. The

    slaves would be brought into the house if taken ill, and the slaves would often

    have to load money to their master to help him through tough times. Of course,

    history books thrive on documenting the worst cases of slavery—which in the

    South was the exception.

    The Bible has been universally criticized for failing to condemn slavery.

    However, what is missed is the fact that the Bible restores all relationships to

    being one between co-creations of God. When the slaves are treated as having

    eternal souls, the foundations of the traditional forms of slavery as practiced

    throughout history are undermined. It is essential to document the conditions of

    slaves who lived outside the protection of Biblical Law and Biblical Revelation ofpersonhood. “The institution of slavery was universal throughout much of

    history. It was a tradition everyone grew up with. It seemed essential to the

    social and economic life of the community, and man’s conscience was seldom

    troubled by it. Both master and slave looked upon it as inevitable. … Slavery

    existed in every society as a vital part of economic life. Yet most ancient authors

    did not write about it as a problem. They may have conjectured about its origins

    or detailed the slave’s life, but few imagined it was possible to abolish it.”22


    It is estimated that the first slaves resulted from those who were captured

    during the many territorial conflicts and power conflicts between small nations

    who both desired the same land or resources. Actually, a captured soldier was

    also an investment, as the soldier could be ransomed or he could earn his

    freedom. However, it did not take long for those who control the finances of a

    nation to discover that debt was a great recruiting tool for slavery. The advantage

    of a debt slave is that he is from the same locality and nationality as the ones

    making the loans. Also, the debtor can easily made to feel guilty for his failureand to blame himself for his condition. (Even today, most people do not

    understand that a debt money system is designed to produce failures.) The

    22 Meltzer. P. 6.

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    captured soldier may attempt to escape to his home, but the debt slave is already

    at home.

    Even in the early times in Samaria (about 200 B.C.), debt economies

    existed. “In some periods the interest rates on loans soared, and tenant farmerswere squeezed hard by their creditors for larger shares of their crops. The poor

    people were drowned in debt and were often forced to sell sons or daughters into

    slavery. Sometimes a father simply handed over a child to his creditor to cancel a

    debt. … For a long time the temples were the biggest landowners and employers. 

    Gradually the king’s own estates, stores, and workshops expanded, using more

    and more hired labor and slaves. Society became largely state-dominated as the

    temple economy was subjected to the king. The majority of the Sumerians were

    tightly controlled by government and practically enslaved.”23  It could easily bemaintained that two of major results of the Fall of Mankind have been the desire

    to create a government that replaces God’s rule upon the earth; and the desire to

    man to live outside of God’s law and to be free from the consequences of  law-


    The famous ancient King Hammurabi (about 1792-1750 B.C.), established

    slavery, according to his system of laws. Over a ten year period, he was able to

    destroy all competing kingdoms and unite them under his single rule. Powerbecame consecrated in his hands. “He announced that he had been ‘called’ by

    the gods ‘to promote the welfare of the people.’”24

      He did establish some rights

    for the individual, but the real power resided with the state. Hammurabi

    recognized slavery as being in the interests of the state, and he sought to protect

    slaves from injustice from the slave owner. While the state did protect the slave,

    anyone who harbored an escaped slave was executed.

    In Old Testament history, the stories of Assyria and Babylon intertwine

    vitally with the God’s People. One thing I remember most from my first readings

    of the Old Testament was the organized violence that one witnessed during these

    times. Modern man certainly has no monopoly upon violence or brutality.

    23 Meltzer. P. 12.

    24 Meltzer. P. 15.

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    Americans have largely been sheltered from mass violence, except for the South

    during the Civil War. Throughout history, secure borders between nations have

    largely been non-existent. The same thing applied to one’s own property deed. A

    person only owns a piece a property as long as the State has no desire to use it.

    Also, a nation’s border is only as secure as it is able to defend. A border not

    backed up without the threat of violence is not a border except on someone’s

    map. Wars and the resultant pool of captured slaves have been universal

    throughout history.

    The following illustrates the nature of a predatory government: “The

    number of slaves increased steadily under the two kingdoms. The Assyrian rulers

    waged wars year after year, eventually conquering most of the Near East. These

    may have started as ‘preventive’ wars to protect their land from enemyneighbors, but they inevitably became predatory wars. Victory meant loot and

    slaves. With superior military power, the Assyrians were able to plunder other

    states and force payment of ransom and tribute. Almost every spring, the

    Assyrians swept down upon their victims, burned their villages and towns,

    destroyed their fields and orchards, and massacred anyone who resisted.”25


    pattern has been repeated over and over throughout history. The nature of the

    battles has changed, but the nature of evil rulers has not changed one bit.

    Somehow, the masses have been told that wearing a suit and tie and looking

    straight into the camera means the ruler is a nice and decent person. Another

    aspect of reality that has been lost with the thrashing of the Bible is the revelation

    of man’s totally evil nature, if given the opportunity. 

