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  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    The Revolt of1857


  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    Political CausesSocial CausesReli ious CausesEco!o"ic CausesA#"i!ist$ative Causes%ilita$& Causes

  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    'o$# Dalhousie(s )olic& of a!!e*atio! a!# the Doct$i!eof la)se ha# "a#e the I!#ia! $ule$s a! $& a!# i!secu$e+

    The Ra!i of ,ha!si 'a*"i-ai .as !ot allo.e# to a#o)t aso!+I! case of #is)ute# i!te$)$etatio!/ the #ecisio! of the

    East I!#ia Co")a!& .as -i!#i! 0 that of the cou$t ofthe Di$ecto$s .as !al+Re al titles of the Na.a- of Ca$!atic 0 Ta!2o$e .e$ea-olishe#+ The i")e$ial title of the %o hul E")e$o$ .as#isco!ti!ue# afte$ 3aha#u$ Shah II+

    The )e!sio! of Na!a Sahe- 4Pesh.a 3a2i Rao II(sa#o)te# so! .as sto))e#+

  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    Se!ti"e!ts of $acial su)e$io$it& le# to the#isc$i"i!atio! of I!#ia!s as i!fe$io$s+ The )$actice of sati .as a-olishe#+ Chil#"a$$ia e/ i!fa!tici#e a!# )ol& a"& .e$e !ot

    allo.e#+ Peo)le felt thei$ social custo"s .e$e-ei! i!te$fe$e# .ith+ Thousa!#s -eca"e u!e")lo&e# afte$ thea!!e*atio! of Ou#h+

    The Eu$o)ea! 2u$ies .e$e -iase# to.a$#sEu$o)ea! c$i"i!als+

  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    The 3$itish ha# ai!e# co!t$ol ove$ !atu$al $esou$ces -& u!2usteco!o"ic )olicies+

    !$est s)$ea# a"o! the la!#lo$#s of 3e! al .he! Willia"3e!ti!c too a.a& $e!t f$ee estates f$o" the"+'o$# Dalhousie co! scate# thousa!#s of 2a i$s i! the Decca!+

    Afte$ Ou#h .as a!!e*e#/ the estates of 9a"i!#a$s a!# Talu:#a$s.e$e co! scate#+Hi h )osts a!# ha!#so"e sala$ies .e$e ive! to the 3$itish+ Thiscause# f$ust$atio! a"o! st I!#ia!s+

  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    I""e!se #isc$i"i!atio! -et.ee! the I!#ia!s a!#the 3$itish+

    The I!#ia! se)o&s .e$e #e)$ive# of hi h sala$iesa!# )$o"otio!s+ The hi hest )ost fo$ a! I!#ia!

    .as that of the Su-e#a$+ Ne. $ec$uits ha# to t$avel ac$oss the sea+ It .asfo$-i##e! as )e$ Hi!#u -elief+

    The I!#ia! se)o&s .e$e $e:ui$e# to .o$ fa$ o;

    .ithout e*t$a Bhatta o$ )a&"e!t+

  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India



  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    O! >? Fe-$ua$& 1857 the 1@th3e! al Native I!fa!t$& 43NI $e i"e!t -eca"eco!ce$!e# a-out the !e. ca$t$i# es a;ecti!thei$ $eli ious se!si-ilities+ Thei$ Colo!el

    co!f$o!te# the" su))o$te# -& a$tille$& a!#caval$& o! the )a$a#e $ou!#/ -ut afte$ so"e!e otiatio! .ith#$e. the a$tille$&/ a!#ca!celle# the !e*t "o$!i! Bs )a$a#e+


  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    O! >@ %a$ch 1857 at the 3a$$ac )o$e )a$a#e $ou!#/

    !ea$ Calcutta / %a! al Pa!#e& of the th 3NI/ #ecla$e#that he .oul# $e-el a ai!st his co""a!#e$s+ =e!e$al ,oh! Hea$se& ca"e out to the )a$a#e $ou!# toi!vesti ate/ a!# clai"e# late$ that %a! al Pa!#e& .as i!so"e i!# of $eli ious f$e! & + He o$#e$e# co""a!#e$s

    to a$$est Pa!#e& -ut eve$&o!e e*ce)t o!e sol#ie$$efuse#+Afte$ faili! to i!cite his co"$a#es i!to a! o)e! a!#active $e-ellio!/ %a! al Pa!#e& t$ie# to ta e his o.! life/-& )laci! his "us et to his chest a!# )ulli! the t$i e$.ith his toe+ He "a!a e# o!l& to .ou!# hi"self/ a!# he.as cou$tG"a$tialle# o! ? A)$il a!# ha! e# o! 8 A)$il+