    Meltzer adds a statement from the emperor Ashurnasirpal II, (884-859

    B.C.) who “… executed hostile kings and tortured unarmed and innocent civilians

    by the most atrocious methods.”26

      Remember, those not taken into captivity and

    slavery were subjected to the following:

    “I built a pillar over against his city gate and I flayed all the chiefs who had

    revolted, and I covered the pillar with their skin. Some I walled up within the

    25 Meltzer. P. 18.

    26 Meltzer. P. 18.

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    pillar, some I impaled upon the pillar on stakes, and others I bound to stakes

    round about the pillar…. And I cut the limbs of the officers, of the royal officers

    who had rebelled…. Man captives from among them I burned with fire, and many

    I took as living captives. From some I cut off their noses, their ears and their

    fingers; of many I put out the eyes. I made one pillar of the living and another of

    heads, and I bound their heads to tree trunks round about the city. Their young

    men and maidens I burned in the fire. Twenty men I captured alive and I

    immured them in the wall of his palace. … The rest of their warriors I consumed

    with thirst in the desert of the Euphrates…..”27


    The next great empire in Old Testament times was the Babylonian Empire

    and ruled by the infamous Nebuchadnezzar II (605-562 B.C.), who also adopted

    the policy of ‘invade, destroy, and enslave.’ The Biblical prophet Jeremiah wrotethe following:

    “5 But the Chaldeans' army pursued after them, and overtook Zedekiah in the

    plains of Jericho: and when they had taken him, they brought him up to

    Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon to Riblah in the land of Hamath, where he gave

     judgment upon him.

    6 Then the king of Babylon slew the sons of Zedekiah in Riblah before his eyes:

    also the king of Babylon slew all the nobles of Judah.

    7 Moreover he put out Zedekiah's eyes, and bound him with chains, to carry him

    to Babylon.

    8 And the Chaldeans burned the king's house, and the houses of the people, with

    fire, and brake down the walls of Jerusalem.

    9 Then Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carried away captive into Babylon

    the remnant of the people that remained in the city, and those that fell away, thatfell to him, with the rest of the people that remained.”28


    27 Meltzer. P. 18-19.

    28  Jeremiah 39: 5-9


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      The above scenario occurred many times in the Old Testament as the

    people of God were carried off to captivity, i.e. slavery. For the people of God,

    slavery was always the result of God’s people rebelling against His Laws--His rule

    over them. The greatest of these times of slavery is when the nation of Israel was

    taken captive to Babylon and engaged to build the massive projects for the

    Emperors. Babylon also used slaves in its army. It is also of interest that“The

    slaves of Mesopotamia were branded as the animals were. The brand might be a

    symbol or the name of the owner.29

      These events in the Old Testament are vital

    to the understanding of the whole Bible. When men rebel against God, they not

    only lose their humanity, they become slaves to some person, some sin, some

    institution, or some government. The Bible talks about people who rebel against

    God and submit to an anti-Christ Order, as being branded. Some entity other

    than God owns that person and he has become a slave who is treated much as an

    animal would be treated. (As I continue in this discussion of the nature of slavery

    and modern times, it is important to remember the significance of slavery

    throughout history.)

    Of course, central to the Old Testament story are the events surrounding

    the Exodus of Israel from Egypt. I will be dealing with this later. Right now, I want

    to document the condition of slaves within the Roman Empire. While the Old

    Testament centered around the conditions within Egypt for God’s people, the

    New Testament centers around the lives of Jesus and the early Christians within

    the Roman Empire. The reduction of the human as a special creation by God to

    the level of an animal is totally exemplified by the way it used slaves within the

    Roman system. Just as Jesus is pictured as a new Adam ruling over a new

    creation, the Christians saw themselves as a new Israel living within the confines

    of a new Egypt.

    The nation of Israel that existed during the days of Jesus was seen as nationthat had become enslaved to Rome because it had violated God’s Laws and

    rebelled against His purpose for His people. Just as plagues came upon Egypt,

    Jesus announced God’s judgment upon the nation of Israel. In Matthew 24, Jesus

    29 Meltzer. P. 22.

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    proclaimed the judgments that were about to come the people during their

    lifetime. Just as the judgments upon the Pharaoh resulted in the freedom of

    God’s people from slavery to an evil kingdom, so the judgments about to come

    upon the nation of Israel would result in God establishing a new Kingdom. This

    new kingdom would become the invisible yeast that would permeate the whole


      The Exodus of God’s people out of the old nation Israel, which God would

     judge with a new set of plagues; and the creation of a new Kingdom, is the theme

    that marked the creation of the Church.

    It was during this time of God’s people participated in a new Exodus, that

    the Roman Empire was sinking into a time of total corruption. Part of this

    corruption was the public exaltation of slavery. Meltzer writes: “The human

    beings that Rome enslaved in her wars of conquest were used up rapidly andrecklessly. At a time when lives were wasted in such vast numbers, the wholesale

    butchery of men for public pleasure was not questioned. Torture and floggings

    were commonplace, and people were executed by the most fiendish means.

    Sadistic cruelty seemed to lie just beneath man’s surface, ready to operate

    whenever given the chance.”31

      When Christianity escaped from the bonds of the

    false nation of Israel and its legal trappings, it was thrust into the world of Rome.

    The Kingdom of God was born inside the Roman Empire and the early Christians

    were called upon to live a life according to the laws of God’s Kingdom. 

    A large part of Rome was the mass spectacles to bring some form of

    excitement to the masses. The gladiator was a large part of this government by

    diversion practiced by the corrupt leaders of Rome. “The gladiators … were

    chosen from among slaves, war captives and condemned criminals. Death in the

    arena was the sentence given to criminals for such offenses as murder, treason,

    robbery, arson, and sacrilege. Many gladiators hated their imprisonment and

    brutalizing training, and mutinied or killed themselves rather than submit to theirfate. …most gladiators were slaves, who had no choice in their fate.”

    32  And

    30 Matthew 13: 33. “Another parable spake he unto them: The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a

    woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.” 31

     Meltzer. P. 163.32

     Meltzer. P. 163.

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    these spectacles were not confined to Rome itself but were extremely popular

    throughout the provinces. Great amphitheaters were built just about everywhere

    for this purpose.

    It is important to understand that the Christians, while not participating inthese events (hopefully), did not organize protests in ending these evil events. It

    is important to understand this because the Christians who lived in the old South

    are condemned today for not violently organizing against the slave system. There

    were a large number of political action groups seeking a peaceful end to slaver.

    The North wanted an armed uprising by the slaves, similar to the one in Haiti

    where every man, woman, and child of the white race was brutally murdered:

    The way to end slavery was to kill all of the masters and their families. (The

    condition of Haiti today is a good example of the long term ramifications of such aphilosophy.)

    The nature of these gladiatorial games is important to understand. A

    private contractor would stage these events for a price. During a show, lasting up

    to a week, one half of the gladiators would be killed. Hence, the contractor had

    to continually buy more slaves for his business operation to continue. As the

    empire declined, the games become more and more vital for the government.

    “By the fourth century A.D., the number of days devoted to games and spectaclesin Rome had risen to 175 a year. … Animals were used to vary the monotony of

    human death. Panthers, ostriches, giraffes, crocodiles, lynxes, boars, wolves,

    lions, tigers, elephants—gathered from all over the known world—were paraded

    or made to perform circus acts. … Bear fought buffalo, buffalo fought elephant,

    elephant fought rhinoceros. In one day the Emperor Nero [reigned 54-68 A.D.]

    set 400 tigers to battle with bulls and elephants. …they slew animals in incredible

    numbers: 5,000 when Titus [reigned 79-81 A.D.] inaugurated the Coliseum in 80

    A.D; 2,246 in on of Trajan’s festivals.”33 

    There are two important things to remember from this section: slavery has

    existed for thousands of years and it often persisted among people of the same

    race or color of their skin. Slavery was not just for the purpose of building great

    33 Meltzer. P. 170.

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    monuments or theaters, or working on the farms, but slaves were to be used as

    you would use any other animal: just as the animal was used for sacrifice or

    entertainment. The philosophy of slavery during history is totally contrary to the

    Laws of the Kingdom of God, and yet the Kingdom of God existed at the same

    time as the cruelest forms of slavery. Second, the Kingdom of God is to operate

    as yeast amidst the dough: the whole loaf is gradually affected by the yeast. The

    Kingdom of God is to operate as a process within history, but it is not to be the

    instigator of Revolutions. One reason is this: Revolutions only kill people, but

    ideas are never killed in such wars.

    Now there are two reactions to the above from the perspective of those

    living in the 21st

     century: Revolutions may only kill people, but maybe we can

    create a revolution that kills the right people. The other reaction is to retire tothe thrill of the spectacle: this could be either the thrill of American

    entertainment, or the thrill of false spirituality. The Revolutionary needs an

    enemy in order to start a revolution. During the American Civil War, an enemy

    was created in the Old South and its Christian social standards. The Civil War was

    based upon the idea of REVOLUTION. Those who lived in the Old South

    attempted to operate God’s Kingdom within the structures inherited from the

    past. Revolution destroys opposition; Christianity undermines opposition.

    Every student in American schools learns about Southern Slavery, but never

    learns about the history of slavery. Slavery existed in every area of the world

    throughout history, and slave owners were of every color and race. The

    Christians in the South sought to transform slavery by recognizing the common

    creation of all men under God. Christians would purchase slaves with the purpose

    of teaching them the Bible and converting them from the pagan religions of Africa

    to Christianity. Christians and slaves would work together in the fields, side by

    side. For example, consider the following: “It has now been demonstrated withhard economic data that the slaves of the Old South fared much better than

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    factory workers in the North with respect to health, diet, leisure, longevity, and

    general well-being.”34


    Many slaves in the Old South purchased their freedom: it was found that

    the best way to motivate the workers in the field was to pay them for productivelabor. Hence, many slaves acquired enough to purchase their freedom and even

    establish their own farms, plantations, and businesses. That was the Kingdom of

    God principle at work as the treatment of people as images of God will transform

    a social system in time. The Revolution of the North liberated the slaves only

    from one form of slavery, only to introduce them to the impersonal system of the

    factory and the corporation. The corporation replaced the plantation in America.

    The corporation treated men like animals to be used and discarded according to

    the principles of good business practices.

    A good example of the Old South is this speech given by the Southern

    Abolitionist, James McDowell, in 1832 in the Virginia House of Delegates. He was

    also the governor of the southern state of Virginia from 1843-1846. He stated

    that no what you do to a slave, you cannot erase his natural desire to be free. He

    also stated the following about the institution of Southern slavery that he

    despised: “It is true, sir, to the letter, what gentlemen have frequently declared,

    that there is no laboring peasantry in any other part of the world, who, in allexternal respects, are better situated than our slave,--who suffers less from want,

    who suffers less from hardship, who struggles less under the toils of life, and or

    who has a fuller supply of the comforts which mere physical nature demands. In

    all these respects he shares the equalizing and benignant spirit of our institutions

    and our age. He is not the victim of cruelty of cruelty. He is rarely, if ever, harmed

    by oppression. He is governed by an authority which year after year is abating of

    its harshness, and is admitted to every privilege which the deprivation of his

    liberty can allow.”35 

    In light of the above, consider the history of slavery throughout the world,

    and compare that with the conditions of Southern Slaves. The major reason for

    34 John Remington Graham. Blood Money: The Civil War and the Rederal Reserve. Pelican Publishing. 2006.

    P. 21.35

     Graham. P. 20-21.