  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    Du$i! A)$il/ the$e .as u!$est a!# $es at A $a /Allaha-a# a!# A"-ala + At A"-ala i! )a$ticula$/ .hich.as a la$ e "ilita$& ca!to!"e!t .he$e seve$al u!itsha# -ee! collecte# fo$ thei$ a!!ual "us et$& )$actice/it .as clea$ to =e!e$al A!so!/ Co""a!#e$Gi!GChief ofthe 3e! al A$"&/ that so"e so$t of $e-ellio! ove$ the

    ca$t$i# es .as i""i!e!t+ he a $ee# to )ost)o!e the"us et$& )$actice a!# allo. a !e. #$ill -& .hich thesol#ie$s to$e the ca$t$i# es .ith thei$ ! e$s $athe$tha! thei$ teeth/ thus avoi#i! the )ossi-ilit& ofhu$ti! the $eli ious se!ti"e!ts of the se)o&s+Althou h the$e .as !o o)e! $evolt at A"-ala/ the$e

    .as .i#es)$ea# a$so! #u$i! late A)$il+ 3a$$ac-uil#i! s 4es)eciall& those -elo! i! to sol#ie$s .hoha# use# the E! el# ca$t$i# es a!# Eu$o)ea!o6ce$sB -u! alo.s .e$e set o! $e+


  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    @ %a& 1857/ 85 Se)o&s .e$e cou$t "a$tialle#+ The& ha# $efuse# to use !e. ca$t$i# es+Ne*t #a& thei$ co")a!io!s attac e# the 2ail+Se)o&s .e$e f$ee#+O6ce$s 0 Eu$o)ea!s .e$e ille#+Revolte$s hea#e# to.a$#s Delhi+

  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    O! 1> th %a& 1857/ Delhi .as sei e# -& $e-els+So"e Eu$o)ea!s .e$e shot #ea#+3haha#u$ Shah II .as )e$sua#e# to su))o$t+'oss of Delhi .as a )$esti e loss fo$ 3$itish+O! 1 th Se)te"-e$ 1857/ 3$itish attac e#+O! > th Se)te"-e$ 1857/ 3$itish $e ai!e# Delhi+3aha#u$ Shah 0 9ee!at %ahal e# to Hu"a&u!(s to"-+

    3ut .e$e follo.e# 0 ca)tu$e# -& =e!e$al Hu#so!+ so!s ille# 0 the i! 0 :uee! e*ile# to Ra! oo!+ The i! #ie# i! 18?>+

  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    Commanders and leaders J3$itishA$ch#ale Wilso!

    ,oh! Nicholso!I!#ia! G3aha#u$ Shah II%i$ a %u hal3a ht / caval$&>/>

  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    Delhi .as the ca)ital of the %u hal E")i$e / .hich ha# -ee! $e#uce#to i!si !i ca!ce ove$ the )$ece#i! ce!tu$&+ The E")e$o$/3aha#u$ Shah II / .ho .as ei ht&Gt.o/ ha# -ee! i!fo$"e# -& theEast I!#ia Co")a!& that the title .oul# #ie .ith hi"+ At the ti"e/Delhi .as !ot a "a2o$ ce!t$e of Co")a!& a#"i!ist$atio! althou hCo")a!& o6cials co!t$olle# the cit&Bs !a!ces a!# cou$ts+ The& a!#

    thei$ fa"ilies live# i! the Civil 'i!es to the !o$th of the cit&+ The$e .e$e !o u!its of the 3$itish A$"& o$ Eu$o)ea! u!its of theEast I!#ia Co")a!& fo$ces at Delhi+ Th$ee 3e! al Native I!fa!t$& $e i"e!ts 4the 8th/ 5 th a!# 7 th .e$e statio!e# i! -a$$ac s >"iles 4 +> " !o$thG.est of the cit&+ Whe! the $e i"e!ts )a$a#e#ea$l& i! the "o$!i! of 11 %a&/ thei$ o6ce$s $ea# out to the" the