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    based upon racial slavery. In the old country, England ruled the world with its

    Empire by subjecting non-Whites to the colonial rule of the White Englishman. It

    was this colonial mentality that the White man brought to America and he sought

    to ‘colonialize’ the continent, much as England made a giant colony out of the


    The facts of history that do not fit into this paradigm have been eliminated

    from American history textbooks and the American media’s view of the world. I

    documented earlier the fact that the Pilgrim Fathers in Plymouth were making

    good progress in converting the Indians to Christianity, when other Indians

    realized that their pagan beliefs were in danger of being destroyed. The non-

    Christian Indians enveloped the whole region in a giant Indian War and resulting

    massacre on both sides. I also covered the fact that the Indians of the East Coastwere actually Europeans who had been shipwrecked or for some other reason,

    left to survive in the then desolate land. That is the reason there are so many pre-

    Columbus artifacts found in Eastern America. The Roman Empire had a tin mine

    in North America.

    I dealt with this extensively earlier, but I want to add two points to this

    discussion. First, many whites came to America as slaves. And they did not arrive

    on red carpets. Of course, you might say, their time of service was limited. True,but , up to thirty per cent did not survive the first year ofservice. “Once debarked

    at the small Chesapeake ports and riverside inlets on the mainland, the incoming

    servants found themselves transformed into commodities—commoditized units

    of labor. …mere physical survival for the newly recruited laborers was still the

    most immediate problem. … In Middlesex County, Virginia, ‘only a minority lived

    to the end of their service and joined the ranks of the free.’”36

     The surviving

    letters and diaries from these white slaves describe horrible conditions. The

    textbooks often emphasize the conditions of the slaves and compare theseconditions with the plantation owners. That is a false comparison.

    Actually, the Black slave often had better conditions because the owner

    wanted the slave he paid for to survive and have many productive years. The

    36 Bernard Bailyn. The Barbarous Years. Alfred A. Knopf Books. 2012. P. 169-170.

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    White Slave was only owned for maybe seven years, and the owner had no

    interest in seeing his slave to survive longer than that time. “In general, Whites

    were not treated with the relative dignity the term ‘indentured servants’

    connotes, but as degraded chattel—part of the personal estate of the master and

    on part with his farm animals. The term ‘indentured servitude’ therefore is

    nothing more than a propagandistic softening of the historic experience of

    enslaved White people in order to make a false distinction between their

    sufferings and those of negro slaves.”37

      Hoffman adds this which compares with

    the African Slave Trade: “At the bare minimum, hundreds of thousands of White

    slaves were kidnapped off the streets and roads of Great Britain in the course of

    more than one hundred and fifty years and sold to captains of slaveships in

    London known as ‘White Guineamen.’”38


    Hoffman writes about aspects of slavery that are never, and I mean never,

    talked about today. There are historical episodes that have been deliberately lost

    in order to create remembered events that support the modern worldview. For

    example, in the year 1670, some ten thousand whites were kidnapped from the

    streets of England. The word kidnapper comes from the act of nabbing children

    from England and selling them into slavery, i.e. kid nabbers. Did you ever learn

    about this form of slavery in your American government education? Of course

    not, because they do not the Whites to know that they also were victims of


    When Cromwell (1599-1658) fought against Ireland during his reign in

    England, he forced the Irish captives into slavery. Hoffman cites George Novack

    who states this: “Over a hundred thousand men, women and children were

    seized by the English troops and shipped to the West Indies, where they were

    sold into slavery….”39

      Cromwell in 1655 signed an order authorizing the selling of

    young Irish women into slavery. “A week later Henry Cromwell ordered that1,500 Irish boys aged 12 to 14 also be shipped into slavery with the Irish girls in

    37 Michael A. Hoffman II. They Were White and They Were Slaves: the Untold History of the Enslavement of

    Whites in Early America. Wiswell Ruffin House. 1991. P. 25.38

     Hoffman. P. 27.39

     Hoffman. P. 27.

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    the steaming topics of Jamaica and Barbados in circumstances which killed off

    White adult slaves by the thousands due to the rigors of field work in that climate

    and the savage brutality of their overseers.”40


    This policy of conquering the Irish resulted in more than one hundredthousand Irish being sold into slavery. “By the time Cromwell’s men had finished

    with the Irish people, only one-sixth of the Irish population remained on their


      Cromwell also made use of internment camps in his war against the Irish

    Catholics. However, Cromwell the Protestant, also sold fellow Protestants into

    slavery. First he started by ordering the round up of two thousand English

    women for deportation and sale into slavery. After this, the homeless poor of

    Scotland were rounded up and sold into slavery. Cromwell is regarded as a

    Protestant hero for ridding England of King Charles I.

    The people quickly tired of Cromwell’s strict methods of cleaning up the

    nation and brought back a King, Charles II. “During the restoration reign of

    Charles II, the king with Catholic sympathizers who had been Cromwell’s arch-

    enemy, King Charles enslaved large groups of poor Presbyterians and Scottish

    Covenanters and deported them to the plantations in turn.”42

      Writers at the time

    indicated that these White Slaves fared worse than the slaves transported from

    Africa. The English always maintained that those shipped off were criminals, butin that time, it was quite easy to become a criminal.