    =e!e$al O$#e$ a!!ou!ci! the e*ecutio! of se)o& %a! al Pa!#e& /.ho ha# atte")te# to sta$t a $e-ellio! !ea$ 3a$$ac )u$ ea$lie$ i! the&ea$/ a!# the #is-a!#"e!t of his $e i"e!t 4the th 3e! al NativeI!fa!t$& + This )$o#uce# "uch "utte$i! i! the $a! s


  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    'ate$ i! the "o$!i! / the $e-els f$o" %ee$ut a$$ive# :uite u!e*)ecte#l&/c$ossi! the -$i# e of -oats ove$ the ,u"!a Rive$ + The lea#i! so.a$s4t$oo)e$s of the $# 'i ht Caval$& halte# u!#e$ the .i!#o.s of the Palacea!# calle# o! the E")e$o$ to lea# the"+ 3aha#u$ Shah calle# fo$ the" to

    o to a!othe$ )alace outsi#e the cit&/ .he$e thei$ case .oul# -e hea$#late$+ Co")a!& o6cials the! t$ie# to close all the cit& ates -ut .e$e toolate to )$eve!t the so.a$s ai!i! e!t$& th$ou h the Ra2 hat =ate to thesouth+ O!ce i!si#e/ the so.a$s .e$e :uic l& 2oi!e# -& "o-s .hich -e a!attac i! Co")a!& o6cials a!# looti! -a aa$s+ K

    A-out half the Eu$o)ea! civilia!s i! Delhi a!# i! the ca!to!"e!ts a!# Civil'i!es .e$e a-le to esca)e a!# e# as -est the& coul#/ $st to the Fla sta;

    To.e$ o! the $i# e to the !o$thG.est of Delhi .he$e tele $a)h o)e$ato$s.e$e t$&i! to .a$! othe$ 3$itish statio!s of the u)$isi! + Afte$ it -eca"eclea$ that !o hel) coul# a$$ive f$o" %ee$ut o$ else.he$e/ a!# the ca$tca$$&i! the -o#ies of the o6ce$s ille# at the %ai! =ua$# i! the "o$!i!a$$ive# at the to.e$ -& "ista e/ K@L "ost of the Eu$o)ea!s e# to

  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    3a$!a$# o$#e$e# a #a.! assault o! 1 ,u!e/ -ut the o$#e$s .e$eco!fuse# a!# faile# to $each "ost of his su-o$#i!ates i! ti"e+ Theattac ha# to -e calle# o;/ a"i#st "uch $ec$i"i!atio!+ Afte$ this/it .as acce)te# that the o##s .e$e too $eat fo$ a!& assault to -esuccessful u!til the -esie e$s .e$e $ei!fo$ce#+ As each !e. co!ti! e!t of $e-els a$$ive#/the $e-els "a#e attac so! Hi!#u RaoBs house a!# othe$ out)osts o! seve$al successive#a&s+ A "a2o$ attac .as "ou!te# f$o" th$ee #i$ectio!s o! 1@

    ,u!e/ a!# !ea$l& fo$ce# the e*hauste# -esie e$s to $et$eat/ -ut the$e-els #i# !ot !o. ho. close the& ca"e to success+ K15LA!othe$"a2o$ attac .as "a#e o! > ,u!e/ the ce!te!a$& of the3attle of Plasse& +%ea!.hile/ i! Delhi/ the$e ha# -ee! so"e loss of "o$ale #ue tothe failu$es of %i$ a %o hul a!# 3aha#u$ ShahBs e:uall&u!"ilita$& $a!#so!/ %i$ a A-u 3a $+ A la$ e )a$t& of