    Hoffman provides the following example of how easily one could become

    sent to Barbados. “In 1655 four teenagers were whipped through the streets of

    Edinburgh, Scotland, burned behind the ears and ‘barbadosed’ for interrupting a

    minister, James Scott, while he was preaching in church.”43

      It was indeed

    dangerous to live in England during those times, even though England is often

    considered one of the more civilized nations during that era. Hoffman concludes:

    “White slaves included not just paupers but such ‘wicked villaines’ as ‘vagrants,

    40 Hoffman. P. 27.

    41 Hoffman. P. 28.

    42 Hoffman. P. 28.

    43 Hoffman. P. 29-30.

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    beggars, disorderly and other dissolute persons’ as well as White children from

    the counties and towns of Britain who were stolen from their parents….”44


    It is important to remember that I am merely documenting here the

    treatment of the White lower class in England. Another whole story could bewritten about the treatment of Protestant dissidents in England during this era. It

    was very dangerous to be politically incorrect. The Book, Foxe’s Book of Martyrs,

    first published in 1563 and contained 1800 pages documenting the persecution of

    Christians in England and Scotland during the English Reformation. While

    Americans have learned much about the slave trade, little is known about the

    sufferings of the White Race in its attempt to be free from tyrannical

    governments and to be free to publish and read the Bible. The Whites have been

    convinced that their heritage is one of an evil colonial ruler and persecutor of allthose who do not share the same skin color.


    Second, the White Race has also been indicted for its treatment of the

    humble Indian who lived at peace with everyone and with his environment.

    However, again the true nature of the Indian problem is rarely stated. The

    Indians often initiated the violent conflicts, and raised the level of violence to new

    levels. The attempts of the White men to convert the Indian and civilize his pagan

    ways have been slanted to impugn the good intentions of the White Race and toassociate Christianity with slavery, colonialism, and exploitation. Because White

    Christians either attend government schools, or attend private schools that use

    governmentally approved textbooks, most White kids grow up thinking that sin

    originated with the White race.

    44 Hoffman. P. 30.

    45 Hoffman cites a letter by one young white servant, i.e. slave, girl written back to England. She wrote: “Honored

    Father: …O Dear Father … I am sure you’ll pity your distressed daughter. What we unfortunate English people

    suffer here is beyond the probability of you in England to conceive.

    Lit it suffice that I am one of the unhappy number toiling day and night, and very often in the horse’s

    druggery, with only the comfort of hearing me called, ‘You, bitch, you did not do half enough.’ 

    Then I am tied up and whipped to that degree that you’d not serve an animal. I have scarce any thing but

    Indian corn and salt to eat and that even begrudged. Nay, many negroes are better used…. 

    …after slaving after Master’s pleasure, what rest we can get is to wrap ourselves up in a blanket and lay

    upon the ground. This is the deplorable condition your poor Betty endures….” (P. 69.) 

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    Certainly, every race has its criminal element. However, when history is

    based upon this criminal element, then the historical record then becomes pure

    propaganda. I never read in school about all of the missionary work that was

    done among the native populations. I have never read about all of the Christian

    charities which sought to integrate the Indian into American culture. I only read

    about the greedy White Man seeking to steal land from the Indian and seeking to

    rob him of his great heritage. Christianity was pictured as a doctrine which sought

    to turn native Americans into slaves to an ideology totally contrary to their

    natural instincts. In fact, Christianity spread through all of northern Europe by

    being a missionary faith and that did not cease when the settlers came to

    America. However, now conversion was pictured as an evil which destroyed the

    spirit of the native Americans. The broken-spirited Indian pictured in the

    textbooks was caused by White Men attempted to convert the Indians to

    something that was contrary to his true self. For this, White Man must be held

    account and should feel the guilt of his actions.

    I certainly learned growing up in politically correct schools, that the White

    Protestant man enslaved the Black race, and that the White European settlers

    came to the Americas and stole the land from the Indians.46

      The message to the

    student was always one of ‘shame on you, White man.’ When a person has been

    immersed in guilt and shame, he becomes open to manipulation. That is why it is

    so important to understand the connection between the White race, Western

    Civilization, and Christianity. It is quite easy to trace the dominant forms of

    Christianity from Israel, to Rome, and then to England and Northern Europe.

    There have been great Christians in all parts of the world, but those Christians

    drew upon the knowledge and work of those Christians in Northern Europe, i.e.

    White people.

    46 I regularly drive from coast to coast across the United States. The first time I did this I was shocked by how much

    open space there is. In a nation over three hundred million, I kept wondering, Where are all the people? When

    the first settlers arrived to North America there may have been as few as a million natives living in what is called

    the lower 48. Some estimate it as low as a quarter million. The large number of ‘native’ Americans is derived by

    including the total number of people living in both North and South America when Columbus arrived. In the 19th


    century scholars believed the total pre-Columbus population to be ten million. As White guilt has increased, so has

    the total been increased possibly up to 50 million. Either way, there was a lot of land and a population around that

    of California today.

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    The faults of the White Man are pushed forward as being an example of his

    worldview, and the positive traits of the Indian have been sanctified, and their evil

    pagan ways have sanitized. Many of the settlers just wanted to share the land

    with the Indians as they were sharing the land with the other settlers. This desire

    for peace was used against the White Man. “The warriors would wander, casually

    and unarmed, with provisions to sell, into English settlements where they were

    well know, and then at a given time they would grab any object they could find—

    spade, ax, gun, knife, rock, log, tong—and murder every person they could reach,

    man, woman, or child, and they would burn all the building and crops.”47


    Indians understood that they were in a religious and cultural war with the White

    Man. The White Man just assumed the Indian would recognize the superiority of

    Western religion and culture. It was difficult for many to understand the hatred

    of a pagan religion for Christianity.48


    The Indian wars pictured in history books or in the movies are quite

    different in reality. Consider the following story about the Jamestown area: “In

    plantation after plantation from west to east, north and south of the James, the

    Indians turned on their unsuspecting hosts, in some places while sharing

    ‘breakfast with people at their tables,’ and with axes, hammers, shovels, tools,

    and knives slaughtered them indiscriminately, ‘not sparing eyther age or sexe,

    man, woman, or childe; so sodaine in their curell execution that few or none

    discerned the weapon or blow that brought them to destruction.’ Those in the

    fields or otherwise at work were tracked down and murdered ‘contrary to all

    lawes of God and men, of nature & nations.’ And the horror was compounded by

    the attackers ‘defacing dragging, and mangling the dead carcasses into many

    pieces, and carrying some parts away in derision, with base and brutish



    The settlers may have been accustomed the brutal treatment by the King’sMen, but the level of savagery, hatred, and brutality by their ‘peers’ was

    47 Bernard Bailyn. The Barbarous Years. Knopf. 2012. P. 101.

    48 The same illusion is held by the 21

    st century Christian. He cannot believe that there is an evil class of

    sophisticated, well-education elites that want to destroy him and destroy Christianity. He naively believes that

    everyone believes in the superiority of Christian morality and Western Civilization.49

     Bailyn. P. 102.

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    something they could not understand. In fact, the efforts to teach Christianity or

    Civilization to the Indian brought out the most hatred. “Houses were burned to

    the ground, crops were plundered, equipment wrecked, animals killed, maimed,

    or driven off. And the Indians’ protectors and advocates among the settlers were,

    it seems, singled out for attack, as if the acculturation they had sought, with its

    assumption of divine sanction, was a special danger that had to be utterly


      The politically correct view states that these attacks were racial.

    No, they were religious attacks. Modern men cannot understand the nature of

    religion as he no longer believes in an religion.

    When, after the Civil War, the people in Washington, D.C. began a process

    of forceful integration, they operated upon the principles of Evolution. There was

    no reason, in their worldview, why the freed slaves and the subjected Whitescould not just live together. In actuality, these two races were of two different

    religions and two different worldviews. Just as the Indians realized that the ways

    of the Indian and the ways of the White Man could not be integrated, the

    surviving Southerners understood that Southern religion and culture could not be

    integrated with African religion and culture. It had nothing to do with race.

    Those blacks who accepted Christianity and Western Civilization were readily

    accepted among the Southerners. However, acceptance was based upon a

    common religion and common culture, not the integration of two disparate


    Those who have sought to replace Christianity and Western Civilization

    with their worldview have emphasized the racial differences as a smokescreen for

    their attempt to integrate divergent worldviews. Every should understand that

    the integration of two religions does not improve either religion, but only results

    in the destruction of both religions. The Roman Empire hated Christianity

    because it was a non-integrationist religion. All the other faiths in the Empirereadily integrated themselves into the Roman worldview in exchange for the

    license to operate legally. The White Christian man has been attacked for his

    refusal to integrate his beliefs in with those who would destroy the foundations of

    50 Bailyn. P. 101.

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    his beliefs. He is told that he is to feel guilty for his defense of Christian

    Civilization and for his resistance from the attacks of other races.

    Free men which Christianity and Western Civilization produced was the

    result of the freedom from guilt produced by the atoning substitutionary death ofJesus Christ. Christianity not only provided an ethical guide and worldview, it

    freed men from the past and from their guilt. Guilt free men are free men, and

    this is the basic freedom for which men strive. (Modernity has sought to

    eliminate guilt by denying its existence. This is not possible in God’s creation.)

    Those who would impose a new slavery upon mankind have sought to

    reintroduce guilt into the White and Western Civilization. R. J. Rushdoony writes:

    “The political cultivation of guilt is a central means to power, for guilty men are

    slaves; their conscience is in bondage, and hence they are easily made objects ofcontrol. Guilt is thus systematically taught for purposesof control.”


    The story of the importation of Blacks into America has been transformed

    into something exceeding the evils of the unnecessary wars fought by the United

    States. Crimes of war are pictured as being merely the lesser of two evils.

    However, any criminal act committed by any White Man involved in slavery is

    pictured as the result of the institution of slavery: a criminal system creates

    criminals, we are told. Consider the explanation of the guilt imposed uponAmericans for something that happened several hundred years ago: “…the white

    man is being systematically indoctrinated into believing that he is guilty of

    enslaving and abusing the Negro. Granted that some Negroes were mistreated as

    slaves, the fact still remains that nowhere in all history or in the world today has

    the Negro been better off. The life expectancy of the Negro increased when he

    was transported to America. He was not taken from freedom into slavery, but

    from a vicious slavery to degenerate chiefs to a generally benevolent slavery in

    the United States. There is not the slightest evidence that any America Negro hadever lived in a ‘free society’ in Africa; even the idea did not exist in Africa. The

    move from Africa to America was a vast increase of freedom for the Negro,

    materially and spiritually as well as personally. The Negroes were sold from a

    51 Rousas J. Rushdoony. The Politics of Guilt and Pity. The Craig Press. 1970. P. 19.

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    harsh slavery into a milder one. Slavery basic to the African way of life, to the

    point that slaves were the actual money of the African economy. Elsewhere, gold

    and silver served as money; in Africa, it was slaves.”52


    The whole purpose of rewriting American history has been to produce guiltin the White Man. He has been given guilt feelings for his religion, his history, his

    civilization, and his ancestors. The new evil in the 21st

     century is the White Man.