    $ei!fo$ce"e!ts a$$ive# f$o" 3a$eill& u!#e$ 3a ht

  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    Wilso! eve!tuall& o$#e$e# all li:uo$ to -e #est$o&e#/a!# #isci)li!e .as $esto$e#+ Slo.l&/ the attac e$s-e a! to clea$ the $e-els f$o" the cit&+ The&ca)tu$e# the "a a i!e o! 1? Se)te"-e$3aha#u$ Shah a!# his e!tou$a e a-a!#o!e# the)alace o! 18 Se)te"-e$/ a!# a 3$itish fo$ceca)tu$e# the $eat "os:ue/ the ,a"a %as2i#/ a!#the a-a!#o!e# )alace the !e*t #a&+ The& alsoca)tu$e# the Seli" a$h Fo$t/ attache# to the )alacea!# #o"i!ati! the -$i# e of -oats ove$ the Rive$

    Ma"u!a+ %ost $e-els .ho ha# !ot al$ea#& left thecit& !o. #i# so -efo$e the Co")a!& fo$ces ca)tu$e#

    all the ates a!# t$a))e# the"+ The cit& .as !all& #ecla$e# to -e ca)tu$e# o! >1Se)te"-e$+ ,oh! Nicholso! #ie# the !e*t #a&+


  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    The cost to the 3$itish/ Co")a!&/ a!# lo&al I!#ia! a$"ies i!-esie i! Delhi f$o" the sta$t of the sie e to the ca)tu$e ofthe cit& .as 1/>5 ille#/ a!# / @ .ou!#e#/ It is al"osti")ossi-le to sa& ho. "a!& $e-els a!# thei$ su))o$te$s.e$e ille# #u$i! the sie e/ -ut the !u"-e$ .as fa$ $eate$+

    !o6cial sou$ces )lace the $e-el casualties at ove$ 5/ +Seve$al hu!#$e# $e-el )$iso!e$s as .ell as sus)ecte# $e-elsa!# s&")athise$s .e$e su-se:ue!tl& ha! e# .ithout a t$ialo$ "uch le al )$ocess3& $eca)tu$i! the I!#ia! ca)ital cit&/ the 3$itish a!#Co")a!& fo$ces #ealt the I!#ia! A$"& "uti!ee$s a "a2o$"ilita$& a!# )s&cholo ical -lo./ .hile $eleasi! t$oo)s toassist i! the $elief of 'uc !o./ thus co!t$i-uti! to a!othe$3$itish victo$&+

  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    The Sie e of 'uc !o. laste# f$o" %a& to Nove"-e$ >7/ 1857/ #u$i!the I!#ia! Re-ellio! of 1857+Ou#h a!!e*e# -& 'o$# Dalhousie+

    The Na.a- of Ou#h e*ile# to Calcutta+3ut his .ife 3e u" Ha $at %ahal a!# 11 &ea$ ol# so! co!ti!ue# to live i!Ou#h -ut i! ve$& )oo$ co!#itio!+So )eo)le of Ou#h .e$e a! $&+

    The $evolt -$o e out o! th ,u!e 1857+He!$& 'a.$e!ce/ the 3$itish Resi#e!t/ .ith so"e Eu$o)ea!s .ith so"ehu!#$e# se)o&s too $efu e i! a Resi#e!c&+3e u" sei e# Resi#e!c& a!# ille# He!$& 0 so"e othe$s+I! Nove"-e$/ Si$ Coli! Ca")-ell 4Co""a!#e$Gi!GChief attac e# .ith=o$ ha $e i"e!t+I! %a$ch 1858/ the cit& .as !all& $eca)tu$e#+

    The $e-els #$ive! to Ne)al -o$#e$ to #ie o$ ca)tu$e# -& =o$ has+

  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    Armies & Commanders:British

    Si$ He!$& 'a.$e!ce%a2o$ =e!e$al Si$ He!$& Haveloc3$i a#ie$ ,oh! I! lis%a2o$ =e!e$al Si$ ,a"es Out$a"

    'ieute!a!t =e!e$al Si$ Coli! Ca")-ell1/7>@ $isi! to a))$o*+ 8/ "e!Rebels

    a$ious co""a!#e$s5/ $isi! to a))$o*+ / "e!