    In order for the New World Order to become a reality, the White Man’s heritage

    must be eliminated. In order to unite the world into one, the exclusiveness of

    Christianity must be expunged from the Christian beliefs. Western Civilization

    must be pictured as just a stepping stone to a greater global civilization, where

    everyone can become one. “*White guilt+ …is defective history and perverse

    politics. Its purpose is the cultivation of guilt in order to produce a submissivepopulace.”


    One of the most neglected aspects of slavery has been the mental makeup

    of a slave. Slavery as experienced by most throughout history goes against the

    natural grain of man’s created personality. The Bible also allows for slavery, but

    offers many details about its regulation. For example, the slave has the right to

    run away. Of course, there was no welfare system or public safety net to which

    he could flee. He could only flee to some other person willing to take care of himor to offer him some form of job. Also, every fifty years, the year of Jubilee, all

    slaves were set free. It is also worth noting that slavery was also voluntary where

    a slave could refused to be freed and could commit himself to serve his master for

    life. If a master was just, the life as a slave could be must better than that of the

    poor freedman.

    Hence, the life of a slave did have an attraction for a certain type of person,

    and to others it was felt, better to be free and poor, then a slave with a full

    stomach. Rushdoony writes: “… Irish immigrants were being transported on

    ships loaded with twice as many passages as the ship should hold, huddled down

    between decks, with too little food and water, and in conditions ‘as bad as the

    52 Rushdoony. P. 19.

    53 Rushdoony. P. 20.

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    slave trade,’ The condition of the Irish immigrants on arrival was far worse than

    that of slaves: they had no master to feed and clothe them or to provide shelter.

    The Irish moved from semi-slavery in Ireland to freedom in America only a few

    years before the Negro gained emancipation. After a century and a quarter, or

    less, the Irish are leading power in the United States, and the Negroes remain on

    the lowest strata. The basic difference between the Irish and the Negro has not

    been color: it has been character. The Negroes demand more aid, i.e., more

    slavery and slave-care, and dwell on their sufferings. The Irish have instead

    looked to the present and future and helped shape America. It is a significant

    different that cannot be explained altogether by color or environment. The

    Chinese also came to the United States under very difficult circumstances and

    similarly overcame them.”54


    Not only has White guilt been propagated among Christians, but it has been

    used to cover-up the mental makeup of a slave, and the modern forms of slavery.

    Southern Slavery is a tool to disarm the unsuspecting American that his thinking is

    being changed into a ‘slave mentality.’ 21st

     century slavery originates in one’s

    mind, and the government’s control of education and the media is being used to

    transform Christian Freedom into Statist slavery. In fact, only private slavery has

    been abolished inside the United States. The State now has a monopoly upon

    slaves. “In virtually all the world today, the citizenry is moving into slavery to the

    state. The obligations of citizenship are being replaced by the obligations of


      In fact, slavery is defined by law as Involuntary Servitude. If someone

    can require me to perform work, to that extend one is a slave to that person or

    institution. Does anyone doubt that the State can require one to work for it

    merely by the requirement that one keep financial records and file records of

    those records with the government’s tax bureaucracy? I personally know what

    happens when you resist the Draft—4,000 hours of community service.


    54 Rushdoony. P. 25.

    55 Rushdoony. P. 26.

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    The Bible provides God’s definitions of slavery and its operations within

    one’s minds.  The tyrant always attempts to change meanings and definitions andto install new meanings inside the minds of those he wishes to turn into passive

    subjects. First, consider the Biblical definition: “The … basic form of slavery is

    spiritual slavery, slavery to sin and to Satan. Satan has a property in the labor of

    the sinner: it is productive for him and serves him. The ground of liberty is Jesus

    Christ, who declared. ‘If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;

    and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free’ (John 8:31,32) The

    roots of slavery are spiritual: ‘Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin’

    (John 8:34) Such men are inwardly slaves, slaves to sin. A true slave always seeksa master and the security of a master. The slave mind wants security, a trough-

    free, cradle-to-grave or womb-to-tomb security, and it demands a master to

    provide it.”56


    In light of the above, the tyrant always promotes personal sins as the new

    liberty. Every tyrant, knows all about sin and its consequences, and seeks to

    entice everyone into the spiritual slavery of sin. Everyone knows that life on this

    planet is dangerous and threatening. Wars, rumors of wars, plagues, pestilence,disease, and shortages are normal. There is no such thing as security when this

    life is isolated from God and from eternity. No matter how much a man

    possesses, or how amusing his entertainment, Man always knows that it must all

    come to an end, and that he will be held accountable for his life on this earth.

    This is the ultimate insecurity.

    Life was designed by God to be lived in fellowship with Him, and in

    compliance with His wishes for Man—that he color within the lines, i.e. keep his

    commandments. With sin and man’s rebellion, death entered into this earth as a

    gift from God so that Man could never live life in the illusion that life on earth

    represented the real life. Real life is lived in fellowship with God and in the hope

    of a new heaven and a new earth where the righteous dwell forever. Peace,

    56 Rushdoony. P. 28.

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    fellowship, security, prosperity, and pleasure are all gifts from God and point to

    Man’s final eternal home. The Man, who has been induced to live a life separate

    from God and in communion with earth’s temporary pleasures, is an insecure

    man who needs a substitute god in alleviates man from his veil of hidden tears.