  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    The state of Ou#h A.a#h ha# -ee! a!!e*e# -& the 3$itish EastI!#ia Co")a!& a!# the Na.a- Wa2i# Ali Shah .as e*ile#to Calcutta i! 185?+ This hi hGha!#e# actio! -& the East I!#iaCo")a!& .as $eatl& $ese!te# .ithi! the state a!# else.he$e i!I!#ia+ Si$ He!$& 'a.$e!ce too u) the a))oi!t"e!t as 3$itishCo""issio!e$ o!l& si* .ee s -efo$e the $e-ellio! -$o e out+

    'a.$e!ce .as .ell a.a$e of the $e-ellious "oo# of the I!#ia!t$oo)s u!#e$ his co""a!# 4.hich i!clu#e# seve$al u!its of Ou#hI$$e ula$s/ $ec$uite# f$o" the fo$"e$ a$"& of the state of Ou#h +O! 18 A)$il/ he .a$!e# the =ove$!o$ =e!e$al/ 'o$# Ca!!i! / ofso"e of the "a!ifestatio!s of #isco!te!t/ a!# as e# )e$"issio! tot$a!sfe$ ce$tai! $e-ellious co$)s to a!othe$ )$ovi!ce+O! 1 %a&/ the I!#ia! sol#ie$s at %ee$ut -$o e i!to o)e! $e-ellio!/a!# "a$che# o! Delhi+ Whe! !e.s of this $eache# 'uc !o./'a.$e!ce $eco !i e# the $avit& of the c$isis a!# sta$te##efe!#i! the Resi#e!c&+


  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    FullGscale $e-ellio! $eache# 'uc !o. o! %a& a!# 'a.$e!ce .asco")elle# to use the 3$itish >!# Re i"e!t of Foot to #$ive the $e-elsf$o" the cit&+I")$ovi! his #efe!ses/ 'a.$e!ce co!#ucte# a $eco!!aissa!ce i! fo$ceto the !o$th o! ,u!e / -ut .as fo$ce# -ac to 'uc !o. afte$e!cou!te$i! a .ellGo$ a!i e# se)o& fo$ce at Chi!at+ Falli! -ac tothe Resi#e!c&/ 'a.$e!ceBs fo$ce of 855 3$itish sol#ie$s/ 71> lo&alse)o&s/ 15 civilia! volu!tee$s/ a!# 1/>8 !o!Gco"-ata!ts .as-esie e# -& the $e-els+ Co")$isi! a$ou!# si*t& ac$es/ the Resi#e!c&#efe!ses .e$e ce!te$e# o! si* -uil#i! s a!# fou$ e!t$e!che#-atte$ies+I! )$e)a$i! the #efe!ses/ 3$itish e! i!ee$s ha# .a!te# to #e"olishthe la$ e !u"-e$ of )alaces/ "os:ues/ a!# a#"i!ist$ative -uil#i! sthat su$$ou!#e# the Resi#e!c&/ -ut 'a.$e!ce/ !ot .ishi! to fu$the$a! e$ the local )o)ulace/ o$#e$e# the" save#+

    As a $esult/ the& )$ovi#e# cove$e# )ositio!s fo$ $e-el t$oo)s a!#a$tille$& .he! attac s -e a! o! ,ul& 1+ The !e*t #a& 'a.$e!ce .as"o$tall& .ou!#e# -& a shell f$a "e!t a!# #ie# o! ,ul& + Co""a!##evolve# to Colo!el Si$ ,oh! I! lis of the >!# Foot+ Thou h the $e-els)ossesse# a$ou!# 8/ "e!/ a lac of u!i e# co""a!# )$eve!te#the" f$o" ove$.hel"i! I! lisB t$oo)s+

  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    While I! lis e)t the $e-els at -a& .ith f$e:ue!t so$ties a!#

    cou!te$attac s/ %a2o$ =e!e$al He!$& Haveloc .as "a i!)la!s to $elieve 'uc !o.+ Havi! $eta e! Ca.!)o$e 8 "iles tothe south/ he i!te!#e# to )$ess o! to 'uc !o. -ut lac e# the"e!+ Rei!fo$ce# -& %a2o$ =e!e$al Si$ ,a"es Out$a"/ the t.o"e! -e a! a#va!ci! o! Se)te"-e$ 18+ Reachi! theAla"-a h/ a la$ e/ .alle# )a$ fou$ "iles south of theResi#e!c&/ ve #a&s late$/ Out$a" a!# Haveloc o$#e$e# thei$