    Therefore, the tyrant instills within his subjects the idea that freedom from

    God and the freedom to sin as one please is the ultimate liberation from slavery.

    People cannot live without a god, so when they reject the real God, they will turn

    to another god, a false god. The goal of the tyrant is to play the role of a god.

    However, a human god is also subject to sin, just like everyone else. When a man

    becomes a god he becomes a tyrant and his people become slaves to his will and

    his government of total control. Rushdoony writes: “Basic to the Scriptures is the

    repeated declaration of God’s absolute ownership over the world, over man, andover man’s labor: ‘The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof; the world,

    and they that dwell therein; (Ps. 24:1) The believer cannot become a slave of

    men, because he is God’s property, and this is his liberty and life.”57


    When a Christian and Biblical worldview of life is eliminated, a false

    worldview must be developed which appeals to the desires of the man who is in

    rebellion against God, and against true freedom. When God is rejected, not only

    is freedom rejected, but slavery is embraced. The slave fears the insecurities offreedom and being responsible for his own life. He wants to live in sin and have

    the State there to save him from the consequences of his worldview. Without the

    protection of God, the sinner fears the unknown and seeks earthly forms of

    security. “…the slave mind clings to statist or state slavery, cradle-to-grave

    welfare care, as a fearful child clings to his mother.”58


    If a person is responsible for his own life, then personal associations are

    vital. Life was designed that no man can live alone, but life requires others.

    People form alliances to form communities, schools, churches, and local

    governments. One of the goals of the tyrant is to end these private associations

    and to make everyone dependent upon the tyrant and his bureaucracy. Socialism

    57 Rushdoony. P. 29.

    58 Rushdoony. P. 30.

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    is basically a fancy name for Statist Slavery. Such Statist slavery must disguise its

    true nature by elevating the condition of the Black slave in the Old South. The

    isolated horrors of slavery were exaggerated and such tales of horror became the

    norm of slavery. It is vital to maintain this illusion of slavery in order to impose

    the new slavery of Statist Socialism, i.e. tyranny. The subject is told that his

    freedom to thumb God and morality in the face was a sign he was personally free.

    Rushdoony offers this explanation of the Biblical worldview and why it is

    often rejected: “Liberty also offers penalties and advantages. The central and

    essential penalty of liberty is insecurity and the problems thereof. The free man

    lives in a world of free enterprise, and of trial and error, profit and loss, success

    and failure. He must be prepared to take the consequences of failure as well as

    the prosperity of success. His security is not in the visible tokens of guardian stateor master but in the law order of the invisible and triune God. Thus, the free man

    must walk by faith, in the confidence that Proverbs and all of Scriptures are true,

    that the law order of God vindicates those who walk by faith, ‘as seeing him who

    is invisible’ (Heb. 11:27), who, believing that God is, ‘and that he is a rewarder to

    them that diligently seek him’ (Heb. 11:6), walk in faith, wisdom, prudence, and



    As mentioned earlier, the Roman Empire was an Empire built upon thework of slaves. Christianity was founded in the midst of slaves and mass slavery.

    In fact, slaves became Christians, which the book of Philemon describes. Just as

    Americans are surrounded by different concepts of freedom, the early Christian

    was surrounded by many levels of slavery. In fact, the nation of Israel was

    founded in the midst of their escape from slavery. One of the major problems

    that Moses faced was the difficulty of teaching the people how to be free. The

    Israelites had a slave mentality. God wanted to set them free. However, Biblical

    freedom was not quite what the people had in mind. More on that later, but theissue before us now is the New Testament which was written in a time of mass


    59 Rushdoony. P. 30.

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      The New Testament teaches the unlikely doctrine that slavery or servant

    hood is an inescapable concept of life. Man was never created to be free in a

    total sense. Those that lived in the New Testament era were acquainted with

    many kinds of slaves. Some had been captured in battle; some had been born of

    parents who were slaves; and some sold themselves into slavery to avoid

    starvation, or to pay their debts. The slaves were not confined to reservations or

    separate locations: when you walked about you would be surrounded by people

    who were slaves. Slavery and freedom were concepts that could not be avoided

    in Biblical times. Paul made much in his letters that he was a citizen of Rome,

    something which carried special privileges and was not as common as in our


    Hence, because everyone understood that just about anybody couldbecome a slave through their capture during a battle, Peter explained that people

    became slaves also through a form of cosmic war. The earth was a battleground

    between God and Satan, and souls could be captured by Satan and made into his

    slaves. Peter recognized this concept of capture and says that “… for of whom a

    man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.”60

      Paul also talks about a

    person becoming captive: “But I see another law in my members, warring against

    the law of my mind, and brining me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my

    members.”61  Paul reveres to himself as being a captured person to Jesus Christ:

    “For this cause, I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ….”62

      Paul had been set free by

    Jesus Christ, but he remained a servant to someone else. This concept is vital to

    understand earthly reality.

    Paul understood the nature of the captured slaves of Rome and he saw this

    reality in a deeper spiritual sense: “And that they may recover themselves out of

    the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.”63


    understood that there was a spiritual slavery that was far more deadly than theRoman slavery that everyone saw. This slavery was the result of a spiritual

    60 2 Peter 2:19.

    61 Romans 7:23.

    62 Ephesians 3:1.

    63 II Timothy 2:26.

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    warfare and with people being taken captive, just as Roman generals would, and

    becoming slaves to the Devil. There is another aspect to this cosmic battle. Jesus

    Christ is an active participant in this cosmic warfare. In thi

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