    -a a e t$ai! to $e"ai! i! its #efe!ses a!# )$esse# o!+Due to "o!soo! $ai!s .hich ha# softe!e# the $ou!#/ the t.oco""a!#e$s .e$e u!a-le to a! the cit& a!# .e$e fo$ce# to

    ht th$ou h its !a$$o. st$eets+ A#va!ci! o! Se)te"-e$ >5/the& too heav& losses i! sto$"i! a -$i# e ove$ the Cha$-a hCa!al+ Pushi! th$ou h the cit&/ Out$a" .ishe# to )ause fo$the !i ht afte$ $eachi! the %achchhi 3ha.a!+ Desi$i! to

    $each the Resi#e!c&/ Haveloc lo--ie# fo$ co!ti!ui! theattac + This $e:uest .as $a!te# a!# the 3$itish sto$"e# the!al #ista!ce to the Resi#e!c&/ ta i! heav& losses i! the


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    %a i! co!tact .ith I! lis/ the a$$iso! .as $elieve# afte$ 87 #a&s+ Thou h Out$a" ha# o$i i!all& .ishe# to evacuate 'uc !o./ the la$ e!u"-e$s of casualties a!# !o!Gco"-ata!ts "a#e this i")ossi-le+E*)a!#i! the #efe!sive )e$i"ete$ to i!clu#e the )alaces of Fa$hat3a sh a!# Chuttu$ %u! il/ Out$a" electe# to $e"ai! afte$ a la$ estash of su))lies .as locate#+ Rathe$ tha! $et$eat i! the face of the3$itish success/ $e-el !u"-e$s $e. a!# soo! Out$a" a!# Haveloc.e$e u!#e$ sie e+ Des)ite this/ "esse! e$s/ "ost !ota-l& Tho"as H+

  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    si! i!fo$"atio! )$ovi#e# -&

  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    The sie es a!# $eliefs of 'uc !o. cost the 3$itisha$ou!# >/5 ille#/ .ou!#e#/ a!# "issi! .hile$e-el losses a$e !ot !o.!+ Thou h Out$a" a!#Haveloc .ishe# to clea$ the cit&/ Ca")-ell electe#to evacuate as othe$ $e-el fo$ces .e$e th$eate!i!

    Ca.!)o$e+ While 3$itish a$tille$& -o"-a$#e# the!ea$-& tha! a!& othe$ si! le #a&+ 'uc !o. .as$eta e! -& Ca")-ell the follo.i! %a$ch+

  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    The $evolt .asco")letel&su))$esse# a!#c$ushe# -& ,ul&1858+

  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    The $evolt .as locali e# a!# .as)oo$l& o$ a!i e#+

    The 3$itish ha# -ette$ $esou$cestha! the $e-els+

    The $evolt .as feu#al i! cha$acte$+ The lea#e$s lac e# "ilita$& s ills+ The !ative )$i!ces #i# !ot 2oi! the$evolt+

  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    the $evolt .as co!si#e$e# to -e a!a.a e!e$ a!# the $st e;o$t to.a$#s the

    f$ee#o" a!# i!#e)e!#e!ce+

    the 3$itish 2ust co!si#e$e# it to -e a "e$e "ilita$&$evolt+

  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    The co!t$ol of I!#ia! a#"i!ist$atio! .as t$a!sfe$$e# fo$" the co")a!& to the c$o.!-& the =OI Act 1858 The Quee! )$o"ise# to $es)ect Ri hts 0 #i !it&+ =e!e$al a"!est& to all o;e!#e$se*ce)t "u$#e$s+

    The I!#ia! a$"& .as $eo$ a!ise#+ I!clu#e# Si hs/ =u$ has 0 Patha!s+ The %u hal #&!ast& e!#e# .ith the e*ti!ctio! of 3aha#u$ Shah II 0 .as $e)lace# -&3$itish C$o.!+F$ee#o" of $eli io! $a!te#+

  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    As )e$ Quee!(s P$ocla"atio!/ "o$eI!#ia!s 2oi!e# the a#"i!ist$atio!+Racial a!i"osit& i!c$ease#+

  • 8/16/2019 The Revolt of 1857, India


    Tha! MouP$ese!tatio! "a#e -& Div&a

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